Easter Newsletter 2015 Rowntree Memorial United Church Thinking About Lent – notes from Glen Pearson’s Palm Sunday Sermon We have been told from our earliest years that Lent is about giving up something that we like in memory of Christ’s death. But Lent is more – much more. It’s about how we think. As Paul wrote to the Philippians: “Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable – if anything is excellent or praiseworthy – think about such things.” How we think will determine whether Lent will become real to us or not. When Paul wrote to young Timothy, he reminded him that people were around him who had the “form” of faith but not its “power.” It seems to me that this is the greatest calling of the church today. We have had millennia of practice, knowing how conduct worship and sing the hymns, but if we aren’t becoming more like Jesus himself in our daily lives, then how effective is all that structure? For too long we have held to the belief that Jesus was killed because of sin, and there’s some truth to that, for all of us. But when Jesus said from the cross on this Holy Week, “Father, forgive them, for they know what they do,” he reframed the Easter story. It was ignorance that put him on the cross. The people who praised him on Palm Sunday crucified him a week later. That’s what happens when we don’t think correct. Lent is to be a time where we realign our thinking to embrace Paul’s words to the Philippians. If we don’t do it, then form will quickly take over substance. Gardens4Bees Project… Coming to a church near you? What began by Murray Hunter as a memorial to his daughter has literally grown to be many beautiful and useful projects seen around different church’s in Southern Ontario- the Gardens4Bees project. The aim is to combat Colony Collapse Disorder ( CCD) and help our bee population, and avoid the politics of why bees are dying off. By developing a pollinator-friendly garden we also demonstrate to our neighbors our commitment to be good stewards of the earth. And what better way to remember our own Howard Henderson, who worked so diligently on our lawns and gardens. Gardens4Bees project at St Aidans’s church, Oxford St W, London. Volunteers needed to head this up at Rowntree. \ Whats Needed ? We need people willing to get their hands dirty, to build and maintain a garden. The list of plants and instructions and mentoring is provided. We need someone to oversee this project. Costs ? – If we get a list of dedicated people and a plan to make this garden the net cost is negligible. There is funding available for most of the costs- what we need is a commitment from people to work on the project. Donations of plants are welcome too. Once the garden plan is formed and submitted, a cheque is supplied for $100. Once the first year is substantially completed, we should get a cheque for $200. Whats been the experience of church’s who got involved? According to Murray, every church that undertook this project last year had great fun with it and found it to be a community builder, a morale booster, an attention getter from the community. Want to know more? Log into Facebook and search on Gardens4Bees Want to help – please call Brad McMurray – 519-439-4000 or email [email protected] A story about one Rowntree Congregation Member by Lynn Patterson In our church we have members that know most interesting tidbits about items in the sanctuary. This tidbit comes from Jean Lewery. Jean has been a member of Rowntree for many years. Jack [Jean’s late husband] sang in the choir. We may not see Jean on a regular bases but she is with us through our hearts and minds. Ever mindful that we think of you, Jean, each and every Sunday. Especially close friends … yes, you Kay Binns. So, Jean’s tidbit is about the baptismal fountain. Reverend Anne Graham was the minister at the time, for about 15 years. Reverend Anne Graham lived next door to the church in the manse. Reverend Anne’s mom went on a trip overseas. While she was away she visited the River of Jordan. On her return, she brought back to the church, water for the baptismal fountain. Even more interesting is that on her return, Jean had a beautiful daughter, Marilyn, whom she wished to have baptized. You guessed it; they used the water from the River of Jordan on that baptismal day. The year was 1955. Yes, that was 60 years ago. Thinking of time that goes by, we will think of Jean come July, she will be celebrating her 90th birthday. Look around congregation and there may be many stories behind the items you see each Sunday as you attend church. We often wonder of the donations and gifts that are brought to the church. Thank you Jean for this wonderful tidbit that you shared with all of us. Rowntree Fundraising Team …. Putting the fun back in Fun-draising The Healthy Living Series 2015 wrapped up on Saturday, March 14th with the last “Walk Away Winter” gettogether in the gym. There were 8 events in total from January 21st to March 14th; the majority focusing on fun and fellowship with donations accepted. It is expected that these events will contribute approximately $350.00 to give 2015 a kick-start. The most popular of the events were “Cooking with Chris” and the “Walk Away Winter” series with attendance between 10 and 15 people. The most profitable event was the ENJO night with Megan Shea which contributed almost half of the total raised. The Fundraising Team is also pleased to announce that the “Swing in to Spring” Dinner & Patio Hour on Saturday, March 28th was a great success with 85 tickets sold. The menu included salad bar, shepherd’s pie, chicken pot pie and apple crisp. After dinner, Glen Thompson entertained us with a selection of music from bygone eras including Irish and Scottish tunes and my personal favourite, hits from “The Sound of Music”. Many sang along, a few danced, and it was obvious that everyone enjoyed the lively tunes. A big thank you goes out to all who helped make this event such a success including Glen Thompson and Stan Toal who accompanied Glen on some of the numbers and all of the volunteers. At the end of it all, we added just over $900.00 to our fundraising efforts. Stan Toal and Glen Thompson provided great music to our dinner fundraiser March 28. Thank-you both for a memorable evening. And thank-you to all who provided a wonderful meal. 2015 New Spring Fling B4 Sale Saturday, April 25th - 10:00 a.m. – Noon BOOKS –BAKING –BREAKFAST- BOTANICALS ‘Not A Rummage Sale’ The Fundraising Committee is excited to try something new and different this year for our major Spring fundraising event. The Spring Fling will not be the traditional Rummage Sale that you have known in past years. Instead, we will be focusing on four major areas: Books, Baking, Breakfast, and Botanicals (Plants). In anticipation of the Rummage Sale, many of you have already started clearing out your cupboards and closets to contribute your best gently-used clothing, accessories and excess household articles. We do appreciate your enthusiasm and we will do whatever we can to help you with the disposal of those items. For those of you who are not able to deliver your traditional rummage sale items to one of the charitable organizations such as Goodwill or Mission Services, please speak to one of the members of the Fundraising Team and we will gladly make arrangements to pick up and deliver your items for you. For families, perhaps you would enjoy organizing your own yard sale. We are researching other service organizations or churches which might be interested in our goods and will keep you advised of that. Listed below are some of the items which we will need your help with to make this event a success. Book & Leisure Boutique – Adult and Children’s Books, Jigsaw Puzzles, Board Games, Card Games (no text books please), Music CD’s, Movies, Scrapbooking Paper & Crafting Supplies, (Imagine what you like to enjoy when you curl up with a good book or have a family game night?) Bake Shop – Homemade Breads/Buns/Scones, Cookies, Muffins, Cakes and Cupcakes, Squares & Brownies, Pies, Sweet Treats, Jams & Jellies; Gently Used Bakeware, Baking Utensils, Aprons etc. Botanicals – Indoor and Outdoor Plants/Seeds, Garden Tools, Garden Decor Breakfast – Pancakes & Sausages in the Lower Hall – All we need is your healthy appetite! Baskets – We are planning a Toonie Table with a Basket Representing each of the 4 B’s. A basket each for book lovers, bakers, gardeners, and breakfast-lovers(?). If you love to bargain shop, perhaps you’ll spot an item that you would like to contribute to a basket, i.e. measuring spoons, book marks, a pretty flower pot... We would love to hear your ideas to enhance this project. Please feel free to speak with any member of the Fundraising Team or plan to attend a Fundraising meeting. From the Justice and Rights Team Commencing in April, short media presentations will be displayed each month on-screen in the sanctuary prior to church service times. These presentations will centre on current social justice and rights issues being addressed by the United Church of Canada locally, nationally and internationally. News from the Interview Team ( the group looking for your new minister) The Interview Group is composed of 3 people from Rowntree; Debbie Betchen, Jo Horn and Brad McMurray , and 3 from Dundas St Centre; Nancy Colbert, Linda Varty and Howard Rundle under the Presbytery guidance of Debbi Jarvis. We continue to meet and hear ministers speak. Please keep praying for success with our group. ****************************************************************************************** Brief Summary of Recommendations from the Comprehensive Review ( review on how the United Church works and proposals to update it) 1) That the UCC commit to new ministries that would be called Chasing the Spirit and back up this commitment by allocating 10% of the M &S fund to this. Full implementation 2018. 2) Aboriginal Ministries . The important work of Indigenous justice and right relations continue so the church can continue to live out its apologies to Aboriginal peoples. 3) The UCC be governed by 3 councils; 1) Communities of Faith, with broader decision-making powers, 2) Regional Councils to advise and support #1 , 3) A Denominational Council somewhat similar to the existing General Council but much larger, but have a smaller executive. 4) Setup a college of ministers for accreditation, oversight and discipline of ministers. 5) Explore setting up an association of ministers. 6) The church balance its books, which would require spending cuts of $11 million ( from 2015) The complete report is found at the United Church web site; united-church.ca The report will be presented to and form a large part of the 42 General Council this summer in Corner Brook NL. Between now and then, we encourage you to read and discuss this report in your community of faith, presbytery, and Conference and pray for the commissioners who will be making decisions at General Council *********************************************************************************** Upcoming services for Rowntree by Barb Luft April 5 - Easter , Val Hodgins April 12 -Mark Richardson April 19 – Mark Richardson April 26 -Kerry Stover May 3,- Jay Whistlecraft May - 10 Mark Richardson May 17- Mark Richardson May 24- Barbara Cunningham May 31 – Kerry Stover We’re planning a service based on favorite hymns in June. Editor note -Sorry we cant play Stairway to Heaven by Led Zepplin. Judy Steeper has joined Worship team and will be securing ushers for us. Please help us out by signing up for ushering. Also – there is always a need for lay readers, every service we have one, so please consider ELUCO news ELUCO is thrilled to again present the Voices of Broadway Show Choir at First-St. Andrew's United Church on Saturday, April 11th at 7:30 pm. The Voices of Broadway Show Choir is an amazing, energetic performance choral group that clearly loves to sing Broadway music and we are so excited to welcome them back! All profits will be used to provide outreach programs for those needing assistance in east London. A shuttle vehicle will be available to take you from parking areas to the church. Tickets are $20.00 and can be purchased at the door or by contacting Janice Elliott at 519-657-7183. Current ELUCO needs are donations to support summer camps. On Sept 27 is our annual Walk and Roll for Families fundraiser Sept 27 , 2pm Springbank park. See more good news about the goings on at ELUCO at www.eluco.ca Your Property Team Over the past 18 months, we’ve had 2 times when a considerable amount of shingles were blown off the roof and we’re at the point where we need to replace the roof. We’ve talked to 4 roofing companies re. metal roofs, and the quotes range from $40,000 to $ 60,000. We’re hopeful this job can be completed in 2015. The other major project we’re doing this summer is repainting the Friendship Hall. Howard Henderson was a person who did an enormous amount of work here at Rowntree. His sudden passing last month has meant we need 1 or 2 people who can do at least some of the jobs he did. If you can do gardening or lawn care or are willing to learn, we’d really appreciate hearing from you – leave a message at the office; 519-432-8075. Stewardship Revival Our church community has always been a giving community. It is what kept us together during times of division. It is why we started a church here in this community in the first place. Stewardship has a common theme that the United church often has identified as “ Everything that we think, say, and do after we say: I believe”. Unfortunately as we developed our new constitution, stewardship slipped off of the radar during the planning, and was replaced by Finance. Not to diminish the area of Finance , because we have two very competent Financial leaders in Brian Kominek and Freda Owen, who work tirelessly to ensure proper and accurate accounting of our donations. But Finance is only part of the idea of Stewardship. It is the planning and Spirit areas of giving that we would like to emphasize as we head forward in the future. Our new Stewardship Team consists of myself (Jay Whistlecraft), Al Rawson , Brian Kominek and Freda Owen and anyone else who would like to step up and help us. We will be working with the Coordinating Cluster and Leadership Circle to develop a mandate to be included in our new Constitution to refocus the importance of Stewardship within our community and to ensure that our members and adherents know why and how we are an active and important part of this area of London. Most of us understand that when we give, we return to God what God has entrusted to us, and that the offering is an act of worship –like prayer and communion. We just don’t hear it said enough. Jay Whistlecraft ****************************************************************************************** Deadline for intake for next newsletter is June 1. Email to [email protected] For more Rowntree news including a calendar of upcoming events, some of our history, our outreach projects etc, check out Rowntree’s web site ; www.rowntreechurch.ca And check out the United Church’s web site www.united-church.ca for what’s going on in the broader church; the Moderator’s Easter message, social justice issues etc, etc Have a blessed Easter – from the Newsletter Staff; Lynn Patterson, Julie Baertsoen, Brad McMurray
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