2012–17 CORPORATE PLAN ABOUT THIS CORPORATE PLAN This Corporate Plan 2012-17 Connections outlines the strategic direction of Transport for NSW (TfNSW). It provides a framework to help us respond to the challenges of a changing transport environment and deliver improvements for our customers. It explains our role in overseeing the transport system, how we will fulfil that role in the short to medium term and how we will work with our service partners to deliver a transport system that makes NSW a better place TABLE OF CONTENTS to live, do business and visit. It guides the work of our agency, and provides strategic direction for the other agencies in the transport cluster. Ministers’ Message ....................................................................... 5 Connections defines our five major areas of focus, our strategic themes, and the strategies and activities that Director General’s Message ...................................................... 7 support them. We will put the customer at the centre of each of these focus areas: Our Purpose ................................................................................... 9 • Planning and financing the transport system of the future Our Values ....................................................................................... 10 • Maintaining transport assets About Transport for NSW ......................................................... 13 • Improving transport services and operations Transport by Numbers ................................................................ 20 • Growing the transport system Customer Q and A ....................................................................... 23 • Developing the transport businesses of the future It is important to recognise that the transport system is more than just public transport. This Corporate Plan The Transport Task ....................................................................... 29 Strategic Directions 2012-17 ..................................................... 37 refers to the transport system in the broadest sense, including road, rail and marine transportation, and the How we do Business ................................................................... 51 customers, systems, policies and regulatory frameworks and other elements that allow it to function effectively. NSW 2021 ........................................................................................ 57 Connections provides us with priorities in delivering quality transport outcomes for our customers, the Our Corporate Framework ........................................................ 61 community and the economy, while maintaining flexibility to embrace the opportunities that arise over the next five years. TRANSPORT FOR NSW 3 MINISTERS´ MESSAGE The establishment of Transport for NSW on 1 November 2011 was an important step in achieving our vision for a truly integrated transport system. BLUE ABSTRACT IMAGE For the first time in NSW, a single transport and road infrastructure like Camden Valley Way authority is responsible for overseeing the entire and Richmond Road to support housing and transport system. Transport for NSW will ensure employment growth in Western Sydney. Our that the customer is at the heart of every decision Government has placed a renewed focus on we make and action we take in delivering safe and freight, which is highlighted by the progress on reliable transport services. the Northern Sydney Freight Corridor. We have already achieved so much. In less than a It has been a tremendous start, but we need to year all planning and policy functions have been maintain our momentum to improve public transport consolidated within the new agency, signalling services, reduce congestion on our roads, improve the end of silos and duplication across transport. the way that freight moves within and through our We have delivered 63 extra rail services and 91 State and build the transport infrastructure that we extra night ride bus services each week; enhanced need to support our cities and regions. real-time travel information for customers on the M4 and M7; and established agreements to widen the M5 West and deliver a 50 per cent discount Duncan Gay Gladys Berejiklian MINISTER FOR TRANSPORT MINISTER FOR ROADS AND PORTS on driver licence fees for people with a five year blemish-free driving record. We have forged ahead with major infrastructure projects such as the long awaited North West Rail Link and South West Rail Link, while embarking on Sydney’s Rail Future, a major overhaul of the rail network which will eventually include a second Sydney Harbour crossing. We have also We are planning for the future of our transport system by delivering a Long Term Transport Master Plan and a Freight and Ports Strategy, but we are not doing it alone; we are consulting with the people of NSW, our key stakeholders and our customers who need and expect a better transport system. We are determined to deliver a better transport system for customers, where all transport modes work together to meet our social and economic needs now, and into the future. continued to upgrade major regional highways, with a focus on the Pacific and Princes Highways, TRANSPORT FOR NSW 5 DIRECTOR GENERAL’S MESSAGE Transport will always be about people and connections. Like any well-oiled machine, the transport system requires the right parts to be in the right places and to work together at the right times. Transport is complex, but it is essential that we get it right as it is critical to the life of this State and the people who live here. Our customers want us to maximise their transport experience so that it is efficient in the use of their time and our resources, and effective, so they get from A to B in a seamless, safe and connected way. Les Wielinga Director General, Transport for NSW Across the transport cluster we need to recognise and the effective management of this growth will lead that the moment someone moves out of their front to greater economic development and connectivity gate they are part of the transport system; they will across our State, in Sydney and our regions. be a pedestrian, cyclist, motorist or public transport passenger and they will use different modes of transport throughout their day. Our customers want us to maximise their transport experience so that it is efficient in the use of their time and our In a short amount of time we have built the agency that will shape the future of the transport system. Our successes so far are a great reflection on the people that are part of Transport for NSW. resources, and effective, so they get from A to B This Corporate Plan 2012-17 Connections, will guide in a seamless, safe and connected way. our work over the next five years. It outlines what Transport also drives our economy, and we recognise that the freight task needs to be given more of a focus in the planning and delivery of we will do, and how we will deliver a transport system that improves the lives of everyone who lives, works in, and visits NSW. transport. Freight demand will continue to grow, 6 CORPORATE PLAN 2012–2017 TRANSPORT FOR NSW 7 OUR PURPOSE Our purpose statement explains why we are here and what we aspire to achieve through transport. It recognises the fundamental importance of transport to our quality of life and prosperity. We have a responsibility to ensure that transport creates the best possible social and economic outcomes in NSW now, and for future generations. To make New South Wales a better place to live, do business and visit, by managing and shaping the future of the whole transport system. 8 CORPORATE PLAN 2012–2017 TRANSPORT FOR NSW 9 Our values are: OUR VALUES COLLABORATION SOLUTIONS We value each other and create better outcomes by working together. We deliver sustainable and innovative solutions to NSW’s transport needs. CUSTOMER FOCUS We place the customer at the centre of everything we do. Our values define the character of our agency and guide our decision making and behaviour. They are the standards we set for interactions with our customers, the community and our stakeholders; the way that we work with each other every day; and the principles we expect to see upheld by our partners in the transport cluster. Our values have been created by engaging with our staff and transport operators, to ensure they truly represent our people and what we value as an agency. We are a values-driven organisation, using our values to recruit our people, to guide our performance and recognise our successes, and as the cornerstone of our shared culture across the transport cluster. 10 CORPORATE PLAN 2012–2017 INTEGRITY SAFETY We take responsibility and communicate openly. We prioritise safety for our people and our customers. ABOUT THIS CORPORATE PLAN Es quaerro bearias peliquae illorem aut labore comnis iditatio tetur aliae nimporererum autatet la nisquis volorro velenem fuga. Imus, ex ex et hit fugit volorectio etus es ra poreriam qui blacepr ateniscil moluptatur re atempos et. Cesed molorup tatias simaximpos accatio necatios eium volor serspiet que nam vellupt ataeptam quatur alit hit faces aut prenis estrunt eaquam, corrum re velloris eseditiam sitiaectem quiscip suntiaecae. Pero eum, te nat is molorehendae nos enditio. Nam, que millaut quiaecus estem aute millabo. Labo. Labo. Et volupta tiossitia vel magnam volores eritiur,. Nam, coresequam eum, quidel inum re quatem quis quidigendi ni blabo. Fuga. Ommos dolenda quuntendae. Et aut que expliae net et ent as sitem hici id estem aut aspicto: ABOUT TRANSPORT FOR NSW Transport for NSW was created in November 2011, as the centrepiece of a comprehensively restructured transport portfolio. Our agency is responsible for managing and shaping the future of the transport system in NSW. • Plonsequam eos dolupit assitam rero toreperorion consequ • Mantiunto idunture lam volorru ptatia pelicae volupta simagnis • Iaut venditiur mod molesse quaecea dunt id eos et arit fugitate • Grepererit ut quodicianda volut ratque et ducipsa nditas cus a. To plan for a transport system that meets the needs and expectations of the public; • Dum sit quibus nonecto cusam aspiet peruntio que postiis b. To promote economic development and investment; We will put the customer first in everything we do, ensuring their needs and expectations are integrated in transport planning and policy and in the delivery of services and infrastructure across all modes of transport. The Transport Administration Act 1988 outlines Transport for NSW’s objectives: Soictemquia quatias pelictur aut acientum is doluptas ut eumenes ciatem velectaepel eostota tiorectat aut c. To provide integration at the decision-making level across all public transport modes; utatem ex ex et que volupta tusantquiaerf erspedi aut eatures ea.saperror reperis. d. To promote greater efficiency in the delivery of transport infrastructure projects; and e. To promote the safe and reliable delivery of public transport and freight services. Our organisational Results, government priorities and the strategies and activities listed in this Corporate Plan will be met within this legislative framework. 12 CORPORATE PLAN 2012–2017 TRANSPORT FOR NSW 13 Organisational Structure There are six core divisions of Transport for NSW: PLANNING AND PROGRAMS • Customer Experience (CED) – builds the evidence base that guides and informs an organisationwide customer focus, bringing the voice of the customer into the organisation and ensuring clear and effective communications. • Freight and Regional Development (FRD) – drives the development of freight policy and planning to facilitate trade and commerce; engages with industry to support the efficient movement of goods across key supply chain components, including land and marine transport networks, ports and CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE TRANSPORT PROJECTS intermodal terminals. • Planning and Programs (PP) – drives the development of work programs and services by consolidating transport planning across all modes of transport and determining investment priorities. • Policy and Regulation (PR) – drives the development and implementation of customer-focused TRANSPORT FOR NSW policy solutions to address strategic transport challenges and achieve NSW Government objectives. • Transport Projects (TP) – works in partnership with service providers and the construction industry to deliver innovative and sustainable transport networks, by deploying expertise in development and delivery of transport infrastructure and strategic assets that put the customer at the centre, while offering value for money to the people of NSW. • Transport Services (TS) – coordinates service planning and integration; manages contracts with public and private service providers to deliver clean, reliable, safe and efficient transport services for customers; manages a service level agreement with the Transport Management Centre (TMC). These core divisions are supported by two support divisions: Finance, Audit and Strategy (FAS) and Human Resources and Business Services (HRBS), that includes a Group Corporate Counsel. A project office has also been created to manage the delivery of the North West Rail Link (NWRL). 14 CORPORATE PLAN 2012–2017 FREIGHT AND REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT TRANSPORT SERVICES POLICY AND REGULATION The Transport Cluster Gladys Berejiklian Minister for Transport Transport for NSW and the following operating agencies and service providers comprise the transport cluster: Duncan Gay Minister for Roads and Ports • Roads and Maritime Services (RMS) Transport Advisory Board • RailCorp* • State Transit Authority (STA) TRANSPORT FOR NSW SUPPORT DIVISIONS Les Wielinga Director General • Sydney Ports Corporation Arthur Diakos Chief Financial Officer Finance, Audit and Strategy • Newcastle Port Corporation • Port Kembla Port Corporation • Sydney Ferry Operator • Private ferry operators • Private bus operators • Light Rail Operator Fran McPherson CORE DIVISIONS Tony Braxton-Smith Deputy Director General Customer Experience Carolyn McNally Chris Lock Deputy Director General Planning and Programs Deputy Director General Transport Projects Tim Reardon Fergus Gammie PROJECT OFFICE Rachel Johnson Deputy Director General Freight and Regional Development Deputy Director General Policy and Regulation Deputy Director General Transport Services • Taxis The Independent Transport Safety Regulator (ITSR) and Office of Transport Safety Investigations (OTSI) are also part of the transport cluster, and responsible for independent safety regulation Grant Gilfillan Chief Executive Officer Sydney Ports Corporation Peter Duncan Sydney Ferry Operator Chief Executive Roads and Maritime Services Private bus operators Chief Executive RailCorp Light Rail Operator Chief Executive Officer State Transit Authority and investigation respectively. * To become Sydney Trains, NSW Trains and Transport Cleaning Services Gary Webb Chief Executive Officer Newcastle Port Corporation Dom Figliomeni Chief Executive Officer Port Kembla Port Corporation PORT CORPORATIONS PRIVATE OPERATORS Rob Mason Peter Rowley OPERATING AGENCIES Service Providers 16 CORPORATE PLAN 2012–2017 Executive Director Human Resources and Business Services Rodd Staples Project Director North West Rail Link Our Business Model Our business model explains the conceptual flow of our business, based on the structure of our Planning and Programs and Policy and Regulation develop our program of works and the regulation or divisions and their role in delivering the objectives of the transport system in NSW. policy that will deliver what we need to achieve. These divisions consider our government priorities and Customer Experience and Freight and Regional Development engage with our customers and key representative groups, and establish the frameworks and processes that help our agency put the customer at the centre and consult or collaborate effectively with stakeholders. They gain insight and build an evidence base about our customers that informs our understanding of their expectations, perceptions and satisfaction with our services. This information becomes the basis for plans and strategies to deliver improvements for our customers. Both divisions then have a role in delivering some of the services, policy and performance targets that will ensure we achieve our Results. commitments, our relationship and agreements with the Commonwealth Government and the evidence base gathered by Customer Experience and Freight and Regional Development. They also look at a broad range of information including planning and land use policy; future transport and demographic demands; environmental, disability and safety standards; as well as the funding available and the current use of the transport system. Transport Projects and Transport Services’ key focus is to ensure that the plans and program of works are delivered, by either contracting or procuring services from operating agencies or private service providers, or by delivering the project or service themselves. These divisions establish the standards, performance measurement and controls that deliver high quality and consistent models for delivery of There is a conceptual flow of our business model from left to right: our outcomes. Where there is a significant project to be delivered over a long period of time a separate program or project office can be established through these divisions to focus resources and effort on CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE PLANNING AND PROGRAMS successful delivery. The North West Rail Link is a current example of this approach. TRANSPORT PROJECTS Our two support divisions, Finance, Audit and Strategy and Human Resources and Business Services, deliver effective business systems, governance and processes that enable the whole organisation to function and focus on what we need to deliver. These enablers include efficient and effective human resources, business services, information and communication technologies (ICT), financial management, 18 Gaining customer insight and engagement Developing program of works and rules of engagement Ensuring delivery of projects and services FREIGHT AND REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT POLICY AND REGULATION TRANSPORT SERVICES CORPORATE PLAN 2012–2017 strategy and performance measurement, workplace safety, and legal services. TRANSPORT FOR NSW 19 Annual public transport patronage (2010/11) Million customer journeys RAIL 294.5 TRANSPORT BY NUMBERS FERRIES 221.5 LIGHT RAIL 14.5 3.7 Metro/Regional (2012) METROPOLITAN RAILWAY STATIONS METROPOLITAN BUS ROUTES 307 Transport for NSW manages a diverse and complex transport system. The statistics on these pages demonstrate this scope and complexity, and the significance of transport to the prosperity and wellbeing of NSW. BUS 600 RURAL DESTINATIONS SERVED BY RAIL RURAL AND REGIONAL BUS ROUTES 365 • 9.1 million – NSW forecast population 2036 529 • $91 billion – Value of assets managed by TfNSW (2011) • 184,760 – Road kilometres in NSW (2009) Domestic freight (2007/08) tonne kms • 12,000 – Kilometres of rail track in NSW (2011) • 5.6 million – Vehicles registered in NSW (2011) ROAD RAIL SHIPPING 64 billion 23 billion 3 billion Source: Bureau of Transport Statistics (April 2012) Bureau of Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Economics - Australian Infrastructure Yearbook (2011) TRANSPORT FOR NSW 21 CUSTOMER Q and A Transport for NSW will put the customer at the centre of everything we do. BLUE ABSTRACT IMAGE Gladys Berejiklian Minister for Transport What does it mean? Putting the customer at the centre of everything we do means fundamentally changing the way transport is planned and delivered in NSW. It means engaging with customers to understand what they value about transport, understanding what they want to see improve and how we can better meet their needs and expectations across all aspects of the transport system. Who are our customers? Our customers are those who derive a direct benefit from using the transport system and the services we offer. There are very few people in NSW that are not our customers; most of us are pedestrians and many of us rely on the road and public transport networks in our daily lives. Our focus is on providing the greatest social and economic benefit for the whole of NSW, and we achieve this most effectively by providing the greatest value for our customers. For example, by understanding the needs of our freight customers and working with them to ensure that goods can move efficiently through supply chains, we are helping to support the economic development of our State and enabling goods to be available at reasonable prices for the community and end consumers. 22 CORPORATE PLAN 2012–2017 TRANSPORT FOR NSW 23 What about the rest of the community? How do customers ‘experience’ transport? Everyone in our community benefits from the transport system, directly or indirectly, and the perceptions The customer experience or ‘take-home value’ of the transport system is made up of two core elements. of the entire community towards transport are very important. The community expects our agency Firstly, there is a functional benefit we deliver in helping move people and goods between origin and to provide services that create value for our customers, as well as operate our business in a just, fair, destination. Secondly, there is the experience of the journey itself, which stimulates an emotional efficient and effective manner. response. Overall this produces a level of satisfaction that we aim to improve over time. In the same way that a private company needs to satisfy its direct customers and its investors, Transport Transport for NSW directly manages many elements that influence customers’ experience, such as the for NSW is accountable to our customers, as well as those that provide us with resources and the authority infrastructure and the services that we provide. Others are managed indirectly and can be influenced to provide results on their behalf (the NSW community and the NSW Government that represents them). more by the outside world, for example the behaviours of other passengers or road users. Are colleagues and business partners our customers? Most of us who work in transport use the transport system on a daily basis; when we use the system we The customer experience framework shows the key dimensions that shape the way customers experience transport. We need to understand customers’ needs, interests and expectations in each of these dimensions, and use these insights in our planning and in the delivery of services. are its customers. At work we are not necessarily each others’ customers in a business sense, however our daily interactions with each other are built on similar principles to good customer service. Our relationships with business partners and intermediaries are also very important, as they are often the people and organisations that deliver services directly to our customers. Customer experience framework OPERATIONS Our organisational values are customer focus, safety, integrity, collaboration and solutions. These values underpin the way that we work with each other and interact with business partners and colleagues. Our INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES agency will be most effective at meeting the needs of our customers by relying on our values to guide the way we work. How do we work with stakeholders and representative groups? There are many groups that have an interest in transport and in what our agency does. These can be The Customer Experience RULES OF ENGAGEMENT TAKE HOME VALUE PRICING, PURCHASE AND PAYMENT • Functional Benefits (getting from A to B) groups that we consult and collaborate with on particular policy issues or projects, including other government agencies, advisory boards and committees, peak industry bodies and associations, • Emotional Response (the journey experience) advocacy groups and non-government organisations. While these groups are our stakeholders rather than customers, it is important to understand they may represent particular customer views or interests. Putting the customer at the centre of everything means working with these stakeholders and representative groups to provide quality transport INTERACTIONS WITH OTHER USERS COMMUNICATIONS AND BRANDING outcomes for our customers with the support of the broader community. 24 CORPORATE PLAN 2012–2017 TRANSPORT FOR NSW 25 Customer Value Proposition: NSW Bus Services How can we meet the diverse needs of our customers? Different customers place emphasis on different elements of the transport system. In order to better understand their diverse needs and expectations, we segment customers into groups that share similar attributes. This allows us to tailor services and prioritise investments based on what satisfies most customers, and what satisfies customers most. Delivering customer-focused transport begins with understanding the service attributes that customers consider most important, what delivers value for customers and their level of satisfaction with each element of the current product package. The insights we generate reveal the key drivers underpinning our customers’ patronage, loyalty and advocacy of our services. A Customer Value Proposition (CVP) summarises what our customers value most about our products and services. CVPs have been completed for several modes of transport, and using these and other market research we are able For example, our research shows that customers who travel on buses generally fall into one of four segments to gain insight into current and potential customers’ needs, preferences and priorities, and focus on improving the based on what they value most: time, systems and efficiency, reassurance or comfort elements of the service. things that matter most. By carefully analysing the elements of our product package that are most valued by customers in each of these segments, we are able to better design and deliver our services around those customers’ needs. The Bus Services CVP below is an example of how market research reveals the components that our customers value about transport services: It’s important to recognise that in our business there will always be constraints and trade-offs, and competing VALUE PROPOSITION demands from different types of customers. For example, the Sydney metropolitan rail network services both They place above average importance on: freight and passenger customers who may have different interests and needs based on many factors. While we are fundamentally changing the way transport is delivered, and enhancing the value we provide, we must also ensure our customers and the community are well-informed about the challenges that we face in managing a complex transport system. We will develop an evidence base of customer I value getting from the start to the end of my journey on time and in the shortest possible time without waiting Transport for NSW will put customers at the centre of everything by listening to them, analysing and • More frequent buses / reduced waiting time 34% • Buses always have room to take on passengers interests of the community, considering these perspectives in our decisions and actions. How will we put customers at the centre of everything we do? TIME • Reduced trip time insights, consult key stakeholders at the appropriate time and take into account the concerns and % contestable market that values this proposition most I value a bus journey that effectively uses current technology to make my journey more efficient and keeps me updated SYSTEMS AND EFFICIENCY • Electronic ticket that works across all modes of transport • Real time notification at bus stop 28% • Easy to understand timetable at bus stop understanding what they value about transport, and ensuring those values guide planning, service design, standards and specifications, contractual agreements and other mechanisms that determine how services are delivered. We will measure our performance internally as well as asking customers to rate our performance to ensure we are meeting our commitments to them. Monitoring and measurement of key attributes that I value feeling safe while waiting for the bus to arrive, having a bus driver that is friendly to me and a bus that I can easily get on and off REASSURANCE • Special needs access • Friendly and helpful drivers 21% • Safe and well lit bus shelters customers value most will be used as a means of driving service improvements in the areas that count. We use our performance results and customer feedback to refine our insights and intelligence and to continually improve our services. Putting the customer at the centre of everything we do is a way of working and an ongoing focus for Transport for NSW. 26 CORPORATE PLAN 2012–2017 I value a bus journey where I can sit down and where the temperature level is moderated based on the season COMFORT • Effective air con and heating • Always being able to get a seat • Bus seats with greater leg room 17% THE TRANSPORT BLUE ABSTRACT IMAGE TASK Our task is to make the transport system work better now and anticipate how our society will change in the future, to ensure the transport system continues to provide benefits for our customers and supports the social and economic needs of our State. The millions of journeys that are made in NSW Our task is to make the transport system work better every day make an important contribution to our now and anticipate how our society will change in the quality of life and prosperity. Transport provides future, to ensure the transport system continues to us with ways to interact with each other socially, provide benefits for our customers and supports the access employment and essential services, and social and economic needs of our State. create economic value through the transfer of goods and delivery of services between suppliers and consumers. Improvements in transport can have remarkable benefits for our cities and regions. 28 CORPORATE PLAN 2012–2017 The trends described in this section provide the context for some of the key challenges we will need to proactively manage over the next five years and beyond. TRANSPORT FOR NSW 29 Customers’ diverse and changing travel needs Planning for changes in population and employment Changes in customer lifestyles can change the way transport systems are used, meaning that travel Urban population and employment growth are key drivers in demand for travel. By 2031 the behaviour and patterns will vary over time and across different regions in NSW. Customers living in rural and population of NSW will be approaching nine million people and Sydney’s population will be about regional NSW, for example, require a very different transport experience to those customers living in Sydney; six million. This will have major implications for how we plan and deliver transport. our customers in the freight industry have different needs to customers such as cyclists and pedestrians. Our challenge is to adapt to these changing needs and expectations by using information, intelligence We need to shape the way our cities and regional centres evolve to support this population growth, to ensure the quality of life and prosperity of future generations. and insights in our decision making. This will enable us to differentiate our services across modes and locations, and for different customers. Population change in NSW and Sydney 2012-31 Our roads, waterways and public transport networks will need to work as one connected system to provide the best services and adapt to emerging social trends, including more flexible working patterns and the growing diversity in recreational and entertainment activities. Reason for travel - Regional comparison 2010/11 Population Region Population Change 2012 2031 Total Change Change % Sydney 4.6 6.0 1.4 30.4 Rest of NSW 2.6 2.7 0.1 3.9 Total NSW 7.2 8.7 1.5 20.8 Reason for travel (Trips ‘000s) Sydney Newcastle Illawarra GMA* Social/recreation 3,839 503 473 4,839 Serve passenger 2,932 332 273 3,566 Source: Bureau of Transport Statistics 2012 Shopping 2,604 389 291 3,329 Our population is not only increasing, but its age profile is also shifting. By 2031, 20 per cent of the Commuting 2,590 272 192 3,054 NSW population will be over 65. We will need to make sure that information, signage and safety Work related business 1,316 189 167 1,681 Education/child care 1,477 150 126 1,750 We will also need to provide transport options such as wheelchair accessible trains, buses, taxis, ferries Personal Business 1,040 179 139 1,354 and community transport services for an increasing number of customers with mobility impairments. 537 45 37 625 Other * Greater Metropolitan Area Source: Bureau of Transport Statistics 2012 arrangements meet the needs of these older customers. Providing access to specialised health and other support services in rural and regional NSW will also be an ongoing challenge. In Sydney alone, 530,000 new jobs are expected by 2031. Significant growth in employment will occur in Western Sydney, with Parramatta growing in importance as a services centre. An additional 100,000 jobs are expected in the Global Economic Corridor that runs from Macquarie Park through Sydney CBD to Sydney Airport, and employment in regional cities and other major centres is forecast to increase by 25 per cent by 2031. Greater integration of transport services as well as diversified transport options will be critical to meeting our customers’ changing commuting needs across NSW. 30 CORPORATE PLAN 2012–2017 TRANSPORT FOR NSW 31 Freight, economic development and regional NSW Our ports and key freight precincts will also need to cater for growth, particularly through the expected The efficient movement of goods is an essential driver of economic prosperity and quality of life in our metropolitan and regional communities. The NSW freight and logistics industry contributes more than $50 billion to our Gross State Product. NSW roads, rail network, intermodal terminals and ports are some of the most important pieces of infrastructure to enable domestic and international freight movements and support economic development. increase in air freight at Sydney Airport, and the containerised freight task through Port Botany. The airport and Port Botany are our key international gateways, while our regional ports are some of the largest exporters of raw materials in the world. Servicing these locations with efficient and reliable connections to all parts of NSW is critical to supporting economic development. Energy management and environmental sustainability The freight task in NSW will increase dramatically in the coming decades on the back of a growing population and increased consumer demand. The rail share of the freight task needs to increase on both the metropolitan and regional networks to manage this growth, supplemented by greater freight capacity on our roads as the vital links in logistics chains. Our challenge will be to provide appropriate levels of investment into both rail and road freight capacity in the right locations to cater for this growth. An ongoing challenge for our agency is ensuring that transport meets our current social and economic needs, without compromising the ability for future generations to do the same. We have a responsibility to ensure that the transport system is delivered and operated in an environmentally sustainable manner. In the coming decades some of our key environmental challenges will include energy prices and the uncertainty of oil reserves globally to support future demand. The availability of energy sources is a vital Forecast average weekday road freight trips in Greater Metropolitan Sydney 2011-31 demand and pricing. We will also need to contribute to the overall response to climate change by supporting sustainable 2,000,000 Number of vehicle trips consideration in our long-term transport modelling because of the potential impact on fuel use, travel travel options, helping to contain urban growth and reducing emissions and pollution. 1,600,000 Congestion management 1,200,000 Transport inefficiencies and the cost of congestion are significant factors constraining the State’s national competitiveness and productivity. The cost of urban traffic congestion in Sydney is expected 800,000 to increase to around $8 billion by 2020, including costs associated with longer and more unreliable travel times, decreased productivity, higher vehicle and fuel costs and poorer air quality. There are also 400,000 congestion issues that need to be addressed in specific locations, such as the limitations on road and rail freight movements in the Port Botany area. 0 2011 2016 2021 2026 2031 An efficient road network is central to the smooth operation of the total transport system. To increase traffic flow and reduce the cost of congestion we need to look at ways to optimise our existing road Articulated vehicles Rigid vehicles Heavy vehicles (HV)= articulated + rigid Light commercial vehicles network, through a range of technological and operating measures as well as through policy and pricing mechanisms. We need to utilise road capacity where it is available and deliver capacity enhancements Source: Bureau of Transport Statistics 2010 32 CORPORATE PLAN 2012–2017 where appropriate. TRANSPORT FOR NSW 33 We also need to look at ways to influence the demand for travel across different modes of transport. Financing is particularly important in the context of maintaining current transport assets. In 2012/13, Allocating road space to buses and light rail, and making public transport travel more attractive are approximately two-thirds of the annual transport budget will be invested in ongoing operations and options that will help reduce the need to use private vehicles. Offering priority to vehicles that carry more network maintenance. We need to improve our efficiency in maintaining and operating the transport customers is also an option that could be considered to alleviate congestion, as well as other measures system, as well as securing new funds to cater for an increasing maintenance task and the delivery of such as supporting flexible working hours and teleworking, and increasing the quality and timeliness of important growth projects. travel information to help customers make informed decisions about when, how and where to travel. There are varied approaches to financing transport around the world, including different pricing mechanisms across modes; public-private partnerships and other industry-specific investment Financing and maintenance contributions; appropriations and consolidation of revenue; and different grants and loans options. NSW Government investment in transport needs to be balanced with other important services such as We will need to make some difficult decisions as to the mix of financing approaches that are health and education. NSW also has to compete with other states and territories for access to Federal economically sustainable and equitable across NSW into the future. funding. In this context we need to develop innovative and sustainable ways of financing transport, Any potential future approaches to financing must identify the sources of the funding and the proposed in order to provide an appropriate level of investment to maintain our network and deliver long-term level of investment, demonstrate how that investment will contribute to better travel outcomes for our improvements across all modes. customers, and why the investment represents the best use of taxpayer resources. Organisational capability and integration Indicative annual expenditure by mode ($B) (based on 2012-13 total forecast expenditure of $13.24 billion) Transport for NSW has a diverse workforce, with experts working across a range of multi-disciplinary areas. Our business model requires the development of capability in certain key areas, such as integrated transport planning, contract management, procurement and portfolio management. We 6.0 need to develop our people in a way that ensures Transport for NSW is an informed purchaser of $ Billion 5.0 services, and can partner effectively with our service providers. 4.0 The increasing competition for skilled resources, coupled with the effects of an ageing workforce, will mean attracting and retaining highly skilled staff will remain a challenge for our agency and the 3.0 transport cluster, particularly in professional and technical fields. A strategic approach to workforce development and planning is required to ensure that we have the required skills capacity to deliver 2.0 customer-focused services into the future. 1.0 0 Rail Roads Buses Ferries Other (Including Light Rail) Source: Finance, Audit and Strategy TfNSW (2012) 34 CORPORATE PLAN 2012–2017 TRANSPORT FOR NSW 35 STRATEGIC DIRECTIONS 2012-17 Our Strategic Directions identify our areas of focus over the next five years, structured around these strategic themes: 1. PLANNING and FINANCING the transport system of the future 2. MAINTAINING transport assets 3. Improving transport SERVICES and OPERATIONS 4. GROWING the transport system 5. Developing the transport BUSINESSES of the future The five themes are supported by strategies that explain our overall approach, and key activities that describe some of the important initiatives that we will deliver. Performance focus areas are also outlined as a foundation for the development of more detailed performance measures to track our success and progress with implementing this Corporate Plan. The themes are also interrelated; together they represent some of the fundamentals of the transport business – evidence-based planning, maintenance and delivering customer-focused services, delivering growth and driving performance in our businesses, to deliver value for money for the people and economy of NSW. Our Strategic Directions describe what we are doing to contribute to our organisational Results (see page 62), the priorities in NSW 2021 (see page 58) and our legislative objectives in the Transport Administration Act 1988 (see page 13). 36 CORPORATE PLAN 2012–2017 TRANSPORT FOR NSW 37 1 PLANNING AND FINANCING THE TRANSPORT SYSTEM OF THE FUTURE Planning is the foundation for good investment, from maintaining our assets and delivering services for customers, to growing our transport system to meet future travel needs. We plan for and finance the Key Activities Activity Lead Deliver and implement the Long Term Transport Master Plan PP Deliver and implement the NSW Freight and Ports Strategy FRD that people travel, where they choose to live and how they will access employment, services and education. Develop and implement a suite of modal and regional strategic transport plans to support the Long Term Transport Master Plan PP We will work towards a genuine understanding of the needs and expectations of our customers, and use Develop a supplementary policy package for the Long Term Transport Master Plan PR Progress initiatives for road user charging to directly fund service improvements PR Manage fares regulation during transition to an electronic ticketing system (Opal) PR Develop a 10 Year Capital Works Program PP Develop a Transport Economic Analysis Framework FAS Deliver and implement a Transport Revenue Plan FAS Deliver a Transport Investment Plan PP Investigate commercial development options for key transport hubs FAS transport system from an integrated, whole-of-transport perspective. Over the next five years, critical decisions in transport planning will be made and these will shape the future of Sydney and regional NSW. We will produce high quality, evidence-based plans that will influence the way these insights as a crucial input to the way that we plan and deliver transport. We will develop innovative and sustainable ways of financing the transport system of the future. This includes investigating a range of commercial options, pricing mechanisms and partnerships to ensure that funding is available to maintain and operate our current network, and deliver the program of capital works identified in our transport planning. Strategies 2012-17 1.1 Deliver evidence-based transport plans that shape the future of the whole transport system (PP, FRD) 1.2 Develop innovative and sustainable ways of financing transport (FAS) Performance focus areas: • Ratio of customers who see transport improvements (CED) • Availability of funds for transport in NSW (CAPEX/OPEX*) (FAS) • Success of funding bids (FAS) • Accessibility (now and future) (PP) • Community and stakeholder engagement (CED) *Capital Expenditure/Operating Expenditure 38 CORPORATE PLAN 2012–2017 TRANSPORT FOR NSW 39 2 MAINTAINING TRANSPORT ASSETS Transport for NSW is responsible for the management of transport infrastructure and assets with a value of over $90 billion. This makes us one of the largest asset holders in Australia, a role that Key Activities Activity Lead State and National Road Network Maintenance Program RMS Metropolitan Rail Network Maintenance Program RailCorp Passenger Rollingstock Maintenance Program RailCorp quality transport services for our customers, contributing to a better way of life and more economic Country Rail Network Maintenance Program TS opportunities in NSW. Public Bus Fleet and Depot Maintenance Program STA Over the next five years our focus will be on understanding the assets that we currently have, their Public Ferry Fleet Maintenance Program Sydney Ferries current condition and future service and operational demands. Ticketing Infrastructure Maintenance Program TS We will improve the way that we manage our assets right across the transport portfolio. By assessing Light Rail Infrastructure Maintenance Program TS our roads and railways, and the vehicles, vessels and rolling stock that we operate, from a customer’s Deliver maintenance plans for other asset groups including ICT, office accommodation and information systems HRBS, CED requires us to protect and preserve these facilities so they continue to serve the community. Maintaining current assets is our first priority for the allocation of resources. Assets require ongoing maintenance because of the inevitable wear and tear that occurs when they are used, and because they are the critical foundations for delivering services. Safe and reliable assets enable us to deliver perspective and with a whole-of-transport approach, we are able to prioritise our investment and ensure that our transport system performs at an optimal level. We will work to improve the way we plan and deliver our maintenance programs and projects to provide value for money for the community, while ensuring that our services are operating reliably and safely for our customers. Strategies 2012-17 40 2.1 Maintain the condition and long-term value of assets to deliver our desired service standards (PP) 2.2 Increase the efficiency of our maintenance through innovation in planning, delivery and procurement (PP, TP, TS) CORPORATE PLAN 2012–2017 Performance focus areas: • Value of assets (PP) • Renewal cycle for assets (PP) • Quality of road network (PP) • Quality of track network (passenger/freight) (PP) • Availability of public transport services (TS) • Efficiency of maintenance (PP) TRANSPORT FOR NSW 41 3 IMPROVING TRANSPORT SERVICES AND OPERATIONS Activity Lead Transport for NSW is committed to improving services and operations by making the best use of our Provide an additional 135 express and semi express train services a week for commuters from the Central Coast, South Western and Western Sydney TS existing transport system, and tailoring our services to the needs of our customers. Continue the delivery of new Oscar and Waratah trains TP Review train, bus and ferry timetables to provide extra services where they are needed most TS Expand the Passenger Transport Information Priority System which gives priority to buses at traffic lights TS Undertake a feasibility study into a Sydney Northern Beaches Bus Rapid Transit Corridor PP Manage annual taxi licence releases PR Manage procurement of intrastate air services PR but there is always more that can be done to provide a safer transport experience. We will continue to Reform key transport legislation to support integration, efficiency, consistency and clarity for passenger transport, roads and traffic and maritime PR maximise the safety and security of our whole transport system by upgrading dangerous sections of regional Implement a strategic marketing program to grow public transport use CED and metropolitan roads, implementing new enforcement programs, rewarding good drivers, better training Deliver more Real Time Information Services to transport customers CED young drivers and encouraging safer travel behaviour on our roads, waterways and public transport. Develop and implement a total Customer Strategy CED Deliver Product Package Definitions for each mode based on customer insights CED Design and implement tools to monitor customer satisfaction CED Upgrade the Transport Information databases and Information Services CED Deliver improved information on travel time and road network status to motorists CED Integrate and enhance the wayfinding and signage systems for all modes CED Develop systems to capture and use customer feedback to deliver improvements CED Implement coherent transport access regimes for rail, road and waterways PR Implement customer-focused policy principles for new transport infrastructure PR Deliver variable message signage on motorways (M5, F3, M2, M4, M7) TS Establish a “One-Stop-Shop” for Community Transport Providers to improve communication, efficiency and reduce unnecessary administrative costs TS Our priorities going forward include encouraging more people to use public transport by increasing the reliability and frequency of services, enhancing the quality and availability of travel information, providing integrated ticketing across modes and improving the cleanliness, comfort and ease of access. We will also focus on supporting the productive movement of freight within and through NSW and ensuring that all modes of transport work together to enable seamless journeys for our customers. Transport for NSW values the safety of our customers. In NSW we have a high standard of safety in transport We will also safeguard our environment from the impact of transport, including encouraging cleaner vehicles and vessels; working with industry to reduce the incidence and impact of noise, emissions and spills; working with local communities to protect natural and cultural heritage; and encouraging the use of sustainable transport modes such as cycling and walking. Strategies 2012-17 3.1 Improve the efficiency of transport services and operations (TS, PP, PR) 3.2 Grow patronage on public transport by making it a more attractive choice (CED, TS, PP) 3.3 Improve customers’ access to and experience with using transport (CED, TS, PP) 42 Key Activities Deliver an electronic ticketing system (Opal) across the Sydney ferry, rail, bus and light rail networks TS Increase the efficient movement of freight within and through 3.4 NSW to support economic development (FRD, PP) Continue to advise on accessible transport PR Develop a new model for the delivery of port safety FRD 3.5 Improve the safety, security and environmental sustainability of transport (PR, ALL) Deliver high impact road safety campaigns that influence driver behaviour CED CORPORATE PLAN 2012–2017 TRANSPORT FOR NSW 43 Activity Lead Establish a Community Transport driver accreditation framework PR Deliver the NSW Road Safety Strategy 2012-2021, which will build on existing effective programs including the Road Toll Response Package PR Work with the Commonwealth Government and vehicle manufacturers to improve vehicle safety PR Continue the delivery of the Pinch Point program to reduce congestion in NSW cities and towns RMS Establish a Park and Travel Safety Fund to make trains, stations and car parks safer PP Introduce a Safer Drivers course for young drivers PR Implement a 50% discount on licences to reward good drivers PR Review licensing and registration arrangements to promote safety and environmental goals PR Continue to deliver the Boating Safety Education and Communication Plan PR Implement maritime policy for boating safety, waterways access and red tape reduction PR Maintain effective marine pollution prevention and response capability in NSW FRD Develop compliance policies for dangerous goods, noise and air emissions as part of the safe operation of the freight network FRD Investigate measures to improve operational efficiency, coordinate infrastructure investment and capacity expansion in the Port Botany area FRD Performance focus areas: 44 • Mode shift to public transport (PP) • • Customer satisfaction/loyalty/advocacy across all forms of transport (CED) Road user crashes, fatalities and serious injuries (PR) • Waterway user accidents/fatalities (PR) • Freight efficiency in NSW (FRD) • • Seat availability on public transport services (TS) Public transport user incidents (safety/security) (PR) • Efficiency of transport operations (TS) • Public transport patronage (PP) • • Journey times (public transport/roads) (TS) Mode share of sustainable transport (walking/cycling) (PP) • Reliability of public transport (TS) • Carbon emissions from transport (PR) • Accessibility of (and disability access to) public transport (PR) CORPORATE PLAN 2012–2017 TRANSPORT FOR NSW 45 4 GROWING THE TRANSPORT SYSTEM Growth of the transport system is essential to support our growing population and economy into the future. Decisions to grow our network need to be backed by rigorous planning to ensure new infrastructure will meet future demand, and will fit within broader government, and strategic transport and land use priorities such as those in the Long Term Transport Master Plan. Major infrastructure projects are based on the availability of funds, recognising that everything we build and buy becomes part of our ongoing maintenance task and the costs associated with it into the future. Over the next five years and beyond, Transport for NSW will deliver a significant program of capital works that will enhance the capacity and coverage of our transport system, providing more customers with travel options and driving investment in our cities and regions. Key Activities Activity Lead Start construction of the North West Rail Link NWRL Deliver the South West Rail Link TP Continue the Rail Clearways Program TP Deliver key road upgrades across NSW including: RMS M5 West and M2 widening Start work on a missing motorway link in Sydney Pacific Highway upgrade Princes Highway upgrade New England Highway upgrade through Maitland Capacity and safety upgrade of the Newell Highway Deliver the Hunter Expressway RMS The North West and South West Rail Links in particular are some of the most significant public Upgrade key ferry wharves RMS transport infrastructure projects currently underway. These rail extensions will provide customers in these growth centres with access to jobs, education and other services in the CBD. Deliver the Transport Access Program to provide accessible, modern, secure and integrated transport infrastructure including station upgrades, interchanges and commuter wharves TP A pipeline of works will also be delivered to increase the transport network’s capacity for freight Deliver Wynyard Walk to provide pedestrian access between Wynyard Station and the developing CBD western corridor and Barangaroo TP freight between Port Botany and Macarthur, boosting the efficient movement of freight in NSW by Work with the Commonwealth Government to deliver improvements to the freight rail network including the Port Botany Freight Line, Northern Sydney Freight Corridor and the Southern Sydney Freight Line FRD enabling freight to be carried at any time of the day. Work with the Commonwealth Government to deliver the Moorebank intermodal terminal FRD Deliver Infrastructure Australia submissions PP new and improved boating infrastructure. The duplication of the Pacific Highway, upgrade of the Princes Extend the existing light rail service in the Inner West from Lilyfield to Dulwich Hill TP Highway and delivery of the Hunter Expressway are some of the key major projects that will grow the Investigate options for growing the Light Rail network in Sydney CBD, including from Central Station to University of Sydney and University of NSW TP movement. The Southern Sydney Freight Line for example, will deliver a rail line dedicated to moving We will also work with Roads and Maritime Services to deliver an extensive roads program of works and capacity of the road network to support safe and reliable travel in regional areas. Upgrading Sydney’s motorway network by widening the M2 and M5 West and building a missing motorway link, will support Deliver the Metro Sydney Bike Network PP housing and employment growth and help to ease congestion in metropolitan areas. Performance focus areas: Strategies 2012-17 4.1 Increase the capacity of the transport system (PP, TS) 4.2 Deliver major transport projects efficiently and effectively (TP, TS) 46 CORPORATE PLAN 2012–2017 • Capacity/frequency of public transport services (PP) • Total freight movement and freight shift to rail (FRD) • Delivery of transport projects on time, on budget (TP) • Community and customer consultation (PP) TRANSPORT FOR NSW 47 Key Activities 5 DEVELOPING THE TRANSPORT BUSINESSES OF THE FUTURE A key challenge we face into the future is maintaining the momentum for change across the transport cluster, determining the strategies, structures and processes that will deliver tangible benefits for our customers. Lead Progress the Fixing the Trains rail reform RailCorp Progress the Roads and Maritime Services reform RMS Progress the State Transit Authority reform STA Progress the Transport Corporate and Shared Services reform HRBS Progress the consolidation of the new Integrated Transport Agency (TfNSW) HRBS Continue to develop interfaces with operating agencies ALL Develop and implement a transport Safety Regulatory Framework PR The way we interface with our operating agencies and other service providers in transport is crucial to Develop and implement a brand management plan CED making this happen. We will continue to enhance our partnerships in government and industry, to ensure Develop an evidence base of customer insights to inform and guide decision making CED we are working together to deliver the best possible transport outcomes. Develop an integrated approach to community consultation and engagement CED We will uphold high standards for the way we conduct our business, working with our values of Develop governance options for the rail network, and establish the role of Sydney Trains and NSW Trains RailCorp customer focus, safety, integrity, collaboration and solutions as a common frame of reference in our Implement reform of the taxi industry and framework PR daily decision making. Restructure the transport Capital Program to strengthen the alignment between funding and Government policy and programs PP Our people are essential to making all of this happen. As we continue to build the culture and identity of Deliver updated performance contracts for rail and bus services TS our agency, we will make sure we are developing a capable and cohesive workforce, and cultivating a safe Introduce contestability to Sydney’s private bus contracts TS and positive working environment for all of our staff. Provide secretariat support for the Transport Advisory Board FAS Establish a Freight Advisory Council FRD Develop an Industry Engagement Strategy FRD Facilitate the development of the Northern Sydney Freight Corridor Agreement FRD Establish Sea, Air and Rail Freight Industry Groups FRD Implement national transport regulations for rail, heavy vehicles and maritime services in NSW PR Manage the Accessible Transport Advisory Committee PR Manage the Road Safety Advisory Council PR Manage the Maritime Advisory Council PR Manage the Tow Truck Advisory Council PR Develop proposals for Public and Private Partnerships PP Manage the Central Sydney Traffic and Transport Committee PP Undertake a review of the Memorandum of Understanding between NSW Government and City of Sydney Council PP Develop and implement a human resources strategy HRBS Develop and implement an information and communication technologies (ICT) strategy HRBS Strategies 2012-17 5.1 5.2 5.3 Transform the transport cluster to increase performance and value for money (ALL) Enhance our partnerships across government and industry to deliver quality transport outcomes (ALL) Support the development of a capable, cohesive and safe workforce (HRBS, ALL) Performance focus areas: 48 Activity • Overall reputation of TfNSW (CED) • Value for money – services and infrastructure (FAS) • Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (HRBS) CORPORATE PLAN 2012–2017 TRANSPORT FOR NSW 49 HOW WE DO BLUE ABSTRACT IMAGE BUSINESS We focus on supporting the development of our people, collaborating with our partners in government and industry, and continually improving in all aspects of our work. Transport for NSW has a range of strategies, use of our resources. We focus on supporting the structures and processes to guide the way we do development of our people, collaborating with business. We undertake rigorous planning, set and our partners in government and industry, and implement strategy, and measure our performance continually improving in all aspects of our work. to ensure that we stay on track and make the best 50 CORPORATE PLAN 2012–2017 TRANSPORT FOR NSW 51 Our people Like any organisation we are only as good as the people we engage to do our work. As a new organisation Integrated planning framework Transport for NSW has attracted the right mix of people to really make a difference. Our people have a rich diversity of skills, experience and perspective; we come from many different backgrounds, GOVERNMENT PRIORITIES both from within the transport sector and from other roles and organisations. Harnessing and valuing this TfNSW Legislation diversity is critical to the success of our agency and the performance of the transport system. Our people have Commonwealth priorities e.g. COAG* and Infrastructure Australia NSW 2021 been involved in developing our values, working on our business model and giving their insight into how we can put the customer at the centre of everything we do. To achieve our purpose we need to build on our momentum in establishing the structures of Transport for NSW, and develop our individual and collective capability and a shared culture that is focused on performance and solutions. We need to invest in the skills of our staff and help them to reach their full potential. LONG TERM STRATEGIC PLANNING Long Term Transport Master Plan Freight and Ports Strategy Metropolitan and regional land use strategies Modal strategies and regional plans The way we work with our partners in government and industry is also very important. We will continue to develop strong relationships with central agencies such as NSW Treasury and the Department of Premier and Cabinet, with other planning and infrastructure agencies like the Department of Planning, Infrastructure NSW and CORPORATE PLANNING AND RESOURCE ALLOCATION Infrastructure Australia, and local councils throughout NSW. Only by working in genuinely collaborative ways will we be able to deliver services and infrastructure that better meet the needs and expectations of our customers. TfNSW Corporate Plan (5 years) Results and Services Plan (1+4 years) Total Asset Management (10 years) Integrated planning Delivering our vision for transport requires a shared understanding of what we are here to achieve, and how we intend to achieve it. It requires our agency and service partners to work together towards the same shared OPERATIONAL AND SERVICE PLANNING outcomes for the NSW community and having processes in place that help us stay on track. We achieve this through an aligned and integrated approach to planning. An integrated planning approach allows Business plans Operating Agency corporate plans Service agreements (Contracts, MOUs^, Statements of Intent) Senior Service performance reviews (Management) Individual performance reviews (Staff) Corporate controls (Transport wide policies, CE performance reviews) for government priorities, broader land-use planning and infrastructure priorities, and organisational strategies to cascade through to internal plans and performance management systems. This ensures that resources are allocated appropriately to achieve our goals and objectives and that we monitor their delivery progress. The high-level strategies and plans such as NSW 2021, this Corporate Plan, the Long Term Transport Master Plan, and other national agendas are all captured in more detailed business planning that takes place within INDIVIDUAL ACCOUNTABILITY our agency. Risk management practises are also embedded in our business planning processes, and reported as part of our performance management systems. The integrated planning framework shows the alignment between key plans and our individual performance *Council of Australian Governments ^Memorandum of Understanding reviews and how our personal development and capability is linked to government and agency goals. 52 CORPORATE PLAN 2012–2017 TRANSPORT FOR NSW 53 Performance measurement and monitoring Performance Cycle Transport for NSW is a performance focused organisation, where individuals and teams are accountable The performance cycle diagram shows the key elements of our ongoing planning and performance systems. for delivering on outcomes. We measure performance at all levels of our agency, based on how effectively we contribute to what we are here to deliver for customers and the community. Enhancing our performance measurement capability is an ongoing priority for our agency. While many performance indicators are already measured and monitored, including the targets outlined in NSW 2021, we will continue to develop ways of demonstrating the achievement of outcomes and strategies in our performance frameworks. The performance of our service providers is also important to us, not only because we provide funding, PLAN COMMIT • Purpose and values • Direction setting • Resource allocation decision making • Senior Service and individual performance reviews • Business plans • Budget Papers T but because often they are responsible for service interactions with our customers. Statements of Expectations, Statements of Intent and service contracts are some of the mechanisms used to drive performance with our service providers and to make sure we are all working together. We measure the performance of our service providers according to the transactional elements of service contracts as well as their contribution to our organisational outcomes. An integrated performance reporting structure provides comprehensive information on cluster-wide T performance to support government objectives in integrated planning, strategic decision making and T resource allocation. Our formal performance management tools include: NSW 2021 Performance Reports – a report to Cabinet of the transport cluster’s contribution to achieving the goals of NSW 2021. of high-level corporate performance indicators. Director General performance meetings – regular forums between the Director General and each member of the Executive and their respective senior management team to discuss the performance of each division against agreed strategies, initiatives and risk mitigation activities. Individual performance reviews – a formal agreement between the Director General and each member of the Executive that defines their responsibilities and deliverables. The actions outlined in these reviews are delivered through the business planning process. Performance reviews also reflect the personal contribution of individuals to the organisation achieving its goals. 54 CORPORATE PLAN 2012–2017 REVIEW • Mid and full year performance reports • Mid and full year business plan reports • TfNSW Annual Report T Executive Dashboard Reporting System – a regular report to the Executive on the status of a range MONITOR AND ACT • Regular performance meetings • NSW 2021 reporting • Business planning process BLUE ABSTRACT IMAGE NSW 2021 NSW 2021 clearly establishes the Government’s focus in delivering an integrated, customer-focused transport system and provides our agency with guidance in delivering on these priorities. NSW 2021 is the Government’s 10-year plan to NSW 2021 clearly establishes the Government’s make NSW number one. It guides policy and focus in delivering an integrated, customer-focused decision making in conjunction with the budget transport system and provides our agency with process, and outlines how government agencies guidance in delivering on these priorities. will deliver on priorities for local communities and regions across NSW. 56 CORPORATE PLAN 2012–2017 TRANSPORT FOR NSW 57 NSW 2021 The plan outlines 32 goals, more than 185 targets and priority actions to contribute to these five strategies: 1. Rebuild the economy Goal 9 – Improve customer experience with public transport services Customer Scorecard measures under development Percentage of public transport services with accessible and accurate real time traveller information 2. Return quality services 3. Renovate infrastructure 4. Strengthen our local environment and communities 5. Restore accountability to government. Goal 10 – Improve road safety Number of fatalities per 100,000 population Our agency also contributes to: Transport for NSW is the lead agency for delivering on the following goals and measures: Goal 19 – Invest in critical infrastructure Goal 7 – Reduce travel times (private and public transport) Coverage of real time information on motorways AM and PM peak hour travel speeds in kilometres per hour on 100 road corridors Average unplanned incident clearance time on principal transport routes for 98% of incidents Number of major incidents that take longer than 4 hours to clear Percentage of State Roads with a ‘good’ road smoothness where surface ‘roughness’ is less than 4.2 IRI (International Roughness Index) Total proportion of containers transported by rail through Port Botany, including import, export and empty containers Proportion of import, export and empty containers transported by rail through Port of Newcastle and Port Kembla Increase in the frequency of services as evidenced by revised public transport timetables Number of services that meet scheduled travel times Implementing NSW 2021 There are various mechanisms in place to support the implementation of NSW 2021. Localised plans are Goal 8 – Grow patronage on public transport by making it a more attractive choice Percentage of peak CityRail trains arriving at Central Station within 5 minutes of scheduled time for suburban services and within 6 minutes for intercity services Percentage of timetabled bus services in the Sydney area which commenced their trip on time 58 being put in place through an extensive consultation process to help us focus on the transport outcomes that matter most in different communities, and baseline reporting has been established to outline how we will measure our success. Our planning and performance management systems ensure our agency and our people are accountable for delivering on specific components of the plan. Our performance is publicly reported online so the NSW Percentage of actual ferry services operated by Sydney Ferries which commenced their trip on time community can track our progress, and tabled in NSW Parliament in an annual NSW 2021 performance Proportion of peak hour journey by public transport across various regions report. These processes ensure we are clear about how we are contributing to the NSW Government’s Proportion of journeys to work by public transport in the Sydney Metropolitan Region vision for transport, and there is transparency in the way that we measure and report our performance. Modal share of bicycle trips made in the Greater Sydney region, at a local and district level NSW 2021 will be reviewed periodically in consultation with the community, and we will work to improve Modal share of walking trips made in the Greater Sydney region, at a local and district level our targets over time as more accurate and nationally comparable measures become available. CORPORATE PLAN 2012–2017 TRANSPORT FOR NSW 59 OUR CORPORATE BLUE ABSTRACT IMAGE FRAMEWORK Our Corporate Framework outlines the Results or outcomes that we provide for the people of NSW. They are our contribution, as a transport cluster, to the social and economic prosperity of NSW. 60 CORPORATE PLAN 2012–2017 Our Results are an influential part of how performance measurement. They are used in our we run our business. They are a guide in dialogue with central government agencies, like strategy development, a common thread in NSW Treasury, to link our services and assets all of our planning and business processes, to the outcomes the government as a whole is and the foundations of risk management and focused on achieving. TRANSPORT FOR NSW 61 Corporate Framework Alignment The Results in our Corporate Framework are an expression of what we deliver to achieve our purpose. The table below shows the alignment between our Results and the themes and strategies in this Corporate Plan. They reflect the fact that our customers are at the centre of everything we do. It expresses the level of impact that our work will have on the outcomes we deliver for the people of NSW. Customer Travel Asset Access What it means Themes Strategies The customer is at the centre of everything we do. To achieve this Result we need to ensure that the rest of our Results as well as the transport system itself are aligned to what our customers expect from transport. 1.1 Deliver evidence-based transport plans that shape the future of the whole transport system The door-to-door movement of people and goods is efficient and reliable. Transport is about the reliable movement of people and goods from one location to another. This Result is about minimising travel time for as many people and goods as possible. We do this by providing infrastructure, operating services, and supporting the productive use of the transport system for both social and economic benefits. 1. Planning and financing the transport system of the future 2. Maintaining transport assets 2.1 Maintain the condition and long-term value of assets to deliver our desired service standards Transport infrastructure meets acceptable standards. Well maintained assets have implications for the safety, reliability and customer perceptions of the transport system. This Result relies on the management of the balance between the wear and tear associated with the use of assets and the ongoing effort to maintain them. We protect the condition and long-term value of assets, as well as determining the assets we need to meet future demand. The accessibility of transport is aligned to the needs of the community and the economy. We promote a transport system that meets our present social and economic needs without compromising the quality of life of future generations. An important part of this is minimising the impact of transport on our natural environment now, and into the future. The safety and security of the transport system is maximised. This Result covers the safety of the road network, public transport and waterways. The Result is broader than just the safety of transport; it is also about the security of the transport system. Effective governance is in place to deliver our Results. This Result captures a range of outcomes that describe what we aim to achieve in terms of how we do business. This outcome drives good business practices relating to the transport cluster, its workforce, financial management and the safety of those working in transport. Business CORPORATE PLAN 2012–2017 1.2 Develop innovative and sustainable ways of financing transport 2.2 Increase the efficiency of our maintenance through innovation in planning, delivery and procurement 3. Improving transport services and operations 3.1 Improve the efficiency of transport services and operations 3.2 Grow patronage on public transport by making it a more attractive choice 3.3 Improve customers’ access to and experience with using transport This Result is about providing transport that is accessible to all users, when and where it is needed. This Result relates to every type of user, including customers who have higher mobility needs. It also relates to the location and frequency of transport services, to ensure that transport is aligned to current and proposed land use and travel patterns. Environment The impact of transport on the environment is minimised. Safety 62 Result 3.4 Increase the efficient movement of freight within and through NSW to support economic development 3.5 Improve the safety, security and environmental sustainability of transport 4. Growing the transport system 4.1 Increase the capacity of the transport system 4.2 Deliver major transport projects efficiently and effectively 5. Developing the transport businesses of the future 5.1 Transform the transport cluster to increase performance and value for money 5.2 Enhance our partnerships across government and industry to deliver quality transport outcomes 5.3 Support the development of a capable, cohesive and safe workforce High Impact Medium Impact Low Impact TRANSPORT FOR NSW 63 TRANSPORT FOR NSW CORPORATE PLAN 2012–17 CONNECTIONS Printed on Monza Satin 55% Recycled plus FSC certified. CED-M122 © State of NSW through Transport for NSW, July 2012. ISBN 978-1-922030-25-2 18 Lee St Chippendale NSW 2008 transport.nsw.gov.au 1 CORPORATE PLAN 2012–2017
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