WATERSHED PLANNING INITIATIVE Managing For The Future In The Ohio River Basin A New Water Management Model Who We Are Rural Action is a sustainable economic development non-profit organization that performs and supports a variety of community based sustainability efforts including watershed restoration and preservation. Since 1994, we have been a leader in stream restoration throughout Ohio’s coal region. Currently, we coordinate restoration projects in six watersheds spanning seven counties in eastern and southeastern Ohio. Through our Ohio Stream Restore Corps program, we actively work alongside partner organizations in two additional watersheds and five additional counties in southeast Ohio. Our Goal Rural Action is coordinating a strategic planning initiative that will result in the development of a new watershed management model for the Ohio River Watershed. Our goal is to create a plan that will outline necessary resources to better manage water throughout the region into the future. The plan will include: • an assessment of existing models • community water resource needs • staffing needs • funding needs and potential sources • financial feasibility of the new model Current Rural Action Watershed Projects • • • • Sunday Creek Watershed • Huff Run Watershed Federal Creek Watershed • Mud Run Watershed Middle Tuscarawas River Watershed Monday Creek Watershed (pictured above) Ohio Stream Restore Corps Partnerships • • Raccoon Creek Watershed Coordinated by Raccoon Creek Partnership Jonathan Creek Watershed Coordinated by Perry County SWCD Our Process Engage and obtain Review existing Formalize results Evaluate existing sources feedback from regional watershed and present to key of funding as well as Develop a core Host and participate stakeholders. group models. stakeholders. potential new sources planning team in community meetings including earned income to oversee to identify water quality opportunities. Identify a the planning needs beyond dedicated funding source. process. existing studies. The Future of Watershed Management in Ohio In Ohio, watershed management generally takes place in small geographic areas. The current approach poses a challenge for sustainable regional water management over the longterm. Not all communities have an up-to-date watershed management plan. Additionally, overreliance on individual funding sources and reduced local, state, and federal technical support, along with a decrease in financial resources for watershed and sponsor organizations mean that a new model is needed in Ohio to protect and restore water resources into the future. What Does Watershed Management Planning Address? A watershed management planning process addresses protection of high quality water and can also include restoration of impacted water resources. A plan covers topics such as water pollution, recreational use, flood control, and waste water management. Moving to a regional watershed management model will give communities the ability to tap into an already developed system offering more flexibility and support to manage water resources. Basin Scale Watershed Planning and Watershed Presence Ohio River Basin Target Watersheds Map Upper Tuscarawas River Little Beaver Creek < < Sugar Creek < < Huff Run Mud Run < < Yellow Creek Lower Muskingum River < < Duck Creek < < < Raccoon Creek < < Monday Creek Captina Creek < Sunday Creek Federal Creek Leading Creek Muskingum River Basin Raccoon, Symmes, Leading, Shade Basin Eastern Ohio Basin Hocking, Little Hocking Basin What is the Ohio River Watershed? Data sources: USGS, ESRI, ODNR NAD 83 State Plane South A watershed is an area of land in which all the water drains to the same low point. Everyone lives in a watershed. Ohio has two major watersheds that are made up of smaller watersheds. These are the Lake Erie Watershed and the Ohio River Watershed. The shaded area on the map shows the Ohio River Watershed. All the water that falls in this area will eventually drain into the Ohio River. Our initiative focuses on areas within the Ohio River Basin. Stay Connected How You Can Help Complete Our Survey We have created a survey to better understand local needs and issues that span the Ohio River Watershed Basin. Take the survey at www.ruralaction.org/watersurvey Connect Locally Get involved with your local watershed group or contact the soil & water office in your county to learn about best management practices and efforts already underway in your community. Contact Your Rep. Contact your local and state representatives to let them know you care about clean water in your community. Encourage them to support projects that will keep water clean for the longterm. Contact Us Rural Action Nate Schlater Watershed Restoration Monday Creek Office 740.394.2047 [email protected] Rural Action Michelle Shively Watershed Restoration Sunday Creek Office 740.767.2225 [email protected] Rural Action Marissa Lautzenheiser Watershed Restoration Huff Run/Mud Run Office 330.859.1050 [email protected] Raccoon Creek Partnership Amy Mackey Ohio University Voinovich School 740.597.1473 [email protected] Additional Resources Watershed Information U.S. EPA Watershed Information: http://water.epa.gov/type/watersheds/ United States Geological Service Science in Your Watershed: http://water.usgs.gov/wsc/watersheds.html Ohio Watershed Data: http://watersheddata.com Ohio Organizations & Agencies Ohio Environmental Protection Agency Division of Drinking and Groundwaters: http://www.epa.state.oh.us/ddagw Ohio Department of Natural Resources Division of Soil and Water: http://soilandwater.ohiodnr.gov/ Soil and Water Conservation Districts: http://soilandwater.ohiodnr.gov/swcds/find-a-local-swcd Raccoon Creek Partnership: http://www.raccooncreek.org/ Muskingum Watershed Conservancy District: http://www.mwcd.org/ Sign up for our watershed planning initiative mailing list at www.ruralaction.org
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