Volume 9, Issue 11 April 2015 Nisan/Iyar 5775 The Shofar From Rabbi TZiPi Radonsky On the first Friday evening in April this year, people will gather with family and friends, all over the world, as the moon comes to her fullness, to welcome Passover by singing the special blessings and lighting the holiday candles. Another Passover will begin; eight days of paying attention to what we have, what we eat, and of remembering those who came before us by telling the story of Passover and of those who still are in slavery. Passover is the celebration of the Israelites leaving Egypt on the journey to the Promised Land. The word for Egypt in Hebrew is mitzrayim which translates as ‘narrow place.’ So whenever I feel in a stuck or narrow place, where my breathing is shallow and perspective is small, I think of being in Egypt and being a slave to my mind and the moment. If I am awake enough, I try to remember I chose not to stay in suffering and to take a deep breath, often freeing the mind and me from whatever slavery I am in, physical or psychological. Judaism is a faith of paradoxes, so as we are celebrating our freedom, awakening to an opportunity for a renewed relationship with our G-d, we also do not forget those who died while our ancestors were being released, the first born of the Egyptians and the army and horses that drowned in the sea as it closed behind the fleeing Hebrews. It is said that the blue on the fringe of the tzitzit on the four corners of the talit is to remember the tears shed by G-d as the Egyptians died. We are all G-d’s people. I love Passover. It is a time of change, of Spring in the Northern hemisphere, of special foods and of family, and a moment in the calendar when we remember the shift from slavery to freedom brought about through Divine intervention, a history of our ancestors and how our life reflects that reality. Growing up in Winthrop, a small community on the north shore of Boston, preparing for Passover was a BIG deal. My mother and I would clean off the pantry shelves of any chometz-anything made of bread or that would rise, like rice, and then lay brown paper to separate the ordinary from the specialness of the Passover eight days. My mother would unpack the shopping bags she had been stockpiling for the last month containing the big boxes of matzah, matzah meal, jars of gefilte fish and horseradish and black cherry tonic and other sundries. Then we would open the large wooden barrel my father had brought up from the basement that was full of all sizes of dishes and silverware, pots and pans, and baking supplies that were all wrapped in last year’s newspaper. My job was to empty the barrel and to put things in their place. And then, when everything was clean and the wooden shelf was put in the sink, we would begin cooking; chicken soup with matzah balls, chopped liver, charoset made of apples-walnuts-wine, Passover rolls, and raspberry preserve filled cookies made with matzah meal, sponge cake, and brisket. We would prepare the Passover plate with all the objects that symbolized the freedom we would be celebrating. Passover Seder, when my grandparents were alive, was held in their apartment upstairs in our two family home and all who could come of the twelve children and their offspring would sit around the long table and work our way through Visit us online at www.templeosehshalom.org Page 2 the Haggadah. I was often carried downstairs having fallen asleep by the end of the very long story telling and dinner. And as an adult in my home and those of friends with birth families and families of choice, there have been many Passover celebrations filled with the joy of coming together to remember and to celebrate, of eating and honoring the freedom we have, and contributing our own stories of slavery and freedom since the last year. And asking questions like why is this night different from other nights. . . . A core teaching of Judaism is either ‘do not forget’ or ‘remember.’ Pesach is a time to remember and notice what we have, where we have been and where we are, who is still in slavery, as a core essence of Judaism is social justice, to do Tikkun Olam, repair the world. In the Torah, we read at least 36 times that once we were strangers in a strange land. We cannot be free until others are free. Each year before Passover begins I get emails from many various non-profit organizations asking me to remember those whom we might forget as we sit in plenty. This year we will remember those who do not have enough to eat, women in slavery and who are abused, people in the military who cannot be home or are home living with trauma of war, and to be conscious of our ecological challenges such as oil spills and endangered species. Next year may there be peace in the world, more peace balanced with the kopvetick, a Yiddish word that means pain in the head that we know reaches down to the heart. Cain Yihee Ratzone and AMEN, so may it be! A world that knows that freedom is accepting the Mystery of Life as an integral part of our lives. Rabbi TZiPi Radonsky, Ph.D., founder of Watering The Tree Outside the Fence Foundation and Creator of the Society of the Vav, blends the teachings of mystical Hebrew Wisdom and her 25 years of experience as an executive leadership coach, occupational therapist, mindfulness teacher and global traveler into her teaching and living. She is fun and funny and pushes herself and you to say ‘yes, and…’ to life. Her books The Spiritual Pilgrim Discovers Home, Are you a spiritual Pilgrim? and AND: Building a World of Connection through Jewish Mystical Wisdom show her desire to learn and share her journey hopefully inspiring you to come back to your true self and listen to your heart. President’s Message April brings us three celebrations of FREEDOM. I was going to say something about Passover, but Rabbi TZiPi has done this for us. All I can say is that the sacrifices of our ancestors to escape slavery and to bring us where we are today must be honored by us. Judaism has survived and Temple Oseh Shalom will survive and bring us together. We will be commemorating Yom Hashoah, April 17. This honors those whose lives were taken during the Holocaust and the Warsaw Ghetto uprising. The third freedom is Israeli Independence Day. We will celebrate this day at Temple Oseh Shalom on Sunday, April 26, with a special service and light supper catered by Gruby’s Deli. To summarize, April is the season not only of Spring, but also the time of freedom for Judaism. So let Temple Oseh Shalom move forward in unity and friendship so that we can help our congregation and community. Barry Zweiban Visit us online at www.templeosehshalom.org Page 3 Sisterhood We had a very successful Women’s Seder on Tuesday, March 24. I hope that everyone who attended enjoyed themselves. Congratulations go to Carol Sussman and Marlene Fried for a stellar job. I also want to congratulate the rest of the team. It was a beautifully executed Seder. Thanks also to Sue Wiener for leading the Seder with such excitement and enthusiasm. Upcoming Sisterhood Events Marsha Heisler is continuing her work on the tablecloths used for our Onegs. Please contact Marsha if you’d like to include your name and those of your children or grandchildren on the cloths; it’s a great way to be remembered. Thanks, Marsha. Our next event is a few months away. Our Installation and Fashion Show will be held on Tuesday, June 2 at Berkeley Hall. Please watch your emails for a “save the date” flyer to be coming soon. I continue to encourage anyone who wants to help out with Sisterhood to please step up and do that. “Many hands make light work,” and we’re always appreciative of new ideas. B'shalom, Terrie Weintraub, Sisterhood President Men’s Club The TOS Men’s Club had a traditional breakfast on Sunday, March 15, attended by more than half of our Club's membership. The speaker, Rabbi Haas from Savannah, was very informative and enlightened us on several subjects. We plan to invite him back in the future. SAVE THE DATE Our Induction Breakfast will be held on Sunday, May 17, at The Haven. It will be a catered affair with more than enough food choices. We will have entertainment, door prizes, and a few surprises. Make plans to enjoy a great brunch and have an enjoyable morning. Please watch for E-mails and flyers with more information Lew Medoff President Visit us online at www.templeosehshalom.org Page 4 Ritual Committee Ritual SHABBAT AND YOM HaSHOAH SERVICE Our service on November 21 with Rabbi David Wolfman was an inspiring andOseh enthusiastic musical service. Our December 19 service should beboth On Friday, April 17, Temple Shalom will conduct a non-traditional service that recognizes equally inspiring and enthusiastic, but with a different musical accompaniShabbat and Yom HaShoah, Holocaust Remembrance Day. This will be a single comprehensive serment. Our own cantor and choir will be supporting Rabbi Ben Romer, who vice, rather than the two separate services we have had in previous years. The service will be led by been invited by Lenowitz. the Rabbi Search Committee to do the December Shabthe prayer and singing of has visiting Rabbi Joan bat service. This service also will include a celebration of Chanukah. Rabbi Lenowitz was recommended to the Ritual Committee by those who saw her at Temple Beth Rabbi Ben ago. RomerOriginally currentlyfrom is theLong Spiritual forliving BonayinKodesh, an Israel in Beaufort, just about a year IslandAdvisor and now Asheville, Jewishand Community in the greater Richmond, Virginia, area. He Rabbi Lenowitz earned a Emerging PhD in Finance Economics at the University of North Carolina, Chapel has been the Rabbi and Spiritual Leader of other Reform congregations Hill, and was a professor of Finance and Economics. In 1995 she was co-founder of a grass-rootsin North Carolina,directed Indiana,its and Florida.Education As a military chaplain, congregation in Chapel Hill, NC,and andSouth subsequently Religious Program and he the only to deploy Operation Just and the served as the main prayerwas leader. Thisrabbi experience ledfor her to change herCause careerintoPanama the rabbinate. first rabbi into Saudi Arabia and Iraq during Operation Desert Shield/Desert Ordained in May 2011 by the Academy for Jewish Religion, she is committed to an inclusive apHeand alsodialogue, served incombining Bosnia, Kosovo, and Italy. Throughout the 22 proach to Jewish worship,Storm. practice, the richness of our tradition with sparks years of his military chaplaincy, he actively worked to integrate a stronger of innovation and creativity. Coincidentally, she now is on a progression of leading services in Ohev understanding andtoinclusion of theinwide diversity of religious and spiritual Shalom in York, to Beth Shalom in Hickory, Oseh Shalom Bluffton. communities he represented. As a result, he is well prepared and eager to work with the range of religious leanings and traditions of our diverse Temple Oseh Shalom community. He also has a strong belief and commitment to the improvement of interfaith relationships. Among other actions in that direction, he was the first rabbi to co-lead the initial interfaith Israel mission by the Richmond Jewish Foundation. Please plan to attend the December 19 Shabbat service. It will be an opportunity to enjoy the spiritual and musical traditions of our usual Friday services, time to date enjoyofthe fun17 and of a Chanukah celebration, and70 a th Another set of coincidences: oura service April formusic Holocaust Remembrance Day is the very important opportunity to get to know Rabbi Ben Romer. anniversary of the liberation of the Buchenwald prison camp on April 17, 1945, and further, one of the US Army GIs who was present that day and helped liberate the camp is Ken Rosenberg’s 99-year Ray Mintz old father, who was at our last service. What are the odds? COLLECTION OF SHOES Please remember to bring your donation of gently used shoes for our annual gift to Bluffton Self Help to the April 17 service. Each pair of shoes should be placed sole to sole, laces tied, and held together with tape. They can be for men, women or children and dress-up, every day or sport in any size. Our record is about 700 pair – let’s see if we can beat it. As always, our donation will be taken to Bluffton Self Help by volunteers from the Men’s Club. Memorial on Danube in Budapest “To the Memory of the Victims Shot into the Danube … in 1944-45” Ray Mintz Visit us online at www.templeosehshalom.org Page 5 THE CARE COMMITTEE of TEMPLE OSEH SHALOM WHO ARE WE? We are Temple members who provide services to members in need. We provide a meal or two as needed: * After surgery * After Injuries * During illnesses Visits at home or in a rehabilitation facility: *Respite for the caregiver or a shoulder to lean on. How will we provide these services? That is up to you! We have to know who needs us! A member, member’s spouse or friend needs to call us to tell us!!! Even though a person might have a good social network, they still might need our services but don’t want to ask, so please let us know. Liela Weltman and Ellen Altman are the co-chairs of the committee. You can always call Liela at 705-3482 or e-mail her at [email protected]. Ellen can be reached at 7059930 or via e-mail at [email protected]. The following are members on the committee whom you may call or e-mail: Jan Mintz 705-3479 [email protected] Donna Shaw 705-9818 [email protected] Goldie Weiss 705-6376 [email protected] Eileen Goldberg 705-5279 [email protected] Terri Weintraub 705-7368 [email protected] Flo Etkin 705-5828 [email protected] Carole Lurie 705-7935 [email protected] Phyllis Cooper Steinberg 705-2844 [email protected] Susan Safranek 705-7150 [email protected] Barbara Winters 705-9266 [email protected] Judy Emmett 707-7456 [email protected] Ruth Moroknek 705-2380 [email protected] Visit us online at www.templeosehshalom.org Page 6 Adult Education SATURDAY MORNING On April 18, we will meet with Rabbi Joan Lenowitz to discuss the timely and important subject of organ donation by Jews. Whether Jews can donate their body parts without violating Jewish law is a topic examined by every Jewish segment from Orthodox to Reform. The Torah’s stipulations on k’vod ha’met, hana’ah, and pikuach nefesh all come into play, as does the timing of the donation. We all need to know the “right” thing to do. Although Rabbi Lenowitz did not specifically mention other related subjects that might be of interest, such as cremation and tattooing, there might be an opportunity to ask questions about these as well. We will meet at 10:00 AM at the Lowcountry Presbyterian Church. (Ray Mintz) Adult Education Temple Oseh Shalom BOOK CLUB Please join us on Thursday, April 9, at 11:00 AM, at the home of Sue Gassner, 13 Sanders Court. We will be discussing Jenna Blum's mother/daughter drama THOSE WHO SAVE US. The story begins in Minnesota, then explores the fifty year old past that Anna Schlemmer has tried so hard to put behind her. On June 11 we will conclude with AND SO IT IS WRITTEN by Ellen Brazer. Please contact me if you need any additional information. (Janet Cargotch) Jenna Blum, Author FILM CLUB The Temple Film Club will be showing Gentleman’s Agreement on April 12 at 3pm in the Fellowship Hall. The film starring Gregory Peck won the Oscar for Best Film, Best Supporting Actress, and Best Director in 1947. It was a breakthrough film being the first to deal with anti-Semitism following WWII and the Holocaust. Based on Laura Z. Hobson’s novel, it follows the experiences of a journalist who assumes the identity of a Jew and as a result experiences bigotry in a variety of situations, the most insidious being the subtle “gentleman’s agreement” when antiJewish sentiments are taken for granted. (Jackie Katz) Ray and Jan Mintz Visit us online at www.templeosehshalom.org Page 7 Oneg Shabbat HAVE YOU SPONSORED AN ONEG SHABBAT THIS YEAR? Do you have a birthday/anniversary coming up? Have you recently celebrated a “simcha” in your family? Is there a relative/friend whose memory you would like to honor in a special way? A perfect way to honor/memorialize someone special is by sponsoring an Oneg Shabbat. And it is so easy to do. “Keep our Oneg Shabbat CONTACT Ellen Dutka (7 Coronado Court) 705-9982 or e-mail to: [email protected] NO LATER THAN THE 20th OF THE MONTH a part of our Friday Night service” We request a minimum donation of $18, but there is no maximum! All checks should be made payable to “Oseh Shalom Sisterhood.” Talk to Ellen to arrange the details of your donation and sponsorship. No Onegs in April WHAT A WONDERFUL WAY TO HONOR SOMEONE OR SOMETHING — SPONSOR AN ONEG. Temple Oseh Shalom Choir This month we’ll be commemorating Yom Hashoah and we will have a visiting Rabbi, Rabbi Lenowitz officiating at that service. It will be a different service this year with Yom Hashoah incorporated into our Shabbat service. The choir is learning a few new tunes for that service. I hope that you will all come and share the service with us – and sing when you can. I would very much like to hear from any of you who have melodies, old and new, that you’d like to suggest. The choir leads the singing and it’s always more fun for us if you join in. I can be reached at 843-705-7368 or at [email protected]. B'shalom, Terrie Weintraub Visit us online at www.templeosehshalom.org Page 8 Temple Oseh Shalom Scrapbook Those of you having pictures that you have taken of Temple events, please share them with us. We keep a scrap book of photos and media coverage. The books are available to view by our members. The books are our history and a record of how we have evolved. If you have questions or items to share, please contact me. Elaine Roth 705-1983 [email protected] Librarian - Historian Membership I am pleased to welcome our newest members to Temple Oseh Shalom. They are Stuart and Rachel Shatz, Cynthia and Michael Rauschberg, Alan and Lois Rosenthal, and Barry Beitman and Betsy Parisi. It was a pleasure to host our new members with a lovely gathering. Hope to see you all at many of our functions. Marsha Cochin ETERNAL TREE OF LIFE These last few months have brought sadness to many of our congregants as loved ones have passed away. All our sympathy and prayers have been with them during funerals and shivas. As an aging community, it is unfortunate, but true, that the future will hold sad times for many of our congregants. Temple Oseh Shalom continues to add leaves to its Tree of Eternal Life. The Tree of Eternal Life is mounted on the side of the Temple Ark. This is a wonderful way to memorialize loved ones. The form is in the back of the Shofar or you can contact Larry Katz at 7055765. Each leaf costs $100. Larry Katz Visit us online at www.templeosehshalom.org Page 9 Parris Island Volunteers Do you remember Marine Recruit Joel Meltzer? He attended our Jewish services every week during his basic training. Joel is now Corporal Meltzer and a member of "The Commandant's Own," the United States Marine Drum & Bugle Corps. They performed last week at Savannah State University and Joel invited Jeff and me to attend. What a treat watching the three ceremonial units from the Marine Barracks Washington, DC. In addition to the Drum & Bugle Corps, we saw the Marine Corps Silent Drill Platoon and the Marine Corps Color Guard. These units travel worldwide demonstrating the discipline and professionalism of the Marine Corps. We are so proud of Joel and happy that he remembered our services (and us) so fondly. He looked so dashing in his uniform and flashes a great smile. Check out the following site if you are interested in learning more about this elite band – http://www.drumcorps.marines.mil/. Submitted by: Judy Glazer Photo Credit: Sue Wiener and Judy Glazer Visit us online at www.templeosehshalom.org Page 10 An Easier Link to the TOS Amazon Site I have mentioned in the past how easy it is to support the Temple when you buy from Amazon. Temple Oseh Shalom receives a percentage of the sale price for all items purchased by our members through one of our links located on our website – www.templeosehshalom.org But Jeff Glazer has made it even easier. He has created a link that will take people directly to our access page at Amazon.com and should be easier to use. Simply go to amazon.templeosehshalom.org – bookmark this link or write it down somewhere. It is really a no-brainer to use this link when you buy from Amazon. Just remember: amazon.templeosehshalom.org Donations As always, we welcome donations to Temple Oseh Shalom to commemorate any occasion - joyous or sad - or even "just because..." When appropriate, an acknowledgement card will be sent to your stated recipients, letting them know of your generosity. We will try to keep diligent records and print a list of donors for the month preceding the publication of each Shofar newsletter. If donations are received too late for publication, they will appear in the following issue. We will attempt to include all donations for the full month prior to sending the newsletter. Make your check payable to Temple Oseh Shalom with appropriate notations on the memo line or note enclosed with the check. Mail to: Temple Oseh Shalom, PO Box 3935, Bluffton, SC 29910 Donations will be acknowledged in writing to the honoree and by e-mail to the donor. Yahrzeits will be listed in the monthly Shofar. Annual Membership Renewals are not acknowledged. Book of Remembrance donations will be acknowledged by entries in the Book. Visit us online at www.templeosehshalom.org Page 11 DONATIONS MARCH DONOR IN HONOR OF Sue and Bob Wiener Marlene & Kurt Fried Barbara Reuben Rhoda & Sherwin Rubin Jackie & Larry Katz Judy & Jeff Glazer Dolores and George Mangi The Miracle of Temple Oseh Shalom Thank you for Marlene’s Shalom-O-Gram Birthday Wishes Jo-Ann & Barry Zweiban Speedy Recovery to Tobye Watkins Donation Our Aliyahs Gabrielle Testa's birthday DONOR IN MEMORY OF Ellen & Barry Cohen Jerilyn Fleisher Jerilyn Fleisher Francine & Joel Biterman Carol & Arnold Seidman Marlene & Kurt Fried Lynne & Milton Stombler Anna Cohen Arlene & Bob Lohn Laura Marks Joan Flynn Judy & Sam Emmett Phyllis & Eugene Rabins Kay & David Krebs Gingi & Saul Cohen Karen & David Ehrlich Ros Sohmer Marsha Heisler & Mike Polenski Gail & Len Carr Gail & Len Carr Luba & Mark Balshem Donna & Bill Shaw Stella Woldoff Adele Kugelman Joel Fleisher Ann Glickin Benjamin Seidman Bernard Fried Bertha Stombler Jacob Bacon Jacob Israel Fisk Jeanne Marks Jim Flynn Larry Emmett Leon Rosen Martin Donenfeld Milton Cohen Murray Sohmer Murray Sohmer Ruth Frankel Trudy Saperstein Sarah Rachel McNeil Sonya Plitman Edith Beckman Visit us online at www.templeosehshalom.org Page 12 DONATIONS MARCH (CONT’D) DONOR IN MEMORY OF Janice & Lewis Kraimer Janet & Howard Sadowsky Janet & Howard Sadowsky Rhoda & Sherwin Rubin Shirley & Seymour Glanell Alice & Jerome Varon Shelly & Stan Finger Barbara & Lewis Freedman Barbara & Lewis Freedman Ivan Paul Gartenlaub Barbara Reuben Marion & Art Abramowitz Marion & Art Abramowitz Marion & Art Abramowitz Bernice Rock Bernice Rock Carolyn & David Salkin Phyllis & Jerry Steinberg Marsha Weiss Mildred Cohen Phyllis Frushtick Heddie & Alan Richter Earle Lockhart Elaine & Dan Roth Elaine & Dan Roth Gail & Haim Bober Doris Plaplan Doris Plaplan Phylis Giglinto Judy & Jeff Glazer Marilyn Rakitin Inkles Linda Harrison Linda Smith Linda Smith Bess Kraimer Betty Levy Lawrence Levy Dorothy Hankin Eva Ackerman Frieda Varon Herman Finger Howard Bloom Samuel Bloom Irene R. Gartenlaub Irvin Harrison Isaac Stolzenberg Sally Stolzenberg Rebecca Nitches Meyer Rock Regina Abramowitz Monroe Salkin Nancy Zavier Samuel Weiss Sidney Cohen Anne Goldman Anthony D. Newman Bernard Lockhart Bessie Rossin Julius Roth Bonnie Bober Charlotte Goldberger Nathan Plaplan Esther Raiffe Geralyn L. Glazer Gerald Rakitin Gussie Harrison Harry Veeder Marvin Veeder Visit us online at www.templeosehshalom.org Page 13 DONATIONS MARCH (CONT’D) DONOR IN MEMORY OF Linda Smith Linda Smith Jan & Ray Mintz Jan & Ray Mintz Suzan & Stephen Crane Ruth & Stanley Moroknek Carolyn & Ray Levine Sally Veeder Ethel Wieder Isidor Mintz Lillian Mintz Jack Crane Sara Burstok Sara Webber IN MEMORY OF RUTH DIAMOND, Mother of Diamond Riegel Shirley & Philip Zarny IN MEMORY OF STEVEN C. DAVIDSON, Son of Sheila & Jack Davidson Shirley & Philip Zarny IN MEMORY OF NORMAN FISK, Brother of Arlene Lohn Lynn & Steve Levy Visit us online at www.templeosehshalom.org Page 14 Sunshine From Your Sisterhood Want a friend to know they are being thought of? Maybe they have a mitzvah, maybe they need a word of encouragement, maybe someone you know needs a kind thought to come their way today. There is no obligation to you and no details are needed. Recipient will receive a caring card by mail (snail mail) from Temple Oseh Shalom Sisterhood. Send information to: Elaine Roth 705-1983 OR [email protected] Send a Shalom-O-Gram FOR ONLY 50¢ YOUR FRIEND OR ACQUAINTANCE WILL RECEIVE OUR SHALOM-0GRAM SHOWING YOUR NAME ALONG WITH ALL THOSE SENDING BIRTHDAY AND ANNIVERSARY GREETINGS. Thinking of someone else makes them (and you) feel great! And it is simple to do! Here’s how —> On the next page there is a list of names of people celebrating a birthday or anniversary next month. You can send your friends and acquaintances greetings on their birthday or anniversary. HERE IS HOW TO DO THIS: 1. Print the next page and circle the names of the people you would like to wish a happy birthday or anniversary. MAKE SURE YOU INCLUDE YOUR NAME THE WAY YOU WANT IT LISTED. 2. Mail OR deliver your list, along with $.50 for each name, to Bobbie Wolff at 324 Landing Lane in Sun City In order for the birthdays and anniversaries to be acknowledged in a timely manner, everyone needs to turn in the Shalom-O-Gram sheets by the 20th of the month. Thanks to everyone for making this fun to do. WE WOULD APPRECIATE PAYMENT BY CHECK MADE OUT TO SISTERHOOD OF TEMPLE OSEH SHALOM. Visit us online at www.templeosehshalom.org Page 15 1 1 2 3 3 6 7 8 9 10 10 11 12 13 14 14 14 15 16 17 18 18 David Krebs Marvin Pearlstein Robert Berman Allen Daniels Roger Halpin Lew Medoff Elaine Roth Susan Levine Joan Schwartz JoAnn Cohen Anita Rappoport Fred Valenstein Phylis Giglinto Lucille Robinson Ira Marcus Steve Miller Barbara Reed Marty Levinson Andrei Jakobovits Shirley Glanell Joel Chontow Jay Kalan 19 20 21 21 21 22 22 23 23 24 24 24 24 25 26 26 27 27 28 28 Carolyn Levine Tobye Watkins Ellen Cohen Walter Diamond Sheila Weinberg Mona Griffer Thea Heimlich Kathy Burnce Bob Lohn Barbara Fleisher Maxine Goldberg Marilyn Hyner Phil Kagan Abigail Schulze Gerry Cohen Barbara Reuben Herb Franklin Barry Wagner Raphael Haller Joan Star Please provide your inputs to Bobbie Wolff by April 20 May Anniversaries 2 6 7 8 11 11 11 Marsha & Henry Druckerman Harriet & Lawrence Cole Rhoda & Les Turk Barbara & Norm Solon Janice & Donald Field Sharon & Howard Listwa Susan & Arthur Rosenzweig 12 12 17 19 28 29 29 Suzan & Stephen Crane Tina & Chuck Laboe Diane & Arthur Sigel Marcia & George Meyers Lynne & Milt Stombler Leslie & Joel Barenberg Ruth & Michael Kanefsky Visit us online at www.templeosehshalom.org For Shalom-O-Gram Submissions: Submitted by _____________________________ May Birthdays Page 16 May Yahrzeits 1 1 2 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 10 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 13 13 14 14 14 14 14 15 15 15 15 15 16 16 16 16 16 17 Andrew Miklos, Remembered by Michael & Ilene Schwartz Evelyn Lustig, Sister of Marvin & Phyllis Jacobson Gert Rosenberg, Mother of Bobi Sherson Lillian Glatzer, Mother of Jerralyn Kurowski Stan Love, Husband of Jayne Shachat Mollie M. Lyon, Mother of Grace Lenk Sarah Scheman Stolzenberg, Remembered by Arthur & Marion Abramowitz Shirley Rudin, Mother of Barbara Klomp Tessie Wolfson, Mother of Jeffrey Wolfson Henry R Glazer, Father of Jeff Glazer Ethel Cohen, Mother of Phyllis Ivers Barbara Burstein, Remembered by Andie Levine Burton Lewis Wilner, Brother of Ruth Schloss and Stanley Wilner Seymour Inkles, Husband of Marilyn Rakitin Inkles Samuel Saiger, Father of Sondra Goldberg Ethel Moroknek, Mother of Stanley Moroknek Joseph Bader, Grandfather of Sandy Cadorette Alvin Reuben, Husband of Barbara Reuben Hyman Bacon, Father of Anna Cohen Mary Wall, Remembered by Eleanor Osborn Jack Riegelhaupt, Father of Michael Riegel Hannah Goldsmith, Mother of Barbara Steinbeck Betty Ravetz, Mother of Susan Mogil Rose Marcus, Remembered by Jeff & Floss Kaffee Lillian Kagan, Mother of Sue Wiener Ray Goodman, Great Aunt of Marlene Fried Sarah Levinson, Mother of Marty Levinson Jacob Siegel, Remembered by Steve & Hope Dexler Sylvia Rosen, Mother of Barry Rosen Hyman Weiss, Father-in-Law of Goldie Weiss Miriam Harrison, Mother of Barbara Reuben Sam Lamhut, Remembered by Larry & Jane Rosendorf Abbott Cohen, Twin Brother of Michael Cohen Rowena Melamed, Remembered by Arleen Melamed Katzie P. Sadownick, Remembered by Allen and Gail Paul Samuel Schwartz, Remembered by Ronald & Arlene Schwartz Sydney Gelman. Father of Bobbie Wolff Henry Silberman, Father of Barry & Fran Silberman Reba Rosenzweig, Step-Mother of Arthur Rosenzweig Sylvia Gold Fisk Remembered by Bob & Arlene Lohn Joseph Diamond, Father of Diamond Riegel Raymond Arbeit, Remembered by Allen and Gail Paul Sylvia Schacter, Mother of Carol Rosen William Rule, Father of Charlotte White Frances Cohen, Mother of Barry Cohen Florence Freilich, Mother of Leslie Kantrowitz Alfred London, Remembered by Robert & Margery Linden and Larry & Evelyn London Marilyn Baron, Remembered by Harriet Merrick Max Steinbeck, Father of Henry Steinbeck Sabina Brenner, Mother of Milt Brenner Ann Silverman, Mother of Ruth Kanefsky Charles Moed, Remembered by Elaine Thompson Sam Garber, Father of Marsha Weiss Lena LePow, Sister-in-Law of Goldie Weiss Ray Rosenberg, Mother of Len Rosenberg 17 17 18 18 20 20 20 21 21 21 21 21 22 23 23 24 24 24 24 25 25 26 27 17 28 28 28 29 29 29 30 30 30 30 30 30 31 31 Emanuel Prichep, Father of Fran Silberman Ida Zallen, Mother of Phyllis Wilner Celia Greifer, Remembered by Mona & Stella Griffer Eva Gevatoff, Grandmother of Stanley & Eleanor Katz Sol Kaplan, Father of Roberta Baker Felix Cohen, Remembered by JoAnn & Gerry Cohen Susan Roth, Daughter-in-Law of Dan & Elaine Roth Sol Brenner, Father of Ruth Brenner Evelyn Gordon, Mother of Gingi Cohen Al Ackerman, Brother of Shirley Glanell Jakob Grunberg, Remembered by Steve & Rita Seamon Rita Levy, Mother-in-Law of Charles Wurms Joseph Pollinger, Remembered by Michael & Sheila Weinberg Frieda Brandes Schwack, Mother of Linda Harrison Saul Mark, Husband of Ethel Mark Molly Lazarus, Mother of Eileen Brenner Rebecca Bacon, Mother of Anna Cohen Miriam Pearlstein, Mother of Marvin Pearlstein Harry Valenstein, Father of Fred Valenstein Irving Muller, Father of Miriam Levinson Lewis Sadowsky, Brother of Howard Sadowsky Eleanor Kaplan, Mother of Roberta Baker Harry Weiss, Brother of Goldie Weiss William Cohen, Father of Myra Krulik Eugene David Berlind, Husband of Elaine Berlind David Kroop, Brother of Flo Etkin Maurice Freed, Remembered by Richard and Renee Fordyce Kate Kowitt, Remembered by Larry & Susan Kowitt Richard Minetti, Father-in-Law of Lynn Minetti Ethel Roth, Mother of Dr. Paul M. Roth Goldie Haller, Mother of Raphael Haller and Phyllis Steinberg Albert Burnce, Father of Michael Burnce Florence Polikoff, Mother of Audrey Grossman Ruth V. Richter, Mother of Alan Richter Charles Sadowsky, Father of Howard Sadowsky Larry Weintraub, Brother of David Weintraub Jack Woldoff, Father of Ellen Cohen Irving Deutsch, Remembered by Michael & Jane Cohn Samuel Hebel, Father of Ellen Kimmel Visit us online at www.templeosehshalom.org Page 17 Book Club Sue Gassner 11:00 am Board Mtg Film Club Fellowship Hall 3:00 pm Services 7:30 pm Adult Education Church Sanctuary 10:00 am Yom H'Atzmaut LPC 4:00 pm Visit us online at www.templeosehshalom.org Page 18 How To Reach Us All Area Code 843 Rabbi TBD Cantor Kenneth Rosenberg President Vice President Recording Secretary Corresponding Secretary Treasurer Director/Administrator Director Director/Membership Director BOARD OF DIRECTORS Barry Zweiban [email protected] Deena Chontow [email protected] Marlene Fried [email protected] Blanche Frank batshevafrank9@gmailcom Marcia Meyers [email protected] Rhoda Rubin [email protected] Art Krulik [email protected] Marsha Cochin [email protected] Al Gartenlaub [email protected] 705-9666 379-8787 705.3930 705-5685 707-1077 705-6000 705-6561 705-3422 705-2442 Director/Cemetery Sisterhood Men’s Club Immediate Past Pres. Jerry Steinberg Terrie Weintraub Lew Medoff Jackie Katz 705-2844 705-7368 705-2391 705-5765 House COMMITTEE CHAIRS Al Gartenlaub [email protected] 705-2442 Choir Director Music Director Family Promise Back Pack Buddies Education Ray Mintz Liela Weltman Ellen Altman Terrie Weintraub Arleen Melamed Kathy Burnce Lynn & Steve Levy Jan & Ray Mintz [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 705-3479 705-3482 705-9930 705-7368 705-6542 757-0869 707-7536 705-3479 Librarian/Historian Newsletter Parris Island Strategic Planning Tree of Eternal Life Elaine Roth Bill Altman Al Richter Art Krulik Larry Katz [email protected] [email protected] 705-1983 705-5792 705-9450 705-6561 705-5765 Ritual Care/Bereavement [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 705-7045 TEMPLE OSEH SHALOM PO Box 3935 Bluffton, SC 29910 Phone: 843-705-2532 E-mail: [email protected] Visit us online at www.templeosehshalom.org Page 19 OSEH SHALOM SISTERHOOD MEMBERSHIP DATA FORM Anyone wishing to become a member of the Sisterhood should complete this form and forward with your dues YOU MUST BE A MEMBER IN GOOD STANDING OF TEMPLE OSEH SHALOM TO JOIN THE SISTERHOOD NAME__________________________________________SPOUSE ___________________________________ ADDRESS _________________________________________________________________________________ TELEPHONE (HOME) ______________________________ (CELL)___________________________________ E-MAIL_____________________________________________________________________________________ BIRTHDAY (month/day)_____________________ANNIVERSARY (month/day)_________________________ MOVED FROM: _____________________________________________________________________________ WOULD YOU BE WILLING TO WORK ON ONE OF OUR MANY COMMITTEES? PROGRAM ___________ FUND RAISING _______ ____________MEMBERSHIP ______________ COMMUNITY OUTREACH _________________ ONEG SHABBAT ____________________________ WOULD YOU LIKE TO TELL US ABOUT ANY SPECIAL TALENTS OR INTERESTS? _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ FULL TIME RESIDENT_______________ PART- TIME RESIDENT___________________________ SISTERHOOD DUES $10 Contact: Marsha Cochin 301 Col. Thomas Heyward Rd Bluffton, SC 29909 705-3422 [email protected] Visit us online at www.templeosehshalom.org Page 20 TEMPLE OSEH SHALOM 2013/2014 MEN’S CLUB MEMBERSHIP FORM YOU MUST BE A MEMBER, IN GOOD STANDING, OF TEMPLE OSEH SHALOM TO BE A MEMBER OF THE T.O.S. MEN’S CLUB THE DUES ARE $10 PER YEAR (THAT’S LESS THAN $1 PER MONTH) PLEASE FILL IN THE INFORMATION BELOW. IF ANY OF YOUR DATA HAS CHANGED, PLEASE UPDATE THE FORM. NAME_______________________________________________________ ADDRESS_____________________________________________________ PHONE CONTACT_______________________________________________ E-MAIL ADDRESS _______________________________________________ SPOUSE/SIGNIFICANT OTHER’S NAME______________________________ WE NEED YOUR HELP TO ASSIST ON ONE OF THESE COMMITTEES PLEASE CHECK ONE BOX PROGRAM_______ MEMBERSHIP________ PUBLICITY________ FUND RAISING______ COMMUNITY OUTREACH_________ GOOD AND WELFARE_______ OTHER________ ARE YOU A FULL TIME RESIDENT______________ PART-TIMER_____________ MAKE CHECK OUT TO T.O.S. MEN’S CLUB FOR $10 MAIL FORM & CHECK TO: LARRY COLE (TREASURER) 89 DONCASTER LANE BLUFFTON, SC 29909 GENTLEMEN: WE ARE LOOKING TO EACH OF YOU FOR SUPPORT AND PARTICIPATION THIS COMING YEAR, AND GOING FORWARD … Visit us online at www.templeosehshalom.org Page 21 EMERGENCY CONTACT INFORMATION YOUR: Name: __________________________________________ Address: ________________________________________ _________________________________________ Phone: ________________________________ Cell: _________________________________ Please list your EMERGENCY CONTACT INFORMATION: Name: __________________________________________ Relationship: ___________________ Address: _________________________________________ _________________________________________ Phone: ________________________________ Cell: _________________________________ ***************************************** Name: __________________________________________ Relationship: ___________________ Address: _________________________________________ _________________________________________ Phone: ________________________________ Cell: _________________________________ ***************************************** Name: __________________________________________ Relationship: ___________________ Address: _________________________________________ _________________________________________ Phone: ________________________________ Cell: _________________________________ RETURN INFORMATION TO: Larry Kowitt 3 Schooner Lane (Use Lower Mailbox) [email protected] (Subject: Emergency Contact List ) (TEMPLE OSEH SHALOM Emergency Form 6/1/11) Visit us online at www.templeosehshalom.org Page 22 TREE OF ETERNAL LIFE Temple Oseh Shalom now has a permanent memorial for family members. This is in the form of a TREE OF ETERNAL LIFE mounted on each side of the Ark. Memorial leaves for the TREE OF ETERNAL LIFE are now available for purchase. Leaves may be obtained for $100.00 per leaf. The leaves are meant to be memorials for parents, siblings, spouses/ significant others, children and grandchildren. Each leaf will be engraved with a choice of the following inscriptions. 1. In Memory of _________ Beloved Parents of ________ 4. In Memory of _____________ Beloved Grandchild of ________ 2. In Memory of ___________ Beloved Wife/Husband /Partner of ___________ 5. In Memory of ____________ Beloved Brother/Sister of __________ 3. In Memory of ____________ Beloved Child of ___________ A check must accompany the order for each leaf. Make check payable to Temple Oseh Shalom and memo your check “Tree of Eternal Life.” Please fill out a separate form for each inscription. Please fill out the tear off below with the pertinent information and mail along with your check to: Larry Katz 41 Pineapple Drive Bluffton SC 29909 Any questions? Call Larry Katz 705-5765 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------TREE OF ETERNAL LIFE INSCRIPTIONS In Memory of ________________________________________________________ Beloved (parents, wife, husband, partner, child, sister, brother. grandchild) of Circle one of the above ________________________________________________________________ Total enclosed @ 100.00 per leaf _________ Your Name: ___________________ Phone #: ______________ E-mail Address ______________ Visit us online at www.templeosehshalom.org
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