TELEDRAW FINAL PRESENTATION Caitlin Barta John Bonk Sabarish Raghupathy Roy Runyu Shi OVERVIEW ¢ Roots go back to a classic game known as “Telephone” ¢ First person starts off with a phrase, next draws a picture of it, next writes a descriptive phrase of the drawing, and so on. ¢ As game continues, pictures and phrases comically morph ¢ Game with no real goal except to have fun and be creative OVERVIEW ¢ Available online at as well as on iOS devices ¢ Users can rate other’s descriptions and drawings, as well as view others’ threads ¢ Powerful drawing interface allows very expressive and detailed illustrations METHODS Interaction Mapping Personas and Scenarios 5 interviews 3 personas 3 scenarios Comparative Evaluation 3 direct competitors 2 partial competitors 1 analogous competitor 7 findings METHODS Heuristic Analysis Jakob Nielsen's 10 Usability Heuristics 17 findings Survey Link put up on website 18 questions 36 responses Usability Testing 5 users 5 tasks 8 findings FINDINGS ¢ The Drawing Interface: Teledraw's drawing interface is well-liked and packed with many features, but could still be improved with new functionality. ¢ Evidence: Interviews, Comparative Evaluation, Heuristic Evaluation, Survey, Usability Testing RECOMMENDATIONS ¢ ¢ ¢ Improve functionality of hot-keys and guarantee browser compatibility Fine-tune default tool specs and the preview window for better usability Explore additional drawing tools such as Layers, Zoom, Clear Canvas and Image Export FINDINGS ¢ Help & Instructions: Teledraw's current help and instructions do not fully explain its core gameplay and robust set of drawing tools. ¢ Evidence: Comparative Evaluation, Heuristic Evaluation, Usability Testing RECOMMENDATIONS ¢ ¢ ¢ Improve gameplay instructions to better convey Teledraw's concept and gameplay Increase the quantity/visibility of labels and tool-tips in the drawing interface Develop a collection of tutorials and instructional videos to help users develop their Teledraw skills FINDINGS ¢ Channels & Group Play: Users are interested in more options for playing Teledraw socially or in groups with friends. ¢ Evidence: Interviews, Comparative Evaluation, Survey, Usability Testing RECOMMENDATIONS ¢ ¢ Fully develop the existing 'Channels' functionality to support group play Consider expanding Teledraw's gameplay offerings to include Team Drawing, Private Threads and richer commenting/chat features within the application FINDINGS ¢ Homepage vs. Profile Page: It is difficult to distinguish between Teledraw’s logged-in homepage and the user profile page. Users also had difficulty locating their recent submissions on Teledraw. ¢ Evidence: Heuristic Evaluation, Usability Testing RECOMMENDATIONS ¢ ¢ ¢ Show channels, user stats, awards, and social media links on same profile page. Allow user to view own submissions as well as others' submissions on same page Keep homepage same for logged-in and logged-out users. FINDINGS ¢ Thread Viewer: The Thread Viewer’s purpose and functionality was a source of confusion for all usability testers, prompting descriptions such as “confusing” and “unclear”. ¢ Evidence: Usability Testing RECOMMENDATIONS ¢ ¢ ¢ After submitting a drawing or description, Thread Viewer should display user's submission instead of start of thread Rename Thread Viewer to something more understandable Number submissions so user knows what portion of a thread they are viewing FINDINGS ¢ Marketing and Social Media: Teledraw may benefit from increased social media presence. The greatest proportion of survey respondents found out about Teledraw by word of mouth. ¢ Evidence: Comparative Evaluation, Survey RECOMMENDATIONS ¢ ¢ ¢ Flesh out information about Teledraw and encourage reviews on gaming sites Create a forum or "subreddit" for users Place social media links on Teledraw in more obvious locations SUMMARY ¢ Evaluating Teledraw through 6 methodological lenses allowed us to approach the application from all angles ¢ Continuity of findings across different methods speaks to the salience of our research data ¢ Teledraw’s strong gameplay and loyal users reflect an application poised to further establish itself in a competitive marketplace ¢ Thank You!
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