TO THE GREATER GLORY OF GOD The Church of the Sacred Heart, Lauriston SERVED BY THE SOCIETY OF JESUS Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion (Year B) 29th March 2015 Why do we call Jesus’s suffering just before his death his passion? We tend to think that “passion” here refers to intense sufferings, as in “passionate suffering.” This is not wrong, but misses a key point. Passion comes from the Latin, passio, meaning passiveness, non-activity, absorbing something more than actively doing anything. The “Passion” of Jesus refers to that time in his life where his meaning for us is not defined by what he was doing but rather by what was being done to him. What is remarkable is that our faith teaches us that we are saved more through his passion - his death and suffering - than through all of his activity of preaching and doing miracles. The cross teaches us that we, like Jesus, give as much to others in our passivities as in our activities. When we are no longer in charge, beaten down by whatever, humiliated, suffering, and unable even to make ourselves understood by our loved ones, we are undergoing our passion and, like Jesus in his passion, have in that the opportunity to give our love and ourselves to others in a very deep way. Ronald Rolheiser OMI Response to the Psalm: My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? Gospel Acclamation: Praise to you, O Christ, king of eternal glory! Christ was humbler yet, even to accepting death, death on a cross. But God raised him high and gave him the name which is above all names. Praise to you, O Christ, king of eternal glory! Communion Antiphon: Father, if this chalice cannot pass without my drinking it, your will be done. ___________________________________________________ Opening Gospel: Mark 11:1-10 Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord First Reading: Isaiah 50:4-7 The Lord has given me a disciple’s tongue. Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 21:8-9,17-20,23-24 Second Reading: Philippians 2:6-11 Being as all men are, he was humbler yet. Gospel: Mark 14:1-15:47 The Passion of Our Lord according to Mark. Easter Leaflets: We have produced a leaflet about the Sacred Heart Church, giving times of services for Holy Week and Easter. Please take a few and pass them on to friends or neighbours who might be interested, or perhaps leave one or two with your local hotel, B&B or pub? My God, My God, why have you forsaken me? Thanks for last weekend’s collection of £ 1356.02. Thanks for your generous support of the parish Poor Fund, from which we have recently made the following donations: St Catherine’s Homeless Project £500; Shelter Scotland £200; Missionary Vehicle Association £200; Fresh Start £200 All are welcome to the Sacred Heart Church, whether for one visit, or one of many. Please join us for a cup of tea or coffee in the hall after the 10.45am Mass. Lauriston Jesuit Centre The School of Prayer A series of workshops on key themes of Ignatian spirituality Monday 13th April, 7.30pm Peter Scally SJ The Examen: Finding God in Every Day Monday 20th April, 7.30pm Jim Crampsey SJ Scripture and Ignatian Prayer Gift Aiders: If you haven’t done so yet, please collect your Gift Aid envelope box for this year from outside the sacristy. Monday 27th April, 7.30pm Gero McLoughlin SJ Artistic Imagination and Prayer Monday 4th May, 7.30pm Cath McManus Prayer and Being Called: Discernment Monday 1st June, 7.30pm Brendan McManus SJ Decision-making on the Road through Grief All welcome. Admission by donation Would the children who would like to play percussion instruments on Easter Sunday, please go out for a practice during the children's liturgy today? Thank you. Sunday Masses: (Saturday Vigil at 6.30 pm) 7.45 am, 10.45 am & 8.00 pm Weekday Masses: 7.45 am, 12.30 pm, 5.45 pm Confessions: Mon-Fri: 12.00-12.25 pm Sat: 1.00-2.00 pm., 5.00-6.25 pm Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament: Saturday 5.00-6.15 pm Rosary: Weekdays at 12.15 pm Baptisms and Marriages: By arrangement with the Parish Priest Parish Priest: Fr. Peter Scally, SJ Tel: (0131) 229 9821 [email protected] Jesuit Superior: Fr. James Crampsey, SJ Tel: (0131) 477 5788 [email protected] Parish Website: Jesuit Community: Tel: (0131) 229 9104 Lauriston Jesuit Centre: Hall hire enquiries: Mrs Bernadette Kircos Tel: (0131) 229 9821 [email protected] Hospital Calls: Royal Infirmary, Sick Children’s, Liberton Hospital: (0131) 242 1990 Western General Hospital: Tel: (0131) 537 1000 PALM SUNDAY NATIONAL YOUTH EVENT This year the Annual Youth Gathering will take place at Motherwell Cathedral. Young people from all over Scotland will gather for fun, faith and sharing with friends. Archbishop Leo will lead the catechesis for the 16+ group and Bishop Joe Toal will lead the 11-15 age group. This event is free and open to all young people. A bus may be organised if groups are large enough. The 13.10 train from Edinburgh arrives in Motherwell for 13.53. Please register as soon as possible with [email protected] THIS WEEK Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 Feria Feria Feria John 12:1-11 John 13:21-33,36-38 Matthew 26:14-25 John 13:1-15 John 18:1 - 19:42 (Vigil) Mark 16:1-7 John 20:1-9 / Mark 16:1-7 Holy Thursday Good Friday Holy Saturday Easter Sunday Diary Dates 30th March – 3rd April Mon Tue Rosary for the Unborn after 5.45 pm Mass. Voice of the voiceless. Legion of Mary 11.00 am at St. Catharine’s Convent. The Lunch Club will meet at 1.00 pm. Christian Meditation Group 7.00 pm. AA Group at 7.30 pm. . RGNs and Care Assistants Wanted We are looking for RGNs and Care Assistants to care for the frail elderly. Please contact Mother Frances or Mrs M Lewis at Saint Joseph’s House, 43 Gilmore Place, Edinburgh, EH3 9NG, Tel 0131 229 5672, for job descriptions and terms of employment. H OLY W EEK & E ASTER AT THE S ACRED H EART 30th Monday March The usual times for Masses and confessions: Masses 7.45am, 12.30pm, 5.45pm; confessions from 12.00-12.25pm Tuesday 31st March Masses and confessions at the usual times Wednesday 1st April Masses and confessions at the usual times Holy Thursday, 2nd April Sacrament of Reconciliation 12:00 - 1:00pm Mass of the Lord’s Supper 6:30pm At this Mass, everyone in the congregation will be invited to have their feet washed: please come prepared! Vigil at the Altar of repose until 9:00pm Good Friday, 3rd April Children’s Stations of the Cross Liturgy of the Lord’s Passion Stations of the Cross ‘son et lumiere’ 11:00am 3:00pm 8:00pm Holy Saturday, 4th April No confessions, no exposition The Easter Vigil (Mass of Easter) 8:30pm Easter Sunday, 5th April Masses: 7:45am, 10:45am, 8:00pm Easter Week: Monday 6th April to Friday 10th April One Mass only: 12:30pm with confessions from 12 noon We pray for the sick and those who care for them: Nilda D’Agostino, Leonard D’Agostino, Theresa Donoghue, John McPartlin, Samantha Carey, Collette Duffy, Mary McMillan, John Ketchen, Theresa Robb, Josephine Melaney, Patrick Shevlane, Kathy Fagan, Linda Gunn, Cathy Donoghue, Alice Clegg, Ona Goldie, Maureen Dey, Irene Degnin, Dorothy & Manuel Jarque, Christina Smith, Kevin Mason, Lawrence Malone, Roberta Pavel, Cameron Armstrong, Anne Wilkie, Pat Crowe, Jim Lugton, Stella Reynolds, Emma Reed, Molly McMillan, Jim Cormack, Rita Collins, Mary McCole, Mary Kelly, Teresa Dickson, Rose McGonagal, Mary Mullen, Anselmo Caldeira, Jude Payne and Roger Aldridge. Please recycle this newsletter after you have read it. 28 Lauriston Street, Edinburgh EH3 9DJ Charity No. SC 008540
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