Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish 5 East Main Street • Milford, MA 01757 Parish Founded 1905 Staffed by the Stigmatine Fathers Telephone (508) 634-5435 Fax (508) 478-4993 Web Site: Rectory email: [email protected] email: [email protected] PARISH STAFF Rev. Richard A. Scioli, C.S.S., Pastor Deacon Pasquale G. Mussulli Rev. Gregory J. Hoppough, C.S.S. (weekends) LORD’S DAY MASSES Saturday 4:00 P.M. Vigil Sunday 8:00 and 10:00 A.M. WEEKDAY MASSES Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday 7:00 A.M. SACRAMENT OF PENANCE Saturday 3:00 – 3:30 p.m. MISSION STATEMENT Guided by the Spirit of God, the Roman Catholic parish family of Sacred Heart of Jesus celebrates a living faith in Jesus Christ. As a people of God we are committed to worship in the Eucharist, to prayer and to an awareness of the needs of local and global communities as the Gospel message instructs us. We direct our efforts to promote excellence in the Catholic tradition of education at all levels. We are diligent and responsible in maintaining sound financial and physical resources to meet current and future obligations. We strive to see the face of Jesus Christ in every person and to utilize the diversity of gifts present in our parish through collaborative ministries and apostolates. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION OFFICE (508) 473-1036 email: [email protected] SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Second & Fourth Sunday 12:30 P.M. Coordinators: Amy Donahue and Andrew Tomaski SAFE ENVIRONMENT COORDINATORS: RCIA and ADULT CONFIRMATION Janet Morganelli, Ph. D. Tara Ridolfi, M. Ed. SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY One year prior notice required Tricia Ridolfi, M. Ed. MILFORD CATHOLIC ELEMENTARY SCHOOL (508) 473-7303 Marie Sciretta, Principal SACRED HEART OF JESUS MILFORD June 8—June 14 Mon. Tues. Wed. Fri. Sat. Sun. 7:00 a.m. 7:00 a.m. 7:00 a.m. 7:00 a.m. 4:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. For All Our Parishioners Eleanor (Creasia) Guido by her sisters Rosa Mele by Tom & Lucy Bellantuoni Stigmatine Community Around the World Attilio & Mark Carrachino by the family Biagio DeSantis by his wife and family Francesca Valastro by the family Josephine Mignone Mary Fortini Deacon Robert Devine Agnes Boerger PARTNERS IN CHARITY Thanks to all our parishioners who have made their gift to the 2015 Partners in Charity Annual Appeal. Our parish has raised $49,205. (66%). An additional $25,795 is needed towards our goal of $75,000. If you have not yet made a gift or pledge, please fill out a commitment pledge envelope located at the entrance or visit Partners in Charity, formerly known as the Bishop’s Fund, is the Annual Appeal for the Diocese of Worcester, serving 28 charitable, educational, and pastoral ministries. Through your generous support we are able to serve thousands of families and individuals in Worcester County through outreach, formation, evangelization, and worship. Thank you!! A REMINDER TO: LECTORS, EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS, USHERS/GREETERS, CHOIR MEMBERS AND PARISH COUNCIL MEMBERS concerning the seminar scheduled on Sunday, June 14th, Bell Tower Room, 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm. Guest Speaker: Sr. Dolorey. We look forward to seeing you there. Chase Filosa and Kathryn Rizoli DAILY BREAD FOOD PANTRY Our Daily Bread Food Pantry collection item for the month of June is: tuna fish: white albacore. If you wish to donate please bring the items to Mass and place them in the baskets provided at the entrances. We wish to thank all the members of our parish family who support the Daily Bread Food Pantry through their volunteer activity, financial donations and prayers. CATHOLIC COMMUNICATIONS CAMPAIGN Communication is the essence of St. John’s Gospel, for Christ is the Word of God made flesh, not simply a prophet who was commissioned to convey God’s message to his chosen people. It is no wonder that the Catholic Church in the United States celebrates World Communications Day and holds a special collection each year to enable us to Share the Good News “beyond the pew”. Please prayerfully consider what you can do to support this ongoing work of the Catholic Church in the Catholic Communications Campaign to be taken up at all Masses this weekend. The rosary is prayed each weekday morning after the 7:00 a.m. Mass. All are welcome. MOST HOLY BODY AND BLOOD OF CHRIST Milford Catholic Elementary School and Little Angels Preschool are presently accepting registrations for the 2015-2016 school year. Located at 11 East Main St. in Milford, Milford Catholic Elementary School is fully accredited by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges. Milford Catholic offers full-time Kindergarten through Grade 6, as well as full and part-time three year old and four year old programs, providing a faith-based education with small class sizes and more personal attention for every student. Before and After School programs are available. Tour the school, meet the teachers, and see what makes our school so special. Call (508) 473-7303 for more information. MARIAN HIGH SCHOOL We continue to enroll students for the upcoming school year! For information contact—Marian High School at [email protected] -508-875-7646 ext.303 The Tri Parish Youth Ministry (TYM) will be offering a Summertime Event Series, open to all teens entering the 9th grade and older. The first event will be a Field Day on June 13th from 4:00-7:30 p.m. This fun filled afternoon will include games to challenge the teens physically, mentally and spiritually. Participants will gather at 3:45 p.m. in the lower church at Sacred Heart in Milford and attend the 4:00 p.m. Mass as a group. Field Day will begin immediately following Mass on the playground and field behind Milford Catholic School. Dinner and dessert will be provided. The Summertime Event Series in being offered as a means to raise awareness of and participation in the Tri-Parish Ministry. The goal of the Tri-Parish Ministry is to provide youth based programs which help teens to more actively participate in and grow in our Catholic Future. Future events will be held on July 18th and August 15th. Please join us for all the great events in the Summertime Event Series. PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY ROSARY BEAD MININTRY If you know of anyone who is ill, going to have surgery, depressed, in a nursing home or has lost a loved one please contact the rectory and a prayer shawl or rosary beads will be prepared. Anyone wishing to join may contact Mary Maffia at (508) 4738041 or Barbara Iwanow at (508) 478-3397 or Sandy Bonina at 9508) 473-8254. DID YOU KNOW? Did you know that we have a “PRAYER INTENTION BASKET” located in the vestibule in the Chapel of the Holy Spouses, Mary and Joseph? Paper and pen are waiting for you to write out your particular prayer request (no names please), and each morning, Monday thru Friday, your intention is prayed for by our Rosary Prayer Group after the 7:00 a.m. morning Mass. After the First Friday devotions the petitions are burned and new intentions are collected for the following month. If you have a special need to be prayed for please stop by the Chapel or call the rectory (508)-634-5435 and they will pass it on to Deacon Pat. LEAVING MESSAGES ON THE VOICE MAIL When leaving names and telephone numbers on the RECTORY VOICE MAIL, you should speak slowly and distinctly. Many times we are unable to properly get the names and telephone numbers of the callers because they speak so quickly. One should keep in mind that the secretary or pastor has to write down those items in order to call back. Thank you!!! Please take the time to check out the parish website for pictures, information, upcoming events and interesting links. Parish Financials Parish Support:……...5/31/15……….….$ 12,540.83 Average Wkly. Expenses (May) ……....$ 7,928.21 Thank you for your continued support each week JUNE 7, 2015 LET US REMEMBER IN OUR PRAYERS the lonely and depressed, the hospitalized, the afflicted, the shut-ins, those in nursing homes, all those who need the support of our prayers, the souls who have no one to pray for them, and the souls in purgatory. WHILE YOU ARE AWAY This time of year many are going away during the weekends or throughout the summer. We ask you to please remember that we need your financial support during the summer months. Thank you for mailing in your donations when you are unable to attend Sunday Mass here at Sacred Heart of Jesus. Your efforts make a considerable difference in helping us maintain our weekly budget. Thanks for your support and God Bless!!! The Diocese of Worcester Commission for Women would like to welcome any woman interested in making a difference in our Church and society to come and visit it at one of its meetings. The Commission strives to bond together the women of the Diocese through spiritual, educational, and social programs. Also each year, pertinent booksare studied and discussed them during our meetings. At this time it is reading Pope Francis’s “the Joy of the Gospel” All are welcome on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 7:00-8:30pm in the meeting room, at St. Mary’s Church in Shrewsbury or you may also email us at If you or someone you know has been sexually abused by a priest, religious or lay person working for the church, and need a place to talk about your feeling of betrayal or hurt by the Church, call Frances Nugent, Victim Services Coordinator, Office for Healing and Prevention at (508) 929-4363. A 24hour-a-day confidential voicemail is available. PLEASE REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS OUR MEN AND WOMEN IN THE SERVICE. (THEY SERVE SO THAT WE CAN CELEBRATE OUR FREEDOM).
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