SACRED HEART PARISH Sacred Heart Church/Stamford & St. Philip Neri/Grand Gorge This week’s Sanctuary Candle at SPN is in memory of Alice Maher, req. Family. Saturday, March 14, 2015—Vigil Fourth Sunday of Lent 4:30 pm—Vigil Mass: Sacred Heart Church For the people of the parish Ronald D’Amico, req. Vincent Bivona Sunday, March 15, 2015—Fourth Sunday of Lent 9:00 am—Mass: St. Philip Neri Church Kathleen McManus, req. M/M S. Baker 12:00 noon—Mass: Sacred Heart Church Intentions for Eric vonBrockdorff on his birthday, req. M/M P. LeCluse The Sanctuary Candle at Sacred Heart OR St. Philip Neri may be requested for a week or more in memory of OR for the intentions of a loved one. Please contact Cathie at the parish office for more info. Monday, Mar. 16, 2015 Friday, Mar. 20, 2015 Is 65:17-21; Jn 4:43-54 Wis 2:1a, 12-22; Jn 7:1-2, 10, 25-30 Tuesday, Mar. 17, 2015 Ez 47:1-9, 12; Jn 5:1-16 Monday, March 16, 2015 Wednesday, Mar. 18, 2014 No Mass Scheduled Today! Is 49:8-15; Jn 5:17-30 Tuesday, March 17, 2015 12:00 noon—Mass: Sacred Heart Church In thanksgiving for all Cathie does for parish, req. MM P. LeCluse Karen Shultz, req. Joann Corrao Thursday, Mar. 19, 2015 2 Sam 7:405a, 12-14a, 16; Rms 4:13, 16-18, 22; Mt 1:16, 18-21, 24a Saturday, Mar. 21, 2015 Jer 11:18-20; Jn 7:40-53 Sunday, March 22, 2015 Fifth Sunday of Lent Jer 31:31-34; Heb 5:7-9; Jn 12:20-33 7 pm—Stations of the Cross: SPN Wednesday, March 18, 2015 8:00 am—Mass: Sacred Heart Church Living & Deceased members of the Iannotti Family, req. Fr. Pat Iannotti Brian Farrow, req. Nancy Haney Thursday, March 19, 2015 8:00 am—Mass: Sacred Heart Church Tom Vasta, req. Ronnie Nolan Gloria Marinaccio, req. Fr. Michael Friday, March 20, 2015 12:00 noon—Mass: Sacred Heart Church For the intentions of Joann Corrao, req. Ronnie Nolan Barbara DePalma, req. Joann Corrao Saturday, March 21, 2015—Vigil Fifth Sunday of Lent 4:30 pm—Vigil Mass: Sacred Heart Church Ronald D’Amico, req. K of C Karen Shultz, req. M/M G. Bergleitner Sunday, March 22, 2015—Fifth Sunday of Lent 9:00 am—Mass: St. Philip Neri Church Alfred Ruehle, req. Connie Ruehle Donald Schaefer, req. Christine Schaefer 12:00 noon—Mass: Sacred Heart Church For the people of the parish Barbara DePalma, req. M/M G. Bergleitner Ever wonder what your brothers and sisters in Christ are thinking and feeling about the faith we share? Would you like to be inspired by their stories, or be an inspiration to them by sharing yours? Go to the blog to deepen your love and appreciation for the treasure that is our Catholic faith!!! March 7/8, 2015 Regular Collection: Easter Flowers: $2,260.00 $ 132.00 Average weekly collection income (regular AND special collections) fiscal year to date: $3,825.00 Avg. wkly. needed to balance budget: $4,030.00 Just a reminder, please write the amount in your weekly envelope on the outside. Thank You! Easter Flower envelopes may be placed in any collection basket at our weekend liturgies. Each month we will be listing different items needed for our food pantry. For the month of March items needed are: peanut butter, jelly, pancake mix, pancake syrup. Thank You! Stamford Rotary “Easter Egg Hunt” Saturday, April 4, 2012—11:00 am Children ages 10 and under! Meet in parking lot next to TOPS! MARCH 14/15, 2015 FOURTH SUNDAY OF LENT Annual Parish Lenten Dinner DATE: Friday, March 20, 2015 TIME: 6 pm PLACE: Sacred Heart Parish Hall MENU: Soups, Salad, Rolls COST: Free-will offering Seating is limited to 75 people so sign up early! Sign up sheets are on table at entrance of church. Liturgy Schedule Lector/2 Blood/Body March 21/22, 2015—5th Sunday of Lent 4:30 PM Dwyer Garcia/Cannon/Macaluso 9:00 AM Riedl Martel/Brody/Traver 12:00 NOON J. Wenner Fey/Marigliano/Gibbons March 28/29, 2015—Palm Sunday 4:30 PM vonBrockdorff Garcia/Macaluso/Butler 9:00 AM Svoboda Gurley/Hansen/Thorington 12:00 NOON J. Wenner Gibbons/Triolo/Bergleitner Mass of the Lord’s Supper April 2, 2015 7 pm Mass of the Lord’s Supper—SHC 10 pm Night Prayer—SHC Good Friday April 3, 2015 12 Noon Stations of the Cross—SPN 1st Day of Novena to the Divine Mercy—SPN 7 pm Passion Service—SHC Holy Saturday April 4, 2015 10:30 am Morning Prayer—SPN 2nd Day of Novena to the Divine Mercy—SPN 8:00 pm Easter Vigil—SHC Reception in parish hall following Mass Sacraments for the Sick and Dying Please Read Carefully! In order for the faithful people of God to receive all the sacraments in times of serious illness, injury, and / or near the time of death, it is extremely important to notify the pastor as soon as any of these events occur. Sacraments may only be celebrated by the living; they cannot be celebrated after death. Furthermore, the sacrament of reconciliation can only be celebrated when a person still has the ability to communicate. Even more importantly, receiving communion as viaticum, which is what Last Rites are, is only possible while a person is still able to swallow, even if only a small piece of the Body of Christ, or a drop of his Precious Blood. Please do not wait to inform the pastor of loved ones’ serious health condition until death is imminent, but contact him at the onset of any serious event, so that they may receive all the sacraments they need, as often as they need them, until either recovery or death occurs. Sometimes things happen very quickly, and the timely celebration of sacraments is not always possible. A person can be anointed even if unconscious, but the sacrament of anointing of the sick does not constitute Last Rites by itself. It can be part of that celebration if needed, but to receive communion as viaticum is to receive Last Rites, and every measure should be taken to see that this can be done. Liz Arrandale Vic Barraclough Robin Botease Lori Brownell Barbara Bunn Joseph Burakowski Donna Cambi Pete Cambi Carolyn Cioccari Linda Connaghan Eileen Donahue Frank Dwyer Joyce Falcone Andy Finnigan Bridget Fox Frank Freel Carmen Garcia Ed Gier Theresa Gier Cyndee Ann Giresi Lori Graysecki Michael Harrison Alec Hitt Anna Hitt Jeannie Hults Stephen Johnson Karl Kneis Marlies Kneis Alivia Rose (Leonardo) George Lynch Kathy Masiello Mason Mattice Peg McCracken Sandy Lane McGlynn Nora Mercier Francisco Miccio Jean Millar Linda Oblinski Christopher Palumbo Martin Peraglie Barbara Petosa Jeffrey Powell Therese Powell Mark Russell Rose Marie Saitta Gus Scannapieco Rosemary Scannapieco Al Simon Trisha Stampfly Gerry Stock Vivian Tait Lorraine Tyler Theresa Vamosy Dan Volpe Cathy Weale Annette Welch Jackie White
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