SAINT CECILIA PARISH MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY, OCTOBER 18 5:00 PM Kathleen Maletich (Birthday Remembrance), req. by Mark & Georgann Collins SUNDAY, OCTOBER 19 – TWENTY-NINTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME rd 8:00 AM Dr. Arthur Goodwin (3 Anniversary), req. by his wife, Jean rd 9:30 AM Allan Forrant (3 Anniversary), req. by his Family th 11:00 AM Kurt Kober (26 Anniversary), req. by his Family MONDAY, OCTOBER 20– MIRACULOUS MEDAL NOVENA 5:30 PM Jack Driscoll, req. by his Family TUESDAY, OCTOBER 21 st 9:00 AM Yolanda Heini, (1 Anniversary), req. by the Parish Community of St. Cecilia WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 22 9:00 AM Anthony Polom (Anniversary Remembrance), req. by Mary THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23 nd 9:00 AM David Coppolo (2 Anniversary), req. by Betty Crinella FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24 st 9:00 AM Helen Patavino (1 Anniversary), req. by the Parish Community of St. Cecilia SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25 2:30 PM WEDDING: Steven Della Rovere & Allison King 5:00 PM Marina Vargas & Susan Alvarado, req. by her Family SUNDAY, OCTOBER 26 – THIRTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 8:00 AM Helen Patavino, req. by David & Ann Marie Curtin 9:30 AM Leo Edward McGrath, req. by the Parish Community of St. Cecilia th 11:00 AM Serafino “Skee” Fusco (10 Anniversary), req. by his Wife & Family PARISH STEWARDSHIP The collection for the weekend of October 12, 2014 $11,711.54 – Weekly Envelopes THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! First Reading: Isaiah 45:1, 4-6 Cyrus, King of Persia and friend to the Jewish people, becomes the Lord’s anointed one, and through God’s intervention, returns the Jews to their own country. Second Reading: 1 Thessalonians 1:1-5b Paul rejoices that the Thessalonians, newly converted to Christianity, are displaying remarkable constancy in their new-found faith. Gospel: Matthew 22:15-21 Seeking to entrap Jesus in his speech, the hostile and hypocritical Pharisees ask him this dangerous question, “Is it lawful to pay tax to the emperor or not?” Realizing their treacherous motives, Jesus asks for a Roman coin, and pointing to the inscription of Caesar’s, he answers, “Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s, but give to God what is God’s.” © 1999 Bon Venture Services, Inc. We wish to offer our sympathy and a promise of our prayers to family and friends in memory of Linda Anthony, Barbara Lynch, Richard G. Morace, Michael Schmidt (Son of Ken Schmidt) and John “Jack” Sullivan. ST. CECILIA ANNUAL MASS OF REMEMBRANCE November, the month of All Saints and All Souls, is a time to remember the life and love of our departed loved ones. This year, All Souls Day is November 2. We will celebrate our Mass of Remembrance on this special day with a 1:30 PM liturgy. You and your family are invited to attend this Mass. ALL ARE WELCOME. Mass on WPA Channel 5 – Sundays at 7:00 AM and Saturdays at 7:00 PM TWENTY-NINTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME FAMILY HOLY HOUR Please join us for the Family Holy Hour, Tuesday, October 28, from 6:00-7:00 PM. The evening includes praise and worship music, led by St. Cecilia’s Youth Choir, and Eucharistic Adoration. Children making their First Communion are encouraged to come and help lead the Rosary. Father Daniel Cymer will be available for confession from 6:00-6:45 PM, and will conclude the holy hour with benediction. Light refreshments will be served following the service. BLUE MASS The Most Reverend Mitchell Rozanski, Bishop of Springfield cordially invites all law enforcement, fire and correctional officers to attend the 2014 Blue Mass at St. Michael's Cathedral, on Saturday, October 25 at 6:00 PM. Those attending should dress in Class A uniforms and arrive at 5:30 PM for line of march into Cathedral. All are invited to attend as we show support and honor these brave men and women who serve our communities. This Mass will be taped for broadcast the following morning at 10:00 AM on the Chalice of Salvation (WWLP 22News). For more information, please call Father Gary Dailey (413 448-1172). WILBRAHAM/HAMPDEN CROP WALK The Wilbraham/Hampden Crop Walk will be held on Sunday, November 2 at 1:00 PM. The walk will begin at the Christ the King Lutheran Church, 758 Main Street, Wilbraham. The walking loop is 3.1 miles, starting at the church. For information, please contact Pastor Nathaniel (596-3045 or [email protected]). MESSAGES FROM HEAVEN The Catholic Woman’s Club of Springfield and the Women’s Guild of Mount Carmel Church of Springfield will jointly offer a concert of live music and personal story on Medjugorje from Barry Kingston of New Spirit Ministry, Inc. At Medjugorje in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Our Blessed Mother appeared to six young people beginning in 1981. The program will take place at Mount Carmel Church, 123 William Street on Sunday October 26 at th 3:00 PM and will commemorate the 90 year of incorporation of the Catholic Woman’s Club of Springfield. All are invited to attend. A free-will offering will be accepted. Refreshments will follow in the Marian Hall downstairs. There is a 6:00 PM Mass in the Church following the program. th 39 ANNUAL CATHOLIC CHARISMATIC RENEWAL RETREAT th The 39 Annual Catholic Charismatic Renewal Retreat will be held Friday, October 31-Sunday, November 2 at the Holy Family Passionist Retreat Center, West Hartford, CT. This year’s theme is “Heart of Jesus, Heart of Mercy”. The presenter will be Father Richard McAlear, OMI. This year th Father is in his 44 year of service of the Lord as a priest. His healing ministry has brought love, peace and truth of the Holy Spirit to just about every part of the world. The cost of the retreat is $115 (days only), $230 (single room) or $215 (double room). The cost includes 4 meals (three on Saturday and one on Sunday). Make checks payable to CCR and mail to Lorraine Bernier, th 39 Annual Charismatic Retreat, 119 Blisswood Village Drive, Ludlow, MA 01056. For credit card information, please call Lorraine (547-0118). WREATH SALE Boy Scout Troop 359 is having their Annual Christmas Wreath Sale. This is the troop’s major fundraiser for the year. The boys raise money for their trips, equipment and summer camp. The scouts will be taking orders in the Rotunda after all Masses on October 25/26. Wreaths are priced from $16 to $21 and are decorated with a red bow, pine cones and holly berries. They will be available for pickup after Masses on the weekends of November 29/30 and December 6/7. For more information, call Kenny Lynch (413 883-5434). The Wilbraham Women’s Club has scheduled its Annual Luncheon and Fashion Show for Thursday, October 30 at the Ludlow Country Club. The social hour begins at 11:30 AM followed by the luncheon at 12:15 PM. Women’s fashions will be provided by The Little Black Dress of Enfield; the men’s fashions will be provided by Jos. A. Bank Clothiers of Longmeadow. The cost of the luncheon is $27, tax and tip included. Luncheon choices are: Grilled Salmon, Chicken Francaise, Roast Pork Loin. For reservations call Norma Bandarra (596-8173). The deadline for reservations is October 23. On Tuesdays during the rest of the month of October, the rosary will be said during Adoration at 8:15 PM, led by Father Cymer. Please join us, as all are welcome. OCTOBER 19, 2014 St. Cecilia Catholic Women’s Club It was great to see so many of you at our October meeting. Thank you to all who attended! I hope you all had a good time. Thank you to Jane Soukup for scheduling Noah Lis to entertain us. He was a great hit! Be sure to mark your calendar for our next meeting, Tuesday, November 11 in the Parish Center at 7:00 PM. Our guest will be Dr. Steve Sobel, Speaker Extraordinaire. He's one of the country's most sought after and adored motivational speaker, educator and humorist. His presentations are always enjoyable and enlightening. We are still collecting jewelry, scarves and small handbags for the Rummage Sale. You can leave those items in the tote box near the Book Rack in the Rotunda. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS COUNCIL 10195 The St. Cecilia Knights of Columbus will convene its monthly Business Meeting in the Parish Center this Tuesday, October 21. Knights and those interested in membership are urged to join us for the Rosary at 6:00 PM and dinner at 6:30 PM. The meeting for members only will convene after dinner. RUMMAGE! RUMMAGE! While doing your fall cleaning, remember the Women's Club Annual Rummage Sale which will be held on November 7 & 8. Items needed are gently used clothing, toys, puzzles, books, DVD's, household items, curtains, towels, sheets, & linens. Jewelry, scarves & small purses are now being collected. They can be left in the box with the orange top in the Rotunda hallway. Donations of skates, skis, sports equipment, furniture, electrical appliances or shoes cannot be accepted. Please do not leave any donations until the drop-off begins on Monday, November 3! If you have any questions, please call Ann Mango (596-3628). Donation drop-off closes on Thursday, November 6 at 2:00 PM! St. Michael's Academy will be hosting an Admissions Information Night for families interested in applying for enrollment for students in grades 6 and 7 for the 2015-2016 school year. This event will be held at the Academy, 153 Eddywood Street, Springfield, on Wednesday, October 22 from 6:00-7:00 PM. For more information or to register for the event, please contact Melissa Lambert, Director of Admissions, (782-5246 or via e-mail: [email protected]). The Knights of Columbus 25/100 CLUB is back! The St. Cecilia KOC invites you to participate in enabling our charitable activities, while having fun, and maybe profit. One ticket is $25, and includes the named individual in 10 drawings for $100 each, and an 11th drawing for $500. Better yet, if you buy three tickets, the fourth is free. Single tickets with an announcement and books of 4 tickets are available in the Rotunda; more can be purchased from Pete Martinelli (330-6530). Tickets will be sold through December 31 and may be mailed or dropped in the collection basket with the donation. They make a great stocking stuffer. The first ten drawings will be at the January & February 2015 Council Meetings and the Grand Prize will be drawn at the St. Patrick's Dinner. COLLEGE FAIR Cathedral High School’s Annual College Fair sponsored by the Counseling Department will be held on Thursday, October 23 at the school campus on 310 Main St., Wilbraham. This is open to all area high school students, their parents, and school counselors. From 5:30-6:30 PM there will be a Financial Aid Program for parents conducted by a MEFA financial aid professional. Representatives from approximately 70 colleges and universities throughout the country will be present from 6:00-8:00 PM to answer questions concerning academic requirements, courses, school atmosphere, and costs. For further information call the Counseling Office (782-5285) or e-mail Janet Kelly ([email protected]). FRENCH MEAT PIES Yes, it’s that time of year to place your order for those delicious “homemade” French meat pies. They are made right here at our Pastoral Center. Individual-sized pies are only $3 each. Order plenty for yourself, family members and friends, or freeze them for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Who wouldn’t want to receive a dozen or so as a holiday gift? To place your order, call the Center (547-0239) up until 4:00 PM or the rectory (583-3467), Monday–Friday from 8:00 AM-4:00 PM. When ordering, please give your first and last name, phone number, the date and approximate time you plan to collect your pies and number of pies you are ordering. Pick-up times at the Pastoral Center are: 12:00–5:00 PM on the following days: October 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31.Thanks for your support.
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