17 Ann Avenue • Valley Park, MO 63088 • 636-225-5268 www.sacredheartvp.org Making Peace Possible An ancient tradition says that Jerusalem means City of Peace. Through the centuries Jerusalem has been anything but a city of peace. It has been attacked, destroyed, and plundered on numerous occasions. Today it is the eye of a storm that is causing death and destruction. Jesus rode into Jerusalem to become its messiah. He came not at the head of a conquering army but riding on a donkey, the animal we refer to as an ass. He came not to play God but to “empty himself and take the form of a slave.” He came to face rejection: “With that, all deserted him and fled.” Mark’s picture of Jesus’ rejection is bleak. There are no disciples around at the end, no relatives, not even God: “Why have you forsaken me?” What will it take for us to understand the meaning of the cross, how Jesus made peace possible by his own suffering and dying? We keep thinking that we will bring peace by killing others in war; Jesus showed us that we bring peace by dying for others. That earthly peace which arises from love of neighbor symbolizes and results from the peace of Christ who comes forth from God the Father. For by His cross the incarnate Son, the Prince of Peace, reconciled all men with God. By thus restoring the unity of all men in one people and one body, He slew hatred in His own flesh. After being lifted on high by His resurrection, He poured the Spirit of love into the hearts of men. For this reason, all Christians are urgently summoned ‘to practice the truth in love’ (Eph. 4:15) and to join with all true peacemakers in pleading for peace and bringing it about. Vatican II, Church in the Modern World (1965) 78 PALM SUNDAY OF THE LORD’S PASSION • MARCH 29, 2015 2 IN PRAYER Mass Intentions and Readings Monday, March 30 Monday of Holy Week Is 42:1-7 Ps 27:1-3,13-14 Jn 12:1-11 6:30 am † John R. Sutton 8:00 am † David Strake Tuesday, March 31 Tuesday of Holy Week Is 49:1-6 Ps 71:1-4a,5-6b,15,17 Jn 13:21-33, 36-38 6:30 am † Greg Sullivan 8:00 am † George Gantner, III Wednesday, April 1 Wednesday of Holy Week Is 50:4-9a Ps 69:8-10,21-22,31,33-34 Mt 26:14-25 6:30 am † Alvina Buck 8:00 am † Carolyn Mae Barger Thursday, April 2 Holy Thursday Mass of the Lord’s Supper Ex 12:1-8, 11-14 Ps 116:12-13,15-16c,17-18 1 Cor 11:23-26 Jn 13:1-15 7:00 pm † Sidney Kleg Friday, April 3 Good Friday Celebration of the Lord’s Passion Is 52:13--53:12 Ps 31:2,6,12-13,15-17,25 Heb 4:14-16; 5:7-9 Jn 18:1--19:42 Saturday, April 4 The Easter Vigil in the Holy Night Gn 1:1--2:2 Ps 104:1-2,5-6,10,12-14,24,35 Gn 22:1-18 Ps 16:5,8-11 Ex 14:15--15:1 (Ps) Ex 15:1-6,17-18 Ez 36:16-17a, 18-28 Pss 42:3,5; 43:3-4 Mk 16:1-7 8:00 pm † JoAnn Scherrer Sunday, April 5 Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord Acts 10:34a, 37-43 Ps 118:1-2,16-17,22-23 Col 3:1-4 or 1 Cor 5:6b-8 Jn 20:1-9 CHURCH: 7:00 am † Katherine Remy 8:30 am † Dee Broemmelsick 10:15 am Parishioners 12:00 pm † Barbara Bobelak PARISH CENTER: 8:30 am † George Gantner, III 10:15 am † Marcella Obranovich As You Pray This Week Remember Those Who Are Sick Ken Miller Julia Drummond Mary Jo Tuberty Adele Schmid Dale Pracht Mike Hamm Roger Welsh Dottie Blair Evelyn Grzeskowiak Matt Courtney Dolores Gebaur Verna Dodge Dale Cox Rich Barbieri Kyle Wilken Bill Salsmon Melissa Gibson Joe Kline Patricia Bowser Nancy Libera Dan Callahan Marian Menz Janet Popp Peter McGauly Charles Nahlik Roberts Family Linda Dunn Kate Long Kilgore Shirley Jones Florence Gunter Norma Buffa Barb Murdock Rose Westermann David McCarthy Corey Rolwes Addison Sokeland Madeline Seward Connie Hagedorn Cecelia Hagedorn Patty Burres Brown Family Donna Renaud Evan Merli Jack Hermen Remember Those In Service to Our Country Chris Hardy Katie Alsup Nicholas Knudtson Michael Duncan Robert Ottinger Scott Ottinger Kurtis Colona Colleen Hunter Ken Hardy Carl Degenhart Darine Bram Ian Hunter Brian Cox Baptisms Zachary Stephen Knock son of Adam and Stacey Emily Ann Cochran daughter of John and Mae Olivia Marie Grellner son of Christopher and Angela Welcome New Parishioners to Sacred Heart If you are searching for a place to call “home,” why not join our Parish Family? Simply complete this form and return it to Monica in the Parish Office, or call her at 636225-5268. Name _____________________________________________________________ Address ___________________________________________________________ City/State/Zip Code __________________________________________________ Phone _____________________________________________________________ T his week’s Prayer Intention For all Christians: that they may embrace the joy of this Holy Week with a commitment to repent of past sins and strive for holiness. Your Gift to God Sunday, March 22: Regular Contributions........................................ $27,203.06 Budgeted Amount ............................................. $29,000.00 Excess (Deficit) ......................................................($1,796.94) February weekly average .................................. $26,851.45 “Preserving our Heritage” - February.............. $134,087.50 Church Sound System Improvement Goal ...... $38,000.00 Collected to date ............................................... ($16,438.00) Balance ................................................................ $21,562.00 FROM OUR PASTOR, FR. DENNY Gathering in Prayer for our Holiest Days of the Year This holy week I ask all our families to make the effort of joining us in prayer. All of us, no matter what our age, should know that our presence for the liturgies is needed. We need this whole community to gather together in prayer on our GREATEST AND HOLIEST OF DAYS. The Triduum begins with the evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper and concludes with evening prayer on Easter Sunday. Understanding the Triduum as one three-day-long liturgy can help us in celebrating these very Holy Days. Holy Thursday Mass of the Lord’s Supper 7:00 pm is our entrance into the Triduum celebration. There is no dismissal or conclusion to this liturgy...because the days of prayer continue through Good Friday.… 3 ...Good Friday we gather with no introductory rites at 7:00 pm and leave without a concluding rite. We continue our prayer commemorating the death of the Lord.… ...Holy Saturday we gather in darkness outside at 8:00 pm in vigil to hear the stories of our faith and renew the promises of our baptism. This vigil overflows into the celebration of Easter. ...Easter Sunday is a day of reveling in the mystery of the Resurrection. Lent was 40 days; Easter is celebrated for 50 days! ALLELUIA! ALLELUIA!!! LENT AND EASTER are the very core of the Church year. The Triduum (Holy Thursday, Good Friday & Holy Saturday) gives meaning to Lent, which precedes it, and to the Fifty Days of Easter, which follow it. These days are central because they draw us into the heart of our identity as church. The mystery of Jesus’ death and resurrection is the core CARDINAL RIGALI CENTER 20 ARCHBISHOP MAY DRIVE ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI 63119 P) 314.792.7841 F) 314.792.7842 ARCHSTL.ORG ARCHDIOCESE OF ST. LOUIS OFFICE OF THE ARCHBISHOP Dear Priests, Deacons and Faithful of the Archdiocese of St. Louis, On Good Friday, April 3, 2015, the annual collection for the Holy Land will be taken up in parishes throughout the Archdiocese of St. Louis. I am requesting all parishes in the Archdiocese of St. Louis take up this collection on Good Friday in support of the Holy Land. The Gospel message of compassion confirms the need for the Good Friday collection in support of our brothers and sisters in the Holy Land. We must recognize how much the generous concern of Catholics around the world has already accomplished in this tumultuous area of the world. Our financial assistance supports the Holy Sites, but also those pastoral, charitable, educational and social works, which the Church supports in the Holy Land for the welfare of their Christian brethren and of the local communities. More specifically, these resources come to the aid of families, often enhancing or saving the lives of the old, the sick, and the disabled. In addition, aid is provided to the unemployed and to youth that seek a brighter future. I want to ask you for your generous support of the collection for the Holy Land on Good Friday, April 3, 2015. Sincerely yours in Christ, Most Reverend Robert J. Carlson Archbishop of St. Louis of our faith, and our participation in the mystery through the celebration of baptism defines what it means for the community to be church. Update on the Sound System for the Church The permanent installation of the sound system for Church is scheduled to begin the week of April 6. It is a two week installation process. The total cost is $38,000. We have set up a special fund to be able to pay for it, since it was not budgeted. The reason we have decided to go forward at this time is the overall positive improvement that is needed for the quality of our worship. So far from the Men’s Club and donations of parishioners we have collected $16,438.00. Thank you for your support and patience while this is being installed. THIS WEEK’S READINGS Isaiah 50:4-7 The Mystery of Suffering The speaker of today’s first reading is a victim. He speaks, but people beat him, pull out the hairs of his beard, slap and spit on him. Why? He suffers all this because he has spoken God’s word. Every morning God speaks to him and enables him to speak to others. This word gets him into trouble. But the speaker does not quit. Nor does he curse God who gives him these pointed words. He remains firm, committed to the word God gives him, even in the face of resistance. Although Isaiah wrote about the difficulties faced by faithful Israel in the midst of enemies, Christians read through these lines and see the image of Jesus. He received God’s word, spoke it with eloquence, and suffered at the hands of his enemies. Do your words ever get you into trouble? Does it happen even when you say the right thing? If so, you stand in a long line of those who suffer because they are servants of God. The victim on the cross hangs in full view in our churches. Christians can face the agony of suffering as it befell Jesus and as it comes to us, because we know there is something more. OUR SPIRITUAL JOURNEY 4 Holy Thursday Thursday,April2 Good Friday Friday,April3 Stations of the Cross Celebration of the Mass of the Lord’s Supper Lord’s Passion 3:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm Share in the supper of the Lord and experience the Holy Saturday communalwashingoffeet. Saturday,April4 Eucharistic Adoration at the Altar of Repose The Easter Vigil The procession with the Blessed Sacrament leads us to 8:00pm prayerfollowingMassuntil12:00midnight WesingAlleluiaforthe irsttimein40daysaswelight thenew ireandblessthenewwaters. Eucharistic Adoration "DO YOU LOVE ME?" Jesus asked St. Peter three times if he loved Him. St. Peter's final response: “Lord, You know everything. You know that I love You." Do you love Jesus? Will you commit to spend one hour a week with Him? Jesus is waiting! Adoration is every weekend from 7:30 pm on Sunday -Monday at 1:00 pm. Contact Judy Barger by email at [email protected] or call 636-343-6025 with any questions. PLEASE NOTE: There is NO Eucharistic Adoration over Easter Weekend - April 5-6, 2015 CO-ED Faith Sharing Group Join us every Wednesday from 7:30 - 8:30 pm in the Sacred Heart Room on the lower level of the church. Call Mary Grace Villmer-314-537-7800; Jeff Villmer - 314-686-2977 or Sister Cathy at 636-225-5268 with questions. Praying the Rosary red rose for you at the Blessed Mother statue in church. Our parish community will pray for you and your child and all expectant mothers during their pregnancy or during their wait for adoption. You are invited to join the Knights of Columbus outdoors around the Sacred Heart statue on the lower plaza in praying the rosary on Wednesday, April 1st at 6:30 pm. The prayer will consist of one full mystery consisting of 5 decCatholic Radio ades. Contact Greg Echele for more Are you looking for a simple way to information by phone at 636-861-9838 make this your best Lent ever? Try setor e-mail to: [email protected]. ting your radio on our local Catholic station in the car, at work and at home. Prayers and Roses for Tune in to AM 1460 KHOJ. It’s life Expectant Mothers changing! For a program schedule and Expecting or adopting? Contact Pat a free CD, please call 314-752-7000 or Snyder at 314-795-8103 or 636-343-6644 toll-free 1-877-305-1234. so the Respect Life group can place a Sacred Heart Respect Life Committee ([email protected]) Forty Days for Life Campaign: Thank you to all the parishioners who volunteered to prayerfully stand outside Planned Parenthood (Forest Park location) last Sunday, March 22nd during the 40 Days for Life Campaign. Shawn Carney, the campaign director recently wrote: Here’s a fact to keep in the front of your mind – Your prayer presence at abortion facilities saves lives. Former Planned Parenthood workers have said that the noshow rate for abortion appointments goes as high as 75 % when people are peacefully praying outside. That’s 3 out of 4 moms who never make it to their appointments because of your presence. For more information, please visit their website: 40daysforlife.com. SACRED HEART SCHOOL Dear Parishioners of Sacred HeartOur students are growing in faith during this Lenten season. They know the true meaning of Lent and are journeying with Jesus in many ways through many activities and prayers during this holy time. At our all-school prayer services in our school foyer, even our preschoolers can answer my questions about Lent and Easter. We wish all of you a blessed Lenten season. We invite you to our All School Mass on Wednesday, April 1. If you know anyone who is interested in our Preschool and Elementary School please have them contact the office. We are currently adding a 5 day Preschool 4’s program here at Sacred Heart and we are now accepting registrations. If you are interested in touring our school, please contact the office. I would be glad to show you around our school and all the wonderful things going on at Sacred Heart Catholic School. Again, I would like to thank you for your continued support of Sacred Heart Catholic School. If you would like to share your time and talent with the school please contact us either by phone or email. Blessings, Mr. Larry Hoskins Principal Sacred Heart School SACRED HEART SCHOOL CALENDAR Monday, March 30: Wednesday, April 1: 3:00 pm Faculty Meeting 8:00 am All School Mass Middle School Awards (Following Mass) Easter Break School Resumes April 2-April 6: Monday, April 7: YOUTH MINISTRY What’s happening in March ??? 29th Life Night RELIGIOUS EDUCATION 5 PSR Registration for the 2015-2016 School Year is Online! CURRENT PSR FAMILIES SHOULD HAVE RECEIVED AN EMAIL FROM THE RELIGIOUS EDUCATION OFFICE WITH THE LINK TO REGISTER THEIR CHILD(REN) FOR PSR . Sacred Heart’s Parish School of Religion is for all children in grades 1 through 8 who attend a public or private nonCatholic school. It is very important that we put our children’s religious education as a number one priority. Sacred Heart PSR will not refuse religious education because of any family’s inability to pay tuition fees. FAMILIES NEW TO THE PSR PROGRAM NEED TO REGISTER ONLINE AT THE FOLLOWING LINK OR GO TO THE PARISH WEBSITE AND CLICK ON THE LINK TO REGISTER. https://apforms.rediker.com/APOnlineForms/index.aspx? schoolid=3F776985FD054DAF8D6F3AC9B4D32C73&Register Now=YES Jesus and Me There will be NO Jesus and Me class on Easter, April 5. Sacred Heart Parish offers a Sunday Preschool program, “Jesus and Me” for children ages 3, 4, and 5 during the 10:15 am Mass on Sunday. Registration forms for the 2915-2016 school year are available in the Religious Education Office, the back of Church, the Parish Office, or on the parish website. Vacation Bible School – June 8-12 “Everest – Conquering Challenges with God’s Mighty Power” Embark on an icy expedition where kids overcome obstacles with God's awesome power. Anchor kids in rock-solid Bible truths that will guide them through life's challenges. Online registration is now open. Please consult the parish website to register. Adult and Student volunteers are needed. Adult and student volunteers need to register online, also. May your Lenten journey be a time of spiritual growth and change. Peace! Cheryl Degenhart PLEASE NOTE: There is NO Life Night Easter Sunday, April 5th Happy Easter! *Twilight Prayer: Wednesdays, 7:00 - 9:00 pm “Sacred Heart-Valley Park Youth Group” @SHVPYouthGroup NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY INDUCTEES Congratulations to parishioners Annaliese Kemp, Brandon Novak, Joseph Seib, Lauren Davis, and Emma Vogel who were inducted into the National Honor Society at Kennedy Catholic High School. AROUND THE PARISH 6 Sunday, April 19, 2015 2:00 – 5:00 pm SACRED HEART PARISH CENTER Reservations Required by April 13, 2015. No admission fee. A free will donation will be taken, and raffles will be available, all to benefit the St. Vincent DePaul Society There are 2 ways to make a reservation: by hosting a table, or simply reserving a space and joining the fun. Table Hostesses will compete for cash prizes by decorating their table with the theme, and serving food of their choice. Theme for the day is: “Sunday Afternoon…” For more information or to reserve a table, visit the parish website: www.sacredheartvp.org or contact: Patti Anderson at 314-852-1992 or email [email protected] Feeding the Homeless homeless and would like to do so please contact Jacalyn MarThe monthly chili mac casseroles for St. Patrick’s Center quart at [email protected] or call her at 573-301are due to be brought in NEXT weekend. Please place yours 0654. in the freezer downstairs by the Church Hall and don’t forget Ladies Club to pick up a pan and lid for next month. If you are not alEaster blessings to everyone! The next meeting of the Laready helping with this worthwhile ministry of feeding the dies Club is Tuesday, April 7th at 7:00 pm. Meetings are held homeless and would like to do so please contact Jacalyn Marin the St. Anthony room below the church. We will be colquart at [email protected] or call her at 573-301lecting gift cards in any amount, to any store, to be used as 0654. The monthly chili mac casseroles for St. Patrick’s Cenraffle prizes at the Fashion Show and Tea on April 19th. You ter are due to be brought in NEXT weekend. Please place can also drop off gift card donations at the business office yours in the freezer downstairs by the Church Hall and don’t attention Ladies Club. We look forward to you joining us for forget to pick up a pan and lid for next month. If you are not fun and fellowship. already helping with this worthwhile ministry of feeding the FOR THOSE 55 AND OLDER Cost: $7.00 pp ($9.00 after Mar. 25th) Monthly Meeting and Social MONDAY, MARCH 30, 2015 - 11:15 AM Enclose fee and drop registration in collection basket or bring to the Parish Office. We look forward to seeing all of you! Join us! NAME ________________________________________________________ PHONE ________________________________________________________ # ATTENDING __________________ AROUND THE COMMUNITY FROM OUR ASSOCIATE PASTOR 7 Circle of Concern Tax Preparation The Circle of Concern is a site for the AARP Tax-Aide program that provides free assistance for those filing 2014 federal and state income tax returns. Persons over 55 and those with low incomes are invited, but no one will be turned away. Appointments on Tuesdays are reserved for Circle of Concern clients. Appointments for Thursdays, through April 15th, may be made by calling 314-525-1660. If there are any questions, please contact the Circle of Concern at 636-8612623. Catholic Singles The Catholic Singles softball and sand volleyball leagues begin in April. If interested, contact [email protected]. Also, the CSAC Spring Dance will be held at Church of the Ascension on Saturday, April 18th from 8:00 pm - 12:00 am. For more information contact Gina at [email protected] Thomas Merton: Contemplative Prophet A Workshop Led by Don Goergen, OP at Mercy Center, Frontenac will be held on Saturday, April 18 at the Mercy Center in Frontenac. Registration begins at 8:30 am, the program runs from 9:00 am - 3:00 pm. Thomas Merton was a monk, a writer, and a conscience for his world. Committed to contemplative living, to social consciousness, and to dialogue with Eastern religious traditions, he spoke to the hearts of 20th century concerns. During this workshop, as we reflect on these themes in Merton’s life and writings, we will attempt to bring home a deeper integration of action and contemplation in our own lives. The presenter is Don Goergen, OP, who is Adjunct Professor of Systematic Theology and Philosophy at Aquinas Institute of Theology and is the former Prior of the Dominican formation community. Total cost for the day is $60 (includes lunch) and is due April 2. Contact: Bonnie Green at [email protected] or 314-909-4677. Birthright Card Party FRIENDS OF BIRTHRIGHT will hold their annual card party and luncheon on Wednesday, April 8th from 10:30 am to 2:30 pm at St. Clement Parish Center, 1508 Bopp Road in Des Peres. The cost per person is $30.00. Make your reservation by sending your name and those playing with you, along with your check made out to "Birthright" to: Jane Johans, 12335 Ironstone, Des Peres, MO 63131. T oday’s saint sends us back to the Acts of the Apostles. St. Barnabas was born in Cyprus of a Jewish family. He was of the Tribe of Levi, the priestly tribe of Israel, and thus, it sounds as though he spent a lot of time travelling to Jerusalem to assist in the Temple duties. He was the cousin of St. Mark the Evangelist, and worked frequently with him throughout his ministry. The Acts of the Apostles tells us that he converted to Christianity after Pentecost, and sold all his property, giving the money to the Church to help the poor. St. Barnabas is considered to be ranked among the Apostles, but not one of them, similar to St. Paul, and indeed, he was esteemed as the greatest Christian of the first generation aside from St. Paul and the Apostles. St. Luke, who is usually pretty reserved, gushed about him in the Acts of the Apostles, saying that he was “a good man, full of the Holy Spirit and faith.” St. Barnabas spent much of his ministry as a companion to St. Paul, and in fact, when many people didn’t believe that St. Paul’s conversion was authentic, Barnabas stood as his sponsor. I guess that makes him the first RCIA sponsor or the first godparent! With Paul, he worked in preaching to the gentiles in Antioch, then moved on to Cyprus, then Asia Minor. His preaching was so eloquent that the Greek people in Asia Minor were trying to sacrifice bulls to him – they thought St. Paul was Hermes and St. Barnabas was Zeus! St. Barnabas was present at the Council of Jerusalem, where he lobbied for a dispensation from circumcision and dietary laws for the gentiles he was preaching to. So thank St. Barnabas the next time you eat bacon! Not much is known about St. Barnabas after the Scriptural references in St. Paul’s letters and the Acts of the Apostles. Some stories have him as the first Bishop of Milan. Others have him preaching in Alexandria, and others Rome, where he supposedly converted St. Clement, who as you recall from a previous article, was the fourth pope. Some Early Christian Fathers say that he wrote a document called the Epistle of Barnabas, but evidence suggests that it was written a century later by some quasi-Christian factions. The document is very harsh on Jews, which seems odd, given that he had been a Jew (and a Levite at that!), and it is no wonder this document was not included among the inspired texts of the New Testament. Traditions hold that he was martyred in Cyprus, his native country. The story goes that he was attacked by Jewish leaders who were annoyed by and jealous of his success as he was preaching in their synagogues. He was stoned to death by the crowds, bearing witness to Christ. His cousin St. Mark was present for his martyrdom, and buried his body there. Today, St. Barnabas is considered the patron of Cyprus (of course), peacemakers, and of all things, is invoked against hailstorms. So there you go. See you next week as we head back to the Early Church Fathers! SPORTS NEWS AND SCHEDULES Sunday, March 29 1:30 pm Basketball - Boys City County Playoffs KA/KI 7:00 pm Adult Open Gym KA/KI Monday, March 30 Tuesday, March 31 8 Wednesday, April 1 6:00 pm Basketball - Boys City County Playoffs KA/KI Thursday, April 2 Friday, April 3 GYM CLOSED - EASTER SET UP Saturday, April 4 GYM CLOSED - EASTER SET UP KEY: KA - Kateri Court • KI - Kister Court THINGS TO CONSIDER Mid-life Singles (mid-30s to 50s) During this spring series Father Gregory Heille, O.P., will share insights from his new book - The Preaching of Pope Francis: Missionary Discipleship and the Ministry of the Word The sessions are held on Tuesday evenings from 6:30 8:30 pm. Participate in as many sessions as you wish. The cost is $25 per session; $100 for all 5 sessions. To register, or for more information, call 314-256-8807 or email: [email protected] The themes each week are as follows: March 31: A Pope Francis’s Preaching Preacher as Pope; April 7: You Cannot Imprison the Word of the Lord; April 14: The Gospel Preached with Unction; April AND THE CALL TO MISSIONARY DISCIPLESHIP From the first moments of his papacy, Pope Francis has 21: We Testify to the Word with Our Lives; April 28: Pope been an evangelist, telling us that the Word of God and the Francis, Easter, and Mary Magdalene. Presented by the Theology for Life Series of Aquinas Instiministry of sharing it belongs to everyone. And people in tute of Theology. every station of life are listening! Rregister today for a life-changing REFLECT weekend retreat at King’s House Retreat Center, Belleville, IL (20 min. from downtown St. Louis), on April 17-19, 2015. Cost is just $185 for meals and a single room. Take a chance and get involved... you won't regret it! Call 312-532-8286, email [email protected], or visit www.ReflectRetreat.comfor details. AUCTION VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL 2015 Welcome to Everest: Conquering Challenges With God's Mighty Power! You’re in luck.....there are still tickets available for the Home & School Auction! Sacred Heart’s Dinner Auction is quickly heading your way on Saturday, April 11th, the doors open at 6:00 pm. We want you to Be There or Be Square! Signing up to attend is quick and easy. Just click on the auction link on the parish website. The Reservations tab is located on the top left side of the page. Please submit your reservations on line or print the form & mail to: Sacred Heart School 12 Ann Avenue Valley Park, MO 63088 Attention: Auction Tickets - Ami Hammett VBS registration is now open! Sign up your camper (s) and volunteer(s) for what promises to be a memorable and Jesuscentered week for everyone! Vacation Bible School is June 8-12 from 9:00 am to 12:00 noon. Registration will close on April 10th or when capacity is reached. As in past years, children ages Pre-school through 4th Grade will learn all about our Catholic faith in this unique religious-themed camp. With upbeat and exciting activities such as science experiments, outdoor games, real-life video stories, bible skits, singing, and even treats, Vacation Bible School is always a summer highlight here at Sacred Heart, and a week that children will always remember. Campers will also learn about our service project, Catholic Relief Services, and how one of the greatest challenges around the world is ensuring a fair price for goods and services. Visit: http://www.sacredheartvp.org/2015-vacation-bibleschool and sign up today so we can all climb to the EVEREST mountaintop this summer! Questions? Please contact Cheryl Degenhart in the Religious Education office or Susan Luina at [email protected] GOOD NEWS CHECK IT OUT 9 Follow us On-Line There you will find an abundance of additional information about the parish including details on many of the organizations and activities and you could even listen to a previous homily! Currently Serving Military If someone special to you is currently serving in our military forces in an active overseas duty, please let us know so we can include them in our special prayer list. Contact the Parish Office at 636-225-5268. EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY Man Gives Away Money on Street Corner to Celebrate Birthday WINSTON-SALEN, NC - The cardboard sign he was holding made him look like a beggar, until you look close enough to read it: I HAVE a HOME, I HAVE a JOB, COULD YOU USE an EXTRA $5.00? Bob Blackley celebrated his birthday by giving away $750 to strangers on the corner of Peters Creek and Silas Creek Parkway in WinstonSalem. This is the second year Blackley has given money on the street for his birthday. Director of Youth Ministry Christ, Prince of Peace Parish, located in Manchester, is seeking to hire a full time Director of Youth Ministry. The Youth Minister’s responsibilities will include planning youth group meetings, days of prayer, opportunities for service and social activities for both the middle and high school youth of our parish. This individual will also serve as a liaison for other school and parish activities. The ideal candidate must be a practicing Catholic, who is enthusiastic, collaborative and has strong leadership skills. The applicant must have a minimum of three years’ experience in youth ministry. The salary and benefits will be commensurate with the applicant’s education and experience. A detailed job description is available upon request. Send resume and two references to Fr. Chuck Barthel at [email protected] Application deadline: April 15, 2015. SACRED HEART AT-YOUR-SERVICE Mass Schedule Weekend ............................................................................. Saturday (Vigil) 5:00 pm Sunday 7:00, 8:30 & 10:15 am, 12:00 noon & 6:00 pm (Life Teen) Weekday ................................................................ Monday-Friday 6:30 & 8:00 am Saturday 8:00 am Civil Holidays................................................................................................. 9:00 am (Memorial Day, 4th of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day) Confessions ....................................................................... Saturday 3:45 - 4:40 pm or by appointment (call the Parish Office) Eucharistic Adoration ......................................................................Sunday 7:30 pm through Monday 1:00 pm Special Liturgies Weddings ............................................................... Arranged 6 months in advance Baptisms .......................................................................................... Sunday 1:00 pm (prior instruction required) Children’s Liturgy of the Word .......................................................Sunday 10:15 am (during Mass) Parish Staff Pastor ............................................................................................Rev. Denny M. Schaab Associate ......................................................................................Rev. Michael J. Grosch In Residence ......................................................................................... Rev. Robert J. Suit Deacon ................................................................................... Rev. Mr. David E. Lemoine Deacon .................................................................................. Rev. Mr. Charles R. Snyder Deacon .................................................................................. Rev. Mr. Thomas E. Forster Pastoral Associate ......................................................................... Sr. Cathy Vetter, CCVI Director of Religious Education .................................................. Mrs. Cheryl Degenhart Parish School Principal .....................................................................Mr. Larry E. Hoskins Director of Youth Ministry ................................................................... Mr. Sean M. Barth Director of Liturgical Music ......................................................... Mr. Nathan D. Jackson President Parish Council ......................................................... Mrs. Mary Grace Villmer Parish Offices Parish Business Office .............................................................................. 636-225-5268 Fax....................................................................................................... 636-225-6969 Hours ................................................................Monday-Friday 8:00 am - 4:30 pm Parish School & Preschool Office ............................................................ 636-225-3824 Fax........................................................................................................636-225-8941 Religious Education Office .........................................................................636-225-0341 St. Vincent de Paul Helpline ..................................................................... 636-825-2097 P.S.R. Classes ........................................................................... Monday 5:30 & 7:15 pm; Tuesday 6:00 pm LITURGICAL MINISTERS EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS HOLY THURSDAY 7:00 pm Judy Barger (P), Jerome Paszkiewicz (P), Mary Denise O'Boyle (P), Larry Haffner, Ann Haffner GOOD FRIDAY 7:00 pm (no one needed) THE EASTER VIGIL 8:00 pm Mary Denise O'Boyle (P), Donna Davidter (P), Joe Mueller (P), Mark Muehleisen, Phyllis Verseman, (need 1) EASTER SUNDAY 7:00 am Jody Thayer (P), Connie McGuire (P), Bob Bram (P), Joy Gioia, Pat Woodward, Art Woodward, (need 1) 8:30 am CHURCH - Jerome Paszkiewicz (P), John Burle (P), Ann Haffner (P), Larry Haffner, Jane Burle, Melissa Yost, Mark Flauter, (need 3) 8:30 am PARISH CENTER - Nancy Anglo (P), Clare Anglo (P), (need 8) 10:15 am CHURCH - Vivian Eberhardt (P), Liz Elfrink (P), Maria DeBlaze (P), Sr. Pat Dalton (P), Kate Stoff, Jeremy Overman, Linda Pendleton, (need 7) 10:15 am PARISH CENTER - (neeed 10) 12:00 pm Mary Lee Barron (P), Gary Barron (P), Rita Hentges (P), Jill Jones (P), (need 8) LECTORS HOLY THURSDAY 7:00 pm Virgie Gilbert (1), Jen Ramsey (2) GOOD FRIDAY 7:00 pm Sandy Bellon (1), Cyndi Hasten (2), Denis Coady (3) THE EASTER VIGIL 8:00 pm Janet Ranek, Siobhan McDonagh, Cyndi Hasten, Karen Rothery, Barb Wentworth, Jane Burle, (need 3) EASTER SUNDAY 7:00 am Janet Meyer (1), Denny Bram (2) 8:30 am CHURCH - Dave Moser (1), Bob Lallinger (2) 8:30 am PARISH CENTER - (need 2) 10:15 am CHURCH - Denis Coady (1), Kathy Alfonsi (2) 10:15 am PARISH CENTER - (need 2) 12:00 pm Ken Jones (1), (need 1) SERVERS HOLY THURSDAY 7:00 pm Declan Coady, Jacob Echele, Olivia Clough, (need 1) GOOD FRIDAY 7:00 pm Declan Coady, (need 2) THE EASTER VIGIL 8:00 pm Quinn Vonder Haar, Ethan Elder, Dominic Cyr, Jacob Kacich EASTER SUNDAY 7:00 am Riley Zack, (Need 2) 8:30 am CHURCH - Olivia Clough, (need 2) 8:30 am PARISH CENTER - (need 3) 10:15 am CHURCH - Declan Coady, (need 2) 10:15 am PARISH CENTER - Alex Robinson, (need 2) 12:00 pm (need 3) USHERS & GREETERS HOLY THURSDAY 7:00 pm Jim Winkler, Candy Kunzelman, (need 4) GOOD FRIDAY 7:00 pm Tony Artman, (need 3) THE EASTER VIGIL 8:00 pm Ann Haffner, Larry Haffner, Mary Ann Hoffman, Dick Hoffman EASTER SUNDAY 7:00 am (need 4) 8:30 am CHURCH - Harvey Reinkemeyer, Candy Kunzelman, (need 2) 8:30 am PARISH CENTER - (need 4) 10:15 am CHURCH - Tony Artman, (need 5) 10:15 am PARISH CENTER - (need 4) 12:00 pm (need 4) THIS WEEK IN OUR PARISH 10 Sunday, March 29 MASSES: 7:00, 8:30,10:15, 12:00 noon, 6:00 pm 8:50 am RCIA SH 9:30 am Knights of Columbus Breakfast CA 10:15 am Liturgy of the Word for Children SA 10:15 am Jesus and Me EC 205 1:00 pm ACTS Potluck Reception GH 2:00 pm Baptism CU 3:00 pm Wedding Validation CU Monday, March 30 9:30 am Mon-Dazed Women 11:15 am Yesterday’s Kids 3:00 pm Faculty Meeting 5:15 pm PSR - ME Beginning Prayer 5:30 pm PSR - ME Classes 7:00 pm PSR - ML Beginning Prayer 7:15 pm PSR - ML Classes 7:30 pm Journeymen 7:30 pm Monday Knights MASSES: 6:30 am and 8:00 am UR CA EC GH EC GH EC SH UR Tuesday, March 31 5:45 pm PSR - T Beginning Prayer 6:45 pm PSR - Stations of the Cross 7:00 pm ACTS Team 7:00 pm Good Friday Choir Practice MASSES: 6:30 am and 8:00 am GH CU CA CU Wednesday, April 1 MASSES: 6:30 am and 8:00 am 8:00 am All School Mass and Middle School Awards CU 3:00 pm GOTR EC 300 3:00 pm Daisy Kindergarten Troop 209 EC 300 5:00 pm Friends of Bill W. SH 7:00 pm Baptismal Meeting MR 7:00 pm Faith Share JR 7:00 pm Life Teen Band Practice CU 7:00 pm Marquette Model of Natural Family Planning GH 7:30 pm Co-Ed Faith Sharing SH Thursday, April 2 HOLY THURSDAY No School MASS OF LORD’S SUPPER - 7:00 PM 4:30 pm Children’s Choir - Easter Practice 8:30 pm Eucharistic Adoration at the Altar of Repose CU PC Friday, April 2 GOOD FRIDAY No School STATIONS OF THE CROSS - 3:00 PM CELERATION OF THE LORD’S PASSION - 7:00 PM Saturday, April 3 HOLY SATURDAY THE SOLEMN EASTER VIGIL - 8:00 PM Key: AU - Auditorium (Parish Center) • CA - Cafeteria (Church Hall) • CH - Church Hall • CU - Church • DL - Didian Lot • EC - Education Center • GH Great Hall (Parish Center) • JR - Joseph Room (Parish Center) • LY—Lobby (Parish Center) • LL - Lower Lot • MR –Mary Room (Parish Center) • NC - Nazareth Center • PC—Parish Center (All Locations) • PL - Parking Lot • PO—Parish Office • SA - St. Anthony Room (Church Hall) • SH Sacred Heart Room (Church Hall) • ST - Stage • UR - Upper Room (Parish Center)
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