St. Albans City School Information Sheet FAQ: Action Plan What is our Action Plan? Each school prepares an Action Plan to direct the work of the school. Our plan, by design, is one of continuous improvement. We are proud of our direction and results. We want to continue to move in this positive direction. Who is the Action Plan Team? Administration: Joan Cavallo, Georgie Andrews Suprvisory Union: Jesse Byers, Julie Regimbal, Kevin Dirth, Joanne Wells Teachers: Ellen Rose, Sam Dussault, Allison Dean, Sheryl Aliquo, John Cioffi, Kathi Brown, Meg Jarvis Support Resources: Matt Allen, Mark Hoben, Stacie Rouleau What is the Work that we Need to Sustain? We have an ambitious list of initiatives that need continued focus. We want to maintain our status as a National Green Ribbon School which certifies that we have a strong commitment to the environment, health/ wellness and energy efficiency. We must continue to make the availability and use of technology ubiquitous in our school, thereby remaining a technology leader in the state. We also need to sustain and enhance the dramatic structural changes we made to our leadership team, learning community teams and content teams in the last six years, which enhance collaboration around students and their learning. What Work will we Continue to Improve On? We plan to continue improving parent involvement and the strength of our connection with the local community and influencing the state. We will also continue to address the issues of severe poverty and trauma in our school while providing data that will allow all educational partners to support the success of every child. How will we Sustain Parent Involvement and the Community Connection? - by making sure all families understand our roles with our Home School Compact - by offering an informative Kindergarten Orientation & Home visits - by putting on an informational Open House at the beginning of the school year - by holding Unified Arts Night - by offering Kindergarten and 1st Grade Social Stories to help children get ready for their school year - by offering Kindergarten into 1st Grade Night so parents can understand the transition - by establishing an effective Parent Community Council - by holding Culminating Events that welcome parents and family members - by using our New on-line Portfolio system at learning showcases - by helping parents be at the table when their children need them - by reaching out to parents with phone calls, digital daily announcements etc. - by fostering Community Project Partnerships - by working with community partners to enhance our community How will we Show Continuous Improvement in Parent Involvement and our Community Connection? - by helping more parents be at the table when their children need them - by holding Math Night for parents of 4th through 6th graders - by continuing to create opportunities for students to share their learning - by continuing to make our school a community resource - by gathering baseline data for parent involvement How will we Sustain Our Effort to Address issues of Severe Poverty and Trauma? - by continuing to make the Kaleidoscope Program available to children with consistent unexpected behaviors and those with autism - by continuing to have a ?Whole Child Focus? - Universal Breakfast, Dinner, & Snacks - by offering before school, after school and summer options for tutoring and activities - by remaining a Positive Behavioral Intervention and Supports (PBIS) Exemplar School - by constantly working on the Home-School Connection - by fostering strong connections with social service agencies - by making all opportunities for students inclusive - by making mentoring and foster grandparents available at school How will we Show Continuous Improvement Dealing with Severe Poverty and Trauma? - by supporting advanced Professional Development for our staff - by finding a way to offer no cost lunch to all students (Universal Lunch) - by understanding each child and establishing behavior plans that work for individual children - by supporting each other so we can best support students - by striving for educational continuity (allowing children to be in one school from kindergarten-8th grade) How will we produce data that will allow all Educational Partners to Support the Success of Every Child? - by keeping Learning Community and Content Team meetings focused on using data to improve learning - by using Common Local Assessments (CLA) focused on Common Core requirements - by having a Kindergarten-8th grade Portfolio System that includes all areas and encourages documentation with photo, video and audio artifacts - by insuring written Self-Reflection and Critique that encourage learning - by having 8th Graders present Personal Learning Plan speeches How will we Document the Academic Gains Demonstrated by Every Child? - We will have a consistent Kindergarten-8th grade portfolio system that meets the expectations of personal learning plans with a parent reflection section - We will have student growth reports that are focused on Common Core learning - We will collect baseline (CLA & SBAC) test data then track each child throughout their tenure at our school
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