VOLUME 5 April 2015 He is Risen! Matthew 28:6 V. Zucchi, Principal St. Anne Catholic School PARTNERS IN EDUCATION Dear Parents and Guardians, Daily Schedule 8:45 a.m.-yard supervision begins 9:00 a.m.-morning entry 10:25-10:40 a.m.-recess 12:00-12:20 p.m.-lunch time 12:20-1:00 p.m.- recess 2:25-2:40 p.m.-recess 3:30 p.m.-dismissal As we begin the month of April, we will see the highpoint of the Church Calendar with the celebrations of Holy Week and Easter. We rejoice in the Easter message as we ask God to fill our hearts with His goodness and mercy. In April, we also anticipate the warmer days of spring, especially after such a long and cold winter. During this month, as we see the first signs of spring emerge, we are reminded of our role as stewards of the environment and our need to care for our fragile planet. At St. Anne, we will have opportunities to engage in Earth Month activities as we grow in our capacity to be responsible citizens. On behalf of the St. Anne staff, we hope that you have a joyous and blessed Easter. V. Zucchi The Stations of the Cross: The Grade 5’s will have had a busy month as they busily prepare to perform the Stations of the Cross for us on Holy Thursday (April 2) at 10:45 a.m.. We kindly invite you to join us. Our appreciation goes out to Mrs. Kakaletris and Mr. Mercuriano and the Grade 5 students. The Mission of The York Catholic District School Board : Guided by Gospel Values and Catholic Virtues, in partnership with home and Church, we educate and inspire all students to reach their full potential in a safe and caring environment. Trustees: Cathy Ferlisi (Vaughan, Concord/Thornhill 416-565-7087 Email: [email protected] Domenic Mazzotta (Richmond Hill) 905-713-1211 ext 17130 Email: [email protected] Ann Stong (Richmond Hill) 905-713-1211 ext 17129 ext 17129 Email: [email protected] Parish: St. Mary Immaculate Pastor: Father Pawel Superintendent: Ms. Battista St. Anne Catholic School Website: sae.ycdsb.ca GROWING IN OUR FAITH MOSAIC TILE ART: Shawna Robbins of “Feeling Artsy” will be coming in on March 30 and 31st to create mosaic tile art pieces with Grades 2 and 8 classes specifically geared to the sacraments of Communion and Confirmation. GRADE 8 RETREAT The Grade 8’s retreat will be taking place on May 7th at St. Mary Immaculate Church. A special day is being planned for our students. FIRST HOLY COMMUNION Our Grade 2 students will be celebrating their First Holy Communion at 3:00 p.m. on Saturday, April 25 at St. Mary Immaculate Church. Please keep our students in your prayers as they continue their preparations to receive the Eucharist for the very first time. CURRICULUM UPDATE their child’s formal education with a foundation in early learning and literacy, nurtured within their home. Parents/caregivers of students who are registered to attend Junior Kindergarten in September 2015, will shortly be invited to attend a workshop at St. Anne during the month of May. Parents will learn strategies and receive resources that they can use together with their children to promote early literacy, numeracy, and learning skills at home, that will help them in the transition to school. For more information about the program visit: www.thelearningpartnership.ca EARTH MONTH Throughout the year, but especially during the month of April, we will be encouraging our students to demonstrate respect and care for the environment. This is an ongoing message that we continue to share with our students. Here is a list of some of the ways we have been working to protect our environment: 1. 2. 3. We keep fine paper recycling boxes in all classrooms and photocopy rooms and encourage staff and students to use the blank side of photocopy paper when possible. We recycle empty water bottles and juice boxes. We continue to encourage our students to collect pop can tabs for wheelchairs. Please continue to send these in. We do schoolyard cleanups that include the areas adjacent to our yard. We are going to start collecting cookie packaging and wrappers. (Note to go home shortly). We will be receiving bird houses to help increase our bird population in our surrounding areas. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Our school–level Oral Communications competition will be held in our gymnasium on Tuesday, April 14 at 1:15 p.m. for our Junior students and 2:45 p.m. for our Intermediate students. The area-level competition will take place on Wednesday, April 29 at Our Lady of Hope Catholic School. 4. EQAO UPDATE Grades 3 and 6 EQAO Assessments will be administered between May 25 and June 4, 2015. It is especially important during this assessment period that students arrive at school on time, have a good breakfast and a good night’s sleep. Please ensure that your child attends regularly and avoid booking out of school appointments during this time frame.; however, if your child is ill, do not send them to school. Reduce any “test anxiety” your child may have. Keep in mind that this is only one assessment of what your child has learned, and that the teacher’s regular classroom assessments remain central to the learning process. Check out www.earthday.ca for ideas or suggestions on what families can do to help protect our environment. WELCOME TO KINDERGARTEN We are pleased to continue with the “Welcome To Kindergarten” program at St. Anne. This program is sponsored by The Learning Partnership and provides parents and their preschool children with the resources and experiences to begin 5. 6. In April, we will be having two presentations for our students that will encourage conservation and stewardship. On Friday, April 10, Loretta Penny, an award-winning presenter and founder of Down to Earth Conservation Education will present to our Grades 1 to 8 students “Saving Planet Earth.” On Tuesday, April 21, author and illustrator, Josephine Vaccaro-Chang, will be in to work with our Kindergarten classes and share her book, “We are Colourful Friends.” We look forward to hearing both of our presenters. During the week of April 20 we will be holding the following activities: Monday, April 20: Litterless Lunch Tuesday, April 21: Lights out Tuesday! Wednesday, April 22: Conserve paper and water day Thursday, April 23: Three R’s Day: (Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle) Friday, April 24: Pep-rally and Wear Something Green, Blue, or White Day Page 2 PLEASE NOTE THESE DAYS AND REMINDERS A MESSAGE FROM OUR TRUSTEES Dear Parents/Guardians, As we draw near to the end of the Lenten season, and enter “Passion Week”, it is a time to remember how much God loves us by sacrificing His own precious Son. Let us give thanks and rejoice that the Lord has conquered death, and granted us eternal life. Thursday , April 2: Civies’ Day (Students may wear clothing that is appropriate for a school setting). Friday, April 3 (Good Friday) and Monday. April 6 (Easter Monday): the school will be closed. Tuesday: April 7-Junior Achievement: Grade 7 students will be taking part in a one day workshop focusing on financial literacy and reflect on the advantages of staying in school to acquire the knowledge skills, and attitudes needed for long-term success. Friday, April 10 -ACORN CARDS: Parents who are interested in ordering items from Acorn Cards have until April 10 to submit their orders. Friday, April 17 - GRADES 7 AND 8 INOCULATIONS: Nurses from York Region Community and Health Services visit the school three times a year to conduct immunization clinics for Grades 7 and 8 students. Grade 7s will receive their immunization for Hepatitis B and Meningitis. Grade 8 girls will be receiving their third HPV inoculation. Thursday, April 23- Team Photos: Lifetouch Photographers will be in to take pictures of our various teams and clubs so that these can be included in our 2014-2015 school yearbook Friday, April 24—Blue, Green or White Day: Students are asked to wear something blue, green or white as part of our Earth Week activities. A pep rally will also be held on this day. ALLERGY REMINDER! Please remember that there are students at our school who have severe allergies. Please be very mindful of what foods you send to school. Insist on reminding your child NOT to share his or her lunch or snacks with peers. Please do not send any foods containing nuts, nut products or other ingredients communicated by your child’s classroom teacher to school. Edible loot bags are not permitted for birthdays or other holiday celebrations. We appreciate your support. This is the perfect opportunity to renew our faith in Jesus Christ by spreading the Good News of hope and joy, and by being a beacon of light to others. May the Risen Christ fill you and your family with peace, happiness and continued blessings. Happy Easter! Sincerely, Ann Stong & Dominic Mazzotta Richmond Hill Trustees SPORTS UPDATE JUNIOR BASKETBALL Junior Boys’ and Girls’ Basketball practices have begun. We have lots of students who have demonstrated interest in trying out. We thank Ms. Zitoli, Ms. Graham, and Ms. Attridge for helping to coach this year’s teams. Go, Sky Hawks Go!! THE CATHOLIC VIRTUES OF REVERENCE AND RESPECT During the month of April, we highlight the Catholic virtue of Reverence and Respect. As human beings, we are called to respect one another. As Christians, we are asked to go beyond this and to have reverence for God, one another, and ourselves. Reverence means to see and treat the sacred in a proper manner. It involves having a sense of awe and love for God. It also is the ability to see the sacredness in God’s creations: nature, other people and oneself. Reverence in Action I will recognize and honour God through worship, wonder, and awe. I will show good manners, pay attention and treat others the way I wish to be treated. SCHOOL ORGANIZATION TAKE NOTE SEPTEMBER 2015-2016 Creating the best and most functional class groupings is a task that requires much thought and careful planning. Our goal is to establish balanced classrooms. The current grade teachers will soon be developing draft classes for this September. These class placements will be reviewed by a team of school staff including the special education staff, and principal. This ensures that teachers who have already taught the students will use this knowledge to form balanced classes for the next year. The review process ensures objectivity and considers special circumstances. There are a number of criteria that are used to determine the class to which a student has been assigned: · Learning styles · Gender balance (male/female) · Balanced academic abilities within each class · Social, emotional and physical needs of the student · Student experience in combined class · Behaviour needs · Special Education or E.S.L needs · General dynamics within the class · Balance of maturity levels Should you wish to share additional information relative to the considerations above, please write a letter to the principal’s attention by Friday, May 15th. Be aware that information included in your letter may be shared with teachers. We ask that specific teacher requests not be included in the letter. Also please remember that the final decision for student placement and school organization remains the responsibility of the principal. Thank you for your continued support. COMMUNICABLE DISEASES Children in schools/daycares get more infections because they have not yet developed natural resistance and germs can spread easily in a group setting. Since many diseases are contagious before symptoms appear, it is difficult to prevent their spread. If you suspect your child has a communicable disease (e.g., pink eye, mumps, fifth disease, chicken pox, etc), visit your family doctor and please notify the school (and daycare) by phone. Symptoms of a communicable disease are: Fever Vomiting/diarrhea Unusual behaviour, irritability Red or discharging eyes Skin rashes or itching Coughing, choking, croupy coughs LICE: The YCDSB, in consulation with York Region Public Health Services, has approved a policy (Policy 210: Pediculosis (Head Lice)) and related procedures to help schools and parents/guardians when dealing with pediculosis. Pediculosis (head lice) is a nuisance, not a health hazard or a communicable disease. A child suspected or identified as having pediculosis will be sent home from school and re-admitted only after the hair is free of lice/nits. Parents/Guardian are encouraged to check their child(ren)’s head frequently, especially during the winter months, and to inform the school if pediculosis is found. ORDER YOUR YEARBOOK NOW! A notice has gone home inviting families to order a copy of the St. Anne’s 2014-2015 Yearbook. This is a wonderful keepsake of the school year. You have the option to order by cheque or on-line. Order deadline: Friday, April 10. Price: $18.50. Cheques should be made payable to St. Anne’s Catholic School. To order online, go to YBPay.lifetouch.com with yearbook ID code: 10104915. The yearbook will preserve treasured memories for years to come. Many thanks to Ms. Angiolella and Ms. Susin for putting together this year’s yearbook. We are looking forward to seeing it. Please Note: The 2014-2015 yearbook will be available in September 2015 (not June 2015 as in previous years). This will enable us to include events such as Track and Field, Graduation, First Communion and Confirmation. For students who will not be attending St. Anne next year, the yearbook can be picked up this coming September at the front office. CATHOLIC SCHOOL COUNCIL The St. Anne Catholic School Council did not meet inMarch. Our next meeting is on Wednesday, April 8. On March 26, the Council held its annual Teddy Bear Night for Kindergarten and Grade 1 students who came out wearing their pajamas and carrying their favourite teddy bears for the evening. Many thanks to the members of the Language Support Committee and parent volunteers (Mrs. Colucci, Mrs. Falsetti, Mrs. Iannuccilli, Mrs. Rea, Mrs. Carinci-Duana, Mrs. Ferrara, Mrs. Liou) for organizing the evening for us as well as our student helpers (Renee C. , Dante C., Faith M., Daniel M., Jacob P., Jazmynne M., and Gabrielle B.). We also thank the Vercillo Family for donating beautiful picture books to all of the students. BINGO NIGHT: At this time, the Bingo Night Committee is busily preparing for Bingo Night which will take place on Friday, May 1st beginning at 6 p.m.. Order forms will be going out shortly. Some ways you can help us: The committee is happy to accept more raffle prizes; More bingo prizes would be appreciated (e.g., board games, baseball gloves, skipping ropes, soccer/football/ tennis balls, books, small toys, etc. Many thanks for your support ! KG REGISTRATIONS If you have not yet registered your child, please do so as soon as possible. If you know of someone intending to register their children for September, please encourage them to do so as soon as possible. We are beginning the staffing process and need to determine our staffing needs. IF YOU ARE MOVING... We are now planning for the 2015-2016 school year and are interested in knowing of any families who will be moving out of the area and attending a different school in the fall. Having accurate numbers in advance assists with our planning process. If you know of any families moving into our area, please ask them to register as soon as possible. If you have already moved, please contact the office as we require new paperwork and need to verify that you are still within the St. Anne C.E.S boundary. Friday, May1st at 6:00 p.m. Some of the events that happened in March! Kindergarten and Grade 1 students having a blast at Teddy Bear Night! Grade 2 students work on their crosses for First Holy Communion Grade 4 students practice their instruments Members of the St. Anne Eco Club meet to construct a special bin for collecting recyclable waste products. April 2015 Sun Mon Tue Wed 1 Thu 2 Holy Fri 3Good Friday Sat 4 Thursday: Sta- School Closed tions of the Cross 10:45 Palm Sunday >Civies’ Day 5 6 7 8 Easter Sunday >Easter Mon- >Junior Achievement Presentation: Gr. 7 >Council Meeting: 7:00 p.m. day School Closed 9 10>Deadline for 11 ordering 20132014 yearbooks >Deadline for submitting Acorn orders >Grs. 1-8: Down to Earth Presentation (AM) 12 13 14 15 16 >Oral Communications: 1:15 p.m.: Junior 2:45 p.m.: Intermediate 19 EARTH WEEK 20 21 >Litterless Lunch Day >Lights Out KG: We are Colourful Friends Presentation/Workshop 26 27 28 17 18 Gr. 7 & 8 Immunizations:Gr. 7: Hep B Gr. 8: HPV 22 23 24 25 Gr. 2 Earth Day! >Conserve Paper and Water Day >3 R’s Day >Pep Rally & Wear Something Blue, Green or White First Holy Communion 3:00 p.m.. St. Mary Immaculate Church >Team Photos KG: Scientist in the School 29 >Area Level Oral Communications at Our Lady of Hope School 30 May1 >Bingo Night!! 6 p.m. in our school gymnasium
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