CATHOLIC DIOCESE OF AUSTIN Visit us at: March 22, 2015 F i f t h S u n d ay o f L e n t Pope Francis Rome, Italy Joe S. Vasquez, Bishop Diocese of Austin St. Ann Catholic Church PO Box 99 333 Thornberry Drive Somerville, Texas 77879 Office 979-596-1966 Fax 979-596-2857 Blessed Virgin Mary Catholic Church PO Box 485 17370 Sweed Road Washington, Texas 77880 Church & Office 936-878-2910 Reverend Father Uche Evaristus Obikwelu Administrator Email [email protected] Maggie Orozco, Office Administrator—Office Email [email protected] Office Hours: 11:00a—4:00p Wednesday & Friday Web Site Address: ST. ANN MASS SCHEDULE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY MASS SCHEDULE Saturday 5:30p Sunday 9:00a Weekdays Tuesday, Thursday, & Friday 6:00p Wednesday 6:30a Sunday 11:30a Weekday Wednesday 5:00p Sacrament of Reconciliation after Mass Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday – 4:00p to 5:00p or by Appointment Deacon: Limas Sweed, Sr Adoration to the Blessed Sacrament Friday – 7:00a to 5:30p Finance Council Chair Fran Thomas Pastoral Council Chair Lynda Mendizabal Director of Religious Education Sr. John 979-596-1494 Finance Council Chair Limas Sweed, Sr Pastoral Council Chair Mary McCorvey Director of Religious Education Limas Sweed, Sr Director of Youth Ministry Margaret Thomas Business Manager Limas Sweed, Sr ST ANN PARISH LIFE...come and be with us with us. Pastor’s Corner The Oil of the Sick: This sacr ed oil is the “matter ” or necessary substance for (The Sacrament of the Sick, formerly known as) Extreme Unction… In the Churches which follow the Latin rite this oil is always pure, without admixture; but in some Eastern Churches it contains a little wine or ashes. As regards the use of this oil in The Sacrament of the Sick, we know that it was employed in Apostolic times practically in the same manner as now. St. James, in his Epistle, thus instructs the faithful of the early Church: “Is any man sick among you? Let him bring in the priests of the Church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer of faith shall save the sick man, and the Lord shall raise him up. And if he be in sins, they shall be forgiven him.” James 5:14-15 God bless you! Next Festival Meeting, Monday, April 13th, 7pm, Family Center ****Festival—May 16th*** Father Uche Obikwelu Parish Administrator Chrism Mass: On Holy Thur sday mor ning (in some dioceses, it may be another morning during the Holy Week). Like here in our Austin diocese, Bishop Joe Vasquez, with our Auxiliary Bishop, Daniel Garcia, would be joined by the priests of our diocese, gather at Saint Vincent de Paul Parish, Austin, on Tuesday, March 31, at 10:30 am to celebrate the Chrism Mass. This Mass manifests the unity of the priests with their bishop. At this Chrism Mass the bishop blesses three oils-the oil of catechumens, the oil of the infirm (sick), and holy chrism-which will be used in the administration of the sacraments throughout the diocese for the year 2015. This tradition is rooted in the early Church as noted in the Gelasian Sacramentary (named after Pope Gelasius I, 496), which was later absorbed into the Holy Thursday evening Mass; but Pope Pius XII issued a new Ordinal for Holy Week, which reinstituted a special Mass of the chrism quite distinct from the evening Mass. The Holy Chrism: The Chr ism is gener ally held to be the matter or essential substance for the administration of the Sacrament of Confirmation. It is applied by the Bishop in the form of a cross on the forehead of the person confirmed. It is used also in the ceremonies of Baptism, an unction (an anointing) being made with it on the crown of the head immediately after the pouring of the water. Its use is required also in the consecration of a Bishop,-as was used for Bishop Garcia’s consecration. And also for the ordination of a priest. Baptism makes us sharers in the priesthood of Christ. Chrism, which is also used in ordination, brings forward this truth. All those who share in Christ’s priesthood share with him, each at their own level, Christ’s role in teaching, sanctifying and leading his people. The Oil of Catechumens: This kind of sacr ed oil is used in the ceremonies of Baptism, and derives its name from that facta catechumen being an instructed convert who is about to receive the Sacrament of Baptism. At the administration of that Sacrament (to a child) the priest says “We anoint you with the oil of salvation in the name of Christ our Savior; may he strengthen you with his power, who lives and reigns for ever and ever.” The priest makes with this oil the sign of the cross on the (breast of the ) person who is to be baptized... Live and Silent Auction News: The time has come to gather items for the live and silent auctions to be held during our festival. Debbie Zaharis, Auction Chair, is in the process of writing donation request letters and needs your help. If you, or anyone that you know, would like to make a donation of a new or gently used item, services (such as barber/hair stylist, lawn or auto maintenance), or money to go towards purchasing items, please contact her at 281-620-2115 or email: rockin_z_ranch@yahoo. com. Do you know someone who owns a business or has ties to a business that might care to donate? Debbie is open to suggestions for the auction and would love to have a few volunteers to call potential donors or pick up items. Items need to be gathered by the first week of May so that they can be categorized and bundled. If you are baking, creating, or building an item, she will need to know in advance so that she may prepare for it to come in during the week of set-up, or the morning of the auction. Gun Raffle: Tickets ar e now on sale. Contact Buddy Walters if you have any questions. (979-535-4530) Volunteer Sign-up Sheets: Sign-up sheets are on a table at the back of the Church on clipboards. Please take time after Mass to see the areas of need for our Festival. Raffle Tickets: We ar e now accepting cash donations for the raffle prizes. You may drop your donation off at the office or put in the collection basket. Sodas: Donations of 12pks of sodas and cases of water ar e starting to come in. Below is a list of drinks we need. (No store or off brands please.) You all have done a great job in the past helping us meet our goals for the festival and we know you will do it again this year. Thank you. Coke Diet Coke Sprite Dr. Pepper Diet Dr. Pepper 7-Up Pepsi Ozarka Water Questions-Please contact our 2015 Festival Chairmen, Frank Maldonado at [email protected] (979-820-5275) or Charles Camarillo at [email protected]. Ashes to Easter 2015 Put something in your Lent container each day and return your container to the parish on Easter. CHURCH body-many members. BLESSED VIRGIN MARY PARISH LIFE… consider yourself at home! MASS SCHEDULE As we near the end of the Lenten season and prepare for Holy Week, let us enter these solemn celebrations with prayerful contemplation…. The sanctuary lamp is given for the honor and glory of God …… Please pray for the needs of our parishioners & friends Johnnie Sweed Jr. Lucy Jimenez Ronnie Sweed Jim Turner Larry Sweed David Earl Sweed Sr. Lupe Arredondo Zayden Arnold Melinda Scott Bernarda Escobedo Carol Winkler Pete Zedlitz Dena Janish Patricia Sweed Truman Sweed Sr. Elizabeth Milsaps Mario Munoz Joanie Arias Torres Margaret Thomas Bob Hays M. Smith M. Sweed Natalie Lewis Richard Lockett Allen Labay Wally Coronado Charles Jablonski Betty Bayless David Jimenez Ralph Winkler Arthur Mendizabal Annie L. Henderson Nancy Pearson Wed. Mar. 25 5:00p Ca the ri n e Co le m a n Sun. Mar. 29 11:30a For the People Altar Servers—Delvin Taylor Lector—Ocia Sweed Ministers need to be at church at least 15 minutes before Mass. Wed. Mar. 25 4:00p to 4:45p Happy Birthday & God Bless You! The following Blessed Virgin Mary Parishioners will celebrate a birthday in March Devin Taylor Mason Rylander George Robinson Next Week’s Ministers Sat—Mar. 28 5:30p Sr. John Extraordinary Ministers of the Holy Mary Moreno Alice Perez Communion Sun—Mar. 29 9:00a Peggy Jablonski Debbie Zaharis James Bacak Buddy Walters Lectors Fran Pack Fran Thomas Theresa Perez Kimberly Camarillo Altar Servers Richard Sifuentes Benjamin Zapalac Hannah Eldridge Finances—St. Ann 3/15/2015 Sunday Collection 3/15/2015 Catholic Relief Services $ 2,014.00 $ 323.00 Mass Intentions: Mar. 21-29 Sat. Mar. 21 5:30p For the People Sun. Mar. 22 9:00a Mary Ann Arredondo Cruz Tues. Mar. 24 6:00p Ermalinda Vittonel Wed. Mar. 25 6:30a John Casey Thurs. Mar. 26 6:00p Sam Reyes Fri. Mar. 27 6:00p Milady Kristof Sat. Mar. 28 5:30p Cruz Orozco Sun. Mar. 29 9:00a For the People Kevin Spriggs Keisha Mason If your name is not on this list, please call the office and let us know. (979-596-1966) Sr. Rocio Maggie Orozco Frank Vega Greeters/Ushers Adoration to the Blessed Sacrament Finances — BVM 3/15/2015 Sunday Collection $ 208.00 Other Ministries Wed-Mar. 25 Church Housekeeping Duties Team 3 Kathy & Buddy Walters Wed-Apr. 1 Team 4 Linda & Bob Hays If you can help, please call Buddy or Kathy Walters 979 535-4530. Collection Counting Debra Guerra Peggy Jablonski Sr. Rocio Fran Thomas Larry Valigura Sr. Rocio Country Store Festival time is getting closer. Hope everyone is busy making items for the Country Store. Food items and plants sell fast but the sewed items such as crochet, knitted, cross stitch, needlepoint, etc. are popular items, too. Bird houses, planters and novelty items are good sellers. Other items are jewelry, toys, and paintings of all kinds. Anything as long as it is homemade will be appreciated. Please let me know what items you will be donating and I can get organized. We want to have the best Country Store around and make a huge donation for the church. If you have questions, please contact Peggy at 979-450-2480. ST ANN PARISH MINISTRIES...come and be with us. Prayer Is getting us ready to do God’s will. “Stations of the Cross” Every Friday after the 6:00 pm Mass Slovacek Sausage Praise + Forgiveness = HEALING Volunteers needed for our Parish Festival. The Sign-Up Sheets will be on a table at the back of the Church. We need everyone— young and old! 2 locations to serve you 979-272-3333 9423 Hwy 60 W Snook, Texas 254-826-4525 I-35-exit 353 West, Texas In memory of Milady Kristof For her generosity to St. Ann “May perpetual light shine upon her” “Jessica Brown Scholarship Fundraiser” Adopt a Seminarian Project Mar. 22…...Fran & Jo Thomas Mar. 29…...Valeria Schoppe Where: in front of B&B Grocery Apr. 5……. Del & Maggie Orozco When: Saturday, April 4, 2015 beginning Amado Ramos at 8:30 am until everything is sold out c/o Notre Dame Seminary Donations of Money & Baked Goods is 2901 S. Carrollton Ave. appreciated. Questions: Contact Margie New Orleans, LA 70118 Brown 979-551-0646 See sign up Sheet in the entryway Holy Week Mass Schedule Palm Sunday: Mar. 28,5:30p; Mar. 29, 9a Tuesday: Mar. 31,6p Wednesday: Apr. 1, 6:30a Holy Thursday: Apr. 2, 7p. Good Friday: Apr. 3-Stations of the Cross, 3p; Passion of the Lord, 7p Holy Saturday: Easter Vigil Mass-Apr. 4, 8:30p; Easter Sunday: Apr. 5, 9a Butter Braids Delivery St. Ann Council of Catholic Women (SACCW) will be distributing Butter Braids after both Masses March 21 and March 22. If you placed an order, please go to the family center after Mass to pick yours up. Thank you for supporting SACCW and our work for St. Ann’s Catholic Church. “Let everything that has breath praise the Lord!” (Ps. 150:6) Basic Instruction Before Leaving Earth Area Penance Services Mar. 24: St. Joseph’s Dime Box, 6:30p Mar. 24: St. Stanislaus, Chappell Hill, 7p Mar. 25: Holy Family, Lexington, 7p Mar. 26: St. Joseph’s, Rockdale, 7p Mar. 29: Sacred Heart, La Grange, 7p Mar. 30: St. Mary, Ellinger, 5p Mar. 30: St. John, Fayetteville, 7:30p Mar. 31: St. Margaret’s , Giddings, 7p “Fish Fry” All You Can Eat Friday March 27, 2015 Mantey Country, Somerville Corner of 8th & Hwy 36 From 6-8pm $10 a plate Dine in or Take to Go Tickets will be sold at the door ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE $180 for 12 months $45 for 3 months $7.50 for one week St. Ann Catholic Church PO Box 99 Somerville, Texas 77879 Contact us at: Office: 979-596-1966 Email: [email protected]
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