Cougar Call March 11, 2015 CALENDAR HIGHLIGHTS Fri., Mar. 13: Dress Down Day (with pass) Stations of the Cross (Grades 1-3) Sat., Mar. 14: Confirmation, 11 a.m. FROM OUR PASTOR Dear Friends and Family of St. James Catholic School: This past Monday and Tuesday, our students received the Sacrament of Reconciliation. It is good if the parents and siblings also participate in the Sacrament as a family on a regular basis so all the family members may enjoy the Sacrament together. Sun., Mar. 15: Open House for Prospective Families, 10 a.m.-12 p.m. Please take every opportunity if you can to participate in the Sacrament of Reconciliation before Easter. Confessions are held every Saturday morning from 9:30-10:30 or by appointment. There will also be a Penance Service on Monday, March 30 at 6:30pm at St. Joseph Church in Coraopolis. There will be several priests on hand for the Sacrament. A family that prays together…stays together! Our Open House for new prospective families will be held this Sunday, March 15 after the 9:30 a.m. Mass. Please invite a neighbor or friend to come and check us out and see what St. James Catholic School has to offer! Special thanks to our Recruitment and Retention Committee of our School Advisory Board for all of their hard work in promoting this wonderful event. We have just launched our second new video on our school website. Please visit our website at As we reach the “half way” point of the Lenten Season, please be sure to take every opportunity to participate in the various Lenten Activities that we have to offer: Daily Mass, Stations of the Cross, Fish Fry, Small Group Discussions, Living Rosary and more. With God, All Things Are Possible! Rev. Thomas J. Burke Pastor Cougar Call March 11, 2015 FIRST PENANCE Congratulations to the following second grade students who have made their First Penance: Mia Gideon Holland Chloe Abby F. Caroline Tyler Juliet Nicholas Samuel Joseph Jessica Alessia Eliana John C.J. Alice Nathan Please pray for them as they continue to prepare for their First Eucharist. BATTLE OF THE BOOKS On February 24, St. James was well represented at the Sewickley Library & Moon Library Battle of the Books, held at Sewickley Academy. The Sixth Grade Book Warriors team of Cassie D., Tyler P., Julia C., Sydney G., & Catherine M. competed against 29 other teams and took first place! This team was also the first in St. James history to bring home a First Place Title when they competed together two years ago. Congratulations, Book Warriors!
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