St. Charles Borromeo Church April 26, 2015 April 26, 2015 Mass Intentions Monday, April 27 7am–St. Charles– Bob Hussey Tuesday, April 28 St. Peter Chanel; St. Louis Grignion de Montfort 12:20pm–St. Philip’s– Special Intentions of Laura Cleaver 8pm– Hedwig Haus– Tino Cobau Wednesday, April 29 St. Catherine of Siena 7am– St. Charles– Reuben Alfred Lane 9pm– St. Philip’s– EIU Students, Faculty & Staff Thursday, April 30 St. Pius V 5pm– St. Philip’s– Cassius Kirk Friday, May 1 St. Joseph the Worker 7am– St. Charles– John & Helen Spoo Saturday, May 2 8:30 am– St. Charles– Marianne Thiel 5pm– St. Charles– Evelyn Bates Sunday, May 3 8:30am–St. Charles– Tony Sunderman 11am– St. Philip’s– Living & Deceased Members of the Thomas Dunlavy Family 9pm– St. Philip’s– Charleston Catholic Community CATHOLIC HOME MISSIONS APPEAL – Many dioceses right here in the United States do not have enough priests and trained lay ministers to serve their parishes. These dioceses are known as home missions. The Catholic Home Missions Appeal will take place this weekend and supports these dioceses by funding essential ministries, including seminary education and lay minister training. Please be generous in this appeal to strengthen the Church at home. CRS World Report: Fair Trade is Helping Women in India Stitch Their Way Out of Poverty Fair Trade Sale this weekend!! Sat., Apr. 25 – after 5 pm Mass – St. Charles Sun., Apr 26 – after 8:30 am Mass – St. Charles Sun., Apr. 26 – after 11:00 am Mass – Newman ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY will be sponsoring a Mother's Day Sale of baked goods and carnations after Masses on the weekend of May 9 & 10. Please consider baking something delicious to donate, and making a purchase at the sale. All proceeds will go directly to assist those in our community who need help with the basics of life. Thank you in advance for your generosity. Stewardship of Treasure We have 379 households in our Parish Family contributing: Envelopes Loose EFT (Electronic Fund Transfer) (Needed weekly) CPN Catholic Home Missions Catholic Times Subscription Good Friday Hearing Loop Maintain St. Charles Parish Festival (Quilt Raffle) Rent Rice Bowl Seminarians Smart Choice Total $2,574.00 272.31 845.00 $6,600.00 198.00 20.00 15.00 5.00 100.00 440.00 222.00 85.00 92.93 5.00 50.00 $4,924.24 PLEASE NOTE that during summer break, there will be no 9 p.m. Mass at the Newman Center, beginning May 10. 2 4th Sunday of Easter YOUR PRAYERS ARE REQUESTED FOR: ANOTHER YEAR has come to an end. It has been a good year with much faith and joy being shared by our children and catechists. With classes on hold till the fall, parents please remember that learning about our faith does not take a vacation. As the first and most important teachers of our faith, be sure to pray with them, review what they learned this year, get them to mass every Sunday (even if you are on vacation), be a strong model of faith by your actions and words, go to reconciliation together, shop together for the Food Pantry, and encourage them to help a neighbor or do a chore at home without expectation of payment. The list of things you can do to live our faith can go on forever. Enjoy your children this summer and enjoy sharing our precious faith through the joys of everyday life. LOOK WHAT’S COMING!!!! Summer Vacation Bible School dates have been set so mark your calendars today: Elementary Children – July 13 – 16 Jr./Sr. High School Students – July 20,21, 23,24 Adults – July 27 – 30 All sessions will take place in the evening. More details will follow but know you won’t want to be somewhere else those weeks. Plans are underway for our marathon Vacation Bible School. Many hands on deck and in preparation are needed for the Elementary School week. If you are interested and can help in any way, please call Charmaine. Basket Bonanza We are excited to bring this highly anticipated parish family project back to our celebration. Thanks to the generosity of our parish, this event earned over $2,000.00 at our parish picnic last year! As this event continues to grow, we rely on our parish members and church ministries to make this a lively part of the festivities. Please consider either sponsoring a basket or donating towards a particular theme of your liking to make this event a continued success. Items / Baskets are due by May 24th. Baskets will be displayed following each Mass: May 31 and June 6 & 7 for early bird raffle sales. Summer Celebration June 13th Raffle ticket cost: $1.00 each or 6 tickets for $5.00 ***Please contact Mary White at [email protected] or 345-0618 or to reserve a basket.*** SERVER SCHEDULE FOR NEXT WEEKEND: May 2– 5 p.m.– Bernie Jackson and Ethan Blatnik May 3– 8:30 a.m.– Lucy & Sandy Garcia 3 ...all homebound & nursing home parishioners ...Ruth Ann, McBride, Wendy Bova, Ann Hogg, Craig Catanzariti, Bill Carreon, Bill Simon, Barbara York, Alan Lord, Sr. Janis Yaekel who have cancer ...Ben Ragle of our parish ...those who have Alzheimer’s and their families ...all men and women serving overseas ...Ione Perry & Donna Morton, family of Ann & Maurice Stevens ...Beth Ray & Family ...Ryan Guerrero, friend of Barbara Busch ...Davis Coffey, friend of Barbara Busch, and Parker Burns who have leukemia ...Diane Knauss & Eileen Knauss, cousins of Ed Schniers ...Pat Grant, for healing ...Vicky & Dan Woolever requested by Mary Lenhart ...Pat, Rick & Loretta Morgan, cousins of Nancy Jenkins ...Tony Meyer, son of Bill & Judy ...Ethan Robison ...Ann Simpson, friend of Diane Wall ...the special intention of an expectant mother ...Patty Dowd, mother of Terry Coulton ...Charlotte Martin, mother of Vickie Tucker …Lee Malone, the father of Amy David, recently diagnosed with cancer ...Walt Webner, brother-in-law of Cheryl and Tom West ...the repose of the soul of Francis Cardinal George who died last week ...the repose of the soul of Lyonel Lipka, father in law of Robin Lipka If you have a loved one who should be added to or removed from our parish prayer list, please call us at the office. If you wish, requests can be phrased to honor your privacy. PRAY WITH POPE FRANCIS. As you pray your daily offering throughout April, please include these special intentions of our Holy Father: Creation– That people may learn to respect creation and care for it as a gift of God. Persecuted Christians– That persecuted Christians may feel the consoling presence of the Risen Lord and the solidarity of all the Church. Calendar of Events 4/26 Rel. Ed.– PreK, K, 1-3, 7 & 8– 9:30-10:45am Fair Trade Sale– after Mass– MH Squires Meeting– 6pm– KC HS Rel. Ed.– 7-8:30pm– MH 4/29 Rosary– 9:30am– Church 4/30 SCW Rummage Sale– 2-6pm– MH 5/1 SCW Rummage Sale– 8am-12pm– MH 5/1-5/2 Eucharistic Adoration– 4pm-8:30am– church 5/2 Fatima Devotions– 8am– church SCW Rummage Sale– 8am-12pm– MH Food Drive 5/3 1st Communion– 8:30am Mass May Crowning– 8:30am Mass Food Drive HS Rel. Ed.– 7-8:30pm– MH 5/6 Scripture Study– 7:40am– MH Rosary– 9:30am– Church Pastoral Council– 7pm– LL 5/8 Traveling Rosary– 10am– Brookstone 5/9 SVdP Carnation & Bake Sale– after Mass– MH 5/10 Senior Breakfast– after Mass– MH SVdP Carnation & Bake Sale– after Mass– MH The Youth Group will be setting up the garage sale for the St. Charles Women at 7pm this Sunday, April 26. Please come and serve! High School...consider reading the book of Revelation for a meeting in May! COLUMBIAN SQUIRES will meet tonight, Sunday, April 26 at 6pm in the KC Room. Come grow in Faith and join in the Fellowship. THE SCW RUMMAGE SALE is this week, April 30, 2-6pm, May 1, 8am-12pm, and May 2, 8am-12pm ($2/bag day). All are welcome to help even for only an hour! CALLING ALL MEN 15 and older from St. Charles, Immaculate Conception, and The Newman Center. Join us as we enjoy a summer of fun and fellowship in the Mattoon Church Softball League. Games start in mid May and continue through July. Games are played on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday nights. We hope you will be able to join us as we form the Coles County Catholic All Stars. To sign up, please e-mail [email protected]. We will have a final organizational meeting on Tuesday, April 28th, at 6pm at the Immaculate Conception Parish Hall with practice starting later in the week. THANK YOU to everyone who came out to showcase their Bunco skills at the "Ladies Knight Out" fundraiser last Friday! A great time was had by all! The Ladies Auxiliary will use the money raised for future fundraising and social events throughout St. Charles and the community. ROSARY VIGIL - Tuesdays, 12pm–4pm at Effingham Planned Parenthood - Here's the business math for Planned Parenthood: 327,653 (abortions performed by PP in 2014) X $450 (average charge for each abortion) = $147,443,850 in revenue + $550,000,000 (received through taxpayer money from the government) makes Planned Parenthood a BILLION - dollar a year organization (statistics supplied by Students for Life of America) and they are here in our community. If you have a few minutes, please join us. Peg Mihlbachler (217-844-2172). NEXT SUNDAY – 18 children of our Charleston Catholic First Community will celebrate 1st Communion Communion, 14 at St. Charles and 4 at St. Philip Neri. The 8:30 mass will be a bit fuller than usual with many guests, so please plan accordingly. Daily Mass Scriptures 04/26/2015 Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Acts 11:1-18/Jn 10:1-10 Acts 11:19-26/Jn 10:22-30 Acts 12:24--13:5a/Jn 12:44-50 Acts 13:13-25/Jn 13:16-20 Acts 13:26-33/Jn 14:1-6 Sat Sun Acts 13:44-52/Jn 14:7-14 Acts 9:26-31/1 Jn 3:18-24/Jn 15:1-8 SUNDAY SCRIPTURE QUESTIONS TO PONDER Second Reading - 1 John 3:1-2 What gifts have you received as a child of God? What gifts have you received today from God? God is always present. Why does God not just jump right in and save us from all the messes we get into? 4 Parish Office & Rectory 921 Madison Ave. • Charleston, IL 61920 Phone: 217-345-3332 • Fax: 217-348-8449 Parish Staff Fr. John Titus, Pastor Email: [email protected] Office Hours: 8:00am-4:00pm Fr. Steven Arisman, Parochial Vicar Email: [email protected] Moriarty Hall: 217-345-3066 Charmaine Owens, Pastoral Associate Email: [email protected] Luisa DiPietro Memorial Library in Moriarty Hall open by appointment Rev. Mr. Jim Rupp, Permanent Deacon Email: [email protected] Hedwig Haus: 345-6901 [email protected] Reba Kortte, Office Manager Email: [email protected] Diocesan Vocations Office 698-8500 ext. 182 Angie Buescher, Youth Minister Email: [email protected] Diocesan Victim Assistance To report allegations of sexual abuse of a minor by clergy -even if it is in the past -- individuals are encouraged to call the Diocesan Child Abuse Reporting and Investigation number (217)321-1155. Individuals may also contact the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services Child Abuse Hotline at 1-800-25-ABUSE, or your local police authority. Ryan Siegel, Maintenance Supervisor E-Mail: [email protected] Wayne Neese, Custodian Glenna Murphy, Pianist & Music Liturgy Chair Email: [email protected] Phone: 253-3432 Allan Horney, Choir Director Email: [email protected] Phone: 348-0207 BAPTISM: Prior to Baptism of an infant, parents are to attend a Pre-Jordan class, preferably before the birth of the baby. Please call the office well in advance for information. Minji Kim, Organist Email: [email protected] Phone: 513-600-3656 COMMUNION TO THE HOMEBOUND: Those who are homebound and wish to receive Communion, please call the office at 345-3332. Pastoral Council Members Jeff & Jo Coon, Deb Cuddy, Cay Kolling, Matthew Mittelstaedt, John Schmitz, Ryan Siegel, Lexe Volk, Anne Wend, Mary White, and youth members Catherine and Michael Smith MARRIAGE: Preparations for marriage begin at least 6 months prior to the wedding. Please contact the office to set an appointment with Fr. John. Finance Council Members Jerry Herman, Rance Higgins, Brett Lockart, Joyce Madigan, Ken Mitsdarfer, Bob O’Rourke Ryan Siegel, Ed Wehrle, Jan Ziebka RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CLASSES: Religious education classes for grades pre-kindergarten through 12th are offered on Sundays and Wednesdays during the regular school year. In addition to these classes, parent sessions are also required for the reception of the sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Communion. Dates will be announced. Mark Bates, Knights of Columbus - Grand Knight Cindy Livingston and Renee Smith, SCW Co-Chairs Rosary Wednesday-9:30 a.m.– St. Charles RCIA– RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS: Adults and children who wish to learn more about Catholicism, becoming a Catholic or help with the RCIA may contact the parish office. The Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday– 3:30-4:30 p.m.– St. Charles Before Weekday Mass– 6:30 a.m.– St. Charles Tuesday – 1:00-2:00 p.m.– St. Philip’s Thursday– 3:30-5:00 p.m.– St. Philip’s SACRAMENT OF ANOINTING OF THE SICK: This sacrament offers the healing strength and peace of Christ to anyone who is seriously or chronically ill, hospitalized or about to have surgery. Please call the office for arrangements. Eucharistic Adoration Eve of First Saturday: 4:00pm-8:30am First Saturday Mass: 8:30am BABYSITTER– Need a good Catholic babysitter? Call the office at 345-3332 for a list. ST. CHARLES BORROMEO FACE BOOK Connect with your Parish Family on our facebook page. Keep up with parish activities and find inspiration for your daily prayer and meditation. NEW PARISHIONERS: To register, please contact Fr. John at 217-345-3332 or by email at [email protected] to set up an appointment. 5
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