St. Charles Borromeo Church April 19, 2015 April 19, 2015 A PILGRIM’S PROGRESS Mass Intentions Monday, April 20 7am–St. Charles– Tony Sunderman Tuesday, April 21 St. Anselm 12:20pm–St. Philip’s– John & Helen Spoo 8pm– Hedwig Haus– Marianne Thiel Wednesday, April 22 7am– St. Charles– Rosanne Sanders 9pm– St. Philip’s– EIU Students, Faculty & Staff Thursday, April 23 St. George; St. Adalbert 5pm– St. Philip’s– Beth Inyart Groth Friday, April 24 St. Fidelis of Sigmaringen 7am– St. Charles– Joe Grant Saturday, April 25 5pm– St. Charles– Andy McDevitt Sunday, April 26 8:30am–St. Charles– Lyle Overton 11am– St. Philip’s– Bill Jarrad 9pm– St. Philip’s– Charleston Catholic Community Stewardship of Treasure We have 379 households in our Parish Family contributing: Envelopes Loose EFT (Electronic Fund Transfer) (Needed weekly) CPN Catholic Relief Services Choir Food Pantry Good Friday Maintain St. Charles Rent Rice Bowl Seminarians Stole Fee We Care Total $5,399.00 292.50 365.00 $6,600.00 115.00 10.00 25.00 25.00 71.00 185.00 40.00 244.36 247.00 250.00 250.00 $7,518.86 SAVE THE DATE for our St. Charles Summer Celebration Saturday June 13, 2015. 4:00pm Mass followed by a Pork Chop Dinner. Mark your calendar now! “Why are you troubled?” Our Lord’s question for his first disciples continues to echo in our hearts today. Joyfully, so does his answer for all of our anxiousness and uncertainty. Come to me! Our Risen Lord continues to dwell among us in Word and Sacrament! This Saturday, April 25th, our second graders will have a “retreat day” in anticipation of sharing in the Holy Eucharist for the first time on Sunday, May 3rd. Please pray that they will always encounter the real presence of Christ with the same eagerness and joy as they now possess. Please keep in your prayers this week, as well, Braden Maher and Paul Bonk who will be ordained transitional deacons for our diocese on Saturday, April 25th at the Cathedral. Pax et Bonum. Fr. John 2014 ACSA Goal ANNUAL CATHOLIC SERVICES APPEAL UPDATE: “Growing Communities of Faith” Thank you to the parishioners who have pledged $41,662 toward our goal of $41,900. Your generous response will enable the diocese to continue God’s work in the diocese. If you have not contributed but would like to, please call the office. All money that is paid over our goal comes back to the parish. THE CATHOLIC HOME MISSIONS APPEAL will take place next weekend. One way that this appeal works to strengthen home mission dioceses in the United States is by funding seminarian formation in poor dioceses. Educating each seminarian can cost between $35,000 - $40,000 per year. Your support is needed for these young men, so that they might go back and serve their parishes. Please strengthen the Church at home by making a generous gift to next week’s appeal. EVERYTHING FROM MUGS TO RUGS! Doing some spring cleaning? Moving out at the end of the semester? Not sure what to do with good, usable furniture? What about mini fridges, clothes, or other miscellaneous items? LOOK NO FURTHER! The annual collection for the Mugs to Rugs Haiti Connection Yard Sale is underway! You can drop off items at the Newman Center starting April 25, or if you would rather your items be picked up – we can do that! Just contact the Newman Center at (217) 348-0188 or Ivy at 217-412-5188 email: [email protected]. 2 3rd Sunday of Easter YOUR PRAYERS ARE REQUESTED FOR: THIS YEAR’S PROGRAM is coming to an end. The last Wednesday class is the 22nd and the last Sunday class is the 26th. Our parish is so thankful for the wonderful catechists we were blessed with this year. They share their love, their time and most of all their faith with the children and young adults of our parish. In addition to actual class time they also generously give their time to plan lessons so that the short time they have with your children is the best it can be. Thankyouthankyouthankyou to: Leanna Kasey, Donna Martin, Mary Lockart, Beth Gill, Nancy Martin, Stacey Korson, Quentin Spannagel, Sarah Fehrenbacher, Karie Blatnik, Shahid Yousaf, Terry Coulton, Fr. John, Ann Benson, Deacon Jim Rupp, Kim Norris, Josie Griffin, Heather & Jim Kuykendall, Karla Huddlestun, Angie Buescher, Lisa Dallas, and Kevin Hussey. And thank you to this year’s wonderful aides: Ethan Blatnik, Sam White, & Catherine Smith. NEXT SATURDAY, April 25th, all children in our Charleston Catholic Community who will be making their 1st Communion in May, are expected to attend the 1st Communion Retreat. We will begin at 9am in the church and end at 11:30. If you can stay and lend a hand, please call Charmaine. LOOK WHAT’S COMING!!!! Summer Vacation Bible School dates have been set so mark your calendars today: Elementary Children – July 13 – 16 Jr./Sr. High School Students – July 20 – 23 Adults – July 27 – 30 All sessions will take place in the evening. More details will follow but know you won’t want to be somewhere else those weeks. CORPUS CHRISTI CELEBRATION BANNERS– The Pastoral Council would like to invite all of the St. Charles Borromeo’s parish ministries to participate in creating a Corpus Christi Banner to be proudly carried throughout this year’s Corpus Christi procession / celebration June 7th following Mass. Please contact Mary White for any additional questions or interest. SERVER SCHEDULE FOR NEXT WEEKEND: April 25– 5 p.m.– Ryan Norris and Holly Higgins April 26– 8:30 a.m.– José Garcia and Shae Littleford 3 ...all homebound & nursing home parishioners ...Cardinal Francis George, Ruth Ann McBride, Wendy Bova, Ann Hogg, Craig Catanzariti, Bill Carreon, Bill Simon, Barbara York, Alan Lord, Sr. Janis Yaekel who have cancer ...Ben Ragle and Kay Endsley of our parish ...those who have Alzheimer’s and their families ...all men and women serving overseas ...Ione Perry & Donna Morton, family of Ann & Maurice Stevens ...Beth Ray & Family ...Ryan Guerrero, friend of Barbara Busch ...Davis Coffey, friend of Barbara Busch, and Parker Burns who have leukemia ...Diane Knauss & Eileen Knauss, cousins of Ed Schniers ...Pat Grant, for healing ...Vicky & Dan Woolever requested by Mary Lenhart ...Pat, Rick & Loretta Morgan, cousins of Nancy Jenkins ...Tony Meyer, son of Bill & Judy ...Ethan Robison ...Ann Simpson, friend of Diane Wall ...Nell Kuncl, the mother of Mike Kuncl ...the special intention of an expectant mother ...Patty Dowd, mother of Terry Coulton ...Charlotte Martin, mother of Vickie Tucker, recovering from surgery …Lee Malone, the father of Amy David, recently diagnosed with cancer ...Walt Webner, brother-in-law of Cheryl and Tom West ...the repose of the soul of Julene Alexander of our parish family If you have a loved one who should be added to or removed from our parish prayer list, please call us at the office. If you wish, requests can be phrased to honor your privacy. PRAY WITH POPE FRANCIS. As you pray your daily offering throughout April, please include these special intentions of our Holy Father: Creation– That people may learn to respect creation and care for it as a gift of God. Persecuted Christians– That persecuted Christians may feel the consoling presence of the Risen Lord and the solidarity of all the Church. Calendar of Events 4/19 Rel. Ed.– PreK, K, 1-3, 7 & 8– 9:30-10:45am SCW Gift Shop– after 8:30am Mass HS Rel. Ed.– 7-8:30pm– MH 4/20-4/24 SCW Rummage Sale Drop– 8am-4pm– MH 4/20 SCW Meeting– 6:30pm– MH 4/22 Scripture Study– 7:40am– MH Rosary– 9:30am– Church Rel. Ed.– 4,5,6– 3:15-4:30pm KC Officer Meeting– 7pm– KC 4/24 Traveling Rosary– 10am– Blumenthal 4/25 First Communion Retreat– 9-11:30am– MH 4/26 Rel. Ed.– PreK, K, 1-3, 7 & 8– 9:30-10:45am Squires Meeting– 6pm– KC HS Rel. Ed.– 7-8:30pm– MH 4/29 Rosary– 9:30am– Church 4/30 SCW Rummage Sale– 2-6pm– MH 5/1 SCW Rummage Sale– 8am-12pm– MH Traveling Rosary– 10am– Brookstone 5/1-5/2 Eucharistic Adoration– 4pm-8:30am– church 5/2 Fatima Devotions– 8am– church SCW Rummage Sale– 8am-12pm– MH Food Drive 5/3 1st Communion– 8:30am Mass May Crowning– 8:30am Mass Food Drive HS Rel. Ed.– 7-8:30pm– MH High School Youth– Religious Ed. tonight, April 19. Father Arisman will finish his discussion on the Precepts of the Catholic Church. Please be prompt. Thank you to Eva Higgins for taking 12 middle school youth to the ropes course. VISIT THE SCW GIFT SHOP in Moriarty Hall this weekend for your First Communion Gifts and clothing apparel for your special son, daughter, niece or nephew. While there, you can also shop for your Mother’s Day Gifts. The Gift Shop will be open again May 16 & 17. ST. CHARLES WOMEN will meet this Monday, April 20 at 6:30pm in Moriarty Hall. The upcoming rummage sale will be discussed. All women are invited. THE SCW RUMMAGE SALE drop off will be this week, April 20-24 from 8am-4pm in the northwest corner of Moriarty Hall. Please bring your clean, gently used clothing, household items, books, etc., and mark the sizes of all bedding and curtains. The sale will be held on April 30, 2-6pm, May 1, 8am-12pm, and May 2, 8am-12pm ($2/bag day). All are welcome to help even for only an hour! ST. CHARLES BORROMEO WORKS OF MERCY DAY is on Sat., May 30th. As a parish family we have the opportunity to make a difference in the name of Christ. If you wish to help out please sign up in the vestibule. If you need work done, for no charge, please call the office. COLUMBIAN SQUIRES will meet on Sunday, April 26 at 6pm in the KC Room. Come grow in Faith and join in the Fellowship. All are welcome! SUNDAY SCRIPTURE QUESTIONS TO PONDER Gospel - Lk 24:35-48 To whom or to what group could I do a better job of witnessing to Christ? How will I go about this? Who have been my models of effective witnessing to the risen Christ? What characteristics did they exhibit, and what have I learned from them? Name a time when witnessing to Christ cost you or someone you know of dearly? What was the grace in this? Daily Mass Scriptures 04/19/2015 Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Acts 6:8-15/Jn 6:22-29 Acts 7:51--8:1a/Jn 6:30-35 Acts 8:1b-8/Jn 6:35-40 Acts 8:26-40/Jn 6:44-51 Acts 9:1-20/Jn 6:52-59 1 Pt 5:5b-14/Mk 16:15-20 Acts 4:8-12/1 Jn 3:1-2/Jn 10:11-18 4 CRS World Report: Fair Trade is Helping Women in India Stitch Their Way Out of Poverty Basket Bonanza We are excited to bring this highly anticipated parish family project back to our celebration. Thanks to the generosity of our parish, this event earned over $2,000.00 at our parish picnic last year! As this event continues to grow, we rely on our parish members and church ministries to make this a lively part of the festivities. Please consider either sponsoring a basket or donating towards a particular theme of your liking to make this event a continued success. Some examples of last year’s baskets: Family Fun Night, Italian Night, Romantic Weekend, U of I Spirit, Summer Fun, Baby Blessings, Wine, Gardening, Man Cave, Coffee, Book, Soup Baskets. Fair Trade Sale!! Wed., Apr. 22 – 10am2pm – EIU South Quad Sat., Apr. 25 – after 5 pm Mass – St. Charles Sun., Apr 26 – after 8:30 am Mass – St. Charles Sun., Apr. 26 – after 11:00 am Mass – Newman PLEASE MARK YOUR CALENDAR and save the date to join Bishop Paprocki at the Springfield Capitol for a prayer service during the Fortnight for Freedom on Tuesday, June 23, 2015 at 12:00 noon. Items / Baskets are due by May 24th. Baskets will be displayed following each Mass: May 31 and June 6 & 7 for early bird raffle sales. Summer Celebration June 13th Raffle ticket cost: $1.00 each or 6 tickets for $5.00 CELEBRATING THE YEAR OF CONSECRATED LIFE (November 30, 2014 - February 2, 2016) Religious life ought to promote growth in the church by way of attraction. The church must be attractive. Wake up the world! Be witnesses of a different way of doing things, of acting, of living! . . . It is this witness that I expect of you. Religious should be men and women who are able to wake the world up. – Pope Francis ***Please contact Mary White at 345-0618 or [email protected] to reserve a basket*** Thank you in advance for your support TAKE ME OUT TO THE BALLGAME ! ! Join our annual server-parish outing to see the White Sox and St. Louis Cardinals at beautiful Cellular Field Wednesday, July 22. We will leave the St. Charles Church parking lot at 2:00 pm and travel by chartered bus for the 7:10pm game. We stop at the last I-57 rest area for a provided sack lunch along the way. $45 per person to the St. Charles parish office covers game ticket and bus fair. Sign up now to join the fun. FATHER SON HOLINESS ADVENTURE AND PILGRIMAGE– Want to meet Fr. Barron, go canoeing, go-carting, play laser-tag, learn about WWII fighter planes and eat at a Brazilian steakhouse? How about visit an apparition site of Our Lady or a chapel where many prayers for healing have been answered? The registration deadline is May 31, 2015. Reserve your spot by going to: events.html before all the seats are filled up! 5 PASTORAL COUNCIL MINUTES – April 7, 2015 Members Present: Fr. John, Fr. Arisman, Mary White, Deb Cuddy Jo Coon, Jeff Coon, Anne Wend, Deacon Rupp, Charmaine Owens, Cay Kolling, Matt Mittelstaedt, Jeff Beals & Lexe Volk. Unable to Attend: John Schmitz, Ryan Siegel, Catherine and Michael Smith Opening Faith Reflection provided by Deacon Rupp Fr. John’s Report – Introduced the new members – Jeff & Jo Coon, Anne Wend and reintroduced Fr. Arisman Gave a brief report on the recent changes and duties of he and Fr. Arisman. They have a schedule and will be rotating different Mass times Charmaine’s Report – Reported on the schedule for Vacation Bible School Grade School – July 13-16 High School – July 20-23 Adults – July 27-30 The 1st Communion Retreat is April 25, with 1st Communion being May 3 at the 8:30am Mass There has already been a new RCIA inquiry. Deacon Rupp’s Report – The 2nd Sunday of Easter is Divine Mercy Sunday. There will be a singing of the Chaplet at 2:00pm Sunday at St. Charles. Youth Report – Not Present Old Business: Matt reported that the Works of Mercy workday is May 30 There was discussion on how to get people involved as well as getting tasks that parishioners need completed organized. The details of Corpus Christi Sunday were discussed The procession will be on June 7 St. Charles Summer Celebration is June 13 It is a streamlined event this year Mass at 4:00pm with a pork chop dinner to follow There will be a Quilt Raffle, Basket Raffle, and cake/dessert auction New Business: The sound system seems to have some issues that are going to be looked into Faith Reflection Assignment – Matthew Mittelstaedt Next meeting: May 6 @ 7:00 pm in Lower Level ST. CHARLES MISSION STATEMENT You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the greatest and the first commandment. The second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. Matthew 22:37-39 We strive to live out Jesus’ command to love God and neighbor. Centered in the Eucharist of Jesus Christ, we are fed and strengthened by God’s gift of love. As we are nourished, we seek to share God’s love with our families, friends and communities near and far. Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age. Matthew 28:19-20 6 Parish Office & Rectory 921 Madison Ave. • Charleston, IL 61920 Phone: 217-345-3332 • Fax: 217-348-8449 Parish Staff Fr. John Titus, Pastor Email: [email protected] Office Hours: 8:00am-4:00pm Fr. Steven Arisman, Parochial Vicar Email: [email protected] Moriarty Hall: 217-345-3066 Charmaine Owens, Pastoral Associate Email: [email protected] Luisa DiPietro Memorial Library in Moriarty Hall open by appointment Rev. Mr. Jim Rupp, Permanent Deacon Email: [email protected] Hedwig Haus: 345-6901 [email protected] Reba Kortte, Office Manager Email: [email protected] Diocesan Vocations Office 698-8500 ext. 182 Angie Buescher, Youth Minister Email: [email protected] Diocesan Victim Assistance To report allegations of sexual abuse of a minor by clergy -even if it is in the past -- individuals are encouraged to call the Diocesan Child Abuse Reporting and Investigation number (217)321-1155. Individuals may also contact the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services Child Abuse Hotline at 1-800-25-ABUSE, or your local police authority. Ryan Siegel, Maintenance Supervisor E-Mail: [email protected] Wayne Neese, Custodian Glenna Murphy, Pianist & Music Liturgy Chair Email: [email protected] Phone: 253-3432 Allan Horney, Choir Director Email: [email protected] Phone: 348-0207 BAPTISM: Prior to Baptism of an infant, parents are to attend a Pre-Jordan class, preferably before the birth of the baby. Please call the office well in advance for information. Minji Kim, Organist Email: [email protected] Phone: 513-600-3656 COMMUNION TO THE HOMEBOUND: Those who are homebound and wish to receive Communion, please call the office at 345-3332. Pastoral Council Members Deb Cuddy, Cay Kolling, Matthew Mittelstaedt, John Schmitz, Ryan Siegel, Gordon Tucker, Lexe Volk, Anne Wend, Mary White, and youth members Catherine and Michael Smith MARRIAGE: Preparations for marriage begin at least 6 months prior to the wedding. Please contact the office to set an appointment with Fr. John. Finance Council Members Jerry Herman, Rance Higgins, Brett Lockart, Joyce Madigan, Ken Mitsdarfer, Bob O’Rourke Ryan Siegel, Ed Wehrle, Jan Ziebka RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CLASSES: Religious education classes for grades pre-kindergarten through 12th are offered on Sundays and Wednesdays during the regular school year. In addition to these classes, parent sessions are also required for the reception of the sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Communion. Dates will be announced. Mark Bates, Knights of Columbus - Grand Knight Cindy Livingston and Renee Smith, SCW Co-Chairs Rosary Wednesday-9:30 a.m.– St. Charles RCIA– RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS: Adults and children who wish to learn more about Catholicism, becoming a Catholic or help with the RCIA may contact the parish office. The Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday– 3:30-4:30 p.m.– St. Charles Before Weekday Mass– 6:30 a.m.– St. Charles Tuesday – 1:00-2:00 p.m.– St. Philip’s Thursday– 3:30-5:00 p.m.– St. Philip’s SACRAMENT OF ANOINTING OF THE SICK: This sacrament offers the healing strength and peace of Christ to anyone who is seriously or chronically ill, hospitalized or about to have surgery. Please call the office for arrangements. Eucharistic Adoration Eve of First Saturday: 4:00pm-8:30am First Saturday Mass: 8:30am BABYSITTER– Need a good Catholic babysitter? Call the office at 345-3332 for a list. ST. CHARLES BORROMEO FACE BOOK Connect with your Parish Family on our facebook page. Keep up with parish activities and find inspiration for your daily prayer and meditation. NEW PARISHIONERS: To register, please contact Fr. John at 217-345-3332 or by email at [email protected] to set up an appointment. 7
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