Village Tim Hughes Realtor Flower Basket Proudly serving the area for over 38 years! Jeep 1290 HEBRON RD., HEATH, OH (1 mile South of Indian Mound Mall) MEMBERS FAMILY OWNED OF PARISH OVER 38 YEARS 522-3153 1090 River Road Granville Village Flower Basket & Gardens Granville, Ohio 587-3439 328-9051 740-892-3921 Always Forward CrossFit Moving Your Fitness Forward; We Offer CrossFit, Bootcamp, CrossFit Kids, Olympic Lifting, Personal Training 464 S. Main St., Granville Craig McDonald, Co-owner 740-507-4378 Downey’s Carpet Care of Granville 587-4258 Kelly Parker – Professional Full Get great local service with Nationwide®. Auto Home Life Business McDERMOTT INSURANCE Matt McDermott 303 N. 21st Street, Newark, OH 43055 (740) 345-9574 [email protected] ©2006 Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company and Affiliated Companies. Nationwide Life Insurance Company. Home office: Columbus, Ohio 43215-2220. Nationwide, the Nationwide Framemark and On Your Side are federally registered service marks of Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company. Not available in all states. Newark 38 N. Cedar St. 345-5175 R S Heath 780 S. 30th St. 522-2668 Pastor: Msgr. Paul P. Enke Grand Monuments 1600 East Main St. Newark, Ohio 43055 345-8772 1190 E. Main Street, Newark, OH 43055 740-349-8686 AUTOMOTIVE PAINTLESS DENT REMOVAL Antiques &Vintage A Positive Connection ERIC CLAEYS 740-404-5508 Julie Fudge Smith (740) 587-0429 Northwestern Mutual DENTAL THOMAS L. HIEBEL, DDS • 740-344-4355 Our services include making an assessment of your entire portfolio and managing accounts for growth, income or combination of both. *A second opinion on current financial investments *Advise on employee stock options 740-366-1110/ *Asset and investment management *Retirement planning strategies Toll Free 1-866-366-1110 McPeek-Hoekstra Funeral Home Granville, OH Stepout outofofyour yourbox boxand andonto ontoour ourbikes. bikes. Step Step out of your box and onto our bikes. 203East EastCollege College 203 Granville Granville upstairsininthe the upstairs newlyrenovated renovated newly WarnerBuilding Building Warner 05-2296 ©2005 The Northwestern Mutual Financial Network is a marketing name for the sales and distribution arm of The Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Mutual Life Insurance Company, Milwaukee, WI and its affiliates, and “The Quiet Company” is a registered trademark. 5062-076 PMMG 344-6106 GUTRIDGE PLUMBING, INC. GP 349-9411 I Abe’s Complete Auto Repair Foreign Automotive & Domestic PAUMIER MEDICAL Front End Alignments Wheels and Tires MANAGEMENT GROUP, INC. 462 S. Main St. • Open Mon.-Fri. 8-5 Ray and Katy Paumier, 587-0741 • 587-0742 Parishioners 587-1361 CENTRAL OHIO DENTAL SPA Abe’s Body Shop Foreign & Domestic Complete Body Shop All Work Guaranteed – Free Estimates Insurance Work Open Mon.-Fri. 8-5 Sy Viet Nguyen, DDS, LLC 740-344-8692 THE EYE SITE WELCOMING NEW PATIENTS Featuring Abe’s Quick Lube 460 S. Main St., Granville 587-3389 • 587-4015 WENGER TEMPERATURE F740-587-0161 L Y M E T H O D C Y C L E.C O MCONTROL BRETT A. DIETZ, O.D. TRY OUR 740-920-4287 TR RY Y O OU UR R T CLASSES S [email protected] CL LA AS SS SE ES C FLYMETHODCYCLE.COM A ffu us siio on no off A FLLY YM ME ETTH HOOD DCCY YCCLLE.C E.COOM M F meetthhooddccyyccllee. .ccoom m iinnffoo@@ffllyym 774400- -992200- -44228877 FL LY Y F FLY A fusion of indooriin cycling, body nd do oo or r strength, cy yc clliin ng, g, sttr rresistance en ng gtth, h, & yogaM c s e ME ET TH HO OD D My Eo Tg H OD C Y C L E.C OC ML unlimited rides individuals, students and families band oR dsingle yr re e siis sfor a nc ce eF aL nY d y o g a b o d y s tta n a n d a CMETHOD Y C LE E C Y T Rplans, Y passes OU info@f 7 4 0 - 9 2 0 - 4CYCLE 287 CLASSES Your i the ncomfort f o @ f l y m e t h o d c y c l eFor . c oHeating m & A/C “When you need NANCY R. 0 DIETZ, O.D. 74 - 9 2 0 - 4 2 8 7 and care of home.” 2005 PROGRESS AVE. Granville Office Millersport Office (740) 587-4970 (740) 467-2525 Bill Hoekstra & Mary Hoekstra 614-443-2212 OVERHEAD MERJAERZ fusion of DOOR oAi nf 740-522-4772 d o o r CONSTRUCTION c y c l i n g, s t r e n g t h, SYSTEMS body resistance and yoga the t h y c l i n g, s t r e no ng , Overhead Doors and ustom i s t a n c e Ca n d 292 y o g a Operating Systems Miller Avenue, Newark, Ohio 43055 Sales • Service • Installation C are G iving unlimited plans, passesEstate, and single ridesInc for individuals, students and families Pinkerton Real Central Ohio Protective Services Residential • Commercial FLY METHOD CYCLE unlimitedplans, plans,passes passesand andsingle singlerides ridesfor forindividuals, individuals,students studentsand andfamilies families unlimited Residential and Commercial Carpentry Your Avenue to Beauty & Relaxation Spa Packages, Massage, Facials, Waxing, Pedicures Manicures, Permanent Cosmetics, Salon & Boutique • All Interior Remodeling Projects • Licensed in Elec Plumbing & HVAC • Concrete Work • New Builds • All Exterior Projects • Room Additions 740-877-2693 [email protected] J. Michael Maurer, Realtor, e-Pro b e t t e r at h o m e 740-587-1111 116 W. Broadway, Granville, OH 740-348-6377 In-Home Personal Care Jeff & Susie Kalinoski [email protected] ERDEY SEARCY EYE GROUP “Dropless” Cataract Surgery MARK A. CENEVIVA, O.D. Independent Doctor of Optometry Alarms - Monitoring - Cameras Serving Central Ohio for 23 Years 740-967-4602 Compliments of Assisting Clergy Fr. Ronnie Boccali, P.I.M.E. Fr. Jay Harrington, O.P. 141 GREEN WAVE DR. • NEWARK For Your Family and Its Future. Brian Van Winkle Parishioner • 23 Years Experience • Hail Damage • Body Line Dents • Crease Dents • Door Dings •Motorcycles “Setting the standard in service excellence” Sectional Doors • Rolling Steel & Grills • Electric Operators • Springs and Much more! Joe Miller, Parishioner 614-444-DOOR (3667) Knights of Columbus 785 Newark-Granville Road • Granville, Ohio 43023 • Pastoral Minister/R.C.I.A: Parish School of Religion 740-587-4160 Mike Millisor SarahF Sween L Y Vision For Life WAL-MART VISION CENTERS Heath Office 911 Hebron Rd. Richard A. Erdey, M.D. Gregory D. Searcy, M.D. • Daryl Kaswinkel, M.D. (740) 522-2553 Newark Office 1315 North 21st St. (740) 364-9130 Ohio’s Finest Diner Insurance & Financial Services with a Catholic Perspective HH A++ SUPERIOR RATING HH Annuities • IRAs • Roth IRAs Life & Long Term Care • Disability Insurance Mark Hedge, FICF, MDRT • (740) 599-2963 [email protected] • PLEASE PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS. TO PLACE AN AD CALL 1-800-292-9020 4-7-15 ctm 74432 Preschool Director: Respect Life Committee: Linda Foley.............. 740-587-3275 John Koenig........ 740-587-0720 Maintenance: Kinney F L Y DKiane evin Kinney M Parish E T H O Office:........740-587-3254 Floyd LD ahmon C Y C L E Office Manager: Cheryl Boggess, CPA Office Staff: Barbara Hinterschied Janet Meager ALADDIN plans, passes and single ridesRESTAURANT for individuals, students and families Laser Vision Correction Complete Family Eye Care 614.863.EYES (3937) Deacon: Rev. Mr. John Barbour 462 S. Main Street, Granville • By Appointment Only Dog Training 263 Deo Drive, Newark, Ohio 43055 Church of Saint Edward the Confessor Jeffery W. James, Financial Representative The Kemelgor Financial Group (740) 587-2746 W A RT H O R K S 203 East College Granville upstairs in the newly renovated Warner Building Cell 740-334-9777 935 River Rd. Granville587-7266 973 N. 21st St.Newark 366-3356 box and onto our bikes. E 238 E. Broadway, Granville, OH Coffee & Community Bag & Bulk Mulch – Plants – Stone – Topsoil 2135 West Main, Newark • A family tradition of service excellence, since 1897 740-522-6558 • Fax 740-522-9811 Nationwide. But still very, very local. Business Technologies, Inc. COPIERS • PRINTERS • FAX Service REALTOR® Home of Ye Olde Mill Since 1914 11324 Mt. Vernon Rd., Utica Mike Greene 740-345-3510 51 North Third Tower • Newark Parish Council: John Martin........ 740-924-6922 Visits to Shut-ins: Diane Kinney...... 740-587-4121 Director of Music: Paul Radkowski....... 740-587-3254 Eucharistic Adoration: Kim Chupka. ....... 740-587-7067 Baptismal Class: (Contact Parish Office) Knights of Columbus: Patricia Belhorn...... 740-587-3254 Eric Guerin......... 740-398-4776 Youth Minister: Marriage Preparation Marissa Schlabach.......587-3254 Inventory Program Dcn. John and Cindy Barbour..... 740-587-3254 Mass Schedule SUNDAY MASS SCHEDULE: SATURDAY: 5:00 p.m. SUNDAY: 8:15 a.m. 10:45 a.m. HOLY DAY MASS SCHEDULE: TBA in bulletin WEEKDAY MASS SCHEDULE: MONDAY-FRIDAY: 9:00 a.m. CONFESSIONS: SATURDAY: 4:00-4:30 p.m. BULLETIN DEADLINE: Monday noon Parish Office: 587-3254 Fax: 587-0149 E-mail: [email protected] ST. EDWARD THE CONFESSOR CHURCH GRANVILLE, OHIO SIXTH SUNDAY OF EASTER MAY 10, 2015 – YEAR B PRELUDE 10:45: Sonata III (Handel) INTRODUCTORY RITES ENTRANCE: On This Day, O Beautiful Mother (#707) SPRINKLING RITE: I Saw Water Flowing (#941) GLORIA: Mass in Honor of Saint Benedict (hymnal insert) SIXTH SUNDAY OF EASTER MONDAY, MAY 11 9:00 a.m. Living & Deceased Members of the Olsofka & Stevens Families by Jean Stevens TUESDAY, MAY 12 – Saints Nereus and Achilleus, Martyrs; Saint Pancras, Martyr 9:00 a.m. MaryAnn Reeb (RIP) (Birthday) by Ron Sheldon WEDNESDAY, MAY 13 – Our Lady of Fatima 9:00 a.m. Anthony Skufca (RIP) (Birthday) by Tony & Dottie Skufca THURSDAY, MAY 14 – Saint Matthias, Apostle 9:00 a.m. Jane D. Chupka (RIP) by Dave & Kim Chupka FRIDAY, MAY 15 – Saint Isidore 9:00 a.m. Michael Manley (RIP) by Jim & Marianne Masterson SATURDAY, MAY 16 5:00 p.m. Julie H. Cooper (RIP) by Mary Elliott SUNDAY, MAY 17 – ASCENSION OF THE LORD 8:15 a.m. Jake Thompson (RIP) by Barbara Kegelmeyer 10:45 a.m. Living & Deceased Members of St. Edward Church LITURGY OF THE WORD RESPONSORIAL PSALM: Ps. 98: The Lord has revealed to the nations his saving pow’r. (p. 161) GOSPEL ACCLAMATION: Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia. (p. 162) LITURGY OF THE EUCHARIST PREPARATION OF GIFTS, 5:00 & 8:15: My Soul Rejoices (#830) PREPARATION OF GIFTS, 10:45: You Shall Love the Lord Your God (Englert, sung by choir) SANCTUS, MEM. ACC. A, AMEN, AGNUS DEI: Mass in Honor of St. Benedict (hymnal insert) COMMUNION, 5:00 & 8:15 Christians, Let Us Love One Another (#480) COMMUNION, 10:45: Ps. 34: Taste and see the goodness of the Lord. (Alstott) COMMUNION 2, 10:45: Magnificat (Chepponis, sung by choir) CONCLUDING RITE SENDING FORTH: God Is Love Pray for all priests, seminarians and priestly vocations. POSTLUDE ALTAR SERVERS: CANTORS 5:00 p.m. Steve Schlicher 8:15 a.m. Hailey Bruce 10:45 a.m. Children’s Choir 5:00 p.m. Joe Pappas, Daniel Pappas, Luke Pappas 8:15 a.m. Michael Theibert, Luke Cannon, Natalie Cannon 10:45 a.m. Anya Mitton-Fry, Ashley Montagnese, Jason Reding LECTORS: 5:00 p.m. Tom Gilligan, Gene Klark 8:15 a.m. Kathy Horton, Selma Lesher 10:45 a.m. Richard Hoben, Eric Guerin EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS: (#489) FLUTE (10:45): Linda Habig GIFT BEARERS: 5:00 p.m. 8:15 a.m. 10:45 a.m. Jim & Ellen Cooper Joe & Joan Halla Volunteer 5:00 p.m. Cathy Wine, Kim Chupka, Paula Coleman, John Jauch, Mary Klark 8:15 a.m. Dave Conway, Chris Carter, Gary Carter, Barb Castro, Gene Theibert 10:45 a.m. Nick Hahn, Lynn Harden, Mark Harden, Alexandra Kerns, Kathy Kiebel, Joe Krempel, Robin Krempel, Annie Lach, Charlotte Markham SUNDAY NURSERY HOMEBOUND MINISTERS: Robin Van Order and Dave Conway We pray for Joseph Gallen, brother of parishioner Peter Gallen. May he rest forever in the eternal peace of Christ The Nursery/Playroom for young children is open during the 10:45 a.m. Mass. To be added to the Sunday schedule of volunteers, contact the new coordinators, Jessica and Robert Willison, at 614-595-0991 or e-mail jessica.ohare@ IN SYMPATHY SUNDAY OFFERTORY COLLECTION The offertory collection for May 3rd was $10,279.87. The last EFT draft of the year for our Preschool was $7,907.94. A WORD FROM YOUR PASTOR ….. 1.As we honor the image of the Blessed Mother with our prayers and a crown of flowers at each Mass this weekend, let us make this ancient prayer our own: A Mother’s Prayer Loving God, you are both Father and Mother to us. You gave us your own Beloved Child Jesus that we may come to see, from his words and deeds of compassion how much you care for us. You gave us Mary, our Mother, faithful disciple, who treasured your word in her heart. Like her, may I be ever attentive to your word. Make me sensitive to the needs of my children that they, like Jesus, may grow in wisdom, age and grace. May they be joyous in their living, compassionate in their loving, and generous always in your service. In Jesus’ name, I pray. – Sr. Eleanor Bernstein We, of course, wish to pay tribute to our own mothers, living and deceased, and to the mothers of our parish on this, their day. We offer our prayers and affection to them. 2. I wish to thank the Newark Catholic students who were here working in the church on St. Joseph’s Day. We appreciate their work and kindness to us. 3. Please be reminded that the Denison Mass has ended for the summer break. (Commencement is Saturday, May 16th.) 4. The 2015 Bishop’s Annual Appeal is off to a great start. We have nearly met our Goal #One: $86,000.00 for the diocese with Goal #Two ahead of us, $100,000.00 for our parish building debt ($186,000.00) and still out there, our final goal of $244,000.00 (last year’s total pledged). The key to success is to increase the total number of donors, at whatever level possible. We suggest $500.00 per household and $1,200.00 for more recent arrivals (after the building campaign). Both are payable over 10 months. Thanks to all who have made their pledge. P.S. As of Tuesday, our pledge total was $82,536.00. 5. This weekend, we ask your help for the victims of the earthquake in Nepal through Catholic Relief Services (an emergency collection). WELCOME! You may have come as a stranger to us, yet you are known to Our Lord, Jesus Christ. In His name we pray you will find peace, hospitality and friendship with us. ONLINE GIVING: VIEW LINK ON OUR WEBSITE Thank you to all who have signed up for Online Giving! We hope you like the convenience of giving to St. Edward’s online. It’s safe and secure, and you decide exactly when your gift is made and where it goes. Please visit and click the Online Giving link to get started or access your existing account. Please call the parish office at 740-587-3254 if you need help getting set up. EVENTS/MEETINGS THIS WEEK Sunday, May 10 – Mother’s Day May Crowning BAA Campaign Catholic Relief Services – Nepal Relief Collection PSR – see schedule Choir – 9:30 a.m. – Choir Loft St. Vincent Haven Fund-raising Dinner Reservations – see bulletin article IGNITE – 6:30 p.m. – Hall Monday, May 11 Eucharistic Adoration – 9:30 a.m. until Tuesday, 9:00 a.m. – Church Bridge Group – 6:30 p.m. – Hall Lighthearted Scripture – 7:00 p.m. – Lounge Tuesday, May 12 Bell Choir – 7:00 p.m. – Loft Men’s Group for Rediscovery – 7:30 p.m. – Lounge Wednesday, May 13 Rosary Makers – 9:30 a.m. – Lounge PSR – See Schedule Men’s Faith Sharing Group – 7:00 p.m. – Lounge Thursday, May 14 Scripture Study – 9:30 a.m. – Classroom 8 Women of St. Edward – 7:00 p.m. – Hall Knights of Columbus – 7:00 p.m. – Lounge Choir – 7:00 p.m. – Choir Loft Friday, May 15 Flower Pick-up – 1:00-6:00 p.m. – Parking Lot Saturday, May 16 Farmer’s Market – St. Edward’s Parking Lot St. Vincent Haven Fund-raising Dinner Reservations – see bulletin article RCIA The RCIA Period of Mystagogia continues Tuesday, May 19th at 7:00 p.m. in the Parish Hall. We will discuss final reflections on the Easter season and prepare for the Feast of Pentecost. PROTECTING GOD’S CHILDREN Blessed Sacrament is hosting a Protecting God’s Children Workshop on Saturday, May 16th at 9:00 a.m. It will be held in the school cafeteria (394 E. Main Street, Newark). For more information or to register, contact Mike Millisor in the Religious Education Office (740-587-4160 or reled@saint PARISH SCHOOL OF RELIGION PSR schedule this week: Today, Sunday, May 10 Grades 5, 6, 7, 8……9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. 15-minute break for dismissal and arrival Grade Pre-K/K……10:45 a.m. to the end of Mass This Wednesday, May 13 Grades 1-A, 2-A, 3-A, 4-A……FINAL classes from 5:15 p.m. to 6:15 p.m. Closing Assembly for all students, parents and teachers (both hours) in the Parish Hall – 6:15 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Grades 1-B, 2-B, 3-B, 4-B……FINAL classes from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. CYSC – CATHOLIC YOUTH SUMMER CAMP Parents of Students in Grades 6-12: Are you looking for a summer camp with high adventure activities and high adventure faith? Join other St. Edward students who have already registered for camp the week of July 12th in Fulton, OH. Go to for more information and to complete an online registration. NOTES FROM THE LOFT •Alleluia! He is risen! Many thanks to the twenty-three members of the Children’s Choir for singing at the 10:45 a.m. Mass this weekend. Thanks also to Heather Horton and Kelly Mialky for helping with the choir in ways large and small during rehearsals and Mass. Finally, thanks to the families of the choir for your continued support. ~ Paul, [email protected], 740-587-3254 FLOWER PICK-UP SCHEDULE If you preordered annuals through the Youth Group, please pick up your flowers in the church parking lot on Friday, May 15th, from 1:00-6:00 p.m. ST. VINCENT DE PAUL UPDATE With her electricity about to be shut off and her fuel tank empty, an older woman called us in desperation. After the sudden death of her husband, she was having a hard time living on her disability check. Due to your generosity, we were able to pay her electric bill. One of our members donated an electric heater to keep her warm through the end of March. Thank you for your continued support of the St. Vincent de Paul Conference monthly collections. ST. EDWARD YOUTH MINISTRY Ecuador Fund Raising: May 9th – Babysitting Night is back! 6:00-10:00 p.m. Invite your friends! May 15th – Flower Sale Pick-Up, 1:00-6:00 p.m. Youth Group: May 10th – Happy Mother’s Day! 6:30-8:30 p.m., “Mary, Our Mother” May 17th – Senior Cookout! Please bring a side dish to share. All students 8th-12th grade welcome! 5:00-8:00 p.m. Last Youth Group of the school year. Summer Schedule: (Email Marissa at [email protected] for more information.) Ecuador June 24th-July 3rd, Domestic Mission Trip in Columbus, OH, Steubenville Trip, World Meeting of Families Youth Rally with Pope Francis, National Catholic Youth Conference, and Cedar Point Twice a Month: Guys/Girls Nights and Bible Study with Bryan and Marissa CATHOLIC COMMUNICATION CAMPAIGN ~ MAY 17 Next weekend, our parish will take up the Collection for the Catholic Communication Campaign (CCC). Contributions can be made through the St. Edward website Online Giving option. This Collection communicates the Gospel through Catholic social media activities and enriches our faith through Internet, television, radio, and print media. Half of all proceeds remain in our diocese and support local needs, so please be generous in this collection. CCC equips us to share our experience of faith, worship, and witness with the world. ST. EDWARD HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES Graduating High School Seniors will be honored at our 8:15 a.m. Mass on May 31st. Please join us to celebrate your graduation. Graduates are to meet in the Gathering Space before Mass, wearing your cap and gown, to be in the procession. There will be a breakfast reception for the graduates and their families after Mass in the Parish Hall. If you did not receive an invitation, please contact the Parish Office at 587-3254 so that we can include you! Please RSVP to the Parish Office by Monday, May 25th. PARISH OFFICE JOB OPENING Part-time 24 hours a week. With Janet Meager’s upcoming retirement, we are seeking a skilled, experienced and cheerful person to assist in the office’s operation. The candidate must be a practicing Catholic, complete training for Protecting God’s Children, which is required by the Columbus Diocese. The position requires computer experience and accounting skills using QuickBooks, a working knowledge of Microsoft Office as well as secretarial duties: answering the phone, sacramental record keeping, filing, coordinating weekly collection counting and recording donations (using Parish Data Systems), preparing new parishioner Welcome Packets, sending greeting cards to parishioners of ages 80 and older, and maintaining our online calendar of events. Training will begin June 1, 2015. Please respond in writing with résumé attached to Msgr. Paul P Enke, c/o Parish Office, St. Edward the Confessor Church, 785 Newark Granville Road, Granville OH 43023. GRANVILLE ECUMENICAL VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL 2015 St. Edward the Confessor, Centenary United Methodist, First Presbyterian, St. Luke and United Church of Granville proudly announce the 33rd annual Vacation Bible School (VBS) to be held Monday-Friday, June 8th-12th, from 9:00 a.m.-12:00 noon each day. The theme of this summer’s program is God’s Love In Action, and St. Edward is the host church. This year you can access the brand new website ( to register your children (age 4-6th grade), and to sign up to be an adult or teen volunteer. You can pay registration fees on the website! The early registration deadline is May 10th and the final registration deadline is May 18th. Sign up today for “the best week of the summer.” WOMEN OF ST. EDWARD ~ CRAFT ACTIVITY At the May 14th meeting, parishioner Lenna Leo will lead a class to make a Designer Yarn Necklace. Join us in the Parish Hall at 7:00 p.m. to make a necklace for yourself or to give as a gift. Included in the $10.00 class fee will be: thirty inches of 8 to 10 strands of yarn, one toggle clasp set, four crimps, and two “O” rings. You will need to bring one bottle of Fray Check (available at craft store/Wal-Mart), small needlepoint pliers and scissors. Bring a snack to share. Please RSVP by May 11th to Barb Hinterschied at 740-403-3736 or [email protected]. There is a sample necklace in the Parish Office. ST. VINCENT HAVEN “WE HONOR THOSE THAT SERVE” Please join in a fun-filled evening that will celebrate and recognize the many contributions that Charlie Franks and Bill Sparks have made to our community and St. Vincent Haven!! “We Honor Those That Serve” will be held at the Elks Club, 73 N. Third Street, Newark, on Saturday, June 13th. A reception with a Silent Auction and Cash Bar begins at 6:00 p.m. Dinner will be catered by Skip Salome Enterprises and after a short program, the evening ends with an exciting Live Auction. Major sponsorships at the $2,500.00, $1,500.00 and $1,000.00 levels are available and include a reserved table for 8. Tables of 8 are $400.00 and individual tickets may be purchased for $50.00. For more information, or to register for the event, please contact Linda Berger at svh@svd or call 614-439-9230 or Kevin Murphy at [email protected] or call 740-258-3544. St. Vincent Haven volunteers will be in the Gathering Space after all Masses this weekend to take sponsorships and dinner reservations. DIOCESAN SENIOR CITIZENS DAY The Diocesan Senior Citizens Day celebration is Tuesday, June 2nd at St. Paul, Westerville. Bishop Campbell will celebrate Mass at 10:30 a.m. A luncheon will follow. This annual event is a great opportunity for seniors to meet with each other from around the diocese. Registration is $10.00; to register, send a check payable to the Office for Social Concerns, Diocese of Columbus, 197 E. Gay Street, Columbus, Ohio 43215. For questions, call 614-241-2540 or email socmailbox@colsdioc. org. Registrations are requested by May 28th. JUBILEE OF ANNIVERSARIES MASS Attention, all married couples celebrating their 25th, 30th, 35th, 40th, 45th, 50th, 55th, 60th Anniversary and every year thereafter: The Annual Jubilee of Anniversaries Mass will be held on Sunday, June 28, 2015, at St. Paul the Apostle Parish, 313 North State Street, Westerville, at 2:30 p.m. Mass will be celebrated by Bishop Frederick F. Campbell followed by an informal reception in your honor. Registration forms have been posted on our bulletin boards. You may also register online at or by calling 614-241-2560. Reservations for you and guests are necessary and must be received by Friday, June 12, 2015. JUBILEE MUSEUM – SPECIAL EXHIBITS Columbus artist Alfred Tibor is an internationally recognized sculptor whose work is included in museums and private collections across the globe. He survived the Holocaust and six years in a Russian Gulag, and then arrived with his family in the United States in 1957 as one of many Hungarian refugees. These extraordinary trials have informed Tibor’s direction as an artist: “I believe that my life was spared to do work so people may enjoy it. Whether it is one of my Holocaust sculptures, a biblical figure, or a woman standing proud and tall, the human aspect of the piece is what is being expressed to the viewer – that there is beauty and value to be found in all our lives, for I truly believe that life is a celebration.” As part of its new exhibitions program, the Jubilee Museum and Catholic Cultural Center is pleased to announce a new exhibition, Celebration of Life: The Sculptural Work of Alfred Tibor, an exhibition on loan from the collection of Argo & Lehne Jewelers. The show will be open to the public through June 14, 2015 and it will feature 24 sculptures. In addition, the Jubilee Museum is dedicating the month of May to Our Lady with a special exhibit, Behold Your Mother, comprised of the museum’s Marian-themed works of art. The exhibition will be accompanied by a special Marian tour offered every Saturday and Sunday (at 1:00 p.m. only) throughout the month. Come and join us and celebrate Our Lady’s month! A suggested donation of $10.00 per person is greatly appreciated. For more information, please visit the Jubilee Museum and Catholic Cultural Center’s website at www. or call 614-600-0054. The Catechism Corner Happy Mother’s Day to all Mothers and in honor of mothers, we take this week in the catechism to explore what the Church teaches about our Mother, Mary, Mother of Jesus, Mother of all Christians. We begin with paragraphs 963975 from the section of the CCC – Profession of Faith – Paragraph 6: Mother of Christ, Mother of the Church. 963 – “The Virgin Mary is acknowledged and honored as being truly the Mother of God and of the redeemer. She is clearly the mother of the members of Christ.” 964 – Mary is wholly united with her Son. 965 – After Jesus’ Ascension, Mary “aided the beginnings of the Church by her prayers.” 966 – Mary is wholly united to her Son in her Assumption – “The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin is a singular participation of her Son’s Resurrection and an anticipation of the resurrection of other Christians.” 967 – She is our Mother in the order of grace. Mary is the Church’s model of faith and charity. Continue through paragraph 975 – “We believe that the Holy Mother of God, the new Eve, Mother of the Church, continues in Heaven to exercise her maternal role on behalf of the members of Christ” – Paul VI. Holy Mary, Mother of God pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen. Happy Mother’s Day! Thanks Mom! A PRAYER FOR THOSE AFRAID OF MOTHERHOOD Lord God, we thank you, the Source of Life, for all those who have welcomed and nurtured our lives. In particular, we thank you for our mothers, who with trust in you and self-sacrifice beyond description, have made it possible for us to live and praise you today. Give them the reward of their labors. Today, Lord, we also pray for mothers who are afraid of being mothers. We pray especially for those carrying a child within them, but afraid to bring that child to birth. Look with favor on these, your daughters, and give them trust and strength. Enable them to give themselves to their children, as you give yourself to us, and to experience the joys of motherhood. Enable us to do our part to encourage them and provide for their needs. We ask this through Christ our Lord. TEACHERS NEEDED The Language Experience Center, a preschool for children with challenges in communication, needs teachers for its summer session. The session is for six weeks between June 15th and the end of July. The classes are 2 days a week from 9:00 to 1:30 p.m. (tentatively). Preference will be given to applicants with an undergraduate degree in speech pathology or in any other area of child development. Please contact Barbara Lechner, Ph.D, CCC, at 740-587-7214 or [email protected]. FREE SUMMER CAMP PROGRAM FOR THOSE WITH AUTISM This camp is being held at St. Edward Church, Monday through Friday, June 15th-July 31st. The tentative class time is 9:30 a.m.-2:00 p.m. Parents/Caregivers can choose for children to attend 1-7 weeks. Children should have 2nd grade (at least) reading skills. They will work one-on-one with mentors in small groups on noncompetitive physical activities (including stations), games, yoga, crafts, music, dancing, cooking, interviewing, drama, etc. The program was created to improve social and communication skills (build friendships), to allow for sensory issues and a child’s need for routine, to develop executive skills, and to reduce anxiety with new situations, new activities and new people. This program is presented by the Language Experience Center, a nonprofit organization. Prospective students and mentors can contact Barbara Lechner, Ph.D., CCC, at 740-587-7214 or [email protected]. Mentors will be trained and paid. VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL St. Edward Catholic, First Presbyterian, United Church of Granville, Centenary Methodist and St. Luke’s Episcopal Churches join together to sponsor an ecumenical week of learning and fun for children. St. Edward Church will host VBS this year, June 8th-12th, from 9:00 a.m.-12:00 noon each day. Many volunteers are needed. You can sign up to be an adult or teen volunteer via the website at www. Note to volunteers with young children: Little VBS is child care and age-appropriate theme-based Granville VBS curriculum for children (newborn through 3+) of adult volunteers on the days they are scheduled to volunteer. BETHESDA HEALING MINISTRY Celebrate Mother’s Day and the lives or your children lost before birth at a Mass of Comfort. On May 11th, Bethesda Healing Ministry will remember our children lost to miscarriage, stillbirth and through early termination. Please join us in the convent chapel on the campus of Christ the King, 2777 E. Livingston Avenue, at 7:00 p.m. where Frs. Dean Mathewson and Michael Gentry will offer a memorial service for your children now residing in heaven with Our Heavenly Father. For more information, go online to bethesdahealing. org or call 614-309-0157 or 614-309-2651. SPONSOR OF THE WEEK: “Gourmet Meals to Go” 937 River Road, Granville Come see what we are known for – fresh quality quick meals – Italian grocery products – Private Event Catering – Wine Tasting/Food Pairing Events (740) 587-0409 ORTHOPAEDIC SPECIALISTS & SPORTS MEDICINE, INC. Melind DDS D G SIXTH SUNDAY OF EASTER MAY 10, 2015 Please Patronize Our Advertisers… To Place An Ad, Call 1-800-292-9020. “Gourmet Meals to Go” 937 River Road, Granville Come see what we are known for – fresh quality quick meals – Italian grocery products – Private Event Catering – Wine Tasting/Food Pairing Events (740) 587-0409 ORTHOPAEDIC SPECIALISTS & SPORTS MEDICINE, INC. 1980 Tamarack Road, Newark, Ohio, 43055 (740) 788-9220 Licking County’s Local Orthopedic Group Since 1986 Melinda J. Woofter, M.D. Board Certified Dermatologist F.A.S.M.S. accredited MOH’s Surgeon Cosmetic & General Dermatology DDS 587-0778 D. Mark Stewart, D.D.S. General Family Dentistry 920 N.920 Hamilton Road,Road, Suite Suite 600 600 N. Hamilton Gahanna, OH OH Gahanna, Physician Practice 366-4332 Physician Practice 366-4332 Physcial Therapy 293-7600 Physical Therapy 293-7600 WEXNER MEDICAL CENTER Michael L. Barrett, CFP®, CRPC, MBA Lincoln Financial Advisors • Comprehensive Financial Planning • Wealth Management • Retirement Planning • Business Owner Planning 431-4384 Toll Free: 800-832-7215 1010 N. 21st Street Phone: (614) Michael L. Barret, Representative and Investment Advisory Representative of Lincoln Financial Advisors Corp CRN 201002-2039066 Newark, OH 43055 7650 Rivers Edge Dr. Suite 250 Columbus, OH 43235 [email protected] (740) 366-5353 Fax: (740) 366-6255 Complete Orthopedic Care OSUOSU SPORTS SPORTS MEDICINE MEDICINE Bath & Biscuits 1616 Columbus Road, Granville, Ohio 43023 740-587-0011 E vans INSTALLATION • SERVICE • FREE ESTIMATES 1060 W. MAIN ST • NEWARK Corner of 30th and W. Main Streets Thomas K. Petryk, MD Michael E. Campolo, DO Misti Staggers, CNP Jeremy R. Campbell, DO Raju Fatehchand, MD, FACP Courtney Harris, PA-C Elizabeth Snedeker, PA-C Brenda K. Ames, ANP Lisa Karres, DO Richard R. Donnard, DO ® SM Thursdays in May 8:30-10a.m. Free cup of coffee/Call for details 740-321-3330 SINCE SINCE 1984 1984 Mickey’s Roofing, Roofing, Gutter & Small Roofing Repairs Free Estimates 3013 Raccoon Valley Rd. • Granville 740-587-2645 Products&&Services Services••Personal PersonalAttention Attention ITITProducts 1496West WestMain MainStreet, Street,Newark Newark 1496 740.788.9000•• 740.788.9000 INDEPENDENT TERMITE & PEST CONTROL, INC. The Tony Adams Agency 831-1/2 Buckeye Ave., Newark, OH 43055 Termite & Carpenter Ant Specialist Free Robert Amore, President Estimates “Providing Insurance and Advertiser: AlphaLink AlphaLink 740-345-7000 Licensed by State of OhioAdvertiser: Financial Services” Publication: St. St.Edward Edward Church bulletin Publication: Church bulletin Tony Adams, Agent Summit Custom Cabinets Ad S Ad size: 1.5space space size: 1.5 C C approximately1.75 1.75xx.75 .75 approximately Residential and Commercial Kitchen • Bath • Bookcases • Entertainment Cabinets Medical Cabinets • Displays • Millwork 10430 Hoover Rd., Newark, Ohio 43055 740-345-1734 • Fax 740-345-1497 Owner Scott Thomas BIA OF LICKING COUNTY 1248 W. Main Street Newark, Ohio 43055 Office 349-8055 740-522-7600 • 1930 Tamarack Road Snapshots spirits • snacks • sandwiches • sweets 1320 Weaver Rd., Granville | 740-321-1391 Hearing Edge, LLC Jim Biven, Jr. Licensed Hearing Aid Specialist Since 1986 1630 Columbus Rd., Granville 740-321-3396 LARRY FOX, INC • Asphalt Repair • Limestone • Utility Ditching • Snow Removal • Dump Truck Service • Site Prep Larry: 814-2207 Office: 366-7756 Professional Custom Picture Framing Service 740-258-4065 GREEN’S 150709 KAG St Edward Bulleting Ad.indd 1 Laura and Tim Collins Owners & Parishioners 44 S. 4th Street, Newark, OH 43055 740-345-4494 10/31/14 Computer Advisors Inc. 1:21 PM Radiator & Air Conditioning Service New & Reconditioned Radiators • Plastic/Aluminum • Head Gasket & Intake • Fuel Tank Rebuilding • Classic & Vintage A/C Installation • Semi/Industrial A/C & CLS Repairs • Belts, Hoses & Most Auto Repairs 740-345-3870 6th and Main Street, Newark, Ohio 43055 BarB Castro, ProPrietor/Parishioner 614-751-8191 Lynn Ashcraft LLC LICENSED EXPERIENCED INSURED 287 Deo Dr., Newark Serving Licking, Knox, Franklin, Delaware and all surrounding counties 274 S 6th St., Newark OH 43055 Off: (740) 366-3255 (800) 395-5784 Install * Repair * Pump * Service * Jet Aeration * Conventional * Mound * Drip Legend Lawn & Landscape COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL Mike Chandler 740-745-5451 Since 1866 Kathy Kiebel 222 E. Broadway 587-3133 Knights of Columbus St. Edward Council #10876 Serving Parish and Community David E. Born, M.D. Donald A. DeShetler, M.D. Charles L. Geiger, D.O. Patrick J. Scarpitti, M.D. Elizabeth Martinsen, DVM, MS, ACT Jason M. Winterhalter, M.D. Lameness, Medicine and Reproduction Board Certified in Equine Equine Reproduction Veterinary 614-540-0040 Services [email protected] HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING 740-522-2611 • FAX 740-366-2560 Family Medicine 740-587-0087 Come in on Sunday for a Free Small Coffee with the purchase of a Breakfast Sandwich outdoor store oPen Mon-sat 10aM-7PM Featuring Denison, Patagonia Apparel & More! Home of the $6 Granville T-shirt 313 E. Broadway, Granville,OH 43203 740.587.0001 • 117 N. Prospect St., Granville OH 43023 Hours: Tues.-Fri. 5-9, Sat. 11:30-2/5-9 Sun. 11-3; Tavern: Tues.-Sat. 5-close 740-587-1490 Edward Inside Ads #74878 MM 4/28/15 Village Tim Hughes Realtor Flower Basket Proudly serving the area for over 38 years! Jeep 1290 HEBRON RD., HEATH, OH (1 mile South of Indian Mound Mall) MEMBERS FAMILY OWNED OF PARISH OVER 38 YEARS 522-3153 1090 River Road Granville Village Flower Basket & Gardens Granville, Ohio 587-3439 328-9051 740-892-3921 Always Forward CrossFit Moving Your Fitness Forward; We Offer CrossFit, Bootcamp, CrossFit Kids, Olympic Lifting, Personal Training 464 S. Main St., Granville Craig McDonald, Co-owner 740-507-4378 Downey’s Carpet Care of Granville 587-4258 Kelly Parker – Professional Full Get great local service with Nationwide®. Auto Home Life Business McDERMOTT INSURANCE Matt McDermott 303 N. 21st Street, Newark, OH 43055 (740) 345-9574 [email protected] ©2006 Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company and Affiliated Companies. Nationwide Life Insurance Company. Home office: Columbus, Ohio 43215-2220. Nationwide, the Nationwide Framemark and On Your Side are federally registered service marks of Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company. Not available in all states. Newark 38 N. Cedar St. 345-5175 R S Heath 780 S. 30th St. 522-2668 Pastor: Msgr. Paul P. Enke Grand Monuments 1600 East Main St. Newark, Ohio 43055 345-8772 1190 E. Main Street, Newark, OH 43055 740-349-8686 AUTOMOTIVE PAINTLESS DENT REMOVAL Antiques &Vintage A Positive Connection ERIC CLAEYS 740-404-5508 Julie Fudge Smith (740) 587-0429 Northwestern Mutual DENTAL THOMAS L. HIEBEL, DDS • 740-344-4355 Our services include making an assessment of your entire portfolio and managing accounts for growth, income or combination of both. *A second opinion on current financial investments *Advise on employee stock options 740-366-1110/ *Asset and investment management *Retirement planning strategies Toll Free 1-866-366-1110 McPeek-Hoekstra Funeral Home Granville, OH Stepout outofofyour yourbox boxand andonto ontoour ourbikes. bikes. Step Step out of your box and onto our bikes. 203East EastCollege College 203 Granville Granville upstairsininthe the upstairs newlyrenovated renovated newly WarnerBuilding Building Warner 05-2296 ©2005 The Northwestern Mutual Financial Network is a marketing name for the sales and distribution arm of The Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Mutual Life Insurance Company, Milwaukee, WI and its affiliates, and “The Quiet Company” is a registered trademark. 5062-076 PMMG 344-6106 GUTRIDGE PLUMBING, INC. GP 349-9411 I Abe’s Complete Auto Repair Foreign Automotive & Domestic PAUMIER MEDICAL Front End Alignments Wheels and Tires MANAGEMENT GROUP, INC. 462 S. Main St. • Open Mon.-Fri. 8-5 Ray and Katy Paumier, 587-0741 • 587-0742 Parishioners 587-1361 CENTRAL OHIO DENTAL SPA Abe’s Body Shop Foreign & Domestic Complete Body Shop All Work Guaranteed – Free Estimates Insurance Work Open Mon.-Fri. 8-5 Sy Viet Nguyen, DDS, LLC 740-344-8692 THE EYE SITE WELCOMING NEW PATIENTS Featuring Abe’s Quick Lube 460 S. Main St., Granville 587-3389 • 587-4015 WENGER TEMPERATURE F740-587-0161 L Y M E T H O D C Y C L E.C O MCONTROL BRETT A. DIETZ, O.D. TRY OUR 740-920-4287 TR RY Y O OU UR R T CLASSES S [email protected] CL LA AS SS SE ES C FLYMETHODCYCLE.COM A ffu us siio on no off A FLLY YM ME ETTH HOOD DCCY YCCLLE.C E.COOM M F meetthhooddccyyccllee. .ccoom m iinnffoo@@ffllyym 774400- -992200- -44228877 FL LY Y F FLY A fusion of indooriin cycling, body nd do oo or r strength, cy yc clliin ng, g, sttr rresistance en ng gtth, h, & yogaM c s e ME ET TH HO OD D My Eo Tg H OD C Y C L E.C OC ML unlimited rides individuals, students and families band oR dsingle yr re e siis sfor a nc ce eF aL nY d y o g a b o d y s tta n a n d a CMETHOD Y C LE E C Y T Rplans, Y passes OU info@f 7 4 0 - 9 2 0 - 4CYCLE 287 CLASSES Your i the ncomfort f o @ f l y m e t h o d c y c l eFor . c oHeating m & A/C “When you need NANCY R. 0 DIETZ, O.D. 74 - 9 2 0 - 4 2 8 7 and care of home.” 2005 PROGRESS AVE. Granville Office Millersport Office (740) 587-4970 (740) 467-2525 Bill Hoekstra & Mary Hoekstra 614-443-2212 OVERHEAD MERJAERZ fusion of DOOR oAi nf 740-522-4772 d o o r CONSTRUCTION c y c l i n g, s t r e n g t h, SYSTEMS body resistance and yoga the t h y c l i n g, s t r e no ng , Overhead Doors and ustom i s t a n c e Ca n d 292 y o g a Operating Systems Miller Avenue, Newark, Ohio 43055 Sales • Service • Installation C are G iving unlimited plans, passesEstate, and single ridesInc for individuals, students and families Pinkerton Real Central Ohio Protective Services Residential • Commercial FLY METHOD CYCLE unlimitedplans, plans,passes passesand andsingle singlerides ridesfor forindividuals, individuals,students studentsand andfamilies families unlimited Residential and Commercial Carpentry Your Avenue to Beauty & Relaxation Spa Packages, Massage, Facials, Waxing, Pedicures Manicures, Permanent Cosmetics, Salon & Boutique • All Interior Remodeling Projects • Licensed in Elec Plumbing & HVAC • Concrete Work • New Builds • All Exterior Projects • Room Additions 740-877-2693 [email protected] J. Michael Maurer, Realtor, e-Pro b e t t e r at h o m e 740-587-1111 116 W. Broadway, Granville, OH 740-348-6377 In-Home Personal Care Jeff & Susie Kalinoski [email protected] ERDEY SEARCY EYE GROUP “Dropless” Cataract Surgery MARK A. CENEVIVA, O.D. Independent Doctor of Optometry Alarms - Monitoring - Cameras Serving Central Ohio for 23 Years 740-967-4602 Compliments of Assisting Clergy Fr. Ronnie Boccali, P.I.M.E. Fr. Jay Harrington, O.P. 141 GREEN WAVE DR. • NEWARK For Your Family and Its Future. Brian Van Winkle Parishioner • 23 Years Experience • Hail Damage • Body Line Dents • Crease Dents • Door Dings •Motorcycles “Setting the standard in service excellence” Sectional Doors • Rolling Steel & Grills • Electric Operators • Springs and Much more! Joe Miller, Parishioner 614-444-DOOR (3667) Knights of Columbus 785 Newark-Granville Road • Granville, Ohio 43023 • Pastoral Minister/R.C.I.A: Parish School of Religion 740-587-4160 Mike Millisor SarahF Sween L Y Vision For Life WAL-MART VISION CENTERS Heath Office 911 Hebron Rd. Richard A. Erdey, M.D. Gregory D. Searcy, M.D. • Daryl Kaswinkel, M.D. (740) 522-2553 Newark Office 1315 North 21st St. (740) 364-9130 Ohio’s Finest Diner Insurance & Financial Services with a Catholic Perspective HH A++ SUPERIOR RATING HH Annuities • IRAs • Roth IRAs Life & Long Term Care • Disability Insurance Mark Hedge, FICF, MDRT • (740) 599-2963 [email protected] • PLEASE PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS. TO PLACE AN AD CALL 1-800-292-9020 4-7-15 ctm 74432 Preschool Director: Respect Life Committee: Linda Foley.............. 740-587-3275 John Koenig........ 740-587-0720 Maintenance: Kinney F L Y DKiane evin Kinney M Parish E T H O Office:........740-587-3254 Floyd LD ahmon C Y C L E Office Manager: Cheryl Boggess, CPA Office Staff: Barbara Hinterschied Janet Meager ALADDIN plans, passes and single ridesRESTAURANT for individuals, students and families Laser Vision Correction Complete Family Eye Care 614.863.EYES (3937) Deacon: Rev. Mr. John Barbour 462 S. Main Street, Granville • By Appointment Only Dog Training 263 Deo Drive, Newark, Ohio 43055 Church of Saint Edward the Confessor Jeffery W. James, Financial Representative The Kemelgor Financial Group (740) 587-2746 W A RT H O R K S 203 East College Granville upstairs in the newly renovated Warner Building Cell 740-334-9777 935 River Rd. Granville587-7266 973 N. 21st St.Newark 366-3356 box and onto our bikes. E 238 E. Broadway, Granville, OH Coffee & Community Bag & Bulk Mulch – Plants – Stone – Topsoil 2135 West Main, Newark • A family tradition of service excellence, since 1897 740-522-6558 • Fax 740-522-9811 Nationwide. But still very, very local. Business Technologies, Inc. COPIERS • PRINTERS • FAX Service REALTOR® Home of Ye Olde Mill Since 1914 11324 Mt. Vernon Rd., Utica Mike Greene 740-345-3510 51 North Third Tower • Newark Parish Council: John Martin........ 740-924-6922 Visits to Shut-ins: Diane Kinney...... 740-587-4121 Director of Music: Paul Radkowski....... 740-587-3254 Eucharistic Adoration: Kim Chupka. ....... 740-587-7067 Baptismal Class: (Contact Parish Office) Knights of Columbus: Patricia Belhorn...... 740-587-3254 Eric Guerin......... 740-398-4776 Youth Minister: Marriage Preparation Marissa Schlabach.......587-3254 Inventory Program Dcn. John and Cindy Barbour..... 740-587-3254 Mass Schedule SUNDAY MASS SCHEDULE: SATURDAY: 5:00 p.m. SUNDAY: 8:15 a.m. 10:45 a.m. HOLY DAY MASS SCHEDULE: TBA in bulletin WEEKDAY MASS SCHEDULE: MONDAY-FRIDAY: 9:00 a.m. CONFESSIONS: SATURDAY: 4:00-4:30 p.m. BULLETIN DEADLINE: Monday noon Parish Office: 587-3254 Fax: 587-0149 E-mail: [email protected] God bless the mothers, the ones who rock their children and place them in warm cradles. God bless the mothers, the ones who wrap their children and hide them from bullets and terror. God bless the mothers, those who take their children to the movies, and buy them popcorn. God bless the mothers, those who feed them their own portion of food, saying they are not hungry. God bless the mother’s the ones whose children do well in school, and get straight A’s God bless the mothers the ones whose children steal cars, take drugs and drop out. God bless the mothers those who have children who are born perfect, whole and healthy. God bless the mothers whose children cannot walk or hear or see. God bless the mothers whose children grow up and have children of their own. God bless the mothers who lose a child, and spend a lifetime mourning. God bless the mothers who go to church on Sunday and take their children with them. God bless the mothers who make time to bake cookies and read. God bless the mothers who give money to charity and send food to the food banks. God bless the mothers who wait in line, hoping for a decent meal and a bed. God bless the mothers whose children pray at night beside their warm cozy beds. God bless the mothers whose children cry out in hunger. And shiver in the cold. God bless the mothers who sing to their children and rock them to sleep. God bless the mothers who sing without music and dance without reason. God bless the mothers. Sixth Sunday of Easter Prayer to Nourish Relationships God of all, you have enriched us with a nation filled with people of many cultures. Help us to love with no partiality, reaching out in friendship to all of your children. Guide us to know the blessings that each person we meet may bring to our lives. May we welcome and nourish relationships from the diversity in our midst and remain in your love through our love of one another. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. Sunday, May 10, 2015 God Shows No Partiality Today’s Readings: Acts 10:25–26, 34 – 35, 44–48; Psalm 98:1, 2–3, 3–4 (2b); 1 John 4:7–10; John 15:9–17. Today’s First Reading may help us examine how we sometimes do not value those that God values. Peter had thought that the covenant extended only to Jews, but at this meeting with the Gentile Cornelius, he understands that “God shows no partiality.” Since the gifts of the Holy Spirit are poured over the Gentiles, it became apparent that the waters of Baptism should not be withheld. Considering this reading, we might want to examine ours and our parish’s attitudes toward others. Do we recognize the gifts of those who are unlike us? Are we hospitable to all or do we show partiality? Does the leadership in the parish reflect the diversity of the community? Understanding that God regards no one with partiality may help us comprehend how we are to love. In the Second Reading, we see that God sent his Son for all of us, not just those we consider worthy. Do we approach every person as though God died so that he or she might have life through Christ? If God shows no partiality, it is obvious that we should love everyone without reserve. Christ’s command, the Gospel from John tells us, is to “love one another as I love you.” Do we love as God loves when we reach out only to those who are like us or agree with us? We hear in today’s Gospel that God appointed us “to go and bear fruit that will remain.” How can you extend yourself to people in your parish, workplace, or community? How can your parish encourage its members to reach out to those who are unfamiliar to them? This Week at Home Monday, May 11, 2015 Presence of the Holy Spirit Today’s Gospel contains a warning. The future will be tumultuous for the disciples. They will be thrown out of the synagogues and be killed by those who think that they are doing the right thing. Still, the Holy Spirit, the Advocate, the Spirit of truth will be with them. He will speak for Christ, and it will be their responsibility to do so also. Do you pray to the Holy Spirit to help you face difficulties and challenges in life? Today’s Readings: Acts 16:11–15; Psalm 149:1b – 2, 3 – 4, 5 – 6a and 9b (4a); John 15:26 —16:4a. Tuesday, May 12, 2015 Faithful Testimony In today’s reading from the Acts of the Apostles, we see the persecution of the disciples that Jesus foretold. Paul and Silas are stripped, beaten, and imprisoned. Still, they pray and sing. And when an earthquake opened their cell doors, they did not escape but provided a testimony of faith to the jailer. Would you have run from your tormentors? Are you able to sing in spite of hard times? Does your prayer provide consolation? Today’s Readings: Acts 16:22 – 34; Psalm 138:1– 2ab, 2cde – 3, 7c – 8 (7c); John 16:5 –11. Wednesday, May 13, 2015 Our Lady of Fatima The Memorial of Our Lady of Fatima observes the apparitions to three Portuguese children in a field close to Fatima. Pope John Paul II attributed the intercession of Our Lady of Fatima with saving his life when he was shot on May 13, 1981, in St. Peter’s Square. Exactly a year after the assassination attempt, the pope celebrated a Mass at Fatima, giving thanks to Mary. Mary is the Mother of the Church and also the spiritual mother to each of us. Have you nurtured a relationship with Mary as your mother? Today’s Readings: Acts 17:15, 22 —18:1; Psalm 148:1– 2, 11–12, 13, 14 (Alleluia); John 16:12 –15. Thursday, May 14, 2015 If Celebrating the Ascension Today Today’s solemnity is a celebration of Jesus’ enduring presence within the Church. The Ascension was both the beginning and end for the disciples. Instead of being left with sorrow and grief, they were filled with joy and with great anticipation for the coming of the Holy Spirit. Can you name some ways in which the Holy Spirit is living and working in the Church today? Today’s Readings: Acts 1:1–11; Psalm 47:2 – 3, 6 –7, 8 – 9 (6); Ephesians 4:1–13; Mark 16:15 – 20. Friday, May 15, 2015 St. Isidore St. Isidore the Farmer (1080–1130) is the patron saint of Madrid, Spain, and the United States National Catholic Rural Life Conference (NCRLC). NCRLC works for social, economic, and spiritual development in rural America, through prayer, education, and advocacy. You may want to visit to keep up with legislative and other issues that affect not only farmers but all who rely on them for food. The materials on the website, including an Eater’s Bill of Rights, are from the perspective that we need to be faithful stewards of creation. Today’s Readings: Acts 18:9 –18; Psalm 47:2 – 3, 4 – 5, 6 –7 (8a); John 16:20 – 23. Saturday, May 16, 2015 Your Joy Will Be Complete “Very truly, I tell you, if you ask anything of the Father in my name, he will give it to you.” In the discourse in today’s Gospel, Jesus continues to teach the Apostles how to pray, this time telling them to pray in his name to the Father. When they do so, their prayers will be granted. It is interesting that Jesus tells the Apostles that their joy will be complete when they ask and receive. What do you consider complete joy to be? Today’s Readings: Acts 18:23 – 28; Psalm 47:2 – 3, 8 – 9, 10 (8a); John 16: 23b – 28. © Liturgy Training Publications. 1-800-933-1800. Written by Michael R. Prendergast. Illustrated by Cody F. Miller. Scripture quotations are from The New Revised Standard Version Bible: Catholic Edition, copyright © 1993 and 1989 by the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the U.S.A. Permission to publish granted by the Archdiocese of Chicago, on September 16, 2014. Reproducibles for Lent-Triduum-Easter 2015
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