4th SUNDAY OF EASTER April 26th, 2015 SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION DAILY WEEKDAY MASSES MON, TUES, THURS & FRI – 12:15 pm, WED, 9:00 am EVENA PRAYER SERVICE - WED., 7 pm Meet Our Office Staff & Volunteers Pastor: Fr. Patrick Cosgrove Assistant: Fr. John DeCoste Deacon: Tom Smith Administrative Assistant: Kelley SullivanDurnford Director of Religious Education: Peggy Dupuy Pastoral Assistant: Claire Pottie Parish Council Chair: Rosemarie Sampson Choir Leaders: Saturday 4:00pm: Chris Mader Sunday 9:00 am: Brent MacDonald 11:15 am: Betty Gillis 6:00 pm: Roxanne Pereira Our choirs are always ready to welcome new members. If you are interested in joining a choir please call the office or speak to a choir leader before or after Mass. During Wednesday evening eVena Prayer or by appointment SICK & HOMEBOUND If you know someone who is seriously ill, in the hospital or homebound that would like a Parish Visitor or to receive Communion, please contact the Parish Office SENIORS' MASSES The Berkeley: Third Wednesday, 10:15 am Northwood Ivany Place: Every Saturday, 11:00 am PRAYING THE SCRIPTURES Readings for next week: May 3rd – 5th Sunday of Easter First Reading: Acts 9.26-31 Second Reading: 1 John 3.18-24 Gospel: John 15.1-4 REGULAR MONTHLY MEETINGS Parish Council: First Thursday, 7 pm, Knights of Columbus: 4th Thursday, 7 pm St. Vincent de Paul Society: 2nd Wed, 6:30 pm Catholic Women’s League: 3rd Saturday, 2 pm Carmelites: First Saturday, 9 am K OF C GRAND KNIGHT: Titus Gomez CWL PRESIDENT: Sharon Forbrigger NO SCENTS MAKES GOOD SENSE! Please refrain from wearing perfume/cologne to Mass. UPCOMING UPCOMING EVENTS APR 27 – SCANS LECTURE – 10:00 AM – HALL APR 29 - TOASTMASTERS – 7:00 PM – HALL APR 29 – EVENA PRAYER – 7:00 PM MAY 2 – 1st HOLY COMMUNION RETREAT – 9:00 AM – HALL MAY 3 – 1st HOLY COMMUNION – 6:00 PM – RECEPTION FOLLOWING MAY 6 - TOASTMASTERS – 7:00 PM – HALL MAY 6 – EVENA PRAYER – 7:00 PM EVENA PRAYER Congratulations to All Intercessors, we have reached 10,000 + eVena prayers! Pope Francis says, "This is a prayer we must pray every day: Holy Spirit, make my heart open to the word of God; make my heart open to goodness, make my heart open to the beauty of God every day." Try it!! If you would like us to pray for others, know eVena Prayer is here for you if you cannot pray yourself. If you would like to join eVena Prayer, please leave a message at the office. Blessings and the grace of God to you and all yours! With Fr. John Fletcher, C.C. Tuesday – Thursday May 19-21 7:00 -8:30 pm PLUS!! Friday Night Music And Songs of Inspiration May 22 7:00 pm in the Parish Hall HISTORICAL INTRODUCTIONS TO TODAY’S READINGS First reading: Acts 4.7-12 The original audience of the book of Acts were Greek converts to Christ. They were curious about how a religion that had started among Jews had come to embrace them. Saint Luke tells how Peter's strong preaching of Jesus made Jewish leaders draw the line. Second reading: 1 John 3.1-2 For a community torn apart by the exaggerated claims of some of its dissident members, John writes a soothing solution. Just as Jesus went unrecognized by many, so the true believers are misunderstood. And contrary to the claims of some to have special knowledge of the ways of God, there are things yet to be revealed to anyone.. Gospel: John 10.11-18 For the same community, John gives a picture of Jesus' tender care for his followers, and a clear statement that authority belongs to him because he obeys his Father and is self-sacrificing for his flock, doubtful disciples, and connecting their heritage to the startling events of their present. On June 7th, HRM is coming together to walk for those most in need. We are raising funds and awareness for those in poverty by assisting with Food, Heating, Power and Emergencies. Step Up | Walk For Your Neighbour is a 3 kilometre community walk + celebration starting at 6032 Normandy Drive and ending at 2435 Brunswick Street (beside Hope Cottage), where there will be an event grounds consisting of music, family play area, company and group tents and banners, food and refreshments, photo area, official remarks and a social. Everyone is welcome to become involved and walk with us on June 7th as we help local neighbours together and connect our community. Contact Us! Please contact The Step Up Walk with any questions. We're here to help! 902-252-3911 [email protected] WORLD DAY OF PRAYER FOR VOCATIONS As World Day of Prayer for Vocations, falls on Sunday, April 26th, let us ask our Founder Father Michael McGivney to intercede for us as we pray and work for more holy vocations for the Church. Few things are more important to the life of the Church than vocations. For this reason, the Knights of Columbus has always offered prayers, spiritual support and monetary assistance for those young men and women who are discerning a life in the priesthood or religious life. We also encourage all Knights to look within their own families - to our sons, daughters, nieces, nephews and Grandchildren - for possible priestly or religious vocations. For more information please contact Grand Knight Titus Gomez at 835 7537, 456 4293 or e-mail, tgomez@eastlink ca THE CATHOLIC WOMEN’S LEAGUE For Info Contact: www.stignatiuscwl.org League President: Sharon Forbrigger 902-832-9260 or email [email protected] PARISH COUNCIL SEEKING NEW MEMBERS! Do you want to make a difference in the life of your parish? Do you know someone who could make a contribution to the parish? The parish council is now seeking new members for a three year term. The parish council is an advisory body to the parish priest and makes recommendations that impact the life of the parish. The parish council does not deal with acts of administration. The Council meets monthly from September to June of each year. If you, or someone you know, are interested, please contact Michelle at [email protected] or Rosemarie at [email protected] Contact: Peggy Dupuy: [email protected] Phone: 835-2360 Reflecting with Children After the Gospel, ask the children to recall what they heard, help them to recall that Jesus, like the true shepherd, will never leave us. He will always care for us even when we are in danger. Even when we are afraid, he is not afraid. He is even willing to die rather than leave us. BOTTLE COLLECTION!! If you would like to help send 6 youth to Steubenville we are asking for donations of returnable recycling. You can drop your blue bags off at the office and place them on the side balcony where they will be picked up. If you are unable to drop them off please call Peggy at the parish office at 902-835-2910 and she will arrange to pick them up. Donations will also be welcomed if you don’t have any returnable’s. You can drop your donation in the regular Sunday collection in an envelope marked “Youth”. SCANS LECTURE: Anthony Trollope, the great English novelist – Monday, April 27th If you liked Downton Abbey, you will love Trollope's delightful guide through the intrigues and machinations of Victorian England! Fred Vaughan, a Halifax native, constitutional scholar, and devoted Trollope fan, will celebrate the 200th anniversary of Trollope’s birth. 10 am to 12 pm at St. Ignatius Church Hall, 1288 Bedford Highway, Bedford, public welcome. For more information, call 902-444-7588 or see www.theSCANS.ca Save the Date: June 5-6! The 2015 Assembly of the People of God is quickly approaching! This year’s Assembly is June 5 & 6, 2015, and will focus on the first of our three diocesan pastoral themes, Mission. Registration opens May 1! This year’s Assembly will look a little different, and responds directly to participant feedback from our previous Assemblies and information received through phase one of our Pastoral Planning process: the event provides people with workshops that are more practical and hands on, and with opportunities to customize their experience to meet their needs and particular charismas. A reception in the church hall will follow. Everyone is invited to attend! A special invitation is extended to former parishioners and members of Acadian and Mi'kmaq communities with connections to the original parish community. Upcoming Presbyteral Ordinations Archbishop Mancini is pleased to announce the upcoming presbyteral ordinations in the Archdiocese of Halifax-Yarmouth at St. Mary’s Cathedral Basilica: May 9, 2015 at 11:00am – Br. Pio Libby, FoH August 15, 2015 at 10:30am – Rev. Mr. E. James O’Connor This event is also a chance to celebrate the progress we have made so far in our pastoral planning throughout the diocese. Please save the date of June 5 &6 for our 2015 Assembly of the People of God. Cost to attend the conference is $20. Registration opens May 1! All are welcome to attend the ordinations, and we ask that you keep both of these men in your prayers as they prepare for their ordinations. Contact any member of the Office of Pastoral Life and New Evangelization for more information or if you have any questions. We're less than three months away from Steubenville Atlantic 2015, a weekend of amazing speakers, dynamic music, and powerful experiences of the sacraments. St. Anselm's Parish 275th Anniversary Celebrate on April 26, 2015 at 10:30am St. Anselm's Parish, West Chezzetcook 275th Anniversary! The parish was founded in 1740. Before the celebration of the Eucharist, two youth choirs will offer a mini concert. The St. Anselm's choir will be joined by the Knights of Columbus choir and the Knight's Honour Guard and Colour Party. Steubenville Atlantic 2015 Have you registered yet? Join a group in your parish or community, or contact us to find out how to start your own group. You won't regret it! In the meantime, visit our website, www.halifaxyarmouth.org, like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter to stay up to date! WHEN: July 3-5, 2015 WHERE: Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS DIOCESAN EVENTS • Rev. Joseph MacKinnon’s 40th Anniversary of Ordination Celebration Hosting Parish: Saint Marguerite Bourgeoys, Hammonds Plains Date(s): Sunday, April 26 2015 at 7:009:00pm A celebration to recognize and give thanks for the many years of ministry that Rev. MacKinnon has shared throughout the Diocese. The evening begins with prayer at 7:00pm, followed by music and hospitality. Best wishes only — all most welcome! Location: St. Marguerite Bourgeoys, 1274 Hammonds Plains Road, Hammonds Plains, NS, Canada • 4th Annual HalifaxYarmouth Diocesan CWL Convention Hosting Parish: Holy Family, Amherst Date(s): Friday, May 01, 2015 Registration: 6:00pm, Friday, May 1 until Sunday, Luncheon at 12 Noon This is the 4th Annual Convention of the HalifaxYarmouth Diocesan Council of the Catholic Women’s League of Canada. Location: Holy Family, Amherst 63 Church St., PO Box 1075 NS B4H 4E2 Holy Family, Amherst 63 Church St., PO Box 1075 NS B4H 4E2 • 10th Anniversary of his Priestly Ordination - Fr. Randy Doucette • The 9th annual Weekend of Grace for Women The 9th annual Weekend of Grace for Women, with keynote speaker Dr. Mary Healy, will be held May 1, 2 and 3 at the Lord Nelson Hotel, Halifax. Dr. Healy was recently appointed as a member of the Pontifical Biblical Commission, a group of biblical scholars who serve as consultants to the pope on biblical matters. She speaks nationally and internationally on topics related to Scripture, the theology of the body, and the spiritual life. Attendance through pre-registration only and registration is now open. Visit www.weekendofgrace.com for more information. Hosting Parish: St. Philip Neri Mission, Musquodoboit Harbour Date(s): Sunday, May 03, 2015 The Ladies Guild and Pastoral Council of St. Philip Neri Church is holding a “coffee and conversation” reception following the 11:00am Mass, to congratulate our Pastor, Fr. Randy Doucette, on the 10th Anniversary of his Priestly Ordination All are welcome to join us to offer him best wishes. Location: Saint Philip Neri Mission, Musquodoboit Harbour
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