THE SAINT LUKE SCROLL APRIL 2015 NEWSLETTER Volume 1, Edition 29 Saint Luke UMC Saints=Ordinary people following The Power of Forgiveness {includes excerpts of Pastor Billy’s 2015 Lenten sermon, All Tied Up} How many church services include The Lord’s Prayer? How many times have we heard The Lord’s Prayer, even prayed it ourselves but we miss (or misunderstand) the CONDITIONAL forgiveness of God? Let’s take a closer look: Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name; thy kingdom come; thy will be done; on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory, for ever and ever, Amen MINISTRY STAFF Billy A. Olsen, Pastor Priscilla Weir, 8:30 Service Music Director & Coordinator of Youth Ministries Maggie McCaskill, Coordinator of Children’s Ministry Beth and Jon Maisonpierre, 11:00 Service Music Directors Julia McCall, Administrative Assistant 1501 Turnpike Road, Laurinburg, North Carolina 28352 Church Phone #: 276-6821; Fax 276-2932 Find us on facebook: Saint Luke United Methodist, Laurinburg Christians talk a lot about the unconditional love of God but we miss (or misunderstand) that the FORGIVENESS of God has a HUGE condition. For us to receive God’s forgiveness for our “trespasses” a.k.a. our “debts” or “sins”, we have to be willing to forgive those who “trespass against us.” Before we talk about what forgiveness IS, let’s talk about what forgiveness is NOT. Forgiveness is NOT looking at the person who has sinned against you and saying, “Its ok,” or “it doesn’t matter.” THAT is NOT TRUE. Forgiveness is not coming up with excuses for what someone has done to you. IF someone sins against you, what they have done IS wrong. Forgiveness is when we give up our right to pass judgment for the wrongs that have been done TO US. But it isn’t always easy to forgive. We call it “Holding a grudge.” Holding onto our anger and resentment towards someone is our way of getting back at the ones who have wronged us. The issue is CONTROL. When we hold onto the ropes of sin, we are practicing “Un-forgiveness.” And there is no more destructive and corrosive thing to a relationship than UNFORGIVENESS. Not only is unforgiveness poison to our relationships with friends and family, NOTHING will hinder your relationship with God more than UNFORGIVENESS. Reference again Matthew 6:14-15 and The Lord’s Prayer. If we will not forgive others when they sin against us, our unforgiveness will prevent us from (continued on next page) receiving forgiveness from God. WHY? Because when you are unwilling to forgive, you are making yourself more important than God. When Christians hold onto a grudge, hold onto unforgiveness you are in effect telling Jesus, “Jesus, you can shed your blood for me, just don’t do it for them.” “BUT BILLY, YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND what they did to me!” You’re right. I cannot account for all of the ways you may have suffered. But Jesus can. And Jesus’ response to you suffering was to die for you. IF someone has hurt you, betrayed you, abused you, lied, cheated, you have every right to be angry. You just don’t have a right to hold onto that anger. Remember, forgiving someone is not saying, “what you did to me does not matter” Forgiveness is giving up your right to judge someone’s immortal soul for their sins and instead, putting that person back in God’s hands. Once you forgive someone, that person will still (ultimately) have to give account to God for their own sins. You may never FEEL like forgiving; which is why our emotions are a poor compass for Christian life. Forgiveness is a choice, just like love is a choice. When we choose to forgive others (and sometimes we need to forgive ourselves) we can experience the freedom and power of God’s forgiveness in our own lives. The biblical purpose of forgiveness is to be reconciled with God, and each other. You may not be reconciled with the one who has hurt you, but until you forgive there is NO CHANCE of reconciliation anyway. How might things change, if you made a list today of “people I need to forgive?” Whenever you pray The Lord’s Prayer, you could ask God to help you forgive. Sometimes a good place to start is just to say, “Lord, I know I should forgive person X, help me to be ‘willing to be willing.’” Love to all as we celebrate Easter, ~ Pastor Billy EASTER WORSHIP SERVICES - April 5, 2015 6:30am Sunrise service (breakfast to follow) 8:30am Early Worship 10:00am Sunday School 11:00am Traditional Worship Easter Egg Hunt—right after 11am service. Toddlers through 5th grade come join us for a big egg hunt on the church grounds. No children’s or youth activities that evening We will again follow our tradition by having a flowering cross in the Sanctuary Easter Sunday. Bring a bunch of cut flowers to church with you and place your flowers on the cross. After the services, the cross will be moved to the front lawn for our community to enjoy. Sounds from Saint Luke - Tim Altman and Larry Wells, Trumpet Duo On April 12, at 3:00 PM we will have the opportunity to hear the final concert in our “Sounds from Saint Luke” series for this year. Timothy Altman and Larry Wells will be playing works for two trumpets with Jonathan Maisonpierre at the organ. All three men are college professors in the area – Tim and Jon at UNC Pembroke and Larry at Methodist University. This year our sanctuary has been filled with many “sounds of music” from the Army’s Woodwind Quintet to UNCP’s Intersection of Broadway and Vocal Jazz, to the many styles of Puddingstone and now to the royal sounds of trumpet and organ. What a great way to celebrate the Easter season with our church family and guests from the community. So please invite a friend and come ready to be inspired and refreshed! A love offering will be received and given to the trumpeters. A reception will follow in the gathering room. There will be CDs available for purchase. OUTREACH Appalachia Service Project (ASP) is June 22. If you are interested in this rewarding mission work, and are 14 years old or older, please contact Bo Smith about signing up or for more information. She is taking the first 21 people who sign up. We have SEVEN youth and THREE adults that are planning to go. We have room for ELEVEN more. Sign up NOW!!! You need to register online, but in order to register, you need a Group number. The cost is $310.00 for adults and $155.00 for youth. A $50.00 deposit is required As Soon As Possible! Church Administration Note: If you would like to have your voice heard OR listen in as decisions are being made, Finance and Church Council will meet Sunday, May 17 with Finance at 6:00pm followed by Church Council at 6:30pm. The ONLY meetings that are “closed-door meetings” are Staff/Pastor Parish Committee - any and all other committee meetings are open meetings - whether you are a church member or not. United Methodist Women’s 2015 District Mission u April 18, 2015 9:30am to 2pm Chestnut Street UMC in Lumberton Studies are: How Is It with Your Soul led by Ann Porter The Church and People with Disabilities led by Lynn Clewis The Roma of Europe led by Esther Acker. Lunch is provided for $3.00 each. All women of the church are invited. Please contact Becky Chiles at 276-5502 by April 10 if you would like to attend. LADIES BIBLE STUDY UNITED METHODIST WOMEN "The The Susan Lockey Seekers Circle meets the first Wednesday of every month except during the summer months of June, July and August. The April meeting is on Wednesday, April 1st at 10 AM in the Fellowship Hall. All women are invited. Members from both the Susan Lockey Seekers Circle and Mary Harvin Circle meet every Tuesday for crafts or cooking. We meet in the Junior High Sunday School classroom at 10 AM. We are usually finished by 12. Any woman in the church is welcome at both crafting and circle meetings. The Palm Crosses on Palm Sunday were made by the Tuesday crafting group. ladies of Saint Luke and their friends are invited every Monday night to a ladies' Bible Study from 6:30 - 8pm in the Fellowship Hall. We will finish the Beth Moore study, Living Beyond Yourself - Exploring the Fruit of the Spirit on March 30. We will begin a new study, "Why it's hard to love Jesus" by Joseph Stowell on April 13. Join us for coffee, tea, fellowship and study. You'll love it!" While you are in the process of spring cleaning, be sure to set aside items for our yard sale in June. The yard sale and bazaar are our two big fund raisers for missions. - WELCOME TO OUR NEW MEMBERS Also joining but not pictured are: John and Margaret Uncapher Mrs. Dorothy Bolger Arnita Russell, shown with husband Kevin Dawn Strickland Thursday, April 2—Maundy Thursday Service at 6:30pm We will gather in the sanctuary to share in the Last Supper that the Lord Jesus celebrated with the disciples on the night He was betrayed. The service includes songs of worship, a brief message by Pastor Billy, Holy Communion and concludes with a silent dismissal. Nursery provided. News from the Trustees: The Trustees are getting the church and grounds ready for Spring! First, you may have noticed the new pine straw around the shrubbery and the columbarium area has been cleaned out. If you have visited the parsonage lately, you will notice it looking nice too, with recent yard work and dead trees removed. Inside the church, the Fellowship Hall floors are being stripped and waxed on Monday, March 30th in preparation for our Easter activities. Finally, on March 24th there will an intercom and auto lock/unlock system installed on the front door of the church that rings directly into the church office. Visitors during the work day that wish to enter the church, can use the intercom to let the office know you are there. The office staff can unlock the door and buzz you through. During church services or other church events, the system can be turned off. The rear entry of the church will not be affected by this. If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to contact any of your Trustees. Children’s Church Children’s Ministry Spring has Sprung! As the kids are beginning to discover God’s amazing creatures coming out of hibernation (If you can’t tell in the picture, Taylor is holding a tiny tree frog), we are excited to help them discover the truths and the promises of God that he reveals to us through his word. Easter is a wonderful time to teach your children about the power of God’s love for us. This Easter, we would like to encourage each of you to try what could be a wonderful tradition for you and your family. The Saturday night before Easter, try making a batch of Resurrection Cookies. Simply follow the recipe, as you tell the story of Christ’s death and resurrection (also provided alongside the recipe steps). You will retrieve the cookies from the oven on Easter Sunday morning to share in the joy of the resurrection with your family. Have a few cookies with your kids, and bring the rest with you to church to share! The recipe is posted on our facebook page! Spring Calendar April 5th - Easter Sunday - Bring in your Resurrection cookies - Kids! bring in your Easter Baskets for an Egg Hunt immediately following the 11:00 service. - No Orange (Junior Fellowship) this night April 12 - Orange (Junior Fellowship) 4:30-6:30 April 19 - Orange (Junior Fellowship) 4:30-6:30 April 26 - Orange (Junior Fellowship) 4:30-6:30 May 3 - Orange (Junior Fellowship) 4:30-6:30 May 10 - Mother’s Day - No Orange May 17 - Orange (Junior Fellowship) 4:30-6:30 Saint Luke Children’s Ministries May 24 - Orange (Junior Fellowship) 4:30-6:30 & May 31 - Last night of Orange for the year 4:30-6:30 Saint Luke United Methodist Church, Laurinburg Youth News got discipline? Wednesday night Bible study for Youth is called Cadence, a 6 week course designed to introduce our youth to some basic spiritual disciplines and equip them to put those disciplines into practice in order to mature in their walk with God. We are studying the practices of prayer, Scripture study, fasting, giving, meditation, and Sabbath. Youth fasting? All we do is eat. I pray that we will all be hungry for God and seek Him will all our heart through these disciplines. That we will be able to sing with all of our heart: “It is the cross, my only plea The blood He shed delivers me Our Savior’s arms are open wide A love so great The cross of Christ” 1 Chronicles 28:9 (NIV) “And you, my son Solomon, acknowledge the God of your father, and serve him with wholehearted devotion and with a willing mind, for the Lord searches every heart and understands every desire and every thought. If you seek him, he will be found by you; but if you forsake him, he will reject you forever. Coming up: April 1, 15, 22, 29 Pot Luck meals and Youth Bible Studies April 12, 19, 26 Youth 4:30—6:30 May 2 Prom Breakfast 9pm May 1—3 Middle School Beach Retreat May 23—25 High School Beach Retreat Jan. 31, 2016 - Saint Luke Celebrates Fifty Years! Do you have photographs, news clippings, directories, cookbooks, videos, slides, programs, or other memorabilia from Saint Luke’s history? Please consider donating items to the History Room (or lending so we can scan them). Contact Mary McDonald with ideas or questions. Online Giving is HERE! Saint Luke members and friends now have the option of making donations to SLUMC via our website. Go to and click on the “Giving” tab. To make a donation, please indicate the fund you are donating to and click the “Give Now” button below. You will be directed to our secure donation page. We invite you to give Online Giving a try. UNITED METHODIST MEN During the March meeting, Stephania Smith detailed the single women’s outreach conference she hosted partially funded by UMM. This is one of the local missions that the UMM sponsors in order to help reach out to our community for Christ. The men also hosted a district wide UMM rally on February 28. During the rally, numerous Christreaching ideas between the UMM of surrounding churches were discussed, and good fellowship was enjoyed by all. On Easter Sunday, April 5th, the men will cook and serve a pancake breakfast following the Easter Sunrise Service. Please join us for a delicious breakfast and fellowship. Our next meeting is Sunday, April 19, 2015, at 7:30 AM. We invite all men of the church (including youth!) to attend and enjoy a great breakfast and fellowship. FOOD PANTRY NEWS With April being "Volunteer Appreciation Month", I want to give thanks for everyone who has made serving neighbors a priority in both their physical and spiritual lives. As with the coming of Spring, feel free as you clear out those cupboards of anything that you may have "over estimated" your need for, to bring any items to the church. Donations may be brought to the church during the weekday or while there is an event scheduled (Sunday worship, youth, Wednesday evenings, etc.). Our Food Bank is the second Saturday in the month, and we prepare bags at 12 noon on the Friday before. Please come and help us to prepare for our Food Bank. This is a great opportunity to be part of a local mission AND to invite your friends, family, coworkers, and neighbors to experience Christ in action. -Rob Macy APRIL 2015 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat B = Birthday A = Anniversaries 5 EASTER SUNDAY 6:30am Sunrise Service 8:30am Early Worship 10am Sunday School 11am Traditional Worship 6 B - Michael Myers B - Avery Johnson 19 7:30am United Methodist Men 26 2 B - Shirley Godfrey 8 9 13 14 No meal this week 10am Bazaar Workshop 7pm Handbells 20 B - Debbie Ray B - Danielle Walker B - Adam Romaine B - Lindsay Hunter 21 B - Isabella Whitehead 27 28 10am Bazaar Workshop 7pm Handbells 10am Bazaar Workshop 7pm Handbells 15 B - Morgan Fields B - Allyson Wood 3 B - Steve Hughes 4 7:30pm Granville/ McInnis wedding 6:30pm Maundy Thursday service 10 B - Elaine Olsen 11 8am Food Bank 12 noon Food Bank preparation 10am Bazaar Workshop 3pm Art Therapy 7pm Handbells No children’s or youth activities 12 B - Julia McCall 7 B - Catherine Ray B - Mary Ann Ray 1 10am Susan Lockey Seekers Circle 5:30pm Potluck Meal 6:15pm Youth Bible Study 6:15pm Mary Harvin Discovery Circle 6:15pm Youth Confirmation Class 7:15pm Adult Choir 16 B - Pam Peck 17 18 23 B - Larry Stevens 24 25 5:30pm Potluck meal 6:15pm Youth Bible Study 7:15pm Adult Choir 22 B - Haley McGugan Confirmation Youth Retreat Weekend at Lake Junaluska 5:30pm Potluck meal 6:15pm Youth Bible Study 6:15pm Youth Confirmation Class 7:15pm Adult Choir 29 B - Dixie Cox B - Kyle Peterson B - Joshua Atchison 5:30pm Potluck meal 6:15pm Youth Bible Study 7:15pm Adult Choir 30 Saint Luke United Methodist Church 1501 Turnpike Road Laurinburg, NC 28352 Remembering in Prayer Urgent Needs Bill Stout (Elizabeth Spry’s father), Elizabeth Taylor, James Spry, Billy Willard, Taylor Rush, Linda Jacobs (sister of June Brooks), Linda Lamont (Audra McCormick’s mother), Leon Applegate, Serina (step-sister of Marlena Gilmore), Ryan Buddin, Phyllis Lambert, Julie Fogleman, Sylvia Kirkman, Buddy Caulder, Ty McLaurin, Sherald S. North (Sherry Baker’s father), Nick Felts, Jan Gillis Douglas, Ronald Cheek, Casey Zammit, Hollyn Gregory, Norma Miller, Cathy Luper and family, Aaron Austin, John P. Bailey (Jack’s brother), Claude Sanford, Michael Fore (Chris’ brother), Heather Burnette (Bernie and Patty King’s daughter), Todd McCrimmon (Julia’s nephew) Ongoing Needs Nick Collie, Debbie, Taylor & Christian Kennedy, Bertie Hash, Robert McCormick, Mary Lang, Sara Smiley, Dawn, Grayson & Sawyer Smith, Krystin Yates Barrett, Tom Vergo, Susan Lidot, Dorothy Clark (June Brooks mother), Frank Callahan, Helen Huggins, Braydon Luke Dilling (Bettie Barrow), Buddy Clark, Colin McArthur, Ned Barringer, Louise Bingham, Jan Callahan (Mary Lopez), Donald Krout, Patsy Blackwelder , Sarah Barrett (mother of Peggy Alexander), Don Gilliam (Statha’s brother), Rev. Jim Lee, Ancel Caulk, Jean Barringer Assisted Living or Skilled Care Claudia Cooke (Florence, SC), Emma Dunn (Scotia Village), Shirlee Jacobs (Prestwick Village), Annie Louise Jackson (Scottish Pines), Frank Knight (Scottish Pines), Kelly Muse (Morgan Center), Sandra Nichols (Raleigh, NC), Billie Shelley (Scotia Village), Purvis Bedenbaugh (Hartsville, SC) Those in Ministry/Mission Field Church Community Services, Food Bank of North Carolina, Lindsey Garrison, Jessica & Grayson Stallings (China), Lauren Maidment (Ethiopia) Military Rick Ward (Dennis’ brother), Eliot Tremblay (Ruth’s grandson), Richard Macy (Rob and Carrie’s son), David Blackmon (Katie Krotz’s fiance)
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