THE CATHOLIC COMMUNITY OF SAINT MARTHA May 3, 2015 | 5th Sunday of Easter MASS SCHEDULE Sunday Mass: Saturday Vigil Sunday 5:00 pm 7:30 am 9:00 am 10:30 am 12:00 noon 4:00 pm Daily Mass: Monday thru Saturday 8:00 am First Friday Mass: 8:00 am 10:00 am SACRAMENTS Anointing of the Sick: Please call the parish office to make arrangements. Baptisms: 1st & 3rd Sundays at 1:15 pm. Please call the parish office to make arrangements. Parents’ Preparation Session is on the last Friday of the month at 7:00 pm. Confessions: Saturday, 3:00-4:00 pm or by Appointment Marriages: Please call the parish office to make arrangements one year in advance. DEVOTIONS Exposition & Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament: Fridays, 8:30 am - 9:30am CLERGY & PASTORAL STAFF Pastor: Rev. David Swantek Assisting Priests: Rev. Bill Bausch Rev. Dominic Fuccile Rev. Gerry Marchand Rev. John Spino Deacons: Fran Groff Ted Kotz Staff: Director of Religious Education: Georgina Kotz Religious Education Secretary: Liz Caracciolo Coordinator of Youth Ministry: Bob Morris Director of Liturgical Music: Lou Letizia Business Manager/Accountant: Nancy Dormanski Parish Secretaries: Mary Nelson Fran Olson OFFICE HOURS Monday thru Friday 8:00 am – 4:00 pm Tuesday Wednesday Saturday 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm 4:00 pm – 8:00 pm 9:00 am – 12:00 noon SPECIAL HOLIDAY SCHEDULES & INCLEMENT WEATHER CLOSING: Please telephone the Parish Office First Saturday Devotion: Follows 8:00 am Mass Novenas: Follows 8:00 am Masses – Miraculous Medal (Wednesday) & St. Jude (Friday) Rosary: Monday-Saturday 7:35 am & following 8:00 am Mass; Sunday 7:05 am 3800 Herbertsville Road Point Pleasant, NJ 08742-5499 Phone: 732-295-3630 Fax: 732-295-9315 We welcome all who seek to grow in faith and love just as St. Martha welcomed Jesus into her home. If you’d like to join our parish please call 732-295-3630. 1 St. Martha Church - 522 MAY 2-3 5TH SUNDAY OF EASTER READINGS FOR THIS WEEK Sun: Reading 2nd Reading Gospel Mon: 1st Reading Gospel Tue: 1st Reading Gospel Wed: 1st Reading Gospel Thur: 1st Reading Gospel Fri: 1st Reading Gospel Sat: 1st Reading Gospel Reg. Collection: Support of St. Martha Church 2nd Collection: Building and Grounds MASS INTENTIONS Saturday, May 2 5:00 pm George W. Lang Sunday, May 3 7:30 am Frank Cicalese, Jr. 9:00 am Morgan Miller 10:30 am Catherine Picinich 12:00 pm People of the Parish 4:00 pm Frederick & Antoinette VandenHeede Monday, May 4 8:00 am John Simmonds Tuesday, May 5 8:00 am Barbara Heindle Wednesday, May 6 8:00 am Mary Gunsiorowski Thursday, May 7 8:00 am Margaret “Maude” Grogan Friday, May 8 8:00 am Mary Ellen Slocum Saturday, May 9 8:00 am Mary Powner Acts of the Apostles 9:26-31 1 John 3:18-24 John 15:1-8 Acts of the Apostles 14:5-18 John 14:21-26 Acts of the Apostles 14:19-28 John 14:27-31a Acts of the Apostles 15:1-6 John 15:1-8 Acts of the Apostles 15:7-21 John 15:9-11 Acts of the Apostles 15:22-31 John 15:12-17 Acts of the Apostles 16:1-10 John 15:18-21 Need Help? Call St. Vincent de Paul at 732-2953630 ext 33. Our parish is here to help FIRST HOLY COMMUNION St. Martha’s Parish is happy to celebrate the First Holy Communion of our young parishioners. They will receive the Sacrament of Holy Communion for the first time at the 12 noon mass today. Please welcome them and their families, and pray and rejoice with them as they prepare their hearts to receive Jesus for the first time. MEMORIAL GIFTS: MAY 2 - 8 Flowers to Mary: Tabernacle Candle: 1st Razilawech Family Brach Family NEPAL EARTHQUAKE OUR DEARLY DEPARTED Please remember in your prayers the recently deceased members of our parish, especially Alfonso Lentini. ST. GREGORY’S PANTRY NEEDS Diapers, juices, baby food, powder, wipes, etc. LOW-GLUTEN HOST Available upon request before Mass in the sacristy All Catholics in the Diocese of Trenton are asked to pray for the victims of the tragic earthquake in Nepal. The devastation there is almost incomprehensible to us. Anyone able and willing to help is encouraged to contribute directly online: or send contributions directly to: Nepal Earthquake Relief Catholic Relief Services PO 17090 Baltimore, MD 21297-0303 Thank you. Bishop O'Connell 2 St. Martha Church WOMAN BEHOLD YOUR SON Br. Kolping, a 19th century was in the upper room when Jesus Lets thank God for giving us - not a Catholic advocate to laborers and sent his Holy Spirit upon the Apostles taskmaster, or a cruel overlord, but a craftsmen, said "God did not give - the same Holy Spirit that lives inside mother -his own mother to watch over mankind a maid, but a mother." This of us ("God has poured his love into and care for us at those two important speaks to us not only of Mary's their hearts through the Holy Spirit moments. orientation towards us, but also of which has been given to them" how much God cares for us. Still, Romans 5:5). many folks today ask - can Mary really help us? This Holy Spirit lived in Mary and lives in us - connecting us and our What do the scriptures say? prayers to Almighty God and to Jesus' "When the wine failed, the mother own mom, making her our mother of Jesus said to him, "The have no too. Good mothers always stand up wine." And Jesus said to her, "O for their children and want what's best woman, what have you to do with me? for them - even when the children My hour has not yet come." His don't want it themselves. Good mother said to the servants, "Do mothers share in the important whatever he tells you" (Jn 2:3-5). moments of their children's lives - be Since the beginning of the Church In Christ, (ps. NFL draft! woohoo) those moments of joy, of pain, of loss, the experience of millions of or of gain. As the Catechism states, Christians testifies to what that young "Because her love for us never ceases, bride and groom experienced on their we can be sure that she will plead for wedding day - Mary does help us. As us in the two most important she protected the bride and groom moments of our life: now and at the from embarrassment, she also hour of our death." protects us from embarrassment. She Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, mother of God, pray for us sinners - now, and at the hour of our death. Amen. 3 St. Martha Church KIDS BOX S A G T Y R A M I E L W T N Y R A V U L Y Z P O J G Q C T I R O O H I R L K C H U K J J S P A D O I C I R I H R B A Q B V E C L V N P T H P J U E X L D D G L T U T K T S X Z R F S R E P R Q E MUSIC NOTES S Q I E D A A T T N T B O E T N M E U N K O R Y S P E E C H E A D T S U L S A I N T N D Y E I N Words to Find: "Children, let us love not in word or speech but in deed and truth" (1 Jn 3:18). Saint Mary, Martha, Vikings from Lou’s Desk 732-295-3630 Ext 36 The Morning After & the Resurrection Several years ago there was a song sung by Maureen McGovern called “The Morning After”. This song can easily be equated to the miracle of Easter. Jesus, during the three days, instituted the Holy Eucharist, suffered on the cross for our sins, and conquered death which purchased our redemption. Easter Sunday was “The Morning After.” As we look at the lyrics to the song, they too tell the same story. “There’s got to be a morning after, if we can hold on through the night. We have a chance to find the sunshine, let’s keep on looking for the light.” During Holy week, we liturgically recreated the Passion, reliving the agony of Jesus Crucified, a darkness that literally changed the world. Now, during these next 50 days we relive “The Morning After” as we continue to walk in the light of the Resurrection. We are an Easter People and ALLELUIA is our song!! They who sing pray twice! - Saint Augustine ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS GIFT AUCTION Inspired by Gospel values, this lay organization leads all to join to grow spiritually by offering person-to-person service to those who are in need and suffering. All requests are held confidential. 732-295-3630 x33 There will be a Gift Auction hosted by the Knights of Columbus to benefit the knight’s charitable activities. Donations are being requested. All items must be new. Prizes in the past have included bicycles, boogie boards, small appliances, gift baskets, gift cards, and many other items. Donations can be dropped off at the parish office. The gift auction takes place on Saturday, June 20. The doors will open at 6:00 pm and the auction will begin at 7:30 pm. Admission is $10 and includes a sheet of tickets. Light refreshments will be served so feel free to bring your own dinner. ST VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY’S MEGA FIFTY FIFTY This is the conference's major fund raiser and only 500 tickets will be sold. Tickets for $100 or $25 shares can be purchased by leaving a message at 732-295-3630, ext. 33 and someone will return your call. Tickets will also be on sale outside of church of May 16/17 and May 23/24. The drawing will be held May 31st at 1:30 pm. 4 St. Martha Church RELIGIOUS EDUCATION INFORMATION YOUTH MINISTRY 732-295-3630 x 35 [email protected] with Bob Morris All High School Youth Are Welcome!! 732-295-3630 ext. 31 [email protected] “If you ate only one meal a week, would you survive? It is the same for your soul. Nourish it with the Blessed Sacrament.” - Saint André Bessette Faith at Home: Mother’s Day is next Sunday. Make Mother’s Day cards for grandmothers, godmothers, elderly neighbors. Make one for Mom too! Thank them for the gift of life. Registration for Religious Education for 20152016 is now open. Forms were sent home with children and also may be found at the entrances of the church. Deadline is June 12. First Holy Communion: We congratulate all of our young parishioners who received their first Holy Communion. We look forward to seeing them and their families at Mass every Sunday! SonSpark Labs VBS: Discover God’s Plan 4U! Week of June 22-26, 9:30 am to 12:30 pm. Signup deadline is May 15. Forms can be found near the entrances of the church. Volunteers needed. Call 732-295-3630, Ext. 37 or email [email protected] to volunteer or for more information. Grade 7: The next session is Thursday, May 7. Remember that your Service Reflection paper is due in June! Grade 8: The last Thursday session for this year is May 28. Please turn in any assignments that are due (Gospel reflections, sponsor information, Saint paper, letter to Father Dave). Service Reflection is due June 1. Confirmation Retreat: Saturday, June 6. Thank you to all those that nominated students for this year’s Anna M. White scholarship, and thank you to those nominated students for submitting your applications. Applicants will soon be coming in for interviews and the results will be announced later this month. Good luck to all. There’s one more week left to register for the New Jersey Catholic Youth Rally at Great Adventure on Sunday, May 17. This is open to all teens and their families. The cost is $45.00, ($20 for the meal if you already have a season ticket) which includes admission, parking, an allyou-can-eat buffet, and a free bounce back ticket. In between the opening ceremonies and the Closing Mass, there will be plenty of time to enjoy the rides. Please let me know by May 8 if you would like to go. There will not be a youth group meeting next Sunday night because it will be Mother’s Day. . HOLY INNOCENTS Did you know that St. Martha’s offers a program for children with special needs that provides instruction so all children of God can make their sacraments? Contact Kathy Jobes at 732-4580707, Stephanie Correa at 732-279-6406, or Michele Kozal at 732-370-1148. 5 St. Martha Church AROUND THE DIOCESE May 6 – “Happy Are – Beatitudes” Retreat at St. Joseph by the Sea, 732-892-8494 May 8-9 – Diocesan Marriage Summit at Georgian Court, May 12 – “Unmasking the Idols” Retreat at St. Joseph by the Sea, 732-892-8494 May 15-17 – “Come to the Water” Silent Retreat at St. Joseph by the Sea, 732-892-8494 June 14-20 – “Joy to the World” Preached Retreat at Maris Stella Retreat Center, 609-4942917 or [email protected] July 6-12 – Silent Directed/Private Retreat at Maris Stella Retreat Center, 609-494-2917 or [email protected] August 17-23 – Private Retreat at Maris Stella Retreat Center, [email protected] or 609-494-2917 SHARING OUR TREASURE Weekend of April 25/26 Weekly Offerings Bequests Religious Education $ 15,020.98 $ $ - EASTER COLLECTION HISTORY Easter 2012 Easter 2013 Easter 2014 Easter 2015 $ 43,910.00 $ 39,477.00 $ 42,056.00 $ 46,213.00 “Give and gifts will be given to you … For the measure with which you measure will in return be measured out to you.” Luke 6:38 THANK YOU St. Martha's Rosary Altar Society wishes to thank everyone who donated items and helped make 130 Easter baskets that were donated to St. Gregory's Pantry. ORGANIZATIONS ANNULMENT MINISTRY: please contact the office to learn more. 732-295-3630. BEREAVEMENT GROUP: meets the 1st Sunday of the month at 10:00 am. Please call the office to sign up. 732-295-3630. INTERCESSORY PRAYER GROUP 1st Monday (11:00 am) Contact Annette Richards 732-674-6935. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS meets 2nd Wednesday of the month at 7:30 pm. MOM’S BIBLE STUDY Tuesdays, (9:30 am -11:00 am) Information: Sue Byington (908-489-9288). PARISH BIBLE STUDY Tuesdays, 7:30 pm–9:00 pm. Info: Michael Tuohy, 908-902-1725. PRECANA CONFERENCE AT ST. MARTHA CHURCH Next session is June 27, 2015 at 10:00 am. To register, go to riage-preparation-events/ and scroll down to June. Questions - call AnnMarie at 732-206-0053. R.C.I.A. A process of prayer, study and spiritual formation prepares adults for entrance into community with the Church. Any adult interested in learning about our Catholic faith is invited to call the Parish office. RESPECT LIFE COMMITTEE meets May 12 (Tuesday) in the Meeting Room. ROSARY ALTAR SOCIETY meets 1st Monday at noon. Call Sharon Hettenbach, 732-892-6490. ROSARY MAKERS meets every other Friday at 10:00 am. Call Sharon Hettenbach, 732-8926490. SACRED STEPPERS Mondays, 10 am – 12 pm. SEPARATED AND DIVORCED meet 2nd & 4th Tuesdays (7:30 pm – 9:00 pm). Contact Arlene, 732-7141747. ST. MARTHA’S LEARNING CENTER for God’s special needs children. Stephanie: 732-279-6406. WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY Thursdays, at 9:00 am. Call Janet, 732-836-0303 to reserve material. 6 St. Martha Church
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