Saint Mary Catholic Church Hagerstown, MD and Saint Michael Catholic Church Clear Spring, MD Palm Sunday March 29, 2015 March 29, 2015 Palm Sunday Dear Friends, It is hard to believe, but it is now already “Palm Sunday”! I hope your Lent, so quickly almost to completion, has been spiritually fruitful and fulfilling for you. You may recall, for those of you who attended my masses last weekend, the story I shared with you during my homily (courtesy of Father Brett Brannen, formerly of Mount St. Mary’s Seminary.) It was about a small boy who had received a small, miniature statue of Jesus from the priest as a gift; but, looking at it, he actually did not know it who it was. But when his mom pulled a rosary out of her pocket and pointed to the crucifix and again said to him, “Who is that?” he then immediately replied, “That’s Jesus!” She then turned to Fr. Brett, and said to him: “He only knows Jesus on the Cross.” As we hear the reading of the “passion” of Jesus in the Gospel this weekend at mass, we are reminded of the “cost” of Christianity. We indeed believe that the founder of our Church, our faith, truly died on a cross about 2000 years ago. A historical reality – and the central truth in our heritage and tradition of faith. To paraphrase, as it has once been said, “without the Cross there is no Christ.” Christ’s mission was to do the will of his Father: “Thy will be done” as he taught us to pray in the “Lord’s Prayer.” It led him straight to the cross. As a disciple of Christ, a follower of him: should we, you and I, expect anything less ourselves – than also the cross within our own lives? Yet, the good news is this: our faith does not end at the cross. If it did, Jesus would not be the “Christ” he is, and claimed to be. The Crucifixion is always followed by the Resurrection. This means that if we have faith, even if the size of a simple mustard seed, we also have an unyielding hope, even in the midst of the sufferings and trials we so often experience in life. My prayer for you and myself this Holy Week and Easter is to experience anew the grace of a strengthening of an expectant hope in our lives. And to quote St. Rose of Lima, to encourage you to: “Joyfully carry your cross: if you do, it will carry you to Heaven”Peace, In Jesus Christ, Crucified yet RisenFather Collin *** The Stations of the Cross: We have just produced our newest video for the “Inspire/Ask-the-Pastor” project: it is an eightminute version of the Lenten devotion “Stations of the Cross”, filmed right here in our beautiful Church of St. Mary! To see it, and even pray the Stations with Scriptural meditations, go online to: and scroll to the bottom of the screen and click on the “The Stations of the Cross.” Enjoy! And, may God bless you! Blessing of Easter Food Baskets Fr. Collin will bless your basket filled with the food for your Easter Meal on Saturday, April 4 at Noon in the church. Unbound Prayer Day: Have you ever longed for freedom but felt unable to receive it? Do past sins, hurts, or memories keep weighing you down? On Saturday morning, April 18th there will be teams available to provide prayer ministry using the Unbound model at the Church of the Resurrection. Unbound Prayer is based on 5 simple, Scriptural keys that will help you unlock areas of your life where you feel “stuck” or that have held you back in your spiritual growth. This Unbound prayer model provides compassionate listening without judgment to help you attain greater freedom in Christ. If you are interested in receiving this kind of prayer, please contact Dan Gahagan by Saturday, April 11th via email at [email protected] to learn more about this and to schedule a time for prayer. Unbound Prayer Day: Have you ever longed for freedom but felt unable to receive it? Do past sins, hurts, or memories keep weighing you down? On Saturday morning, April 18th there will be teams available to provide prayer ministry using the Unbound model at the Church of the Resurrection. Unbound Prayer is based on 5 simple, Scriptural keys that will help you unlock areas of your life where you feel “stuck” or that have held you back in your spiritual growth. This Unbound prayer model provides compassionate listening without judgment to help you attain greater freedom in Christ. If you are interested in receiving this kind of prayer please contact Dan Gahagan by Monday April 13th via email at [email protected] to learn more about this and to schedule a time for prayer. SCHOOL NEWS Enrollment for the 2015-2016 school year is now under way! St. Mary Catholic School is currently accepting applications for the next school year. Don’t delay because there is limited space available for grades Pre-K through seventh grade. Please contact Rachel O’Connor at the front desk at 301-733-1184 or by email at [email protected] for more information. Our next Open House will be held on Monday, April 27th from 5:00pm – 7:00pm. All young adults (18-35) are invited to the Our Lady of the Cenacle group on the 1st, 2nd, and 4th Tuesday of the month for dinner and fellowship at the Corner Pub, located at 158 S Mulberry St, Hagerstown, MD 21740. We meet at 7:30PM in the upper room. Please contact Maria Cocchiaro 301-739-0390 ext. 128. Children who are making their First Communion need to be getting ready for their interviews. If they are in St. Mary school or St. Mary CCD Program, they will be interviewed during their class. If they are Homeschooled, please call Jan at 301-739-0390 ext 129 to set up an interview. CCD School of Religion will have an Easter holiday on Sunday, April 5. Classes will resume April 12, 2015. Divine Mercy Sunday April 12, 2015 12:00-12:30 12:50 3:00 3:00-6:00 6:00 Chaplet of Divine Mercy sung (after 11:00 Mass) Latin Mass Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Adoration – Confession Chaplet of Divine Mercy at the Hour of Mercy Benediction & Veneration of Divine Mercy Image (St. John Paul II blessed), 1st class relic of St. Faustina and 2nd class relic of St. John Paul II “I desire that the whole world know My infinite Mercy. I desire to grant unimaginable graces to those souls who trust in My Mercy.” Pro – Life Quote: “Even the smallest person can change the course of the future.” J.R.R. Tolkien Holy Inspirational Quotes: “Almsgiving, according to the Gospel, is not mere philanthropy: rather, it is a concrete expression of charity, a theological virtue that demands interior conversion to love of God and neighbor, in imitation of Jesus Christ, who, dying on the cross, gave His entire Self for us.” - Pope Benedict XVI Divine Mercy Novena: (April 3–11) The Lord instructed St. Faustina (and us) to say the Divine Mercy Chaplet for 9 days beginning Good Friday (April 3) and ending before the Feast of Divine Mercy Sunday. Jesus explained, “By this novena, I will grant every possible grace to souls(796)... I desire that during these nine days you bring souls to the fountain of My Mercy, that they may draw from there the strength and refreshment and whatever grace they need in the hardships of life, and especially at the hour of death. On each day, you will bring to My Heart a different group of souls, and you will immerse them in this ocean of My Mercy, and I will bring all these souls into the house of My Father...I will deny nothing to any soul whom you will bring to the fount of My Mercy. On each day you will beg My Father, on the strength of My bitter Passion, for graces for these souls.” (1209) Please join St. Mary Catholic Church and the universal Church in praying this beautiful novena given to us by our Lord. Enclosed in this week’s bulletin is a red pamphlet that explains more fully the Divine Mercy Novena and Chaplet. Divine Mercy Sunday: On Sunday, April 12, please join Fr. Collin, Fr. Larry and St. Mary parishioners in celebrating the Feast of Divine Mercy. After the 11 AM Mass, Fr. Collin will lead in song “The Chaplet of the Divine Mercy”. At the Hour of Mercy (3:00) following the Latin Mass, the Divine Mercy Sunday celebration will begin with Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and praying the Divine Mercy Chaplet. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will continue until Benediction at 6:00 PM. Because one must be in a state of grace (free from mortal and venial sins) to receive the extraordinary grace promised by Our Lord, the Sacrament of Reconciliation will be available from 3:30-6:00. “My daughter, tell the whole world about My inconceivable mercy. I desire that the Feast of Mercy be a refuge and shelter for all souls, and especially for poor sinners. On that day, the very depths of My tender mercy are open. I pour out a whole ocean of graces upon those souls who approach the Fount of My Mercy. The soul that will go to confession and receive Holy Communion shall obtain complete forgiveness of sins and punishment. On that day all the Divine floodgates through which grace flows are opened. Let no soul fear to draw near to Me, even though its sins be as scarlet. My Mercy is so great that no mind, be it of man or of angel, will be able to fathom it throughout all eternity. Everything that exists has come forth from the very depths of My most tender mercy. Every soul in its relation to Me will contemplate My love and mercy throughout eternity. The Feast of Mercy emerged from My very depths of tenderness. It is My desire that it be solemnly celebrated on the first Sunday after Easter. Mankind will not have peace until it turns to the Fount of My Mercy.”(699) We will conclude at 6:00 PM with veneration of the Divine Mercy Image blessed by St. John Paul II and a 1 st class relic of St. Faustina. Also, Fr. Collin will bless the Images of Divine Mercy for your home and any sacramentals. By partaking in this Feast of Mercy, you will receive Our Lord’s promise of complete remission of all your sins and the punishment due to you because of them!!! Who can resist that offer - It’s like winning the mega, mega, mega spiritual lottery!!! Your soul will be “transfigured” and shine as brightly as it did when you were newly baptized!!! Praying through Lent with Pope Francis Passion/Palm Sunday of Lent Here Is Your King Matthew 21 What kind of a King are you, Jesus? You do not enter the Holy City to receive the honors reserved to earthly kings, to the powerful, to rulers. You enter to be scourged, insulted and abused, to receive a crown of thorns, a staff, a purple robe: your kingship becomes an object of derision. Help me follow your example. 3/22/2015 St. Mary St. Michael Attendance 950 57 Regular Coll. Online Giving Easter Total $9,161.25 1,892.25 50.00 $11,053.50 *School Support *Poor Box *EOM Other Total Amount Needed** 35.00 154.63 166.00 15.00 $370.63 $348.85 $348.85 $12.00 $12.00 $15,239 $749 **This is the amount of weekly collection that would allow St. Mary/St. Michael to break even for fiscal year 2015 *Not used for St. Mary/St. Michael operating expenses Readings for March 22—29, 2015 Sunday 3/29 Isaiah 50:4-7 Philippians 2:6-11 Mark 14:1—15:47 Monday 3/30 Isaiah 42:1-7 33-62 John 12:1-11 Tuesday 3/31 Isaiah 49:1-6 John 13:21-33, 36-38 Wednesday 4/1 Isaiah 50:4-9a Matthew 26:14-25 Thursday 4/2 Revelations 1:5-8 Luke 4:16-21 Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper Exodus 12:1-8, 11-14 1st Corinthians 11:23-26 John 13:1-15 Friday 4/3 Isaiah 52:13—53:12 Hebrew 4:14-16; 5:7-9 John 18:1—19:42 Saturday 4/4 Genesis 1:1—2:2 Genesis 22:1 18 or 22:1, 2, 9a, 10 Exodus 14:15—15:1/Isaiah 54:5 Sunday 4/5 Acts 10:34a, 37-443 1st Corinthians 5:6b Mark 14:1—15:47 March 30—April 5, 2015 Day Date Mass Mass Intentions Mass Intention Mon. 3/30 6:30 8:30 Mary Ann Hartnett Miley Special Intentions for Jenny & Billy Riley Tues. 3/31 6:30 8:30 Finda Dauda Special Intentions for Kathryn Corrigan Wed. 4/1 6:30 8:30 Special Intentions for Richard Stevenson Bud & Catherine Corrigan Thurs. 4/2 6:30 8:30 No Mass Special Intentions for Peggie & Henry Carroll Fri. 4/3 8:30 3:00 Morning Prayer No Intention Liturgy No Intention Sat. 4/4 7:30Vigil Sun. 4/5 8:00 9:30 11:00 Special Intentions for Eleanor & Ned Carroll Special Intentions for Gene Eakle Mathew Skinner Special Intentions for Susanna Kankam (birthday anniversary) Latin Mass 12:50 Bea Kosia St. Michael 10:30 Parish Members & Benefactors Ask the Priest Father, In his recent encyclical, Evangelium Gaudium [The Joy of the Gospel], Pope Francis makes a distinction between evangelization and proselytizing. Please explain the difference? The first thing to remember is that the secular media often misquotes or misinterprets what Pope Francis says. Another thing to remember is that Pope Francis is used to speaking as a pastor rather than as a pope, and often talks casually rather then technically. However, in his encyclical, Evangelium Gaudium, #15 he states “It is not by proselytizing that the Church grows, but ‘by attraction.’” The Pope is NOT saying that we should avoid sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He makes that very clear early in the same paragraph when he writes, “we cannot forget that evangelization is first and foremost about preaching the Gospel to those who do not know Jesus Christ or who have always rejected him.” What Pope Francis wants us to avoid is the attempt to force people to become Catholic or to impose our rules on them. He writes, “Instead of seeming to impose new obligations, they should appear as people who wish to share their joy, who point to a horizon of beauty and who invite others to a delicious banquet.” In other words, it is not enough for someone to follow the Commandments if the do not have a relationship with Jesus Christ. You should not come to Mass every Sunday because it is a mortal sin (e.g. proselytizing) but because you love Jesus and want to receive Him in Holy Communion (e.g. evangelizing). Proselytizing gets people to follow the rules. Evangelizing shares your relationship with Jesus Christ. You can follow Jesus’ rules without loving Him, but you can’t love Him without following His rules. Proselytizing is about filling up the pews, evangelizing is about inviting someone into heaven. I heard someone once say, “Our job is evangelization, conversion is the job of the Holy Spirit.” Proselytizing is much harder than evangelization because proselytizing looks at the number of converts; evangelizing is about talking to someone about the one whom you love, Jesus Christ. Ask The Priest” is a continuing feature of the Bulletin. If you have a question regarding the Catholic faith, please place your question in the box on the back table. Knights of Columbus Corner New council website for keeping informed of council news: Brotherhood Council Meetings 2nd & 4th Thursdays at 8pm in the Council Hall. Our Worthy Grand Knight for 2014-2015 is Cel Shannon. For information, please contact Cel Shannon at [email protected]. Bingo Bingo Bingo. Every Tuesday at the Knights of Columbus Hall (20340 Leitersburg Pike, Hagerstown, MD 21742) Starting at 6:45 pm we conduct 34 bingo games for the public. Please join us and have fun. Free Family Movie Night. On April 17th, the movie, Beauty and the Beast, will be shown at the Pangborn Council Knights of Columbus, 20340 Leitersburg Pike. Doors open at 6:30pm and movie starts at 7pm. Refreshments will be provided. The evening's activities include a brief discussion on Catholic traditions and suggestions for service projects. Reservations are requested at [email protected]. Color Corps dress in Full Regalia join together to celebrate Divine Mercy Sunday at St. Mary Hagerstown 4/12/15. Meet at 10:45am Nominations for next year's officers are coming up. Elections will be held at the May 14th meeting. Please speak with Deputy GK John Danko about officer positions in the council. Congratulations to Brother Roy L. Viar III of Hagerstown for reaching the Honorary Life Membership status. Congratulations to Brian Noel, Lawrence Joia, Valentine Malafeew, and James Fetcha who took the First Degree on 3/12 to become Knights in our council.
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