2 0 1 5 J U N E 5 ST. MICHAEL Catholic School D E D I C AT E D T O S P I R I T UA L G RO W T H , AC A D E M I C E XC E L L E N C E , A N D S O C I A L D E V E L O P M E N T, T H E M I S S I O N O F S A I N T M I C H A E L C A T H O L I C S C H O O L I S T O P R E PA R E O U R S T U D E N T S T O L I V E T H E G O S P E L M E S S AG E I N A N E V E R C H A N G I N G , D I V E R S E W O R L D. Fr. Tom’s Last All School Mass: This last Wednesday we celebrated our last all school Mass with Fr. Tom. Fr. Tom will be celebrating the 8th Grade Graduation Mass on Wednesday, June 10th at 6:00pm. All are welcome. Good Bye to Fr. Tom Fr. Tom Served the School Staff “In school we learn the lessons before we take the test. In life we take the test before we learn the lesson.” ~Author Unknown A wise man (Aristotle) once said, “Well begun is half done.” Fr. Tom lives these words in multiple ways for the school staff. Father makes sure that each school year begins with the staff celebrating Mass together during workshop week. This Mass welcomed the staff back to school, centered us on Christ and reminded us that our vocation as Catholic schoolteachers is to educate our children while bringing Christ to them throughout the day. Once, Fr. Tom eagerly took time during workshop week to come over to the school to educate the teachers about the importance of planning the Wednesday School Masses in accordance with the church rules and the calendar year. Yet, with all of his preparation and work trying to teach us, WE just don’t get it. Patiently, Father fields questions throughout the school year in regards to planning the school mass. Questions such as “Fr. Tom, these words are so big and difficult if I can’t say them how are the children to say them?” OR “Father this reading is about violence and lust I can’t have the students read this!” OR “This reading is nothing I want to talk about in our communion mediation, can we change the readings?” Over the years he continued to field each and every question in love and kindness. Father truly had only one very important request for us; it was to get him the mass-planning sheet a week before our school Mass so that he could plan the homily. Do you think we were able to do that for him? NO! I am glad he did not grade us on this assignment. In fact, little did YOU know that many school Masses Father came into the church not having the paper work in hand! Fr. Tom Fed Our Children’s Souls nnn Absentee Line: 952-447-2230 Call anytime your child is going to be tardy or absent. Fr. Tom has been ever faithful bringing Jesus to our school children in both the liturgy of the word and in, the precious body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. A priest friend of mine once told me about a short meditation that he says before every mass and tries to live by. It goes like this. Priest of God, Celebrate this Mass as if it is your first Mass, Your last Mass and your only Mass. Each Wednesday as you welcomed the school to Mass we could feel the spirit working through you and you celebrating the Mass in the spirit of this short meditation. Here are a few quotes from our 7th graders to Father in regards to the his school Masses. “Your questions in your homilies always interest me. Even though I never answered one of those questions I was still fascinated by the homily.” – Jack “ Thank you for strengthening my relationship with God and for teaching me many lessons.” - Jacob “I am so thankful for your time here at St. Michael. You helped lead me on my way to finding God.” - Emma “You made church so much easier to understand. You make it so much fun! We will miss your fist bumps after mass, your caring personality and your famous homilies. - Veronica Saint Mother Teresa once said, “Let us always meet each other with smile, for the smile is the beginning of love.” Our Fr. Tom said with his actions, “Let us always meet each other with a fist bump, for the fist bump is the beginning of love.” Thank you for the “yes” you said to God and the Church at your ordination. We are forever grateful to the Holy Spirit for sending you here to St. Michael Catholic School to serve the souls of our children. Mr. Wentzel says Good-Bye:I have been very blessed the last 11 years to be a member of the St. Michael Catholic School community. The relationships I have been able to build with my students, families, and colleagues is something that I will hold close to my heart for years to come. After a lot of thought and reflection with my family I feel I am ready for the next challenge in my career. I will be accepting a teaching job in District 196 next fall. This was a decision I did not take lightly and spent a lot of time thinking and praying. This is a great opportunity for not only me as a professional, but also for my family. I greatly appreciate the support you ALL have given to me as a teacher, Athletic Director, and person. St. Mikes will always hold a special spot in my heart. God Bless! Positions Available: Please call the school to inquire about the following positions. Job descriptions will be posted on the St. Michael Catholic School website, in the bulletin and on the Archdiocesan website under careers. 5th Grade Teacher * Physical Education Teacher * Athletic Director Next year’s school supplies Your school kit is now available on our Teacher Tailored Online Ordering site (www.shopttkits.com). Order here if you prefer to purchase your child’s school supplies in a pre-assembled kit. School code is: 87919. Remember to order for the grade they’ll be in next year! Each child is asked to donate 3 reams of paper for the school year. We go through it fast and are very grateful for any and all donated! Math Academy for students entering high school or in high school Sister Melissa will offer Math Academy this summer. The concept is to provide math materials in a study group/discussion format. Classes are two weeks in duration, meeting either two or four days/week. Classes offered: Intermediate Algebra/Geometry, Honors Geometry/Algebra 2, Honors Algebra 2, Into to Logic and Proof, Crazy for Conics. Contact Sister Melissa or the school office for more information and a registration form. Class sizes are limited. Want to earn some extra $$$$$$$$? We are looking to double our pool of subs for next year. If you’d like to sub for a teacher (need college degree) or for the support team (such as Kim and Linda), contact the office for more details! [email protected] 952-447-2124. Registration for the 2015 Volleyball season is now open. Please visit www.stmichaelsblues.org to register your daughter. Please have the registration completed no later than June 5th, 2015. Money will be collected through FACTS in August or early September. If you have any questions please contact Mr. Wentzel. Save the Date Lakefront Days Parade - we need you to join us in the parade. Saturday, August 8th. Parade starts at 1 pm. Contact school office if you can join us. 447-2124 Golf Tournament Save the Date: The Annual St. Michael Blues Golf Tournament will be held on Sunday, September 13th, 2015. The fundraiser will be held at Legend's Golf Club with a 1:30 shotgun start time. If you have any questions please contact Mr. Wentzel or Megan Ames at [email protected]. Children’s Mass The Children’s Mass on Wednesday, June 10th is a prayer service and awards are handed out at 9:00 a.m. June food shelf collection: Meals (canned stews, complete meals, etc) FAITH COMMUNITY Please remember our St. Michael Community in your prayers the week of June 8th. Pat Casey Rhonda Zweber Barb Stark Sheridan Hafdal Loretta Eller Upcoming Events for June 8 - June14, 2015 MONDAY KP & K Olympics 8:40-11:10 TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY Prayer Service/ Awards 9:00 am LAST DAY OF SCHOOL!! Summer School Office Hours School office will be open from 7 am - 2 pm until June 19th and then open by appointment only. Happy summer! SUNDAY SUMMER TUTORS Mr. Whalton Mrs. Vochoska Math only 952-884-0467 Grades 1-8 [email protected] Any subject [email protected] Any grade Sister Melissa Math only [email protected] Grades: entering 9-12 Mrs. DeGross Any subject [email protected] Grades 2-4 Ms. Johannes Any subject [email protected] Elementary Mrs. Groehler Any subject [email protected] Any grade(limited number of students) Mrs. Rohlfsen Any subject [email protected] Elementary Ms. Paulsen Piano lessons T, W, Th 9-3 [email protected] REGISTER ONLINE: www.FuturaAdventures.com St. Michael Catholic School Take $25.00 off if registering by 6/1/15 Day/Time: Mondays, 2:20 -3:20pm Dates: 16 weeks starting October 12th, 2015 Tuition: $225 / 16 Weeks Optional Materials: Musical CDs; Spanish Club T-Shirt (Available on the registration page) Open to students in Kindergarten ± 5th Grade QUESTIONS? 262.719.9332 Payment plans available ± contact [email protected] Ca n c e l l a t i o n P o l i c y : T u i t i o n i s n o n - re f u n d a b l e . T o c a n c e l a c l a s s , 3 0 d a y s w ri t t e n n o t i c e m u s t b e g i v e n t o s a n d y o @f u t u r a a d v e n t u re s . c o m . A $ 5 0 c a n c e l l a t i o n f e e wi l l b e a s s e s s e d f o r a l l c a n c e l l a t i o n s . at St. Michael Catholic School 16280 Duluth Avenue SE, Prior Lake, MN 55372 School Office: 952-447-2140 2015 Summer Adventures Plus… Exploration galore… Filled with creativity and excitement… June 22-August 21 2 sessions, 7:00-12:00 & 12:00-5:00 (Accepting ages 5 and up) Why choose our program? Each week a new theme will be introduced *A Summer to Discover *Minnesota Adventures *Stars & Stripe! *Son Spark (VBS) *Cinema Week *Artful Antics *Movin & Grovin *Anything Goes *Science Exploration/Space is the place Tuesday each week - Pay it Forward - Community Service Thursday each week - Culinary - Kids Can Cook - Catered meal The following special events and activities will tie in with each weekly theme -Community service project -Spiritual theme and bible verse -One field trip each week -One catered lunch each week Don’t need Full or Part-time Care? Consider signing your child/ren up for our weekly Field Trips For Additional Information, please contact: Co-Director - Julie Herbst Cell Phone (612)619-7484 Email - [email protected] Co-Director - Debra Meidl Cell Phone (612)554-1349 Email – [email protected]
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