KIDDERMINSTER ARTS FESTIVAL BUSINESS PLAN 2013 - 2016 Prepared by Loz Samuels and Chloë Dear With support from Worcestershire County Council’s ‘InRoads Fund’ Kidderminster Arts Festival Business Plan Prepared by Loz Samuels and Chloë Dear AUTHORS Loz Samuels is Wyre Forest District Council’s Arts and Play Development Officer. This role is responsible for all aspects of the delivery of Kidderminster Arts Festival as part of a portfolio of wide ranging arts activity. Loz has been developing the Festival on all levels since 2005. Chloë Dear is an independent creative producer specialising in large-scale street / outdoor performance in unusual settings and formats. This has been Chloë’s passion since her first exposure to the genre in 1989. Although always retaining a fondness for the spectacular and the colourful, her particular specialism is content-driven work that is highly physical and visual. In 1999, she joined ‘Boilerhouse’ and was instrumental in the company’s shift to street theatre. This has included producing ‘THE BRIDGE’ that played to 18,000 people in two days in Angers, France and 3600” that toured to 13 major European street Festivals in 5 countries in 2005-06. Producing independently since 2004, she has worked with companies in Scotland, England, Ireland, France and Netherlands and has taken work to such key locations as outside London’s National Theatre and most of France’s major street arts Festivals. Chloë is greatly involved in the wider development of street arts. She was co-founder of NASA (National Association of Street Artists); Chloë is the convenor for Articulation, Scotland’s umbrella organisation for physical performance and was the lead author of the organisation’s recently published “Circus Strategy for Scotland” and “Physical Performance: Development Priorities 2013-2017”. Chloë has a thorough understanding of developing and producing Festivals on a similar scale as KAF. Chloë is now the Director of the ‘NZ Icefest’ and Head of Events Production for Christchurch City Council, New Zealand. Vision and Introduction History Context and Environment Kidderminster’s Existing Cultural Offer Festival Environment Timing Audiences Local Strategic Agendas External Policies Resources Funders / Stakeholders Partners Festival Resources Programme Development What Has Worked So Far What Hasn’t Long-term Sustainability Challenges and Risks Weaknesses Opportunities 2013 – KAF 10th Anniversary Action Plan and Strategic Priorities Kidderminster Arts Festival (KAF) takes place annually over the final two weeks of August, presenting a mixed arts programme for all ages and tastes. The Festival has developed significantly over the past 9 years and has become an important driver for contemporary arts event in Kidderminster and the wider district of the Wyre Forest. Indeed, it offers a unique contemporary programme found nowhere else in the County. It brings together organisations, artists and audiences to explore and celebrate Kidderminster’s newly energised cultural identity. The Festival has, two main, interlocking aims: to bring people into Kidderminster to enjoy its cultural offer; and to develop and showcase local talent. Widely promoted both within the town and to the surrounding area, KAF challenges perceptions of how the town is viewed regionally. It also presents an opportunity to revitalise a failing economy and reinvent the town centre, with culture and entertainment at its heart. KAF has grown in size, strength and popularity since its inception in 2003. This has not happened on the back of large injections of funding, rather through nurturing relationships with its partners and audiences. From this firmly established, solid platform, the Festival is beginning to develop and present more ambitious strands of work, the scale of which are currently limited by organisational capacity and the ability to raise funds. KAF is exploring new mechanisms and ways of working to continue building on its success. The production of BLOOM in 2012, KAF’s first outdoor show of scale has helped to put the Festival on the map. Despite attracting low audience numbers due to weather conditions, the event has become a talking point in terms of ambition and scale of achievement. The Festival has also made an impact with more permanent works through the transformation of a number of town subways that are a lasting reminder of how the arts can positively effect the environment. Enthusiastic local advocacy particularly by local artists involved in the festival continues to raise the profile of the event. From the beginning, the Festival has sought to showcase local talent with a strong participatory strand complimented by professional street and cabaret performances. The participatory programme promotes, develops and creates opportunities for audiences and local artists both established and emerging to push their creative boundaries and experiences. The Desperate Men theatre company - present ‘Rubbish Heads’ KAF06 KAF aims to increase associated year round projects in partnership with a range of organisations, offering broader opportunities for participation, reaching those in the community who may have barriers to engaging with festival activities or the arts in general. KAF receives core funding of £5,000 and ‘in kind’ support from various departments of Wyre Forest District Council (WFDC). It depends on additional external funding including Arts Council England and the contributions of partner organisations, artists and volunteers. KAF is committed to providing creative solutions which address local priorities as part of its core offer, delivering to the cross cutting agendas of both WFCD and partner organisations. Kidderminster is undergoing many physical changes, creating opportunities for new partnerships and for the Festival’s growth. Alongside this, WFCD is undergoing a revolution in the way it delivers its services, presenting further opportunities for the Festival’s development. Arts Council England has given feedback that the Festival needs to evidence of its strategic approach to delivery, and to look at a more sustainable approach to growth. Worcestershire County Council (WCC) has funded the creation of this business plan to aid this and to help ensure a solid future for the festival. This document reviews the Festival in its entirety to understand its strengths, vulnerabilities and opportunities for development in the future. To achieve its potential KAF needs to have a clear vision, committed long term support from WFDC and partners, along with the freedom to grow and respond to local needs and audience feedback. This document sets out establish how this will be achieved so that the Festival can continue to engage and inspire audiences and artists for many years to come. Carnival Collective KAF05 Kidderminster Arts Festival began life in 2003 when the programme consisted of 5 days of activity programmed during the school summer holidays between July and September. It was envisaged that if the event was a success it would become a regular feature in the town’s calendar and bring an opportunity for local people to experience the arts as part of a wider programme of summer activities offered by WFDC . The District Council committed to allocating core budget as a long term feature in 2009. FESTIVAL TIMELINE1 2003: KAF was programmed and delivered by an independent local producer with the support of WFDC’s Arts and Play Development Officer; Funded by ACE with a total budget of £5k and attracted 2000 attendees. The programme was predominantly workshops for young people with a small element of street theatre and an exhibition by local artists. 2004: KAF delivered in house by Arts and Play Development Officer with £5k funding from WFDC 2005: Loz Samuels began working on KAF with an allocated core budget of £5k from WFDC. The Festival attracted 5000 people. KAF presented 43 events, workshops or performances. 2006: KAF introduced the approved buskers scheme seeing an increase in local artists involvement and local sponsorship. The Festival attracted 6475 people and presented 45 events, workshops or performances. 2007: ACE funding enabled the development of an economic impact study and a marketing strategy delivered by Audiences Central. Reviewed in 2009. KAF attracted 18,000 attendees, presented 42 events, workshops or performances and worked with 246 artists. 2008. KAF attracted 18,000 visitors. The introduction of Xpressions Dragons Den that offered an opportunity for local artists to bid for £1500 to develop a project to be presented at the following year’s Festival. KAF makes its first commission of new work. KAF presented 43 events, workshops or performances and worked with 78 artists (23 of which were local). 1 A different colour variation of the KAF logo is used each year. 2009: £5k core funding committed to the longer term future in the form of a 3 year commitment with review as required. Donations of £150 from the Swan Centre and £200 from the Roland Hill Centre. KAF attracted 15,000 visitors, presented 69 events, workshops or performances and worked with 94 artists. 2010:. £2,000 from WFDC ReWyre for delivery of Subway Deluxe. £1,150 from WCC to Kidderminster Town Centre Partnership for programming of workshops. £1,000 from Community Housing Group as a partnership contribution. £150 from The Swan Shopping Centre. The Festival attracts 24,000 visitors and 152 artists in all of which 44 were paid. KAF presented 143 events, workshops or performances. 2011: £5,218 funding received from ACE for increased street arts programme, £1,000 received from WCC for Subway Deluxe through KAF Creatives, £50 Weavers Wharf towards the launch. KAF attracted 18,474 attendees, paid 23 artists, 44 volunteers and presented 63 events, workshops or performances. 2012: £10,000 from ACE for development of BLOOM project; £2,000 from ReWyre for Subway Makeover; £3,500 received from Worcestershire County Council for strategic development for 2 years. KAF attracted nearly 20,000 visits, presented 129 events, workshops or performances, created 5 new commissions and worked with 236 artists. 2013: £7,000 commitment from ReWyre for further Subway painting and increased street programme around the town centre; £3,500 received from WCC for strategic final year. Arts Council England funding £16,902, Swan Centre donation £250, bursary funding from Artrix Arts Centre of £500. Donation of over 400 square metres of carpet from Brinton Carpets. Increased commitment from local partners including mentoring with the Birmingham Metropolitan College ‘Academy’ scheme bringing 6 students to work on the delivery of the program. KIDDERMINSTER’S EXISTING CULTURAL OFFER Kidderminster’s town centre has a few public houses, two nightclubs on its periphery, one independent cinema and a small handful of restaurants. It has had a recent injection of energy from Birmingham Metropolitan College moving a media facility into the town and the opening of an independently owned Carpet Museum. There is a new Premier Inn and a Travelodge a stone’s through away. Over the next 2 years a large development on the old Sugar Beet Factory site will begin on the outskirts of the town. This will bring 250 homes, a care home, a hotel, shops, restaurants, footpaths and cycle ways to further transform the local area. Kidderminster Arts Festival is the biggest and certainly the most creative / dynamic event of the year in the town. A quick Google search for Kidderminster will reveal lots of participatory classes but no large scale contemporary cultural events other than KAF. Kidderminster has a Town Centre Manager that has the objective of developing the Town Team. The Centre Manager post was filled in 2012 with a Manager that divides his time between Wyre Forest’s three towns. He has some budget allocated for the development of events in Kidderminster town centre and a remit to support the Festival though he must target support at other more emerging events like traditional Christmas entertainment that aims to enhance the Christmas shopping experience. Larkin About present ‘Granny Tourismo’ at KAF10 KAF is not the only town centre event; the town hosts the following events and cultural activities: June: Kidderminster Carnival, a traditional procession starting in the town and leading to a nearby park where bands are programmed. September - Heritage Open Weekend; the Canal Festival will not be repeated as its third year was not as well attended as hoped November - Christmas Lights’ Switch On – a variety of free entertainment for one night only Throughout the year: o The Glades Leisure Centre offers occasional mainstream events such as Cage Fighting and Roy Chubby Brown with the odd tribute band thrown in. This venue is due to be demolished sometime in the next 2 years and will not be replaced. o The Severn Valley Railway has it’s main station on the periphery of Kidderminster and programmes events such as 1940s weekends, ghost trains and Santa specials. KAF is building a relationship with them. o The Boar’s Head pub presents regular live contemporary and alternative nights that programme live music and open mic sessions. It has an upstairs gallery where life drawing and contemporary exhibitions are hosted. They also run an arts and crafts market and are venturing into more outdoor events with the support of the resident arts group KAF Creatives. o The Swan Pub offers live music on a regular basis and organises a beer and music Festival in August. o The Rose Theatre is a modern, fully equipped theatre on the outskirts of the town. It seats 181, including two wheelchair spaces in its main space and has a studio which seats up to 60 people in a variable configuration. The Theatre is owned and administered as a Charitable Trust by The Nonentities, an amateur society promoting both amateur and professional plays and entertainments throughout the year. The Theatre works in partnership with the local college but currently has no interest in being involved with the Festival. o The Town Hall – a large venue with 2 rooms, a stage and bar which offers a programme of mainstream events, usually music based promoted by external organisations on a private hire basis. FESTIVAL ENVIRONMENT Kidderminster is a divided town. Not only is its centre separated from its local population by an unpopular ring road, one half of the town centre is privately owned in the form of the Weavers Wharf Retail Park. The other half hosts a failing retail offer where around 20% of units are empty. It includes two privately managed indoor shopping centres. The Swan Shopping Centre is an active participant of KAF but the Roland Hill Shopping Centre has not proved so easy to engage as the management is quite arms’ length. Historically, Weavers Wharf Retail Park has supported the Festival with small donations towards the launch evening, permission to use its open spaces, car parking and other support in kind. There is a positive relationship with the management of the park though no buy in from the retailers who reside there who are all national brands. The physical environment the town makes it is difficult to programme outdoor presentations. There is no central square or public space of any significant size. The spaces that do exist are compromised by the rash of bollards and poor site lines and have limited access. ‘A Postcard from Kidderminster’ Acrylic on canvas. By James Howarth. Commissioned by KAF in 2009 The town has a market on two days a week that bring in a massive increase in footfall. The downside is that the market further limits performance space. Stall holders can be unsupportive of events as they see them as a distraction for their customers; however, the market management understands the wider positive impact of KAF and are always keen to support it. TIMING Kidderminster Arts Festival takes place at the end of the summer holidays. The Festival originally began its life as an event that took place at the beginning of the school summer holidays although this was not popular as coincided with the traditional factory fortnight. Though the town is no longer industrial, it seems traditional for families to holiday during this period. The early summer is also an intensive time for the KAF team. Casual staff are recruited to deliver a series of play events that take place over the summer. The Festival team co-ordinates marketing for the community development sections of the overall summer programme. It is impossible to prepare for all this and deliver KAF at the same time. Further, having the Festival at the end of the summer enables the team to explore funding at a quieter time of year and to have confirmation of the programme content early enough to combine marketing of the summer activity programme and some elements of the Festival. This maximises promotional opportunities, e.g. being able to include a page in the Summer Activity Programme to promote KAF’s children’s activities and directly market the Festival in a focused, direct way to families attending the Summer activities and family events around the district. The August Bank Holiday weekend sees a traditional drop in footfall in the town. KAF has struggled to attract audiences over this weekend for daytime events. In 2013, KAF will combine efforts with its new partner the Swan Pub who have in the past successfully delivered a beer and music Festival over the Bank Holiday weekend. This Festival has been attracting good audience numbers and presents a wealth of local talent. The Pub is committed to increasing and developing their programme, and by joining forces with KAF, extends this Festival with no extra burden on capacity / budget. Further information is given below under Partners. Programming outdoor activity on market days (Thursday and Saturday) presents an opportunity to work in partnership with LSD Promotions, the Market’s management company and provides access to non-arts audiences. LSD Promotions supports the town’s approved busking scheme by providing covered pitches and electrical supplies within the market itself. KAF does clash with Worcester Festival although the programming offer is vastly different in style. Physical Jerks - workshops and performance of street dance KAF05 AUDIENCES KAF has a dedicated following in the town and surrounding area. This has grown as a result of good marketing and because the Festival itself has responded to audience feedback and an understanding of local audiences tastes and needs. To continue this audience development, KAF needs to increase its year round activity developing projects with local groups that attract new audiences. This growth will be further supported by increasing the diversity and reach of marketing effort. KAF12 saw Facebook ‘likes’ double and the creation of an active Twitter account. Both media support year round projects not related to the Festival and the events of partners. They also facilitate a direct discussion with our audiences and valuable feedback. Social networking has added hugely to the conversations and networking between local artists, leading to new collaborations and increased support for locally hosted events. Audiences have remained stable at around 20,000 over the last 3 years and there remains much potential to increase attendance. KAF will capitalise on the arrival of a new college, two new town centre hotels and the new carpet museum and increase the reach of its marketing to stimulate audience growth. The population of the Wyre Forest is 97,000. Kidderminster is the most densely populated town in the area with 55,000 residents; there are two smaller neighbouring towns, Stourport on Severn and Bewdley. The town is surrounded by more (averagely) affluent rural areas. Under My Skin – Mandy Barber from True Love Tattoos does a tattoo demonstration at the tattoo exhibition in Kidderminster library. This project was accompanied by a study on tattoos on people in Kidderminster and saw a huge amount of engagement with new non-arts audiences. KAF06 Kidderminster itself has a population with the following characteristics2: Surveys of audience members show that most do not regularly experience arts or culture especially that of a contemporary nature, KAF is often their first experience of street theatre. Anecdotal evidence from audiences who regularly attend more traditional cultural events in neighbouring towns shows they do not travel to Kidderminster because of their perception of the town, especially at night. People who live in the area and are engaged in culture leave the town to experience it; they do not expect to see work of this nature in Kidderminster. They naturally gravitate towards Worcester or Birmingham rather than explore their immediate locality. It is difficult to get people to pick up promotional material for events in their own town as they are not proactively looking for it. There is a large untapped audience in the area, many people live in Kidderminster and travel to work in Birmingham as housing is cheap here but would not socialise in the town. These audiences are unaware of the activity on their doorstep our challenge is to communicate with them effectively. Existing audience’s responses to performances at KAF have been unpredictable in terms of attendance and immediate reactions to shows on the streets. They are suspicious of anything they cannot see or understand immediately and it is very difficult to engage audiences in interactive work. 2 Information from To program this type of work and make it a success requires building in a long period of participatory engagement before the Festival this stimulates word of mouth promotion generating an increased level of trust. Once a relationship is established, the response is generally hugely positive and attendance is good. Using Arts Council England arts-based segmentation research, local audiences fall into the following categories3: The Arts Council describes Wyre Forests three largest segments briefly as: Dinner and a show are a mainstream group consisting of a significant proportion of young and middle-aged people. With two-thirds employed and a third comfortably off, this group has disposable income to spend on leisure activities. Young or young at heart they enjoy life, eating well, socialising and going on outings related to music. Infrequent attendees at a limited number of arts events, the challenge with this group is to provide opportunities that fit their lifestyle. Fun, Fashion and Friends are developing their careers or just starting families. In their leisure time, they like to indulge in their interests of fashion and food. They are ambitious, optimistic and relish seeking out new experiences with friends and family. 3 Please note: Please note that since the data is modelled - not based on actual local level surveys - it may not reflect true local level patterns. It is intended to be a source of broad insight into likely arts consumption patterns across different areas, not of precise local level statistics. In general, when reading this data, it should be kept in mind that the purpose of the segmentation is not so much to provide detailed statistics on any given segment, but to act as a tool for understanding broad trends and the complex interaction of various socio-demographic, behavioural and attitudinal patterns among the English adult population. It should also be borne in mind that the data is modelled using the data from the original segmentation exercise undertaken in 2008. It was not updated when the segment profiles were updated in 2011 Although this group are cited as a high percentage, relatively few of them attend KAF events and are therefore an important target group. Family and Community Focused are typically in their 30s and 40s, who have built a comfortable nest with their moderate financial means. Their priorities lie with their children, connecting with the local community and holding on to their cultural roots. Their interests lie squarely with their immediate surroundings and understanding people like themselves. Their attendance at KAF is currently infrequent. Looking more closely at KAF’s existing audiences, based on observation feedback and statistical information on the residents in Kidderminster the local audiences are predominantly: A quiet pint with the match ; content with life and are not seeking change. They spend much of their leisure time at home though might be found having a drink with friends at the local pub. 'The arts' are unfamiliar, and overlooked by this group; they are a huge untapped potential audience. Older and home-bound are those in their senior years. They are generally content and have a practical outlook on life. They enjoy a slower pace of life and like spending a lot of their free time at home. Some of them report poor levels of health which restricts their activities in general. It could be argued that this category may also include many who need some level of care due to mental health issues or disabilities. Linking in with wider WFDC targets on well being the Festival needs to continue to develop engagement with this audience segment. Limited means, nothing fancy are information seekers who tend to spend their disposable income cautiously. Non-judgmental and dutiful, they value family and friendships. For them leisure time is all about having a break and chilling out within their limited means. Bedroom DJs are those in their late teens or 20s, still living with their parents or having just flown the nest. Bedroom DJs are starting out in life. They are motivated and aspire to do well in their careers. With few commitments, they tend to live for the moment and spend impulsively even though they are financially constrained. Appearance conscious and sociable, they spend much of their time and money on shopping, socialising and entertainment Although KAF would like to retain its existing audiences, if the audience is to grow then it needs to broaden. The Festival needs to be able to program more ticketed events to subsidise it’s free outdoor offer. If we are to effectively achieve our aims of changing the perception of Kidderminster and impacting on the evening economy we need to engage with a different audience and find innovative ways to do so. LOCAL STRATEGIC AGENDAS A number of strategies and initiatives are being developed by WFDC with its partners. KAF and other cultural events are beginning to feature more heavily at the core of these strategies. These strategies will determine how the Council will prioritise its work and its spending over the coming years and will ensure that the Council responds to local needs. The research conducted during the preparation of these strategies supports the argument that there is a need for a strong cultural offer to drive the local economy forward as well as addressing other issues such as community cohesion, wellbeing etc. Research like this informs the direction of the Festival as it is responsive to local needs. KAF should be seen as part of the solution to community development and needs to be included in related debates. Funding should be consolidated so that rather than directed at creating new events, it should support KAF as it is already substantially embedded in the community. There is always a danger that politicians and strategists will not understand the potential of the Festival to change the community on a range of levels and therefore overlook it. All of the Council’s work delivers to the Community Strategy for the Wyre Forest as follows: A Sustainable Community Strategy for the Wyre Forest District, 'Making a real difference 2008-2014'4 This sets out the Wyre Forest District Council’s priorities over the life of most of this plan, after which a new one will be developed. The strong arts community which is emerging as a result of KAF should be in a position to influence future policies if co-ordinated and communicated with effectively. The priorities of the Council are stated as: communities that are safe and feel safe a better environment for today and tomorrow economic success shared by all improving health and wellbeing meeting the needs of children and young people stronger communities 4 ‘State of the Area Debate’ In March 2012, to support the delivery of the Economic Success Shared by All element of the strategy, the Council hosted the ‘State of the Area Debate’ to explore local issues and decide how a £1 million grant would be spent to improve the economic prospects of the District. The following dominated the agenda: The town centre lacks a compelling identity that would help attract more people to shop there The quality of the public realm is poor There are a large number of vacant shops on the high streets The town centre offers little more than shopping – eating out, leisure and living opportunities are very limited Too many young people have low aspirations for their lives and their work prospects Employers complain that too many people looking for work lack basic employability skills, including literacy and numeracy In additional to the physical changes needed in the town ,there was a repeated call to offer more events in town centres to create a clear identity and attract visitors in from further afield. Working with the Economic Regeneration team to deliver ReWyre The ReWyre Initiative is a master plan for the development of Kidderminster. It sets out priorities for the redevelopment and regeneration for the town in future years. ReWyre is managed by the Economic and Regeneration Team within WFDC and has attracted funding, some of which has been siphoned to KAF for the delivery of public realm projects over the last 2 years and continues into 2013. The Festival has been instrumental in the creation and delivery of creative consultation and promotion of the Initiative. ReWyre and KAF have been working together for the last two years. ReWyre has kindly funded two Subway Deluxe projects that have helped to improve the local environment. Subway Deluxe has transformed the largest subway the town into walk through art galleries complete with flock wallpaper and guilt frames. The project gave local artists a chance to positively influence their environment increasing their sense of value to their communities. The subways are the main route for pedestrian access particularly for people who arrive into the town by train. The subway was previously subject to littering, vandalism and graffiti. Since its transformation it has received further investment. It has been landscaped and there have been no new attacks of vandalism, significantly improving its appearance. Rather than being overly prescriptive, ReWyre gave much of the creative direction of Subway Deluxe to the artists. This made it easier to get volunteers involved which generated a better value project and provided rare networking and development opportunities. It has stimulated the creation of similar work by other organisations in the area including schools, Friends’ Groups in parks, aTennis Club and the local housing company. The project was enthusiastically received by residents. The cumulative effect of all this has been a general improvement in the public realm. This work and the positive response to it from the public have cemented the relationship between ReWyre and the Festival. Confidence has grown in KAF’s ability to deliver to ReWyre’s agenda. In 2012 KAF responded to research conducted by ReWyre by presenting ‘BLOOM’, KAF’s first major outdoor show. The research indicated there is a high level of fear deterring visits to the town at night, the need for a public square to give focal point for the town and the ongoing public dislike of Crown House, a building that was featured in a national TV program and voted Britain’s 7 th ugliest building. BLOOM was a digital mapping projection project with far reaching community engagement that allowed us to transform Crown House and simulate a town square over two evenings also giving KAF a finale event. BLOOM incorporated a consultation about the perception of the town in the evening and asked for comment on the town’s physicality, visitors experiences of anti-social behaviour in the past, providing further evidence for ReWyre which it will use to attract future funding. The event itself provided an opportunity to close roads which helped to understand traffic flow when parking is removed and stimulated a dialogue with retailers and residents about potential future changes. The ReWyre initiative is continuing its investment to KAF for 2013. The Festival will use this investment to initiate further urban realm projects and develop opportunities for consultation and joint fundraising. Additionally, in its forthcoming business plan ReWyre has committed to acknowledging the Festival’s potential to influence and shape the town, its economic impact and to increase tourism and continues to consult with the Festival about its public realm needs. Kidderminster Central Area Action Plan The WFDC Economic and Regeneration team developed targeted piece of consultation which resulted in the Kidderminster Central Area Action Plan (KCAAP)5. This plan is one of the District Council’s emerging planning policy documents and sets out policies and land allocations for the future of the town. While the Regeneration Prospectus, ‘The Rewyre Initiative’6 promotes the ideas for transformation, it is the KCAAP that puts the policies in place to make their delivery happen. A key aim for the KCAAP is to develop the town’s leisure and cultural offer. This will contribute towards the ambition for Kidderminster to become the tourism hub of the District. In particular, the plan states that it is important to grow the town’s evening economy by encouraging people into the town at night. Kidderminster has a real deficiency in this respect. An important means of bringing people into the town is the creation of multipurposes public spaces for public entertainment and events held at different times of the day and night. As mentioned above, the town lacks this type of useable space and this can limit the activities that it can host. It is well attested that arts and regeneration work very effectively together by helping to change perceptions of spaces and how people relate and experience them. Allia Khan from Step Up Dance Academy presents Bollywood Fusion dance workshops and performance at KAF10 5 6 EXTERNAL POLICIES Worcestershire Arts Strategy The Worcestershire Arts Partnership (WAP) has developed a strategy7 that supports the arts in the County based on consultation with a wide range of partners, artists, organisations and politicians. This outlines the priorities of the Partnership until 2013. KAF delivers to this strategy by being a member of the Partnership. Involvement provides opportunities to work in partnership more effectively with arts and non arts agencies in the County. WAP is also beginning to provide opportunities for improved marketing and for accessing funding and co-commission work that KAF may benefit from. The strategy listed its priorities as follows: To make the arts in Worcestershire as accessible as possible to as many people as possible. To build capacity in the arts sector in Worcestershire. To develop art forms in Worcestershire. To develop physical spaces for the arts in Worcestershire Arts Council England Within the Arts Council of England’s ten year plan for 2011-2015, there are priorities that Kidderminster Arts Festival delivers to: Talent and artistic excellence are thriving and celebrated More people experience and are inspired by the arts The arts are sustainable, resilient and innovative The arts leadership and workforce are diverse and highly skilled Every child and young person has the opportunity to experience the richness of the arts 7 FUNDERS / STAKEHOLDERS Wyre Forest District Council WFDC provides £5,000 core funding although this figure has not changed since 2003 and in the current climate there is little chance of commitment to any uplift. Each year, additional top up funding has become available, by combining projects under the Festival banner or from other departments’ budgets where shared agendas are met, these can be last minute and vary each year. There is no indication of any increase in core funding from Wyre Forest District Council. Though the Festival is highly valued by the authority and funding allocated on a short term basis usually becomes available, this requires an inventive approach to programming and a constant eye on potential non- arts funding pots. WFDC may be in the position of dedicating additional funding to programming in the future however; it will not improve funding for the capacity to deliver the Festival. Budget support from ReWyre has increased by £2,000 to be reviewed annually, supporting continued work in the public realm. A funding stream managed by WFDC, The Xpressions Leisure Grant Scheme, has provided £1,000 for the last 3 years for commissioning local artists to contribute the Festival program. This is set to continue in the near future but is a finite pot; it is also currently under review. This additional support is of great benefit as having proportionate match funding is crucial to levering in additional external funds and has been flagged up as a weakness by the Arts Council in the past. Town Centre Management is employed by WFDC and offers opportunities to develop relationships with business and other organisations possibly leading to partnership investment. Worcestershire County Council Arts Service Funding from the Inroads Funding Scheme has been secured by KAF. It was awarded £7,000 over a period of 2 years for strategic development in 2012. This funding has been allocated to the development of this business plan and for Festival development in the future. The Arts Council England ACE have supported KAF between 2009 – 2012 with Grants for the Arts funding. This doubled in 2012 to £9,993 for the creation of the ‘BLOOM’ event. Future ACE funding is essential for continued growth and maintaining the focus on quality work. ACE Strategic Touring Funds could be accessed. There is interest from partners though currently no firm commitment. Sponsorship In 2011 ACE commented on the lack of local ‘buy in’ and sponsorship. Considering the visibly declining economy in the town, it is unlikely that KAF will be able to increase financial commitment from local business though the Festival will continue to pursue this when capacity allows. It is hoped that the development of the Town Team8 will facilitate discussion with potential sponsors. KAF is also trying new strategies to tempt retailers to become involved, e.g. paying for promotion with advertising, special Festival offers from local businesses and encouraging retailers to become involved creatively by creating window displays. The Festival has seen a hugely increased involvement from local partners that have brought with them much ‘in kind’ support and additions to the programme. 8 The Town Team will be a group of retailers and other stakeholders who have a vested interest in the town of Kidderminster. A small group has been established in 2012 who will steer the work of the Town Centre Managers, lobby appropriate bodies on issues which contribute to the towns success. Other support Small financial contributions have been consistently made by local companies there is no indication that these will increase in the immediate future. This source of Festival income is sought each year but has proved to be time consuming and ultimately not very fruitful. Partnerships or contributions ‘in kind’ seem to be much more forthcoming and make more sense with the available capacity. The following sources are potentially exploitable in the short term future: Dance funding from WFDC sports Development initiatives which could be used as matched funding to be invested into a year long project presented in a finale performance at KAF. The Festival is currently in conversation with the Worcestershire Dance Promoters Group to explore the potential for a County-wide project that would create strong links between dancers in the districts and raise the profile of the Festival. This would be in place for 2014. The Artrix Theatre has committed £500 for bursaries to make all activities accessible to young people in 2013. Awards for All could support projects created by partner organisations such as KAF Creatives which could contribute to activities programmed by the Festival Co-operative Funds – not yet explored / accessed. Community Safety Partnership has given money in the past for regeneration projects; nothing is available for 2013 but there may be again in the future depending on their strategic priorities. The Elmley Foundation has a small grants scheme that has supported the Festival in the past. It is possible for KAF to apply again. Worcestershire County Council ‘Inroads’ funding averages £1.5k; KAF could next access thanks in 2014. PARTNERS KAF’s partnerships have increased in number, commitment and confidence over the last three years, mainly due to new projects initiated by the Festival which have engaged them directly. BLOOM significantly raised the profile of the Festival locally and has attracted interest from new potential partners in the town and wider County including new businesses moving into the area. It is recognised that there are pressures on partner organisations and that to enable them to work with KAF, the Festival has to come up with creative ways for them to engage. It seems that simply asking for financial assistance is not a viable option. 2012 saw a significant increase in the contribution partners have made including access to office and parking space, provision of barriers for traffic control, storage, security, support with publicity, use of venues and more. New partners have moved into the area and have either committed to involvement or expressed a strong interest in being involved with KAF. They bring with them new audiences and increase the Festivals capacity and resources. CURRENT PARTNERS 2012 KAF Creatives is an independent group of contemporary artists who’s membership are young and changeable. They are resident in the Boars Head Gallery and have about 13 core members with an additional 18 or more on the periphery. Their membership is varied and includes artists who specialise in spoken word, visual arts, design, filmmaking and photography but there are no performance specialists as yet. The artists use KAF as a platform to devise and present collaborative projects. They have recently taken on a lobbying role to protect the gallery in the town library which is under threat of closure. The group’s ambition and confidence is growing. They are increasingly engaging with politicians and their work is having a significant effect on the town’s cultural landscape. They will present a series of small events during the year and will present a spoken word and acoustic night, workshops and a poetry slam at KAF13. The Boar’s Head Gallery (BHG) is part of the Boars Head Pub on the edge of the town centre in an area prioritised for redevelopment. The venue has given use of space upstairs to local artists who voluntarily run a gallery and workshops. The relationship is new and very mutually supportive. There is a significant and rapid growth in their contribution to the local arts landscape and KAF. Unfortunately, the upstairs gallery does not have disabled access, although there is a large courtyard downstairs that has been recently utilised for arts and crafts markets and expansion of the gallery space. For KAF13 the BHG propose: o Working in partnership to present a sustainable outdoor weekend event o Possible outlet for ticket sales o The creation of an exhibition o Delivery of an outdoor Paint Jam event with DJs o Marketing opportunities Kidderminster Library Service has an exhibition space which they have offered free of charge in the past. They are keen to create opportunities for joint working through associated projects such as competitions etc. The service has expressed interest in doing more complex projects particularly involving outreach. However, there are current issues with capacity and reform of the service so cannot commit to anything significant right now. Worcestershire Film Festival was launched in 2012 and delivered events during KAF that helped them with the promotion of their main event in Worcester. They have expressed an interest in developing art house projects that tour and are keen to work with KAF again in the future. West Midlands Safari Park offers free tickets for prizes for KAF activities. NEW PARTNERS FOR 2013 The Swan Pub is independently hosting a beer and music Festival and will provide, programme and manage an outdoor stage on the final weekend of KAF. There will be a series of cabaret, comedy and performance based evenings in the run up. This event has happened independently for the last 2 years. A successful partnership with KAF would fill the live music gap in the Festival’s programme. The pub could also be an outlet for ticket sales, improving access for audiences. Friends of St. Georges Park is keen to engage local children in a specialised event held in their park; they are currently in discussion with KAF on programming and are independently seeking funding. They will host and manage their first children’s festival on the first weekend of KAF13. Kidderminster College is planning a music and multi-media performance called SONIQUARIUM to be presented as part of KAF13. The college are keen to use their studio space as a public venue and are looking at making physical changes to the building to make it more accessible and autonomous. This would enable private hire. The potential of this space for KAF is substantial as it would provide a black box, medium sized venue with in house sound and lighting equipment in a central location, something the town is currently lacking. Crucially, the venue would also have parking. The Artrix Theatre is a successful arts venue in Bromsgrove that is looking to increase outreach activity, partner with the Bromsgrove Festival and present more outdoor performance. The Theatre is in discussions with KAF to explore co-commissioning or joint programming and have already committed a small financial contribution to assist with engaging young people in KAF13. Kidderminster Museum of Carpet opened in October 2012 and will offer workshops, free tickets and outreach sessions. It will contribute to the KAF Carpet Forest installation and display some of the forest after KAF has finished. Worcester Resource Exchange (WRE) has offered discounted materials for the creation of KAF’s Carpet Forest installation, collection and transportation of materials and studio space as well as access to a database of volunteers to assist in the installation of the Carpet Forest. WRE will also create a bespoke resource activity for KAF that will raise awareness of the carpet industries’ heritage, the WRE and inspirational re-use of materials. WRE will also display some of the forest after KAF at its venue in Worcester further promoting KAF outside its delivery time. Brinton’s Carpets has offered supplies of scrap/remnants of carpet for the Carpet Forest project and publicity. Independent artists or groups - there are a number of these in the area that deliver workshops or performances as part of the Festival programme. Some are regular presenters, others occasional. This aspect of KAF increases year on year and is only limited by space availability. These activities diversify the participatory program, alleviate capacity issues as they are self managed and help build relationships with local artists for work throughout the year. A small number of artists for KAF13 are already confirmed: o Talking Props have delivered musical theatre workshops for the past 3 years and are now looking to add flash mobs to their repertoire. o Severn Valley Samba Band is a local band with members of all ages originally set up by WFDC and now independent. They have performed 3x o Got 2 Sing is local community choir that performed outdoors with over 50 members at KAF12. FUTURE / POTENTIAL PARTNERS Birmingham Metropolitan College established a new arts facility in Kidderminster in 2012. This facility will dramatically affect the pedestrian flow of the town. It is located on Weavers Wharf within a large pedestrianised area. The college offers digital media courses and hospitality and has indicated a keen interest in working in partnership. They offer: o Facilities and delivery of venue for launch through hospitality students o Marketing opportunities o Use of students’ skills such as development of games applications or capacity through training. This is under discussion o Contribution to program o Access to new audiences and promotional opportunities Sandwell Festival is located 40 miles away from Kidderminster and in the West Midlands region. It has a similar demographic. The Festival Manager is keen to work in partnership including joint programming Worcestershire Arts Partnership is an emerging partnership with sub-groups, such as Arts in Non-Arts Spaces. It offers the opportunity for commissioning of new work, joint programming, sharing best practice. There is also the possibility of working with County wide non-arts partners. The Birmingham Hippodrome Theatre presents 6 Summer Saturdays that are mostly programmed with street arts. The Hippodrome is keen to work in partnership with KAF. It is facilitating groups from the West Midlands to explore the development of circus and street arts by offering wider partnership working opportunities. St George’s Church is not directly in the town centre, but as the Festival grows and with the initiation of a children’s Festival in nearby St. Georges Park, it seems prudent for both parties to form a relationship. St. Georges is undergoing a transformation and is making physical alterations to develop itself as an arts venue: the space is ideal for concerts and performance. The new committee seems open minded in their programming. They have recently become active members of the Shindig Rural Touring Scheme and have presented a number of musical acts that have expanded audiences and reputation as an arts venue as well as their knowledge of presenting work. A dialogue has just begun with the venue to explore future involvement. The Lady and the Sax local musicians who have busked at KAF for many years FESTIVAL RESOURCES Organisational Capacity KAF’s delivery is the responsibility of Wyre Forest District Council’s Arts and Play Development Officer. The Festival is a small element of a large portfolio of work; there is currently some support from a part time assistant officer who offers year round administration support. WFDC also provides legal services, design and print services and some casual support staff when needed. The Festival also benefits from a temporary post providing Festival support for approximately 7 weeks; this is a hands-on role, supporting when and where needed, particularly with promotion and production work. There are occasional opportunities for work experience support; in 2013 there will be a one week placement by a student interested in journalism. Approximately a third of the program is delivered by independent artists or partner organisations. The KAF team has not been able to increase capacity in line with the growth of the Festival. Staffing has been frozen in the Festival team at one and a half full-time posts as a result of budget restrictions. It may be possible to secure additional WFDC officer support in the form of a volunteer Manager who would be a shared member of staff with another WFDC section. More voluntary involvement would increase the sense of local ownership although unlikely to contribute to the stretched management capacity of KAF. This solely remains the Arts and Play Development Officer for the foreseeable future. The potential for increasing capacity for the Festival in its current form is uncertain given that continued cut backs are expected over the next three years. The commitment for temporary support during the weeks running up to and during the event looks set to continue. Designs In Air ‘tentacles’ installed in the Town Hall KAF12 Any additional support must be externally funded. Brand KAF has a corporate year round brand in WFDC colours and changes its colours when the Festival starts to go live. This concept is to reinforce that there is a continuous reinvention of the event, a fresh approach each year but with a constant and familiar thread. In 2007, KAF benefited from support from Audiences Central to develop a marketing strategy. A health check followed in 2009. The Festival acted on all the recommendations of the strategy. The health check concluded that nothing more could be done with current capacity. KAF12 has received some consultation on the brand and look of the brochure. The logo has been slightly adapted in response to feedback that Kidderminster as the key location is not obvious. Until it is firmly on the radar of an established audience, this needs to be emphasised. Social networking and increased presence in local press continues to build a recognisable brand. Ticketing The Wyre Forest Hub offers a ticket selling outlet andonline booking system. Venues The Town Hall is located in the town centre and provides the central base for the Festival. It has a large room with a stage that seats 600 people and a smaller room seating 200. There is little sound or lighting equipment so this all has to be hired in at additional cost. Facilities for performers are provided throughout the event at the Town Hall including IT access, parking (limited) and storage. The cost of using the Town Hall is at the subsidised rate of £16 per hour (a 50% discount on normal hire charges). Any external equipment brought into the hall is subject to safety testing by a WFDC contracted provider and comes at an additional cost of £42 per visit. Storage Space WFDC offers limited storage space for Festival equipment at a site 5 minutes drive from the town centre. Parking Weavers Wharf has offered parking space in its centrally located delivery yard whilst WFDC offers buskers parking permits at town centre car parks. KAF began life with a simple program catering for children and families that was presented mostly indoors in the Town Hall. Each year the Festival has offered a more ambitious, challenging program, diversifying its offer whilst simultaneously increasing and widening its audiences. 2013 brings a new approach with a strong central theme based around a commissioned installation. As a mainly curated programme, it will result in a more connected event. The 2013 Festival will see an increased commitment to support established and emerging artists to push their practice and scale of work. This part of KAF’s continued focus on the development of local talent. The Festival seeks to be fresh, inventive and resourceful in its approach, changing each year to grow with the expectations and experience of its audiences and partners whilst remaining as accessible as possible. To encourage audiences to take risks and explore the Festival offer, ticket prices are kept to £5 or under. To further facilitate audience development, there will be an increase in outdoor programming and participatory strands engaging audiences in non arts spaces such as local pubs, subways etc. Programming outdoor work on market days exposes shoppers who would not normally travel to the Festival creating additional audience development opportunities. The Festival aims to programme not only accessible arts but also work which is more challenging and unusual to retain its contemporary identity. This must be done with a balanced approach with a focus on work that encourages self reflection, civic pride and tolerance. It is also important that the programme does not become elitist, too highbrow or left field as this can alienate audiences. Ramshaklicious Theatre Company present - ‘The Road to Nowhere’ KAF08 KAF needs to become increasingly active in the commissioning of small scale work suitable for both its own programme and other partners’ as it is difficult to find the right scale and quality of work. There are some art forms /genres, e.g. circus, medium-scale theatre that KAF has not been able to explore to date due to capacity restrictions, lack of suitable performances spaces both indoors and out, and a tight budget. Partnership working within the local area diversifies the programme with groups such as the Boars Head Gallery and KAF Creatives presenting more adult content. This element of the Festival continues to grow, adding to its sustainability and local ownership. The Festival also presents the work created by the Xpressions Commission developed throughout the proceeding year. KAF has a small participatory programme that promotes, develops and creates opportunities for audiences and local artists both established and emerging to push their creative boundaries and experiences. It also creates opportunities for local artists to contribute to the programme, providing free venues for artists to offer workshops or present work. This facilitates networking: local artists are able to meet more established artists from outside the area which can lead to bids for funding to create work with support and mentoring for the following year’s event. KAF aims to increase associated year round projects in partnership with a range of organisations, offering broader opportunities for participation, reaching those in the community who may have barriers to engaging with Festival activities or the arts in general. Hoodwink Theatre – Leap of Faith KAF10 WHAT HAS WORKED SO FAR? KAF tries to offer a varied program that doesn’t get stale by repeating the same format each year. Though in broad terms KAF is building a picture of what audiences respond well to, the Festival is limited by the constraints of the physical space in the town, the efforts of volunteers and the imagination and experience of the one lead officer. KAF’s audiences speak with their feet, so evaluation is easy. A detailed paper evaluation is conducted that will gives audiences an opportunity to say what they do or don’t like and what they want to see more of. So far, successes have included: Street Theatre Walkabout comedy works particularly well at KAF. Audiences unaccustomed to seeing street performance can be suspicious and are wary of static shows that might want them to participate so it can be hard to gather a crowd. Walkabout creates an opportunity to engage in a conversation, making the audience members feeling more in control and more likely to join in. The Insect Circus Museum – KAF06 It is important to ensure the work is good quality, vibrant and accessible as this brings the streets to life and raises awareness of the wider program. Outdoor installations and visual arts 2012 saw Designs in Air bring the Town Hall to life with giant inflatable tentacles which were lit at night; these were hugely popular and created a real buzz in the town and on social networks. Subway Deluxe was the concept of a KAF Creatives member and resulted in Comberton Hill Subway (a main artery into the town) being transformed 3 times over the last 2 years. This work has transformed not only the physical environment but also local perception of graffiti and urban art. It has triggered investment by WFDC and other organisations into further work of this nature outside of the Festival and has created links between local and nationally established urban artists. Subway Deluxe has been the catalyst for a wave of exhibitions and events at the Boars Head Gallery, including Doodle Bombing events, competitions and the return of artists who donated time and talent to Subway Deluxe. This has all been extremely popular as audiences understand the format so this type of work is now a regular feature at the Gallery. Subway Deluxe has empowered of a group of local artists by providing them with a vehicle that influences their local environment and engages with wider regeneration plans. This has delighted local people who have seen their town improving. IBW an artist from Weston working on Subway Deluxe There has been success with interactive installations in the past, for example, the Jan Niedojadlo’s Podules9 installation was extremely popular, particularly with local groups. There were many visits from nurseries and group who cater for people with special needs who enjoyed the sensory nature of the installation and the ability to enjoy the work in their own time on their own terms. This has prompted KAF to revisit this approach further in 2013. Family theatre These include shows by companies such as Blunderbus Theatre, a company familiar to KAF audiences and who are supported enthusiastically. However, with each new company that is programmed, there is an unpredictable audience response; audience sizes, though generally healthy can vary greatly. Participatory Workshops Most workshops are tasters offered by established or emerging arts groups to attract new users to their organisations and raise their profile. KAF provides them with a venue and publicity. The workshop leader takes the door money. These workshops have become the bedrock for KAF, providing a strong participatory element with low risk and impact on capacity and contributing to feeding wider arts activity in the area throughout the year. Approved buskers Scheme The scheme puts local artists, mostly musicians, in touch with the Festival. Buskers showcase their work during KAF where they are provided with a covered pitch with power. This is a valuable promotional opportunity, many get offered gigs at commercial venues as a result of appearances at KAF. This somewhat compensates for KAF audiences not being wildly generous. Busking at KAF has slow to grow and is still very small-scale. It is largely restricted to market days though increasing in scale, quality and popularity. It is popular with audiences and their willingness to put money in the hat is improving. 9 Niedojadlo’s Podules – ‘The Hive’ KAF06 WHAT DOESN’T WORK SO WELL? Static outdoor shows Audiences can be suspicious of participatory, static street theatre. This type of work is only seen in the town during the Festival and it is apparent audiences are very cautious about being directly involved, they are reluctant to stop and watch for fear of humiliation. Walkabout shows eliminate this problem. It is important to retain an element of this type of work in the programme though it has to be carefully programmed. Bank Holidays and Sundays In previous years, KAF has experimented with programming performances on the bank holiday or Sundays. A combination of bad weather, few shops open for trading and no other motivation to come into the town, the small Festival offer alone proved to be not enough to pull in audiences, this may be due to the scale of the offer. KAF is experimenting with working with a new partner, the Swan pub who already has an established bank holiday event and wants to expand. This is a more condensed programme over the bank holiday weekend, with less risk to the Festival and an increased capacity to deliver and support a local venue to grow. Night Time Programming in the evening is still a challenge as there is such fear of anti-social behaviour. Poor public transport also hampers attendance. The Festival has not experimented enough with this type of programming to fully understand development prospects. It is, however, a priority for the town to develop its evening economy although the right formula has not yet been found and would need considerable investment to further explore potential. BLOOM – KAF12 BLOOM was KAF’s first exploration of presenting large scale outdoor work in the evening. The event was a great success in its devising stages and involved lots of very keen participants in workshops with little experience of the arts learning new skills. Sadly, both evening performances were severely hampered by torrential rain that hugely affected attendance. Response from those who were a little more intrepid was overwhelmingly positive; the show couldn’t have been better received. The artists got a lot out of the process in terms of developing their skills and working at a larger scale. 10 This type of work is something that KAF would like to continue to explore due to the reception of the work being inconclusive due to weather. BLOOM certainly helped the Festival with engaging with partners and the community. It has substantially improved the profile and credibility of KAF and proved the level of local arts ambition. KAF benefitted from huge police support and there was no antisocial behaviour on either evening. Alongside the performance, KAF conducted consultation that has provided ReWyre Initiative and Community Safety Partnership with a valuable insight into some of the issues they need to overcome to achieve their own targets with respect to developing the evening economy. 10 Blunderbus Theatre – The Selfish Crocodile KAF12 CHALLENGES AND RISKS Capacity There is an over-reliance on the current Festival Director who is an Arts and Play Development Officer (ADO) at WFDC. Kidderminster Arts Festival, although initiated by a previous officer KAF has been led to its current scale by Loz Samuels who is solely responsible for the production and delivery of the Festival on all levels. She is supported by limited additional staff resources. This is a high risk situation. The Festival is currently spread over 13 intense days which leaves it very vulnerable to absence due to illness, exhaustion or accident. The Festival has an impact on other work post the event due to the huge amount of additional hours built up over the event. It also means that should the current ADO leave or the post become redundant in the future the Festival is likely to disappear all together as it would be difficult to recruit a person with a range of skills to enable delivery in the current format. KAF is administered in a transparent, accessible way which means another officer should be able understand the needs of the event quickly though due to the scale of the event and the complexity of the partnerships this would be a challenge should it be required during the event. Thus, this risk should be considered seriously. KAF is currently at the limit of its resources, if it has not already exceeded them. There is very limited work undertaken year round on the development of KAF which makes it is difficult to grow the Festival the available funding and the associated resources required to support this growth. Through the work plan of the ADO, many annual projects are being steered to link in with the Festival to enable a more measured approach to developing activities for KAF. However, for KAF to reach its full potential and for continued safe delivery, there needs to be more dedicated time allocated. This lack of dedicated time has a huge impact on the funds available to KAF. There is insufficient time to devote to fundraising. There is funding potentially available but time needs to be dedicated to applying for it and completing the associated administration. Inability to develop local engagement and partnerships as much as possible is also related to lack of capacity; relationships and plans need to be nurtured long before the event takes place and events delivered by partners also need some management support. Depending on partners for event delivery has proved risky in the past as there is no financial commitment from them. It is therefore easy for partners to pull out at the last minute, generating an enormous level of work informing audiences or ticket holders and impacting on the immediate Festival delivery. Partners or volunteers who do commit to the Festival can feel undervalued or under-utilised due to lack of capacity to manage them and give them appropriate incentives. A mechanism needs to be developed to improve the commitment of partners and their likelihood to complete delivery and continue to invest in the Festival in future years. The Festival needs to step up its marketing, advocacy and profile within the Council as well as outside. Internal departments do not have a broad enough understanding of the event which can sometimes create obstacles to its delivery rather than assisting it. Councillors without a cultural remit historically don’t attended Festival events due to the pressures of their work loads and lack of understanding of how KAF delivers to cross cutting agendas which may be relevant to them. The work to break down these misconceptions or underestimation of KAF needs a long-term investment on a various levels. Budgetary Cuts This is a long-term issue for the arts in general and can never be ruled out in current environment; however, KAF is highly valued by WFDC though arts are not a statutory service and inevitably it will be vulnerable to cutbacks as options to economise run out. Currently, the Festival is entirely dependant on WFDC as it meets all core budget and staffing costs. Most of the programme is funded either in kind or externally. If WFDC does not increase internal capacity to support the Festival, it will become essential to fund external production staff for the direct delivery of the Festival. Its current size and continued growth means it has become unrealistic and high risk for the Festival to be managed with only one member of staff. Funding has been secured to alleviate this problem for 2013 but no further. The Festival is also reliant on external funding and cannot guarantee this will always be available on a scale that will match the Festivals potential needs. An exit strategy needs to be developed in the future as to how KAF could survive if the worst were to happen and WFDC decided it could no longer financially support the event, or worse it could give no officer time to raise funds and deliver the event. Loss of WFDC Core Funding Currently, there is no local group that would be able to take on the management of KAF if WFDC pulled its core support. The likely scenario in this situation is that the Festival would fold. KAF Creatives are looking at how they could develop as an organisation to be able to possibly take over the event in the future but that is some time away. They would need external support to make this a possibility. Weather This is always a problem for outdoor events, but the distribution of indoor and outdoor work ensures KAF is able to deliver a good proportion of its programme no matter what the weather is doing. As long as the balance remains, there will never be a total washout. All outdoor events are free for the audience so losing them does not impact on income targets. WFDC insurance does not cover outdoor events in terms of cancellation there is no change anticipated so larger scale events with increased investment remain a risk if ticketed. Programme Development As audiences become accustomed to and demanding of more ambitious programmes, these become increasingly difficult to deliver. Longer term development and engagement are needed which requires longer term funding. Continuing at the current rate of growth, KAF will soon be looking at projects that take 2-3 years to implement. In the current climate, it is hard to find funding for this length of project although it would be the greatest investment the Festival could make with respect to its engagement with its communities and its programme. Due to lack of funding and the capacity to raise it, the Festival Director is unable to visit other Festivals and events to explore programming possibilities. It also prevents vital networking opportunities to generate partnerships with other events and organisations that might become Festival partners. There is therefore a substantial risk of the Festival becoming stale. This lack of reflection and research time could become an issue for the Festival in the future especially if the Arts and Play Development Officer changes to someone with less ability to curate such an event and has a different skill set. Dom ‘Deeds’ Dunlea stencils a tribute to Rowland Hill in temporary paint – the catalyst for Subway Deluxe KAF09 Audiences, Marketing and Promotion Communicating with audiences through conventional marketing mechanisms in the Wyre Forest is difficult. Audiences tend to overlook local events as historically there has been a very limited local cultural offer particularly poor in Kidderminster, changing this perception is a challenge. Ensuring audiences are aware of Festival events is a constant struggle but over time is improving. Challenging perceptions of what Kidderminster has to offer culturally is a major hurdle. It affects the ability of the Festival to attract companies or promoters to do door splits because of the risk of low ticket sales. WFDC Media and Communications team can offer limited support due to their own capacity issues, this mainly consists of the circulation of press releases and the uploading of information on our website, but nothing more targeted. Anything additional to this is the responsibility of the Festival team. The local press have improved their coverage over the last two years and are becoming communicative though cannot offer any further support to their existing offer. KAF cannot be promoted further without increased investment to facilitate commercial advertising. The Festival currently relies on free editorial, leaflet distribution, social networking and the use of online facilities to promote the event. KAF receives substantial marketing support from its partners and the use of partner venues for ticket outlets will be explored in 2013. Accessing information and purchasing tickets through WFDC channels is not the easiest process for our audiences. Face to face ticket purchases are currently limited to the opening hours of the Councils hub, which is a one-stop shop in the town for all Council services; and there are often long queues once in. The Council website is difficult to navigate and people feel it is hard to find information, there has been negative feedback from audiences about our ticket accessibility, and the Council lacks the resources to greatly improve the situation. On-line booking systems were only introduced in the last couple of years and have been slow to take off though are proving successful. WFDC has however had a series of issues with the system and receives complaints about its efficiency and ease of use. The system is only part automated and still requires the Festival team to post out tickets manually and overcome glitches in the system. Advertising needs to be increased both in quantity, quality and coverage. Worcestershire Arts Marketing can facilitate elements of this at an acceptable cost. Working with partners such as colleges, hotels and museums will further improve reach. A different approach is required with respect to print will be adopted with a change in emphasis from brochures to flyers to reduce costs with wider distribution and increase the reach. Physical Space Finding a program that works with the town’s limited outdoor space and its poorly equipped indoor space is challenging. The main venue is the Town Hall which has a reputation for a sprinkling of traditional cultural offerings. It has no staffed reception for information sharing. Welcoming audiences and making sure information is on the street outside the venue to invite them in is the responsibility of the Festival team. Some investment has been made into the Town Hall in recent years but it still lacks lighting/sound equipment, has poor storage and changing facilities, comes at a cost, has accessibility issues and a lack of infrastructure and parking which combine to make our main indoor venue an uncomfortable bed fellow for both artists and audiences. WEAKNESSES (AS PERCEIVED BY ACE IN 2011/12) This information came as feedback after an initial application for funding in 2011: Lack of investment by Council - ACE called for more financial investment from Wyre Forest DC; this has been increased for 2012 & 2013 but no longer term commitment so far. Lack of long term strategic plan - this is being addressed by a 3 year business plan 2012 Lack of local buy-in and partners - this is being addressed by increased interest by a number of new local partners and increased investment by existing partners. There is ongoing work to engage with retailers and other potential partners. Bernard’s Puppet Bonanza – Pickled Image KAF10 OPPORTUNITIES In addition to a growth in partners, increased audience buy-in and positive development of the Festival (all described above), there are other opportunities that could benefit the Festival: A new town square is a possibility with 2 potential sites being explored. The timescale is unknown due to dependency of external funding. This could offer a fantastic programming opportunity for KAF. The relationship with the ReWyre Initiative means that the space would be developed with the Festival making it feasible to purposely include built-in elements to the space that would facilitate the space being used for public entertainment. The Wyre Forest and wider region have large untapped audiences for the Festival to engage with as KAF becomes better known. The Festival has a unique offer in the County and wider area. Being the only contemporary mixed platform arts Festival outside Birmingham in the West Midlands. KAF’s existing audiences are loyal, keen for more and give very positive feedback which indicates strong evidence of demand There are new marketing opportunities through effective use of social networking; KAF’s growing partnerships increase its viral reach. The Festival is experiencing increased support from local media Many organisations are now wanting to participate and contribute to the Festival with new partners moving into the town eager to be involved The Festival has become a stable fixture on the town’s cultural calendar of events bringing with it loyal and supportive audiences and an awareness amongst organisations wanting to get involved in its delivery. There is increased regional profile and interest in KAF which needs to be tapped There are potential resources within the Council such as parking concessions, and joint working and funding opportunities that could benefit the Festival Untapped County wide resources with the potential to co-commission, promote or create mini-tours. Discussions are being had with other local venues and festivals through the Worcestershire Arts Partnership and others. Musical Ruth entertains shoppers KAF08 2013 – KAF 10TH ANNIVERSARY The tenth anniversary for KAF is a major landmark. It will witness a Festival with an increased range of partners including a group of independent artists who feel a sense of ownership and are truly integrated with the Festival. Larger funding applications will be submitted to support the increasingly ambitious programme in terms of scope, scale and volume. The 10th anniversary will be the start of a new era for the event as it becomes bigger, bolder and brighter all subject to funding. The larger programme of locally inspired work will be a rallying call to both local people and WFDC to get behind it and make it something for the area to be really proud of. An exciting programme is taking shape alongside this business plan. The Festival has secured more WFDC matched funding than in any previous year and is set to create a unique newly commissioned environment in the Town Hall that will be the platform for the rest of the programme. This will celebrate the heritage of the town and its carpet industry in a new contemporary way. Local artists P.L.A.N.E.T will create a carpet inspired forest created from industry waste and based on flora and fauna from traditional carpet designs. KAF has also created a partnership with local and last remaining (in Kidderminster) carpet manufacturer Brinton’s who will supply materials. . This project will be accompanied by workshops throughout the year to help create the environment with local people. It will be linked with the work of the new Museum of Carpet and the Worcestershire Resource Exchange. The project is likely to spill out onto the street where a huge carpet square is to be created to help the public visualise how this area may feel as an open traffic free public space. The ReWyre team will use this as an opportunity to conduct further consultation in the public realm to support their master plan. This project is currently being scoped to establish its viability. KAF will programme shows within a glade inside the forest such as Pickled Images’ FIRESIDE TAILS with Granddad and Wolf tales. It would also be the perfect environment for animation workshops. KAF is seeking to commission a specially composed soundtrack which would also be designed to highlight environmental issues. KAF13 will be both a showcase of the past and a stepping stone to a clearly determined future. The overarching vision for KAF is: for Kidderminster to have a sustainable cultural event producing and programming high quality work that will engage the public across the County. Aim #1 To develop a sustainable cultural event for Kidderminster Objective Outcomes Increase profile of Festival in Festival becomes permanent Kidderminster’s cultural feature in cultural calendar calendar Local support for Festival that SMART measures Festival is in healthy state in 2015 ensures long-term survival Actions Advocate the importance of KAF to partners, stakeholders (particularly WFDC staff and Councillors) and the general public Improved planning time due to earlier engagement with partners Continue to encourage and promote attendance within WFDC through good internal communications KAF is specifically mentioned in 1 local development plan Increased number of local and regional visitors Increase media coverage of the Festival Improved opportunities for programming through partnerships Promote KAF to regional strategic partners and neighbouring local authorities and independent Festivals. Conduct an in-depth evaluation with economic impact study in 2014 to assess changing impact of the Festival KAF has official recognition as important contributor to town by 2015 50% increase of media coverage by 2015 Increase management capacity of core team delivering the Festival Increased sustainability of Festival Increase involvement by local partners in direct delivery Decreased reliance on WFDC staff for event delivery (and therefore delivery risk) Explore increased support from WFDC or another partner organisation to contribute towards management capacity Core delivery team doubled by 2015 Explore possibility of hiring temporary Production Manager Explore upgraded volunteer programme Increase management capacity of partner organisations to deliver own programmes Increase audiences Increased sustainability of Festival Decreased reliance on WFDC staff for event delivery (and therefore delivery risk) Explore means of increasing partner capacity for delivering their own activities and events Partner organisations become 100% self-managing of their own activities by 2014 Increased income from Improve marketing and promotion of audiences = increased long-term KAF including better utilisation of financial sustainability social media Increased local ownership of and involvement in the Festival Increased number of venues participating in KAF 60% of KAF programme independently programmed by 2015 15% increase in audiences by 2015 70% average audience capacity at Increase profile of KAF throughout the KAF events year to increase overall awareness of the Festival Develop on-going strategic approach to event planning Improved quality of Festival Increased sustainability of Festival Provide opportunities for Festival Director to research future possibilities and to reflect New 3 year strategy for Festival in 2015 Review current plan and upgrade on annual basis; full review and re-write in 2015 Develop on-going strategic approach to continued financial support from WFDC Increased long-term financial security Continue advocacy work within WFDC to ensure full understanding of KAF’s benefits to the District. Continued commitment of financial support from WFDC to KAF beyond 2015 Work closely with WFDC to ensure WFDC priorities & objectives are met Increase the number of financial and strategic partners Increased long-term financial security Identify and develop relationships with sponsors, both current and new Festival is in healthy financial state in 2015 Explore possibilities of financial support from other / new stakeholders including funding applications to as yet not targeted sources Increase in diversity of income sources by 2015 with 50% of income from new sources Explore co-commissioning as a means of increasing financial support Continue developing relationship with ACE to ensure on-going support for programming and commissioning Create a plan of action should WFDC funding be withdrawn Increased long-term financial security Create an exit plan by 2014 that explores all funding scenarios Exit plan in place by 2014 Decreased reliance on WFDC Increase local engagement see below: increase in local ownership and involvement is a key element contributing to long-term sustainability – this is both an aim and an objective Aim #2 To increase local ownership and involvement Objectives Outcomes Increase opportunities for local More local creation of content for artists to develop their practice Festival – both commissioned and and showcase their work at KAF independent programming Actions Create creative opportunities for local involvement in the Festival Offer support for emerging artists Increased local capacity for creating work Promote these opportunities widely and clearly Increased local ownership Encourage collaboration by linking artists together to apply in the future. Undertake a mapping exercise of artists, collaborators, partners particularly to identify young, emerging artists creating contemporary work that will carve a new and relevant cultural identity for the town SMART measures 6 artists showcasing new or recently created work up to and including KAF 2015 Identify and develop local partner as long-term driver of Festival Increase the number of (noncreative) local partners Increased local ownership Increased delivery team for Festival reducing risk to Festival delivery Increased resources available to the festival Increased local ownership Continue developing the capacity and commitment of KAF Creatives with respect to event delivery and programming 25% of Festival delivery being independently undertaken by KAF Creatives by 2015 Continue to promote opportunities for involvement by local partners 10 active local partners by 2015 Joint programming board or steering group in place Continue networking to identify potential partners Increase proportion and number of events within Festival which are self-managed by independent organisations Increased local ownership Increase year-round participation by local groups Increased sense of ownership Increased local engagement Increased programming of independent activities Increased audiences Continue identifying and supporting new partners able to deliver independent activities within the Festival 60% of KAF programme independently programmed by 2015 Explore opportunities for yearround participatory activity including by partners 10 weeks of year-round activity that can be related to KAF by 2015 Tie in increased proportion of ADO’s annual work to the Festival Aim #3 To present ambitious, high-quality work that is accessible for audiences Objectives Outcomes Actions Increase investment in More high-quality work programmed Increase time spent on fund-raising programming and / or local at KAF Long-term funding strategy that creation of work Creation of ambitious, large-scale, explores options to support new work work with high percentage of local involvement Build a reputation for showcasing new work both with emerging and established artists Supportive relationships with artists and an opportunity to influence the scale of new work. Maintain relationships with artists and ensure the ethos of the Festival is understood. Opportunities to be involved in commissioning. Widely network locally and regionally for emerging artists. SMART measures One high quality production presented annually One major project to have been created and presented by 2015 Five co-commissioned and/or co-programmed works by 2015 A varied and fresh program. Opportunities for local artists to see new developing work. Increase engagement with regional Festival and venue partners interested in cocommissioning and programming More high-quality work programmed at KAF Promote KAF to regional strategic partners and neighbouring local authorities and independent Festivals. Five co-commissioned and/or co-programmed works by 2015 Develop and invest in relationships with programming partners. Festival Director to attend networking events to identify new programming partnerships Increase opportunities for Festival Director to see high quality work Better quality work programmed at KAF Festival Director to attend 2-3 festivals per year Two nationally regarded presentations included in the programme by 2015 Aim #4 To change the perception of the town internally and externally Objectives Outcomes Attract more people into town Town centre becomes more centre through cultural attractive to visitors and programming and activity developers Improve the evening economy by increased cultural offer Improve the gateways to the town centre through public realm art Actions Work with closely with the ReWyre Initiative on joint initiatives Increased footfall associated with cultural programming Explore other options for engagement with regeneration agendas and funding opportunities Town centre becomes more attractive to visitors Develop programming that takes place in the evening Increased footfall associated with cultural programming Build on the success of BLOOM and create a project similar in scope and ambition that takes place at night Town centre becomes more attractive to visitors and developers Lobby for continued investment in projects such as Subway Deluxe SMART measures 50% increase of visitors coming into city centre to experience cultural events One event at KAF that attracts an evening audience of 500 or more by 2015 Two more projects by 2015 that take place in gateways
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