Algonquin Ridge Elementary School PRINCIPAL: K. Torrie SCHOOL OFFICE 705-737-4080 VICE-PRINCIPAL: F. Van Arragon FAX: 705-730-5820 SCHOOL WEBSITE: May 2015 MESSAGE FROM ADMINISTRATION We’re happy that spring has finally sprung and students are able to enjoy the warm weather again. Our school yard and playground have reopened for students just this past week, and we were happy to see that the pavement behind our school has recently been swept clean of sand. We’re looking forward to having different types of line games painted on the tarmac soon for the students to enjoy. We’ve recently had our jumping pits expanded and improved for our upcoming track and field day at Algonquin Ridge and we have mulched around the kindergarten play equipment at the north end of the school. May and June are busy months at school. We enjoyed Music Monday on the 4th of May and look forward to our Jump Rope for Heart event, popcorn sales for Free the Children, Spirit wear sales, and a Blue Jays game all this month. Towards the end of the month our grade 3 and 6 students will participate in province wide standardized testing. We also had a visit from the students who are coming to Algonquin Ridge from Warnica next fall. The Algonquin Ridge family is growing! With the nice weather many students are out on their bikes and scooters again so please watch for their safety if you’re dropping your child off at school by car. Please be reminded that cars may not park on the street in front of the school. This is a no parking zone and the bylaw officer stops by frequently to enforce this parking bylaw. UPCOMING EVENTS Free the Children presentation – Me to We leader - May 12th Welcome to Kindergarten – May 12th @4:00 pm School Track and Field – May 13th Jr BBall Cities – May 14th @ Eastview VICTORIA DAY – May 18th – School Closed Immunization Clinic – Grade 7’s and Grade 8 girls – May 19th Grade 8’s to Innisdale – May 20th Zone Track and Field @ Sunnybrae – May 21st EQAO – May 27-June 2nd Character Ed Assembly – Respect – May 29th Spirit Day – May 29th – Crazy Hair Day Think Pink Day – June 3rd PA Day – June 5th KINDERGARTEN CELEBRATION We do not have a Kindergarten graduation at Algonquin Ridge. Prior to the start of the Full Day Kindergarten program these students would come to school for two or three days each week. Once kindergarten was completed it was felt that students would graduate from the 1/2 time program and start full time school. Now students come for the same amount of time beginning in JK and the next change for them is after grade 8. We hold a grade 8 graduation each year. We are planning a kindergarten celebration (not a graduation) toward the end of the school year. Please don’t hesitate to contact Mrs. Torrie or Mr. Van Arragon if you have further questions. KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION Do you (or someone you know) have a child who was born in 2011? If so, it is time to register them for Kindergarten. Registration documents include birthdate documentation, proof of address and record of immunization. For more information visit FREE AFTER SCHOOL WORKSHOPS FOR PARENTS OF CHILDREN WITH ASD This year, the Simcoe County District School Board (SCDSB) and the Centre for Behaviour Health Sciences at Mackenzie Health are partnering to offer workshops for parents and educators of students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). These workshops will be offered monthly during the school year. They started in the month of October. All of the workshops are free for parents and educators, and run from 4:30 to 6:30p.m. at the SCDSB Education Centre, 1170 Highway 26 in Midhurst. Space is limited in each workshop and registration will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. To register, contact Sue McNabb at [email protected] or 705-7346363 x11246. For more information and specific session descriptions, visit SCDSB’s website at HOMEWORK HELP FOR STUDENTS IN GRADES 7 TO 10 Homework Help is a free online math help resource for students in Grades 7 to 10. Homework Help provides free, live one-on-one tutoring from Ontario teachers Sunday to Thursday from 5:30 to 9:30 p.m. The program is funded by the Ontario government and administered by TVO's Independent Learning Centre. To log in, students will need to register with their Ontario Education Number (OEN), found at the top of their report card near their name. For more information, visit POPCORN! POPCORN! POPCORN! The Me to We Student Leadership team will be selling popcorn for just $1/bag starting on Monday, May 4 for 2-3 weeks. Popcorn will be sold during 2nd nutrition break each day. All profits from popcorn sales will go to support Free the Children’s initiatives to provide education for children in developing countries. Kettle Corn – Dill Pickle – Salt & Vinegar – Butter and Salt – Wh. Cheddar There will also be homemade bracelets for sale for $1.00 each. GET YOUR BLUE JAYS TICKETS! Have you purchased your tickets for ARES Blue Jays night? Tickets are just $22 for great seats in section 106 on the first level of the Rogers Centre for the Blue Jays game versus the Los Angeles Angels at 7 PM on May 20. Place your order at the school office by Friday, May 8. If you need another order form, please contact the school office. S.E.E.D.S. BEFORE AND AFTER SCHOOL CHILDCARE Our educators recently attended a workshop called C.A.T. C.H (Co-ordinated Approach to Child’s Health), this program teaches the value of physical activity and how to increase the level of activity and create an inclusive team approach in traditional games or activities. Since attending the workshop our Educators have been implementing different practices and strategies from the training, and the results have been outstanding! Not only are the children becoming more physically active but the team work has really taught the children to value each person’s contributions to the game. These results have helped to promote the anti-bullying campaign that has been extended into our program as well. S.E.E.D.S is proud to offer summer programming for school-age children, we have several camps available this summer! Our program are highly interactive, providing many educational opportunities outside and weekly field trips. If you are interested please contact Sheena Bardai at 705-726-3770. CHILD CARE OPTIONS IN ONTARIO The Ontario government recently launched an advertising campaign to raise public awareness about child care options in this province. The campaign’s objective is to support and empower parents, so they can choose child care that suits their family’s needs. It provides information about different types of care, and indicators of quality in child care settings. For more information and resources about child care options in our province, visit For more information about child care in our schools, including before- and after-school care options, visit SCDSB’s public website at and then click on ‘Schools’ – ‘Before and After School Care.’ PACK A RAINBOW IN YOUR KID’S LUNCH! The Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit would like to remind parents about the importance of a school lunch full of colourful veggies and fruit. Try some of these tasty kid-friendly ideas to ensure they will eat what you pack: Add grated carrot to egg or tuna salad Pack veggies or fruit in small bite size pieces for easy eating Prepare veggies and fruit with different tools that change the shape and add interest to your child’s lunch. Use melon ballers, vegetable crinkle cutters, cookie cutters or even an egg slicer to make some great shapes Use a shake of cinnamon on cut fruit if it tends to turn brown - they will enjoy the new flavour to their favourite apple or banana pieces If your kid is a dipper, add a small container of yogurt or pudding for fruit dipping or cottage cheese or hummus for veggie dipping For more information you can call Health Connection at 705-7217520 or 1-877-721-5720 and speak with a public health nurse or visit the health unit website at PARTICIPATE IN THE 2014 ONTARIO CHILD HEALTH STUDY AND SCHOOL MENTAL HEALTH SURVEYS The 2014 Ontario Child Health Study is underway and will provide vital information about the mental health needs of children and youth living in Ontario today. This study will be the first of its kind in Canada to examine the influence of family, community and school environments on child and youth mental health. The results will be used to develop programs and services to improve the mental health of young people in Ontario. From October 2014 to May 2015, Statistics Canada will be inviting 7,000 families with children aged 4 17 to complete an interview in their home. At the same time, McMaster researchers will be conducting School Mental Health Surveys in 240 Ontario schools to help us learn new ways of promoting and addressing student mental health needs. Let's make our province a better place for children and youth. If invited to participate, please say ‘yes’ to the 2014 Ontario Child Health Study and School Mental Health Surveys. For more information, visit: SUBSCRIBE TO OUR WEBSITE Check out our website. It is full of information about our school. It has links to great resources, class blogs and regular posts about what is happening at Algonquin Ridge. Check us out at and click on the Subscribe button to join so that you can automatically receive regular updates and monthly newsletters 2 PEANUT AND NUT AWARE SCHOOL Our school strives to be a Nut-Safe School. At Algonquin Ridge we have a number of students who have a severe nut allergy. These students cannot be exposed to nuts in ANY form, as this may trigger an anaphylactic reaction that is life-threatening and requires immediate medical intervention. Therefore, in the best interests of these students and for any other students who may develop peanut or nut allergies in the future we have banned all peanut/nuts and food containing nuts within the school. These will include but are not limited to: Peanut butter sandwiches, dips or crackers Nutella Cookies or cakes with nuts Granola Bars with nuts Chocolate bars containing nuts e.g. Snickers Dried Fruit and nut mixes CIRCLE OF LEARNING PARENT ACADEMY - FREE WORKSHOPS TO HELP YOU BOOST YOUR CHILD’S SUCCESS As a parent/guardian, you were your child’s first teacher and you are still his or her most important teacher. Your involvement in your child’s education has an impact on success. Register to attend workshops throughout the year designed to help you support your child’s learning and development. The workshops in May is: • Resilience: Nine things kids need from their families, schools, and communities Find workshop dates, times, descriptions and register online at The Circle of Learning Parent Academy is hosted by the Simcoe County District School Board’s Parent Involvement Committee and made possible with the support of the Ministry of Education through a Parents Reaching Out Grant. Direct contact with the food is not always required to trigger a reaction. For example: if someone in our school eats peanuts and then touches playground equipment, the equipment may then become contaminated with enough peanut butter to trigger a severe reaction. We also ask that children who have peanut butter for breakfast on school days please wash their hands thoroughly and clean their teeth before coming to school. As always, our paramount concern is for the safety and well-being for all children in our care. We feel this is the best way to attempt to ensure the safety of students that have severe nut allergies in our school. If your child forgets to comply with this, a reminder notice will be sent home with them and an alternative snack will be provided. Teachers will also assist students by reinforcing the policy through class discussions. Thank you for your continued support of our school, and our efforts to make this the safest environment possible for all students. SIGN-IN PROCEDURES FOR ALL VISITORS AND VOLUNTEERS All visitors and volunteers are to report to the main office on arrival at the school, sign-in, in the Volunteer/Visitor Log and indicate which teacher they are meeting/volunteering with. Once the office has confirmed the meeting or volunteer activity with the supervising teacher, a school Visitor or Volunteer tag will be issued. All visitors and volunteers are to report to the main office on departure from the school, sign-out in the Volunteer/Visitor Log and return the Visitor or Volunteer tag. If a person is found in the school building, in/around the portables or in the school yard without being signed-in, being announced to/supervised by a staff member or wearing a Visitor/Volunteer tag, the school may be placed in a Lockdown. The visitor/volunteer could possibly be asked to leave the school building, given a trespass warning or issued a formal trespass notice. Thank you for your continued support for our student’s academic achievement and safety here at school. TECHNOLOGY IN SCDSB CLASSROOMS Today’s students have grown up with technology—it’s a regular part of their daily lives. By bringing educational technology into the classroom, we can tap into our students’ interests and build on their developing skills to create vibrant learning environments that are innovative, creative and engaging. Read more about how the SCDSB is supporting technology-enabled learning environments while at the same time protecting student privacy and personal information. Visit, click on ‘Programs’ and then ‘Learning & Technology.’ LEARNING ADVANTAGE Workbook "Learning Advantage" is a fully coloured, 192 page activity book designed to maintain and extend all Kindergarten to Grade 7 students' academic learning over the summer months. There is one activity book per grade level from Junior Kindergarten to Grade 7. All books are aligned with the Ontario curriculum expectations. These activities are intended to keep students' thinking skills sharp over the summer, to introduce themes and subject content for the upcoming school year and to provide an alternative to television. When your child says "I'm bored", Learning Advantage will provide that beneficial alternative. In addition to the summer the books can be used all year long from September to the following June. All books have parent information pages, evaluation forms; follow up activities and a family focus. There is also a Summer Advantage website which contains more detailed information. The cost of each booklet is $20 ($19.05 plus GST).The Learning Advantage campaign runs from May 4 to June 2, 2015. Delivery of books will be in June. Please make all cheques payable to "Learning Advantage". 3 CHILD AND YOUTH SERVICES IN SIMCOE COUNTY Kinark Child and Family Services is a local children’s mental health organization providing individual, family and group counselling services for children and youth with mental health issues. Kinark also supports children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and their families. In terms of community mental health services, Kinark offers specialized treatment including Multi-Systemic Therapy, Crisis Services, Residential Treatment, Day Treatment, Respite Programs, SNAP (Stop Now and Plan), and Triple P (Positive Parenting Program). The Kinark Intake number is 1-888-454-6275. The Barrie office number is 705-726-8861 and the Midland office number is 705-526-3708. New Path Youth and Family Services is an accredited children’s mental health agency funded through the Ministry of Child and Youth Services. Their head office is in Barrie with other offices in Collingwood, Orillia, Bradford, Cookstown and Alliston. New Path offers a full range of community-based programs for clients aged 7 to 18 and their families. These programs include office-based counselling and long term youth and family counselling. They also have school-based mental health workers in elementary schools in Innisfil, Alliston, Bradford, Collingwood and Orillia. Their Early Years program services clients aged 0 to 6 and are based out of the Barrie location. New Path also has a Multi-Disciplinary Consultation Clinic for children up to 18 years of age with complex needs who require a psychiatric and/or psychological consultation. More information about the above mentioned programs can be found by contacting New Path’s central intake department at 705-725-7656. S.E.E.D.S. CHILD CARE BEFORE AND AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAM Register today for September 2015! Register today for September 2015 Fees Before and After School $18.50/day Before School Only: $ 9.25/day After School Only $13.50/day Fees subject to change. Child Care Fee Assistance may be available for families who qualify. For more information about Fee Assistance call 705-722-3132 or 905-729-4514. For more information on how to register visit or ARES TRACK AND FIELD DAY –MAY 13TH We are looking forward to track and field day at our school on Wednesday, May 13th. Students in Grade 4-8 will participate in a variety of events. As well a concession stand will be available for the students and parents. We will be selling hot dogs, hamburgers, chips, pop, water, freezies and popcorn. We’re looking forward to a great day! Look out for more information coming home soon! ALGONQUIN RIDGE SPIRIT WEAR Spirit wear is now available for your purchase at the school. The following items are available in grey with a 3 colour imprinted logo or in blue with a 2-colour imprinted logo: T-shirts Long sleeve t-shirts Hoodies Sweat pants Shorts If you are interested in ordering spirit wear for your family or friends please complete and return the attached order form no later than Wednesday, May 13. Sample clothing for sizing is available in the school office. You may make your purchase with cash, cheque or schoolcash online. Orders will be received and distributed near the end of May. 4
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