May 17, 2015 - San Clemente Catholic Church

EUCHARISTIC SCHEDULE May 18, 2015 – May 24, 2015
7:00am Mass
†Soul of Rose Dodge,
by Austin family.
*Intention of the San Clemente Bereavement
by Vincent and Ashley Duran.
*Health and Wellbeing of Deacon Bob Burkhard,
by Juliette Castillo.
6:00pm Mass
†Soul of Geri Ann Garcia,
by family.
†Soul of Beatrice Sais,
by family.
*Intention of Thomas Mellema,
by Kiehne family.
7:00am Mass
*Intention of Rita Bieri,
*Intention of Miranda Griego,
*Intention of Jose and Grace Montoya,
by the San Clemente Religious Education
6:00pm Mass
†Soul of Laura Reyes,
by Ismael Reyes.
*Intention of Laura Bowman and her missionary work
in Kenya,
by Julie Stangel.
*Birthday Blessings for Dan Shaffer,
by Bob and Pat Henry.
7:00am Mass
†Soul of Beltran Sedillo,
by Frank A. Gurulé.
*Intention of the San Clemente 8:00am Choir,
by Vincent and Ashley Duran.
*Intention of Sydney Garcia,
by the San Clemente Religious Education
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament is in the main church
following 7:00 am Mass and Benediction at 6:00pm,
every 1st Friday of the month.
The Sanctuary candle this week
is provided in memory of
Kristen Lynn Muñoz.
8:00am Mass at San Antonio Mission
†Soul of Anita Marshall.
†Soul of Lucy Perea,
by Demecio Perea.
†Souls of Augustin and Carmen Gallegos,
by Dora Gallegos.
5:30pm Mass
†Soul of Mark Licata,
by Vince and Mary Kay Lardner.
†Souls of Emma and Sonia,
by the Muñoz and Sandoval families.
*Intention of Laura Bowman,
by Bockisch family.
8:00am Mass
†Soul of Lorella Muñoz,
by Diana Mares.
†Soul of Daniel Martinez,
by Donald and Lina Roybal.
†Souls of David and Carolina Garica.
10:00am Mass
†Soul of Isabel Galvan,
by Jeff and Ann Krom.
†Soul of Vicky Torres,
by David M. Sanchez and family.
*Birthday Blessings for Martín Mendoza,
by family.
12:00pm Mass
†Soul of Marie Work,
by Fred Work and family.
†Souls of Manuel Jr. and Charles Garcia,
by Rebecca Lutz.
*In Thanksgiving to the Infant Jesus of Prague,
by Burton family.
5:30pm Mass
*People of San Clemente Parish.
Readings May 18– May 24
Acts 19:1-8/ Jn 16:29-33
Acts 20:17-27/ Jn 17:1-11a
Acts 20:28-38/ Jn 17:11b-19
Acts 22:30;23:6-11/ Jn 17:20-26
Acts 25:13b-21/ Jn 21:15-19
Acts 28:16-20,30-31/ Jn 21:20-25
Acts 2:1-11/1 Cor 12:3b-7,12-13 or Gal 5:16-25
/ Jn 20:19-23 or Jn 15:26-27;16:12-15
Saints and Specials Observances
St. John I, Pope and Martyr.
St. Celestine, Pope.
Wednesday: St. Bernardine of Siena, Priest.
Thursday: St. Christopher Magallanes, Priest and Companions,
St. Rita of Cascia, Religious.
Saturday: St. John Baptist Rossi, Priest.
Financial News, Etc.
May 10, 2015
Regular Collection
St. Vincent de Paul
Building Fund Phase II
San Antonio Mission
$ 8,756.00
$ 679.00
$ 697.00
$ 52.00
Confession Schedule:
1/2 hour before each weekday
Mass,3:30pm on Saturdays or by
appointment. No Confession on
Sunday or Monday.
Annual Catholic Appeal (ACA)
April 30, 2015
12% of San Clemente Parishioners Pledged
Goal — $72,500.00
Pledged— $54,989.00
Outstanding— $42,144.00
Not Pledged— $17,511.00
Stewardship Corner
One summer day in Florida, a boy
decided to go for a dip in the old swimming hole
behind his house. He flung himself into the cool,
refreshing water, not realizing that an alligator
had slipped quietly into the pond and was moving
toward him. His father, working in the yard, saw
his son’s delight, and then the eyes and snout of
the huge reptile. In terror, he ran toward his son,
yelling loudly to swim ashore. It was a hard
struggle, but the youngster kept trying, flailing
his arms and kicking as hard as he could. Just as
the boy got close to where his father could grab
his wrists, the alligator clamped its jaws into his
calves. A fierce tug-of-war ensued. The alligator
was much stronger than the father, but the father
dug in his heels and refused to let go. The father
yelled at the animal, which was trying to turn the
boy over—a tactic alligators use to drown their
prey. A farmer passing in his truck heard the
awful commotion, raced to the water with a gun,
took aim and shot the alligator. The child
survived, but needed weeks of hospital treatment.
His legs were terribly scarred by the vicious
attack of the alligator, but they very slowly healed
and the boy learned to walk again. His arms were
also scarred by deep scratches, where his father’s
fingernails dug into his flesh as he hung on to the
son he loved so much. A reporter interviewed the
boy years after the trauma and asked to see his
scars. The boy lifted his pant legs. And then, with
obvious pride, he said, “But look
at my arms. I have great scars on
my arms, too, because my Dad
wouldn’t give up and didn’t let
Copyright © 2011, World Library Publications.
All rights reserved.
Are You New To Our Parish?
We would like to welcome you and your
family to San Clemente Parish. Please
pickup a bright pink registration form in one of the
pamphlet racks located at the entrance of the church, fill it
out and return to us by dropping in the collection baskets,
bringing to the parish office or mail it to San Clemente
Parish Office, P.O. Box 147, Los Lunas, NM 87031.
Living Stewardship Now
What makes us admire people like Mother
Teresa, Martin Luther King, or Mahatma Gandhi is not
only what they did, but how they did it. Against all odds,
they persevered. Whatever you do to honor God, make
the commitment and keep the commitment.
Copyright © 2011, World Library Publications. All rights reserved.
May 17, 2015
The Rosary is recited at
San Clemente Parish:
Sunday, May 17th:
7:00 am 8:00 am Choir practice
Parish Hall
Parish Hall
Parish Hall
Parish Hall
9:00 am 10:00 am Choir practice
4:00 pm Youth Choir practice
6:45 pm Life Teen
Monday, May 18th:
4:00 pm K, 1st, 2nd Grade Religious Ed.
Will resume in the Fall
4:00 pm
6:00 pm
6:00 pm
6:00 pm
3rd Grade Religious Ed.
K, 1st, 2nd Grade Religious Ed.
3rd-6th Grade Religious Ed.
CIC Year I Class
Mothers Prayer Group
Will resume in the Fall
Will resume in the Fall
Will resume in the Fall
Will resume in the Fall
Will resume in the Fall
Tuesday, May 19th:
1:30 pm
6:00 pm
6:00 pm
6:00 pm
Rosary Makers Group
K, 1st, 2nd Grade Religious Ed.
3rd-6th Grade Religious Ed.
CIC Year II Class
Not Meeting
Will resume in the Fall
Will resume in the Fall
Will resume in the Fall
7:00am & approx. 6:45pm
(following the 5:30pm Mass)
6:30am & 5:30pm
Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday:
6:30am, 12:10pm, 5:30pm & 8:00pm
6:30am & 12:10pm
7:30am & approx. 6:45pm
(following the 5:30pm Mass)
**The Saturday evening Rosary is led by the
GOSPA group on the first Saturday of the month.
Wednesday, May 20th:
10:00am Lectio Divina- praying through the scriptures
6:30 pm Pre-Confirmation Class
6:30 pm Yr I Confirmation Class
6:30 pm Yr II Confirmation Class
Parish Hall
Will resume in the Fall
Will resume in the Fall
Will resume in the Fall
Attendance at both classes is required for
parents and sponsors for completion of
Baptism requirements.
Thursday, May 21st:
4:00 pm Parenting Class
7:00 pm Adult Confirmation Class
7:00pm RCIA
Baptism Class schedule for the
month of May:
May 9 and 16 at 7pm in the
Parish Hall.
Parish Hall
Will resume in the Fall
Will resume in the Fall
Second Collection, May 16 & 17
National Black and Indian Mission Office
Friday, May 22nd:
8:00am Adoration (all day)
11:30am Legion of Mary
Adoration Chapel
Gathering Room
Saturday, May 23rd:
7:00am San Clemente Women’s Group
8:00am Mass at San Antonio Mission
Parish Hall
Los Lentes
for the San Antonio Fiestas!! If your child has
received their First Holy Communion, is 17 or
under and is a member of San Clemente Parish,
he or she could be a candidate for Fiesta King or
Queen this year! Contact the Parish Office,
865-7385 to sign up or for more details.
Our support of this collection helps build
the Church in African American, Native
American, and Alaska Native communities
from coast-to-coast. Schools, parish religious
education programs, and diocesan ministries
depend on your generosity to help spread the
Gospel of Jesus Christ!
Second Collection, May 23 & 24
To assist the victims of the Nepal Earthquake
The President of the United States Conference
of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), Archbishop
Joseph E. Kurtz, has asked that all parishes
take up a second collection to assist the victims
of the Nepal Earthquake. Please pray for all
who were affected by the earthquake.
Please be generous.
9:00AM-12:00PM AND 1:00PM-5:00PM
"The modern technological world can offer us many pleasures, many comforts of life. It can even offer us temporary
escapes from life. But what the world can never offer is
lasting joy and peace." -St. John Paul II
We’re excited to announce we’ll be hosting the Sisters of
Mary, Mother of the Eucharist for Vacation Bible School
(VBS) again this year! The Franciscan Friars of the
Renewal will also be helping! We’ve got an awesome
week planned, please make sure to get your child signed
up. VBS will be June 1-5th (Monday –Friday) 8:30am12pm. We’re accepting ages 4 through 5th grade.
We are in need of a few supplies for VBS. On the attached
flyer is a list of items we are in need of this year. Thanks in
advance for your help!
Parenting Classes are held every
Thursday at 4:00pm in the parish hall.
All are welcome.
The Parenting Class schedule and Topics for the
month of May:
May 21—Promoting healthy relationships, part I
May 28—Promoting healthy relationships, part II
We are in need of gently used, clean infant clothing
and equipment. Please bring donations to the parish
office marked for Gabriel Project.
We need volunteers every Thursday afternoon to help
with meal preparation and childcare. Please call the
parish office at 865-7385 and leave a message for Julie,
if you can be of assistance.
Pro-Life bumper stickers and service cards are
available in the pamphlet racks, located at the entrance
of the church, to be picked up and distributed.
Forty Days after Easter we celebrate the Ascension
of the Lord. “The meaning of Christ’s Ascension,
“ writes Pope Benedict XVI, “expresses our belief
that in Christ the humanity that we all share has
entered into the inner life of God in a new and
hitherto unheard of way. It means that man has
found an everlasting place in God.” It would be a
mistake to interpret the Ascension as “the temporary
absence of Christ from the world.” Rather, “we go
to heaven to the extent that we go to Jesus Christ and
enter into him.” Heaven is a person: “Jesus himself
is what we call ‘heaven’”. (Magnificat, May 2015,
page 183) With the Ascension of our Lord we now
look forward to Pentecost and the sending of the
Advocate. Jesus has commissioned his Apostles to
go out into the world to baptize in his name. He
reminds them, and us, that he is always present
through his Spirit. In the Holy Spirit we are gifted
with wisdom and revelation and are called to live in
a manner worthy of the call we have received.
(Keeping in mind as the school year ends and the
summer begins that our relationship with Jesus
should not go on vacation.)
Have a good week in the Risen Lord…Gay Snell
It's that time again for the San
Antonio de Los Lentes Fiestas!
This year the fiestas will be held
on June 12th and June 13th. The
Mayordomos are currently
seeking donations of items for
the silent auction. Please call
the Parish Office, 865-7385
for more information.
Al-Anon of Valencia County, Seeking
Serenity meets in the Wellness Center at
Heritage Park every Tuesday at 6:00pm.
Domestic Violence Hotline: (505) 855-1383
(24 Hour Crisis)
Report Child Abuse: 1-855-333-SAFE (7233)
or #SAFE from a cell phone.
The Legion of Mary of San Clemente Parish is
coordinating home visits for the Pilgrim Virgin to stay
in your home for two weeks. This is a perfect time for
your family to pray together for special intercessions.
If your family would like to host the
Pilgrim Virgin in your home, please call
(505) 869-6016 and leave a message.
There is now another option
to offer prayers for your
intentions. Sanctuary candles
may be purchased for five
dollars and will burn NEXT
to the Blessed Sacrament, in
the Tabernacle in the main church. Intentions may be written on envelopes located in the pamphlet rack. Please DO
NOT use your contribution envelopes for this.
Calling all High School Teens!!!!
Come learn how to love and live your faith, have some
fun and meet new friends. We meet every Sunday
after the 5:30pm Mass in the parish hall.
Teens need (love) to eat!
If you are interested in
providing a meal for our
growing teens at Life Teen,
please call the parish office,
SAVE THE DATE!!!!!!!!!!!!
Blood Drive at San Clemente Church
Sunday, June 14
Call Bob Henry at 350-4338 to sign up!
Or visit us at and enter
Sponsor Code: sanclementecc
St. Vincent de Paul Corner
“Your Poor Box at Work”
Pantry Open Monday through Thursday
Closed Fridays
Food Distribution: 12:00 pm-1:00pm
Store Hours: 1:00 pm-3:00 pm
During the month of April our St. Vincent de
Paul conference assisted 164 families with food
boxes and completed 15 home visits totaling $2,272.13
in assistance.
We wish to thank everyone for your support in helping
those in need with your donations of money, food and
household items.
The thrift store has been a blessing in
generating revenue which is used to help
purchase food from the Roadrunner Food
Bank. Come visit the thrift store from
1pm-3pm Monday-Thursday and see
the reasonable prices!
Father’s Day Weekend
Men’s March for Life
Saturday morning, June 20, 2015
Please Join Us
Friday, June 19, 2015
7pm Registration - Our Lady of Fatima, School Gym
8pm- Outdoor Candle Light Vigil
9pm to 7am Saturday -Adoration Vigil at Our Lady of Fatima
Saturday, June 20, 2015
6am to 9am-Registration
7:30am-Mass at Our Lady of Fatima
8:45am-Send off announcements
9am to 10am-March from Our Lady of Fatima to the
Abortuary (west on Lomas)
10am to 11am-Silent prayer at Abortuary
11am-Return to Our Lady of Fatima via Albuquerque City
Bus-$1 or car-pool back
Contact info:
Fred Jaramillo (Knights of Columbus)
(505) 615-4891
[email protected]
Patrick Vigil (505) 417-5820
[email protected]
Curt Kuper (PDL)
[email protected]
2015 San Antonio Fiestas
June 12th and 13th
San Antonio Mission Church
North Los Lentes Road, Los Lunas, NM
No Entrance Fee/ Entertainment is FREE
Thursday, June 4th-Friday, June 12th
Novena at San Antonio Mission
Thursday, June 11th
Novena at San Antonio Mission
Preparing the church-The community is invited to help
Friday, June 12th
6:00pm-6:30pm Novena at San Antonio Mission
6:30pm-6:45pm Vespers
7:30pm-10:00pm Concert/Dance with TANYA GRIEGO
Food and Game Booths open
Bingo begins
Activities: Cake Walk, Raffles, Pull Tabs, Silent Auctions, Face Painting
and MORE
Saturday, June 13th
11:00am-12:00pm Mass
Crowning of King and Queen*
Blessing of the new Mayordomos
Food and Game Booths open
Bingo begins
Activities: Cake Walk, Raffles, Pull Tabs, Silent Auctions, Face Painting
and MORE
DJ, Cake Walks, kid competitions, raffles
DJ, Cake Walks, kid competitions, raffles
DJ, Cake Walks, kid competitions, raffles
FIESTA BINGO with Top Prize
7:00pm-10:30pm Concert/Dance with RHYTHM DIVINE
King and Queen Raffle winners announced