Annual Plan 2010 - 2011 Hertfordshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust

Hertfordshire Partnership
NHS Foundation Trust
Annual Plan
2010 - 2011
Customers and Community
1. Easier access, less waiting, more choice
2. Continual improvement in quality and safety
3. Meeting the needs of individuals
4. Wellbeing and partnership
5. A skilled, flexible and motivated workforce
6. Innovation, accountability and leadership
7. Financial sustainability
8. A healthy environment
9. Summary Financial Statements
Glossary of Terms
Board and Executive
Contact us
Our Vision
“to be the leading provider of mental health and
specialist learning disability services in the country.”
Welcome to the 2010/11 annual plan for
Hertfordshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
(HPFT). This document sets out our priorities and
objectives for the coming year. Each of our eight
priority areas moves us further towards realising
our vision to be the leading provider of mental
health and specialist learning disability
services in the country.
At the heart of our vision is a commitment to
providing excellent quality health and social care
for the communities that we serve across
Hertfordshire, Norfolk and North Essex. We aim to
continually improve the services we provide to
make a positive difference to the lives of service
users and their carers, underpinned by the
principles of involvement and independence.
Our continuing partnership arrangements with the
local authority provide an excellent opportunity to
deliver a recovery orientated approach based on
holistic assessment of both health and social care
In line with our strategy this year’s priorities are
organised around three themes: Customers and
Community, People, and Sustainability. They
provide the foundations for the trust’s four year
‘Leading by Design’ programme which will
the way we deliver our services, creating
a model of care that meets the future needs
and expectations of our service users and
their carers;
the way we work, turning the trust into a
more productive and flexible organisation;
our care and work environments,
ensuring they are fit for purpose in the 21st
We have developed our plans alongside service
users and carers, governors, staff and
commissioners and will continue to engage with
them as our plans evolve.
We face difficult and challenging times ahead, but
with the support of our staff and partners we will
work to ensure that the trust remains a strong and
sustainable organisation that provides the best
quality services to our service users and their
Tom Cahill
Chief Executive
Annual Plan 2010 -2011
Customers and Community
Our members take an active part in improving our services
1. Easier access, less waiting, more choice
We will begin a four year programme transforming our service
model and care environments to deliver higher quality services and
a better experience for users and their carers.
Why is this important?
What will this mean?
How will we deliver during 2010/11?
To achieve our vision we need to do more than
make incremental improvements to our current
services and environments. Working with our
service users, carers, staff and wider partners to
redesign our services will ensure that we are able
to best meet their future needs and expectations.
It will also allow us to become a stronger, more
productive and sustainable organisation in the face
of the financial challenges facing the public sector.
The service transformation strand of our ‘Leading
by Design’ programme, will address four key areas.
We will:
Develop a simpler, streamlined system
of access into and from our services
that will improve the experience of our
service users, carers and referrers, and
support more productive working
Establish core care pathways, to reduce
unnecessary delays and ensure that for
each individual the care provided is the
most effective and appropriate
Align our community teams with the
natural communities that exist across
Hertfordshire in order to deliver more
effective, efficient and locally sensitive
services; and
Develop alternatives to traditional
inpatient services, introducing a greater
degree of choice and allowing service users
with acute needs to remain connected to
their community. We will also develop the
best possible therapeutic environment for
those service users who will continue to
benefit from an inpatient stay.
In 2010/11 we aim to put in place the foundations
from which to build our programme of
transformation over the next four years.
We will:
Work with all our key stakeholders
including service users, carers, staff,
GPs and commissioners to develop
preferred options for each of the four key
areas above;
Trial alternatives to inpatient care
including an acute day treatment unit,
host family arrangements and 72 hour /
crisis beds; and
Agree detailed plans for how our new
model of care should be implemented over
the following years.
Beyond 2010/11
We will begin a phased programme implementing
the agreed changes across all services from April
2011. The trust aims to have completed this
programme by March 2014.
Annual Plan 2010 -2011
Winning the building better health care award 2009
2. Continual improvements in quality and safety
We will make in-year improvements to the quality and safety of our
services and the links between individual services.
Why is this important?
What will this mean?
How will we deliver during 2010/11?
The delivery of high quality care including excellent
treatment outcomes, positive service user
experience and a safe environment is the cornerstone of our vision to be the leading provider. This
means that we need to continue to deliver year on
year improvements in quality alongside the
implementation of our transformation programme.
Our ‘Quality Account’ sets out three priority areas
for 2010/11 which we know matter to our service
users and carers. We will:
In meeting the three objectives listed above. We
Improve the safety of all inpatient
service users;
Improve clinical effectiveness of care
and treatment in line with recovery
principles; and
Ensure service users and carers have
the best possible experience through
positive and therapeutic engagement.
Ensure 100% compliance with same sex
accommodation standards;
Reorganise our Crisis, Assessment
and Treatment Teams (CATT) and roll out
revised clinical risk management guidance
and training;
Remodel day services for adults to ensure
the provision of up to date care in line with
the intentions of our commissioners; and
Roll out recovery-oriented care coordination training and ensure teams
respond positively to local service user
and carer feedback.
Beyond 2010/11
Our priorities will be reviewed annually, with year
on year adjustments to ensure our focus remains
on the areas that are most important to our service
users, carers and commissioners.
Annual Plan 2010 -2011
The Intensive Outreach Team for Older People were
highly commended at the Health Service Journal Awards
3. Meeting the needs of individuals
We will work to deliver services that are tailored to individuals'
needs, based on a commitment to equality and diversity.
Why is this important?
How will we deliver during 2010/11?
Beyond 2010/11
We believe that leading services should be
personalised and provide choice and
independence. It is important that all trust
processes and policies reflect this and that staff
across the trust understand the equality and
diversity dimensions of their role.
We will:
Ensure staff behaviours reflect their
equality and diversity responsibilities
under the NHS Constitution and service
users understand their individual rights and
Ensuring that services are tailored to individuals'
needs is an ongoing process. We will continue to
work with our service users and carers to ensure
their views are reflected in the design of our
services. We will also work towards the long term
aim of ensuring that marginalised groups are more
effectively engaged in community settings at an
early stage.
Develop and roll out customer care and
cultural competence training for
inpatient staff to facilitate improved
communication between staff and
service users; and
Work with our service users and carers
in redesigning our services as part of
the trust’s ‘Leading By Design’
transformation programme.
What will this mean?
We will deliver a needs-led service through
continuing to develop our focus on Recovery
and taking forward the personalisation agenda.
We will take account of the diverse population
we serve and ensure our services are inclusive
for all.
Annual Plan 2010 -2011
Anti-Stigma campaign with hairdressers
4. Wellbeing and partnership
We will work in partnership with local organisations to reduce
stigma and improve mental health wellbeing.
Why is this important?
How will we deliver during 2010/11?
Beyond 2010/11
We recognise that positive mental wellbeing begins
at home and in the community. To realise the
trust's vision we need to go beyond providing
excellent care for the users of our services and
become a leader on the wider mental health
agenda within our communities.
We will:
Develop an anti-stigma campaign in
collaboration with Governors and
We aim to develop a wellbeing action plan outlining
the way in which the trust will continue to develop
and evolve its role in the community. We will
become fully involved in Local Strategic
Partnerships, working to develop new initiatives
for reducing stigma and promoting wellbeing.
Work with the National Council for
Palliative Care (NCPC), primary care and
academic partners to develop an end of
life pathway for people with dementia in line
with the national dementia strategy; and
Develop new Mental Health Promotion
and Suicide Prevention strategies in
partnership with the Primary Care Trust
(PCT), the Joint Commissioning Team
(JCT) and the third sector.
What will this mean?
We will build on the strong links that we already
have with local organisations and work with them
to tackle stigma in our communities by increasing
awareness and understanding of mental health
problems. In addition we will promote mental
wellbeing within our communities.
Annual Plan 2010 -2011
Staff receive their certificates of qualification at the staff award ceremony
5. A skilled, flexible and motivated workforce
We will develop an engaged, motivated and supported workforce
that has the skills, resources and flexibility to provide high quality
Why is this important?
How will we deliver during 2010/11?
Our staff are the key to the health and wellbeing of
our community and the success of the trust.
Motivated, engaged and appropriately skilled staff
are essential to driving up quality and improving
the experience of our service users.
We will:
Complete a workforce capability and
development plan to identify the skills,
numbers and competence of professionals
required for the next five years in light of the
trust’s transformation programme;
Promote equality and diversity in the
workplace through revision of the trust’s
harassment and bullying policy and
processes, the roll out of mentoring
programmes for BME staff, and completion
of a gender pay audit; and
What will this mean?
Develop and begin to implement
principles underpinning more flexible,
effective and efficient ways of working
e.g. through improved access to mobile
We will work to align the skills and resources
available to our workforce with the requirements of
our new service model and the need to work more
productively. This will mean changes to roles and
the way in which we all work. We will make these
changes with our staff, listening to and taking
account of their views. We will also provide the
right working environments and training to ensure
staff feel supported.
Align our recruitment and retention
strategy, our talent management
strategy and our learning and
development strategy to ensure that the
appropriate skills are recruited, retained
and developed to deliver and lead the
workforce for the next five years;
Engage staff in the development of the
trust’s plans and provide opportunity for
Improve our training environments by
establishing an interim learning and
development centre;
Develop and begin to implement a
‘Health and Wellbeing Strategy’ for
Beyond 2010/11
We will continue to develop and implement our
workforce plans in line with the trust’s overall
transformation programme. The trust aims to have
completed this programme by March 2014. Staff
engagement and open lines of communication will
remain essential throughout this period.
Annual Plan 2010 -2011
Staff engagement event
6. Innovation, accountability and leadership
We will establish a culture that emphasises innovation, personal
accountability and leadership across the organisation.
Why is this important?
How will we deliver during 2010/11?
Beyond 2010/11
The trust needs to embrace new and modern
approaches to providing care in order to become
the leading provider. Delivering this change will
require leadership from the board room through to
the front line. Individuals need to be recognised
and held to account for their contribution to
realising the trust’s plans.
We will:
Develop and roll out an accountability
framework defining expected behaviours
and actions across all staff groups and
management disciplines;
The above represents a significant cultural change
that will continue beyond the next 12 months.
Over the coming years we will continue to work to
embed the trust’s values such that innovation,
personal accountability and leadership are themes
that inform our actions and behaviours.
Ensure all staff have an up to date
personal development plan (PDP) and
build completion of PDPs and appraisals
into progression decisions; and
What will this mean?
Develop our leadership programme to
enhance staff skills and expertise, including
a series of master classes and 360 degree
appraisals for staff in leadership roles.
We will establish a culture where staff across the
organisation feel involved, able to contribute ideas
and take responsibility for their part in delivering
quality services. This will require clear
communication of the trust’s objectives and plans,
as well as the expectations placed on teams and
individuals. As a result, every individual member of
staff should be able to recognise their role in
delivering the changes needed to realise the trust’s
Annual Plan 2010 -2011
Looking after you now and in the future
7. Financial sustainability
We will continue to ensure the financial sustainability of the trust by
delivering efficiency savings and income growth.
Why is this important?
How will we deliver during 2010/11?
Managing our income
The financial health of the trust is fundamental to
our ability to provide the highest quality care
through reinvestment in our services and staff. We
recognise that there are challenging times ahead
and in order to ensure the financial sustainability of
the organisation we will need to deliver both
efficiency savings and income growth.
During 2010/11 we will lay the foundations for our
‘Leading by Design’ transformation programme.
This includes ensuring that it is planned and
managed in a co-ordinated and robust way.
Alongside delivering on the Leading by Design
agenda we will focus on managing both our cost
base and our income in order to secure the trust’s
financial sustainability. This will be supported by
the continued introduction of new service line
management arrangements.
We will:
Deliver on all key contractual targets in
order to secure additional funding
available through Commissioning for
Quality and Innovation;
Develop the trust’s approach to Payment
by Results for Mental Health in order to
protect future income; and
Develop the trust’s market intelligence
and approach to tendering to support new
business and ensure that we grow the
organisation in the most appropriate way.
What will this mean?
Managing our cost base
Our plans to deliver quality services within a period
of financial pressure will be realised through the
‘Leading by Design’ transformation programme.
This means delivering services in new ways,
realising efficiencies and reducing waste. In a
competitive healthcare environment we must also
ensure that we protect our existing services and
identify appropriate opportunities for growth.
We will:
Deliver savings of £6m as part of the
trust’s cost improvement programme;
Develop productivity and efficiency
measures for services and incorporate
these in a performance management
framework; and
Improve the use of information
technology to support the delivery high
quality care and more productive ways of
Beyond 2010/11
We will need to remain diligent and robust in our
approach to maintaining quality services in the face
of less income from our commissioners. The
trust’s Leading by Design programme provides us
with the scope and flexibility to meet this challenge
over the coming years.
Annual Plan 2010 -2011
Trust staff take part in Bike Week June 2010
8. A healthy environment
We believe that a sustainable future is not just about finances; we
must also contribute towards a greener and healthier environment.
Why is this important?
How will we deliver during 2010/11?
Beyond 2010/11
As a large community organisation we must
recognise our role and responsibility in contributing
towards a greener and more sustainable future.
We have developed a carbon reduction
programme that has received the highest rating
possible by the Carbon Trust NHS Carbon
Management Programme. During 2010/11 we
will implement the first phase of this programme
delivering a 10% reduction in carbon footprint
across the trust.
Our carbon reduction programme spans a three
year period and will see a phased implementation
across this time frame. Our final goal is to achieve
a 25% reduction in our carbon footprint by March
What will this mean?
We will continue to work to better understand
the impact the trust and its activities have on the
environment. We will introduce different ways of
working that reduce our carbon footprint e.g.
reducing travel and looking at the way in which we
use our estate. We will also actively promote and
encourage environmental responsibility amongst
all our staff.
Annual Plan 2010 -2011
9. Summary Financial Statements
The following tables summarise the income and expenditure and
balance sheet for the Trust in the 2010/2011 planning period.
Income and Expenditure Plan 2010-2011
Balance Sheet 2010/2011
Planned Income
Fixed Assets
Planned Expenditure
Current Assets
Current Liabilities
Operating Surplus
Interest Receivable
Financing Costs
Net Current Assets
Non-Current Assets
Planned Surplus
Non-Current Liabilities
Total Assets Employed
The above plan is a result of a prudent approach
to both income and expenditure inflation
assumptions, combined with a significant
Cost Improvement Programme.
Public Dividend Capital
Income and Expenditure Reserve
Revaluation Reserve
Donation Reserve
Total Funds Employed
Annual Plan 2010 -2011
Glossary of Terms
Commissioning for Quality and
Innovation (CQUIN)
CQUIN is a payment framework which
makes a proportion of providers' income
conditional on quality and innovation. Its
aim is to support the vision set out in High
Quality Care for All of an NHS where
quality is the organising principle.
The framework was launched in April 2009
and helps ensure quality is part of the
commissioner-provider discussion.
Leading by Design
NHS Constitution
Our four year programme to deliver on the
trust’s strategy.
Tells patients, the public and our staff:
From April 2010, all NHS organisations
must produce a Quality Account: Annual
Report for the public detailing the quality
of services delivered.
What is important to the NHS –
our principles and values
The programme will:
Transform the quality of our
services and environments
What people can expect from the
NHS – their rights
Change how we work across the
What we want to do – Our pledge
What we expect from patients,
the public and staff – their
Quality Account
Ensure the financial stability of
the trust
Board and Executive
The responsibilities of the Board of Directors include managing the
Trust on a day-to-day basis and planning for the organisation’s future.
The Board consists of Executive Directors, who are usually full-time
staff and have a permanent contract, and Non-Executive Directors, who
are usually part-time and have a fixed term of office.
Hattie Llewelyn-Davies
Chief Executive
Tom Cahill
Executive Directors
Iain Eaves
John Jones
Dr Geraldine O’Sullivan
Oliver Shanley
Stanley Riseborough
Non Executive Directors
Bill Brown
Manjeet Gill
Carol Kennedy Filer
Stephen Marsden
Ruth Sawtell
Colin Sheppard
Herts County Council Assistant Director
for Mental Health and Learning Disability
Sue Darker
Company Secretary
Barbara Suggitt
Contact us
Your views and comments on our annual plan are important to us. If you have any comments
please contact us at Trust Head Office, 99 Waverley Road, St Albans, Hertfordshire AL3 5TL
01727 804629
01727 804967
Annual Plan 2010 -2011
If you require this information in a different language or format please contact the Patient Advice and Liaison Service:
Tel: 01727 804629, Fax: 01727 804967
W razie potrzeby powyższy tekst można otrzymać w innymformacie lub innym języku. Informacji w tej sprawie udziela:
Patient Advice & Liaison Service:
Tel: 01727 804629, Fax: 01727 804967
Se avete bisogno di queste informazioni in una lingua o in unformato differente, vi preghiamo di contattare:
Patient Advice & Liaison Service
(Servizio relazioni e consigli per i pazienti)
Tel: 01727 804629, Fax: 01727 804967.
01727 804629
01727 804629
01727 804967
01727 804967
Hertfordshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
works toward eliminating all forms of discrimination and promoting equality of opportunity for all
Date of publication July 2010