Trestleboard Quarter #3 July—September 2013 San Mateo Masonic Lodge #226 Volume 1, Issue 3 From the East Inside this issue: Brethren: From the West 2 From the South 2 Picnic Flyer 3 Rebuilding Together 3 Birthdays 3 “The Lodge” 4 Contact Information 4 DeMolay Corner 4 Well here we are half way through the year, Whew,!! I am happy to report that the Lodge is still here and we are gaining members. We should raise at least three more master masons this year and all of them have insisted on doing the long fo r m p r o fic ie n cie s, Yeah!! We held our public education night as part of the Peninsula Masonic Family, there were over 110 attendees, and the recipi- ents of the scholarships and the awards were very impressed. We are al- Worshipful Master James Ritter [email protected] (650) 504-7701 ready talking about next years celebration. Rebuilding together was a great success again this year. I would like to thank all who participated and especially our house co-captains Ron Edwards PM and John Nelson PM. Mark your calendars for next year it will be the last Saturday in April. Rebuilding Together 2013 Another GREAT success Thanks to all of the community minded volunteers and to our two excellent House Captains — Ron Edwards PM & John Nelson PM Make sure to join us next year for all of the fun and good work! For more pictures see page 3 If any of you have visited our website recently you wi l l n o t i c e m a n y changes. Our new site was built by Brother William Garnsey a member of Peninsula Lodge and an advisor for our DeMolay Chapter. Please send me feed back as to what you like and dislike in the new site, as we will be making changes as we receive your input. Also if you have phoned the Lodge lately you will notice we now have an automated attendant that answers each call. The calls are then routed to the cell phones of our Building Manager, our Secretary or Myself, so that anyone who calls will get to speak with one of us even when we are not at the Lodge. This system also saves the Lodge more than half of what a regular phone line would cost. We will be continuing to make it easier for our Brothers to make contact with us through our website or the telephone and hopefully through this trestleboard. I am looking forward to the next half of this year and I hope to see more of you at our stated meetings and events. Remember: The single biggest problem with communication is the illusion that it has taken place. - George Bernard Shaw Fraternally, James Ritter, Worshipful Master Trestleboard Page 2 From the West Happy St. Johns' day and happy 4th of July. Hope everyone enjoys this time with family and friends. Oh my; half way thru the year and such a wide array of events have taken place, most of these events have been for the positive. With another brother taken to the celestial lodge above, Br:. Jay Rodriguez you will always have a special place in my heart! behind what has happened. Often we just focus on ritual, ritual, ritual! But all of our secrets first were passed by that true meaning from which the ritual is in part, just a representation while the meaning must be sought after. Please take the time to study these teachings and attend our study groups to share what we have learned and symbolically pass the light and fruit of knowledge which we have become familiar with. Events that will be coming up soon will be a double 2nd degree on July 25th. Please try to attend, these newly initiated brothers have made diligent progress in not just practicing what's needed to proceed, but also have taken the time to seek out the esoteric meaning Other upcoming Masonic events in the near future will be another upcoming second degree as well as 2-3 3rd degrees. Please pay attention to the email groups for further reminders on practices and upcoming degrees. Although we are "dark" in the upcoming Brethren: Efren Prado Senior Warden [email protected] (650) 283-5605 Stated Meetings: @ 6:30 July 11 August 1 September 5 Officers Practice: @ 7:00 July 18 August 8, 15, 22 & 29 September 12, 19, 26 DSI: @ 6:30 August 20 - Peninsula September 17 Burlingame two months, these in the past two years have consistently been some of our busiest times for degrees. Brethren and officers, please continue to read parts needed in the future as well as any new desires that may spark your interest or stations. On a better note, prayers go out to Past Master and Treasurer John Nelson on a speedy recovery, Jr. Warden Dennis Mahoney on his shoulder surgery and P.M. Johnny Sanchez on another hip operation. Hope to see you all at the functions! Sincerely and Fraternally, Efren Prado Senior Warden From the South Brethren: Come one come all Brothers – We have several SPECIAL EVENTS coming up. We want to see every one of you. Here is our calendar: Dennis Mahoney Junior Warden [email protected] 650-504-2300 Stated Meetings: July — Hamburgers & Hot Dogs August — TBD September — TBD September 14th 9:00am Outdoor 3rd Degree Cresson Ranch Half Moon Bay October 18th 6:30pm Hiram Award Thomas Barth PM @ San Mateo Lodge We are DARK July 4 for the 4th of July. Our July Stated Meeting will be Thursday, July 11. July 25 - Thursday Double Second Degree. We need sideliners, please! Come and show your support for the passing of these brothers who have worked very hard. Stated Meeting. This is typically a big meeting as many visitors tend to show up. Please make a special effort to join us to help with introducing our visitors to our lodge. August 10–11 - Saturday Sunday - Child ID program Howard Avenue in downtown Burlingame. Contact PM Alberto Jacinto if you would like to participate. we will be buying tickets in a block for our Lodge. We already have orders for 10 brothers and their families. If you would like to attend please contact the Worshipful Master. September 14 – Saturday Outdoor Third Degree in Half Moon Bay. This is our 31st annual event make your reservations early!! August 17 - Saturday October 3 - Saturday Peninsula Lodges’ Family Stated Meeting Picnic in Huddart Park see the flyer on the next page. October 18 - Friday September 5 - Thursday Hiram Award will be preJuly 27 - Saturday Stated Meeting and 50 Year sented to Thomas Barth PM in Chris Hodapp, author of FreePin Awards an “Oktoberfest” type celebramasons for Dummies will be tion. speaking at the Burlingame September 4, Wednesday Masonic Center, 6:30 PM. Masons for Mitts at AT&T Fraternally, Park. We did not get tickets Dennis Mahoney August 1, Thursday through the Grand Lodge but Junior Warden Volume 1, Issue 3 Page 5 Birthdays: July Andreas Junge 7/1/1965 Bruce A. Jower 7/3/1943 George D. Juelch 7/4/1966 Ronald Brody 7/7/1934 Raymond G. Jackson 7/9/1964 Michael R. Papay 7/10/1935 Brian W. Edwards 7/13/1967 Gordon Mc Leod 7/16/1923 David L. Boddy 7/21/1950 Harold D. Franco 7/23/1930 Charls W. Gray 7/24/1922 Wade T. Brooks 7/24/1944 August Reservations for the Summer Picnic to Dennis Mahoney by August Stated Meeting Ernest F. Ferrari, III 8/1/1955 Robert R. Setser 8/3/1917 William J. Hollowell 8/4/1942 Dennis R. Mahoney 8/5/1953 Wilson D. Hedrix 8/7/1981 Gary W. Davis 8/12/1948 Richard Bettelheim 8/17/1955 William H. Mott, III 8/18/1939 Charles Drechsler 8/18/1965 Dominick A. Gallagi 8/20/1957 Minas A. Bekerejian 8/22/1974 James L. Ritter 8/24/1957 Thomas E. Barth 8/29/1958 September Edwin S. Dimarucut 9/1/1964 James O. Shoemaker 9/9/1955 Donald M. Nasser 9/11/1938 Richard B. Tujian 9/12/1945 John D. Nelson 9/15/1940 Donald F. Harle 9/30/1931 Rebuilding together — Fun & Community service — Make plans for next year Knock and it shall be opened unto you San Mateo Masonic Lodge #226 303 Tilton Avenue San Mateo, California 94401 Phone: (650) 342-2721 E-mail: sanmateomasoniclodge226 Chartered from the Grand Lodge of California 1873 "The Lodge" A stone building is more than a simple quantity of stones and the Masonic Lodge is more than a collection of individuals. The word "Lodge" is used to speak about the group of initiates who gather there. It is the basic cell of Freemasonry. These brothers, initiated the same way and sharing the same ideals, reveals a psychological dimension as well as a spiritual one. Every initiate there to become better; to work on his own realization as a human being, overcoming the passions that often lead him in wrong ways. In this temple each member is able to focus on this essential goal; to keep away for a while what is selfish or much too personal. Far from any social judgment, the Lodge is the perfect place where brotherhood and kindness can be practiced in order to then do the same in society. The work is the expression of "a Utopia in progress." Every initiate can experience it and make improvements. All these common efforts have both an inward and an outward result. The initiates can access this special experience and knowledge of a better humanity. They can understand the remaining efforts necessary to share these precious values with other people. This knowledge can help us work for the common goal; to learn to love God (as you understand God), the God who's nature is in each of us, and to learn to love others and honor the divinity in them too. The Lodge brings Unity. Greg Sudmeier Blue Lodge 226, San Mateo, CA SR 32• Valley of Burlingame We’re on the Web! DeMolay Corner Congratulations to Loren Froomin a senior DeMolay on his appointment to receive the Legion of Honor and to another senior DeMolay, past Peninsula Chapter Advisor, Chairman and a current supporter of Peninsula Chapter, Dad Tom Krutman on his appointment to receive the Cross of Honor. Check out Peninsula Chapters website, at JULY EVENTS Wednesday, July 10, 6:00 pm: DeMolay REGULAR meeting at San Mateo Lodge. All please attend. Meetings are open to parents. Saturday, July 13, 2:30 pm - 6:00 pm: Shriner’s San Mateo serving, 20th Avenue. Monday, July 15, 7:00 pm: San Mateo Town meeting. Stay tuned as to why you would want to attend this meeting with your fellow Brother DeMolay. Observing: My Government Day. Saturday, July 20-21: Child ID with Three Great Lights Masonic Lodge. Wednesday, July 24, 7:00 pm: DeMolay meeting at San Mateo Lodge. All please attend. Saturday-Sunday, July 27-28: Peninsula Chapter lock-in. Please see flyer for more information. Sunday, July 28, 10:30 am: B.A.D. Broomball event, $15.00. Peninsula Chapter fundraiser at Mountain Mike’s in Belmont afterwards. AUGUST EVENTS Wednesday, August 7, 7:00 pm: Councilor Leadership meeting with Mom Christensen, by invitation. Saturday, August 10 through Sunday, August 11: Bay Area Division Conclave weekend event. Island City Lodge, Alameda, CA. This event includes some meals, a dance and lots of other fun. Saturday, August 10 and Sunday, August 11: Burlingame Lodge Child ID event. Tuesday, August 13: Peninsula Lodge Serving, 1150 Arroyo Avenue, San Carlos. Wednesday, August 14, 7:00 pm: DeMolay meeting at San Mateo Lodge. Saturday, August 17: Northern California DeMolay Association Dodgeball event. Saturday, August 17: Masonic picnic, more information to follow. Wednesday, August 28, 7:00 pm: DeMolay meeting at San Mateo Bay Area Division Chapter meeting nights: Castro Valley Chapter: First and Third Mondays, 7:30 pm. Peninsula Chapter: Second and Fourth Wednesdays, 7:00 pm. Pleasanton Chapter: First and Third Tuesdays, 7:30 pm. San Francisco Chapter: First and Third Fridays, 7:30 pm. San Jose Chapter: First Friday, 7:30 pm. Santa Clara Chapter: Third Tuesday, 7:30 pm. Santa Cruz Chapter: Second and Fourth Thursdays, 7:30 pm. South San Francisco Chapter: First and Third Sundays, 5:00 pm.
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