Sailing Instructions - SAP 505 World Championship 2014

International 5O5 Class World Championships 2015
Port Elizabeth,
March 23 to April 3rd 2015
Sailing Instructions
Organising Authority is the 5O5 Class Yacht Racing Association of South Africa in
conjunction with Algoa Bay Yacht Club, Port Elizabeth, South Africa.
The Regatta will be governed by the Racing Rules of Sailing (RRS).
The prescriptions of the national authority will not apply.
The Rules of the International 5O5 Class Yacht Racing Association will apply.
Decision by the International Jury will be final as provided in RRS 70.5.
If there is a conflict between the meanings of these Instructions in different
languages, the English text will prevail.
Safety Regulations
The Race Committee may protest a boat in breach of these safety
Adequate personal buoyancy having a minimum buoyancy of 4.5kg for each
competitor shall be worn at all times, except briefly while changing or
adjusting clothing or personal equipment. A wet suit does not alone constitute
adequate personal buoyancy.
Boats not leaving the harbour for a scheduled race shall promptly notify the
Race Office.
On arrival in the course area each day, each boat shall sail past the stern of
the Race Committee Signal Boat on starboard tack and hail her sail or bow
number until acknowledged by the Race Committee.
A boat that retires from racing shall notify the Race Committee before leaving
the racing area, or if that is not possible shall notify the Race Office as soon
as possible after returning to shore.
Boats retiring from racing in accordance with SI 2.5 shall inform the Race
Office before the protest time limit.
If any one of the race signals N over H or N over A is made on the Race
Committee Boat, all boats shall return to the harbour entrance immediately
and await clearing by the Ports Authority, which shall be done by the rescue
personnel present on a rescue craft, before proceeding into the harbour
The following equipment shall be carried at all times whilst sailing: A
compass, a paddle of minimum blade area 250 mm x 125 mm and a towing
line with a minimum length of 10 metres and with a minimum diameter of 6
Code of Conduct
Competitors shall handle any equipment provided by the Organising Authority
with proper care and seamanship.
Communication with Competitors
Notices to competitors will be posted on the Official Notice Board located at
the Race Office.
Signals ashore will be displayed at the flag pole in front of the Race Office.
If flag AP is displayed ashore, ‘1 minute’ is replaced with ‘not less than 60
minutes’ in the race signal AP. This changes the race signal AP. Flag AP
over H displayed ashore means ‘Boats shall not leave the harbour. Wait for
further instructions.’ This changes race signals AP over H.
The first briefing for coaches and team leaders is scheduled for 28th of March
2015 at 10.00 hrs at the SAP Sailors Lounge.
The skippers briefing is scheduled for 9.00 hrs on 28th of March 2015 at the
SAP Sailors Lounge.
Changes to Sailing Instructions
Any changes to the format or schedule of races will be posted until 19.00 hrs
on the day before they take effect and any change to the Sailing Instructions
will be posted before 9.30 hrs on the day it will take effect.
Any reassignment of the course area will be posted before 9.30 hrs on the
day it will take effect, or if flag AP is displayed ashore, 30 minutes before flag
AP is removed.
Format of Racing
The format is a single series of 9 races.
Schedule of races/events
Monday, March 23rd
Tuesday, March 24th
Wednesday, March 25th
Thursday, March 26th
9.00 - 18.00
9.00 - 18.00
09.00 – 18.00
09.00 – 18.00
Friday, March 27th
Saturday, March 28th
09.00 – 18.00
Sunday, March 29th
Monday, March 30th
Tuesday, March 31st
Wednesday, April 1st
Thursday, April 2nd
Friday, April 3rd
Measurement and Registration
Measurement and Registration
1st Warning signal Pre Worlds Races 1 & 2
1st Warning signal Pre Worlds Races 3 & 4
Prize giving Pre Worlds and Opening
ceremony 60th 505 Worlds 2015
Measurement and Registration
Skipper's meeting
1st Warning signal Worlds Race 1, Race 2
immediately thereafter
1st Warning signal Worlds Race 3
1st Warning signal Worlds Race 4, Race 5
immediately thereafter
Mid-Week Party
Lay day, sightseeing trips
1st Warning signal Worlds Race 6
1st Warning signal Worlds Race 7, Race 8
immediately thereafter
1st Warning signal Worlds Race 9
Last warning signal
Prize Giving and Farewell Ceremony
Nine (9) races are scheduled for the Worlds and four (4) races are scheduled
for the Pre-Worlds.
There will be a maximum of 2 races per day during the World
Championships. Only one race will be sailed on the final day, unless at the
start of the final day’s racing only one race has been completed. In that
event, two races may be sailed on the final day.
The scheduled time of the warning signal for the first race of the World
Championship is 12.00 hrs.
When more than one race will be held on the same day, the warning signal
for each succeeding race will be made as soon as practicable, after the finish
of the previous race.
On the last day of the World Championship no warning signal will be made
after 15.00 hrs, unless 7.3 above applies.
Course Areas
The Course
The course area is shown in Addendum A.
The diagrams in SI Addendum ‘B’ show the courses, the course
designations, the approximate angles between legs, the order in which marks
are to be passed, and the side on which each mark is to be left.
Marks 1,1a, 2 or associated gate marks will be as follows with the exceptions
listed in 12.2
Start pin (line start)
Starting Mark (gate start)
Finish (pin)
Mark 1
Mark 1a – Spreader Mark
Mark 2
Gate Marks 3p and 3s
New Mark as in SI 14.1
Race Committee Signal Boat
Race Committee Boat
Pink buoy
Race Committee Boat
Pink buoy
Yellow inflatable buoy
Yellow inflatable buoy
Yellow inflatable buoy
Yellow inflatable buoy
Yellow inflatable buoy
Class Flag
The Class Flag will be the International 5O5 class flag.
The Start
Races will be started either by a gate start or a fixed line start.
Gate start:
Starting Marks will be:
(a) The Port Limit Mark, a pink buoy on the starboard side, to windward, of
the Race Committee Boat.
(b) The Pathfinder.
(c) The Gate Boat, displaying flag G.
Races will be started using RRS 26. The Warning Signal shall be 8 minutes
before the starting signal. Signals will be displayed from the Race Committee
Boat, which will also display flag G, signifying a gate start. The time between
the starting signal and the time at which the Gate Boat will stop at the
starboard end of the starting line will not be fewer than two (2) minutes. This
will be displayed on the Race Committee Vessel no later than the warning
signal of the race.
The Pathfinder for the first race sailed will be appointed by the race
committee. The Pathfinder for subsequent races will be the boat that finished
tenth (10) in the preceding race. When this boat is unable to race or has
acted as Pathfinder previously in the Championship, the Pathfinder will be
appointed by the race committee and will normally be the boat that finished
eleventh (11) in the preceding race. The sail number of the Pathfinder will be
posted on the official notice board for the first scheduled race of the day, and
for the second race of the day on the Race Committee Boat, as soon as
practically possible after the completion of the first race of the day. Prior to
the preparatory signal the Pathfinder shall report to the Gate Boat, which will
be near the Race Committee Signal Boat.
The Pathfinder shall follow the Race Committee’s instructions. If the
Pathfinder fails to comply with this instruction, she may be disqualified with a
hearing and shall be ineligible for any restart of that race. If the race is
restarted that same day SI 12.12 applies.
Within 10 seconds after the starting signal being made:
a) the Pathfinder will begin a close-hauled port tack from the Port Limit Mark.
b) the Gate Boat will keep station close astern of the Pathfinder.
The starting line (except for the Pathfinder) will be between the Port Limit
Mark and the centre of the stern of the Gate Boat.
All boats (except for the Pathfinder) shall start on starboard tack after the
starting signal. A boat starting prematurely shall retire from the race. RRS
29.2, Individual Recall, shall not apply.
The Pathfinder shall sail its close-hauled course until it is released by hail
from the Gate Boat, after which it ceases to be a starting mark and may
continue or tack onto starboard tack.
12.10 After the release of the Pathfinder the Gate Boat will continue its course and
speed until the gate has been opened for the period signalled in sailing
instruction 12.3. It will then stop, make a long sound signal, drift for one
minute, and finally signal the close of the gate by lowering flag G with a short
sound signal. Thereafter no boat shall start.
12.11 After the preparatory signal a boat shall be disqualified without a hearing and
shall be ineligible for any restarts of that race if, while approaching the line to
start, she:
Cause the pathfinder or Gate Boat to alter course or speed,
Touches the Pathfinder
Passes between the Pathfinder and Gate Boat.
12.12 If a boat has been disqualified according to SI 12.5 or SI 12.11 and the race
is restarted on the same day, her sail number shall be displayed on the Race
Committee Boat for at least three (3) minutes prior to the new warning signal.
A boat whose number has been displayed shall leave the starting area before
the next warning signal; however, a boat breaking this rule may participate in
the restarted race providing she advises the Race Committee prior to the
warning signal that she intends to protest another boat and/or requests a
redress in connection with the incident. If either her protest is dismissed or
her request for redress is denied, she shall be scored a DNE for the race in
question. This changes rule 36, 62.2, 63.1 and Appendix A5.
Fixed Line Starts (flag F)
Starting Line
When flag F is displayed on the committee boat a fixed line start will be used.
The starting line will be between a staff displaying an orange flag on the Race
Committee vessel at the starboard end and a staff displaying an orange flag
on a Race Committee vessel at the port end (start pin).
A buoy may be attached to the Race Committee Starting Boat anchor line
just below keel depth. Boats shall not pass between this buoy and the Race
If flag U has been displayed as a preparatory signal, no part of a boat’s hull,
crew or equipment shall be in the triangle formed by the ends of the starting
line and the first mark during the last minute before her starting signal. If a
boat breaks this rule she will be disqualified without a hearing but not if the
race is restarted or resailed or postponed or abandoned before the starting
signal. This changes rule 26 Starting races. When flag U is used as a
preparatory signal rule 29.1 Individual recall does not apply. The scoring
abbreviation for a flag U penalty is UFD.
Course Changes
To change the next leg of the course, the Race Committee will a.) lay a new
mark, b.) move the finishing line or c.) move the leeward gate. When a new
mark is laid, the original mark will be removed as soon as possible. When in
a subsequent change a new mark is replaced, it will be replaced by an
original mark.
If the gate is replaced by one mark only then the mark is to be left to port.
The Finish
The finishing line will be between the staff displaying an orange flag on the
Race Committee vessel and either:
a.) The course side of the nearby pink buoy, or
b.) A staff displaying an orange flag on the nearby Race Committee vessel.
Time limits and target times
If no boat has passed Mark 1 within the time limit the race will be abandoned.
Boats failing to finish within the time stated in the Finish Window after the first
boat sails the course and finishes will be scored Did Not Finish.
Races per day
Time limit
Mark 1 time limit
Finish window
Target time
Equipment and measurement checks
Each boat has to present a valid measurement certificate at registration.
Each boat is allowed to measure in two (2) sets of sails, one set of spars and
one set of foils as stated in the 505 class rules.
Equipment may be inspected at any time for compliance with the class rules
and sailing instructions. When instructed by an event equipment inspector, a
boat shall proceed immediately to a designated area for inspection.
Replacement of crew and equipment
Substitution of competitors will not be allowed without prior written approval
of the Race Committee and shall comply with any restrictions in the Notice of
Substitution of damaged or lost equipment will not be allowed unless
approved by the Race Committee. Requests for substitution shall be made to
the Race Committee at the first reasonable opportunity.
Official Boats
Official Boats will be marked as follows:
Equipment inspection
Race Committee
Rescue/First aid/Medical
Support and Spectator Boats
White flag with ‘M’
White flag with ‘J’
Green flag with ‘Press’
White flag with ‘RC’ and club burgee
Red Flag
Addendum C – Coach boat regulations shall apply to all support boats
Identification and Advertising while racing
All crew members shall wear the sponsor bibs while racing. The bibs are
provided at registration.
Boats shall display required event sponsor advertising. The organising
authority will supply advertising and instructions for their use.
Three (3) races shall be completed to constitute a regatta.
A boats score shall be calculated in accordance with RRS A2, except that
If eight or more races are completed, a boats worst two scores are
If between four and seven races are completed, a boats worst score is
If three races only are held, no scores are excluded.
Fixed line start only: A boat starting later than 4 minutes after her starting
signal will be scored DNS. This changes RRS A4 and A5.
Protests and Requests for Redress
Protests shall be written on forms available at Jury Office and delivered there
within the Protest Time Limit.
The Protest Time Limit shall be 90 minutes after the last boat has finished the
last race of the day.
Protest notices will be posted within 30 minutes after the Protest Time Limit
to inform competitors of hearings in which they are parties or named as
witnesses, of the time of the first hearing and of the order in which the
hearings will be held.
Notices of Protests by the Race Committee or Jury under RRS 61.1(b) will be
posted on the Official Notice Board before the expiry of the Protest Time
A list of boats that have acknowledged breaking RRS 42 as modified under
Instruction 24, or that have been disqualified by the Jury will be posted before
the Protest Time Limit.
For the purpose of RRS 64.3.(b) the "authority responsible" shall be the
Class International Measurer or his nominated deputy
Breaches of Instructions 2 and 20 (and any safety check out and in system
introduced by Organisers) will not be grounds of protest by a competitor. This
changes RRS 61.1(a).
Decisions of the jury will be final as provided in rule 70.4.
On the last day of racing a request to re-open a hearing shall be delivered:
(1) within the protest time limit if the requesting party was informed of the
decision on the previous day; (2) not later than 30 minutes after the
requesting party was informed of the decision on that day.This changes RRS
66. 23.10 On the last scheduled day of racing a request for redress based on a jury
decision shall be delivered no later than 30 minutes after the decision was
posted. This changes RRS 62.2. 23.11 Breaches of instructions 12.5, 18 and RRS 55 will not be ground for a protest
by a boat. This changes RRS 60.1. Penalties for these breaches can be less
than a DSQ at the discretion of the jury. 25.
Radio Communications
A boat shall neither make nor receive radio transmission while racing nor receive
radio communications not available to all boats, except in an emergency or when
using equipment provided by the Race Committee. This restriction also applies to
mobile telephones.
Prizes will be awarded to the first three (3) boats of the Pre-World
World Championship Trophies:
The Globe 1st overall
The Chinese Junk 2nd overall
The Wills Trophy 3rd overall
Race Prizes
First lady skipper
First Youth team (both under 25 years of age)
Top 5 crews overall
Other prizes may be awarded.
GPS positioning equipment
Boats assigned to install and operate GPS positioning equipment shall pick
up their units at the Race Office before the first starting signal and return the
units latest at the end of the protest time.
Boats shall install the GPS units as specified by the organising authority.
Each participating boat shall be insured with valid (and for the racing area
suitable) third-party liability insurance with a minimum cover of R5,000,000
per event or the equivalent.
Right to use name and likeness By participating in the World Championship a competitor automatically grants to the
organizing authority and its sponsors the right in perpetuity to make, use and show,
from time to time at their discretion, any motion and non-motion pictures and live,
taped or filmed television and other reproductions of him or her during the period of
the competition, without compensation. 30.
Disclaimer of liability
The responsibility for the decision to participate in a race or to continue with it
is solely with the skipper; to that extent the skipper also accepts full
responsibility for the crew. The skipper is responsible for the qualification and
the correct nautical conduct of the crew as well as for the suitability and the
transport-safe condition of the registered boat. In cases of Force Majeure or
on grounds of administrative orders or for safety reasons, the organizer is
entitled to make changes in the program of the event or to cancel the event.
This does not constitute any liability by the organizer towards the participant,
if the reasons for the changes or the cancellation do not result from a willful
or grossly negligent behaviour of the organizer. In case of a violation of
obligations that do not constitute primary or material contractual duties
(cardinal obligations), the liability of the organizer for financial and property
damages incurred by the participant during or in connection with the
participation in the event and resulting from a conduct of the organizer, its
representatives, servants or agents, is restricted to damages that were
caused willfully or grossly negligent. When a violation of cardinal obligations
occurs due to minor negligence, the liability of the organizer is limited to
foreseeable, typical damages. To the extent that the liability for damages of
the organizer is excluded or restricted, the participant also relieves the staff employees and representatives, agents, servants, sponsors and individuals
who provide or drive salvage, safety or rescue vessels or assist with their use
- from the individual liability for damages, as well as also all other individuals
who were instructed to act in connection with the running of the event. The
effective racing rules of the ISAF, the administrative regulations regattasailing and the articles of association of the SAS, the class rules as well as
the regulations of the invitation to the competition and the sailing instructions
are to be complied with and are expressly recognized.
ADDENDUM A: Course Area
ADDENDUM B – Course Illustrations
Course 1
Course 2
Fixed line
Gate start
Gate start
Mark Rounding Order
Start – 1 – 1a – 3s/3p – 1 – 1a – 2
– 3s/3p – 1 – 1a – 3p – Finish
Note: Course 1 will be sailed on days with two scheduled races and Course 2 will be
sailed on days where 1 race is scheduled. The leeward gate will apply on all legs of the
Mark Rounding Order
Start – 1 – 1a – 3s/3p – 1 – 1a – 2
– 3s/3p – 1 – 1a – 3s/3p – Finish
ADDENDUM C: Coach Boat Regulations
1. Team leaders, coaches and other support personnel shall not enter an area
defined by a perimeter drawn 100m outside the marks of the course, including
the starting signal vessel and a point defined by the intersection of a close hauled
port tack course from the starting vessel and the starboard tack lay line to Mark 1
from the time of the preparatory signal until all boats have finished or the race
committee signals a postponement, general recall or abandonment. The penalty
for failing to comply with this requirement will be points for twenty additional
places added to the scores of all boats associated with the support personnel
who do so. All coach boats and the competitors associated with that coach boats
will have to be registered with the Race Committee. All coach boats need to
display a flag, as per Notice of Race regulation 13.4, for identification purposes.