SAPPHIRE NOW and ASUG Annual Conference Exhibitor Resource Guide May 5-7, 2015 North/South Building Orange County Convention Center Orlando, Florida This guide will help to answer frequently asked questions and refer you to sources of additional information. Topics are listed in alphabetical order. SAP-ASUG15 Exhibitor Resource Guide 1 3.27.2015 Table of Contents Agenda ................................................................................................................................................ 3 Attendance / Attendee List .................................................................................................................. 3 Attire.................................................................................................................................................... 3 Branding .............................................................................................................................................. 3 Business Services ............................................................................................................................... 3 Cancellation / Reduction of Exhibit Space .......................................................................................... 3 Catering / Food / Beverage Dispensing .............................................................................................. 4 Company Description and Logo .......................................................................................................... 4 Computer Network Security ................................................................................................................ 4 Contacts .............................................................................................................................................. 4 Convention Center .............................................................................................................................. 5 CPE Credit .......................................................................................................................................... 5 Directory of Suppliers .......................................................................................................................... 5 Distribution of Marketing Material ........................................................................................................ 5 Employment Solicitation ...................................................................................................................... 5 Exhibit Space Guidelines .................................................................................................................... 5 Exhibit Space Selection ...................................................................................................................... 5 Exhibitor Appointed Contractor ........................................................................................................... 6 Exhibitor Console ................................................................................................................................ 6 Exhibitor Contests and Gifts ................................................................................................................ 7 Exhibitor Events .................................................................................................................................. 7 Exhibitor Manual ................................................................................................................................. 7 Hotel Reservations .............................................................................................................................. 7 Insurance ............................................................................................................................................ 8 Keynote Feed ...................................................................................................................................... 8 Lead Collection / Retrieval Scanners .................................................................................................. 8 Logo Information ................................................................................................................................. 8 Marketing Sponsorships ...................................................................................................................... 8 Meeting Rooms ................................................................................................................................... 9 Move-in and Move-out ........................................................................................................................ 9 Orlando ............................................................................................................................................... 9 Payment .............................................................................................................................................. 9 Press List / Press Releases ................................................................................................................ 9 Registration ........................................................................................................................................10 Rules and Regulations .......................................................................................................................12 Shipping Information ..........................................................................................................................12 Show Floor Schedule .........................................................................................................................12 Social Media ......................................................................................................................................13 Strategy, Positioning and Special Activities .......................................................................................13 Transportation ....................................................................................................................................13 Videography .......................................................................................................................................13 Web Site Links to Bookmark ..............................................................................................................14 SAP-ASUG15 Exhibitor Resource Guide 2 3.27.2015 Agenda To view the SAPPHIRE NOW and ASUG Annual Conference agenda, visit The online „Agenda Builder‟ will be available in March. A detailed exhibitor conference schedule will be posted in the Exhibitor Manual. Refer to this schedule to determine staffing needs during the conference and for move-in and move-out information. We respectfully request that you not conduct presentations in your booth during the conference keynote sessions. Please reference the Exhibitor Conference Schedule for the exact times. Attendance / Attendee List SAPPHIRE NOW and ASUG Annual Conference projected attendance is 17,000 customers, prospects, and SAP experts. Attendee demographic information is available from your exhibit manager. While SAP and ASUG understand how the attendee list/contact information would be helpful information to exhibiting companies, it is against data protection and privacy policies to distribute this information. List brokers who claim to have the attendee database have not obtained it from a legitimate source. Upon request, exhibit managers will provide a one-time list of companies with registered attendees as of April 1. When e-mailing customers, it is suggested that exhibitors include an "opt out/unsubscribe" option on all broadcast e-mails. Please limit broadcasts to a targeted audience versus a generic database list when possible. Attire The suggested dress code for the conference is business and the evening events are casual. To help plan, expect an average daytime high temperature of 88°F/31°C with an average evening low of 66°F/19°C. The average rainfall in May is 3.55 inches. A light sweater or jacket is recommended at the convention center as meeting rooms can be cool. The Orange County Convention Center is a large meeting facility and comfortable walking shoes are recommended. Branding The SAP partner logo usage guidelines, communication guidelines and PR policies are located in the Exhibitor Resources section of the Exhibitor Information Web Site, Please review the guidelines before preparing your booth graphics. If they mention SAP in any way, including products, logos, and companies, a proof must be sent to your exhibit manager for review and approval prior to production. SAPPHIRE NOW is an acronym and therefore should always be in capital letters. SAPPHIRE stands for SAP‟s Perennial Highly Integrated R/2-3 Exchange. ASUG is also an acronym and stands for Americas‟ SAP Users‟ Group and should always be in capital letters. Business Services The FedEx Office at the Orange County Convention Center is located in the South Concourse, Level 2. A full range of services is offered daily from 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Contact 407.363.2831 or [email protected]. Cancellation / Reduction of Exhibit Space Exhibit Packages are limited and an integral revenue stream to offset the costs of the Conference, and any cancellation or reduction of an Exhibit Package after SAP and ASUG receive the Exhibitor Agreement will result in additional SAP and ASUG efforts and cost and negatively impact the Conference. Therefore Exhibitor understands and agrees that any change in the selected Exhibit Package after the Agreement has been delivered will be subject to an administrative fee which it agrees SAP and ASUG may be entitled to, not as a penalty, but as a liquidated damage. For a reduction in the selected Exhibit Package, the administrative fee will be fifty percent (50%) of the difference between the original fee and the fee for the reduced Exhibit Package selected. If Exhibitor cancels the Exhibitor Agreement/Package selected, the administrative fee shall be fifty percent (50%) of the total Exhibit Package fee. The other 50% of the paid fee will be returned, but only in the event written cancellation of the Agreement is received by March 9, 2015. The administrative fee for cancellations received after this date will be 100% and are NOT eligible for any refund. All notices required, or SAP-ASUG15 Exhibitor Resource Guide 3 3.27.2015 as may be given pursuant to this Agreement, shall be in writing and shall be deemed duly given when delivered to the Exhibit Manager at the fax number stated on the Agreement. Catering / Food / Beverage Dispensing The Orange County Convention Center prohibits food or beverages (including bottled water and alcoholic beverages) from being brought into the building except by Centerplate, the exclusive caterer for the convention center. The distribution of alcoholic beverages, regardless of type and/or quantity, is the sole responsibility of Centerplate. All arrangements for the service of food and/or beverages must be made through their catering office. The show floor booth and show floor conference room catering contact is Guiliana Rossi, [email protected], 407.685.5562. For Sapphire level home-base conference room catering needs, contact Bob Rinker, [email protected], 407.685.9856. Order forms and menus may be found in the Exhibitor Manual. Company Description and Logo Company logos and descriptions should be uploaded to the Exhibitor Console, if not already submitted. The information will be reviewed and edited by SAP and ASUG and will appear in the exhibitor section of the conference Agenda Builder in March. Changes to a description or logo should be e-mailed to the exhibit manager. Computer Network Security All exhibitors must complete the Computer Network Security and Technical Requirements online form located in the Exhibitor Console by March 9. This form is required and is in addition to any Orange County Convention Center forms for network or Internet access. SAP will provide a wireless-Lan network in the North/South Building of the OCCC during SAPPHIRE NOW and the ASUG Annual Conference. In an effort to keep the wireless-Lan network running smoothly, all exhibitors are restricted from setting up their own wireless access points in the venue during the conference. This includes exhibit space, show floor meeting rooms and home base rooms. Neither installation nor operation is allowed. Any unauthorized devices found by security scans will be immediately switched off from the network. Contacts We have a team of professionals to assist you! Correspondence and questions should be directed to the appropriate contacts below. A Directory of Suppliers, listing official show vendors, is located in the Exhibitor Manual. Exhibit Management Exhibit Manager Sapphire Exhibitors Exhibit Manager Onyx Exhibitors Barb Kavetski [email protected] Tel: 610.518.6291 Fax: 484.698.7006 Ellen Stangroom [email protected] Tel: 508.461.7683 Fax: 425.650.3952 Exhibit Manager Diamond Exhibitors James Boyle [email protected] Tel: 484.416.3067 Fax: 610.661.4116 SAP-ASUG15 Exhibitor Resource Guide Exhibit Manager Emerald, Emerald Turnkey and Pod Exhibitors Sandy Lorenz [email protected] Tel: 508.461.7421 Fax: 401.633.7201 4 Exhibit Manager Ruby Turnkey Exhibitors Jeannie Weber [email protected] Tel: 312.673.5794 Fax: 312.673.6990 3.27.2015 Registration and Hotel Reservations Exhibitor Console and Registration Hotel Reservations and Sub-Blocks ConferenceDirect [email protected] Tel: 866.557.0941 [email protected] Freeman Services Custom Booths Home Base Room Layout and Design Angela Ragno [email protected] Tel: 407.313.5820 Renee Jennert [email protected] Tel: 407.313.5860 Marketing Sponsorship Opportunity Graphics, Emerald Turnkey, Ruby Turnkey and Pod Graphics Joanna Walling [email protected] Tel: 321.446.4922 Convention Center SAPPHIRE NOW and ASUG Annual Conference will be held in the North/South Building of the Orange County Convention Center (OCCC), Orlando, Florida. The main phone number is 800.345.9845. The Web site for the convention center is CPE Credit ASUG does not offer a formal CPE credit program at the conference. Attendees will find session abstract information in the Agenda Builder on the conference Web site and may self-submit for credit. Directory of Suppliers In the past, unofficial vendors have reached out to exhibitors to solicit business, giving the impression they are an official SAP and ASUG vendor. If unsure of a vendor, ask your exhibit manager or refer to the Directory of Suppliers located in the Exhibitor Manual. For example, ConferenceDirect is the official housing vendor. Distribution of Marketing Material Exhibitor personnel including booth staff, models, hostesses, and any hired help, are not permitted to distribute literature or promotional items of any kind outside the confines of your contracted exhibit space. Branded exhibitor personnel are not permitted to walk the conference function space, the show floor, or other OCCC property for the purposes of advertising their brand, solution, etc. Employment Solicitation Although this conference provides members of the SAP worldwide community an important networking opportunity, direct employment solicitation is not permitted. Such conduct may result in revoking exhibit privileges in these and future SAP and ASUG events. Any exhibitor engaging in employment solicitation may have their booth shut down immediately. Exhibit Space Guidelines Guidelines for each exhibit package level are located in the Exhibitor Manual. It is our goal to provide you with all the information necessary to properly design and build your exhibit. Exhibit space guidelines have been developed to promote continuity and consistency. These guidelines will be strictly enforced and will provide an environment conducive to successful interaction with conference attendees. Exhibit Space Selection A Priority Point System will be used to establish the order of exhibit space selection. To be considered for the Priority Point System order, the signed Exhibitor Agreement must be received by the exhibit manager and full payment must be received by SAP by January 30, 2015. The Sapphire level exhibitors will select space first, SAP-ASUG15 Exhibitor Resource Guide 5 3.27.2015 followed by the Onyx, Diamond, Emerald, Ruby Turnkey, and Pod level exhibitors. Exhibitors whose signed Exhibitor Agreement and full payment are received after January 30 will select space in the order that payment is received. SAP and ASUG do not represent that any space will be available to any exhibitor. SAP and ASUG remain the exclusive right to revise the show floor plan and/or move exhibitors as necessary. Space selection will begin after January 30. Priority Point System Formula Priority points will determine when an exhibitor selects space. Priority points are calculated per show beginning with participation at SAPPHIRE 2004 and the 2004 ASUG Annual Conference unless otherwise noted. Point totals are cumulative as follows: Points Criteria 6 For each event at which the company exhibited (regardless of booth size) .5 For every $5,000 spent toward an exhibit package 2 For every $5,000 spent toward Marketing Sponsorships 1 For Marketing Sponsorships purchased totaling less than $5,000 2 For the 2015 application and signed agreement received by December 31, 2014 5 For being an ASUG Associate Affiliate Member by January 30, 2015 5 For being an SAP partner by January 30, 2015 2 For completing the previous year‟s Exhibitor Evaluation survey prior to the published deadline Exhibitor Appointed Contractor All Exhibitor Appointed Contractors (”EAC”) performing any work in the building either before, during or after the event, are required to provide proof of insurance and have an online EAC form in the Exhibitor Console completed by March 23. This includes: outside contractors hired for installation/dismantle, performers, photographers, audio visual companies, contractors performing work in the Sapphire level home-base conference rooms, etc. If the form and insurance are not received, the EAC will be prohibited from working in the building. Please reference the online form for complete details and notify your EAC of applicable Exhibitor Program policies, insurance requirements, etc. EAC‟s will be issued wristbands daily for access to the show floor, refer to the Registration/Wristband section in this guide for specific details. Unless registered for the event, EACs are not eligible to book hotel rooms through the conference. Official conference vendors listed in the Directory of Suppliers do not need to be listed on the EAC form. Exhibitor Console The Exhibitor Console,, will assist you in managing your presence at the conference. The primary logistics contact‟s e-mail address and the company‟s Exhibitor ID are required for access. The Exhibitor ID is located on the top right corner of the acknowledgement, invoice, and agreement documents. Via the console you will be able to: Register your team and book hotel rooms View a task list with deadlines specific to your participation Complete required online forms Purchase marketing sponsorships Upload your company description and logo (revisions should be sent to the exhibit manager) Print agreements and invoices SAP-ASUG15 Exhibitor Resource Guide 6 3.27.2015 Exhibitor Contests and Gifts Plans for any contests, gifts, raffles, etc. must be included in the online Strategy, Positioning and Special Activities form. If you are unsure if your plans conform to the guidelines, check with your exhibit manager. SAP and ASUG reserve the right to prohibit, limit or discontinue the distribution of any gift, giveaways, raffle or similar promotions. There will be no announcements by SAP or ASUG of contest, drawing or raffle winners. Exhibitor Events SAP and ASUG will host evening events during the week. When available, details will be published on the conference Web site. You are invited to host events Wednesday evening after 8:30 p.m. and/or Thursday evening any time after the close of the show floor (approximately 6:00 p.m.). If your event is held Thursday, it would need to conclude prior to the start of the concert event (approximately 8:00 p.m.). Please note that activities which conflict with the conference program are not permitted. This includes breakfasts, receptions or any other activities occurring in Orlando during the published conference program schedule. For the purposes of this conference, a conflicting activity is defined as one that assembles over 50 conference attendees in one location. SAP and ASUG reserve the right to cancel any exhibitor agreement that does not follow these regulations. Please complete the required Strategy, Positioning, and Special Activities online form to notify us of your hosted event plans. This information is for internal SAP and ASUG use only. Exhibitor Manual The Exhibitor Manual will be available on the Exhibitor Information Web Site located at The Exhibitor Manual offers general information such as the exhibitor conference schedule, exhibit space instructions and guidelines, links to required documents and online forms, Freeman forms, and additional services forms. Hotel Reservations The official housing vendor is ConferenceDirect, 866-557-0941, [email protected]. There are two ways for exhibitors to reserve hotel rooms: Hotel Sub-Block: Instructions and forms will be sent to Sapphire, Onyx, Diamond, and Emerald level exhibitors. There is a 10 room minimum and your request may not be greater than 25% of your exhibit package badge allotment. The deadline to submit a hotel sub-block request is February 27, first-come, first-served. Please contact your exhibit manager for more information. Individual Hotel Reservations: Individual hotel reservations may be made online after completing the conference registration form. Only registered attendees are able to take advantage of the discounted rates. The link to book housing is below or you may re-access an existing registration in the acknowledgment e-mail. Housing Deposit Policy: All reservations require a credit card guarantee. A credit card will be required upon arrival at the hotel as the final method of payment. Hotel Changes and Cancellations: Changing or cancelling a conference registration will not alter or cancel a hotel reservation as purchasing and fees for the conference and hotels are managed independently. Changes or cancellations to an existing hotel reservation can be made online by using the "Access My Registration" function and selecting "Book/Modify My Hotel." The guest last name and corresponding acknowledgement number of the hotel reservation are needed to log in; this information can be found on the hotel confirmation e-mail. An automatic response will be sent to the e-mail address on file. Please note that changes to an existing hotel reservation are subject to availability. After Thursday, April 23, contact the hotel directly for changes and cancellations. All hotel cancellations made within three business days of arrival will result in a cancellation fee of one night's room and tax charged to the credit card on file. Failure to check in to the hotel on the designated arrival date will also result in a one night's room and tax charge to the credit card on file and the remaining nights of the reservation will be cancelled. SAP and ASUG will not be responsible for any no-show charges or cancellation fees. SAP-ASUG15 Exhibitor Resource Guide 7 3.27.2015 Please note that several unaffiliated wholesale hotel and travel groups have been soliciting both current and former exhibitors. Unofficial companies may be offering discounted or wholesale hotel pricing for SAPPHIRE NOW and ASUG Annual Conference. Neither SAP nor ASUG can verify the authenticity of such companies or their representations, and will not be able to provide a resolution to issues related to reservations made via these agencies. Insurance Exhibitor: In accordance with the Exhibitor Application signed by the exhibitor, and the Rules and Regulations, the exhibitor is responsible for obtaining sufficient insurance covering all personnel, exhibit material, and equipment. A Certificate of Insurance must be provided to the exhibit manager by March 16. Details are specified in the Insurance Requirement Notice located in the Required Documents section of the Exhibitor Manual. Exhibitor Appointed Contractor: All Exhibitor Appointed Contractors (”EAC”) performing any work in the building for an exhibitor are required to provide proof of insurance and have an online EAC form completed. All exhibitors using outside contractors (vendors who are not included in the Directory of Suppliers) who are providing any show service, must provide the name of such contractors and the appropriate insurance certificates from the contractors via the Exhibitor Appointed Contractor (EAC) online form. This form can be found in the task list and timeline of the Exhibitor Console. Keynote Feed SAP and ASUG will host joint keynote sessions. A live feed to your exhibit space is available for $750 and the deadline to submit your request is March 9. If interested, please work directly with Joe Venturella at i4D Event Services, [email protected], 219.310.1228. Lead Collection / Retrieval Scanners Detailed information and order forms for lead retrieval will be available in the Exhibitor Manual. Exhibitors should plan to pick up their system on-site at the Exhibitor Service Center. Lead retrieval systems are included with the Emerald Turnkey, Ruby Turnkey, and Pod level exhibit packages. All other levels must order and pay for their lead retrieval system. In no event shall exhibitors collect, use, sell, transfer or otherwise release the names of conference attendees or any of their information or data received directly, or indirectly, during the event to any third party, unless expressly approved by such attendee. Exhibitors should not share their leads with anyone outside of their company. Any solicitation of this information should be forwarded to the exhibitor‟s exhibit manager for further investigation. Logo Information Conference Logos: SAPPHIRE NOW and ASUG Annual Conference logos are available in eps, gif, and jpg formats by contacting Noelle Fischer, [email protected]. These logos may be used in promotional materials. A proof of how the logo will be used will be required to ensure the logo guidelines are followed. Web Banners: A choice of Web banners may be found in the Exhibitor Resources section of the Exhibitor Information Web Site. Contact Noelle Fischer [email protected] to have a banner customized with your booth number. Conference URL Links: We invite you to publish the SAPPHIRE NOW and ASUG Annual Conference URL in your materials, e-mails and on your Web site: Marketing Sponsorships To help maximize your investment and presence at the conference, a variety of marketing sponsorships will be available for purchase via the Exhibitor Console in January. For a complete listing of sponsorships and their descriptions, please review the Marketing Sponsorship document when available, Marketing sponsorships are only made available to current exhibitors. SAP-ASUG15 Exhibitor Resource Guide 8 3.27.2015 Meeting Rooms Show Floor Conference Rooms: Conference rooms are located on the show floor and available for purchase via the marketing sponsorship shopping cart in the Exhibitor Console. Find further details in the Show Floor Conference Room Information Sheet in the Exhibitor Manual. Meeting Space: As an exhibitor, you may also contact local hotels if interested in meeting space. Exhibit managers will provide the hotel listing and contact information upon request. Move-in and Move-out Move-in and move-out dates are listed below according to your package level. Exhibitors must be ‘show ready’ by 5:00 p.m. on Monday, May 4. Please refer to the Registration – Wristband section in this document for information regarding access to the show floor during move-in dates. Installation and dismantle Exhibitor Appointed Contractors will not have access to the show floor for move-out until one hour after the close of the show floor to allow for aisle carpet roll-up and truss dismantle. See the Freeman Quick Facts document in the Exhibitor Manual for additional details. Move-in Dates: April 30 - May 4 Sapphire and Onyx level exhibitors Move-in Dates: May 1 - May 4 Diamond level exhibitors Move-in Dates: May 2 - May 4 Emerald level exhibitors Move-in Dates: May 4 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Emerald Turnkey and Ruby Turnkey levels Move-in Dates: May 4 12:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Pod level Move-out May 7 – May 9 All levels Dates: Orlando For information on Orlando attractions, contact Amie Garrett, [email protected], at Hello! Florida,, or Visit Orlando, Payment Exhibit package payment is due on or before January 30. Payment is due upon receipt if you apply after this date. All payments must be received prior to on-site move-in. If payment and a signed agreement are received by January 30, you will participate in the priority point exhibit space selection process. See a complete explanation in the Exhibit Space Selection section of this document. Payment for marketing sponsorships is due on or before March 9. Payment is due upon receipt if you purchase sponsorships after this date. All payments must be received before sponsorship deliverables will be executed. Submission of all invoices to the proper internal department for processing is the responsibility of the primary logistics contact for the exhibiting company. A copy of the SAP W-9 form is available from the exhibit manager. Detailed payment information may be found on your invoice. If you need another copy, it may be found under My Documents in the Exhibitor Console. Payment for exhibit packages and marketing sponsorships will be accepted in the form of check, wire transfer, and credit card (Amex, Visa, MasterCard). If paying by wire transfer, you are responsible for the wire transfer fee. Credit card payments may be made at any time by submitting the authorization form included on the invoice. Exhibitors who do not have SAP Global Marketing listed in their vendor system may require the taxpayer ID#: 52-2290494. Press List / Press Releases SAP does not provide the press list prior to the event. If you wish to obtain a copy of the list of publications onsite, e-mail your exhibit manager on or after Wednesday, May 6. The list will not be available, or distributed, prior to that date and the list will not include individual names of press and analysts attending. Press Releases: You are responsible for promoting your company‟s SAP-related announcements and activities. However, SAP invites its partners to capitalize on the high visibility of this conference by issuing SAP-related SAP-ASUG15 Exhibitor Resource Guide 9 3.27.2015 press releases at the conference, but do require that all be approved by SAP in advance. Complete details may be found in the Exhibitor Press and Analyst Information form located in the Exhibitor Manual. Registration Everyone who attends the conference must register. An allotted number of badges are included with each exhibit package. SAP and ASUG shall have sole control over admission policies to the conference at all times. Through the Exhibitor Console, the primary logistics contact should send invitations to their staff to register, purchase additional badges for staff and customers, and track usage. Package-included badges do not expire and may be used for staff or to invite customers. The exhibitor logistics contact will identify and then invite each person to register. Exhibitor badges will have a „Partner‟ designation and the exhibiting company‟s name printed on the badge. Additional conference badges, above the allotted amount, may be purchased for staff or customers via the console at the discounted registration rate of $1,650. There is no deadline for purchase. Purchased badges for staff may be either prepaid before sending the invitation or sent with a balance due. Purchased Customer Badges o Registrations must be prepaid by exhibitors before invitations may be sent to customers. There is not a way for exhibitors to invite customers but then have the customer pay the exhibitor-discounted rate. o If, during the registration process, the customer selects any preconference sessions, they will be prompted to pay for those via a credit card at the time of registration. o If exhibitors would like to invite customers to the event, but have them pay their own way, customers should be directed to the conference Web site registration page to register at the prevailing rate. o Customer badges will have an „Attendee‟ designation and the customer‟s company name printed on the badge. Early admittance to the show floor is restricted to attendees with badges that have the „Partner‟ designation. „Exhibits Only‟ or „Booth Staff‟ badges are not offered. Single Day badges will be available after April 27 for $1,000 and are only available to employees of the exhibiting company, not to SAP employees, customers or prospects. Badges should be worn only by the person whose name is on the badge. Sharing of badges is not allowed and could result in security confiscating the badge for the remainder of the conference. All badge pick-ups require photo identification. Contact us at [email protected] with registration questions. Registration Restriction: Please do not extend package-included badges or purchased badges to SAP employees. SAP employees must be invited to participate and register via an internal process. SAP in its sole discretion on non-compliance with this policy, may cancel a registration associated with an SAP employee. Badges Include Access to Keynotes SAPPHIRE NOW sessions ASUG Annual Conference sessions Show floor Meals SAP concert Not included is access to ASUG Pre-Conference Educational Sessions, held Monday, May 4. SAP-ASUG15 Exhibitor Resource Guide 10 3.27.2015 Exhibit Package Badge Allotments Exhibit Package Badge Allotment Sapphire Onyx Diamond Emerald / Emerald Turnkey Ruby Turnkey Pod 65 50 20 10 5 3 Change, Cancellation, and Substitution Instructions To make a change to the spelling of the name, title, phone, or e-mail address of an existing reservation: Click on the corresponding Edit button for the record you would like to change. To make a substitution for someone who is registered with a package-included badge: Click on the corresponding Cancel button to delete the record. Refresh your console and add the new person. Cancelling a registration does not cancel a hotel reservation. See the Hotel section above for information. To make a substitution for someone who is registered with a purchased registration: Substitutions will be permitted only if you are substituting with someone from the same company. There is no fee for name-change substitutions, as long as payment information is not changed. A $150.00 administrative fee will apply to any substitutions requiring updates to payment information. Please complete the substitution form and e-mail it to [email protected] to request a substitution. Upon completion of the substitution form you will receive an e-mail instructing you to send the invitation to the new registrant. To make a substitution for someone who has been added or invited but has not registered: Click on the corresponding Cancel button to delete the record. To cancel a purchased registration: A $350 service charge applies to all registration cancellations submitted in writing and received on or before Friday, March 27, 2015 at 5:00 p.m. ET. A registrant must provide the registration confirmation number and submit a written cancellation request either via e-mail to [email protected] or faxed to 413.653.9014. SAP and ASUG will not accept a cancellation request over the telephone. SAP and ASUG will not issue refunds on cancellations received after Friday, March 27 at 5:00 p.m. ET. Conference no-shows are not eligible for a refund. Registration cancellations or substitutions will not automatically update the hotel reservation. See the Hotel section above for information. Wristbands Wristbands are for EACs (Exhibitor Appointed Contractors) who are hired by the exhibitor for services either before, during or after the event, this includes outside contractors hired for installation/dismantle, performers, photographers, audio visual companies, etc. and for exhibitor employees/staff under special circumstances. Wristbands are issued on a daily basis for that day only and may be rescinded if warranted. Exhibitor Appointed Contractors (EACs) Please complete the online EAC form and submit proof of insurance (to your exhibit manager) for each contracted company hired for the conference. Refer to Insurance Requirements in the Exhibitor Manual for coverage details. Only EACs who have the above credentials in place will be allowed to work in the building. It is your responsibility to notify your EACs where to pick up the wristbands and of applicable Exhibitor Program policies, rules and regulations, insurance requirements, etc. SAP-ASUG15 Exhibitor Resource Guide 11 3.27.2015 Approved EACs will be required to pick up wristbands daily to gain access to the show floor and/or the home-base conference room area. The Exhibitor On-Site Survival Guide will specify the pick-up location. Exhibitor Employees/Staff Wristbands are also required for exhibitor employees/staff who will assist or supervise set-up and will require access to the show floor before registration is open. Please forward these names to your exhibit manager prior to them arriving on-site. More detailed information will be provided in the Exhibitor On-Site Survival Guide which will be posted on the Exhibitor Information Web Site in mid-April. Rules and Regulations The Exhibitor Program Rules and Regulations document may be found in the Application section of the Exhibitor Information Web Site. In addition to the Rules and Regulations, all exhibitors are required to comply with the operational policies of the Orange County Convention Center and the Exhibitor Manual, both located in the Exhibitor Information Web Site. If a conflict exists with the Rules and Regulations, Exhibitor Manual, the OCCC Operational Policies, and any other term in the agreement, always follow the stricter rule or regulation. Exhibitors should not in any way distribute items or hold special activities that appear to be official SAP or ASUGsponsored items or events. In addition, no exhibitor activity should interfere with the attendee experience. Drones may not be flown at the OCCC. This includes any type of drone, at any time, anywhere on or off the show floor – including an exhibitor‟s booth. Shipping Information Freeman will accept crated, boxed or skidded materials beginning March 27 to the advance warehouse. Material arriving after April 23 will be received at the warehouse with an additional after deadline charge. Warehouse materials are accepted at the warehouse Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Shipping labels should be addressed as follows and are also available in the Exhibitor Manual: Advance Warehouse: Exhibiting Company Name / Booth # ________ SAPPHIRE NOW and ASUG Annual Conference C/O Freeman 10088 General Drive Orlando, FL 32824 Freeman will receive shipments sent directly to the Orange County Convention Center beginning April 30. Shipments arriving before this date may be refused by the facility. Shipping labels should be addressed as follows and are also available in the Exhibitor Manual: Show Site: Exhibiting Company Name / Booth # ________ SAPPHIRE NOW and ASUG Annual Conference C/O Freeman Orange County Convention Center 9400 Universal Blvd. Orlando, FL 32819 All items and materials that are brought into the facility may be subject to material handling charges from Freeman and are the responsibility of the exhibitor. This also applies to items not ordered through the official show vendors. Show Floor Schedule Although subject to change, the show floor is scheduled to be open Tuesday through Thursday, May 5-7. A detailed exhibitor conference schedule will be published in the Exhibitor Manual. Exhibitors are encouraged to be „show-ready‟ at least 30 minutes prior to the show floor opening each day. SAP-ASUG15 Exhibitor Resource Guide 12 3.27.2015 Social Media We encourage you to use social media as a way to promote your presence at SAPPHIRE NOW and ASUG Annual conference. We actively use social media to engage customers and prospects and promote the value of the conference. You can benefit by “piggy-backing” on our social media content and promotion while creating your own interactions. SAPPHIRE NOW Channels Twitter - o SAPPHIRE NOW handle is: @SAPPHIRENOW o Hashtag: #SAPPHIRENOW Facebook - LinkedIn - SAPPHIRE NOW Showcase Page YouTube - ASUG Channels Twitter -, o ASUG handle is: @ASUG365 o Hashtag: #ASUG2015 Facebook - LinkedIn - YouTube - Strategy, Positioning and Special Activities All exhibitors must complete this online form regarding their presence and messaging at this conference by March 9. This form is for internal SAP and ASUG use only and should include any planned events, regardless of date or size. The form is located in the task list via the Exhibitor Console. Please update the form (using the same process) if any information changes, or if there is new information to add. SAP and ASUG reserve the right to cancel any Exhibitor Agreement that does not follow these regulations. Transportation Hello! Florida | Mears Transportation is the official transportation vendor for SAPPHIRE NOW and ASUG Annual Conference. Due to space limitations, other transportation vendors will not be given access/allowed to pick up or drop off attendees at the Orange County Convention Center or the concert venue. If you are planning scheduled transportation to or from the convention center or the concert venue, you must use Hello! Florida | Mears Transportation. Exhibitor Arranged Transportation: Contact Amie Garrett, CMP at [email protected] 407.488.0633 to make transportation arrangements. or Conference Transportation: Complimentary shuttle service will be available between the Orange County Convention Center and all official conference hotels. Evening Event Shuttle: SAP Concert – refer to the On-site Guide for information regarding complimentary shuttle service to the concert venue. Complimentary shuttle service will also be available to all conference hotels after the concert. Videography Shooting Videos You are permitted to shoot video in your booth and/or meeting room, but are not allowed to video outside your own space, i.e., on the show floor or other public spaces. If the video crew is not registered for the event, please complete the Exhibitor Appointed Contractor (EAC) form and provide the required insurance. Refer to the Registration section for details. SAP-ASUG15 Exhibitor Resource Guide 13 3.27.2015 Web Site Links to Bookmark The links below will be commonly referred to during the planning of the Exhibitor Program and therefore may be useful to bookmark as favorites: Exhibitor Information Web Site: Direct links to information found within the Exhibitor Information Web Site: Exhibitor Console: o Task list, registration, purchase marketing sponsorships, print invoices and agreements. o The primary logistics contact‟s e-mail address and the Exhibitor ID will be required for access. Exhibitor Manual: Exhibitor Resource Guide, partner branding policies, and o The guide will be updated as new information becomes available. Orange County Convention Center: logos: We invite you to publish the SAPPHIRE NOW and ASUG Annual Conference URL in your materials, e-mails and on your Web site: SAPPHIRE NOW and ASUG Annual Conference: SAP-ASUG15 Exhibitor Resource Guide 14 3.27.2015
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