TOM KOUTSANTONIS Treasurer Tom Koutsantonis fronts the SA Press Club, after delivering the 2015-16 State Budget. How will his budget help South Australians, boost business and create jobs, at a time of economic uncertainty? MONDAY, JUNE 22 HOTEL GRAND CHANCELLOR ON HINDLEY 65 HINDLEY ST 12 NOON Guest Host: David Penberthy Bookings at must be received by Thursday June 18, 2015. Tickets $88 ($77 for working journalists) and cost includes pre-luncheon drinks, a superb two course meal and all wine, beer and soft drinks. The South Australian Press Club Inc. meets to entertain, inform and generate news stories. The committee comprises the news directors and editors of the major media outlets. CORPORATE SPONSORS: TELSTRA | HOTEL GRAND CHANCELLOR ADELAIDE ON HINDLEY CORPORATE SUPPORTERS: HWL EBSWORTH LAWYERS | JEFF TIMS MANUFACTURING JEWELLER BRAND SOUTH AUSTRALIA | PERNOD RICARD AUSTRALIA LION BREWERY CANCELLATION POLICY: Cancellations can be accepted up to 2 working days before the luncheon. WWW.SAPRESSCLUB.COM.AU
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