Owner Name/s: ___________________________________ Owner ID: ______________ Tenant’s Name (if property farmed by tenant): ______________________________________ Farming Income & Expenses Statement Actual Revenue 2013 SALES Livestock Projected 2014 Projected 2015 Projected 2016 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ (from “Livestock Production Plans”) Crops / Vegetables (from “Crop Production Plans”) Trees (ornamentals, Christmas, etc.) Other farming income (specify): TOTAL CASH REVENUE Actual Expenses 2013 EXPENSES Projected 2014 Projected 2015 Projected 2016 Livestock Purchased Feed, Supplements Vet, Breeding Fees Seeds, Plants Fertilizers, Lime, etc. Planting, Pruning, etc. Pesticides Clearing, Levelling, Draining Land Building, Fence Repairs Gasoline, Diesel Fuel & Oil Other (please specify): $ $ $ $ TOTAL EXPENSES $ $ $ $ If year-end not Dec. 31, please advise For Office Use Only GFIE Decision Reviewed By: Please include a cover letter or supporting info about your farming business. For new farmers: www.ontario.ca/newfarmer email: [email protected] Page 1 of 4 Owner Name/s: ____________________________ Owner ID: ____________________ Tenant’s Name (if property farmed by tenant): ______________________________________ Livestock Production Plans Actual Sales as of Dec. 31, 2013 Livestock/ Commodity Produced (cattle, sheep, milk, eggs, etc.) # of animals/ units Projected Production 2014 Total Sales Opening Inventory Jan. 1/14 (# of animals/ units) # of animals to be born/ units to be produced # of animals to be purchased # of deaths # for home use # of animals/ units to be sold $ Value per animal/ unit sold Total Sales Ending Inventory Dec. 31/14 (# of animals/ units) $ $ Projected Production 2015 Livestock/Commodity Produced Opening Inventory Jan. 1/15 # of animals to be born/ units to be produced # of animals to be purchased # of deaths # for home use # of animals/ units to be sold Value per animal/unit sold Total Sales Ending Inventory Dec. 31/15 (# of animals/ units) $ $ Projected Production 2016 Livestock/Commodity Produced Opening Inventory Jan. 1/16 # of animals to be born/ units to be produced # of animals to be purchased # of deaths # for home use # of animals/ units to be sold Value per animal/unit sold Total Sales Ending Inventory Dec. 31/16 (# of animals/ units) $ $ Please include a cover letter or supporting info about your farming business. For new farmers: www.ontario.ca/newfarmer email: [email protected] Page 2 of 4 Owner Name/s: ____________________________ Owner ID: ____________________ Tenant’s Name (if property farmed by tenant): ______________________________________ Crop Production Plans Actual Production as of December 31, 2013 Crop/vegetable/fruit 1 for sale Acres2 Projected Production 2014 Total Sale Acres 2 Yield per acre3 Projected Production 2015 Value per unit $ Total Sale $ Acres 2 Yield per acre3 Value per unit Total Sale $ For farm use (e.g. feed) Projected Production 2016 Crop/vegetable/fruit 1 for sale Acres2 Yield per acre3 Value per unit Total Sale $ For farm use (e.g. feed) 1 2 3 Please enter type of crop Please enter # of acres or area to be planted (e.g. acres for field crops, square ft for greenhouses) Enter projected yield per acre or per area Please include a cover letter or supporting info about your farming business. For new farmers: www.ontario.ca/newfarmer email: [email protected] Page 3 of 4 Ministry of Agriculture and Food Ministry of Rural Affairs Ministère de l’Agriculture et de l’Alimentation Ministère des Affaires rurales 4th Floor 1 Stone Road West Guelph, Ontario N1G 4Y2 Tel: 519 826-4047 Toll free: 877 424-1300 Fax: 519 826-3170 4e étage 1 Stone Road West Guelph (Ontario) N1G 4Y2 Tél. : 519 826-4047 Sans frais: 877 424-1300 Téléc. : 519 826-3170 RURAL PROGRAMS BRANCH, FINANCE UNIT OWNER NAME(S): OWNER ID #: __________________________ __________________________ TENANT FARMER: (if property farmed by tenant) ______________________________________________ TREE QUESTIONNAIRE 1. What is the nature of your tree farm: Christmas trees, ornamental trees, fruit trees, etc. ________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. When did you start planting trees? _________ No. of trees currently planted ______ Total acreage in use _________ 3. What type of trees and how many of each type of trees will be planted in 2014 # and type of trees 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 2015 acres # and type of trees acres 2016 # and type of trees acres 2017 # and type of trees acres 2018 # and type of trees acres 2019 # and type of trees acres Do you have a weed control management practice? _____ Please explain. _________________________________ For risk management, do you have a fireguard barrier? ________________________________________________ Will you be shearing and pruning the trees? If so, how often and when will you start? _______________________ Do you have a business plan (crop production, marketing, harvesting) in place? ____________________________ Please explain. _______________________________________________________________________________ What do you do to avoid damages from Wildlife? _____________________________________________________ Has the soil been tested for type of trees selected? ___________________________________________________ When will you harvest the first planted trees? _______________________________________________________ Are you a member of the Christmas Tree Farmers of Ontario (CTFO)? ___________________________________ Will you be replacing trees that will be harvested? ____________________________________________________ How many trees will be sold on a yearly basis? ______________________________________________________ What is the current price per tree? ________________________________________________________________ How many pounds/kilos of each of fruit will you be selling? Apples ________ Pears ______ Others __________ What is the current price per pound/kilo for each fruit/nut? ______________ ______________ _______________ If you have workable land not planted in trees, how is land used? ________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ If trees planted for lumber purposes, please contact Ontario Woodlot Association at 1-888-791-1103 or Ontario Forestry Association at 1-800-387-0790 to inquire about Managed Forest Tax Incentive Program. Please include a cover letter or supporting info about your farming business. For new farmers: www.ontario.ca/newfarmer Page 4 of 4
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