Submission Guidelines for SAVE THE FROGS! Magazine SAVE THE FROGS! Magazine is the #1 source of amphibian conservation information in print and is the official magazine of SAVE THE FROGS!. Published quarterly, the magazine contains amazing frog photos, articles on current amphibian conservation issues, scientific updates, frog art and poetry, reports from SAVE THE FROGS! volunteers, and lots of ways for teachers, students, scientists and frog lovers to get involved in worldwide amphibian conservation efforts. Learn more about SAVE THE FROGS! Magazine at: HOW TO SUBMIT AN ARTICLE OR IMAGE After reading through these guidelines, please send your finest contribution to: [email protected] WHO CAN SUBMIT CONTENT TO SAVE THE FROGS! MAGAZINE? Anyone is eligible to submit articles or images for publication in SAVE THE FROGS! Magazine, regardless of age, ethnicity or geographical location. Due to the high standards and limited pages of our publication, we are unable to publish all submissions. LENGTH OF SUBMITTED CONTENT Your articles can be anywhere from 50 to 250 words. If you have written for us before, you may be invited to write a longer piece. IMAGE GUIDELINES If you want an image published in SAVE THE FROGS! Magazine, please email the high resolution version and any accompanying text (caption, description, relevant story) to: [email protected] TYPES OF CONTENT WE SEEK These are the types of articles featured in SAVE THE FROGS! Magazine. Look these over to get an idea of the type of content we publish. We strongly encourage you to send in relevant photos with your articles. Conservation Stories: Did you or someone you know do something significant to assist amphibians? Tell us about it! Stories From The Field: Do you spend time in the field with amphibians? Tell us about an interesting experience. For example, where is your favorite place to find amphibians? What did you find? How To Help Amphibians: Focus on one threat to an amphibian and specific ways people can help. Scientific Info: Do you have cool frog facts or any other interesting info to share, written in a way that the public can understand and enjoy? If so, please send it in. Interviews: If you know someone who is doing great work for the environment, you can interview them and share their best answers with us. Research discovery: New discovery that could inform amphibian conservation? Please write an article summarizing and citing peer-reviewed studies and emphasize what it means for the future of amphibian conservation. Fundraiser Spotlight: If you think you or someone you know should be recognized for the money they have raised for the frogs, nominate them by briefly summarizing their accomplishment. The goal is to recognize their achievement and inspire others to follow in their footsteps. Call To Action: Are there amphibians in your region under threat? Perhaps you know of an opportunity for the public to submit comments related to a potential project that may harm amphibians. Tell us about it and enlist the support of fellow SAVE THE FROGS! supporters. Legislative Updates: Do you know of a new law enacted that brings hope or threat to amphibians? Give us the scoop! Photos: Send an amazing photo of an amphibian or a photo of people in action saving frogs. You can also send a series of photos with a common theme. You should include a brief caption, or an article about your image(s). For instance, what is the species, where was it found? Any interesting facts we should include? COMPENSATION Contributors publish on a volunteer basis and will not receive monetary compensation. By contributing to SAVE THE FROGS! Magazine, you support our mission to protect amphibian populations and to promote a society that respects and appreciates nature and wildlife; you also receive editorial guidance, review, and international exposure for your work. EDITING PROCESS It is routine that we request a revision of your first draft and/or that we edit your submission. SAVE THE FROGS! reserves the right to edit your submission as we deem necessary to maintain the publication’s integrity and conform to the high standards of SAVE THE FROGS! Magazine readers. We encourage you to be available for editing and questions posed by the editor and to respond quickly if we request edits or other information. PUBLICATION RIGHTS By submitting images or text to be used in the magazine, you give SAVE THE FROGS! the right to publish your article and any supporting material (e.g. images) on the web or in print. You maintain the right to use your writing or images wherever and however you like. QUESTIONS? Email us at: [email protected]
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