April 2015 Saxony Lutheran High School Rejoice in the Lord Always and in All Ways “Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice.” Philippians 4:4 SAXONY CRUSADERS Principal’s Message “The angel said to the women, ‘Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay.’” Matthew 28: 5-6 “He has risen!” What beautiful words giving Christians the comfort of knowing Jesus suffered, died, and was resurrected so we have the promise of eternal life. That is why we rejoice in the Lord always! Saxony Lutheran High School exists to center students on Christ and God’s Word, to strive for excellence in all phases of education and to prepare students for a life of Christian discipleship using God’s Word as their guide. Saxony Lutheran High School 2004 Saxony Dr. Jackson, MO 63755 Phone 573-204-7555 Fax 573-204-7445 saxonylutheranhigh.org We rejoice in the Lord at Saxony as we have begun the enrollment process for the 2015-2016 school year. We have already enrolled 52 new students and we expect that number to grow. We are projecting an overall enrollment of 220 for next school year. Dates to Remember 4/3-4/6 Easter Break 4/10 Midterm 4/10-4/13 Choir Tour 4/14 Jr./Sr. Conference 4/17-4/18 Saxony Showdown 4/25 Prom 4/28 ACT 4/28 Soccer Taco Night 4:30 p.m.7:30 p.m. If you are interested or know of any students who are interested in attending Saxony Lutheran High School, please contact me. We continue to prepare for the 1:1 initiative in which every student will have an electronic tablet for the 2015-2016 school year. We are very happy to announce that Tali Beaudean has been hired to serve as our Educational Technology Director. She will be in charge of the awesome task of leading us in the 1:1 transition. We have many activities in April. Please check our calendar on page 10 for the list of activities. Inside this issue: School News 2 Development News 3 Please continue to pray for Saxony Lutheran High School as we pursue our mission of “Sharing Christ and Shaping Lives.” Counselor’s Update 4-8 Honor Roll 9 In His Service, Activities Calendar 10 Mark Ruark Lunch Menu 11 Page 2 SLHS April 2015 School News Prom Prom will be held on Sat., Apr. 25 at the Drury Lodge in Cape Girardeau. Tickets will be sold during lunch Apr. 1-9. The cost of tickets is $40.00. The ticket includes a meal. Doors will open at 6:30 p.m. and dinner will be served at 7:00 p.m. The dance will be held from 8:00 p.m. -11:00 p.m., with the coronation at 9:00 p.m. The public is welcome to attend the coronation. Students bringing a guest must have a permission slip. Students should see Ms. Hayden for a permission slip. Junior Parents: Your help is needed with prom with set-up and clean-up. We will begin setting up at 9:00 a.m. on Saturday and clean-up will occur immediately after the end of the dance at 11:00 p.m. We will also need help transporting supplies back to Saxony after the dance has ended. Please email Ms. Hayden or contact the office if you can help. Music News Congratulations to these students for earning a 1 at the District Music Festival: Annie Hurst (piano), Reed Thomas (voice), Joshua Varnon (alto saxophone), and Joshua Vogel (piano and mallet solos). They will be auditioning at State on Sat., May 2. The Music Tour is heading to Kansas City/Seward on Apr. 10 - 13. Parents are encouraged to follow us for concerts throughout the weekend. See PlusPortals for details. Mark your calendar for the Spring Concert on Wed., May 6. Booster Club Attention all eligible seniors! For the first time, we are offering a $1,000.00 college scholarship to one male applicant and one female applicant. Please see Ms. Fuchs for the application and eligibility requirements. Deadline for submitting this application is Apr. 15. Thank you to all who support Booster Club and make it possible for us to offer these scholarships. Booster club will host a Clean Up Day at 12:00 p.m. on Sun., May 3. We do this each year to get the grounds looking nice for graduation. Please mark your calendar to lend a helping hand. Students are always welcome! Soccer Fundraiser The soccer team will hold a benefit Taco & Taco Salad Supper on Tues, Apr. 28 from 4:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. in the Commons. Tickets are $5 in advance from any soccer player or the school office, or $6 at the door. Tickets include sides, dessert, and drinks. All are welcome! Congratulations! Congratulations to Abigail Bergman on being selected to participate in the BA All-Star Extravaganza on April 11 as one of the top senior volleyball players in the Southeast Region. Page 3 SLHS April 2015 Development With the amount of snow we have had, our Winter Wonderland theme on February 28 was quite appropriate for the most successful dinner auction Saxony Lutheran High School has held to date! Because so many of you gave generously of your time, talents and treasures, our dinner auction made $77,000 in profits, which includes $36,000 that was raised to purchase tablets for our 1:1 initiative for the 2015-2016 school year! The following are some highlights of the evening: ◦ ◦ 360 tickets sold! Over 75 unpaid servants, including Saxony’s staff and many student volunteers, helped make this a GREAT event! ◦ Small Group Baskets generated $6,350 in the oral auction donations! This was $625 more than last year. The Birk and Hayden groups brought in almost 35% of the total dollars, and this does not count other significant dollars made from donations their groups brought in for the oral and silent auctions. Way to go! ◦ Ninety tablets will be purchased at $400 each with the $36,000 raised for the Fund a Project. Donations continue to come in for the 1:1 initiative. If you wish to give to this, just designate your gift to Fund a Project. All gifts, regardless of the amount, are important. ◦ Please consider patronizing our businesses that donated items or in-kind services. We are blessed to have such strong community support. While it takes many people to pull off an event such as this, and every contribution of time is so very important, I would like to recognize the following individuals who served on committees or had a significant role in the dinner auction. I apologize in advance for anyone that I may have forgotten. Aaron Wunderlich David Hunt Kerry Steffens Sarah Geringer Amelia Mansfield Donna Rubach Larry Cleair Sherri Palmer Amy Birk Frank Zieba Laura Hayden Steve Aufdenberg Andrew Fluegge Gina Wunderlich Lori Zieba Tali Beaudean Brenda Etzold Jennifer Schneider Lydia Mockler Tammy Abbott Chase Steffens Jonathon Bremer Mark Vogel Terri Koenig Chris Wybert Judi Fuchs Matt Simpson Toni Moll Christine Umfleet Julie Palmer Maxine Theiss Tonya Wybert Christy Dowdy Kelly Hartmann Monica Fluegge Tim Mirly Dana Steffens Ken Fluegge Rebecca Hurst Troy Emmons Wanda Aufdenberg Blessings, Rhonda Wessel Director of Development Brick Sales Honor or remember someone special with the purchase of an engraved brick to add to the walk in front of our outdoor concession stand. The bricks make great graduation gifts. 4 x 8 size: $100 (Maximum 3 lines; 20 characters per line, including punctuation and spaces) 8 x 8 size: $200 (Maximum 6 lines; 20 characters per line, including punctuation and spaces) Orders need to be placed by calling the office at 204-7555 or contact Rhonda Wessel at [email protected]. Page 4 SLHS April 2015 Counselor’s Update UPCOMING ACT DATES Jun. 13 Register by May 8 Go to actstudent.org for more information and to register. Are you getting regular email updates from me? I frequently send information about coming events, scholarship awards, and academics through PlusPortals to both students and parents. If you haven’t been receiving these, please check your spam filter, and make sure your email address on PlusPortals is accurate. You can contact Mrs. Beaudean if you still have difficulty. The included list of scholarships and summer programs is an example of what I share through email. Review these carefully—this edition, for example, includes information on a number of summer programs for all Saxony students. Summer is a great time to improve skills or explore new areas; take advantage of these opportunities! Mark your calendars for the annual Awards Assembly, held this year on THURS., MAY 7. The Awards Assembly begins approximately 8:45 a.m. and lasts about 90 minutes. If your student will be receiving an award, you will be notified. Anyone is welcome to attend. Junior parents: It’s time to begin planning the SENIOR BREAKFAST, held before the Awards Assembly. If you are willing to coordinate this fun event, please let me know. Juniors and seniors will be going to Perryville on Tues., Apr. 14, for the Junior/Senior Conference held at the Perry Park Center. This program is a timely reminder that we all need to make good choices while driving—every trip, every day. We will travel to Perryville by school bus and return to Saxony by the end of the school day; students may be picked up in Perryville at 2:00 p.m. Student permission slips are due by Thurs., Apr. 9. Thanks to seniors Kristen Gruenwald, Abby Hadler, and Emma Mueller for serving on the organizing committee for this event. Third quarter report cards were emailed (to those who requested them) during March. Watch for regular grade updates from teachers. As we proceed through the final weeks of the school year, and with warmer weather here, students may find it difficult to focus attention on school work. Please encourage your student not to fall behind during this important time of the year! If necessary, speak to teachers about getting help right away — don’t let things get out of hand before seeking assistance! Registration for new students is going very well, and we are excited about the quality of our new freshman class. If you know of any student entering grades 9-12 who would benefit from a Saxony education, please have them contact me, or send me their information. Freshmen, sophomores, and juniors have completed the course selection process for next year. Watch for confirmation emails of your student’s selections. Some dual credit courses will include book fees (approximately $25) as well as dual credit fees. The book fees may be assessed even if the student does not enroll in dual credit. Courses involved may include Psychology, Rhetoric, Sociology, and Advanced Biology. Please contact me if you have concerns about this. We will once again take enrollment for dual credit before the school year is finished. Payments for dual credit are due in August; however, to reserve our spaces in the program, your will need to register for those courses in May. More information coming soon! Seniors, please keep me updated as you make your plans for next year. I especially would like to know about your scholarship awards so that we can recognize you at Awards Day and at Graduation. Page 5 SLHS April 2015 Counselor’s Update WHAT ELSE CAN I DO THIS SUMMER? The summer is a great time to have fun and relax, and you should definitely do that. Here are a few ideas for how to use the rest of your summer vacation time to work on your long-term goals. Job Shadow—Observe someone at work. Would this be a career for you? Volunteer—Get ahead on your service hours while exploring areas of interest. Consider hospitals, nursing homes, summer childcare programs, helping schools get ready for next year, etc. ACT Practice—I especially like the free website number2.com . After you take a diagnostic test, you’ll just practice the kinds of questions you don’t do well on. Imagine the impact as little as an hour of practice a day can make by the end of the summer. Read, Read, Read—One great way to improve your ACT scores in English, Reading, and Writing is reading good writing. The more you practice, the better you’ll score. See your LA teacher for ideas. Get a Job—Many students work over the summer. Help yourself out by saving as much as you can now so you won’t have to work as much while you are in college later. ONLINE SUMMER CLASSES Some students have asked about taking online classes this summer to meet various graduation requirements. While we believe every course offered at Saxony is high-quality, we also understand that there are valid reasons to take courses away from the Saxony campus. Courses that may be taken at this time are Physical Education, Health, and Personal Finance. We will accept course work completed through two online providers, or from local high school summer school programs. Courses taken from other providers (with the exception of most dual credit offered through Southeast Missouri State University), do earn Saxony credit, but are not included in the Saxony GPA calculations. Students are expected to uphold the highest standards of integrity while taking these courses. Families are entirely responsible for the costs of these courses, including textbooks. The Saxony contact for such courses is the School Counselor. For both online programs, students work at their own pace to complete assignments by a certain deadline. It is recommended that students who wish to complete a course over the summer sign up and get started now. The two online providers we work with are Mizzou and Genesis Academy. You are encouraged to choose the program that best fits your needs. Sign-up directly with the online provider; they will contact Saxony for approval. If you wish to enroll in summer school at a local high school, please contact those schools now for their enrollment information. Mizzou: http://mizzouk12online.missouri.edu/?page_id=23 Choose from Health, Personalized Fitness, or Personal Finance. Note that Missouri residents receive a tuition discount. Genesis Academy: http://www.genesisva.org/ This is sponsored by a Lutheran High School, and Christian principles are integral to each course. Choose from High School Health or Physical Education. Personal Finance may be added later. Page 6 SLHS April 2015 Counselor’s Update THINGS TO KNOW—SENIORS Keep track of your scholarship dollars – I’ll be asking for that information soon! Important dates: May 7 – Senior Breakfast, Awards Assembly, and Graduation Picture May 11 – Graduation Practice May 17 – Graduation! Any time you request a transcript for any reason you need to use our Transcript Request Form. Programs – Everyone Name AmeriCorps / FEMA Corps Stanford Univ. Summer Programs Washington University Summer Programs Healthcare Professionals Camp Mizzou PreCollege Summer Programs Leadership in Practice Deadline Apr 1 Where to Go Facebook.com/AmeriCorpsNCCC Various https://spcs.stanford.edu/ Various https://summerexperiences.wustl.edu/ A variety of programs for students with different interests TBA http://www.sehealth.org/for-nurses/ SoutheastHealth.aspx?nd=473 Sponsored by Southeast Health Various https://musis1.missouri.edu/precollege/ summer_program.cfm Apr 1 http://www.mochamber.com/mx/ hm.asp?id=LeadershipinPractice Programs in engineering, healthcare, the arts, and other areas Current freshman; Summer Advanced Leadership Academy (four days) For boys considering the pastoral ministry, a two-week program at Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, IN For any high school student considering any church-work career, including pastor, teacher, DCE, etc. One week at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis Be a lifeguard for Cape Parks & Rec! Juniors - Win a trip to Washington DC to meet with Congressmen – must be CEC customer Sophomores – a three-day summer program in Jefferson City – participate in a house debate – must be CEC customer Christ Academy Vocatio Lifeguard Training Citizen’s Electric Youth Tour Citizen’s Electric Cycle Tour http://admission.ctsfw.edu/?dest=cahs Jun 1 http://www.csl.edu/wp-content/ uploads/2010/05/ vocatiobrochure2015.pdf See the Counseling bulletin board Apr 13 http://www.cecmo.com/Files/ YouthTourAppRules2015.pdf Apr 13 Same as above application – don’t be distracted by the Washington DC information – it’s really the right application! Notes A way to serve while earning money for college All grades Page 7 SLHS April 2015 Counselor’s Update Cape Girardeau Conservation Center Youth Volunteer Program SEMO Summer Programs ACT Prep Classes Through April See Ms. Fuchs Great for service hours, FFA projects, and anyone interested in conservation and nature Various http://www.semo.edu/camps/ Jun 2-11 http://www.semo.edu/continuinged/actprep.html Programs include music, athletics, acting, and robotics, just for a start Boost your score! Scholarships – Everyone Name Abbott & Fenner Scholarship Deadline Jun 15 Where to Go Notes http:// www.abbottandfenner.com/ scholarships.htm Juniors and seniors Scholarships – Seniors IMPORTANT NOTE – Scholarship deadlines are often “received by” deadlines (received by the scholarship agency, not by Saxony), not postmark deadlines. If I need to complete parts of the scholarship form, please allow several days for this. If the scholarship asks me to provide a recommendation on the application form, I will mail the application after I write the recommendation. Please complete the form before you give it to me, and plan ahead so that you don’t miss deadlines. Name Deadline Where to Go Notes Missouri Farm Bureau Scholarships Ryan A. Behrle Memorial Scholarship Chapter BI, PEO Scholarship American Legion Scholarship Program Church Worker Study Grant Various Various awards with different criteria Mar 31 http://www.mofb.org/ PromotionEducation/ Scholarships.aspx Application from Ms. Fuchs Apr 15 Application from Ms. Fuchs Any female senior with a 3.5 GPA Apr 1 Students with family members who have served in the military HiTech Communications Scholarship Apr 15 http:// www.missourilegion.org/ molegion_019.htm http://www.missourilwml.org/ uploads/3/2/3/7/3237292/20152016_cwsg_application.pdf Application from Ms. Fuchs Apr 1 Any senior from Perry County Students planning a Lutheran church or school career Students preparing for a technology–related career at a 2 or 4 year college, tech or trade school Page 8 SLHS April 2015 Counselor’s Update College Sports Scholarship Jul 1 Citizen’s Electric Electrical Trades Scholarship AmVets Ratliff Scholarship AmVets Department Scholarship Cape County Rotary Scholarship All School Booster Club Scholarship Alvert Hemman Scholarship Jacob Weber Scholarship Gary Scholl Scholarship Apr 13 Apr 1 http:// www.collegesportsscholarship s.com/scholarship.htm http://www.cecmo.com/ Files/ ElectricalScholarshipApplication2015.pdf Application from Ms. Fuchs An essay about leadership – not just for athletes Apr 1 Application from Ms. Fuchs May 9 Application from Ms. Fuchs Senior with 3.00 GPA or above, resident of Cape County Apr 15 Application from Ms. Fuchs Senior with 3.5 GPA or higher, at least 2 Saxony activities May 1 Application from Ms. Fuchs Resident of Perry County May 1 Application from Ms. Fuchs May 1 Application from Ms. Fuchs Senior who will enroll in trade or vocational school CTLS Graduate A CEC customer who is study some electrical field, including electrical engineering Senior with GPA between 2.0 and 2.9 with financial need Senior with 3.00 or above GPA Links Name Scholarship Experts Fastweb Where to Go https://www.scholarshipexperts.com/scholarships/ourscholarships/education-matters-scholarship http://edu.fastweb.com/v/o_registration/flow/step1 Scholarships.com https://www.scholarships.com/ Pinterest http://www.pinterest.com/saxonycounselor/ Notes Links to many unique scholarships The original and one of the most extensive scholarship search services Another great scholarship search tool Links about college, scholarships, careers and other things I like Page 9 SLHS April 2015 Saxony Lutheran High School Third Quarter Honor Roll 2014-2015 Honor Roll With High Distinction—GPA 4.00 Freshmen Sophomores Juniors Seniors Emily Cates Andrew Aufdenberg Rachael Koehler Gavin Brown Jacob Aufdenberg Emma Mueller Emma Robison Hannah Aufdenberg Jonathan Mueller Tess Daniel Abigail Breite Natalie Schlimpert Jade Samanta Nathan Aufdenberg Jacob Stueve Elizabeth Kiefner Lauren Buerck Abbigail Sinn Ireland Smith Emily Buerck Emily Weber Grace Mirly Grace Hanebrink Chase Steffens Sofia Voss Ben Daniel Andrew Zieba James Waltz Nicholas Henry Joshua Vogel Emily Killen Honor Roll With Distinction—GPA 3.75-3.99 Freshmen Sophomores Juniors Seniors Nicolette Baker Megan Schmitz Tessa Allee Brock Murphy Austin Bock Nathan Hurst Kaleb Barr Nate Hartmann Isabelle Singh Ian Cameron Anna Palmer Madison Brune Logan Meyr Gray Hallman Londyn Lorenz Allie Sprink Rachel Ekstam Katie Richmond Alaina Childers Tayla Meyr Luke LeGrand Laurel Mueller Rachel Wichern Emily Hallman Joshua Varnon August Connell Brianna Mueller Nathan Lichtenegger Nathan Ruark Jalen Williams Annie Hurst Corie Williams Joseph Dordoni Claire Petzoldt Ryan Palmer Hayden Moll Hunter Yates Logan Franke Kyndall Volkerding Clara Vivrett Taylor Fritsche Sarah Wichern Ali Galemmo Raegan Wieser Isaac Scheper Jordan Hecht Honor Roll —GPA 3.50-3.74 Freshmen Sophomores Juniors Seniors Addison Beussink Masyn McWilliams Tyler Amos Lucas Ruessler Sloane Johnson Amber Bergman Callie Brown Laura Mueller Eli Bohnert Karsten Short Wade Petzoldt Kristen Gruenwald Nolan Brown Matthew Parrish Abigail Emmons Tyler Swanks Sarah Stevens Abby Hadler Jonathon Drury Ralph Street Noah Franke Wyatt Willis Logan Welker Nichole Mobley Ashley Fritsche Wil Walker Alexis Goodson Jake Wyatt Analinda Hyatt Miranda Wyatt William Rogers Anthony Kobak Jordan Wybert Abigail Roscovius Sierra Windeknecht April 2015 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday 1 Thursday 2 Golf @ Kimbeland 4 p.m. Friday 3 Saturday 4 Easter Break No School BB vs. Bloomfield 4:30 p.m. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Easter Easter Break No School Golf @ Farmington Trn. BBjv@ Kelly DH 4 p.m. BB @ Meridian 4:30 p.m. Oak Ridge Trn. GSC vs. Sikeston 4:30 p.m. BB vs. Delta 4:30 p.m. Biology Field Trip Track @ Malden 4 p.m. GSC vs. St. Pius 4:30 p.m. Midterm Oak Ridge Trn. Choir Tour Golf @ CCC 3:30 p.m. GSC @ Massac County 4:30 p.m. Oak Ridge Trn. Choir Tour Track @ Jackson 10 a.m. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Choir Tour Choir Tour BB vs. Leopold 4:30 p.m. GSC vs. Kelly 4:30 p.m. BBjv @ Delta 4:30 p.m. Jr/Sr Conf. 11 a.m. Track @ Chaffee 4 p.m. BBjv vs. Scott City DH 4 p.m. GSC vs. Poplar Bluff 4:30 p.m. Golf @ Ste. Genevieve GSC @ Notre Dame 5 p.m. Track @ Kelly 4 p.m. BB @ North Pemiscot 4:30 p.m. Saxony Showdown GSC @ Spartan Invitational Jr. High Dance Saxony Showdown ACT GSC @ Spartan Invitational 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Golf @ CCC 4 p.m. Rotary Club Banquet 6:30 p.m. Math Day Track @ Perryville 4 p.m. BB @ Oran 4:30 p.m. GSC @ Fredericktown 5 p.m. BB vs. Kelly 4 p.m. BB @ Charleston 6 p.m. GSC @ Sikeston 6 p.m. BB @ Egyptian 4:30 p.m. Choir @ St. Paul Track @ Cape Central Prom @ Drury Lodge 27 28 29 30 Golf @ Sikeston Conf. 10 a.m. BBjv @ Valle DH 4 p.m. ACT Track @ Notre Dame 4 p.m. BB vs. Bell City 4 p.m. GSC vs. Notre Dame 4 p.m. Soccer Taco Night 4:30 p.m.-7:30 p.m. BB @ Chaffee 4:30 p.m. BBjv vs. Perryville DH 4 p.m. Track @ Chaffee 4 p.m. GSC vs. Perryville 5 p.m. 26 Codes: GSC—Girls Soccer BB—Boys Baseball Saxony Café Lunch Menu April 2015 Sunday Monday Tuesday Drink choices include water, milk, and juice Choice of entrée salad available daily Grab-n-go breakfast items served 7:15 a.m. to 7:45 a.m. Wednesday Thursday Friday 1 2 3 Biscuits & Gravy Sausage Patty Hash Brown Fruit Yogurt Meatball Sub Chips Side Salad or Corn Fruit Dessert No School Saturday 4 Optional: Buffalo Wild Wings 5 12 6 7 8 9 10 No School Hot Dog on Bun Chips Baked Beans or Corn Fruit Optional: Chick-Fil-A Cheeseburger Fries Corn or Peas Fruit Chicken Nuggets Mashed Potatoes Green Beans or Side Salad Fruit Pepperoni Pizza Chips Fresh Veggies or Corn Fruit 13 14 15 16 17 Chicken & Dumplings Hot Roll Green Beans or Peas Fruit Chicken Nuggets Chips Fresh Veggies or Side Salad Fruit Ravioli Breadstick Side Salad or Corn Fruit Corn Dog Tater Tots Baked Beans or Corn Fruit Optional: Grilled Cheese Choice of Soup Side Salad or Fresh Veggies Fruit 11 18 Buffalo Wild Wings 19 26 20 21 22 23 24 Cheeseburger Mac Hot Roll Peas or Corn Fruit Turkey Sub Chips Fresh Veggies Fruit Optional: Chick-Fil-A Chicken Patty Wheat Bun Mashed Potatoes & Gravy Green Beans or Peas Fruit Spaghetti Hot Roll Green Beans or Side Salad Fruit Chicken Quesadilla 27 28 29 30 Turkey Burger Baked Potato Green Beans or Corn Fruit Meatball Sub Chips Side Salad or Fresh Veggies Fruit BBQ Pork French Fries Baked Beans or Peas Fruit Hot Dog on Bun Mac & Cheese Baked Beans or Corn Fruit Optional: Buffalo Wild Wings 25 Rice Corn Chips & Salsa Fruit Menu subject to change
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