Belmont State School | Strive to Excel Independent Public School Newsletter From the Principal Term 2 Week 7 4 June 2015 Dear Parents and Caregivers Under 8s Day Thank you to all our wonderful staff, amazing parents and awesome students who all helped make last week’s “Under 8s Day” a great success – a fantastic morning, with even more fantastic weather! Special mention must go to our Prep-Year 2 Deputy Principal, Mrs Rachel Korst, for her organisation and coordination of the event, and our incredible teachers for the time and effort put into planning some very engaging and enjoyable activities for our students. Interschool Sport at Belmont State School It is wonderful to see our school involved in Friday afternoon “interschool sport” competitions this year, with our school currently fielding teams in Soccer, Netball and Aussie Rules competitions. Last Friday it was my privilege to travel with our teams to and from their venues on the bus, and spend the afternoon with our Aussie Rules team. I was very proud of our students, with all demonstrating great manners, behaviour and responsibility. I was also impressed with the way our AFL team played their game (and won), with great skills and teamwork on display. Well done students! Contact Our School: Old Cleveland Road Carindale QLD 4152 Phone: (07) 3843 9333 Fax: (07) 3843 9300 Student Absence Line: (07) 3843 9388 Email: [email protected] Web: Public Holiday A reminder that next Monday 8 June (next week) is a public holiday and as such there will be no school on that day. Free Dress Day Our Student Council will co-ordinate our second “Free Dress Day” for the year on Tuesday 9 June (next week). The theme for this Free Dress Day is “Jersey Day” – particularly as it falls between the first and second State of Origin matches. Students are invited to wear their origin colours or any jersey of their favourite sporting team. They can wear a proper jersey, or just the colours of their favourite team/country in whatever sport they choose. Students are asked to bring a gold coin donation, with all funds collected again going to support our upcoming P&C Belmont Carnival on Sunday 26 July. “Wear Your Team Jersey Day” Tues 9 June Gold Coin Donation for Belmont Carnival Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability Collecting data on school students with disability helps teachers, principals and education authorities support the participation of students with disability in schooling on the same basis as students without disability. All Australian Governments have agreed to work together on the annual collection of data on school students with disability. Office Hours: 8.00am – 3.45pm School Hours: 8.45am – 3.00pm P&C MEETINGS Odd Months – 3rd Friday 9am – Hub rd Even Months – 3 Tuesday 7pm - MPC All community members are very welcome ☺ In 2013, 10% of Queensland state schools participated in the first year of implementation. In 2014, two thirds of Queensland schools participated and all schools will collect data from 2015. Our school will be involved in the nationally consistent collection of data from 2015. School Watch 13 17 88 Crime Stoppers 1800 333 000 If you see any suspicious behaviour in the school, please phone the School Watch number and keep our school safe. Belmont State School | Strive to Excel Newsletter | Term 2 Week 7 | 4 June 2015 Please be reassured that the Department will not provide on to another organisation any data that can identify an individual student. The only data being collected at the school level to be reported nationally is the: • number of students in the school who are provided with an adjustment to address a disability; • level of adjustments we provide for those students; and • broad category of disability. Consultation with parents is important not only for the data collection but also to ensure you’re aware of the adjustments being provided to support your child. We will therefore continue to consult with you. While only data that cannot identify your child will be submitted outside of the Department, if you do not wish for your child’s details to be included, please let either Ms Angela Burgess or myself know. George Zanatta Painter and Decorator email - [email protected] web - Mobile 0419 777203 ALL QUOTES ARE FREE Information and fact sheets are available to help you make a decision from the: • Department’s website: • Australian Government Department of Education website: Alternatively, if you have any queries about the collection or use of this data I encourage you to contact Ms Angela Burgess or myself directly. Semester 1 Student Report Cards At Belmont State School, formal reporting of student progress takes place four times a year – Parent/Teacher Conferences (or Interviews) taking place in Terms 1 and 3, and end of Semester Student Report Cards distributed in Terms 2 and 4. Student Report Cards for Semester 1, 2015 are currently under development, ahead of intended distribution on Friday 26 June. Student Report Cards are a summary and culmination of the learning each child has achieved in their academic studies over a school semester. The report cards contain the following information: an overall “academic achievement” for each learning area, an “effort achievement” for each learning area and a comment for each learning area. Additional information is included regarding behaviour and extra-curricular activities, and the report concludes with a general/overall comment. Many parents on receiving their child’s report card for the first time are unsure of how to read it. All parents of children enrolled in a Queensland State School receive the same format of report card and over recent years, parents, students and teachers across Queensland have been gradually becoming more familiar with a more uniform process for reporting in all schools, including the use of a more consistent 5-point scale. In Prep, this scale is: Applying, Making Connections, Working With, Exploring, Becoming Aware. In Years 1 and 2, this scale is: Very High, High, Sound, Developing, Support Required. In Years 3 to 6, this scale is: A, B, C, D, E. School Watch 13 17 88 Crime Stoppers ADVERTISING SPACE AVAILABLE REASONABLE RATES CONTACT [email protected] Or phone 3843 9333 for more details. 1800 333 000 If you see any suspicious behaviour in the school, please phone the School Watch number and keep our school safe. Belmont State School | Strive to Excel Newsletter | Term 2 Week 7 | 4 June 2015 Car parking and pick up/drop off reminders Belmont State School is a big school. With over 900 students currently enrolled, mornings and afternoons are a time of significant congestion on the streets around our school. We are continuing to work with Brisbane City Council to review and improve the car parking, pick up and drop off arrangements for our school. While this review is underway, I would ask all parents and carers, and students, to ensure they continue to observe appropriate safe behaviours at drop off and pick up times. If parents and carers are parking and entering our school to drop off and/or pick up students, please note the following: • There is limited car parking available in the small car park on Bridgnorth Street – if using this car park, please ensure you walk out of and into this car park safely, using the paths provided and not walking through either the car park and or “Stop, Drop and Go” zone. • Consider parking a few streets away and walking a little further. • Please observe parking signs and do not park in ”No Standing” or “Bus Zones”. If parents and carers are using the “Stop, Drop and Go” facility on Bridgnorth Street, please note the following: • The “Stop, Drop and Go” zone is for dropping off and picking up students parents should remain in their vehicles and allow students to exit or enter the car from the kerbside. Please do not use the “Stop, Drop and Go” zone as a car park, particularly in the mornings. • If you are unable to pull into the zone (e.g. the zone is full), or if you have been waiting longer than two minutes in the zone, please do a lap of the block before returning to the zone. • Students are dismissed at 3pm, so the zone becomes very busy around five past three. It is not nearly as busy five or ten minutes later. Please do not arrive at 2:50pm (or earlier) and “park” in the zone. Additionally, after concerns raised by residents and motorists, please do not “queue” for access to the administration carpark prior to 4pm. Also students and parents please do not walk through the staff carpark. The safety and wellbeing of our students are our primary concerns, and I thank all parents and carers for your co-operation and attention to these matters. No Assembly in Week 9 Please note in your diaries that due to the Fun With Maths incursion there will be no assembly on Tuesday 16 June. Metro South Oral Health Services Free children’s dental program Yours in education For more information or to make an appointment please Mr Anthony Palmer Principal telephone 1300 300 850 School Watch 13 17 88 Crime Stoppers 1800 333 000 If you see any suspicious behaviour in the school, please phone the School Watch number and keep our school safe. Belmont State School | Strive to Excel Newsletter | Term 2 Week 7 | 4 June 2015 From the Leadership Team What a wonderful job our teachers do here at Belmont! This is a very busy time of year for teachers as they collate all the wonderful work our students have done so far this year in readiness for end of semester reporting. At the same time, they are also busily preparing units of work for next term so we can all hit the ground running after the break which is just 16 school days away. To support our teachers in this, our Acting Head of Curriculum, Mrs Briohny Cuskelly, has been working with staff to develop units of work that will assist students in achieving the high standards we have come to expect as they “Strive to Excel”. Our students, however, are not the only ones at Belmont who “Strive to Excel”. Many of our teachers are working closely with myself and our two Pedagogical Coaches, Mrs Lisa Kalanjis and Mrs Kathy Plumridge, to hone their expertise and provide the best opportunities for every student in our school. I feel so privileged to be working amongst some of the brightest, hardest working teachers in our profession and I know as parents of Belmont students, you see and hear the benefits of their great work in the achievements, big and small, of your children. As part of our school’s commitment to providing Belmont students with high quality and engaging learning experiences, we will be having another visit from the excellent team at Fun with Maths. Run over 6 days, every student from Prep to Year 6 will get the opportunity to participate in exciting and challenging hands on maths activities that will engage students at all levels and reinforce the idea that maths is much more than just sums on a page – in fact, you can even have Fun with Maths! Keep an eye out for the information letter and payment envelope and don’t forget to ask your children how it was once it all comes to an end on Monday 22 June. SCHOLASTIC BOOK FAIR Remember the Book Fair will be open for business after the long weekend. Please take this opportunity to view some quality books that your children will be excited to read. Books make great gifts throughout the year and your purchase will help the school fund valuable resources for the Library. BOOK FAIR OPENING HOURS HELD IN THE LIBRARY Tuesday 9 June Lunchtime 3:00pm – 3:30pm Wednesday 10 June 8:00am – 8:30am Lunchtime 3:00pm – 3:30pm Thursday 11 June 8:00am – 8:30am Lunchtime 3:00pm – 3:30pm Friday 12 June 8:00am – 8:30am Lunchtime 3:00pm – 3:30pm Monday 15 June 8:00am – 8:30am Lunchtime 3:00pm – 3:30pm Tuesday 16 June 8:00am – 8:30am Book Fair Closed Yours in education Mr Peter Sinclair Master Teacher School Watch 13 17 88 Crime Stoppers 1800 333 000 If you see any suspicious behaviour in the school, please phone the School Watch number and keep our school safe. Belmont State School | Strive to Excel Newsletter | Term 2 Week 7 | 4 June 2015 HPE News Inter-house Athletics Carnivals The Belmont State Schools inter-house athletics carnivals will be held in week 10 of this term. The carnivals are broken into different sections to allow time for all the events to be covered. The program for the days will be as follows; Date Approximate times Program Tuesday 23 June 9.00am - 10.45am Rotational Activities Prep- Yr 3 11.20am - 1.10pm Track Program Athletics Carnival Wednesday 24 June 8.45am - 12.20 pm 10-13 years field events (for those students who have qualified) 2.00pm – 3.00pm 10-13 years 800m Thursday 26 June 8.50am - 2.30pm 9-13 yrs. 200m, 100m heats and finals, 80m Year 4-6 Whole Day Athletics heats and finals, relays. Carnival For students aged 10-13 years we will use the athletics carnivals to select the Belmont team to attend the Lytton District carnival which will be held in early term 3. Selection into this team will be based on the times and distances set by Lytton District Sport and if needed the discretion of the staff at Belmont State School. We are looking forward to a great few days. Parents and friends are very welcome to attend. Miss Tracey Barnett HPE Teacher From the Office LOST PROPERTY The lost property trolley located at the rear of the office is once again overflowing with unnamed jumpers and water bottles some of which are quite expensive. If your child has misplaced an item, please encourage them to come to the office to have a look. These items will be cleared at the end of term. MEDICATION AT SCHOOL If your child is suffering from an illness and needs to have medication administered during the school day, please note the following: • You must provide the medication in the original container/box from the chemist, stating the child’s name, dosage and type of medication. • You will be asked to complete a Request to Administer Medication form or provide a letter of request. • School staff are not permitted to administer unnamed prescription medication, even with completed medical documentation. • School staff are not permitted to administer ‘over the counter’ cough medicines, paracetamol etc without completed medical documentation. These types of medications need to have a doctor’s letter to be administered. School Watch 13 17 88 Crime Stoppers 1800 333 000 If you see any suspicious behaviour in the school, please phone the School Watch number and keep our school safe. Belmont State School | Strive to Excel Newsletter | Term 2 Week 7 | 4 June 2015 PAYMENTS Thank you to families for making your payments by the due dates. This is very important as we are dealing with management of participation numbers and costings for external providers. Payment envelopes can be forwarded to the office on money collection days of Tuesdays, Wednesdays or Thursdays. If you prefer, credit card payments may also be processed by phoning the office. Receipts are sent home via the student’s classroom. UPCOMING PAYMENTS Activity Fun With Maths Tallebudgera Camp Canberra Camp Involves Whole School Year 5 Year 6 Cost $5 Final Balance $198.75 Final Balance $810 Dates to Note Mon Jun 8 Tue Jun 9 Tue Jun 9 – Tue Jun 16 Tue Jun 9 – Fri Jun 12 Wed Jun 10 Thu Jun 11 Thu Jun 11 Mon Jun 15 - Mon Jun 22 Tue Jun 16 Tue Jun 16 Tue Jun 23 Wed Jun 24 Wed Jun 24 Thu Jun 25 Fri Jun 26 Fri Jun 26 Mon Jul 13 Tue Jul 14 – Fri Jul 17 Tue Jul 21 – Fri Jul 24 Sun Jul 26 Tue Jul 28 Tue Jul 28– Wed Jul 29 Mon Aug 3 – Fri Aug 7 Mon Aug 10 Tue Aug 11 Wed Aug 12 Thu Aug 13 Wed Aug 26 School Watch Queen’s Birthday Public Holiday Free Dress Day “Jersey Day” Gold Coin Donation for Belmont Carnival Book Fair Southside Junior Strings Camp ICAS Writing Competition ICAS Spelling Competition STEM Technology Program Whites Hill State College (Selected Year 5 students) Fun with Maths No Assembly due to Fun with Maths Incursion P&C Meeting – 7:00pm – Multi Purpose Centre (MPC) Prep – Year 3 Athletics Carnival Athletics Field Events 10 – 13 years and 800m after lunch Prom Concert – 6.30pm tuning – 7:00pm start – School Hall Athletics Track Events (9yrs - 13yrs) Report Cards go home Last Day of Term 2 First Day of Term 3 Year 5 & 6 Instrumental Music Camp Year 4 Instrumental Music Camp Belmont Carnival ICAS English Competition Art Focus Days Year 5 Camp - Tallebudgera ICAS Mathematics Competition School Photos Ekka Show Day Holiday School Photos Art Exhibition Evening 13 17 88 Crime Stoppers 1800 333 000 If you see any suspicious behaviour in the school, please phone the School Watch number and keep our school safe. Payment due by: 11 June 25 June 20 August Belmont State School | Strive to Excel Newsletter | Term 2 Week 7 | 4 June 2015 Community News LAFFS TENNIS – FREE RACQUET OFFER Enrolment forms for Tennis Coaching at Belmont State School in Term 3 2015 have been distributed and are to be completed and returned to the school office or to our PO Box address by the due date Thursday 11 June 2015. Any new pupil signing on for these lessons will receive at no charge a Junior Tennis Racquet. Laffs Tennis Ken & Barbara Laffey PO BOX 2509 Graceville 4075 Telephone : 0412 638 036 [email protected] School Holiday Clinics are available at: Chandler Tennis Centre – Please call 07 3245 4494 School Watch 13 17 88 Crime Stoppers 1800 333 000 If you see any suspicious behaviour in the school, please phone the School Watch number and keep our school safe.
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