BELMONT TOWN DAY table Application

SATURDAY, MAY 16, 2015 9:00 A.M. – 4:00 P.M
The Belmont Center Business Association
Belmont Savings Bank
Contact Person: _____________________________________________________
Name of Organization or Business: _______________________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________________________________
Telephone: ______________________Email _______________________________________
Description of what you will use your space for: _____________________________________
Where would you like to be located on Leonard St. (first come basis) ____________________
____________________________________________________________________________ (The Town Day Committee retains the right to assign spaces for each applicant.)
__________ $0 BCBA Member (Membership $150 runs May 1 to April 30)
__________ $85 Non-Member
Includes 10 feet of street space, we do not provide tables, table cannot be more than 8’ in length
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SEND OR BRING THIS APPLICATION AND CHECK TO:
(Make checks payable to: Belmont Center Business Association)
c/o Champions Sporting Goods
53 Leonard Street Belmont, MA 02478 617-489-4930
All applications will be reviewed. The BCBA is looking for activities that suit the tone of a family fun day. We
will review duplication of activities, or activities we feel are excessively loud, messy, or do not fit the tone of Town
Day. If your application is approved, the fee is non-refundable unless it’s a rainout. There is no rain date. All
applications must be received by May 1, 2015. We will notify you by email if you’re in or not.
On Town Day May 16th between 7-9am (do not come before 7am) go to Champions Sporting Goods 53
Leonard St to find your table space location number, your number will be marked on the sidewalk.
Food and Bake Sale Vendors: All vendors selling food or providing food samples or bake sale items, popcorn or
Cotton candy must have a temporary food permit or waiver from the Belmont Health Department. You must
contact the Health Department @ 617-993-2720 by May 1, 2015 to discuss your permit or waiver.
Please Note: This is a family fun day. Therefore, the BCBA has decided that there will be no selling of any
offensive items (i.e. snap caps, water guns, silly string, stink bombs, etc.) and if you do sell them you will be asked
to leave and will not ever come back.
Questions? 617-489-4930 ask for John or Gerry