- Belmont State School

Belmont State School | Strive to Excel
Independent Public School
From the Principal
Term 2 Week 8
11 June 2015
Dear Parents and Caregivers
Free Dress Day
Our Student Council co-ordinated our second “Free Dress Day” for the
year on Tuesday of this week, with the theme being “Jersey Day”
(particularly as it falls between the first and second State of Origin
matches). It was again wonderful to see the level of student
participation and the range of team jumpers and colours on display.
Overall, “Jersey day” raised $810, all of which will go to support our
upcoming P&C Belmont Carnival on Sunday 26 July – well done
P&C Meeting
Our next P&C Meeting will be held on Tuesday 16 June (next week), commencing at 7pm in our
school’s MPC (Multi-Purpose Centre). If you haven’t attended a P&C meeting before, I would
encourage you to come along and share in the conversations about our school.
Every Day Counts – really!
Earlier in the term I wrote an article in the newsletter regarding student’s attendance at school
and trying to eliminate unexplained absences. I would like to say thank you to our families for the
increased usage of our absentee line, keeping the office informed of any student absences and the
significant reduction in unexplained absences.
Contact Our School:
Old Cleveland Road
Carindale QLD 4152
Phone: (07) 3843 9333
Fax: (07) 3843 9300
Student Absence Line:
(07) 3843 9388
[email protected]
Office Hours:
8.00am – 3.45pm
Southside Junior Strings Camp
This week, nine of our Year 4 Strings students, each in their second year of playing, are attending a
four day camp. This camp will bring together Instrumental Music students on string instruments
from across the cluster to form a large ensemble and participate in intensive tuition from
Instrumental Music Teachers. The camp will give each student an excellent opportunity to
participate in a range of experiences including string lessons, ensemble practice, orchestra
practice, choir and drama. I am sure our students will benefit from this rich and intensive learning
School Cleaners Day
I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of the hardworking cleaners for the role they play
in maintaining a safe, clean and healthy environment in our school. Please join me in celebrating
the contributions of our cleaners this School Cleaners’ Day, Monday 15 June.
School Hours:
8.45am – 3.00pm
Odd Months – 3rd Friday 9am – Hub
Even Months – 3 Tuesday 7pm - MPC
All community members are
very welcome ☺
Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability
Last week I mentioned that we are collecting data on school students with disability which will
help teachers, principals and education authorities support the participation of students with
disability in schooling on the same basis as students without disability. All Australian Governments
have agreed to work together on the annual collection of data on school students with disability
and our school will be involved in the nationally consistent collection of data from 2015.
School Watch
13 17 88 Crime Stoppers
1800 333 000
If you see any suspicious behaviour in the school, please phone the School Watch number and keep our school safe.
Belmont State School | Strive to Excel
Newsletter | Term 2 Week 8 | 11 June 2015
Please be reassured that the Department will not provide on to another organisation any
data that can identify an individual student. The only data being collected at the school
level to be reported nationally is the:
• number of students in the school who are provided with an adjustment to
address a disability;
• level of adjustments we provide for those students; and
• broad category of disability.
Consultation with parents is important not only for the data collection but also to ensure
you’re aware of the adjustments being provided to support your child. We will therefore
continue to consult with you. While only data that cannot identify your child will be
submitted outside of the Department, if you do not wish for your child’s details to be
included, please let either Ms Angela Burgess or myself know.
George Zanatta
Painter and Decorator
email - [email protected]
web - www.georgezanatta.com.au
Mobile 0419 777203
Information and fact sheets are available to help you make a decision from the:
• Department’s website: http://education.qld.gov.au/curriculum/disability-datacollection.html
• Australian
Alternatively, if you have any queries about the collection or use of this data I
encourage you to contact Ms Angela Burgess or myself directly.
Semester 1 Student Report Cards
At Belmont State School, formal reporting of student progress takes place four times a
year – Parent/Teacher Conferences (or Interviews) taking place in Terms 1 and 3, and
end of Semester Student Report Cards distributed in Terms 2 and 4. Student Report
Cards for Semester 1, 2015 are currently under development, ahead of intended
distribution on Friday 26 June.
Student Report Cards are a summary and culmination of the learning each child has
achieved in their academic studies over a school semester. The report cards contain
the following information: an overall “academic achievement” for each learning area,
an “effort achievement” for each learning area and a comment for each learning area.
Additional information is included regarding behaviour and extra-curricular activities,
and the report concludes with a general/overall comment.
Many parents on receiving their child’s report card for the first time are unsure of how
to read it. All parents of children enrolled in a Queensland State School receive the same
format of report card and over recent years, parents, students and teachers across
Queensland have been gradually becoming more familiar with a more uniform process
for reporting in all schools, including the use of a more consistent 5-point scale. In Prep,
this scale is: Applying, Making Connections, Working With, Exploring, Becoming Aware.
In Years 1 and 2, this scale is: Very High, High, Sound, Developing, Support Required. In
Years 3 to 6, this scale is: A, B, C, D, E.
School Watch
13 17 88 Crime Stoppers
[email protected]
Or phone 3843 9333
for more details.
1800 333 000
If you see any suspicious behaviour in the school, please phone the School Watch number and keep our school safe.
Belmont State School | Strive to Excel
Newsletter | Term 2 Week 8 | 11 June 2015
Grounds update
Work has been completed around the prep playground and new garden beds placed near
pathways and at the end of F block. Thank you to all involved in beautifying this area and
rectifying the manholes which had become exposed due to the large amount of traffic
using the areas.
Car parking and pick up/drop off reminders
Belmont State School is a big school. With over 900 students currently enrolled, mornings
and afternoons are a time of significant congestion on the streets around our school. We
are continuing to work with Brisbane City Council to review and improve the car
parking, pick up and drop off arrangements for our school. While this review is
underway, I would ask all parents and carers, and students, to ensure they continue to
observe appropriate safe behaviours at drop off and pick up times.
If parents and carers are parking and entering our school to drop off and/or pick up
students, please note the following:
• There is limited car parking available in the small car park on Bridgnorth Street – if
using this car park, please ensure you walk out of and into this car park safely,
using the paths provided and not walking through either the car park and or
“Stop, Drop and Go” zone.
• Consider parking a few streets away and walking a little further.
• Please observe parking signs and do not park in ”No Standing” or “Bus Zones”.
If parents and carers are using the “Stop, Drop and Go” facility on Bridgnorth Street,
please note the following:
• The “Stop, Drop and Go” zone is for dropping off and picking up students parents should remain in their vehicles and allow students to exit or enter the car
from the kerbside. Please do not use the “Stop, Drop and Go” zone as a car park,
particularly in the mornings.
• If you are unable to pull into the zone (e.g. the zone is full), or if you have been
waiting longer than two minutes in the zone, please do a lap of the block before
returning to the zone.
School Watch
13 17 88 Crime Stoppers
Metro South Oral
Health Services
For more information or
to make an appointment please
1300 300 850
1800 333 000
If you see any suspicious behaviour in the school, please phone the School Watch number and keep our school safe.
Belmont State School | Strive to Excel
Newsletter | Term 2 Week 8 | 11 June 2015
Students are dismissed at 3pm, so the zone becomes very busy around five past three. It is not nearly as busy five or ten
minutes later. Please do not arrive at 2:50pm (or earlier) and “park” in the zone.
Additionally, after concerns raised by residents and motorists, please do not “queue” for access to the administration carpark prior to
4pm. The safety and wellbeing of our students are our primary concerns, and I thank all parents and carers for your co-operation and
attention to these matters.
Yours in education
Mr Anthony Palmer
From the Leadership Team
I hope you were all able to take advantage of the long weekend and use it as a chance to enjoy some rest and
relaxation. The weather was perfect and the days not too cold. The timing was perfect for our staff whom used
the long weekend to finish writing report cards or relax after finishing them.
Report card writing is now in the editing stage. Our teachers have worked diligently to complete entering
achievement standards and personalised comments for the students in their class. Reports will now be read
and edited by members of the leadership team prior to being sent home on the last Friday of term. I would like
to thank the teachers for their efforts in making reports informative and meaningful.
Thanks to all families who supported the 'Jersey Day' fundraiser to assist the P&C in the lead up to the Carnival in July. We were able to
raise $810 which will inevitably go towards our students and school resources.
The book fair started on Tuesday and has already been well attended. This is a great fundraiser for the library and a fantastic
opportunity to purchase early Christmas presents to hide in the back of the cupboard. There are many opportunities to pop into the
library and have a look at what is on offer. The book fair runs through until 16 June.
This fantastic opportunity begins on Monday 15 June and runs for just over a week. For such a small cost, the children will be engaged
in a variety of maths activities whilst having lots of fun at the same time. It is not too late to send your payment of $5 per student to
Have a safe and happy week.
Kind regards
Mrs Rachel Korst
Deputy Principal
School Watch
13 17 88 Crime Stoppers
1800 333 000
If you see any suspicious behaviour in the school, please phone the School Watch number and keep our school safe.
Belmont State School | Strive to Excel
Newsletter | Term 2 Week 8 | 11 June 2015
Japanese News
6D and PF sang two Japanese songs at assembly this week.
Some of the girls also got dressed up in traditional clothing
called Yukata (cotton kimonos) and made their own
hachimaki (headbands) to complement their outfits. Well
done to all the students for a wonderful performance.
Arigatou minasan
Lam Sensei
Music News
On Wednesday evening of the last week of term (Wednesday - 24th June), we will be having our end of term Prom Concert in our
school hall. The evening celebrates the musical journey that the students in the ensembles have travelled since their first rehearsal in
The ensembles performing on the night include: Concert Band, Vivaldi Orchestra, Corelli Strings, Senior Choir, Belmont Sapphires,
BBV’s, and the Year 3 Choir.
Students in the Year 3 Choir and all Mr Stockdale’s students who started lessons this year will be making their
first performance at the Prom Concert.
The students are to arrive at the hall for tuning and warm up at 6:30pm. The concert commences at 7:00pm
and will conclude at 8:00pm.
We look forward to seeing you on the night.
Mrs Mary MacDonald-Raymond, Mrs Elizabeth Storozhev, Ms Marina Thacker, Miss Rose Heratage & Mr Toby Stockdale
Music Teachers
From the Office
Thank you to families for making your payments
by the due dates. This is very important as we
are dealing with management of participation
numbers and costings for external providers.
Fun With Maths
Tallebudgera Camp
Canberra Camp
Whole School
Year 5
Year 6
Final Balance $198.75
Final Balance $810
Payment due by:
25 June
20 August
Payment envelopes can be forwarded to the
office on money collection days of Tuesdays,
Wednesdays or Thursdays. If you prefer, credit card payments may also be processed by phoning the office. Receipts are sent home
via the student’s classroom.
School Watch
13 17 88 Crime Stoppers
1800 333 000
If you see any suspicious behaviour in the school, please phone the School Watch number and keep our school safe.
Belmont State School | Strive to Excel
Newsletter | Term 2 Week 8 | 11 June 2015
HPE News
Due to an earlier week that was washed out, interschool sport will run for an extra week. The
original end date was Friday 12 June but the last week is now going to be Friday 19 June.
Inter-school Sport
1 more week!
The Belmont State Schools inter-house athletics carnivals will be held in week 10 of this term. The carnivals are broken into different
sections to allow time for all the events to be covered. The program for the days will be as follows;
Tuesday 23 June
Prep- Year 3
Athletics Carnival
Wednesday 24 June
Thursday 25 June
Year 4-6 Whole Day Athletics
Approximate times
9.00am - 10.45am
11.20am - 1.10pm
Rotational Activities
Track Program
8.45am - 12.20 pm
10-13 years field events (for those students
who have qualified)
10-13 years 800m
9-13 yrs. 200m, 100m heats and finals, 80m
heats and finals, relays.
2.00pm – 3.00pm
8.50am - 2.30pm
For students aged 10-13 years we will use the athletics carnivals to select the Belmont team to attend the Lytton
District carnival which will be held in early term 3. Selection into this team will be based on the times and distances set
by Lytton District Sport and if needed the discretion of the staff at Belmont State School. We are looking forward to
a great few days. Parents and friends are very welcome to attend.
Miss Tracey Barnett
HPE Teacher
School Watch
13 17 88 Crime Stoppers
1800 333 000
If you see any suspicious behaviour in the school, please phone the School Watch number and keep our school safe.
Belmont State School | Strive to Excel
Newsletter | Term 2 Week 8 | 11 June 2015
Dates to Note
Term 2
Week 8
Week 9
Week 10
Term 3
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 7
Week 8
Week 9
Week 10
Term 4
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 8
Week 9
Tue 9 Jun – Tue 16 Jun
Tue 9 Jun – Fri 12 Jun
Mon 15Jun - Mon 22 Jun
Tue 16 Jun
Tue 16 Jun
Tue 23 Jun
Wed 24 Jun
Wed 24 Jun
Thu 25 Jun
Fri 26 Jun
Fri 26 Jun
Mon 13 Jul
Tue 14 Jul – Fri 17 Jul
Tue 21 Jul – Fri 24 Jul
Sun 26 Jul
Tue 28 Jul
Tue 28 Jul – Wed 29 Jul
Mon 3 Aug – Fri 7 Aug
Mon 10 Aug
Tue 11 Aug
Wed 12 Aug
Thu 13 Aug
Wed 26 Aug
Mon 31 Aug – Fri 4 Sep
Mon 7 Sep – Fri 11 Sep
Thu 17 Sep
Fri 18 Sep
Mon 5 Oct
Tue 6 Oct
Mon 12 Oct – Fri 16 Oct
Mon 19 Oct
Mon 23 Nov – Fri 27 Nov
Wed 2 Dec
Fri 4 Dec
School Watch
Book Fair
Southside Junior Strings Camp
Fun with Maths
No Assembly due to Fun with Maths Incursion
P&C Meeting – 7:00pm – Multi Purpose Centre (MPC)
Prep – Year 3 Athletics Carnival
Athletics Field Events 10 – 13 years and 800m after lunch
Prom Concert – 6.30pm tuning – 7:00pm start – School Hall
Athletics Track Events (9yrs - 13yrs)
Report Cards go home
Last Day of Term 2
First Day of Term 3
Year 5 & 6 Instrumental Music Camp
Year 4 Instrumental Music Camp
Belmont Carnival
ICAS English Competition
Art Focus Days
Year 5 Camp - Tallebudgera
ICAS Mathematics Competition
School Photos No Assembly due to School Photos
Ekka Show Day Holiday
School Photos
Art Exhibition Evening
Literature Carnivale
Parent Teacher Interviews
Prom Concert – 6.30pm tuning – 7:00pm start – School Hall
Last Day of Term 3
Labour Day Public Holiday
First Day of Term 4
Year 6 Canberra Excursion
Staff Professional Development Day (Student Free Day)
Prep Orientation Week - 9:30am – 10:30am
Prom Concert – 6.30pm tuning – 7:00pm start – School Hall
Swimming Carnival
13 17 88 Crime Stoppers
1800 333 000
If you see any suspicious behaviour in the school, please phone the School Watch number and keep our school safe.
Belmont State School | Strive to Excel
Newsletter | Term 2 Week 8 | 11 June 2015
Community News
School Watch
13 17 88 Crime Stoppers
1800 333 000
If you see any suspicious behaviour in the school, please phone the School Watch number and keep our school safe.
Carers Conversation Day
Are you caring for a friend or family member
with either a mental health concern or Autism?
Would you like more information and support?
Do you live in the Brisbane South or Logan
FSG Connections and Family Reconnect would like to invite you to our Carers
Conversation Day.The day is open to carers in the Brisbane South or Logan areas who
provide care and support to someone who has a mental health concern or autism.
Date: Wednesday 24th June
To RSVP call:
Time: 9am to 3.30pm
FSG Connections Ph: 32137100
Speak to Leonie, Wendy or Laetitia ☺
Where: Springwood Towers
9 Murrajong Road, Springwood
Or email: [email protected]
Cost: Free
Morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea provided
There will be guest speakers and stall holders to provide information around:
The Impact of Caring
Navigating the Service System
Legal Matters
Carer Support Programs and much more!
Please see program over page.
To RSVP please call 32137100 or email: [email protected]
9am- Arrival
9.30- Welcome
Key Guest Speakers
Carers QLD- Amanda Shaw “The Impact of Caring”
• FSGA- Fleur Kenny- “Navigating Service Systems”
Swift Legal Matters- Michelle Davis- “Legal Matters for Carers”
11 to 11.30am- Morning Tea
11.30-12.30- Break into 2 groups
-Mental Health
* CCU Client & Carer Liaison Officer from Mental Health
* FSG MH Team- Mosaic & IPS & PIR - Gareth & Clint & Andre- support options
* Minds & Hearts- Dr Michelle Garnett
12.30-1.30- Lunch
Symphonics Entertainment
1.30-2pm- NDIA- Fiona Anderson “The NDIS in QLD”
2.30- 3pm- Speed info session
* FSG Positive Futures Program
* Carers QLD
* Arafmi
* Kyabra
* Plus more!
3pm- Afternoon Tea & the opportunity to chat to service providers
3.30 finish
To RSVP please call 32137100 or email: [email protected]