2015 Term 2 Sports letter for students and parents

Benowa SHS Interschool and Recreational Sports Term 2, 2015
Information for students and Parents/Guardians
21 March 2015
Dear Parents/Guardians,
The arrangements for Term 2 Sport options are explained below.
Please note that all 2015 Sports Permission Forms should have already been returned. This form
covers all sporting activities for the year. No student can participate in a sporting activity until this form is
1. Interschool Sports and Musical Groups (Terms 1 and 2)
Students in the Interschool Sports Teams listed below or in the Musical Production will remain in
these activities for Term 2. Wider District and Gold Coast Interschool Sport Finals will be played for
these sports at the end of Term 2. Rehearsals and backstage activities for the musical will continue in
allocated rooms in preparation for the musical presentation.
The following Interschool Sports teams would benefit from extra players joining the teams. As such there
is still a certain number of places available for students to compete for the school in the sports listed
Interschool Sports- Extra Players Required (Term 2)
Basketball – 15 years
Hockey - Open Mixed
T- Ball - Mixed 13 & Under
Volleyball - Open, 15, 14
Basketball - 15 & Under
Hockey - Open Mixed
Soccer – Open, 15 & Under
T- Ball - Mixed 13 & Under
The cost to join these Interschool Sport teams for Term 2 is $60. This covers the cost of the buses that
transport students to the various venues where the sports take place. This cost needs to be paid by
Tuesday 28th April 2015 or students will not be able to play in a school team. Please see payment
options at the bottom of this letter.
2. Recreational Sports Choices- Re-selection for Term 2
During Week 9 of Term 1, students who are currently undertaking a Recreational Sport will be required
to make their new selection for Term 2. These sports will still operate on Wednesday afternoon during
periods 6, 7 and 8. Some of the recreational activities listed have strict maximum and minimum limits on
the number of students involved and will close once full. The Rotation 2 list for Recreational Sport
Activities can be seen below. Payment requirements and options are also shown.
Free Recreational Activities
Senior AFL (Years 10,11,12)
Chess (all grades)
Yoga (all grades)
Table Tennis (Years 10 & 11)
Theatre Sports (all grades)
Power Walking (all grades)
Ultimate Frisbee (all grades)
Mediterranean Drive, BENOWA QLD 4217
Phone: (07) 5582 7333 Fax: (07) 5582 7300
Soccer (all grades)
Touch Football (all grades)
Basketball (all grades)
Beach Volleyball (all grades)
Handball (all grades)
French (DELF) (Years 10,11,12)
Movie Maker/Photoshop (all grades, Laptop used)
PO Box 5733, GCMC QLD 9726
Website: benowashs.eq.edu.au
Email: [email protected]
Cricos Provider No: 00608A
Recreational Activities with a cost involved
Payment needed by Tuesday 28th April to confirm your place in these activity
Zumba (all grades)
Senior Art (Year 11 & 12 only)
Ice Skating (all grades)
Claymation (all grades, Laptop used)
Surfing (all grades)
Indigenous Art Studies (all grades)
Skateboarding (all grades) $100
Craft (all grades)
Lawn Bowls (all grades)
 Please see payment options below for these Recreational Activities
 Important Message regarding Recreational Sports payments for Term 2
Please note that students with any outstanding school fees will not be able to select or pay for any
recreational sport until all fee issues have been resolved. Please contact the Cashiers’ Office if you have
any questions about this matter.
Recreational Activities in Term 2 will operate for 10 weeks starting from Wednesday 22nd April.
Students may nominate for paying activities however they will not have a confirmed position in
the activity until payment has been received.
All paid activities have limited places available so will be allocated on a first come first served
Students who have not returned their signed SCHOOL SPORTS PROGRAM PARTICIPATION
AND TRANSPORT CONSENT CONFIRMATION form may miss out on positions in some
activities even if they have paid.
Payments can be made in person or by phone to the school cashier. Payments may also be made
through internet banking using the following information:
Commonwealth Bank of Australia
Account Name:
Benowa SHS General Account
BSB Number:
064 430
Account Number: 00090630
Reference details: Please record the student ID number which can be found on the
Student ID card and the sport you paying for –
EXAMPLE only - 1232154845L CRAFT
Please note that Internet payments will close 3 working days prior to the final payment date listed
on the excursion letter. This will ensure that all internet payments are received and processed prior
to the closing date of the excursion.
Internet payments received after the closing date will not be accepted and a credit will be placed on
the student account for the amount deposited.
Mr Dave Thomson
Director of Sport
Mr Mark Rickard
Executive Principal