Quotation: “She loved everything that grew in God`s earth, even the

CCSS: RL.8.1; W.8.2b
(Citing the Text)
To Kill a Mockingbird
Quotation Collection
As we continue to explore the text, you’ll start to see the following themes emerge:
 Tolerance (Acceptance of others)
 Intolerance (Prejudice)
 Justice/Injustice
Issues of Social Class
 Coming of Age/ Growing up
By the end of your reading, you’ll be responsible for choosing one of these themes
on which to base your original thesis (argument for your paper). But for now, you
just need to find quotations from the text that you think are important and then do
your best to explain why that quotation might be significant.
You will be responsible for finding and explaining at least 25 quotations from
different chapters in the text.
Below is one of the quotations I’ve chosen and the format you will need to follow
when completing your quotation collection.
Quotation: “She loved everything that grew in God’s earth,
even the weeds.”
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Significance / Meaning: This quote tells us that Miss Maudie
loves to garden. However, more significantly, it tells us that
she might be more accepting of the people that society
during this time considers to be “weeds,” such as African
Americans or people from lower social classes.
Tolerance/Acceptance of Others
To Kill a Mockingbird -- Quotation Collection
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Significance / Meaning:
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Significance / Meaning: