Tulip Telecom Ltd. Synopsis

Tulip Telecom Ltd.
New Delhi
Client Background
A major MSL VPN provider in India builds the largest data
center of the country leveraging IBM’s reach and existing
Tulip Telecom Ltd. is a data telecom service and IT solution provider that offers IP based infrastructure
solutions and has been the front runner in provisioning and managing multi location wide area networks
for various industry verticals. A according to the Frost and Sullivan report, Tulip ’s contribution stands at
2.5% of the overall business of large Telecom players because they are primarily voice-focused
The company has been venturing out to build a new data center with high reliability and energy efficiency.
The new company, called as Tulip Data Center Private Ltd, is a wholly owned subsidiary of Tulip Telecom
Ltd and is the largest investment and fifth data center acquisition.
relationships with various vendors and its industry leadership in
building state of art, green data centers using its EMDC design
which realizes Tulip ’s business plan which involved multiple
specialties to be brought together into one design. The first
phase of the project was completed in a record time of 7months.
Business Need
The company’s vision is to build the world ’s third largest and India ’s largest data center. This tier 4 Data
Center will be set up in Bengaluru (Karnataka) with a total investment of Rs 900 crore spread over a
period of 3 years. Tulip Telecom Ltd plans to use this data centre for its domestic and international
customers to meet the rising customer requirements for co-location, managed hosting and data storage
and a suite of other complementary services including managed security services and storage
requirements of its customers from across the globe. Having covered the entire gamut data connectivity,
Tulip aims to become a single point of contact for all requirements of enterprises by adding more and
more lines of services.
Tulip Data Centre Private Ltd. needed a reliable IT partner to help them build this data centre.
1.The challenges of course have been about increasing the coverage because the customers ’ demand
has been increasing.
2.Aggressive timelines for building the world ’s third largest data center in India.
3.Compliance - Meeting the Indian environmental regulations
4.Power sanctioned for 80MW required for such capacity which has to be highly energy efficient in its
operations to in order to adhere to the green DC norms.
5.Finally, building a large DC is a capex intensive project as it requires large space (real estate) and
power (80MW and above) which is an important criteria influencing OPEX and hence the overall total cost
of ownership.
Client Quote
“Diverse technologies that go into the making of vast and
complex process industries have to be deployed into a
confined space to make a modern Data Centre. IBM's
blended expertise in IT and non-IT technologies' came to
the fore during critical decisions points on design. Result
is one of the largest, energy efficient and modular data
centre.” - V Kannan, COO, TULIP DC
To be continued
IBM Solution
Client Benefits
Tulip evaluated other companies like HP, Huawei before finalizing on IBM as the organization with the
required global experience and expertise to build such large DC. IBM was chosen as IT partner of choice
to build the DC, based on IBM ’s proven experience of building such large data centers right from
conceptualization to execution for many other clients around the world. As Tulip ’s consultant in designing
the DC, IBM provided the telecom company with strategic design consultancy services and also built the
first phase of the data centre thought methods that are highly efficient and reliable.
IBM’s consulting and design services covered a range of data center technologies including power,
cooling, rack layout, chillers and UPS/DG sets. Under the contract, IBM will be providing consultancy
services for 400,000 sqft of DC space along with the execution of first phase of datacenter built to the
tune of 20000 sq ft. IBM used its Enterprise Modular Data Center (EMDC) design for Tulip, to deliver a
comprehensive set of capabilities that matches the highest quality standards in the enterprise services
domain that are available in the world today.
Additionally, Tulip had purchased a core shell of 9lakh sq ft area for this project out of which 4 lakh sq ft
will be the datacenter space which will be sold to customers across the world. IBM provided the complete
turnkey solution for building this DC from supplying all products like chillers, DG sets, UPS, Fire systems,
to build this data centre.
Client Future Roadmap
Besides Tulip’s objective of being the largest data provider, the company is also planning to be the largest
data connectivity based managed services provider. As part of their future plans, the company will also be
aiming for a strong focus in managed services and other revenue models which include cloud computing.
With IBM’s Global experience in design and consultancy, Tulip
was able to build one of the world ’s most advanced and India ’s
largest data centre located at Bangalore. The data centre proved
to be highly resilient with the required environmental protection
advantages of IBM's industry-leading data centre design
characterized by energy efficiency, green technologies,
scalability and the latest power and cooling technologies. IBM ’s
turnkey System Integrator also ensured that the design
objectives of energy efficiency and scalability were achieved for
Tulip Telecom. The first phase was operational in an incredible
time span of 6 to 9 months.