SBI PEN. ASSN.'S SAMVAD ñQ>oQ> ~±H$ noÝeZg© Agmo{gEeZ (_w§~B© gH©$b), nwUo `m§Mr J¥hn{ÌH$m Price g§dmX 3/- _Zm_Zm§ M m _o i Ow i mdm Ÿ& Ûo f mMm bdbo e Zgmdm && gmXmgr à{VgmX {_imdm & dmX ZH$mo g§ d mX Agmdm && Vol.- 7 _o - 2015 Issue 11 May 2015 g§nmXH$s` g^mgX{_Ìhmo, "g§dmX' Mm E{àb 2015 Mm _mJrb A§H$ {X. 25 bm Q>nmbmZo admZm Pmbm, Ë`mM {Xder EH$ AË`§V YŠH$mXm`H$ KQ>Zm KS>br Am{U AmnU gd©OU Ajae: hmXê$Z Jobmo. ^maVmÀ`m CÎmaobm Agboë`m n¥ÏdrMm OUy _mZX§S> (qH$dm _mnX§S>) Aem ZJm{YamO {h_mb`mÀ`m Hw$erV dgboë`m Zonmi `m Amnë`m eoOmar amï´>mMm ~hþVm§e ^mJ Am{U CÎma ^maVmVrb AZoH$ amÁ`o ^yH§$nmÀ`m Vrd« YŠŠ`m§Zr hmXê$Z Jobr. `mV Ag§»` Kao ^wB©gnmQ> Pmbr, ghòmdYr bmoH$ àmUmg _wH$bo - OI_r Pmbo, {dÎmhmZrbm Va gr_mM ZìhVr. jUmYm©V OUy hmoË`mMo ZìhVo Pmbo. AÚmnhr ^yH§$nmMo H$_r-A{YH$ Vrd«VoMo YŠHo$ AYyZ-_YyZ ~gVM AmhoV. YaVrMm H$mon {H$Vr ^`mZH$ Agy eH$Vmo Vo Zonmidmgr`m§Zr AZw^dbo. Z¡g{J©H$ AmnÎmr {H$Vr OrdKoUr Agy eH$Vo Ë`mMm nwÝhm àË`` Ambm. _mUgmV ^`H§$n {Z_m©U H$aUmè`m øm KQ>Zoda g_mOmV {dMma_§WZ hmoU§ ñdm^m{dH$M hmoV§; Ë`m_wio Ë`mM§ Xe©Z g_mOmbm {d{dY àgma_mÜ`_m§Ûmao KS>b§. Am_À`mXoIrb _ZmV {dMma-Va§J CR>bo. {ZgJ© Am{U _mZd `m§À`mVrb nañna g§~§Y, d¥Îmr-àd¥Îmr, gm_Ï`© `m§{df`rMo {dMma S>moŠ`mV W¡_mZ Kmby bmJbo. {ZgJm©Mm Vmob {Z Vmb gm§^mim`bm _mUyg gmø^yV Pmbm Va Vo A§Vr _mUgmÀ`mM {hVmMo R>aUmao AgVo. `mCbQ> Oa ñdV:À`m VmËnw a Ë`m ñdmWm© g mR>r {ZgJm© À `m àd¥ÎmrH$S>o Xþb©j H$ê$Z _mUyg {ZgJm©da ~oNy>Q> AmH«$_U H$arV am{hbm Va Ë`mMo ^{dî`mV Xþîn[aUm_ Pmë`mdmMyZ H$go amhVrb? Zonmi_Ü`oXoIrb {ZgJm©H$S>o Xþb©j H$ê$Z ~m§Yboë`m Ag§»` B_maVr {ZgJm©Mm Vmob T>iÊ`mbm H$mhr à_mUmV H$maUr^yV Pmë`mM. {edm` VoWrb ^yH§$nm_wio Or{dVhmZr d AÝ` ZwH$gmZ `m§M§ à_mUhr IynM dmT>b§. ^yH§$n Agmo, A{Vd¥ï>r Agmo, AZmd¥ï>r Agmo, dmXio AgmoV, _hmnya Agmo qH$dm {d{dY àH$maMr amoJamB© Agmo hr g§H$Q>o AmnU J¥{hV Yê$Z Ë`m§Zm Y¡`m©Zo gm_moao OmÊ`mMr {gÕVm R>odUo d Ë`mgmR>r gX¡d Xj AgUo hoM _mUgmÀ`m A§{V_V: {hVmMo Amho. øm g§X^m©V Amåhmbm ñdmV§Í`dra gmdaH$am§À`m "_Zwî`mMm Xod Am{U {dœmMm Xod!' `m {dkmZ{Zð> {Z~§YmMr Vrd«VoZo AmR>dU Pmbr. AË`§V VH©$H$R>moa nÕVrZo {b{hboë`m `m {Z~§YmV gmdaH$a åhUVmV, ""XodmZo ho gmao {dœ _Zwî`mg Ë`mMm _Ü`q~Xÿ H$ënyZ Ho$di _Zwî`mÀ`m gwIgmo`rgmR>rM {Z{_©bo Amho hr ^mdZm AJXr ^m~S>r, Iwir Am{U ImoQ>r Amho... H$moUË`m hoVyZo dm hoVydmMyZ ho OJS²>ì`mi {dœ ào[aV Pmbo Vo _Zwî`mbm V{H©$VmXoIrb `oUo eŠ` Zmhr. OmUVm `oUo eŠ` Amho Vo BVHo$M H$s H$mhr Pmbo Var _Zwî` hm `m {dœmÀ`m {IOJUVrVhr Zmhr. Oer H$sS>, _w§Jr, _mer VgmM øm AZmXr-AZ§V H$mbmÀ`m Ag§»` CbmT>mbrVrb hm _Zwî`hr EH$ AË`§V VmËnwaVm Am{U VwÀN> n[aUm_ hmo`. Ë`mbm Im`bm {_imdo åhUyZ YmÝ` CJdV Zmhr, \$io {nH$V ZmhrV. Va YmÝ` {nH$Vo åhUyZ Vmo ImD$ eH$Vmo BVHo$M H$m` Vo. Ë`mbm nmUr {_imdo åhUyZ ZÚm dmhV ZmhrV. ZÚm dmhVmV åhUyZ nmUr {_iVo BVHo$M H$m` Vo... {dœmV AmnU AmhmoV nU {dœ Amnbo Zmhr; \$ma WmoS>çm A§er Vo AmnUmg AZwHy$b Amho. \$ma _moR>çm A§er Vo AmnUmg à{VHy$b Amho- Ago Oo Amho Vo ZrQ>nUo, YrQ>nUo g_OyZ KoD$Z Ë`mbm ~oYS>H$nUo Vm|S> XoUo hrM Iar _mUwgH$s Amho Am{U {dœmÀ`m XodmMr VrM Iar-Iar ny O m!'' `mda A{YH$ ^mî` Z H$aVm ñdmV§Í`dra gmdaH$am§Mm hm {Z~§Y dmMH$m§Zr _yimVyZM dmMmdm ho Z_« AmdmhZ Amåhr H$ê$ BpÀN>Vmo. Ë`m_wio {dMmam§Zm Zdr MmbZm {_iob. ^rfU ^yH§$nmV ~ir nS>boë`m ghòmdYr {ZanamY _¥VmËå`m§Zm {dZ_« lÕm§Obr! H« $ m§ { Vgo Z am_M§ Ð AmR>dbo ^« _ UÜdZr : 9869941691 Visit us at : e-mail : [email protected] May 2015 E SAMVAD ~§Jbmo ßbm°Q>g² _o. gwae o K§Jmio A°ÝS> Agmo{gEQ>g² gmXa H$arV Amho. _mdi g¥ï>r H$m_eoQ> _idbr H$mbm© EH${dam XodrÀ`m gm{ÞÜ`mV d {ZgJ©aå` n[agamV H$m_eoV aoëdo ñQ>e o Z d _idbr aoëdo ñQ>e o Zd nwU-o _w~ § B© hm`do bJV 3 JwR§ >o Vo 5 JwR§ >çm§Mo ßbm°Q>g² CnbãY JX© PmS>r, n¸o$ añVo, H§$nmC§S>, nmUr, bmB©Q>, Šb~ hmD$g JwV § dUwH$sgmR>r gwdU© g§Yr :: g§nH©$ :: gwae o K§Jmio _mo~mB©b : 9371014807 / 7507806007 Am°{\$g : ñQ>Qo > ~±H$ H$m°bZr, "am`JS>' {~pëS>J ¨ , CËgd hm°bOdi, nm¡S> amoS>, H$moWê$S>, nwUo - 411038 doi : g§Ü`m. 4 Vo 7 gmo_dma Vo ewH$« dma e{Zdma d a{ddma gH$mir 11 dm. ßbm°Q> XmI{dÊ`mMr ì`dñWm. 2 May 2015 E SAMVAD State Bank of India Pensioners' Association (Mumbai Circle), Pune PUNE ZONAL SUB-CENTRE Notice of Annual General Meeting on 24th June 2015 at Kolhapur As decided in the meeting of the Managing Committee of Pune Zonal Sub-Centre held on 25th March 2015, the Annual General Meeting of Pune Zonal Sub-Centre, comprising the Districts of Ahmednagar, Kolhapur, Pune, Sangli, Satara & Solapur will be held at 11a.m. on Wednesday the 24th June 2015 at Indraprastha Sanskrutik Bhawan, Lucky Tower, Lucky Bazar, Rajarampuri, 8th lane, Shahu Mill Road, Kolhapur - 416008 to transact the following business. AGENDA 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) To condole the death of the members who expired and whose names were reported after the date of last AGM held at Pune on 11th June 2014. To confirm the minutes of the last AGM held on 11th June 2014 published in 'Samwad' issue of August 2014. Presentation of the Secretary's Annual Report. Felicitation of the members who have completed 75 years of age during the period between 12th June 2014 and 24th June 2015. (Letters have been sent to such members separately) Reporting on the present scenario about pension issues. Any other business with the permission of the hair. Presidential address. V. R. Kulkarni Secretary Note - 1) If there is no quorum at 11.00 a.m. the meeting will be adjourned and the adjourned meeting will start after half an hour and will proceed as per the above Agenda for which no quorum will be necessary. 2) "Pensioners' Meet" arranged by the Bank will be conducted during the above meeting. 3) In case if any member is facing difficulty in finding the venue of the meeting, he may please contact Shri.R.R.Kulkarni on his Mobile No.09421207476. APPEAL Those members who have yet to pay donation of Rs.1,000/- (minimum) each for 'Samwad' are requested to pay the same on the day of meeting at reception counter. A{^Z§ X Zr` _w§~B© `oWrb Amnbo g^mgX lr. AaqdX YamYa `m§Zm "Pathare Prabhu Social Samaj' V\}$ 21 _mM© 2015 (JwT>r nmS>dm) amoOr Art of Photography g§~§Yr Award S>m°. gm¡. ApídZr XogmB©-dmK `m§À`m hñVo àXmZ H$aÊ`mV Ambo. hm g_ma§^ Ima (_w§~B©) `oWrb H$å`w{ZQ>r hm°b_Ü`o g§nÞ Pmbm. lr. YamYa `m§ M o Ë`m~Ôb Agmo { gEeZV\} $ hm{X© H $ A{^Z§XZ. - go H o « $ Q>ar `w { ZQ>dmVm© {XZm§H$ 13 _mM©, 1915 amoOr "{Q>iH$ZJa {dÚmb`', S>m|{~dbr (nyd©) `oWo Amnbo EH$ g^mgX lr. M§ÐH$m§V XoIUo `m§Mm "ào_a§J ametMo' hm EH$nmÌr H$m`©H«$_ {_Ì _§S>imV\}$ Am`mo{OV H$aÊ`mV Ambm. lr. XoIUo øm§À`m ldUr` _¡\$brg a{gH$m§Mr CËñ\y$V© XmX {_imbr. H$m`©H«$_mg H$moëhmnya `w{ZQ>Mo goH«o$Q>ar lr. Ama. Ama. Hw$bH$Uu AmdOy©Z CnpñWV hmoVo. H$m`© d mh, {_Ì_§ S >i (S>m| { ~dbr-H$ë`mU) `w { ZQ> 3 May 2015 E SAMVAD Federation of SBI Pensioners' Association State Bank Building, 84 Rajaji Salai, Chennai - 600001 CIRCULAR NO 5 TO ALL AFFILIATES DATED : 7-05-2015 Dear Sir, Sub : Developments at the hearing of our W.P 1875/2013 by Delhi High Court on 6-05-2015 We wish to advise that our application for change of prayers made on the basis of SBI Employees' Pension Fund Regulations 2014 has been allowed by the Hon'ble Judges at the above hearing. The Advocates of the Union Government, R.B.I and our Bank did not raise any objections on our above application. The Judges have directed us to file an amended W.P with our revised prayers within a week. There are no material changes in our revised prayers. A copy of our application for the change of prayers has already been forwarded to you. A copy of the order dated 6-05-2015 is enclosed hereto for your information. 2. Our amended W.P will be filed by our Advocates within time limit stipulated in the above order. Our W.P will continue to get listed under Regular Matters for final hearing on every Monday and Tuesday. It will be taken up within first five items, when Regular Matters are taken up. After, the hearing of our above W.P., held on 8-04-2015, no Regular Matter could not be taken up by the Judges, as the Senior Judge was engaged in the Special Bench daily in the afternoon. Although our W.P would be listed on 11th and 12th of this month, our case may not be taken up on these dates, in view of the time limit of one week stipulated on 6-05-2015 for filing our amended W.P. 3. An important point which may be observed from the above order dated 6-05-2015 of the Delhi High Court is the direction stating that there is no need of counter affidavit because substantive pleadings remain the same. We are therefore hopeful that our W.P would be taken up for final hearing on 18th/19th/25th/26th of this month. We shall keep you advised of the developments. Yours Sincerely, Sd/General Secretary (P.P.Sankaranarayana Murthy) IN THE HIGH COURT OF DELHI AT NEW DELHI W.P.(C) 1875/2013 FEDERATION OF STATE BANK OF INDIA AND ORS … … ... ... Petitioners Represented by : Mr.P.N.Mishra, Sr. Advocate instructed by Mr.Debesh Panda, Mr.Subhash Chandra Sagar & Mr.E.C.Vidyasagar, Advocates Versus THE UNION OF INDIA AND ORS… … … … … ... ... Respondents Represented by : Mr.Kavindra Gill, Advocate for UOI/R-1 Mr.K.S.Parihar, Advocate for RBI/R-2 Mr.Rajiv Kapur, Advocate for SBI/R-3 & R-4 CORAM : HON'BLE MR. JUSTICE PRADEEP NANDRAJOG HON'BLE MS. JUSTICE PRATIBHA RANI ORDER 06.05.2015 CM No.5989/2015 1. All respondents are served and counsel as above appears for the respondents. The amendment prayed for is formal and hence is not being opposed by the respondents. Thus CM No.5989/2015 is allowed. 2. Amended writ petition be filed within a week. There is no need of counter affidavit because substantive pleadings remain the same. PRADEEP NANDRAJOG, J. PRATIBHA RANI, J. MAY 06, 2015 4 May 2015 E SAMVAD S.B.I. PENSIONERS' ASSOCIATION (MUMBAI CIRCLE) PUNE NAGPUR ZONAL SUB-CENTRE Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on 14th September 2014 at Nagpur The Annual General Meeting of Nagpur Zonal Sub-Centre was held on Sunday the 14th September 2014 at Ground floor, State Bank of India, Zonal Office, Nagpur. Shri Agrekar, Secretary of ZSC welcomed the members. Then, he read out the names of the pensioners deceased after the last Annual General Meeting. The condolences were offered & homage was paid to the departed souls by observing 2 minutes silence. Then, Shri. Agrekar read out the minutes of last Annual General Meeting held on 24.11.2013 (Minutes published in SAMVAD for February 2014) & requested the members to suggest additions/deletions therein, if any. Since no suggestions were made, the minutes were approved by clapping hands by all the members. Shri Agrekar submitted the Report of the Nagpur Zonal Sub Centre. He submitted that during the year 140 new members were registered with the Association. He also narrated various developments on the apex level. The latest developments in the Court cases were given to the House. Shri. Agrekar also told to the house that the Pension Cases of two family pensioners were solved with the intervention of the Association. The family pensioners were not paid pension for six months. Then, "Shri.N.G.More Service Awards" were presented at the hands of Chief Guest to Shri.D.S.Godbole & Shri.V.M.Jagdale for their excellent work done during the last year for the Association. Then, Shri.A.P.Valokar, Treasurer of ZSC Nagpur, readout the Income & Expenditure Account of the Zonal Sub-Centre for the last year and was put up to the General Body for approval. Shri.V.D.Deshpande, President, covered in detail work done by the Association during the last 2 years. He narrated in brief for not purchasing the Association guest house in the Nagpur. He requested to the Members that, no election should be held henceforth & members should be elected unanimously as per the practice prevailing in other sub-centers so that the expenditure can be curtailed. The members accepted to his request & withdrew their nomination forms. The following members handed over Cheques (Donation to Association) to the President of the Association : Shri. Nene Rs. 1,001/Shri. Dhodapkar - Rs. 1,001/Shri. Ghosh Rs. 500/Thereafter, for election process the dias was handed over to Shri.R.N.Nakkanwar. He told the members that, he has received many nomination forms for election but as some members have now withdrawn the forms there is no contest. Then he declared the results of the election for the year 20142016. He read out the names of the newly elected office bearers / committee members as under. 1 Shri M P S. Sawhney President 2 Shri Ashok Patrikar Vice President 3 Shri Sudhir Agrekar Secretary 4 Shri K.G.Shende Joint Secretary 5 Shri G.H. Gondane Treasurer 6 Shri Vinod Srivastava Executive Committee Member 7 Shri N.A.Diore Executive Committee Member 8 Shri Lalit Karia Executive Committee Member 5 May 2015 E SAMVAD Shri.Badge proposed a vote of thanks to all. Special thanks were given Shri.Narendra (Dattubhau) Joshi for arranging wonderful catering services every time. Tea was served to all members. The meeting was over after reciting the National Anthem. The meeting was excellently conducted by Shri.R.N.Nakkanwar. Sudhir Agrekar Secretary, Nagpur Zonal Sub Center ************************************************************** Pensioners' Meet held on 14th September 2014 at Nagpur Pensioners' Meet of Nagpur Zonal Sub-Centre was held on Sunday the 14th September, 2014, at 11.00 a.m. at Ground Floor, State Bank of India, Zonal Office, Nagpur. The meting was started at 11.00 a.m. Shri.V.D.Deshpande, President of Nagpur ZSC, presided over the meeting. Shri.S.S.Fokmare, Assistant General Manager, Nagpur branch was the Chief Guest. Shri.Mehta Chief Manager (P&HRD) from Zonal Office, Nagpur, Shri Pramod Rathod, Vice-President, Shri.Sudhir Agrekar, Secretary, Shri.Walokar, Treasurer of ZSC Nagpur were also sitting on the Dias. Then the traditional auspicious lamp was lighted by the Chief Guest, office-bearers and the dignitaries on the Dias. Shri.Sudhir Agrekar, Secretary, welcomed the Chief guest, special invitees and all the members and started the proceedings. He narrated in brief the problems faced by the pensioners. He Suggested that, 1) Adequate arrangement of funds in time should be made by the Bank so that medical bills of the pensioners can be paid without inordinate delay. 2) Bank should start 4 medical dispensaries in East, West, North and South sides of the Nagpur city for 2 hours on alternate days, so that the pensioners will get medical treatment at their near centre. 3) Bank Should start medical dispensaries at district head quarters, i.e. Bhandara, Gondia, Wardha, Chandrapur and Garchiroli. 4) Pensioners' meet should be held at the branches where more than 15 pensioners are drawing pension. 5) Bank should pay interest on provident fund amount if it is not paid in time to retired employees. Lady Doctor & Ophthalmologist should be appointed in Zonal Office dispensary. 6) Diagnostics centers should be approved by the bank in four zones of Nagpur. 7) TDS certificates should be issued to the pensioners in time. 8) Bank should send family pension PPO to pensioners immediately. 9) Early settlement of family pension. Then, Shri.Fokmare, Chief Guest, in his speech explained happiness in talking to house gathering of seniors. He explained that, because of hard work done by seniors in the past, Bank is seeing good days now. He promised that, he will take up the problems faced by the pensioners to his higher authorities to find out the solutions. He assured full cooperation to the pensioners. Then, the members who completed 75 years of age after last Annual General Meeting were felicitated at the hands of Chief Guest & President of the ZSC, Nagpur. Secretary then told that there are around 22 members who were invited for felicitation. On receiving invitation the members & their family members became sentimental & emotional and conveyed their feelings to association. The 6 May 2015 E SAMVAD members who were felicitated were Shri.Badhani, Shri.B.A.Tiwari, Shri.Badwaik, Shri.Tilwani, Shri.Venkatramani, Shri.Rotkar & Mrs.Jogdand. Shri.Venkatramani expressed gratitude on behalf of the celebrities. Then, Shri.Mehta, Chief Manager (P&HRD) from Nagpur Zonal Office during his speech promised that, he will ensure that, medical bills of pensioners will be settled in time. Regarding approval of Ophthalmologist & Lady doctor in Nagpur district, he will take up the matter with higher authorities. Then he assured to the meeting that, in case of any problems faced by the pensioners he can directly contact him on his cell phone & gave his contact no. to the members. Then, Shri.V.D.Deshpande, President of the ZSC, addressed to the meeting. During his speech he narrated that, DGM was invited for this meeting but due to his busy schedule he could not attend the meeting. He expressed his dissatisfaction over this. Then, he said Bank should call the leader of Pensioners for negotiations with Government regarding settlement of pension. He then expressed his regret over not conducting the structural meeting with Pensioners' Association by the Bank during the last 4 years. Then he requested Shri.Fokmare, Chief Guest, to convey his views to DGM. Then, in an open forum discussions the pensioners told their problems as under. 1. Shri Somkunwar : His sale deed was misplaced by the bank. 2. Shri Rambhau Kolhatkar : Inadequate medicines at medical dispensary, Nagpur. Proper indent should be made. 3. Shri Dongare : a) Early settlement of fitment of pension b) Public interest rate applied to his Car loan 4. Shri Deshpande : TDS is deducted from his pension but not remitted to IT Department. Shri Fokmare Chief Guest assured the members that he will take up the matter with higher authorities. Then, Shri Mohan Jogalekar gave a vote of thanks & meeting was concluded. Shri.R.N.Nakkalwar who has conducted the programme then requested the invitees and members to join for lunch. The meeting was excellently conducted by Shri R N Nakkanwar. Sudhir Agrekar Secretary, Nagpur Zonal Sub center *************************************************************************************** OrdZ Zer~mZo gmW gmoS>br åhUyZ _am`Mo ZgVo ñdV:À`m qh_VrdaM OJm`Mo AgVo _mJrb AmR>dUtZr amhm`Mo ZgVo ^{dî`mMm {dMma H$ê$Z OJm`Mo AgVo H$V¥©ËdmZo _mUyg KS>Vmo ho _hÎdmMo AgVo jw„H$ g§H$Q>m§Zm Km~am`Mo ZgVo EH$ R>oM bmJbr åhUyZ Wm§~m`Mo ZgVo Y¡`m©Zo Ë`mM _mJm©da Mmbmb`Mo AgVo 17/15 ea`w Hw$bH$Uu (H$moëhmnya) ☺ {dZmo X ☺ noeQ§ > : S>m.° Iyn Am¡fY§ KoVbr. gXu Vmn ~am hmoV Zmhr. H$m` H$amdo? S>m°ŠQ>a : H$moUmMr Am¡fYo KoVbrV? noe§Q> : g_moaMo S>m°. nm§S>o `m§Mo Am¡fYo gwê$ hmoVo. S>m°ŠQ>a : H$moU S>m°. nm§S>o? Ë`mbm H$mhr H$iV Zmhr. \w$H$Q>Mo {d{MÌ g„o XoV amhVmV. Vwåhmbm H$moUVm g„m {Xbm? noeQ§ : Vw_À`mH$S>o OmÊ`mMm. nw . {Z.Xo e nm§ S o A_amdVr 20/15 _mo. 9764974422 7 May 2015 E SAMVAD S.B.I. PENSIONERS' ASSOCIATION (MUMBAI CIRCLE), PUNE PANAJI ZONAL SUB CENTRE PROCEEDINGS OF THE 17TH ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING DATED 12TH APRIL 2015 The 17th Annual General Meeting of Panaji Zonal Sub Centre covering Goa State, Sindhudurg and Ratnagiri districts of Maharahtra was held at State Bank Learning Centre, Panaji on 12th April 2015. Around 230 members including Associate Members and Family Pensioners attended the meeting. The dignitaries who attended the Annual General Meeting included Shri S.B.Gokhale, President, Shri Vilas V. Gandhe, Gen. Secretary, Shri D. A. Kulkarni, Treasurer, Shri Sudhir M. Pawar, Jt.Secretary of Mumbai Circle, Shri C.P.Kulkarni, President, Shri V.R.Kulkarni, Shri Ashok Pandit of Pune ZSC, Shri D.B.Khobragade, Secretary, Amravati ZSC and Shri R.S.Rajiwdekar, Principal Secretary and Shri S.M.Dharadhar, Vice-President of Mumbai ZSC. 1. Shri S.B.Gokhale inaugurated the meeting by lighting traditional lamp along with Dr.C.V.Mohan, Guest of Honour and other dignitaries. 2. Short prayers to the Almighty were recited in unison, one in Sanskrit and anotherin English. 3. Shri M.Y.Desai, Vice-President, North Goa, Panaji ZSC extended warm welcome to Shri Gokhale and other dignitaries and to Dr.C.V.Mohan, Guest of Honour, including special invitees and all the members and pensioners present at the Annual General Meeting. A Floral welcome was accorded to the dignitaries. 4. Two minutes silence was observed to condole the death of the following pensioners who passed away during the period or whose deaths were reported after last AGM. i) PM/9435 Ms. Milan DattaramSalkar 12.01.2015 ii) LM/1290 Shri Thomas SavioFruto do Rosario Lobo 06.01.2015 iii) PM/6752 ShriAvadhutUpendraShinkre 12.05.2014 iv) PM/6057 ShriVaikunthDigambarKamat 14.06.2014 v) BM/1766 Shri V. V. Bhandiwad 28.02.2015 vi) APM/4097 Smt. Prafulla Vilas Kamat 06.09.2014 vii) APM/4055 Smt.BraziliaS. Rodrigues 19.09.2014 viii) PM/6034 ShriVenkatesh G. Bhat 21.03.2015 ix) PM/11352 Smt.Madhavi M. Dhond 08.04.2015 x) --ShriMukundNaik --xi) --ShriM.P.Prabhu --While paying tributes to late Shri V.D. Kulkarni, the Secretary Shri I.S.Dias said that we very much feel the absence at this meeting of late Shri Kulkarni who was very active member of the Association as Vice-President in matters ofnew enrolment and other related activities. 5. The message received on the occasion from Shri D. Indu Sekhar, Deputy General Manager (B&O), Zo, Panaji, was read out. The messages were also received from Shri R.N.Lalingkar, former Gen. Secretary of Mumbai Circle Pen Assn and Shri HariPrabhu, G.S. of Award Staff Union. 6. At the outset, Shri P.M.Narkar, President, congratulated Shri S.B.Gokhale, Circle President, for his election as Vice-President of our Federation for West Zone. He then delivered his address. He briefly touched upon latest topics concerning SBI Pensioners, especially the court order dated 6.4.2015 in which the court has ordered to make payment of pension arrears for the Seventh Bi-partite pensioners within 12 weeks from the date of judgment. He also mentioned about local problems faced by Panaji ZSC. 8 May 2015 E SAMVAD 7. Shri M. Y. Desai, Vice-President, North Goa, Panaji ZSC introduced Dr.C.V.Mohan, the Guest of Honour as speaker of the day. Dr.Mohan, aged 56 years is C.A., with Doctorate from a University in the U.K. in English Taxation. His both legs were amputated in a road accident at Palghat (Kerala) when he was 4 years old. His family was poor as his father was working as cook. But against all odds, his determination made him reach the top. In spite of his handicaps, he stood 1st at various levels, including C.A. where he stood 2nd. He mastered 24 languages and is official interpreter at Rashtrapati Bhavan. He was sponsored by SBI under Community Banking Service and provided with artificial legs at Frankfurt with expenditure of Rs.62 lacs. He is associated with SBI in identifying and disposal of old/obsolete records all over India since 1978. He has traveled 36 lac kms till now. His spouse is house-maker, his children - 2 girls and a boy are specialist doctors in their individual fields - Nephrology, Neurology and Cardiology. 8. Dr.C.V.Mohan in his speech, emphasized on being Reciprocal in life - giving as much as possible in return for the goodness showered on us. He emphasized how he underwent hazards in his lifetime after the accident and how he turned disaster in to victory. While he donates money earned for social causes, associated with Jaipur Foot Centres, his children donate 7% of their earnings for social causes. He says that the Almighty God showered blessings on him and his family in multiple ways and he wants to reciprocate for what he received from God to the humanity. Dr.C.V.Mohan, who gave background of his calamity and how he overcame life's difficulties, basically conveyed to the pensioner brothers and sisters to face the trials of life and in like manner, reciprocate to the community at large to whatever extent they can do to the unfortunate and poor in society. The audience listened to Dr.Mohan with rapt attention and admiration and gave him standing applause at the end of his speech interspersed with humour. 9. The minutes of the last AGM held on 6.4.2014 and circulated to the members through May 2014 issue of 'Samvad', were approved unanimously proposed by Shri Trevor Fernandes and seconded by Shri Menino Furtado. 10. Shri I.H.Dias, Secretary, delivered his annual report for 2014-15. He stated that 28 new members were enrolled during the year. He highlighted usefulness of monthly interaction meetings of the members held on predetermined dates at Margao and Panaji. He said that excluding today, the total donation from members from Goa State, Sindhudurg and Ratnagiri districts during 2014-15 were total Rs.36,104=22 (for 'Samvad' Rs.26,844=11 and Legal Fund Rs.9,260=11) by way of lifetime contribution for 'Samvad' and donation for legal expenses. As regards welfare activities, the Association's Guest House completed 5 years of success and with good financial results. With rate @ Rs.200/- per bed / per diem the facility earned Rs.82,650/- and expenses were incurred for Rs.11,913/-. The welfare facility came about as an income tax planning measure for Mumbai circle. He said that, with the publicity given in other Circle's magazines about this guest house, we are getting enquiries from Kashmir to Kanyakumari and from Gujarat to West Bengal. The secretary took this opportunity to thank the Dy. G.M.(B&O), for donating to our Panaji ZSC, (a) one second hand steel cupboard, (b) one computer CPU, monitor, etc. and also UPS. About dispensaries, he said that presently Margao and Kankavli are functioning and only ZO Dispensary is non-functional since Sept. 2014 due to reasons beyond the control of the Dy. G.M. (B&O). Shri Dias repeated once more the names and addresses of 5 units with whom the Bank has tie-up arrangements for medical tests etc. In the area of our service to our members, the Secretary gave details of 5 cases where matters were taken up/sorted out and in some cases, well settled, on the merits of the cases where applicable, when taken up with HR Deptt., Panaji and HR/Welfare Deptt/PPG Deptt at Mumbai LHO and at Corporate Centre. 9 May 2015 E SAMVAD 11. Rounding up the Bank's Pensioners' Meet, Shri M.Y.Desai, Vice-President, expressed gratitude and conveyed thanks to the Dy.G.M (B&O) for his cooperation, gesture of goodwill of donating to the Panaji ZSC computer equipment, cupboard and also arranging to gift a good pen as a token of goodwill to the participants in the meeting. Shri Desai also thanked other functionaries of the ZO, BMs for extending cooperation to the pensioners. 12. The following senior members of the association, who completed 75 years of age, out of the 8 invited to attend, were felicitated at the hands of the President Shri P.M.Narkar and Shri S.B.Gokhale, President, Mumbai Circle. 1) PM/5906 Smt. Maria Ivone dasDores P. Diniz 08.07.1938 2) PM/6018 ShriShashikant Govind Prabhu 01.01.1940 3) BM/6662 ShriPrabhakar Narayan Sankolli 02.01.1940 4) BM/6053 Shri Peter A. Rodrigues 29.01.1940 (Felicitated at his residence since he could not attend AGM) 5) PM/6483 Shri Kandrath Shankarnarayan 18.08.1938 On this happy occasion, Shri S.G.Prabhu gave a special donation of Rs.5,001/- to the Association. 13. In his address, Shri S.B.Gokhale, President, Mumbai Circle, gave full detail of the recent structured meeting held on 22.1.2015 at SB Staff College, Hyderabad with the officials of the Corporate Centre, item by item. He said that the prospects for many of the items were bleak and special appeals have been made to the higher authorities, to have broader view and not to reject on technical grounds. He said that the Bank is expected to introduce biometric system for life certificate verification. Form 16 can be obtained from the site. For such guidance, Shri Gokhale advised members to keep January 15 issue of 'Samvad' magazine as important. Shri Gokhale gave brief gist of various court cases and their present status. The Writ Petition No.1875 of 2013 is posted for hearing on 6.5.2015. He also mentioned developments of Writ Petition No.2353 filed by Shri Kiran Kumar Jaipuriar, Pensioner from Jharkhand. The Order in this case dated 16.4.2015 is favourable to the petitioner asking SBI to re-compute the pension payable to the petitioner. Considering the interest shown by the New Finance Ministry on our long outstanding issues, in response to our appeal once again, Shri Gokhale said that he foresees a ray of hope for better in our case, at least now due to the new Govt at the Centre. 14. Shri Vilas Gandhe, Gen. Secretary, Mumbai Circle complimented Panaji ZSC for being prompt and efficient in responding to any requirements of Mumbai Circle Committee. Shri Gandhe then explained the structure of Assn offices at Pune and Mumbai, their functioning and their control system. He gave details of various functionaries of Pune office, name-wise and the time and effort they put in for successful running the office of the Association. He appealed for lifetime contribution/subscription for 'Samvad' magazine and explained its costing structure due to enrolment of new members. Shri Gandhe appreciated the prayer wordings recited at the commencement of the Meeting. 15. In the open forum following members participated and expressed their views as also sought information. (a) Shri Siddharth Sahgal brought to the attention of the executive committee two instances that took place at Mumbai Centre. Shri Gokhale was requested to take a note and deal with the cases with concerned authorities. (b) Shri Benjamin Fernandes desired to know as to the time when the commutation is restored and full pension paid. Shri Gokhale replied stating that full pension is restored after 15 years of commuted pension amount payment. 10 May 2015 E SAMVAD (c) Shri Shetye asked about the family pension amount. The family pension amount is paid pro rata for 20 years and at half of the pension for 30 years. (d) Shri U.N.Sankolli, raised the issue that there is no doctor in Panaji ZO Dispensary since October 2014 after the second doctor also retired. He wanted to know what pensioners' association had done in this regard and the prospects of getting permanent doctor in the dispensary. Shri Narkar, President, stated that during the interaction with the Dy GM (B&O), he informed that doctor selected from the applications received is likely to be posted shortly. Shri Narkar said that in Welfare Deptt in Mumbai LHO, it was conveyed that recruitment after selection in response to the advt. of the Bank regarding vacancies for doctor, the selected doctor would be posted in Goa. As regards other efforts of the association, Shri Dias pointed out that the Dy.GM (B&O) who was our Chief Guest at the AGM held on 6.4.2014 was reminded by Shri Narkar in his welcome speech, that Bank should appoint a new medical officer for ZO Dispensary in as much as the Sr.M.O. Dr.Bandodkar was retiring shortly. Promptly, a letter dated 18.7.2014 was addressed to the Dy.GM (B&O) giving background of Panaji Disp that 2 doctors were posted, one of whom retired earlier and the other doctor is retiring shortly. The Dy.G.M. also was kind enough to promptly take up with LHO. Also, the services of a Pharmacist in place of transferred Pharmacist were also requested to be done. Listing out the difficulties and considering prospects emerging on the horizon, it was suggested that Dr.Bandodkar be given extension in services until regular arrangements are made. However, Dr.Bandodkar fell sick immediately after retirement. (e) Shri Rajiwdekar who interacted at Mumbai stated that no doctor is willing to come to Goa. The matter of approval of Manipal Hospital is being followed up. (f) At this juncture, considering the seriousness of the issue, Shri Y.S.S.Kapdi suggested that office bearers of pensioners association should arrange a meeting with the Dy.G.M. and express difficulties of the pensioners and thereafter, if necessary, take up the matter at different levels if it falls in their area. (g) Shri Anand Joshi, committee member from Ratnagiri, has learnt that the remuneration to new doctors is below their expectation. He said that court cases are taking long time. So, he expressed his personal opinion that this fact is worth recording in Guiness Book of Records. (h) Shri Ghadigaonkar, another committee member from Sindhudurg, desired to have local pensioners meeting in Kankavli in April or May 2015. 16. Shri P.D.P.Salgaonkar, Vice-President, South Goa, Panaji ZSC thanked Shri D. InduSekhar, Dy. G.M. (B&O), Panaji for extending all assistance to the pensioners. He also thanked the AGMs of Region I, II and III for helping pensioners, ZO functionaries for their cooperation, BMs for welcoming the pensioners. He thanked the Shri Vasudeva Rao, AGM, SBLC, Panaji and his team for lending the venue for the meeting and also helping us in organizing the meeting and for stay arrangements for officials who had come from other centres. He thanked Shri Shivaji Shedge and his team for the excellent catering arrangements. Smt. Elsa Santos Vernekar, Ladies representative of the committee, ably compered the entire proceedings. After the national anthem, the meeting concluded followed by fellowship lunch. Isac H. Dias Secretary, Panaji Zonal Sub-Centre 11 May 2015 E SAMVAD ñQ>o Q > ~± H $ Am° \ $ B§ { S>`m no Ý eZg© Agmo { gEeZ (_w § ~ B© gH© $ b), nw U o A_amdVr Pmo Z b g~² - g| Q >a {X.17 E{àb 2015 À`m dm{f©H$ gd©gmYmaU g^oMo B{Vd¥Îm ewH«$dma {X. 17 E{àb 2015 amoOr Cnamoº$ g^m A_amdVr `o W rb S>m° . Omo e r hm° b _Ü`o A{Ve` AmZ§ X r d CËgmhnyU© dmVmdaUmV g§nÞ Pmbr. g^oÀ`m gwédmVrbm Ano{jV JUg§»`m Zgë`mZo g^m AYm© Vmg nwT>o T>H$byZ AÜ`m© Vmgm Z§Va nwÝhm gwê$ H$aÊ`mV Ambr. gd© àW_ gyÌ g§MmbH$ lr.AO` Xoenm§S>o `m§Zr g^oMo AÜ`jñWmZ ^yf{dÊ`mgmR>r A_amdVr `w{ZQ>Mo Á`oð> gXñ` lr.à.Zm._mohXaH$a `m§Zm _§Mmda ñWmZmnÞ hmoÊ`mMr {dZ§Vr Ho$br. Ë`mZ§Va ~±Ho$À`m "noÝeZg© _rQ>' gmR>r à_wI A{V{W åhUyZ Ambobo eoR>, ghm._hmà~§YH$, A_amdVr H°$ån emIm `m§Zm, VgoM Agmo{gEeZMo nXm{YH$mar gd©lr A{dZme {Z_Xod (AÜ`j), _mohZqgJ _wUmoV (CnmÜ`j), kmZàH$me Imo~«mJS>o (g{Md), Xo{d{H$gZ ^Å>S> (ghg{Md), {dZm`H$ O{iV (H$mo f mÜ`j) d e§ H $a ~mZmo H $a (AÜ`j,A_amdVr `w { ZQ>) `m§ Z m ì`mgnrR>mda ñWmZmnÞ hmoÊ`mMr {dZ§Vr Ho$br. Ë`mZ§Va AÜ`j lr._mohXaH$a d à_wI A{VWr lr.amOoe eoR> `m§Mo nwînJwÀN> XoD$Z ñdmJV H$aÊ`mV Ambo. Z§Va _mÝ`dam§Mo hñVo gañdVr nyOZ d Xrn àÁdbZ H$aÊ`mV Ambo. _o 2014 À`m "g§dmX' À`m A§H$mV {X.14 _mM© 2014 amoOr Pmboë`m A_amdVr PmoZb g~²-g|Q>aÀ`m n{hë`m dm{f©H$ g^oMm d¥Îmm§V à{gÕ Pmbm Amho. Vmo Ahdmb lr.Imo~«mJS>o `m§Zr dmMyZ XmIdbm d Ë`mg gXñ`m§Zr Q>mù`m§À`m JOamV _mÝ`Vm {Xbr. `mZ§Va 14 _mM© 2014 Vo 17 E{àb 2015 `m H$mbmdYrV Á`m g^mgXm§Zr d`mMr 75 df} nyU© Ho$br Aem lr.OZmX©Z XmVma, lr.{dîUw H$èho d lr.XodXÎm nm§S>o `m g^mgXm§Mm _mÝ`dam§Mo hñVo nwînJwÀN>, emb, lr\$i, {_R>mB© d gÝ_mZ{MÝh XoD$Z hm{X©H$ gËH$ma H$aÊ`mV Ambm. VgoM gm¡.aoIm {Z_Xod `m§Zr darb gËH$mamWvÀ`m ghY_©Mm[aUtMm Jwbm~nwîn d Aëner ^oQ> XoD$Z gËH$ma Ho$bm. g^og CnpñWV amhÿ Z eH$bobo gËH$mamWu§S>o, lr.Ho$.Z.Om_Xma d gm¡._§Jbm à.nm§S>o `m§Mm n§MmhÎmarMm gËH$ma lr.{Z_Xod d lr.Imo~«mJS>o `m§Zr Ë`m§Mo Kar OmD$Z Ho$bm d Ë`m§Mo A{^Z§XZ Ho$bo. eodQ>r gd© gËH$mamWvÀ`m dVrZo lr.O.Z.XmVma `m§Zr g§KQ>Zoà{V Jm¡admoÒma H$mTy>Z Am^ma ì`º$ Ho$bo. JVdfu gH©$b Agmo{gEeZÀ`m dm{f©H$ g^oV ZmJnya Pmo Z b g~² - g| Q >aMo _mOr g{Md lr.O`§ V dH$sb `m§ Z m "H¡$.b.Zm.nm~iH$a ñ_¥Vr gwdU©nXH$' XoD$Z Jm¡a{dÊ`mV Ambo. ho gwdU©nXH$ àmá H$aUmao {dX^m©Vrb n{hbo _mZH$ar åhUy Z A_amdVr Pmo Z b g~² - g| Q >aÀ`mdVrZo `m g^o V lr.dH$sb `m§Mm emb, lr\$i d gÝ_mZ{MÝh XoD$Z hm{X©H$ gËH$ma H$aÊ`mV Ambm d nwT>rb _OHy$a dmMyZ Ë`m§Mo~Ôb Jm¡admoÒma H$mT>Ê`mV Ambo. "Congratulations Mr.Jayant S.Vakil. The Executive Committee and all the members of Amravati Zonal Sub-Centre sincerely acknowledge the exemplary work done by you in Association matters since 1998. We received enlightenment by the forays made by you and got encouragement to follow your suits. We shall always be remembering you as our torchbearer." `mZ§Va g^oMo AÜ`j lr._mohXaH$a `m§Zr Amnbo _ZmoJV ì`º$ Ho$bo. Ë`m§Zr A_amdVr PmoZb g~²-g|Q>aÀ`m CnH«$_m§~Ôb àe§gmoÒma H$mTy>Z gd© nXm{YH$mè`m§À`m H$m`m©Mm Jm¡ad Ho$bm. gd© nXm{YH$mar ho gXñ`m§À`m gVV g§nH$m©V AgVmV Am{U H| $ Ðr` ñVamdarb KS>m_mo S >r d no Ý eZ gwYmaUm§~Ôb Mmby Agboë`m à`ËZm§Mr VgoM H$moQ>© Ho$gog g§~§YrMr _m{hVr VËnaVoZo nmohmoM{dVmV. lr._mohXaH$a `m§Zr A_amdVr PmoZb g~²-g|Q>abm gw`e qMVrbo. lr.{Z_Xo d `m§ Z r Amnë`m ^mfUmV gd© ZdrZ gXñ`m§Mo ñdmJV Ho$bo. VgoM gd© gXñ`m§À`m "g§dmX' gmR>rÀ`m ^ard Am{W©H$ `moJXmZm~Ôb Am^ma ì`º$ Ho$bo. H|$Ðr` H$m`©H$m[aUro `§XmÀ`m dm{f©H$ g^m Am`moOZmgmR>r A_amdVr PmoZb g~²-g|Q>aMmhr {dMma BVa PmoZb g~²-g|Q>g© ~amo~a H$arV Agë`mMr _m{hVr g^mgXm§Zm {Xbr. `m Z§Va g^oMo à_wI A{VWr d ~±Ho$À`m noÝeZg© _rQ> gmR>r {deof {Z_§{ÌV lr.amOoe eoR> `m§Zr g^mgXm§Zm H$moUVo àý Zoh_r ^oS>gmdVmV `m {df`r _VàXe©Z H$aÊ`mg gm§JyZ, g^mgXm§H$Sy>Z Ë`m~Ôb Ë`m§À`m Anojm H$m` AmhoV ho OmUyZ KoVbo. Ë`mda _mJ©Xe©Z H$aVm§Zm Vo åhUmbo H$s, H$m¡Qw>§{~H$, Am{W©H$ dm ~±Ho$g§~§Yr AgUmè`m g_ñ`m§~m~V _ZmV ^`J§ S > Z ~miJVm Ë`m g_ñ`m§ M m gm_Zm H$aÊ`mgmR>r Amnë`mVrb gH$mamË_H$ COm© dmnê$Z OrdZmH$S>o nmhÊ`mMm Ñ{ï>H$moZ A{YH$m{YH$ ì`mnH$ H$aUo hr gÜ`mÀ`m J{V_mZ OrdZàUmbrMr JaO Amho. `m Z{dZ OrdZe¡br d _m{hVrOmbmÀ`m aoQ>çmV ñdV:bm {\$Q> H$aÊ`mMr JaO Amho. Ë`mgmR>r X¡Z§{XZ àmUm`m_, `m¡{JH$ AmgZo d Ü`mZYmaUm H$aÊ`mMr 12 May 2015 Amdí`H$Vm Amho. godm{Zd¥Îmm§gmR>rM Zìho Va gdmªgmR>r ~±Ho$Mo ì`dhma gwairVnUo d gmoB©ñH$a ìhmdo åhUyZ ~±Ho$À`m ZoQ>~±qH$J, _mo~mBb-~±qH$J BË`mXt {df`r _m{hVr XoD$Z Ë`mMm dmna H$aÊ`mMm g„m {Xbm. g^oÀ`m eodQ>r g_mamon H$aVm§Zm PmoZb g~²-g|Q>aMo CnmÜ`j lr._wUmoV `m§Zr à_wI nmhþUo lr.amOoe eoR> `m§Mo Ë`m§Zr Ho$boë`m ~hþ_mob _mJ©Xe©Zm~Ôb Am^ma _mZbo. VgoM PmoZb Am°{\$g, ZmJnya (&&) `m§Mohr Ë`m§Zr {Xboë`m ghH$m`m©Mm Jm¡adnyU© C„oI H$ê$Z Am^ma _mZbo. Ë`mM ~amo~a gd© CnpñWV gXñ`m§Mo VgoM g^oÀ`m Am`moOH$ H$m`©H$Ë`mªMohr Am^ma _mZbo. gm_w{hH$ amï´>JrV Jm`ZmZ§Va d gh^moOZmZ§Va g^m g§nÞ Pmbr. g^obm 220 gXñ` CnpñWV hmoVo. lr.AO` Xoenm§S>o `m§Zr gyÌg§MmbZ CÎm_ Ho$bo. VgoM g^oÀ`m `eñdr Am`moOZmV gd©lr {dZm`H$ OirV, e§H$a ~mZmoH$a, àH$me dmiHo$, Za|Ð Mm§S>H$, {dbmg dS>doH$a, e§H$a OmD$aH$a d ~mimgmho~ H$mio `m§Mo ~hþ_mob `moJXmZ bm^bo. kmZàH$me Imo ~ « m JS>o g{Md, A_amdVr PmoZb g~²-g|Q>a Am`wî`mÀ`m narjobm OJ ho C_oXdma narjm hr H$R>rU Varhr C_oXdmahr \$ma && Y¥.&& ^rVr hr gdmªZmM AgVo H$moUr H$~yb H$aVmo nU H$moUr CJrMM AdgmZ AmUVmo H$moUmbm nmÊ`mMr ^rVr Va H$moUmbm A§YmamMr ^rVr H$gbr ^rVr H$moUmbm gm§JVm `oUma Zmhr _Z Oa YrQ> Va gd© H$mhr R>mH$R>rH$ ^rVr hr AmnbrM AgVo bmJdS> AmnUM H$ê$ eH$Vmo VrMr H$mnUr AmnUM åhUVmo ""Omo S>a J`m, dmo _a J`m'' 11/15 _Yw H $a {^S>o , AH$mo b m _mo~m. 9850682601 SAMVAD narjm ^rVr Oar OÝ_OmV g§~§Y Amnbm ^rVrer Var gmoS>y Z Xo Ordm {Zamem _ZmMr An_m{ZV Zmhr H$amd`mMo _Zmbm Úmdr C^mar ^rVr dmQ>Umè`mÀ`m _Zmbm E H$R>rU Aem øm nona_Ü`o OrdZmMo J{UV AgVo dada dada ZOa {\$a{dVm gmono Var Vo {H$Vr dmQ>Vo hrM Amho {dÚmÏ`mªMr OrdZmVrb _moR>r hma &&1&& gwImMr AZ² Xþ:ImMr Vr ~oarO Am{U dOm~mH$s amhV Zmhr A{O~mV Vo H$mhrgwÕm gwI ~mH$s ~mH$s_YwZr OmB© dOm _J gmam {dMma gmamgma &&2&& _J H$aVm XmoÝhrMm hm JwUmH$ma AZ² ^mJmH$ma N>Xo OmVmo XmoKm§Zm AZ² eyÝ` KoV§ AmH$ma eyÝ`m_YwZr Caboë`m nU {dœ hmoB© gmH$ma &&3&& gwImMo AZ² Xþ:ImMo _J g_rH$aU _m§S>bo VrM Pmbr MyH$ Am{U _wirM Zmhr gwQ>bo Jw§Vm hmoD$Zr AdKo J{UVMr AdKS> Pmbo \$ma &&4&& Am{U AMmZH$ CÎma H$iVo arV `oB© H$iwZr nU \$ma Vmo Cera hmoVmo doi OmB© g§nyZr narjoV `m nmg Z H$moUr hoM `mMo gma &&5&& 20/14 gm¡ . C‚db ~« ÷ m§ S >H$a 13 May 2015 E SAMVAD e-Circular State Bank of India Corporate Centre, Mumbai P&HRD Sl. No. : 2 / 2015 - 16 Circular No. : CDO/P&HRD-IR/1/2015 - 16 Wednesday, April 01, 2015. Chaitra 11, 1937 (S) All Branches / Offices of State Bank of India INDIVIDUAL HOUSING LOAN SCHEME (IHLs) PROVISION FOR HOUSING LOAN AFTER RETIREMENT Please refer to our e-circular No.CDO/P&HRD-IR/49/2014-15 dated 30.09.2014 vide which the Individual Housing Loan Scheme for employees in the Bank was last revised. 2. In this connection, we are receiving representations from retired / retiring employees to allow additional time to finalize a house / flat so that facility of enhanced limit can be availed by them. 3. The matter has been examined and in view of difficulties faced by retired / retiring employees in identifying suitable property and to submit housing loan applications along with plan, estimate and permission etc. within a short period of time, it has been decided, to allow employees who have retired on or after 30th September 2014 and also retiring upto 31st May 2015, to avail the revised housing loan limit under IHLs within 30th June 2015 in the usual manner. This will however, be subject to the following : i) Even if such retired employee is not able to acquire / complete construction of house before 30.06.2015, housing loan under IHLs can be sanctioned upto 30.06.2015 repeat 30.06.2015 provided the retired employee gives cash collateral equivalent to the loan sanctioned, till equitable mortgage on the property is created in favour of the Bank. ii) However, in such cases which are cash collateralized due to delay in completion, a moratorium period upto 18 months from the date of retirement may be allowed depending on the likely completion of the project. 4. Please note that the above provision is a one time opportunity given upto 30.06.2015 only and will not be extended. No requests for further extension will be entertained. 5. Please arrange accordingly and bring the contents of the circular to the notice of all concerned. Sd/( Ashwini Mehra ) Dy. Managing Director & Corporate Development Officer 14 May 2015 E SAMVAD e-Circular State Bank of India Corporate Centre, Mumbai P&HRD Sl. No. : 1293/2014 - 15 Circular No. : CDO/P&HRD-IR/78/2014 - 15 Tuesday, February 03, 2015. 14 Maagh, 1936 (S) All Branches / Offices of State Bank of India STAFF: MISCELLANEOUS STAFF DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS REMOVAL OF MAXIMUM CEILING Please refer to Bank’s Book of Instructions with regard to Staff Deposit Accounts as available in Para 13, page No.88 and 89 of Chapter 3, Volume I on Staff Management. Existing Instructions: All members of the Bank’s staff and its pensioners will be paid on their deposits (except current account deposits where no interest is payable) interest at a rate one percent above the current rate allowed by the Bank to similar deposits, provided the deposits represent the depositors’ bonafide savings. The amount on which interest at the special rate is paid should not exceed the equivalent of three years substantive (i.e. basic) salary or pension as the case may be. In case it exceeds this amount permission should be obtained from the Controlling Authority to allow the special rate of interest on such deposits. As regards advances granted to members of the Bank’s staff or its pensioners against term deposit receipts, interest will be charged at the same rate that is allowed on the relative term deposit. Interest on advances against Govt. securities, shares, LIC policies, etc. and on loans against pledge of gold ornaments will be charged at concessionary rates of interest as decided by the Bank from time to time. Revised Instructions: All members of the Bank’s staff and its pensioners will be paid on their deposits (except current account deposits where no interest is payable) interest at a rate one percent above the current rate allowed by the Bank to similar deposits without any ceiling, provided the deposits represent the depositors’ bonafide savings. As regards advances granted to members of the Bank’s staff or its pensioners against term deposit receipts, interest will be charged at the same rate that is allowed on the relative term deposit. Interest on advances against Govt. securities, shares, LIC policies, etc. and on loans against pledge of gold ornaments will be charged at concessionary rates of interest as decided by the Bank from time to time. 2. In this connection, other terms and conditions regarding eligibility criteria, Rules of Conduct, definition of family etc. remain unchanged. ( Ashwini Mehra ) Dy. Managing Director & Corporate Development Officer 15 May 2015 E SAMVAD List of Donors who have given Donations during February 2015 & March 2015 Rs. 10,000/- (Please refer earlier list published in Samvad for the month of March 2015) ********************************************************************* MR.ARVIND VELINGKAR Rs. 7,500/- MR.GANESH GURJAR MR.A.D.JOSHI MR.A.N.KUTTY MR.U.R.NAYAK SMT.VANITA S.NAYAK MR.MANOHAR PEDNEKAR SMT.UMA PURAO MR.CHANDRAKANT ATRE MR.S.V.DANDEKAR Rs. 2,010/SMT.MEENA CHANDARAMANI Rs. 7,000/- Rs. 2,001/- MR.KUNJILAL BHATTAR MR.A.D.BUTALA MR.P.J.HANSOTIA MR.MOHAN S.AMBULKAR SMT.SAROJ BAINS MR.B.A.RUMANE SMT.CHHAYA SANJAGARI MR.K.G.KADU Rs. 7,575/MR.T.K.G.NAIR Rs. 7,501/MR.K.K.KULKARNI Rs. 6,768/SMT.PADMAJA MHADGUT Rs. 2,000/- Rs. 6,001/- MR.MADHAV K.BAPAT MR.ARUN BHAT MR.S.M.BIRAJDAR SMT.SHOBHA DHOPAVKAR MR.HEMACHANDRA GHATPANDE SMT.RELA GHOSH MR.S.B.HATTANGADI MR.JAWAHARLAL JHANGIANO MR.DEEPAK KAMAT MR.VITHAL D.KAMBLE MR.DIWAKAR KENKRE MR.RAGHUNATH KHANOLKAR MR.R.R.KULKARNI MR.KESHAV MANDKE MR.A.S.MEHTA MR.AVINASH MUJUMDAR MR.VENUGOPAL N.NAIR MR.RAMESHKUMAR NIMBOLKAR MR.VILAS NIMBOLKAR MR.G.S.PARADISE MR.SURENDRANATH REGE MR.SADASHIV G.SAWANT MR.KRISHNA SHIVDEKAR SMT.VINITA G.TERWADKAR MR.PRAMOD/MRS.VASUDHA WAGAL MR.SURESH WARANG MR.P.D.CHAVAN Rs. 6,000/MR.ASHOK DESAI MR.A.K.DESHMUKH MR.ULHAS PRADHAN Rs. 5,075/MR.PANDURANG SAWANT Rs. 5,001/MR.SUDHIR D.DESAI MR.A.T.WAVAL Rs. 5,000/MR.B.A.BHENDE MR.IBRAHIM KAZI MR.JAYANT KHARADKAR SMT.JAYASHRI MANDKE MR.PRADEEP TALWALKAR MR.R.D.YEMUL Rs. 3,500/MR.DHEERAJ V.BARAIYA Rs. 3,000/MR.PRABHAKAR DEGAONKAR MR.SHASHIKANT DESHPANDE MR.SUMIT KOKIL SMT.SHAKUNTALA S.LIMAYE MR.S.N.PAI MR.AJIT PATKAR MR.SHARADCHANDRA PHADKE MR.HARESHWAR B.SAVE MR.MANOHAR SAWANT MR.MADHUKAR SIRDESHMUKH Rs. 2,501/MR.RATNAKAR P.KULKARNI Rs. 2,500/MR.SURESH BAKRE Rs. 1,750/MR.AMBADAS KULKARNI Rs. 1,500/MR.KAMLAKAR AGASHE MR.M.G.BHIDE MR.ANANT CHAVAN MR.S.V.DHARANKAR SMT.SHUBHADA POWAR MR.C.RAO MR.S.SAWAIKAR Rs. 1,200/MR.SHARAD N.INAMDAR SMT.ROSALIND VAZ Rs. 1,111/MR.GANPAT DALVI MR.VITHAL U.KAMAT MR.JAGANNATH T.PATIL MR.ARVIND PHADKE MR.B.V.SHAH Rs. 1,101/MR.A.J.BHAGAT Rs. 1,100/MR.SANJAY D.SAWANT MR.SATISHCHANDRA SONTAKKE Rs. 1,010/MR.GENBA GANPAT PAWAR Rs. 1,001/MR.M.B.DESHPANDE SMT.S.R.DESHPANDE MR.ARVIND DHARADHAR MR.S.M.DHARADHAR MR.D.V.DHARMADHIKARI SMT.ARATI JOSHI MR.A.V.MAKODE MR.P.Y.MASATKAR SMT.SUSHILA MODI MR.VINAYAK S.MOKASHI MR.M.A.NAIR MR.N.S.NARI MR.PRAKASH TARE Rs. 1,000/MR.DADABHAU ADAK MR.A.H.ADATE MR.G.L.ADONI MR.YADUPATI ADYA MR.T.C.AGARAKAR MR.NEELKANTH AGRAWAL MR.R.C.AGRAWAL MR.S.M.AGREKAR MR.VILAS K.AJOTIKAR MR.S.S.AKALKOTE MR.M.K.AMBARE MRS.RAJANI L.AMBARKHANE MR.N.S.AMBUSE MRS.NIMISHA P.ANDHARIA MR.A.L.ANGAL MR.OMPRAKASH ANGANANI MR.B.G.APSHANKAR MR.VINOD G.APTE MR.GAJANAN ARANAKE 16 May 2015 MR.M.V.ASHIKAR MR.S.S.AWAJE MR.BHAGWAN AWATRAMANI MR.ANANTH BAGADE MR.GUL BAHIRWANI MR.AMBADAS BAJAJ MR.SURESH BAL MR.T.BALAKRISHNAN MR.BALSUBRAMANYAM G. MR.RAMCHANDRA BANDEKAR MR.B.KRISHNAMURTHY MR.R.D.BANKALE MR.D.L.BANSODE MR.SURYAKANT BANSODE MR.SHRIRAM BARDAPURKAR MR.SURESHBHAI BAROT MR.S.P.BARVE MR.PRAFULLA N.BAXI MR.M.R.BELSARE MR.D.R.BENDRE MR.SURESH G.BENGALI SMT.GAYATRI V.BHAGWAT MR.R.H.BHAKARE MR.C.G.BHALWANKAR MR.S.G.BHALWANKAR MR.SURESH BHANGUI MR.P.S.BHOITE MR.P.R.BHOSALE MR.M.R.BHOSEKAR MR.SUHAS BOKIL MR.ARUN D.BOMBDI MR.EKNATH BORHADE MR.BUPENDRANATH R MR.VIJAY CHAKRADEO MR.GIRISH CHAKRAPANI MR.B.H.CHALWADI MR.MACHINDRA CHANDANSHIVE MR.SHRIKRISHNA CHANDRACHUD MR.SARANG CHARANKAR MR.SURESH N.CHARI MR.PRAMOD CHATE MR.R.N.CHAUDHARI MR.S.E.CHAVAN MR.S.D.CHINCHOLKAR MR.SATUSHKUMAR CHITRE SMT.MANGALA CHIVATE MR.R.N.CHOUDHARI SMT.BIBIANA D’SOUZA MR.FELIX D’SOUZA MR.P.D.DABADE MR.DEEPAK DANDEKAR MR.SHRIKRISHNA DANDWATE MR.ASHOK S.DANI MR.N.J.DARNDALE MR.DILIP DARYANI MR.SHRINIWAS DASHPUTRE MR.P.N.DATE MR.PRAMOD DAVARE MR.P.L.DEO MR.S.S.DEO MR.SUMANT C.DEO MR.GOPAL DEOCHAKKE MR.P.J.DEODHAR MRS.ARCHANA A.DEODHAR MR.RAMCHANDRA DERURKAR MR.M.P.DESAI MR.RATNAKAR DESHMUKH MRS.SHREYASHA S.DESHMUKH MR.P.B.DESHMUKH MR.SUDHIR DESHMUKH SMT.ARPANA DESHPANDE MR.BHASKAR DESHPANDE MR.DILIP DESHPANDE MR.S.G.DESHPANDE MR.V.V.DESHPANDE MR.A.R.DESHPANDE MR.V.G.DESHPANDE MR.M.W.DESHPANDE MR.SHRIRAM DESHPANDE MR.S.T.DHANDORE MR.SHANKAR DHARANE MR.S.R.DHARNE MR.ANIL DHAVALE MR.LAXMIKANT DHEPE SMT.SUNITA DHOND MR.RAVINDRA R.DHONGADE MR.SUDHAKAR L.DHUKE MR.VASANT DHUPKAR MR.A.S.DHURANDHAR SMT.PRAJAKTA DICHOLKAR MR.P.V.DIGHULE MR.A.DIWAKAR MR.A.K.DOHALE MR.ASHOK G.DOLAS MR.DOLHARE MR.KISAN DOMKAWALE MR.S.S.DUMANWAR MR.PRADEEP FADNAVIS MR.LIGORIO FERNANDES MR.JOAO FERNANDES MR.S.M.GADE MR.ASHOK GADGIL MRS.BHARATI S.GAIKWAD MR.M.G.GANDHI MR.BHIMRAO R.GANGAWABE SMT.DEVIKA S.GANU MR.D.P.GARKHEDKAR MR.MANSING K.GAVIT E SAMVAD MR.S.G.GAWANDE MR.V.S.GHADMODE SMT.SUJATA GHANGREKAR MR.ARUN GHODSE MR.SIDRAM GIRAM MR.GOPAL P.GODBOLE SMT.ASHWINI GOGTE MR.H.D.GOKHALE SMT.ROHINI A.GOKHALE MR.VISHWAS GORE MR.S.U.GUDADHE MR.SIBHASH GUGALE MR.SURENDRANATH GULGULE MR.HEMANT M.GUNJAL SMT.S.M.GUPTE MR.H.D.HAJWANE MR.SADAND HALADY MR.S.P.HALLUR MR.C.B.HALMANIAR MR.ANNAJI HANFODE MR.J.V.HATHI MR.B.S.HEGDE MR.VASANT K.HERLEKAR SMT.K.S.INGALGI MR.L.S.JADHAV MR.V.B.JADHAV MR.L.D.JAGTAP MR.N.M.JAHAGIRDAR MR.S.P.JAIN MR.J.M.JAMADAR MR.C.V.JANNU MR.S.R.JAVALEKAR MRS.SUMEDHA JAYAPRASAD SMT.SADHANA JOAG MR.SURESH JOGLEKAR SMT.MANISHA R.JOSHI MR.ARUN JOSHI MR.SHIVPRASAD JOSHI MR.N.K.JOSHI MR.SHRIPAD JOSHI MR.B.V.JOSHI MRS.VIJAYA V.JOSHI SMT.ANURADHA J.KACHARE MR.A.R.KADAM MR.MAHADEO KADAM MR.SHARAD D.KADAM MR.A.R.KAKIRDE MR.LAXMAN KALE MRS.SANDHYA KALE MR.DILIP W.KALE MR.P.M.KALSHETTY MR.RAJENDRA V.KAMAT MR.ANANDA KAMBALE SMT.MANGALA P.KAMBLE 17 May 2015 MR.SURESH KAMULKAR MR.GHANSHYAM KANDHARI MR.VINOD KANKARIYA MR.SHANKAR KANNAO SMT.REKHA KANVINDE MR.S.S.KAPSE MR.L.P.KARIYA SMT.SHAILAJA KARKARE MR.VILAS KARMARKAR MR.R.V.KARVE SMT.PUSHPA S.KASAT SMT.SHARAYU KATHE MR.S.G.KATNESHWARKAR SMT.KESHMIRA KAURANA MR.K.G.KAVERI SMT.SHAKUNTALA KHAIRNAR MR.G.K.KHAMKAR MR.S.S.KHARCHE SMT.RAJASHRI P.KHATAVKAR MR.DHANJAY T.KHIRE MR.A.H.KINIKAR MR.DAMODAR KOCHE MR.ARVIND KONARDE MR.C.G.KONDVILKAR MR.P.J.KORE MR.H.C.KOTHALE MR.CHINTAMANI KOTHARE SMT.USHA KOTHARE MR.PRAKASH KOTHIMBIRE MR.NARENDRA KSHIRSAGAR MR.LAXMIKANT R.KULKARNI SMT.SANDHYA KULKARNI MR.NANDKUMAR B.KULKARNI MR.D.P.KULKARNI MR.PRAMOD R.KULKARNI MR.SUBHASH P.KULKARNI MR.MOHAN KULKARNI MR.VITHAL G.KULKARNI MR.ARVIND KULKARNI SMT.MADHAVI KULKARNI MR.BALASAHEB K.KULKARNI MR.CHANDRAKANT P.KULKARNI MR.A.S.KULKARNI MR.P.R.KULKARNI MR.SHRIKRISHNA B.KULKARNI MR.B.A.KULKARNI MR.R.R.KULKARNI MR.SUDHAKAR B.KULKARNI MRS.RANJANA KULKARNI MR.Y.G.KULKARNI MR.V.P.KULKARNI MR.D.P.KULKARNI MR.R.A.KULKARNI MR.HEMANT KULKARNI MR.S.D.KULKARNI MR.G.V.KULKARNI MR.A.R.KULKARNI MR.B.V.KULKARNI MR.B.K.KULKARNI MR.J.S.KULKARNI MR.NARAYAN P.KULKARNI MR.SHRIPAD N.KULKARNI SMT.SAROJINI KUMBHAR MR.G.D.KUMBHARE SMT.VIMAL KURADE SMT.VIMAL KURLEKAR MR.A.S.KUSURKAR MR.BHAGWAT D.LAGADE SMT.SUREKHA V.LAGOO MR.R.N.LALINGKAR MR.M.LALWANI MR.K.R.LAVNIS MR.MADHUKAR LELE MR.SHRIRAM P.LELE SMT.VARSHA H.LELE MR.MANOHAR B.LIMAYE MR.PRAKASH LIMAYE SMT.SUMITRA LIMAYE MR.G.G.MACHCHA MR.DHARMANAND MADKAIKAR MR.A.H.MAHAJAN MR.S.B.MAINDARGIKAR SMT.SAVITA MALKANI MR.A.S.MALLAPUR MR.S.B.MALPURE SMT.PRADNYA MANDVIKAR MR.SUDHIR K.MANDVIKAR MRS.SNEHAL D.MAPARA MR.MARUTI B.MARKAD MR.K.B.MASHALKAR MR.M.E.MASKE MR.S.B.MENTE MR.SUBHASH MESHRAM MR.M.Y.MHATRE MR.H.L.MISHRA MR.S.B.MORE MR.V.G.MULAY MR.MAHADEO MULAY MR.GOPAL MULAY MR.K.G.MULEKAR MRS.JAYASHRI K.MUNDHE MR.M.A.MURHEKAR MRS.SUSHAMA S.NADKARNI SMT.ARUNA NAGARKAR MR.K.S.NAGSHETTI MR.VINOD S.NAIK MR.M.S.NAIKWADI MR.B.S.NALGE E SAMVAD MR.A.N.NANAJKAR MR.P.V.NARVEKAR MR.ASHOK NAVALE MR.SHASHIKANT NAVDIKAR MR.NEVAGI MR.HARIHAR NIMBEKAR MR.RAJABHAU OAK MR.YASHWANT OGALE MR.S.W.OGALE MR.V.D.OKA SMT.ANURADHA A.OKE MR.DEEPAK OZARKAR MRS.SHOBHA P.PEDAM MR.RAJAN PADLOSKAR MR.M.N.PALANG MR.R.S.PALASKAR MR.V.S.PALVE MR.S.B.PAMUL MR.D.G.PANDARKAR MR.K.D.PARADKAR MR.P.S.PARDESHI MR.MOHAN PARVATKAR MR.DILIP M.PATHAK SMT.ROHINI S.PATHAK MR.B.S.PATIL MR.V.S.PATIL MR.T.M.PATIL MR.KISHOR L.PATIL MR.MAHADEO PATOLE MR.G.N.PATWARDHAN SMT.USHA PATWARDHAN MR.N.G.PATWARDHAN MR.SUDHIR PAWAR SMT.SHUBHANGI PEDNEKAR SMT.VAISHALI PENDSE SMT.VAIDEHI V.PENDSE MR.SUHAS PHANSE MR.ACHYUT PHATAK MR.GOPAL PILLAY MR.ANIL R.PITAMBARE MR.N.C.POPAT MR.S.K.POTE SMT.UJWALA S.PRABHUNE MR.BABAN PURANIK MR.SHRIKANT PUROHIT MR.J.B.PUSALKAR MR.A.M.QADRI MR.C.R.RADHAKRISHNAN MR.MADHUKAR RAJOPADHYE MR.U.J.RAJPUT MR.R.RAM MOHAN SMT.HEERA MOHAN RANADIVE MR.ANANT RANE MR.S.S.RANE 18 May 2015 MR.MADHUSUDAN RASTE MR.PRAMOD RATHOR MR.B.H.RATNAPARKHI MR.A.B.RAUT MR.SATYAPALSING RAWAT MR.VASANT RENAKE MR.S.M.SABHARANJAK SMT.SUCHITA M.SAI MR.ARVIND SAKPAL MR.PRABHAKAR SALGAONKAR MR.S.S.SALGARE MR.V.G.SALUNKE MR.DINKAR V.SALUNKHE MR.A.M.SALVI MR.RAMAKANT P.SAMANT SMT.GEETA R.SANGAM MR.S.B.SARAF SMT.HEMLATA SATHE MR.ARUN SAVARKAR MR.PRAKASH SAWALKAR MR.RANJIT K.SAWANT MR.SAWHNEY M.P.SINGH MR.SURESH H.SHAH MR.DIGVIJAY SHAH MR.ATUL M.SHAH MR.D.M.SHAHAPURE MR.K.M.SHAIKH SMT.ROHINI SHARANGDHAR MR.N.M.SHELKE MR.K.G.SHENDE MR.M.M.SHETE MR.N.R.SHETTY MRS. & MR.CHANDRAKANT SHETYE MR.B.G.SHIKHARE MR.C.G.SHILVANT MR.SHARAD SHINGVEKAR MR.VINOD SHIRODKAR MR.VINODKUMAR SHRIVASTAV SMT.CHITRA G.SIRSAT SMT.UMA SOMAN MR.R.K.SONAWANE MR.V.K.SONAWANE MRS.M.G.SORTUR MR.RAMNATHAN SRINIVASAN MR.S.M.SUPEKAR MR.KRISHNA A.SUTAR MR.A.S.TALEGAONKAR SMT.NEELA P.TALREJA SMT.SANDHYA TAMANE MR.S.I.TAMBOLI MR.M.Y.TAMHANE MR.N.B.TARE MR.VILAS TAWADE MR.DASHRATH TAWARE SMT.SHAILAJA TEMBHURNIKAR MR.JAYRAM THADANI MR.A.B.THORAT MR.PRAKASH THUSE MR.D.C.TIKHE MR.L.M.TIKOTIKAR MR.M.S.TOTADAR MR.A.B.TRIBHUVANE SMT.REKHA TUMNE SMT.BHAKTI TURME MR.R.R.UBARHANDE MR.DATTATRAY ULHALKAR MR.VIJAY V.VAIDYA MR.A.P.VALOKAR SMT.VANDANA VECHALEKAR MR.M.M.VIDHATE MR.VIDWANS MR.M.N.VIPRA MRS.PURNIMA H.VYAS MR.P.W.VYAVAHARE MR.ISHWAR WAGH MR.C.N.WALAWALKAR MR.RAMESH SHANKAR WANI MR.SATISH M.WANI MR.UDAY WARANG MR.R.M.WARGHANE MR.SHAIKH WARIS A WELL WISHER MR.RAJENDRA S.YADAV MR.ANIL B.ZAWAR Rs. 740/MR.G.G.GOKHALE Rs. 501/MR.DINYAR MR.ANIL A.GADGIL MR.K.KODWANEY MR.N.S.NAGRAJ MR.FRAMJI NOSHIR MR.VIKRAM PANDIT MR.RAMESH PHADNIS MR.P.P.RANDIVE Rs. 500/SMT.ELIZABETH ABRAHAMS MR.VILAS ASHTEKAR MR.A.V.BENAVALI MR.CHANDRAKANT BENDRE MR.DEEPAK K.BENGALI MR.T.H.BHATTAD SMT.ARUNA BOLAR MR.SADASHIV CHITRAV SMT.NALINI DESHPANDE SMT.ANURADHA GHAMANDE MR.MANU GOSAVI E SAMVAD MR.A.A.INAMDAR MR.M.B.JOSHI SMT.DEEPA KADAM MR.RAMCHANDRA KADAVEKAR MR.C.M.KULKARNI SMT.PRANJALI KULKARNI MR.N.D.KULKARNI MR.R.P.LAHORI MR.VILAS LANJEKAR SMT.ASHWINI MANGLEKAR MR.MANGESH MANTRI SMT.KHURSHID MARRY MR.ASHOK MUNDHEKAR SMT.HEMLATA NAIDU MR.SURESH NATEKAR MR.SURYAKANT NIGADE MR.A.G.PALKAR MR.C.D.PARKHI SMT.SUNITA PRABHUDESAI SMT.MADHURI RANADE MR.ANIL RASANE SMT.MEENA RAUT MR.P.D.SALOKHE MR.HASMUKH SANGHANI SMT.PRADNYA SATAM SMT.PRATIBHA SAWANT MR.GULAB SHAIKH SMT.NALINI SHINDE SMT.SMITA SHINDE SMT.VASANTI SHRINIWASRAO MR.DILIP TANKSALE SMT.SHEELA THAKUR MR.J.S.VAKIL MR.VISHWANATH VECHALEKAR SMT.C.S.WASKAL Rs. 251/SMT.JYOTI S.TALPADE Rs. 200/MR.B.G.DESAI MR.V.R.PUNEKAR Rs. 100/MR.A.G.JOGDANDE MR.K.G.KULKARNI MR.L.D.UMRIKAR Appeal for Donation The members, who have not yet donated for 'Samvad' are once again requested to donate minimum Rs.1000/- at the earliest. - Secretary 19 May 2015 ^Q>H§$Vr ZmJahmo i o Vmnr ZXrÀ`m Imoè`mnmgyZ Vo Imbr X{jUoH$S>rb eodQ>Mo Q>moH$ Agboë`m H$Ý`mHw$_marn`ªVÀ`m qMMmoù`m {H$ZmanÅ>rVrb nd©V am§Jm§Mr _hmamï´>mbm gømÐr nd©V åhUyZ AmoiI Amho. Va Jmodm, H$Zm©Q>H$ d Ho$ai `m amÁ`mV doñQ>Z© (npíM_) KmQ> åhUyZ AmoiI Amho. Jmoì`mnmgyZ O§Jb {dH«$mi d¥j dobtZr ì`mnyZ Job§ Amho. C§M C§M nd©V am§Jm A§V:H$aUmMm R>md Ko U mè`m Imo b Xè`m {haì`mJma dZñnVrZo ì`mny Z Q>mH$bobm n[aga H°$gbam°H$À`m C§M S>m|Ja _mÏ`mdê$Z {\$aV AgVmZm aoëdoÀ`m B§{OZ {eQ>rMm AmdmO H$mZr `oVmM ghO Amnb§ bj {VH$S>o doYb§ OmV§. AmJJmS>r H$mS>çmnoQ>rÀ`m AmH$mamgmaIr {XgVo, Va eoOmaMm XþYgmJa C§Mmdê$Z Imbr H$mogiV AgVmZm nm§T>è`mew^« XþYmgmaIm {XgV AgVmo. ImbÀ`m S>mohmVrb nmUr nmhrb§ Va EH$X_ H$mi§^moa. `oWyZ {H$Vrhr doi øm Ñî`mH$S>o nmhV amhrbo Var _ZmMr V¥ßVr H$mhr hmoV Zmhr, nm` {ZKVm {ZKV Zmhr. gn© `m n[agamV nmMdrbm nwObo AmhoV. Oidm§M§ Va `oWo gm_«mÁ` Amho. VargwÕm `m C§M nd©V _mÏ`mda N>moQ>çm N>moQ>çm _mZd dñVrÀ`m dmS>çm AmhoV. BW§ bmoH$ H$go amhmV AgVrb ho EH$ H$moS>§M Amho. ZmJahmoioH$S>o OmV AgVmZm doñQ>Z© KmQ>mMr hr EH$ N>moQ>rer PbH$. ~§Xrnya, _Yw_bmB© gm`b§Q> ìh°br, ZmJahmoio hr à{gÕ AaÊ`o AmhoV. BW§ ^anya O§Jbr àmUr nmhmd`mg {_iVmV. ZmJahmoio nmgyZ 45 {H$bmo_rQ>a A§Vamda Ho$aiMr hÔ gwê$ hmoVo. EH$ \$m°aoñQ> Am°{\$ga åhUmbm, ""gm`b§Q> ìh°brMm n[aga BVH$m KZXmQ> Amho H$s, dra A{^_Ý`yÀ`m MH«$ì`whmVyZ EH$doi ~mhoa nS>Vm `oB©b, na§Vw gm`b§Q> ìh°brÀ`m S>rn E[a`mV Joë`mg _Zwî` naV `oD$ eH$V Zmhr.'' \$m°aoñQ> Am°{\$gMo bmoH$hr VoWo OmD$ eH$V ZmhrV. naVrMm _mJ©M gmnSy> eH$V Zmhr. Am»»`m Ho$ai_Ü`o ~moQ>mda _moOÊ`mBVHo$M bmoH$ OmD$ eH$VmV. ZmJahmoio ho Am{e`m I§S>mVrb EH$ A{Ve` CËH¥$ï> amIrd O§Jb Amho. ho ~|Jiwê$nmgyZ 312 {H$bmo_rQ>a Va åh¡gyanmgyZ 92 {H$bmo_rQ>ada Amho. Am_Mo OdiMo na_ñZohr {d^wVo ga `m§À`m AmoiIr_wio H$Zm©Q>H$ gaH$maÀ`m _§Ìmb`mVyZ nmM {XdgmMo J§JmoÌr d `_ZmoÌr `m nU©Hw$Q>r_Yrb `_ZmoÌrMo ~wH$s¨J {_imbo nU EH$m AQ>rda. \$m°aoZMo {eï>_§S>i Amë`mg qH$dm ìhr.Am`.nr. Amë`mg bmJbrM nU©Hw$Q>r gmoS>mdr bmJob. gdmªZr `m Jmoï>rbm hmoH$ma {Xbm. ~|Jiwê$dê$ZM Q>°Šgr H$ê$Z ZmJahmoioÀ`m {XeoZo Hy$M Ho$bo. A§VJ©V ^mJmVrb añVo ~è`mn¡H$s hmoVo. añË`mÀ`m XþV\$m© {haì`mJma PmS>m§Zm H$_VaVm ZìhVr. gmd©O{ZH$ godoVrb E SAMVAD Eg.Q>r.nojm ImOJr dmhZm§Zm OmñV àmYmÝ` XoÊ`mV `oV Agë`mMo {Xgbo. `m dmhZmV _mUgm§Zm JwamgmaIo H$m|~Ê`mV `o V hmo V o . bmo H $ Var H$m` H$aUma, gaH$maMo Ymo a UM ImgJrH$aUmbm àmYmÝ` XoUmao Amho. Og Ogo ZmJahmoioÀ`m {XeoZo JmS>r OmD$ bmJbr VgVgo O§JbmMr d ZmJ_moS>r diUmÀ`m añË`mMr Mmhÿb OmUdy bmJbr. _Zwî`dñVr {dai hmoD$ bmJbr. Zrad em§VVm _Zmbm OmUdy bmJbr. gmaoOU {^a{^aË`m ZOaoZo MhÿH$S>o nmhÿ bmJbo. Jmam§Mm {haì`mJma nmMw§Mm gS>mM MhÿH$S>o ngabobm hmoVm. ^y_mVoZo doJi§M ê$n YmaU Ho$b§ hmoV§. _ZmV {dMma Ambm, BW§ _Zwî`dñVr AgVr Va! Zo_Š`m ømM doir Xÿa A§Vamdê$Z _mZdg_whmMm JbH$m EoHy$ `oD$ bmJbm. Q>°Šgr S´>m`ìhabm {dMmab§, ""_mUgm§Mm AmdmO, AmíM`© Amho!'' Vmo åhUmbm, ""`oWyZ H$mhr A§Vamda {V~oQ>r {Zdm©grV amhmVmV.'' ho EoHy$Z Iyn dmB©Q> dmQ>b§. "OJmMo N>ßna åhUyZ' AmoiIbm OmUmam hm {V~oQ>r ~m§Yd, H$UIa d H$mQ>H$ d¥ÎmrMr O_mV Aem AdñWoV Amho ho nmhÿZ _ZmV ŠbofH$maH$ AmdmO C_Q>bm. diUmdiUmdê$Z JmS>r OmV AgVmZm S>m§ ~ ar amo S > hiyhiy EH$ JmS>r OmD$ eHo$b BVH$m Aê§$X hmoV Mmbbm hmoVm. dmQ>oV AS>Wù`mÀ`m e`©Vrà_mUo \$m°aoñQ> ImË`mMo AZoH$ JoQ>g bmJV hmoVo. Ë`m_wio dmhZ hiy AmdmOmV gmdH$me Mmbdmdo bmJV hmoVo. EH$m C§M diUmda S´>m`ìhaZo Hw$UmÀ`m Ü`mZr_Zr ZgVm JMH$Z² ~«oH$ bmdbm. gmaoOU EH$_oH$mÀ`m A§Jmda H$mogibmo d g_moaMo Ñî` nmhÿZ h~H$bmo. EH$ gwiodmbm {YßnmS> Q>gH$a Amnbr C§M gm|S> hbdV Am_À`mH$S>o EH$Q>H$nUo nmhmV C^m hmoVm. JmS>rV Am_Mm JbH$m gwê$ Pmbm hmoVm. \$moQ>mo H$mT>m, nona_Ü`o \$moQ>mo XoVm `oB©b. H°$_oamMo Zmd EoH$VmM S´>m`ìha {~Wabm. Ë`mZo Am_À`m OdiMo H°$_oao H$mTy>Z KoVbo. Vmo WaWa H$mnV hmoVm. Ë`mMm Moham Km_mZo AmoW§~bobm hmoVm. Vmo nwaVm hmXê$Z Jobm hmoVm. S>moio {_Qy>Z Vmo XodmMo Zm_ñ_aU H$aV hmoVm. hiy AmdmOmV {^V {^V åhUmbm, ""X§Jm H$ê$ ZH$m, em§V ~gm.'' OdiOdi n§Yam {_{ZQ>o OmJMm Vmo hbbm Zmhr. EH$Q>H$nUo Vmo Am_À`mH$S>o nmhmV hmoVm. na_oída OmUo Ë`mbm H$m` dmQ>bo. añVm H«$m°g H$ê$Z Vmo O§JbmV {ZKyZ Jobm. Ë`mZ§Va S´>m`ìhaZo JmS>r gwê$ Ho$br d EH$ {H$ñgm gm§ { JVbm. n§ Y am {Xdgm§ n y d uMr KQ>Zm Amho . EH$m VéU {S>ìhrOZb \$m°aoñQ> Am°{\$gaMr ZmJahmoiobm ~Xbr Pmbr hmoVr. Amnë`m XmoZ bhmZ _wbm§g_doV Hw$Qw>§~m~amo~a J§JmoÌr nU©Hw$Q>rÀ`m JoQ>Odi Vmo Amnë`m BVa ghH$mè`m~amo~a ~mobV C^m hmoVm. Ë`m§À`m ZH$iV Ë`m Am°{\$gaMo bhmZ _yb XþS>XþS> niV Ë`m N>moQ>çmem Aé§X S>m§~ar amoS>À`m nbrH$S>o Cä`m 20 May 2015 Agboë`m hÎmrÀ`m H$inmÀ`m {XeoZo {ZKmbo. ho Ñî` Ë`m Am°{\$gaÀ`m bjmV `oVmM, jUmMmhr {dMma Z H$aVm doJmZo Vmo hÎmtÀ`m H$inmÀ`m {XeoZo Ymdbm. Ë`m_wio hÎmr {~Wabo Am{U Ë`m \$m°aoñQ> Am°{\$gabm Ë`m H$inmVrb EH$m hÎmrZo Amnë`m gm|S>oV nH$Sy>Z Ë`mbm JamJam {\$adbo. Ë`m§À`m N>mVrda nm` R>odyZ Ë`mbm Ibmg Ho$bo. ho EoHy$Z gmao gyÞ Pmbo. O§Jb ImË`mÀ`m Am°{\$g_Ü`o Joë`mZ§Va KS>bobm darb {H$ñgm Am_À`m H$mZmda KmVbm. nmM-ghm OUm§Mm J«wn Agë`m{edm` añË`mda `m`Mo Zmhr åhUyZ gm§{JVbo. AmbmV Var OmñVrV OmñV nmM {_ZrQ>o {\$ê$ eH$Vm. Jo ñ Q> hmD$gnmgyZ hmHo$À`m A§Vamda EH$ AmoT>m dmhmV hmoVm. `oWo ~aoM àmUr nmUr {nÊ`mg `oV AgV. O§Jbm_Ü`ogwÕm e§^a nmD$bo Om`bm ~§Xr hmoVr. JoñQ> hmD$gÀ`m JoQ>Odi C^o amhÿZ Amåhmbm O§JbmVrb bmb Vn{H$ar H$baMo dmKmgmaIo _moR>o Vm|S> Agbobo Hw$Í`m§Mo H$in nmhmd`mg {_imbo. hÎmtMo H$in, amZSw>H$ao, eoH$S>mo haUo Agbobo H$in nmhÿZ Am_À`m S>moù`mMo nmaUo {\$Q>bo. Ho$di JoñQ> hmD$gÀ`m nm`è`m§dê$Z BVHo$ àmUr nm{hbo. gbJ XmoZ {Xdg Amåhr Orn_YyZ O§Jb g\$a Ho$br. XmoZ ~§XþH$Ymar JmS>© Am_À`m ~amo~a hmoVo. EH$m {R>H$mUr Orn Wm§~dbr, na§Vw H$moUmbm Imbr CVê$ {Xbo Zmhr. EH$ N>moQ>g§ _w§Jwg Amåhmbm XmI{dÊ`mV Amb§. Vo Amnbo YmaXma Q>moHo$ar XmV {dMH$V gmnm§Mr A§S>r ImV hmoV§. JmS>© åhUmbm, ""hm O§Jbr _w§Jwg AË`§V KmVH$ Amho. hm _mUgmbm A{O~mV Km~aV Zmhr. Oa `m _w§JwgmZo _mUgmbm Mmdbo Va _Zwî` Hw$OyZ _aVmo. `mÀ`mda Am¡fY Zmhr.'' amJmZo Vo Am_À`mH$S>o nmhmV hmoVo. EH$m {R>H$mUr Va OrnÀ`m AmdmOmZo nmM-ghm amZSw>H$ao g¡a^¡a hmoD$Z BH$S>o {VH$S>o YmdV hmoVr. WmoS>çmem Xÿa A§Vamda Jì`m§Mo XmoZ H$in Amåhmbm nmhmd`mg {_imbo. CS>Ë`m Imê$VmB©, dmK Am{U Ë`m§Mr {nb§ Amåhr nm{hbr. {MVi, ZrbJm`, amZSw>ŠH$a, dmZa, {~~Q>çm, gm§~a, EH$qeJr, Mm¡qeJr Ago nwîH$i àmUr nm{hbo. hOmamo h[aU `m O§Jbm_Ü`o AmhoV. `oWrb Am{Xdmgr bmoH$m§Mo OrdZ _mÌ H$ï>_` Amho. {dfmar gn© Mmdë`m_wio Hw$UmMo hmV H$mnbo AmhoV Va Hw$UmMo nm`. VargwÕm ho bmoH$ BW§M amhmÊ`mMm Jìh_]Q>H$S>o hÅ> YaVmV. ñWbm§Vambm ho bmoH$ ZH$ma XoVmV. {Z:ñgr_nUo ho bmoH$ O§Jbmda ào_ H$aVmV. Am`wî`mV EH$Xm Var ZmJahmoiobm ^oQ> Úmdr. _méVr ~garH$Å>r, H$mo ë hmny a 4/15 _mo. : 7588263806 E SAMVAD à{VgmX g§dmX _m{gH$mMm E{àb 2015 Mm A§H$ {_imbm. nyU© dmMyZ Pmë`mdaM Imbr R>odbm. A§H$mMo AdbmoH$Z H$ê$Z Ë`mg§~§Yr à{V{H«$`m lr`wV à^mH$a JwnMyn `m§Mo g§nmXH$s` EH$X_ CÎm_ d ~moYàX Amho. "_mUgmà_mUo PmS>§, \w$bo `m§À`m OrdZmMo CXmhaU AJXr _Zmbm ^mamdyZ Q>mH$Vo.' OrdZm{df`rMo VÎdkmZ eodQ>À`m para _Ü`o ì`dpñWV gmoß`m ^mfoV {b{hbo Amho. lr. Eg. ~r. Jmo I bo , AÜ`j, _w § ~ B© gH© $ b, `m§ M r \o$S>aoeZgmR>r CnmÜ`j åhUyZ {~Z{damoY {ZdS> Pmbr Ë`m~Ôb Ë`m§Mo A{^Z§XZ. lr`w V Xm§ S >o H $a gmho ~ `m§ M m Association darb " Association constitution - First and Changes thereafter' hm boI dmMyZ Agmo{gEeZ ~ÔbMr AJXr gwédmVrnmgyZMr _m{hVr {_imbr. lr. Eg. ìhr. ZmB©H$, `m§Mm "Slow and steady wins the race' hm boI ~moYàX d dmMZr` Amho, Ë`m~Ôb Ë`m§Mo A{^Z§XZ. lr. AéU VwiOmnyaH$a `m§Mm "EH$ ZOa CÚmH$S>o' hm {dMma Ë`m§ Z r ì`dpñWV d Mm§ J ë`marVrZo _m§ S >bm Amho , Ë`mMà_mUo lr. _Yy nmoVXma, lr. {dO`Hw$_ma Xoenm§S>o, lr. Ama. Oo. H$dS>oH$a d lr. Jwbm~ eoI `m§À`m H${dVm dmMZr` d _Zmbm AmZ§X XoÊ`mè`m AmhoV. S>r. E. Hw$bH$Uu, nwUo _mo~m. - 9881432373 "g§ d mX'À`m dm{f© H $ bo I ñnYm© lr. Aemo H $ ~w Q >mbm `m§ M o àm`mo O H$Ëd lr. AemoH$ XÎmmÌo` ~wQ>mbm (Agmo{gEeZMo ndB©, _w§~B© `o W rb {H« $ `merb g^mgX) `m§ Z r Agmo { gEeZbm é. 30,000/- Mr XoUJr {Xbr Amho. Xadfr© "g§dmX'À`m dVrZo KoÊ`mV `oUmè`m "g§dmX boI ñnY} 'À`m {dOoË`m§Zm `m XoUJrÀ`m ì`mOmVyZ Ë`m§À`m _mVmolr H¡$. à^mdVr XÎmmÌo` ~wQ>mbm `m§À`m ñ_aUmW© nm[aVmo{fHo$ XoÊ`mV `mdrV Aer BÀN>m Ë`m§Zr ì`ŠV Ho$br Amho. lr. ~wQ>mbm `m§Mo Agmo{gEeZÀ`mdVrZo A{^Z§XZ. - go H « o $ Q>ar 21 May 2015 Am`wî`mda ~moby H$mhr b{bV Am`wî`m^a gmho~m§Mr ~mobUr Imëë`mZ§Va ghóMÝÐ Xe©ZmMr dmQ> nmhÊ`mgmR>r d¥Õml_mÀ`m Jƒrda ~gbobo Amåhr XmoKo. AmVm gd© JmÌo WH$ë`mZ§Va `m Am`wî`mda H$m` ~mo b Uma? Am{U g_Om ~mo b bmo Var Eo H $Uma H$mo U ? godm{Zd¥ÎmrV gdmªMrM gwIXþ:Io gmaIrM. H$moUmMm S>mdm nm` XþIVmo Va H$moUmMm COdm hmV. \$º$ àmá n[apñWVrer PJS>Uo Am{U ^yVH$mimVrb aå` AmR>dUtZm COmim XoV EH$ XmoZ nmdgmio H$mT>Uo BVHo$M! Am`wî`mda A{YH$madmUrZo gm§ J Umao _mZd bmImV ~mo Q >mda _mo O Ê`mBVHo $ EH$XmM OÝ_mbm `oVmV Am{U Vo H$YrM H$mhr ~mobV ZmhrV. Ë`m§Mo Am`wî`mda ~mobVmV Vo `mMH$. gd© gmYmaU _mUgo _Ü`_ dJu` Hw$Qw>§~m_Ü`o OÝ_ KoVbobr AgVmV. hmVmVm|S>mer JmR> Agboë`m _mVm-{nË`m§Mo _mJo EH$ eQ>© YwD$Z, dmidyZ ZmXmarZo {eH$bobo, Am{U AmoiIr nmiIrZo gaH$mar H$MoarV qH$dm nmoñQ>mV {MH$Q>bobr AgVmV. nwT>o g_mO~§YZm_wio MmaMm¡Km§g_moa ~mohë`mda MT>ë`mZ§Va `WmdH$me XmoZmMm nmT>m nwT>o MmbdVmV Am{U XmoZmMo Mma hmoVmV. MmirerZ§Va T>onmiVmV Am{U gmR>rZ§Va ñ_¥Vr^«§e Pmë`mZo Am`wî`mda H$m` ~mobUma? \$ma \$ma Va "Jobo Vo {Xdg' nydu Amåhr H$m` _Om Ho$br ImD$Z {nD$Z gwIr hmoVmo. AmOr-AmOmo~m, AmB©dS>rb, XmXm-VmB©_mB©-_mder-AmË`m-eoOmarnmOmar gUmgwXrbm O_Umam, Am{U AS>rAS>MUtZm _mJonwT>o Z nmhUmam ZmË`m§Mm EH$ H$mi hmoVm. AmVm JwUmH$mamMr CXmhaUo g§nbr Am{U ^mJmH$mamMr CXmhaUo Mmby Pmbr. nwT>o N>oX XoVm XoVm ~mH$s eyÝ`-Amåhr XmoKo. Am{U AmVm Va H$moUmbmM doi Zmhr. AJXrM g_moa Ambm Va "hm`' Am{U ~mhoa OmVmZm "~m`~m`'. H$moR>o ^oQ>bmo Va AmoiI H$ê$Z Úmdr bmJVo H$s _r VwPm AmOmo~m Am{U MmbVm `oV Zmhr Vr VwPr AmOr. hr doi H$m Ambr? Va Amåhr Am_À`mH$aVmM Am`wî` OJbmo Am{U g_mOmH$arVm H$Yr H$mhrM Ho$bo Zmhr. Xþgè`mMo Xþ:ImV H$Yr gh^mJr Pmbmo Zmhr. Ë`m_wio Am`wî`mMo gmW©H$ Pmbo Ago dmQ>V Zmhr. Ë`m_wio Am`wî`mda ~mobÊ`mMm H$mhrM A{YH$ma amhrbm Zmhr. `oWrb d¥Õml_rÀ`m J«§Wmb`mV N>mZ N>mZ nwñVHo$ AmhoV Vr da da Mmibr nU dmMbr ZmhrV. Ë`m§Mr emB© AmVm nwgQ> Pmbr Amho Am{U gd© nmZo OrU© Pmbr AmhoV. H$m`© H$aUmè`m H$mhr _hmnwéfmMr Zmdo KoVbr H$s XodmMo Xe©Z KoVë`mMo g_mYmZ hmoVo. H$mhr _mUgo ñdV: H$mhr Z H$aVm Xþgè`m§Zm XÿfU XoÊ`mV YÝ`Vm _mZVmV. Am`wî`mda H$mhr ~mobÊ`mgmaIo amhrbo Amho H$m§? Am{U EH$Q>onUmV Var AmnU g‚mZ AmhmoV H$m? hm ñdmWu {dMma _ZmV `oVmo. bhmZnUr ñdm_rg_WmªMo E SAMVAD _ZmMo ûcmoH$ {eH$bmo AgVmZm qeJo \w$Q>ë`mda "_Zmloð>Ym[að> Ordr Yamdo& _Zm ~mobUo ZrË` gmoerV Omdo& gXm gd©Xm Z_« dmMo dXmdo& _Zm gd© bmoH$m§gr Zrddmdo&' WmoS>Š`mV gX¡d gdmª~amo~a AmXamZo Z_«nUo ~mobm d Amnë`m dmJUwH$sZo gdmªZm Zoh_r AmZ§X dmQ>ob AgoM dV©Z R>odm ho AmhoV _ZmMo ûcmoH$. Am`wî`mda H$m` ~mobUma? åhUyZ åhUVmo Xa _{hÝ`mbm g§dmX {Z`_rV dmMV Om _Zm_Zm§Mm _oi Owimdm Ÿ& ÛofmMm bdboe Zgmdm && gmXmgr à{VgmX {_imdm & dmX ZH$mo g§dmX Agmdm && _Yw H $a nmbH$a, nw U o XÿaÜdZr : (020) 24471766 10/15 _w Š `mMo (ñHy $ Q>aMo ) ~mo b gmho ~ , Oam Wm§ ~ m Am{U _J ~mobm. ZmhrVa dmQ> bmdmb Vw _ Mr Am{U _mPr nU! 22 May 2015 E SAMVAD "g§dmX' coI ñnYm© 2015 {ZH$mb {ÛVr` nm[aVmo{fH$ 300/Xadfuà_mUoM Amåhr `m dfu "g§dmX' boI ñnY}Mo Am`moOZ 2) lr. _moVram_ ÛmaH$mZmW {~S>`o (A§Yao r) Ho$bo hmoVo. V¥Vr` nm[aVmo{fH$ 200/ñnY}gmR>r Imbrbà_mUo {df` {ZdS>bo hmoVo. 3) lr. JmoqdX ^mJ©d ~mJyb (nwUo) 1) OrdZmVrb gdm}ÀM Ü`o`. ñÌr {d^mJ AWdm àW_ nm[aVmo{fH$ 500/2) Am`wî`mV amhÿZ Jobobr Jmoï>- _ZmoJV. 1) AZw`m {d. nmbd ({dbonmb}) ñnY}V Imbrb g^mgXm§Zr ^mJ KoVbm. {ÛVr` nm[aVmo{fH$ 300/nw é f {d^mJ 2) gm¡. eHw§$Vbm Am¡Q>r (_wb§wS>) 1) lr. àXrn lrnmX Omoer (nwUo) V¥Vr` nm[aVmo{fH$ 200/2) lr. amO_mohZ _Zmoha amOmÜ`j (gmVmam) 3) C{_©bm am_H¥$îU nam§Ono (_w§~B©) 3) lr. _moVram_ ÛmaH$mZmW {~S>`o (A§Yoar) gd© nm[aVmo{fH$ {dOoË`m§Mo hm{X©H$ A{^Z§XZ. 4) lr. {dîUwgm AOw©Zgm ^maÛmO (Zm{gH$) {dOoË`m§Zm nm[aVmo{fH$ `mdfu g§nÞ hmoUmè`m dm{f©H$ 5) lr. àH$me bú_U ^dmiH$a (Zm{gH$) gd©gmYmaU g^oV AÜ`jm§À`m hñVo XoÊ`mV `oB©b. Ë`m§Zm 6) lr. {dO` {dÇ>b d¡Ú (nwUo) `mg§~§Yr ñdV§ÌnUo H$i{dÊ`mV `oB©b. 7) lr. ~miH¥$îU g. aU{Xdo (Hw$iJmd) _ZmoJV - `§XmÀ`m boI ñnY}V nwéf {d^mJmVyZ 10 8) lr. gwaoe {dZm`H$ H$eoirH$a (nwUo) Va ñÌr {d^mJmVyZ 15 Ago EHy$U \$ŠV 25 boI XmIb 9) lr. JmoqdX ^mJ©d ~mJyb (nwUo) Pmbo. Ë`mV "Am`wî`mV amhÿZ Jobobr Jmoï>' `m {df`mda 18 10) lr. eerH$m§V AmË_mam_ ^mQ>H$a ({dbonmb}) g^mgXm§Zr Va "OrdZmVrb gdm}ÀM Ü`o`' `m {df`mda 7 ñÌr {d^mJ g^mgXm§Zr Amnbo H$m`©, AZw^d `mg§~§Yr {dMma _m§S>bo. gd© 1) gm¡. Zrbm Z§. VmåhZH$a (gm§Jbr) boIm§Mo narjU H$aVmZm EH$ Jmoï> {deof OmUdbr H$s 2) gm¡. Á`moVr àH$me Sw>~o (A_amdVr) ~hþVoH$ boIm§Mo hñVmja gw§Xa hmoVo. "Am`wî`mV amhÿZ Jobobr 3) gm¡. VoOpñdZr à^mH$a H$m{ZQ>H$a (H$moëhmnya) Jmoï>' `m {df`mda boIZ H$aVmZm H$mhr g^mgX boIH$m§Zr 4) AZw`m {d. nmbd ({dbonmb}) Amnë`m Am`wî`mVrb amhÿZ Joboë`m H$mhr Jmoï>r Z_yX Ho$ë`m 5) C{_©bm am_H¥$îU nam§Ono (_w§~B©) AmhoV. na§Vw {Zd¥ÎmrZ§Va amhÿZ Joboë`m Jmoï>r nyU© H$aÊ`mgmR>r 6) gm¡. gwZrVm g. ~obgao (nwUo) H$m` à`ËZ Ho$bo, Ë`mV {H$Vr `e {_imbo, à`ËZ H$ê$Zhr 7) gm¡. drUm _wio (A_amdVr) am{hboë`m Jmoï>r, `m~Ôb boIH$m§Mo {dMma boImV Ano{jV 8) _§Jbm ZmVy (Xhrga, ny) hmoVo. WmoS>çmM boIH$m§Zr hr Anojm nyU© Ho$br. 9) gm¡. Zrbm nÙmH$a bdmQ>o (Zm{gH$) "OrdZmVrb gdm}ÀM Ü`o`' `m {df`mda {b{hVmZm H$mhr 10) gm¡. eHw§$Vbm Am¡Q>r (_wb§wS>) g^mgX boIH$m§Zr _yi {df` gmoSy>Z BVa _hmZ nwéfm§À`m 11) lr_Vr gwZrVm à. gm§JmdH$a (H$moëhmnya) Ü`o`m{df`r {b{hbo. ñdV:À`m Am`wî`mVrb gdm}ÀM Ü`o`m{df`rM 12) lr_Vr ídoVm eaX Xodê$IH$a ({JaJmd, _w§~B©) {b{hUo Ano{jV hmoVo. 13) gm¡. MmébVm {dH$mg OJVmn (Zm{gH$) g^mgXm§Zr ghO boIUr Yê$Z {bhmd`mg gwédmV 14) gm¡. Zr{b_m lrdëb^ Ia§JQ>o (Hw$S>MS>o-Jmodm) H$amdr, Ago ghO-gmono {df` Amåhr boI ñnY}gmR>r {ZdS>V 15) gm¡. Á`moVr ~mJwb (~moardbr) AgVmo. Joë`m dfunojm Iyn H$_r boI ` ñnY}V XmIb Pmbo g§ n mXH$ _§ S >imZo EH$_VmZo {ZdS>bo b o nm[aVmo { fH$ `mMr g§nmXH$ _§S>imZo R>iH$ Zm|X KoVbr Amho. nm[aVmo{fH$ _mZH$ar Imbrbà_mUo {dOoË`m§Mo boI OmJoÀ`m CnbãYVoZwgma "g§dmX'_Ü`o à{gÕ H$aÊ`mV `oVrb. ñnY}V ^mJ KoUmè`m gd© g^mgX boIH$m§Mo nw é f {d^mJ _ZmnmgyZ A{^Z§XZ. àW_ nm[aVmo{fH$ 500/g§ n mXH$ _§ S >i, "g§ d mX' 1) lr. {dîUwgm AOwZ © gm ^maÛmO (Zm{gH$) 23 May 2015 E SAMVAD Regd. under RNI No. MAHBIL/2008/25425 & Declaration No. PHM/SR/63/VIII/2008 Dated 12/5/2008 SSPO Pune under Postal Concession Register No. PCW/151/2014-2016 Licence to Post without Prepayment No.WPP - 22 at Market Yard P.S.O. on 25th of each Month and published on 25th of the month ZmJrU nm[aOmV ^§Jbobr ñdßZo _mPr Vwbm Zmhr H$er ao H$YrM {Xgbr, S>moù`m§VyZ dmhUmar Amgdo _mPr EH$m§VmV amhÿZr _r EH$Q>rZoM nwgbr JmoS> eãXm§Mr ^wai KmbyZr gd©ñd _mPo bwQy>{Z`m Zobo Imobda Pmboë`m Ë`m OI_m§Zr H$m`_Mr _r An§J Pmbo amÌrÀ`m Jƒ A§YmamVhr S>moio Z {_Q>Vm _r OmJr AgVo AmR>dUtMr VwÂ`m, {dfmar ZmJrU Imobda _mÂ`m Xohmg S>gV amhVo ew^« nmH$ù`m, Ho$ear AmgZ, emo^o VwO WmQ>mV _§X gwJ§Yr CYiU H$[aer, _mohr Vy nm[aOmV &&1&& \$m§Xrdê$Zr jUr Ponmder, ^mgVmog Bdbm njr gmadë`m A§JUr CVaer, am§Jmoir g_-Zjr &&2&& \w$bdoS>çm§Zm àmOº$ hdm, hdmM Amnwë`m Xmar nwînd¥ï>rZo Y_© OmUVmo, nbrH$S>bm eoOmar &&3&& AYwZr-_YwZr ¹${MV `oer,lmdUmV h_Img ~haer ZmOwH$VoMo bmo^g Xe©Z; VwbZm H$ê$ H$moUmer? à^mH$a H$m{ZQ>H$a, H$mo ë hmny a 4/15 _mo ~ m : 9881199199 3/15 {Xbrn ao S >H$a, _w § ~ B© gyMZm : 1) `m _m{gH$m§V à{gÕ Pmcoë`m coIm§Vrc _Vm§er g§nmXH$_§S>i gh_V AgocM Ago Zmhr. VgoM Om{hamVrVrc _OHw$amMr gË`mgË`Vm g^mgXm§Zr ñdV: nS>VmiyZ ¿`mdr. Ë`m~m~V Agmo{gEeZ dm "g§dmX' Mo g§nmXH$ _§S>i O~m~Xma AgUma Zmhr. 2) Agmo{gEeZMo H$m`m©c`, gmo_dma Vo ewH«$dma, g§Ü`mH$mir 6 Vo 7.30 `m doimVM CKS>o AgVo. `mMr H¥$n`m Zm|X ¿`mdr. g§nH©$ XyaÜdZr H« _m§H$ : (020) 24332141 Thane Office Address: A/5 Swami Siddharth CHS Ltd., S V Road, Naupada, Thane 400 602. Tel. No : 25446837 Timings : On Tuesday & Friday between 4 pm to 6 pm. Printed Matter If Undelivered Please Return to : STATE BANK OF INDIA PENSIONERS' To, ASSOCIATION, (MUMBAI CIRCLE), PUNE Anubandh, Building No. B-2, 4th Floor, Block No.16, Near Ramkrishna Math, Sinhagad Road, Pune 411030. Ph: 24332141 Publisher – Shri. Ramchandra Narayan Lalingkar, Secretary, State Bank of India Pensioners’ Association (Mumbai Circle),Pune has printed this magazine in the Printing Press owned by Printer – Shri.Chandrashekhar Digambar Joshi, Director, Shree J Printers Pvt.Ltd., at 1416 Sadashiv Peth, Datta Kuti, Pune – 411030 on behalf of Owner – State Bank of India Pensioners’ Association (Mumbai Circle),Pune, at “Anubandh”, Bldg.No.B2, Block No.16,Near Ramkrishna Math, Sinhagad Road, Pune – 411030. Editor – Shri. Krantisen Ramchandra Athawale – address as above. 24
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