vRTr/s51/8OO/ 11 Goverrment of India Ministry of External Affairs CPV Division Patiala House, New Delhi Dated: March 25, 2Ol5 OFFICE ORDER It has been decided to appoint Shri Jagpal Singh, Section Officer (CPV-RTD in CPV Division as the Central PLlblic Information Officer {CPIO) for CPV Division of the Ministry of External Alfairs with effect from the forenoon of March 25, 2015 in place of Smt. Madhu Kalra, Section Offlcer {CPV-RTI), who is proceeding on transfer abroad. 2. Shri Subbiah Sridhar, Under Secretary (CPV-RT0 will act as alternate CPIO during the absence of Shri Jagpal Singh, SO. Shri Sridhar will also assist the Appellate Authority in disposing appeals received under RTI Act. l^ llt, "/, L.l*gr- (Muktesh K. Pardeshi) Joint Secretary (PSP) & CPO ard Appellate Authority Copy to: 1. 2. 3. 4. Secretary (East), Secretary (M & ER), Secretary (West), Special Secretary (AMS & CP\'), Dean (FSI); A11 Addidonal Secretaries; Joint Secretary (P), PMO; A11 Joint Secretaries; Director {EAMO), DS to MOS (VKSI; 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Director (FSOJ; Director (RTl); Director {ADP), US (FSPJ; A11 Missions/Posts abroad; All Officers/Sectiorsat lie 11. A11 RPOs; 12. Shri Jagpal Singh, Section Officer (CPV-RTI); Smt. Madhu Kalra, Section Officer; 14. AO {SE.U for updating Telephone List, Shri Jagpal Singh, SO (CPV RTD & CPIO, CPV Division's Telefax No. is 23388648; and 15. Central Registry
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