03 April 2015 - Blackie On A Mission

MARCH 2015
Our ‘Get Blackie on a
mission night at CBC
on the 28th March
2015. Thanks to all
who came to hear!
Some March Madness....
Let’s Get
That was the call from my Pastor and we’ve got three weeks to organise it!
Ok - we can do this - we love deadlines and
working on adrenalin. Paul phoned me on
a Tuesday and asked for a team to be put
together and ready for our first meeting on
the Wednesday!
Six of us sat around Paul’s dinning
room table, schemed
and planned what a
‘profile’ night might
look like.
During the morning
night was advertised as $1 a day to get
Blackie on her way. Meanwhile in the night
service it was $1 a day to keep Blackie
On the 28th of March we had a great
night where I was able to share some of the
stories from our previous trips to Rwanda
as well as speak about the vision and
dreams that lay before me. Gary met
everyone at the door with his thermometer
and giving them Ebola checks
before they could pass through
customs and enter into Rwanda for
the evening!
With the addition to the
blackieonamission.com website of $1 a day
to get Blackie on her way, we have seen the
Who else heard?
Of course the one night that
suited most people for a profile
night was also the only weekend I
was away at a Girls’ Brigade
National Council meeting. It was a
massive weekend where I drove
497kms with six trips backwards and
forwards across Sydney. I was however
blessed to be able to also share my Rwanda
story and intensions on long term mission
to the State Commissioners at the GB
National Council. While I felt incredibly
unprepared - it was truly a great
opportunity to share with my GB family.
Where are we up to?
website go from 55% to 72% in six days!
This is not only encouraging but also very
overwhelming at how much interest has
been on the website in a week! It is very
humbling to see people whom you know
and some that you don’t actually believe in
you and what you are doing.
Thanks again everyone for your
continued support and interest in
Blackieonamission! I trust you too will be
blessed - Happy Easter - Michele.
Phillipians 4:19
And my God will supply your every need
according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus.