29 MARCH 2015 Church Members’ Meeting / GENERAL ASSEMBLY TODAY 29 MARCH following the worship service. Childcare provided. vzw MERCEDES C240 Sedan FOR SALE (Year: 1999, KM: 215.000, Fuel: Gasoline) Car may be viewed in IBC’s parking lot. Please contact Albert Wesselink for information about the car and IBC’s tender process (0475-808561, [email protected]). by IBC Brussels vzw Tenders may be submitted until latest 5 April. All welcome to vzw We welcome you as we gather together to declare the praises of God in worship. ‘Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise - the fruit of lips that confess His name.’ (Hebrews 13:15) Our Music Team Leader Glen Smith will be leading our worship. Our Pastor / Elder Roland Eskinazi will be preaching. If you are a visitor we are delighted to give you a Welcome Pack. Please contact our Pastor/Elder at our church office if we can assist you with spiritual help: Pastor Roland Eskinazi [email protected] (Tel 0473/485.809) or [email protected] (Tel 02/731.99.00) ELDERS: Frans Meintjes; Greg Pilkington; Wilhelm Smalberger; Patrick Zaman Good Friday Gospel and Communion Service Friday 3 April at 18:30 Please do not forget to switch off your mobile phone. Thank you! Is the Lord challenging you to baptism? A BAPTISMAL SERVICE is planned for 26 April 2015 , please contact Pastor Roland [email protected] , 0473/48.58.09 WELCOME AND OPENING PRAYER CONGREGATIONAL LIFE Help us tackle the challenge of SNOW and ICE and THIN AIR!! Without your help several Activity Stations and most Crews will be left out in the cold! So MAKE TIME to be available on 17-21 Aug 2015 and meet Coordinator Martina DOWNSTAIRS TODAY right after the service to get helpful programme samples! “Picture Perfect- When Life Doesn't Line Up” IBC Women’s Conference - 24 - 26 April, Prague, Czech Republic 8 Please see the Women’s Ministries Board downstairs for flyers with detailed information or contact Sandra Michener – [email protected] or 010/41.95.63 Forever Give thanks to the Lord, / Our God and King; / His love endures forever For He is good, / He is above all things. His love endures forever. / Sing praise, sing praise. With a mighty hand / and outstretched arm; / His love endures forever. For the life that's been reborn, / His love endures forever. Sing praise, sing praise. / Sing praise, sing praise. Refrain: Forever God is faithful; / Forever God is strong; Forever God is with us; Forever, Forever: From the rising to the setting sun; / His love endures forever. By the grace of God / We will carry on; / His love endures forever. Sing praise, sing praise. / Sing praise, sing praise. Refrain IBC CALENDAR FOR WEEK STARTING 29 MARCH 2015 Let my words be few You are God in heaven And here I am on earth So I’ll let my words be few Jesus, I am so in love with You Refrain: And I’ll stand in awe of You Yes, I’ll stand in awe of You And I’ll let my words be few Jesus, I am so in love with You The simplest of all love songs I want to bring to You So I’ll let my words be few Jesus, I am so in love with You Refrain Come and See Come and see, come and see, come and see the King of Love; See the purple robe and crown of thorns He wears. Soldiers mock, rulers sneer, as He lifts the cruel cross; Lone and friendless now He climbs towards the hill. Refrain: We worship at Your feet, where wrath and mercy meet, And a guilty world is washed by love’s pure stream. For us He was made Sin; Oh help me take it in. Deep wounds of love cry out ‘Father, forgive’. I worship, I worship the Lamb who was slain. Come and weep, come and mourn for your Sin that pierced Him there; So much deeper than the wounds of thorn and nail! All our pride, all our greed, all our fallenness and shame; And the Lord has laid the punishment on Him. Man of heaven born to earth, to restore us to Your heaven, Here we bow in awe beneath Your searching eyes. From Your tears comes our joy, from Your death our Life shall spring; By Your resurrection power we shall rise. CONGREGATIONAL PRAYER Children aged 6-11 dismissed for Children’s Church. Babies and small children? We would love to have them in our classes for babies and small children. Parents are also welcome to use the quiet room at the rear of the worship centre. 2 01 Apr THU 02 Apr 03 Apr SAT 04 Apr 05 Apr 07:15 Men’s Prayer Breakfast 09:45 LBS (Ladies Bible Study) 15:45 Bible Story for Kids Club, St John’s Intl. School, Waterloo 20:00 English Classes 09:30 MOPS (Mothers of Pre-Schoolers) coffee at 09:15 18:30 Good Friday Gospel and Communion Service 19:30 Youth Night 08:00 Start of 24hPrayer Chain 18:00 Prayer Chain Prayer Group Meeting EASTER SUNDAY 08:00 End of 24hPrayer Chain 09:45 Prayer Meeting for Adults 09:45 Sunday School for Children 11:00 Worship Service Next Dates of Regular IBC Events: 08 Apr IBC Family Lunch (cost: 3 € per head, tickets at the Welcome Desk) 19 Apr Iron Sharpeners’ Men’s Book Club 16:00-18:00 at the Chapman’s home 21 Apr WEBS (Women’s Evening Bible Study) at 19:30 coffee at 19:15 02 May 24hPrayer Chain from Saturday 8:00 to Sunday 8:00 Prayer Chain Prayer Group Meeting at 18:00 03 May Prayer Meeting for Adults at 09:45 08 May MOPS (Mothers of Pre-Schoolers): at 09:30 coffee at 09:15 tba Worship Music Team Practice 12:45-14:15 tba Knights in Training at 13:30 Upcoming IBC Events: ( Prime Time for Young Adults: Meetings are published on Facebook group "IBC Prime Timers":http://ibcbrussels.com/ministries/20s-30s/ IBC SHUTTLE SERVICE HOURS (from Kraainem Metro Station) Sunday School / Prayer Meeting : from 09:30 to 10:50 (last shuttle) Worship Service : from 10:15 to 10:50 (last shuttle) Shuttle Service back to the Metro : between 12:30 and 13:30 (or after events) IBC LIBRARY & DORCAS will open for 30 minutes after the worship service IBC Church Office Hours: Mon & Thurs: 9:00-12:00 / 13:00-16:00 & Fri: 14:00-17:00 Thank you for supporting the ministries of IBC. We accept donations in EURO by Internet transfer to ING Bank account Nr:363-0638631-23 IBAN BE92 3630 6386 3123; BIC BBRUBEBB and cash in the offering plate. (established primarily to support the ministry of IBC in accordance with appropriate U.S. tax laws.) IBC Brussels vzw, Lange Eikstraat 78,1970 Wezembeek-Oppem, Tel: 02 731 99 00, Fax: 02 731 12 24, e-mail: [email protected]—website: www.ibcbrussels.org 7 PRAYER & PRAISE REQUESTS 29 FEBRUARY 2015 6 Country of the Week: Benin Most peoples in the country remain unreached. Only a few smaller groups have a Christian majority. It is one of the few countries where almost equal numbers of Muslims, Christians and animists live side by side. Christians have freedom to minister and evangelize, but Benin is probably the least-evangelized non-Muslim country in Africa. Pray for churches and missions to send more workers, especially to the central and northern regions. Persecuted church: Sudan Pastors Yat Michael and Peter Yein Reith have been transferred to prison from the security section in Khartoum after they were detained by Sudan's National Intelligence and Security Services (NISS). Pray for them as they will be taken to court to face charges of evangelising Muslims. Church of the Week: IBC Rome Praise God for 3 baptisms and pray for more people to know Christ. Remember the English classes of 80 to 100 students coming together each Tuesday evening that they may be reached with the gospel. Ministry of the Week: IBC Brussels Church Members’ meetings Thank the Lord for the four opportunities within a year to gather together to reflect on God’s work among us, to consider applications for membership and church matters close to God’s heart. Pray that our CMM today would bring glory to Jesus, the Head of the church. Remember all those preparing for baptism on 26 April. Ask the Lord to give them grace and joy as they anticipate witnessing to the power of the Cross and the work of grace in their lives. Praise God for the opportunities in the week ahead to remember, reflect and rejoice in the death and resurrection of Jesus. Pray especially for the Easter presentation to the students in our English classes on Thursday evening and our Good Friday Gospel service and communion. Pray for all our children and young people preparing for final exams in the next months. Ask the Lord to give them clarity of mind and strength in the preparation and writing. Continue to pray for Eduard Friesen and the children in Germany as their lives adjust dramatically after the loss of Angela – for sustaining grace and the reality of God’s comfort. Pray too for her parents Walter and Else Boller in their time of grief. Remember the families of the 150 people who lost their lives in the week as the Germanwings Airbus crashed into the French Alps. Ask the Lord to comfort all who are grappling with grief and many questions Pray above all that that the loss of life will point many to the resurrection hope of the gospel. Continue to remember all whom you know who face trials with health. Pray for Denise Collymore (now back at work), Ingrid De Vree, Sandra Pretorius, Virginia Torrevillas, and others who need particular grace. OFFERING: At the cross Oh Lord You've searched me, / You know my way. Even when I fail You, / I know You love me. Your holy presence / Surrounding me / In every season. I know You love me. / I know You love me. Refrain: At the cross I bow my knee Where Your blood was shed for me There's no greater love than this You have overcome the grave Your glory fills the highest place What can separate me now You go before me, / You shield my way. Your hand upholds me, / I know You love me. And when the earth fades / Falls from my eyes / And I stand before You; I know You love me. / I know You love me. Refrain Bridge: You tore the veil. / You made a way. When You said that it is done. SCRIPTURE READING: John 19: 16-42 SERMON: ‘WHY GLORY IN THE CROSS?’ The power of the cross Oh, to see the dawn of the darkest day, / Christ on the road to Calvary. Tried by sinful men, torn and beaten, then. / Nailed to a cross of wood. Refrain: This, the power of the cross: Christ became sin for us; Took the blame, bore the wrath We stand forgiven at the cross. Oh, to see the pain written on Your face; / Bearing the awesome weight of sin. Every bitter thought, every evil deed; / Crowning Your bloodstained brow. Refrain Now the daylight flees; / Now the ground beneath Quakes as its Maker bows His head. Curtain torn in two, / Dead are raised to life; / “Finished!” the victory cry. Final Refrain This, the power of the cross: / Son of God—slain for us. What a love! What a cost! / We stand forgiven at the cross. INTRODUCTION AND WELCOME OF VISITORS BENEDICTION 3 QUESTIONS FOR REFLECTION AND DISCUSSION JOHN 19: 16-42 ‘WHY GLORY IN THE CROSS?’ Why glory in the Cross? The cruel cross is the greatest sign (in John’s gospel) that Jesus is truly King! We glory in the Cross for: 1) AT THE CROSS GOD’S TRUE KING IS ENTHRONED! (v 16-22) Even at the Cross Jesus calls all the shots By the Cross we see God’s power to convert all nations “Buddhism teaches great compassion but since the beginning of time, who has declared ‘this is my blood of the covenant, poured out for many for the remissions of sins’?” (Toyohiko Kagawe, Japanese evangelist, 1880-1960) 2) AT THE CROSS GOD’S INNOCENT KING IS JUDGED! (V23-24) On the Cross we see Jesus stripped naked of all dignity He deserves On the Cross we see ourselves stripped of all the sins He carries in our place “Surely that man must be in an unhealthy state of soul who can think of all that Jesus suffered… and yet love those sins for which that suffering was undertaken.’ (J.C. Ryle) 3) AT THE CROSS GOD’S PROPHESIED KING IS REVEALED (V25-37) Jesus tenderly thinks of others before Himself The heart that even on the Cross felt for Mary is a heart that never changes. Jesus willingly offers His body, the unbroken sacrifice for unworthy sinners “Therefore when Christ came into the world, He said “Sacrifice and offering you did not desire, but a body you prepared for me; with burnt offerings and sin offerings you were not pleased. Then I said, ‘Here I am—it is written about me in the scroll— I have come to do your will, God.” (Heb. 10:5-7) 4) BY THE CROSS, GOD’S VICTORIOUS KING IS REIGNING! (V38-42) How could we glory in the Cross if it were only a block of wood where a penniless carpenter died? “ ..on His head are many crowns….He is dressed in a robe dipped in blood, and his name is the Word of God…On His robe and on his thigh he has this name written: KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS” (Rev. 9:13-16) Remember! We glory in the Cross because the King who died is now alive forever and ever! If God has a perfect plan for His Son, He surely has one for you and me. Your failures are not fatal – and your death will not be final! Go into your world and glory in the Cross! A voice recording of the preached sermon is accessible on the church website www.ibcbrussels.org. 4 “ When we look at the cross we see the justice, love, wisdom and power of God. It is not easy to decide which is the most luminously revealed, whether the justice of God in judging sin, or the love of God in bearing the judgment in our place, or the wisdom of God in perfectly combining the two, or the power of God in saving those who believe. For the cross is equally an act, and therefore a demonstration, of God’s justice, love, wisdom and power. The cross assures us that this God is the reality within, behind and beyond.” (John Stott : ‘The Cross of Christ’). How is God’s justice displayed at the Cross? How does He demonstrate His love? How do we see God’s wisdom in the foolishness of the Cross? What is the great power of the Cross? MISSIONARIES OF THE WEEK Peter and Didi HEGNAUER Peter and Didi are the Country Directors for CEF Belgium & Luxembourg. Their vision is to help reach unbelieving children and their families as well as to disciple believing children. Peter's ministry revolves around the French speaking community, in providing teacher training (for Sunday School. teachers etc.,) setting up new children's clubs, special Easter and Christmas outreaches, tract distributions, supervising the CEF camp, and helping to organize the Congress for Christian Educators (every 2 years). Didi's ministry is mainly helping to produce visuals for CEF-Europe. Website: www.cefeurope.com They write: We rejoice to be able to teach at the Belgian Bible Institute a full Course of 26 sessions and that the students can get up to 3 credits if they also attend the Congress for Christian Educators in October. 2015. We also thank the Lord that Didi is now only left with 2 lessons (14 illustrations) to do. Please pray that she'll be able to finish them by the end of May 2015. Our daughter, Elise (26), has contracted a herniated disc in her back. (In order to be able to work with less pain she is obliged to take a good amount of pain killers) Specialist are looking into the problem...but their conclusions will take a while. (operations are usually accompanied with risks !) Natalie (24), our "baby" daughter, is presently in San Diego scouting the job market (She is still travelling to other places: Bali, Australia before she will be returning to California were she intends to settle). Please pray that the Lord will open or close doors during her job search. Our special Easter outreach is around the corner. Please pray for new venues and at least 20 special Easter clubs. Didi has organized 15 women who will be going to the women's Colour Conference in London. (30 April to 2 May) Please pray that they will will be blessed through the worship and the various messages. 5
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