METROPOLITAN COUNCIL GREATER BATON ROUGE AIRPORT AUTHORITY EAST BATON ROUGE SEWERAGE COMMISSION CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS DISTRICT CITY OF BATON ROUGE AND PARISH OF EAST BATON ROUGE March 25, 2015 3:30 P.M. The Metropolitan Council of the Parish of East Baton Rouge and the City of Baton Rouge met in the Council Chambers of the Governmental Building, Room 348, Baton Rouge, Louisiana at 3:30 P.M., on this the 25th day of March 2015, in regular session convened. The Meeting was called to order by President Pro-Tempore Chandler Loupe and the following members were present: Present: Messrs. Welch, Wilson, Amoroso, Boe, Heck, and Delgado Mmes. Banks-Daniel, Collins-Lewis, Marcelle, and Wicker Absent: Mr. Loupe and Ms. Edwards .................. INVOCATION BY: Casey Cashio, Council Administrator .................. I PLEDGE ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND TO THE REPUBLIC FOR WHICH IT STANDS; ONE NATION, UNDER GOD, INDIVISIBLE, WITH LIBERTY AND JUSTICE FOR ALL. LED BY: Casey Cashio, Council Administrator/Treasurer .................. March 25, 2015 PRESENTATIONS AND SPECIAL RECOGNITIONS: Mayor-President Melvin “Kip” Holden Recognize: Carolyn Stapleton Proclamation: Baton Rouge Victims Empowered Month Mayor-President Melvin “Kip” Holden Recognize: Interim DPW Director Bryan Harmon, and DPW Represenatives, Shannon Dupont, Lynette Richardson and Marlon Lemoine Proclamation: Flood Awareness Month Mayor-President Melvin “Kip” Holden and Councilwoman C. Denise Marcelle Recognize: James Leon Walker, Jr. “JJ Warrior” Councilwoman Tara Wicker Recognize: Southern University Laboratory School Basketball Team Louisiana Youth Sports 2015 Multi State Basketball Champions Concilwoman Tara Wicker Recognize: Jonathan Ding, Winner of the 2015 National Math Competition ................. ADOPTION OF MINUTES: NO ACTION TAKEN INTRODUCTIONS: A proposed resolution, entitled as follows, was introduced by Mr. Loupe and read in full: PROPOSED RESOLUTION AMENDING THE 2015 CURRENT EXPENSES BUDGET SO AS TO APPROPRIATE $230,000 TO PROVIDE FUNDING FOR EXPENSES ASSOCIATED WITH HOSTING THE 2015 MISS USA COMPETITION, AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR-PRESIDENT TO EXECUTE ANY NECESSARY AGREEMENTS ASSOCIATED WITH THE EVENT. (BUDGET SUPPLEMENT 8435) BY: MAYOR-PRESIDENT. A motion was made by Mr. Loupe and seconded by Mr. Amoroso that the introduction of the above proposed item be published in accordance with law and that a public hearing thereon be called for the next regular meeting of this council on April 8, 2015. A “Yea” and “Nay” vote was called for and resulted as follows: “Yeas”: Messrs. Welch, Wilson, Loupe, Amoroso, Boe, Heck, and Delgado Mmes. Banks-Daniel, Collins-Lewis, Marcelle, and Wicker “Nays”: None. Absent: Ms. Edwards. 11 yeas, 0 nays, 1 absent and the motion was adopted. ................. 2 March 25, 2015 A proposed resolution, entitled as follows, was introduced by Mr. Loupe and read in full: PROPOSED RESOLUTION AMENDING THE 2015 CURRENT EXPENSES BUDGET AS TO APPROPRIATE THE NOT TO EXCEED $75,000,000 ROAD AND STREET REFUNDING BONDS, SERIES 2015 AND BOND PREMIUM ESTIMATED AT $12,000,000 TO ADVANCE REFUND A PORTION OF THE PARISH'S SERIES 2009A ROAD AND STREET SALES TAX BONDS AND PROVIDE FOR THE COSTS OF ISSUANCE AND RELATED DEBT SERVICE. BY: FINANCE DEPARTMENT. A motion was made by Mr. Loupe and seconded by Mr. Amoroso that the introduction of the above proposed item be published in accordance with law and that a public hearing thereon be called for the next regular meeting of this council on April 8, 2015. A “Yea” and “Nay” vote was called for and resulted as follows: “Yeas”: Messrs. Welch, Wilson, Loupe, Amoroso, Boe, Heck, and Delgado Mmes. Banks-Daniel, Collins-Lewis, Marcelle, and Wicker “Nays”: None. Absent: Ms. Edwards. 11 yeas, 0 nays, 1 absent and the motion was adopted. ................. A proposed resolution, entitled as follows, was introduced by Mr. Loupe and read in full: PROPOSED RESOLUTION AMENDING THE 2015 CURRENT EXPENSES BUDGET AND CAPITAL BUDGET FOR APPROPRIATION OF NOT TO EXCEED $43,000,000 RELATED TO THE SERIES 2015 LOUISIANA LOCAL GOVERNMENT ENVIRONMENTAL FACILITIES AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (LCDA) SUBORDINATE LIEN REVENUE BONDS (PARISH OF EAST BATON ROUGE ROAD IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT), TO PROVIDE FUNDING FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES, RIGHT-OF-WAY ACQUISITION, CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, AND DEBT SERVICE FOR PROJECTS LISTED UNDER THE "THE GREEN LIGHT PLAN" AND TO PROVIDE FUNDING TO PAY THE COSTS OF ISSUANCE FOR THE BONDS. BY: FINANCE DEPARTMENT AND DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS. 3 March 25, 2015 A motion was made by Mr. Loupe and seconded by Mr. Amoroso that the introduction of the above proposed item be published in accordance with law and that a public hearing thereon be called for the next regular meeting of this council on April 8, 2015. A “Yea” and “Nay” vote was called for and resulted as follows: “Yeas”: Messrs. Welch, Wilson, Loupe, Amoroso, Boe, Heck, and Delgado Mmes. Banks-Daniel, Collins-Lewis, Marcelle, and Wicker “Nays”: None. Absent: Ms. Edwards. 11 yeas, 0 nays, 1 absent and the motion was adopted. ................. A proposed resolution, entitled as follows, was introduced by Mr. Loupe and read in full: PROPOSED RESOLUTION AMENDING THE 2015 CURRENT EXPENSE BUDGET FOR THE JEWEL J. NEWMAN COMMUNITY CENTER (JJNCC) SO AS TO APPROPRIATE $32,500. THIS WILL PROVIDE FUNDING FOR THE SUMMER YOUTH PROGRAM. THE FUNDING WILL BE PROVIDED FROM CAMPER'S FEES AND SELF-GENERATED REVENUES. BY: DIRECTOR, JEWEL J. NEWMAN COMMUNITY CENTER. A motion was made by Mr. Loupe and seconded by Mr. Amoroso that the introduction of the above proposed item be published in accordance with law and that a public hearing thereon be called for the next regular meeting of this council on April 8, 2015. A “Yea” and “Nay” vote was called for and resulted as follows: “Yeas”: Messrs. Welch, Wilson, Loupe, Amoroso, Boe, Heck, and Delgado Mmes. Banks-Daniel, Collins-Lewis, Marcelle, and Wicker “Nays”: None. Absent: Ms. Edwards. 11 yeas, 0 nays, 1 absent and the motion was adopted. ................. 4 March 25, 2015 A proposed resolution, entitled as follows, was introduced by Mr. Loupe and read in full: PROPOSED RESOLUTION AMENDING THE 2015 CURRENT EXPENSE BUDGET FOR THE JEWEL J. NEWMAN COMMUNITY CENTER TO APPROPRIATE $12,000.00 FROM THE CENTER'S PRIOR YEAR'S SELF-GENERATED REVENUES. THIS WILL PROVIDE FUNDING FOR CENTER EVENTS, SERVICES, ACTIVITIES, AND ENHANCEMENTS; SUCH AS THE PURCHASE OF NEW OUTDOOR SEATING/BENCHES, MONTHLY TRIPS FOR SENIORS, SENIOR HEALTH FAIR AND THANKSGIVING APPRECIATION LUNCHEON, AND OTHER ANNUAL JEWEL J. NEWMAN COMMUNITY CENTER PROGRAMS/EVENTS. BY: DIRECTOR, JEWEL J. NEWMAN A motion was made by Mr. Loupe and seconded by Mr. Amoroso that the introduction of the above proposed item be published in accordance with law and that a public hearing thereon be called for the next regular meeting of this council on April 8, 2015. A “Yea” and “Nay” vote was called for and resulted as follows: “Yeas”: Messrs. Welch, Wilson, Loupe, Amoroso, Boe, Heck, and Delgado Mmes. Banks-Daniel, Collins-Lewis, Marcelle, and Wicker “Nays”: None. Absent: Ms. Edwards. 11 yeas, 0 nays, 1 absent and the motion was adopted. ................. CONDEMNATIONS: A proposed condemnation, entitled as follows, was introduced by Mr. Loupe and read in full: CUI YUN ZHENG 9527 WINDWARD ROAD; LOT 221 HIGHLANDS SOUTH SUBDIVISION - COUNCIL DISTRICT 12 A motion was made by Mr. Amoroso and seconded by Ms. Collins-Lewis that the introduction of the above proposed item be published in accordance with law and that a public hearing thereon be called for the next regular meeting of this council on April 8, 2015. A “Yea” and “Nay” vote was called for and resulted as follows: “Yeas”: Messrs. Welch, Wilson, Loupe, Amoroso, Boe, Heck, and Delgado Mmes. Banks-Daniel, Collins-Lewis, Marcelle, and Wicker “Nays”: None. Absent: Ms. Edwards. 11 yeas, 0 nays, 1 absent and the motion was adopted. ................. 5 March 25, 2015 A proposed condemnation, entitled as follows, was introduced by Mr. Loupe and read in full: BEVERLY MARTIN, JULIA MARTIN, MARION MARTIN, LEONARD MARTIN & SANDRA RICHARDSON 4713 WASHINGTON AVENUE (GARAGE ONLY); LOT 21, SQUARE 5, FAIRFIELDS EAST SUBDIVISION - COUNCIL DISTRICT 10 A motion was made by Mr. Amoroso and seconded by Ms. Collins-Lewis that the introduction of the above proposed item be published in accordance with law and that a public hearing thereon be called for the next regular meeting of this council on April 8, 2015. A “Yea” and “Nay” vote was called for and resulted as follows: “Yeas”: Messrs. Welch, Wilson, Loupe, Amoroso, Boe, Heck, and Delgado Mmes. Banks-Daniel, Collins-Lewis, Marcelle, and Wicker “Nays”: None. Absent: Ms. Edwards. 11 yeas, 0 nays, 1 absent and the motion was adopted. ................. A proposed condemnation, entitled as follows, was introduced by Mr. Loupe and read in full: JULIA MILLER, DONALD MILLER & IAN MILLER 14642 STONEBERG AVENUE; LOT 87, AVALON SUBDIVISION - COUNCIL DISTRICT 08 A motion was made by Mr. Amoroso and seconded by Ms. Collins-Lewis that the introduction of the above proposed item be published in accordance with law and that a public hearing thereon be called for the next regular meeting of this council on April 8, 2015. A “Yea” and “Nay” vote was called for and resulted as follows: “Yeas”: Messrs. Welch, Wilson, Loupe, Amoroso, Boe, Heck, and Delgado Mmes. Banks-Daniel, Collins-Lewis, Marcelle, and Wicker “Nays”: None. Absent: Ms. Edwards. 11 yeas, 0 nays, 1 absent and the motion was adopted. ................. 6 March 25, 2015 A proposed condemnation, entitled as follows, was introduced by Mr. Loupe and read in full: HENRY DAWSON & GEORGIA DAWSON 2617 & 2619 DUKE STREET (HOUSE & REAR GARAGE APARTMENT); LOT 19-A, SQUARE 5, BATON ROUGE TERRACE SUBDIVISION - COUNCIL DISTRICT 07 A motion was made by Mr. Amoroso and seconded by Ms. Collins-Lewis that the introduction of the above proposed item be published in accordance with law and that a public hearing thereon be called for the next regular meeting of this council on April 8, 2015. A “Yea” and “Nay” vote was called for and resulted as follows: “Yeas”: Messrs. Welch, Wilson, Loupe, Amoroso, Boe, Heck, and Delgado Mmes. Banks-Daniel, Collins-Lewis, Marcelle, and Wicker “Nays”: None. Absent: Ms. Edwards. 11 yeas, 0 nays, 1 absent and the motion was adopted. ................. A proposed condemnation, entitled as follows, was introduced by Mr. Loupe and read in full: WHAT ABOUT ME?? THE FORGOTTEN CHILDREN 3617 LANIER DRIVE; LOT 231-A, KILDARE SUBDIVISION - COUNCIL DISTRICT 05 A motion was made by Mr. Amoroso and seconded by Ms. Collins-Lewis that the introduction of the above proposed item be published in accordance with law and that a public hearing thereon be called for the next regular meeting of this council on April 8, 2015. A “Yea” and “Nay” vote was called for and resulted as follows: “Yeas”: Messrs. Welch, Wilson, Loupe, Amoroso, Boe, Heck, and Delgado Mmes. Banks-Daniel, Collins-Lewis, Marcelle, and Wicker “Nays”: None. Absent: Ms. Edwards. 11 yeas, 0 nays, 1 absent and the motion was adopted. ................. ADJUDICATED PROPERTY INTRODUCTIONS: A proposed ordinance, entitled as follows, was introduced by Mr. Loupe and read in full: Lot 134, Kennedy Subdivision 4663 Avenue G, Zachary Metro Council District Initial Bid Amount Advanced costs required (certified funds) Appraised Value Taxes Due 7 Marion T. Greene 01 - Welch $ 100.00 $ 500.00 $ 6,500.00 $ 2,726.98 March 25, 2015 A motion was made by Mr. Loupe and seconded by Mr. Amoroso that the introduction of the above ordinance be published in accordance with law and that a public hearing thereon be called for the next regular meeting of this Council on April 22, 2015. A “Yea” and “Nay” vote was called for and resulted as follows: “Yeas”: Messrs. Welch, Wilson, Loupe, Amoroso, Boe, Heck, and Delgado Mmes. Banks-Daniel, Collins-Lewis, Marcelle, and Wicker “Nays”: None. Absent: Ms. Edwards. 11 yeas, 0 nays, 1 absent and the motion was adopted. ................. A proposed ordinance, entitled as follows, was introduced by Mr. Loupe and read in full: Unnumbered lot, Square 46, South Baton Rouge Tennessee Street Metro Council District Initial Bid Amount Advanced costs required (certified funds) Appraised Value Taxes Due Michael Legard 10 - Wicker $ 100.00 $ 500.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 3,866.14 A motion was made by Mr. Loupe and seconded by Mr. Amoroso that the introduction of the above ordinance be published in accordance with law and that a public hearing thereon be called for the next regular meeting of this Council on April 22, 2015. A “Yea” and “Nay” vote was called for and resulted as follows: “Yeas”: Messrs. Welch, Wilson, Loupe, Amoroso, Boe, Heck, and Delgado Mmes. Banks-Daniel, Collins-Lewis, Marcelle, and Wicker “Nays”: None. Absent: Ms. Edwards. 11 yeas, 0 nays, 1 absent and the motion was adopted. ................. A proposed ordinance, entitled as follows, was introduced by Mr. Loupe and read in full: Lot 10, Square 25, Eden Park 914 North 36th Street Metro Council District Initial Bid Amount Advanced costs required (certified funds) Appraised Value Taxes Due 8 Good Deeds, L.L.C. 07 - Marcelle $ 200.00 $ 500.00 $ 5,600.00 $ 1,707.26 March 25, 2015 A motion was made by Mr. Loupe and seconded by Mr. Amoroso that the introduction of the above ordinance be published in accordance with law and that a public hearing thereon be called for the next regular meeting of this Council on April 22, 2015. A “Yea” and “Nay” vote was called for and resulted as follows: “Yeas”: Messrs. Welch, Wilson, Loupe, Amoroso, Boe, Heck, and Delgado Mmes. Banks-Daniel, Collins-Lewis, Marcelle, and Wicker “Nays”: None. Absent: Ms. Edwards. 11 yeas, 0 nays, 1 absent and the motion was adopted. ................. A proposed ordinance, entitled as follows, was introduced by Mr. Loupe and read in full: Lot 1, Central Place Subdivision Real Estate Referral Service 10556 Willowbrook Drive of Louisiana, L.L.C. Metro Council District 04 - Wilson Initial Bid Amount $ 100.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds) $ 500.00 Appraised Value $125,000.00 Taxes Due $ 7,605.27 A motion was made by Mr. Loupe and seconded by Mr. Amoroso that the introduction of the above ordinance be published in accordance with law and that a public hearing thereon be called for the next regular meeting of this Council on April 22, 2015. A “Yea” and “Nay” vote was called for and resulted as follows: “Yeas”: Messrs. Welch, Wilson, Loupe, Amoroso, Boe, Heck, and Delgado Mmes. Banks-Daniel, Collins-Lewis, Marcelle, and Wicker “Nays”: None. Absent: Ms. Edwards. 11 yeas, 0 nays, 1 absent and the motion was adopted. ................. A proposed ordinance, entitled as follows, was introduced by Mr. Loupe and read in full: Lot 9 pt., Square 8, Edgewood Lawn 783 North 26th Street Metro Council District Initial Bid Amount Advanced costs required (certified funds) Appraised Value Taxes Due 9 Good Deeds, L.L.C. 07 - Marcelle $ 200.00 $ 500.00 $ 10,000.00 $ 14,210.81 March 25, 2015 A motion was made by Mr. Loupe and seconded by Mr. Amoroso that the introduction of the above ordinance be published in accordance with law and that a public hearing thereon be called for the next regular meeting of this Council on April 22, 2015. A “Yea” and “Nay” vote was called for and resulted as follows: “Yeas”: Messrs. Welch, Wilson, Loupe, Amoroso, Boe, Heck, and Delgado Mmes. Banks-Daniel, Collins-Lewis, Marcelle, and Wicker “Nays”: None. Absent: Ms. Edwards. 11 yeas, 0 nays, 1 absent and the motion was adopted. ................. A proposed ordinance, entitled as follows, was introduced by Mr. Loupe and read in full: Lot 3, Square 2, Ellerslie 2045 Ellerslie Street Metro Council District Initial Bid Amount Advanced costs required (certified funds) Appraised Value Taxes Due Good Deeds, L.L.C. 10 - Wicker $ 200.00 $ 500.00 $ 10,000.00 $ 8,146.24 A motion was made by Mr. Loupe and seconded by Mr. Amoroso that the introduction of the above ordinance be published in accordance with law and that a public hearing thereon be called for the next regular meeting of this Council on April 22, 2015. A “Yea” and “Nay” vote was called for and resulted as follows: “Yeas”: Messrs. Welch, Wilson, Loupe, Amoroso, Boe, Heck, and Delgado Mmes. Banks-Daniel, Collins-Lewis, Marcelle, and Wicker “Nays”: None. Absent: Ms. Edwards. 11 yeas, 0 nays, 1 absent and the motion was adopted. ................. A proposed ordinance, entitled as follows, was introduced by Mr. Loupe and read in full: Lot 19, Square 2, Bogan 2607 Lula Street Metro Council District Initial Bid Amount Advanced costs required (certified funds) Appraised Value Taxes Due 10 Good Deeds, L.L.C. 07 - Marcelle $ 200.00 $ 500.00 $ 7,500.00 $ 3,485.96 March 25, 2015 A motion was made by Mr. Loupe and seconded by Mr. Amoroso that the introduction of the above ordinance be published in accordance with law and that a public hearing thereon be called for the next regular meeting of this Council on April 22, 2015. A “Yea” and “Nay” vote was called for and resulted as follows: “Yeas”: Messrs. Welch, Wilson, Loupe, Amoroso, Boe, Heck, and Delgado Mmes. Banks-Daniel, Collins-Lewis, Marcelle, and Wicker “Nays”: None. Absent: Ms. Edwards. 11 yeas, 0 nays, 1 absent and the motion was adopted. ................. A proposed ordinance, entitled as follows, was introduced by Mr. Loupe and read in full: Lot 2-A, Square 11, Bogan Subdivision 1552 North 29th Street Metro Council District Initial Bid Amount Advanced costs required (certified funds) Appraised Value Taxes Due Tammy L. Lindsey 07 - Marcelle $ 500.00 $ 500.00 $ 20,000.00 $ 1,715.47 A motion was made by Mr. Loupe and seconded by Mr. Amoroso that the introduction of the above ordinance be published in accordance with law and that a public hearing thereon be called for the next regular meeting of this Council on April 22, 2015. A “Yea” and “Nay” vote was called for and resulted as follows: “Yeas”: Messrs. Welch, Wilson, Loupe, Amoroso, Boe, Heck, and Delgado Mmes. Banks-Daniel, Collins-Lewis, Marcelle, and Wicker “Nays”: None. Absent: Ms. Edwards. 11 yeas, 0 nays, 1 absent and the motion was adopted. ................. A proposed ordinance, entitled as follows, was introduced by Mr. Loupe and read in full: Lot 5, Square 7, Delmont Place 2864 Byron Street Metro Council District Initial Bid Amount Advanced costs required (certified funds) Appraised Value Taxes Due 11 Good Deeds, L.L.C. 10 - Wicker $ 200.00 $ 500.00 $ 7,000.00 $ 4,575.95 March 25, 2015 A motion was made by Mr. Loupe and seconded by Mr. Amoroso that the introduction of the above ordinance be published in accordance with law and that a public hearing thereon be called for the next regular meeting of this Council on April 22, 2015. A “Yea” and “Nay” vote was called for and resulted as follows: “Yeas”: Messrs. Welch, Wilson, Loupe, Amoroso, Boe, Heck, and Delgado Mmes. Banks-Daniel, Collins-Lewis, Marcelle, and Wicker “Nays”: None. Absent: Ms. Edwards. 11 yeas, 0 nays, 1 absent and the motion was adopted. ................. A proposed ordinance, entitled as follows, was introduced by Mr. Loupe and read in full: Lot B-5-E, Castle Place Subdivision Eric Drive, Zachary - lot Metro Council District Initial Bid Amount Advanced costs required (certified funds) Appraised Value Taxes Due Joshua Tate 01 - Welch $ 200.00 $ 500.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 506.68 A motion was made by Mr. Loupe and seconded by Mr. Amoroso that the introduction of the above ordinance be published in accordance with law and that a public hearing thereon be called for the next regular meeting of this Council on April 22, 2015. A “Yea” and “Nay” vote was called for and resulted as follows: “Yeas”: Messrs. Welch, Wilson, Loupe, Amoroso, Boe, Heck, and Delgado Mmes. Banks-Daniel, Collins-Lewis, Marcelle, and Wicker “Nays”: None. Absent: Ms. Edwards. 11 yeas, 0 nays, 1 absent and the motion was adopted. ................. A proposed ordinance, entitled as follows, was introduced by Mr. Loupe and read in full: Lot B-1, Castle Place Subdivision Plank Road, Zachary - lot Metro Council District Initial Bid Amount Advanced costs required (certified funds) Appraised Value Taxes Due 12 Joshua Tate 01 - Welch $ 200.00 $ 500.00 $ 13,000.00 $ 503.68 March 25, 2015 A motion was made by Mr. Loupe and seconded by Mr. Amoroso that the introduction of the above ordinance be published in accordance with law and that a public hearing thereon be called for the next regular meeting of this Council on April 22, 2015. A “Yea” and “Nay” vote was called for and resulted as follows: “Yeas”: Messrs. Welch, Wilson, Loupe, Amoroso, Boe, Heck, and Delgado Mmes. Banks-Daniel, Collins-Lewis, Marcelle, and Wicker “Nays”: None. Absent: Ms. Edwards. 11 yeas, 0 nays, 1 absent and the motion was adopted. ................. A proposed ordinance, entitled as follows, was introduced by Mr. Loupe and read in full: Lot C+, Baker Lots & Acres 4563 Baker Boulevard Metro Council District Initial Bid Amount Advanced costs required (certified funds) Appraised Value Taxes Due Dan Ausberry 01 - Welch $ 1,000.00 $ 500.00 $ 25,000.00 $ 11,356.13 A motion was made by Mr. Loupe and seconded by Mr. Amoroso that the introduction of the above ordinance be published in accordance with law and that a public hearing thereon be called for the next regular meeting of this Council on April 22, 2015. A “Yea” and “Nay” vote was called for and resulted as follows: “Yeas”: Messrs. Welch, Wilson, Loupe, Amoroso, Boe, Heck, and Delgado Mmes. Banks-Daniel, Collins-Lewis, Marcelle, and Wicker “Nays”: None. Absent: Ms. Edwards. 11 yeas, 0 nays, 1 absent and the motion was adopted. ................. A proposed ordinance, entitled as follows, was introduced by Mr. Loupe and read in full: Lot 10, Parkland Terrace North Parkland Drive - lot Metro Council District Initial Bid Amount Advanced costs required (certified funds) Appraised Value Taxes Due 13 Roland J. Chevalier 11 - Heck $ 300.00 $ 500.00 $ 15,000.00 $ 43,410.29 March 25, 2015 A motion was made by Mr. Loupe and seconded by Mr. Amoroso that the introduction of the above ordinance be published in accordance with law and that a public hearing thereon be called for the next regular meeting of this Council on April 22, 2015. A “Yea” and “Nay” vote was called for and resulted as follows: “Yeas”: Messrs. Welch, Wilson, Loupe, Amoroso, Boe, Heck, and Delgado Mmes. Banks-Daniel, Collins-Lewis, Marcelle, and Wicker “Nays”: None. Absent: Ms. Edwards. 11 yeas, 0 nays, 1 absent and the motion was adopted. ................. A proposed ordinance, entitled as follows, was introduced by Mr. Loupe and read in full: Lot E, Square 276, Swart Subdivision 1238 South 14th Street Metro Council District Initial Bid Amount Advanced costs required (certified funds) Appraised Value Taxes Due Rudolph Mann 10 - Wicker $ 1,000.00 $ 500.00 $ 10,000.00 $ 3,919.81 A motion was made by Mr. Loupe and seconded by Mr. Amoroso that the introduction of the above ordinance be published in accordance with law and that a public hearing thereon be called for the next regular meeting of this Council on April 22, 2015. A “Yea” and “Nay” vote was called for and resulted as follows: “Yeas”: Messrs. Welch, Wilson, Loupe, Amoroso, Boe, Heck, and Delgado Mmes. Banks-Daniel, Collins-Lewis, Marcelle, and Wicker “Nays”: None. Absent: Ms. Edwards. 11 yeas, 0 nays, 1 absent and the motion was adopted. ................. PLANNING AND ZONING INTRODUCTIONS: A proposed ordinance, entitled as follows, was introduced by Mr. Loupe and read in full: PA-1-15 15696 OLD SCENIC HIGHWAY TO AMEND THE COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN FROM AGRICULTURAL AND RURAL TO INDUSTRIAL, ON THE EAST SIDE OF OLD SCENIC HIGHWAY, NORTH OF THE INTERSECTION OF OLD SCENIC HIGHWAY AND GROOM, ON THE KEIZER TRACT. SECTION 76, T-5-S, R-1-E, GLD, EBRP, LA. (COUNCIL DISTRICT 2-BANKS-DANIELS 14 March 25, 2015 A motion was made by Mr. Loupe and seconded by Mr. Amoroso that the introduction of the above ordinance be published in accordance with law and that a public hearing thereon be called for the next regular meeting of this Council on April 15, 2015. A “Yea” and “Nay” vote was called for and resulted as follows: “Yeas”: Messrs. Welch, Wilson, Loupe, Amoroso, Boe, Heck, and Delgado Mmes. Banks-Daniel, Collins-Lewis, Marcelle, and Wicker “Nays”: None. Absent: Ms. Edwards. 11 yeas, 0 nays, 1 absent and the motion was adopted. ................. A proposed ordinance, entitled as follows, was introduced by Mr. Loupe and read in full: TA-2-15 AMENDING TITLE 7 (UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT CODE), CHAPTER 10 (SUPPLEMENTARY USES) OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF BATON ROUGE AND THE PARISH OF EAST BATON ROUGE SO AS TO AMEND AND REENACT SECTION 10.102I (URBAN DESIGN OVERLAY DISTRICT NINE OLD HAMMOND HIGHWAY) A motion was made by Mr. Loupe and seconded by Mr. Amoroso that the introduction of the above ordinance be published in accordance with law and that a public hearing thereon be called for the next regular meeting of this Council on April 15, 2015. A “Yea” and “Nay” vote was called for and resulted as follows: “Yeas”: Messrs. Welch, Wilson, Loupe, Amoroso, Boe, Heck, and Delgado Mmes. Banks-Daniel, Collins-Lewis, Marcelle, and Wicker “Nays”: None. Absent: Ms. Edwards. 11 yeas, 0 nays, 1 absent and the motion was adopted. ................. A proposed ordinance, entitled as follows, was introduced by Mr. Loupe and read in full: TA-5-15 AMENDING TITLE 7 (UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT CODE), CHAPTER 10 (SUPPLEMENTARY USES) OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF BATON ROUGE AND THE PARISH OF EAST BATON ROUGE SO AS TO AMEND AND REENACT SECTION 10.104B (LOCAL HISTORIC OVERLAY DISTRICT TWO SPANISH TOWN) TO REVISE BUILDING SETBACK REQUIREMENTS AND ESTABLISH SINGLE-FAMILY AND TWO-FAMILY DWELLINGS AS PERMISSIBLE USES IN THE SPANISH TOWN HISTORIC DISTRICT 15 March 25, 2015 A motion was made by Mr. Loupe and seconded by Mr. Amoroso that the introduction of the above ordinance be published in accordance with law and that a public hearing thereon be called for the next regular meeting of this Council on April 15, 2015. A “Yea” and “Nay” vote was called for and resulted as follows: “Yeas”: Messrs. Welch, Wilson, Loupe, Amoroso, Boe, Heck, and Delgado Mmes. Banks-Daniel, Collins-Lewis, Marcelle, and Wicker “Nays”: None. Absent: Ms. Edwards. 11 yeas, 0 nays, 1 absent and the motion was adopted. ................. A proposed ordinance, entitled as follows, was introduced by Mr. Loupe and read in full: TA-7-15 AMENDING TITLE 7 (UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT CODE), CHAPTER 2 (DEFINITIONS) OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF BATON ROUGE AND THE PARISH OF EAST BATON ROUGE SO AS TO DELETE THE DEFINITION OF "SPECIAL HOMES" AND ADD DEFINITIONS FOR "GROUP HOMES" AND "REASONABLE ACCOMMODATIONS." A motion was made by Mr. Loupe and seconded by Mr. Amoroso that the introduction of the above ordinance be published in accordance with law and that a public hearing thereon be called for the next regular meeting of this Council on April 15, 2015. A “Yea” and “Nay” vote was called for and resulted as follows: “Yeas”: Messrs. Welch, Wilson, Loupe, Amoroso, Boe, Heck, and Delgado Mmes. Banks-Daniel, Collins-Lewis, Marcelle, and Wicker “Nays”: None. Absent: Ms. Edwards. 11 yeas, 0 nays, 1 absent and the motion was adopted. ................. A proposed ordinance, entitled as follows, was introduced by Mr. Loupe and read in full: ISPUD-2-15 716 NORTH 7TH STREET A PROPOSED SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING WITHIN THE SPANISH TOWN LOCAL HISTORIC DISTRICT, TO THE SOUTH OF THE INTERSECTION OF SPANISH TOWN ROAD AND NORTH 7TH STREET, ON A PORTION OF AN UNDESIGNATED TRACT OF OLD SPANISH TOWN SUBDIVISION. SECTION 71, T-7-S, R-1-W, GLD, BRP, LA. (COUNCIL DISTRICT 10-WICKER). A motion was made by Mr. Loupe and seconded by Mr. Amoroso that the introduction of the above ordinance be published in accordance with law and that a public hearing thereon be called for the next regular meeting of this Council on April 15, 2015. A “Yea” and “Nay” vote was called for and resulted as follows: “Yeas”: Messrs. Welch, Wilson, Loupe, Amoroso, Boe, Heck, and Delgado Mmes. Banks-Daniel, Collins-Lewis, Marcelle, and Wicker “Nays”: None. Absent: Ms. Edwards. 11 yeas, 0 nays, 1 absent and the motion was adopted. ................. 16 March 25, 2015 A proposed ordinance, entitled as follows, was introduced by Mr. Loupe and read in full: CASE 5-15 5474 EVANGELINE STREET TO REZONE FROM C1 (LIGHT COMMERCIAL) TO HC1 (HEAVY COMMERCIAL ONE), ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF EVANGELINE STREET, WEST OF WEST BROOKSTONE ROAD, ON LOT 6-A OF THE SUBURB GREAUD SUBDIVISION. SECTION 51, T-6-S, R-1-E, GLD, EBRP, LA. (COUNCIL DISTRICT 7-MARCELLE) A motion was made by Mr. Loupe and seconded by Mr. Amoroso that the introduction of the above ordinance be published in accordance with law and that a public hearing thereon be called for the next regular meeting of this Council on April 15, 2015. A “Yea” and “Nay” vote was called for and resulted as follows: “Yeas”: Messrs. Welch, Wilson, Loupe, Amoroso, Boe, Heck, and Delgado Mmes. Banks-Daniel, Collins-Lewis, Marcelle, and Wicker “Nays”: None. Absent: Ms. Edwards. 11 yeas, 0 nays, 1 absent and the motion was adopted. ................. A proposed ordinance, entitled as follows, was introduced by Mr. Loupe and read in full: CASE 6-15 9797 GREENWELL SPRINGS ROAD TO REZONE FROM A1 (SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL) TO LC1 (LIGHT COMMERCIAL ONE), ON THE NORTH SIDE OF GREENWELL SPRINGS ROAD, WEST OF PLATT DRIVE, ON LOT A OF THE A.C. HERNANDEZ PROPERTY. SECTION 26, T-6-S, R-1-E, GLD, EBRP, LA. (COUNCIL DISTRICT 5-EDWARDS) A motion was made by Mr. Loupe and seconded by Mr. Amoroso that the introduction of the above ordinance be published in accordance with law and that a public hearing thereon be called for the next regular meeting of this Council on April 15, 2015. A “Yea” and “Nay” vote was called for and resulted as follows: “Yeas”: Messrs. Welch, Wilson, Loupe, Amoroso, Boe, Heck, and Delgado Mmes. Banks-Daniel, Collins-Lewis, Marcelle, and Wicker “Nays”: None. Absent: Ms. Edwards. 11 yeas, 0 nays, 1 absent and the motion was adopted. ................. 17 March 25, 2015 A proposed ordinance, entitled as follows, was introduced by Mr. Loupe and read in full: CASE 7-15 2978 GOVERNMENT STREET TO REZONE FROM C1 (LIGHT COMMERCIAL) TO C-AB-1 (COMMERCIAL ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE ONE), ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF GOVERNMENT STREET, WEST OF KENMORE AVENUE, ON A PORTION OF LOT 6, SQUARE 3 OF MONTE VISTA SUBDIVISION. SECTION 81, T-7-S, R-1-E, GLD, EBRP, LA. (COUNCIL DISTRICT 7-MARCELLE) A motion was made by Mr. Loupe and seconded by Mr. Amoroso that the introduction of the above ordinance be published in accordance with law and that a public hearing thereon be called for the next regular meeting of this Council on April 15, 2015. A “Yea” and “Nay” vote was called for and resulted as follows: “Yeas”: Messrs. Welch, Wilson, Loupe, Amoroso, Boe, Heck, and Delgado Mmes. Banks-Daniel, Collins-Lewis, Marcelle, and Wicker “Nays”: None. Absent: Ms. Edwards. 11 yeas, 0 nays, 1 absent and the motion was adopted. ................. OTHER INTRODUCTIONS: None. CONDEMNATIONS: A proposed condemnation, entitled as follows, was introduced by Mr. Loupe and read in full: CITY OF BATON ROUGE CONDEMNATION PROCEEDING NO. 9302 VS. JOSEPH E. LEDUFF, JR., IRDEAN NARCISSE LEDUFF & JOSEPH LEDUFF, III DECISION AND ORDER A public hearing having been held at a regular meeting of the Metropolitan Council of East Baton Rouge and city of Baton Rouge, Louisiana at 4:00 p.m. on the 25th day of March, 2015, and on recommendation of the Department of Public Works, the Metropolitan Council finds that the building, owned by you and located at 8055 Sharon Street; Lot A, Square 2, Roosevelt Place Subdivision, Baton Rouge, Louisiana contains the following enumerated defects and is in a dilapidated and dangerous condition which endangers the public welfare to such an extent that the building must be removed or demolished. 18 March 25, 2015 1. Roofing 30% Deteriorated 10. 2. Rafters 10% Deteriorated 11. 3. Ceiling Joists 10% Deteriorated 4. Outside Walls 00% Deteriorated 12. 5. Inside Walls 00% Deteriorated 6. Flooring 00% Deteriorated 7. Floor Joists 00% Deteriorated 8. Floor Sills 00% Deteriorated 9. Pillars 00% Deteriorated Non-compliance with plumbing code. Non-compliance with electrical code. Lot is overgrown and must be cut and cleaned. IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED THAT owner/owners remove or demolish said building within ten (10) days of this Decision and Order in default of which the Department of Public Works is instructed to proceed with removal and demolition at owner's expense in accordance with law. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED THAT prior to rescinding and/or cancelling this Order, the defendant or any interested party shall pay all outstanding fees and costs associated with this condemnation proceeding. A motion was made by Mr. Loupe and seconded by Ms. Marcelle that the above condemnation proceeding be adopted. A “Yea” and “Nay” vote was called for and resulted as follows: “Yeas”: Messrs. Welch, Wilson, Loupe, Heck, and Delgado Mmes. Banks-Daniel, Collins-Lewis, Marcelle, and Wicker “Nays”: None. Absent: Ms. Edwards, Messrs. Boe and Amoroso. 9 yeas, 0 nays, 3 absent and the motion was adopted. ................. CITY OF BATON ROUGE CONDEMNATION PROCEEDING NO. 9303 VS. JIMMIE LOU O. DOUGLAS DECISION AND ORDER A public hearing having been held at a regular meeting of the Metropolitan Council of East Baton Rouge and city of Baton Rouge, Louisiana at 4:00 p.m. on the 25th day of March, 2015, and on recommendation of the Department of Public Works, the Metropolitan Council finds that the building, owned by you and located at 3347 Farrington Drive; Lot 30, Park Forest West Subdivision, Baton Rouge, Louisiana contains the following enumerated defects and is in a dilapidated and dangerous condition which endangers the public welfare to such an extent that the building must be removed or demolished. 19 March 25, 2015 1. Roofing 50% Deteriorated 10. 2. Rafters 10% Deteriorated 11. 3. Ceiling Joists 00% Deteriorated 4. Outside Walls 10% Deteriorated 12. 5. Inside Walls 20% Deteriorated 6. Flooring 00% Deteriorated 7. Floor Joists 00% Deteriorated 8. Floor Sills 00% Deteriorated 9. Pillars 00% Deteriorated 13. Non-compliance with plumbing code. Non-compliance with electrical code. Lot is overgrown and must be cut and cleaned. Building is open to unauthorized persons. IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED THAT owner/owners remove or demolish said building within ten (10) days of this Decision and Order in default of which the Department of Public Works is instructed to proceed with removal and demolition at owner’s expense in accordance with law. A motion was made by Mr. Loupe and seconded by Ms. Marcelle that the above condemnation proceeding be adopted. Desiree Green and Gary Riles appeared in opposition of this item and discussion was held. A “Yea” and “Nay” vote was called for and resulted as follows: Yeas”: Messrs. Welch, Wilson, Loupe, Heck, and Delgado Mmes. Banks-Daniel, Collins-Lewis, Marcelle, and Wicker “Nays”: None. Absent: Ms. Edwards, Messrs. Boe and Amoroso. 9 yeas, 0 nays, 3 absent and the motion was adopted. ................. CITY OF BATON ROUGE CONDEMNATION PROCEEDING NO. 9304 VS. ROBIN JONES BOUDREAUX, ALBERT L. JONES & RICHARD A. JONES DECISION AND ORDER A public hearing having been held at a regular meeting of the Metropolitan Council of East Baton Rouge and city of Baton Rouge, Louisiana at 4:00 p.m. on the 25th day of March, 2015, and on recommendation of the Department of Public Works, the Metropolitan Council finds that the building, owned by you and located at 5141 Sherwood Street; Lot 31, square 19, N. Highlands Addition Subdivision, Baton Rouge, Louisiana contains the following enumerated defects and is in a dilapidated and dangerous condition which endangers the public welfare to such an extent that the building must be removed or demolished. 20 March 25, 2015 1. Roofing 50% Deteriorated 10. 2. Rafters 20% Deteriorated 11. 3. Ceiling Joists 20% Deteriorated 4. Outside Walls 20% Deteriorated 12. 5. Inside Walls 30% Deteriorated 6. Flooring 30% Deteriorated 7. Floor Joists 00% Deteriorated 14. 8. Floor Sills 00% Deteriorated 9. Pillars 00% Deteriorated 13. Non-compliance with plumbing code. Non-compliance with electrical code. Lot is overgrown and must be cut and cleaned. Lot is filled with junk, trash, and debris. Two abandoned vehicles must be removed. IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED THAT owner/owners remove or demolish said building within ten (10) days of this Decision and Order in default of which the Department of Public Works is instructed to proceed with removal and demolition at owner's expense in accordance with law. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED THAT prior to rescinding and/or cancelling this Order, the defendant or any interested party shall pay all outstanding fees and costs associated with this condemnation proceeding. A motion was made by Mr. Loupe and seconded by Ms. Marcelle that the above condemnation proceeding be adopted. A “Yea” and “Nay” vote was called for and resulted as follows: “Yeas”: Messrs. Welch, Wilson, Loupe, Heck, Amoroso, and Delgado Mmes. Banks-Daniel, Collins-Lewis, Marcelle, and Wicker “Nays”: None. Absent: Ms. Edwards and Mr. Boe. 10 yeas, 0 nays, 2 absent and the motion was adopted. ................. A proposed condemnation, entitled as follows, was introduced by Mr. Loupe and read in full: GWENDOLYN WATKINS, DONNA WARRINER, SHEILA PITTMAN, ELICIA THOMPSON, & ELLIOTT THOMPSON 7016 SCENIC HWY.; LOTS 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6, SQUARE 13, BANK SUBDIVISION - COUNCIL DISTRICT 10 21 March 25, 2015 A motion was made by Mr. Loupe and seconded by Ms. Marcelle that the above condemnation proceeding be deferred to The Council Meeting of April 22, 2015. Donna Gowan appeared in favor of this item and discussion was held. A “Yea” and “Nay” vote was called for and resulted as follows: “Yeas”: Messrs. Welch, Wilson, Loupe, Heck, Amoroso, and Delgado Mmes. Banks-Daniel, Collins-Lewis, Marcelle, and Wicker “Nays”: None. Absent: Ms. Edwards and Mr. Boe. 10 yeas, 0 nays, 2 absent and the motion to defer was adopted. ................. A proposed condemnation, entitled as follows, was introduced by Mr. Loupe and read in full: CITY OF BATON ROUGE CONDEMNATION PROCEEDING NO. 9305 VS. JOHN W. WILLIAMS & WHILEY MAE L. WILLIAMS DECISION AND ORDER A public hearing having been held at a regular meeting of the Metropolitan Council of East Baton Rouge and city of Baton Rouge, Louisiana at 4:00 p.m. on the 25th day of March, 2015, and on recommendation of the Department of Public Works, the Metropolitan Council finds that the building, owned by you and located at 2671 Erie Street; Lot 6, Square 62, Istrouma Subdivision, Baton Rouge, Louisiana contains the following enumerated defects and is in a dilapidated and dangerous condition which endangers the public welfare to such an extent that the building must be removed or demolished. 1. Roofing 10% Deteriorated 10. 2. Rafters 00% Deteriorated 3. Ceiling Joists 00% Deteriorated 4. Outside Walls 10% Deteriorated 12. 5. Inside Walls 10% Deteriorated 11. 13. 6. Flooring 10% Deteriorated 7. Floor Joists 00% Deteriorated 14. 8. Floor Sills 00% Deteriorated 9. Pillars 00% Deteriorated Non-compliance with plumbing code. Non-compliance with electrical code. Lot is overgrown and must be cut and cleaned. Lot is filled with junk, trash, and debris. Building is open to unauthorized persons. IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED THAT owner/owners remove or demolish said building within ten (10) days of this Decision and Order in default of which the Department of Public Works is instructed to proceed with removal and demolition at owner’s expense in accordance with law. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED THAT prior to rescinding and/or cancelling this Order, the defendant or any interested party shall pay all outstanding fees and costs associated with this condemnation proceeding. 22 March 25, 2015 A motion was made by Mr. Loupe and seconded by Ms. Marcelle that the above condemnation proceeding be adopted. A “Yea” and “Nay” vote was called for and resulted as follows: “Yeas”: Messrs. Welch, Wilson, Loupe, Heck, and Delgado Mmes. Banks-Daniel, Collins-Lewis, Marcelle, and Wicker “Nays”: None. Absent: Ms. Edwards, Messrs. Boe and Amoroso. 9 yeas, 0 nays, 3 absent and the motion was adopted. ................. CITY OF BATON ROUGE CONDEMNATION PROCEEDING NO. 9306 VS. AMERICAN THRIFT & FINANCE PLAN, LLC DECISION AND ORDER A public hearing having been held at a regular meeting of the Metropolitan Council of East Baton Rouge and city of Baton Rouge, Louisiana at 4:00 p.m. on the 25th day of March, 2015, and on recommendation of the Department of Public Works, the Metropolitan Council finds that the building, owned by you and located at 1970 & 1972 Nebraska Street; Lot 35-A, Square 7, South Baton Rouge Subdivision, Baton Rouge, Louisiana contains the following enumerated defects and is in a dilapidated and dangerous condition which endangers the public welfare to such an extent that the building must be removed or demolished. 1. Roofing 100% Fire Damaged 2. Rafters 100% Fire Damaged 3. Ceiling Joists 100% Fire Damaged 4. Outside Walls 50% Fire Damaged 5. Inside Walls 90% Fire Damaged 6. Flooring 50% Fire Damaged 7. Floor Joists 30% Fire Damaged 8. Floor Sills 30% Fire Damaged 9. Pillars 00% Fire Damaged 10. Non-compliance with plumbing code. 11. Non-compliance with electrical code. 12. Lot is overgrown and must be cut and cleaned. 13. Lot is filled with junk, trash, and debris. 14. Building is open to unauthorized persons. IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED THAT owner/owners remove or demolish said building within ten (10) days of this Decision and Order in default of which the Department of Public Works is instructed to proceed with removal and demolition at owner’s expense in accordance with law. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED THAT prior to rescinding and/or cancelling this Order, the defendant or any interested party shall pay all outstanding fees and costs associated with this condemnation proceeding. 23 March 25, 2015 A motion was made by Mr. Loupe and seconded by Ms. Marcelle that the above condemnation proceeding be adopted. A “Yea” and “Nay” vote was called for and resulted as follows:“Yeas”: Messrs. Welch, Wilson, Loupe, Heck, and Delgado Mmes. Banks-Daniel, Collins-Lewis, Marcelle, and Wicker “Nays”: None. Absent: Ms. Edwards, Messrs. Boe and Amoroso. 9 yeas, 0 nays, 3 absent and the motion was adopted. ................. PUBLIC HEARINGS: The following proposed ordinance was introduced by Mr. Amoroso and read in full at the regular meeting of the Council on March 11, 2015 and a public hearing called thereon for this meeting March 25, 2015, was read in full for a second time. PROPOSED ORDINANCE A SUPPLEMENTAL SALES TAX BOND RESOLUTION AMENDING AND SUPPLEMENTING GENERAL SALES TAX BOND RESOLUTION NO. 44609 (THE "GENERAL BOND RESOLUTION"), AND AUTHORIZING AND PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE AND SALE OF ROAD AND STREET IMPROVEMENT SALES TAX REVENUE REFUNDING BONDS, SERIES 2015, OF THE PARISH OF EAST BATON ROUGE, STATE OF LOUISIANA PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF THE GENERAL BOND RESOLUTION, PAYABLE FROM SEVENTY PER CENTUM (70%) OF THE PROCEEDS OF THE ONE-HALF OF ONE PERCENT (½%) SALES AND USE TAX LEVIED BY THE PARISH AND AUTHORIZED AT AN ELECTION HELD ON OCTOBER 15, 2005; PRESCRIBING THE FORM, FIXING THE DETAILS AND PROVIDING FOR THE PAYMENT OF PRINCIPAL OF AND INTEREST ON SUCH BONDS AND FOR THE RIGHTS OF THE REGISTERED OWNERS THEREOF; AND PROVIDING FOR OTHER MATTERS RELATED THERETO. BY: BOND COUNSEL. The Presiding Officer announced that a public hearing on the above ordinance was in order at this time. A motion was adopted by Mr. Delgado and seonded by Mr. Amoroso that the above proposed ordinance be deferred to The Council Meeting of April 8, 2015. A “Yea” and “Nay” vote was called for and resulted as follows: “Yeas”: Messrs. Welch, Wilson, Loupe, Heck, Amoroso, and Delgado Mmes. Banks-Daniel, Collins-Lewis, Marcelle, and Wicker “Nays”: None. Absent: Ms. Edwards and Mr. Boe. 10 yeas, 0 nays, 2 absent and the motion to defer was adopted. ................. 24 March 25, 2015 The following proposed resolution was introduced by Mr. Amoroso and read in full at the regular meeting of the Council on March 11, 2015, and a public hearing called thereon for this meeting March 25, 2015 was read in full for a second time: RESOLUTION NO. 51368 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE PARISH OF EAST BATON ROUGE, STATE OF LOUISIANA TO PROCEED WITH A NOT TO EXCEED $40,000,000 FINANCING THROUGH THE LOUISIANA LOCAL GOVERNMENT ENVIRONMENTAL FACILITIES AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY; AUTHORIZING AND RATIFYING THE REQUEST OF THE PARISH OF EAST BATON ROUGE TO THE LOUISIANA LOCAL GOVERNMENT ENVIRONMENTAL FACILITIES AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY TO ISSUE ITS SUBORDINATE LIEN REVENUE BONDS, SERIES 2015; AUTHORIZING THE BORROWING BY THE PARISH OF EAST BATON ROUGE, STATE OF LOUISIANA OF THE PROCEEDS FROM THE SALE THEREOF TO CONSTRUCT NEW PUBLIC ROADS AND STREETS AND/OR THE WIDENING OF EXISTING PUBLIC ROADS AND STREETS WITHIN THE PARISH OF EAST BATON ROUGE AND PROVIDING FOR THE REPAYMENT OF AND SECURITY THEREFOR; APPROVING AND RATIFYING WITHIN CERTAIN PARAMETERS THE TERMS OF THE SALE OF THE BONDS; AUTHORIZING THE FORM AND EXECUTION OF THE LOAN AGREEMENT; AUTHORIZING THE FORM OF AND EXECUTION OF ANCILLARY FINANCING DOCUMENTS; AND OTHERWISE PROVIDING WITH RESPECT THERETO. WHEREAS, it is the purpose of the Louisiana Local Government Environmental Facilities and Community Development Authority (the "Authority") to encourage public infrastructure and public works of all types, and to assist political subdivisions in constructing public works and in financing and refinancing the construction of public infrastructure and public works; and WHEREAS, the Parish of East Baton Rouge, State of Louisiana (the "Parish") is a participating political subdivision of the Authority in accordance with the Act; and WHEREAS, the Metropolitan Council of the Parish of East Baton Rouge and the City of Baton Rouge, acting as governing authority of the Parish (the "Metropolitan Council"), has determined that it is in the Parish's best interest to request the Authority, established pursuant to Chapter 10-D of Title 33 of the Louisiana Revised Statutes of 1950, as amended (La. R.S. 33:4548.1 through 33:4548.16, inclusive) (the "Act"), to authorize, sell and issue the Authority's not to exceed $40,000,000 Subordinate Lien Revenue Bonds (Parish of East Baton Rouge Road Improvements Project), Series 2015 (the "Bonds"), the proceeds of which will be loaned by the Authority to the Parish (the "Loan") pursuant to the provisions of a Loan Agreement by and between the Authority and the Parish (the "Loan Agreement"), which Loan proceeds will be used by the Parish to: (i) fund the construction new public roads and streets and/or the widening of existing public roads and streets within the Parish (the "Projects"); and (ii) pay the costs of issuance of the Bonds; and 25 March 25, 2015 NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Metropolitan Council, as the governing authority of the Parish, that: SECTION 1. The Parish hereby requests the Authority to authorize and issue the Authority's Subordinate Lien Revenue Bonds (Parish of East Baton Rouge Road Improvements Project), Series 2015 (the "Bonds") in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $40,000,000, the proceeds of which shall be loaned to the Parish pursuant to the Loan Agreement and will be used by the Parish to: (i) finance the costs of the Projects; and (ii) pay the costs of issuance of the Bonds. SECTION 2. The Bonds shall be issued and sold by the Authority only as fully registered bonds in the denominations of $5,000 or any integral multiple thereof. The Bonds shall mature not later than sixteen (16) years from the date of issuance and shall bear interest at an average rate not to exceed six percent (6.00%) per annum. SECTION 3. The form and terms of the Loan Agreement (attached hereto as Exhibit A) and all other ancillary documents are hereby approved substantially in the forms submitted to the Metropolitan Council and Mayor-President and filed of record herewith, with such additions, omissions and changes as may be necessary and appropriate and that are approved by bond counsel to the Authority. The Loan Agreement shall obligate the Parish to pay to the Authority amounts necessary from Pledged Revenues on a junior and subordinate lien basis to the payment obligations of the Parish under the Outstanding Senior Lien Obligations (as hereinafter defined), to allow the Authority to make principal and interest payments on the Bonds and to secure the payment thereof, and if such Pledged Revenues are insufficient to satisfy such payment obligations, such payments shall be made from the Parish's Lawfully Available Funds on a pari passu basis with the payment obligations of the Parish or the City of Baton Rouge, State of Louisiana (the "City"), as the case may be, under the Outstanding Parity Obligations (as hereinafter defined). "Outstanding Senior Lien Obligations" means bonds or other obligations to which the Pledged Revenues of the Borrower have heretofore been pledged on a senior lien basis by the Borrower to satisfy its payment obligations thereunder, specifically the following indebtedness: (i) the Parish of East Baton Rouge, State of Louisiana Road and Street Improvements Sales Tax Revenue Bonds, Series 2006A, in the original aggregate principal amount of $32,760,000, of which $4,340,000 is currently outstanding; (ii) the Parish of East Baton Rouge, State of Louisiana Road and Street Improvements Sales Tax Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2008A, in the original principal amount of $93,440,000, of which $93,440,000 is currently outstanding; (iii) the Parish of East Baton Rouge, State of Louisiana Road and Street Improvements Sales Tax Revenue Bonds, Series 2009A, in the original principal amount of $110,000,000, of which $32,330,000 is currently outstanding; and (iv) the Parish of East Baton Rouge, State of Louisiana Road and Street Improvements Sales Tax Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2015, in the original principal amount of $59,440,000, all of which is currently outstanding. 26 March 25, 2015 "Outstanding Parity Obligations" means (i) the $58,075,000 Taxable Refunding Bonds, Series 2012, dated April 4, 2012, of the City, in the current outstanding principal amount of $50,670,000; (ii) the Promissory Note dated August 11, 1999, from the Parish to the order of the Authority in the current outstanding principal amount of $3,585,481; (iii) the Promissory Note dated August 11, 1999, from the Parish to the order of the Authority in the current outstanding principal amount of $546,679; (iv) the Promissory Note dated December 15, 2010, from the Parish to the order of the Authority in the current outstanding principal amount of $660,714; (v) the Promissory Note dated September 21, 2007, from the City to the order of the Authority in the current outstanding principal amount of $595,800; (vi) the Authority's Revenue Bonds (Parish of East Baton Rouge Road Improvements Project), Series 2012, dated March 1, 2012, in the current outstanding principal amount of $29,435,000; and (vii) the Promissory Note dated February 12, 2015, from the Parish to the order of the Authority in the current outstanding principal amount of $237,813. SECTION 4. The Mayor-President and the Council Administrator/Treasurer is hereby authorized to execute and deliver the Loan Agreement and any and all other ancillary documents related thereto and necessary for the consummation of the transaction as contemplated by the Loan Agreement. SECTION 5. The Mayor-President and the Council Administrator-Treasurer are hereby authorized and directed to take all further action necessary or reasonably required to effect the loan from the Authority evidenced by the Loan Agreement and are specifically authorized to approve any changes to the Loan Agreement and all other ancillary documents approved by bond counsel to the Authority, such approval to be conclusively evidenced by its execution thereof. SECTION 6. The Authority is hereby requested to take all actions necessary to issue and sell the Bonds. SECTION 7. The Mayor-President, the Council Administrator-Treasurer and the Metropolitan Council are hereby authorized and directed to do any and all things necessary and incidental to carry out the provisions of this Resolution and effect the completion of the Project and to assist the Authority in carrying out its functions in connection with the financing. This Resolution having been submitted to a vote, the vote thereon was as follows: YEAS: Buddy Amoroso, Chauna Banks-Daniel, Donna Collins-Lewis, John Delgado, Ryan Heck, Chandler Loupe, C. Denise Marcelle, Trae Welch, Tara Wicker and Scott Wilson. NAYS: None. ABSTAIN: None. ABSENT: Joel Boé and Ronnie Edwards. Done, Approved and adopted on this, the 25th day of March, 2015. /s/ Casey Cashio Loupe________________ Council Administrator / s / C h a n d l e r President Pro Tempore 27 March 25, 2015 STATE OF LOUISIANA PARISH OF EAST BATON ROUGE I, CASEY CASHIO, certify that I am the duly qualified and Secretary of the East Baton Rouge Sewerage Commission, the governing authority of the East Baton Rouge Sewerage Commission. I further certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of an excerpt from the minutes of a meeting of said Board of Commissioners held March 25, 2015, and of a Resolution authorizing the East Baton Rouge Sewerage Commission to submit a pre-application and application to the State of Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality in connection with the State Revolving Fund Loan Program; make application to the State Bond Commission for consent and authority to issue Not to Exceed $20,000,000 Revenue Bonds (Department of Environmental Quality Project), Series 2015A of the East Baton Rouge Sewerage Commission, to finance the costs of upgrading, rehabilitating, extending and improving the sewerage disposal system owned by the East Baton Rouge Sewerage Commission and the Parish of East Baton Rouge, State of Louisiana, pursuant to the Amended and Restated General Bond Resolution, payable from the sewer user fees levied and collected pursuant to Ordinance No. 12334 and EBROSCO Ordinance No. 2068, and from the avails or proceeds of the one-half of one percent (1/2%) sales and use tax levied and collected by the Parish of East Baton Rouge, State of Louisiana, pursuant to Article VI, Section 29 of the Louisiana Constitution of 1974, as amended, and other constitutional and statutory authority, and pursuant to an election held in the Parish of East Baton Rouge, State of Louisiana, on April 16, 1988; authorizing the sale of the Series 2015A Bonds to the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality; and providing for other matters related thereto. IN FAITH WHEREOF, witness my official signature and the impress of the official seal of said East Baton Rouge Sewerage Commission on this, the 25th day of March, 2015. Casey Cashio, Secretary (Seal) The Presiding Officer announced that a public hearing on the above resolution was in order at this time. A motion was made by Mr. Loupe and seconded by Mr. Delgado that the above resolution be adopted. A “Yea” and “Nay” vote was called for and resulted as follows: “Yeas”: Messrs. Welch, Wilson, Loupe, Heck, Amoroso, and Delgado Mmes. Banks-Daniel, Collins-Lewis, Marcelle, and Wicker “Nays”: None. Absent: Ms. Edwards and Mr. Boe. 10 yeas, 0 nays, 2 absent and the motion was adopted. ................. 28 March 25, 2015 The following proposed resolution was introduced by Mr. Amoroso and read in full at the regular meeting of the Council on March 11, 2015, and a public hearing called thereon for this meeting March 25, 2015 was read in full for a second time: RESOLUTION NO. 51369 EBROSCO RESOLUTION NO. 8102 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE EAST BATON ROUGE SEW ERAGE COMMISSION TO SUBMIT A PRE-APPLICATION AND APPLICATION TO THE STATE OF LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY IN CONNECTION WITH THE STATE REVOLVING FUND LOAN PROGRAM; MAKE APPLICATION TO THE STATE BOND COMMISSION FOR CONSENT AND AUTHORITY TO ISSUE NOT TO EXCEED $20,000,000 REVENUE BONDS (DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY PROJECT), SERIES 2015A OF THE EAST BATON ROUGE SEWERAGE COMMISSION, TO FINANCE THE COSTS OF UPGRADING, REHABILITATING, EXTENDING AND IMPROVING THE SEWERAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM OWNED BY THE EAST BATON ROUGE SEWERAGE COMMISSION AND THE PARISH OF EAST BATON ROUGE, STATE OF LOUISIANA, PURSUANT TO THE AMENDED AND RESTATED GENERAL BOND RESOLUTION, PAYABLE FROM THE SEWER USER FEES LEVIED AND COLLECTED PURSUANT TO ORDINANCE NO. 12334 AND EBROSCO ORDINANCE NO. 2068, AND FROM THE AVAILS OR PROCEEDS OF THE ONE-HALF OF ONE PERCENT (1/2%) SALES AND USE TAX LEVIED AND COLLECTED BY THE PARISH OF EAST BATON ROUGE, STATE OF LOUISIANA, PURSUANT TO ARTICLE VI, SECTION 29 OF THE LOUISIANA CONSTITUTION OF 1974, AS AMENDED, AND OTHER CONSTITUTIONAL AND STATUTORY AUTHORITY, AND PURSUANT TO AN ELECTION HELD IN THE PARISH OF EAST BATON ROUGE, STATE OF LOUISIANA, ON APRIL 16, 1988; AUTHORIZING THE SALE OF THE SERIES 2015A BONDS TO THE LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY; AND PROVIDING FOR OTHER MATTERS RELATED THERETO. WHEREAS, the City of Baton Rouge, State of Louisiana (the "City"), the Parish of East Baton Rouge, State of Louisiana (the "Parish"), and the Greater Baton Rouge Consolidated Sewerage District (the "District") entered into a Local Services Agreement dated as of October 1, 1986, as amended by the Amendatory Intergovernmental Agreement dated as of June 1, 1987, the Second Amendatory Intergovernmental Agreement dated as of September 1, 1987, the Third Amendatory Intergovernmental Agreement dated May 4, 1992, the Fourth Amendatory Intergovernmental Agreement dated December 12, 2001 and the Fifth Amendatory Intergovernmental Agreement dated June 29, 2006 (collectively, the "Agreement") creating the East Baton Rouge Sewerage Commission (the "Commission") and providing for the consolidation of all of the public sewer systems in the Parish and placing such combined public sewer systems (the "System")under the jurisdiction and control of the Commission; and 29 March 25, 2015 WHEREAS, the governing authority of the Commission is the Board of Commissioners (the "Board of Commissioners" or the "Governing Authority"), which is comprised of the members who, from time to time, make up the membership of the Metropolitan Council of the Parish of East Baton Rouge and City of Baton Rouge (the "Metropolitan Council"); and WHEREAS, the Agreement provides that the Commission will proceed with due diligence to incur indebtedness secured by (i) revenues of the System, after the payment of operation and maintenance expenses of the System (the "Sewer User Fees")and (ii) the avails or proceeds of the one-half of one percent (½%) sales and use tax (the "Tax") levied and collected by the Parish pursuant to Article VI, Section 29 of the Louisiana Constitution of 1974, as amended, Act 639 of the Regular Session of the Louisiana Legislature of 1984 (La. R.S. 33:2721.6), and other constitutional and statutory authority, and pursuant to an election held in the Parish on April 16, 1988, in order to construct improvements, additions and betterments to the System after payment of the Outstanding Sales Tax Revenue Bonds (as hereinafter defined) and after payment of the reasonable and necessary expenses of collecting and administering the Tax (the "Net Sales Tax Revenues," and, together with the Sewer User Fees, the "Net Revenues"); and WHEREAS, pursuant to the authority of the aforesaid election, the Metropolitan Council of the Parish (the "Metropolitan Council"), adopted an ordinance on September 14, 1988, which ordinance was amended and reinstated by Ordinance No. 8998 adopted by the Metropolitan Council on November 22, 1989, by Ordinance No. 9197 adopted by the Metropolitan Council on December 12, 1990, by Ordinance No. 9363 adopted by the Metropolitan Council on December 11, 1991, by Ordinance No. 9536 adopted by the Metropolitan Council on November 25, 1992, and by Ordinance No. 10127 adopted by the Metropolitan Council on December 14, 1994 (collectively, the "Sales Tax Ordinance"), providing for the levy and collection of the Tax; and WHEREAS, in accordance with the provisions of the Sales Tax Ordinance, the Net Sales Tax Revenues shall be available for appropriation and expenditure by the Parish for the purposes designated in the proposition authorizing the levy of the Tax, which includes the payment of indebtedness authorized to be issued in accordance with Louisiana law; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the authority granted by La. R.S. 33:1331 and La. R.S. 33:4256, the Commission is authorized to impose fees and collect rates and charges on the customers for use of the System; and WHEREAS, in accordance with the Agreement and Ordinance No. 7853 adopted by the Metropolitan Council, acting as governing authority of the Parish, the City, the District and the Commission, on May 15, 1985, as amended from time to time, which Ordinance 7853 was amended and readopted by the Metropolitan Council on June 12, 2002 pursuant to Ordinance 12334 (EBROSCO Ordinance 2068) (collectively, the "Sewer User Fee Ordinance"), the Parish, on behalf of the Commission, levies rates and collects charges from the customers of the System, and such Agreement further provides that the Parish is required to levy sufficient rates and collect sufficient charges to meet all costs of the System and to pay all obligations of the Commission under the provisions of all covenants contained in any resolution providing for the issuance of revenue bonds, and, to the extent the Parish fails to levy such rates and collect such charges in such a fashion as to satisfy such revenue bond obligations, the Commission shall assume and exercise the power to levy such rates and collect such charges; and 30 March 25, 2015 WHEREAS, in accordance with Resolution No. 41460 adopted by the Metropolitan Council, acting as governing authority of the Parish, the City, the District and the Commission, on December 12, 2001 (the "Original General Bond Resolution"), as amended and restated by Amended and Restated General Bond Resolution No. 43496 adopted by the Metropolitan Council, acting as governing authority of the Parish, the City, the District and the Commission, on August 25, 2004 (the "Original Amended and Restated General Bond Resolution"), as amended and restated by the Amended and Restated General Bond Resolution No. 44893 adopted by the Metropolitan Council, acting as governing authority of the Parish, the City, the District and the Commission, on June 28, 2006 (the "Amended and Restated General Bond Resolution," and, together with the Original General Bond Resolution and the Original Amended and Restated General Bond Resolution, the "General Bond Resolution"), the Commission is authorized to incur indebtedness from time to time secured by and payable solely from (i) the sewer user fees levied and collected pursuant to the Sewer User Fee Ordinance (the "Sewer User Fee Revenues"), and (ii) the avails or proceeds of the Tax collected pursuant to the Sales Tax Ordinance; and WHEREAS, under the provisions of Section 1430 of Title 39 of the Louisiana Revised Statutes of 1950, as amended, and the provisions of the Local Services Law (La. R.S. 33:1321-1337), specifically La. R.S. 33:1334(B), the Commission has the express authority to incur indebtedness in its corporate name for and on behalf of the political subdivisions that created such issuer in accordance with the provisions and procedures established by Subpart C, Part 1, Chapter 10, Title 33 of the Louisiana Revised Statutes of 1950, as amended, without the necessity of securing the approval of the electorate at a referendum; and WHEREAS, the State of Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality (the "Department"), through its State Revolving Fund Loan Program (the "State Revolving Fund Loan Program") provides loans and/or grants to political subdivisions within the State of Louisiana for purpose of financing water and sewer improvements; and WHEREAS, the City and the Parish have entered into a Consent Decree with the United States Environmental Protection Agency and the Department relative to sanitary sewer overflow improvements in the Parish of East Baton Rouge dated March 14, 2001, and such Consent Decree requires the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge to make certain sewer infrastructure improvements to reduce sanitary sewer overflows relative to the System (the "Project"); and WHEREAS, the Commission desires to fund a portion of the Project pursuant to the State Revolving Fund Loan Program through a loan and/or a grant; and WHEREAS, the Commission and the Department shall enter into a Commitment Agreement on or before June 1, 2015 (the "Commitment Agreement"), for the purpose of providing, among other things, that the Department would purchase the Bonds (as hereinafter defined), and specifying the terms, conditions and provisions of said Bonds; and WHEREAS, the Commission desires to sell the Bonds to the Department in accordance with the provisions of Section 1426(B) of Title 39 of the Louisiana Revised Statutes of 1950, as amended; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the East Baton Rouge Sewerage Commission, acting as the governing authority of said Commission: 31 March 25, 2015 Section 1. That the President of the Commission and/or the Secretary of the Commission are hereby authorized to submit a pre-application and thereafter a full application to the State of Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality on behalf of the Commission for the purpose of placing the Project on the Project Priority List for funding through the State Revolving Fund Loan Program. The President of the Commission and/or the Secretary of the Commission are hereby authorized to furnish such additional information as may reasonably be requested in connection with the applications described in this Section. The President of the Commission is hereby designated as the Official Project Representative for the Commission for any project that may result from the submission of the applications referred to herein. Section 2. That application be and the same is hereby made to the State Bond Commission, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, for consent and authority to issue, sell and deliver Not to Exceed $20,000,000 of Revenue Bonds (Department of Environmental Quality Project), Series 2015A (the "Bonds"), of the East Baton Rouge Sewerage Commission (the "Commission"), under the authority of Article VI, Section 37 of the Louisiana Constitution of 1974, as amended, Section 1430 of Title 39 of the Louisiana Revised Statutes of 1950, as amended, and Section 1334 of Title 33 of the Louisiana Revised Statutes of 1950, as amended, and other constitutional and statutory authority, for the purpose of paying the costs of constructing and acquiring sewers and sewerage disposal works within and for the Parish, including the necessary sites, rights-of-way, machinery and equipment in connection therewith, title to which shall be in the public, and paying the costs of issuance of the Bonds, said Bonds to bear interest at a rate not exceeding 0.45% per annum, maturing over a period not exceeding twenty-two (22) years from date thereof, sold at a price of 100% of the par amount thereof to the Department, and payable solely from and secured by an irrevocable pledge and dedication of the Net Revenues. In addition to interest at the rate set forth above, at any time the Department owns the Bonds, the Commission will pay an administrative fee equal to one-half of one percent (0.50%) per annum to the Department on each interest payment date (the "Administrative Fee"). In the event (i) the Department owns any Bonds or the Department has pledged or assigned any Bonds in connection with the State Revolving Fund Loan Program and (ii) the Administrative Fee payable by the Commission to the Department is declared illegal or unenforceable by a court or an administrative body of competent jurisdiction, the interest rate borne by the Bonds shall be increased by one-half of one percent (0.50%) per annum, effective as of the date declared to be the date from which the Administrative Fee is no longer owed because of such illegality or unenforceability. Section 3. That Breazeale, Sachse & Wilson, L.L.P., Baton Rouge, Louisiana, is hereby appointed as bond counsel in connection with the incurrence of the Indebtedness in accordance with Contract for Professional Legal Services dated November 16, 2000 (the "Contract"), by and between the City, the Parish and Breazeale, Sachse & Wilson, L.L.P. The terms of its employment shall provide for the performance of legal and coordinate professional work with respect to the Indebtedness. Said bond counsel shall prepare and submit to this Issuer for adoption all of the proceedings incidental to the authorization and delivery of the Indebtedness, shall counsel and advise the Issuer with respect thereto, and shall furnish its opinion covering the legality of the incurrence thereof. The compensation for such services shall not exceed the fees set forth in the Contract and in the Attorney General's Guidelines for Fees and Services of Bond Attorneys for comprehensive and coordinate professional work in the issuance of revenue bonds plus out-of-pocket expenses incurred in connection with the incurrence of the Indebtedness. A certified copy of this Resolution shall be submitted to the Attorney General of the State of Louisiana for his written approval of said employment and of the fees herein designated. 32 March 25, 2015 Section 4. That Government Consultants, Inc., Baton Rouge, Louisiana, is hereby appointed as Financial Advisor to the Commission in connection with the issuance, sale and delivery of the Bonds. Section 5. That payment for costs of issuance, including, but not limited to, services rendered by Bond Counsel, financial advisory fees and expenses, rating agency fees, publication fees, printing fees, out-of-state travel expenses for representatives of the Commission, and other miscellaneous fees or expenses relating to the incurrence of the Indebtedness, are hereby authorized to be paid from the proceeds of the Indebtedness, or any other available funds of the Commission. Section 6. That the Finance Director and Bond Counsel are hereby directed to forward a certified copy of this Resolution to State Bond Commission, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, along with a letter requesting prompt approval of this application. Section 7. By virtue of the Commission's application for, acceptance and utilization of the benefits of the Louisiana State Bond Commission's approval resolved and set forth therein, the Commission resolves that it understands and agrees that such approval is expressly conditioned upon, and it further resolves that it understands, agrees and binds itself, its successors and assigns to, full and continuing compliance with the "State Bond Commission Policy on Approval of Proposed Use of Swaps, or other forms of Derivative Products Hedges, Etc.," adopted by the Louisiana State Bond Commission on July 20, 2006, as to the borrowing and other matters subject to the approval, including subsequent application and approval under said Policy of the implementation or use of any swaps or other products or enhancements covered thereby. This Resolution having been submitted to a vote, the vote thereon was as follows: YEAS: Buddy Amoroso, Chauna Banks-Daniel, Donna Collins-Lewis, John Delgado, Ryan Heck, Chandler Loupe, C. Denise Marcelle, Trae Welch, Tara Wicker and Scott Wilson. NAYS: None. ABSTAIN: None. ABSENT: Joel Boé and Ronnie Edwards. Done, Approved and adopted on this, the 25th day of March, 2015. /s/ Casey Cashio /s/ Ryan Heck Secretary President 33 March 25, 2015 STATE OF LOUISIANA PARISH OF EAST BATON ROUGE I, CASEY CASHIO, certify that I am the duly qualified and acting Council Administrator of the Metropolitan Council of the Parish of East Baton Rouge and the City of Baton Rouge, the governing authority of the Parish of East Baton Rouge, State of Louisiana. I further certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of an excerpt from the minutes of a meeting of said Metropolitan Council held March 25, 2015, and of a Resolution authorizing the Parish of East Baton Rouge, State of Louisiana to proceed with a not to exceed $40,000,000 financing through the Louisiana Local Government Environmental Facilities and Community Development Authority; authorizing and ratifying the request of the Parish of East Baton Rouge to the Louisiana Local Government Environmental Facilities and Community Development Authority to issue its Subordinate Lien Revenue Bonds, Series 2015; authorizing the borrowing by the Parish of East Baton Rouge of the proceeds from the sale thereof to construct new public roads and streets and/or widen existing public roads and streets within the Parish of East Baton Rouge and providing for the repayment of and security therefor; approving and ratifying with certain parameters the terms of the sale of the bonds; authorizing the form and execution of the Loan Agreement; authorizing the form of and execution of ancillary financing documents; and otherwise providing with respect thereto. IN FAITH WHEREOF, witness my official signature and the impress of the official seal of said Parish of East Baton Rouge, Louisiana, on this, the 25th day of March, 2015. /s/ Casey Cashio Casey Cashio, Council Administrator [SEAL] EXHIBIT A LOAN AGREEMENT The Presiding Officer announced that a public hearing on the above resolution was in order at this time. A motion was made by Mr. Delgado and seconded by Mr. Heck that the above resolution be adopted. A “Yea” and “Nay” vote was called for and resulted as follows: “Yeas”: Messrs. Wilson, Loupe, Heck, Amoroso, Welch, and Delgado Mmes. Banks-Daniel, Collins-Lewis, Marcelle, and Wicker “Nays”: None. Absent: Ms. Edwards and Mr. Boe. 10 yeas, 0 nays, 2 absent and the motion was adopted. ................. 34 March 25, 2015 The following proposed resolution was introduced by Mr. Amoroso and read in full at the regular meeting of the Council on March 11, 2015, and a public hearing called thereon for this meeting March 25, 2015 was read in full for a second time: RESOLUTION 51370 AMENDING THE 2015 CURRENT EXPENSE BUDGET SO AS TO APPROPRIATE $100,000 TO SUPPORT THE TRUANCY PROGRAM IN THE CITY-PARISH OF EAST BATON ROUGE FROM GENERAL FUND - FUND BALANCE UNDESIGNATED. BE IT RESOLVED by the Metropolitan Council of the Parish of East Baton Rouge and City of Baton Rouge that the 2015 Current Expense Budget is hereby amended so as to appropriate $100,000 to support the truancy program in the City-Parish of East Baton Rouge from General Fund - Fund Balance Undesignated, as shown on Budget Supplement No. 8418, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof. The Presiding Officer announced that a public hearing on the above resolution was in order at this time. A motion was made by Mr. Delgado and seconded by Ms. Wicker that the above resolution be adopted. A “Yea” and “Nay” vote was called for and resulted as follows: “Yeas”: Messrs. Wilson, Loupe, Heck, Amoroso, and Delgado Mmes. Banks-Daniel, Collins-Lewis, Marcelle, and Wicker “Nays”: None. Abstain: Mr. Welch Absent: Ms. Edwards and Mr. Boe. 10 yeas, 0 nays, 1 abstain, 2 absent and the motion was adopted. ................. The following proposed resolution was introduced by Mr. Amoroso and read in full at the regular meeting of the Council on March 11, 2015, and a public hearing called thereon for this meeting March 25, 2015 was read in full for a second time: RESOLUTION 51371 AMENDING THE 2015 CURRENT EXPENSE BUDGET FOR THE JEWEL J. NEWMAN COMMUNITY CENTER (JJNCC) SO AS TO APPROPRIATE $27,000 IN SELF-GENERATED REVENUES FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROVIDING MATCHING FUNDS FOR THE DR. PEPPER SNAPPLE GROUP - KABOOM! GRANT AND TO COVER THE COST INCURRED FOR THE CAPITAL CAMPAIGN EFFORT; SAID GRANT AND THE REQUIRED MATCH WILL PROVIDE FUNDS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A PLAYGROUND FOR THE CENTER. 35 March 25, 2015 BE IT RESOLVED by the Metropolitan Council of the Parish of East Baton Rouge and City of Baton Rouge that the 2015 Current Expense Budget for the Jewel J. Newman Community Center (JJNCC) is hereby amended so as to appropriate $27,000 in self-generated revenues for the purpose of providing matching funds for the Dr. Pepper Snapple Group - KaBOOM! Grant and to cover the cost incurred for the capital campaign effort; said grant and the required match will provide funds for the construction of a playground for the center, as shown on Budget Supplement No. 8419, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof. The Presiding Officer announced that a public hearing on the above resolution was in order at this time. A motion was made by Ms. Banks-Daniel and seconded by Mr. Amoroso that the above resolution be adopted. A “Yea” and “Nay” vote was called for and resulted as follows: “Yeas”: Messrs. Wilson, Loupe, Heck, Amoroso, Welch, and Delgado Mmes. Banks-Daniel, Collins-Lewis, Marcelle, and Wicker “Nays”: None. Absent: Ms. Edwards and Mr. Boe. 10 yeas, 0 nays, 2 absent and the motion was adopted. ................. The following proposed resolution was introduced by Mr. Amoroso and read in full at the regular meeting of the Council on March 11, 2015, and a public hearing called thereon for this meeting March 25, 2015 was read in full for a second time: RESOLUTION 51372 AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR-PRESIDENT TO ACCEPT A GRANT AWARD UNDER THE FLOOD MITIGATION ASSISTANCE (FMA) PROGRAM IN THE AMOUNT OF $540,275.00. BE IT RESOLVED by the Metropolitan Council of the Parish of East Baton Rouge and City of Baton Rouge that: Section 1. The Mayor-President is hereby authorized to accept a grant award under the Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA) Program in the amount of $540,275.00. Section 2. Said agreement shall be approved by the Office of the Parish Attorney as to form and legality. The Presiding Officer announced that a public hearing on the above resolution was in order at this time. A motion was made by Mr. Delgado and seconded by Mr. Wilson that the above resolution be adopted. A “Yea” and “Nay” vote was called for and resulted as follows: “Yeas”: Messrs. Wilson, Loupe, Heck, Amoroso, Welch, and Delgado Mmes. Banks-Daniel, Collins-Lewis, Marcelle, and Wicker “Nays”: None. Absent: Ms. Edwards and Mr. Boe. 10 yeas, 0 nays, 2 absent and the motion was adopted. ................. 36 March 25, 2015 The following proposed resolution was introduced by Mr. Amoroso and read in full at the regular meeting of the Council on March 11, 2015, and a public hearing called thereon for this meeting March 25, 2015 was read in full for a second time: RESOLUTION 51373 AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR-PRESIDENT TO ACCEPT A GRANT AWARD FOR HURRICANE IKE IN THE AMOUNT OF $2,743,045.00 UNDER THE HAZARD MITIGATION GRANT PROGRAM (HMGP). BE IT RESOLVED by the Metropolitan Council of the Parish of East Baton Rouge and City of Baton Rouge that: Section 1. The Mayor-President is hereby authorized to accept a grant award for Hurricane Ike in the amount of $2,743,045.00 under the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP). Section 2. Said agreement shall be approved by the Office of the Parish Attorney as to form and legality. The Presiding Officer announced that a public hearing on the above resolution was in order at this time. A motion was made by Mr. Delgado and seconded by Mr. Wilson that the above resolution be adopted. A “Yea” and “Nay” vote was called for and resulted as follows: “Yeas”: Messrs. Wilson, Loupe, Heck, Amoroso, Welch, and Delgado Mmes. Banks-Daniel, Collins-Lewis, Marcelle, and Wicker “Nays”: None. Absent: Ms. Edwards and Mr. Boe. 10 yeas, 0 nays, 2 absent and the motion was adopted. ................. The following proposed resolution was introduced by Mr. Amoroso and read in full at the regular meeting of the Council on March 11, 2015, and a public hearing called thereon for this meeting March 25, 2015 was read in full for a second time: RESOLUTION 51374 AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR-PRESIDENT TO ACCEPT A GRANT AWARD FOR HURRICANE GUSTAV IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,160,099.00 UNDER THE HAZARD MITIGATION GRANT PROGRAM (HMGP). BE IT RESOLVED by the Metropolitan Council of the Parish of East Baton Rouge and City of Baton Rouge that: Section 1. The Mayor-President is hereby authorized to accept a grant award for Hurricane Gustav in the amount of $1,160,099.00 under the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP). 37 March 25, 2015 Section 2. Said agreement shall be approved by the Office of the Parish Attorney as to form and legality. The Presiding Officer announced that a public hearing on the above resolution was in order at this time. A motion was made by Mr. Delgado and seconded by Mr. Wilson that the above resolution be adopted. A “Yea” and “Nay” vote was called for and resulted as follows: “Yeas”: Messrs. Wilson, Loupe, Heck, Amoroso, Welch, and Delgado Mmes. Banks-Daniel, Collins-Lewis, Marcelle, and Wicker “Nays”: None. Absent: Ms. Edwards and Mr. Boe. 10 yeas, 0 nays, 2 absent and the motion was adopted. ................. The following proposed resolution was introduced by Mr. Amoroso and read in full at the regular meeting of the Council on March 11, 2015, and a public hearing called thereon for this meeting March 25, 2015 was read in full for a second time: RESOLUTION 51375 AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR-PRESIDENT TO ACCEPT AN ADDITIONAL GRANT AWARD IN THE AMOUNT OF $20,000.00 UNDER THE ENTERGY PROGRAM 2014. BE IT RESOLVED by the Metropolitan Council of the Parish of East Baton Rouge and City of Baton Rouge that: Section 1. The Mayor-President is hereby authorized to accept an additional grant award in the amount of $20,000.00 under the Entergy Program 2014. Section 2. Said agreement shall be approved by the Office of the Parish Attorney as to form and legality. The Presiding Officer announced that a public hearing on the above resolution was in order at this time. A motion was made by Mr. Delgado and seconded by Mr. Wilson that the above resolution be adopted. A “Yea” and “Nay” vote was called for and resulted as follows: “Yeas”: Messrs. Wilson, Loupe, Heck, Amoroso, Welch, and Delgado Mmes. Banks-Daniel, Collins-Lewis, Marcelle, and Wicker “Nays”: None. Absent: Ms. Edwards and Mr. Boe. 10 yeas, 0 nays, 2 absent and the motion was adopted. ................. 38 March 25, 2015 The following proposed resolution was introduced by Mr. Amoroso and read in full at the regular meeting of the Council on March 11, 2015, and a public hearing called thereon for this meeting March 25, 2015 was read in full for a second time: RESOLUTION 51376 AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR-PRESIDENT TO ACCEPT A GRANT FROM THE BYRNE JUSTICE ASSISTANCE GRANT (JAG) 2014 IN THE AMOUNT OF $128,686.50 TO ALLOW THE BATON ROUGE POLICE DEPARTMENT TO PURCHASE LAW ENFORCEMENT EQUIPMENT; THE EAST BATON ROUGE SHERIFF'S OFFICE IS THE GRANTEE AND THE BATON ROUGE POLICE DEPARTMENT IS THE SUBGRANTEE; SAID GRANT IS A CONTINUATION GRANT WITH NO MATCHING FUNDS. BE IT RESOLVED by the Metropolitan Council of the Parish of East Baton Rouge and City of Baton Rouge that: Section 1. The Mayor-President is hereby authorized to accept a grant from the Byrne Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) 2014 in the amount of $128,686.50 to allow the Baton Rouge Police Department to purchase law enforcement equipment; The East Baton Rouge Sheriff's office is the grantee and the Baton Rouge Police Department is the subgrantee; said grant is a continuation grant with no matching funds. Section 2. Said agreement shall be approved by the Office of the Parish Attorney as to form and legality. The Presiding Officer announced that a public hearing on the above resolution was in order at this time. A motion was made by Mr. Delgado and seconded by Ms. Marcelle that the above resolution be adopted. A “Yea” and “Nay” vote was called for and resulted as follows: “Yeas”: Messrs. Wilson, Boe, Loupe, Heck, Amoroso, Welch, and Delgado Mmes. Banks-Daniel, Collins-Lewis, Marcelle, and Wicker “Nays”: None. Absent: Ms. Edwards. 11 yeas, 0 nays, 1 absent and the motion was adopted. ................. 39 March 25, 2015 The following proposed resolution was introduced by Mr. Amoroso and read in full at the regular meeting of the Council on March 11, 2015, and a public hearing called thereon for this meeting March 25, 2015 was read in full for a second time: RESOLUTION 51377 WAIVING THE PROVISIONS OF TITLE 9 (LICENSING AND REGULATION OF TRADES AND OCCUPATIONS), CHAPTER 18 (WINE, BEER AND LIQUOR), SECTION 1006 (HOURS OF OPERATION AND CLOSING TIMES FOR LICENSED OR PERMITTED BUSINESSES AND ORGANIZATIONS) OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF BATON ROUGE AND PARISH OF EAST BATON ROUGE, SO AS TO EXTEND THE HOURS OF OPERATION FOR ALL CLASS A AND R LICENSE HOLDERS IN EAST BATON ROUGE PARISH (EXCEPTING THE CITIES OF ZACHARY, BAKER, AND CENTRAL) IN CONJUNCTION WITH BAYOU COUNTRY SUPERFEST FOR 2 HOURS FROM 12:00 A.M. TO 2:00 A.M. ON MAY 25, 2015. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Metropolitan Council of the Parish of East Baton Rouge and City of Baton Rouge that this Council hereby waives the provisions of Title 9, Chapter 18, Section 1006 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge, so as to extend the hours of operation for all Class A and R license holders in East Baton Rouge Parish (excepting the cities of Zachary, Baker, and Central) in conjunction with Bayou Country Superfest for two (2) hours from 12:00 a.m. on to 2:00 a.m. on May 25, 2015. The Presiding Officer announced that a public hearing on the above resolution was in order at this time. A motion was made by Mr. Loupe and seconded by Mr. Wilson that the above resolution be adopted. A “Yea” and “Nay” vote was called for and resulted as follows: “Yeas”: Messrs. Wilson, Boe, Loupe, Heck, Amoroso, Welch, and Delgado Mmes. Banks-Daniel, Collins-Lewis, Marcelle, and Wicker “Nays”: None. Absent: Ms. Edwards. 11 yeas, 0 nays, 1 absent and the motion was adopted. ................. The following proposed resolution was introduced by Mr. Amoroso and read in full at the regular meeting of the Council on March 11, 2015, and a public hearing called thereon for this meeting March 25, 2015 was read in full for a second time: RESOLUTION 51378 AUTHORIZING THE PARISH ATTORNEY'S OFFICE TO ACQUIRE THROUGH PURCHASE, EXCHANGE AND/OR INSTITUTION OF EXPROPRIATION PROCEEDINGS AND TO TAKE SUCH OTHER ACTIONS AS MAY BE REQUIRED IN CONNECTION WITH THE ACQUISITION OF LAND NECESSARY FOR MORVANT ROAD (2) BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, BEING CITY/PARISH PROJECT NO. C/P 13-BR-LA-0010. 40 March 25, 2015 WHEREAS, the City of Baton Rouge/Parish of East Baton Rouge has determined that Morvant Road (2) Bridge Replacement, in East Baton Rouge Parish is in the public interest; and WHEREAS, in connection with the construction and/or completion of said project and/or projects, certain properties must be acquired; and WHEREAS, it may not be possible to acquire these properties through amicable means: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Metropolitan Council of the Parish of East Baton Rouge and City of Baton Rouge, that: Section 1. The Parish Attorney's Office is hereby authorized and directed to take such action as may be required, including purchase, exchange or if necessary, institute expropriation proceedings in order to acquire those properties needed in connection with the Morvant Road (2) Bridge Replacement, being Project No. C/P 13-BR-LA-0010. Section 2. The actual properties to be acquired through expropriation proceedings will be those as shown on plats prepared or approved by the Department of Public Works of the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge by the Chief Engineer and the Director of Public Works for the City of Baton Rouge/Parish of East Baton Rouge. Section 3. The funds needed in connection with the required improvement acquisition(s), including all court costs and other advanced fees, shall be provided from account number 152.7523056.650120.5230009, Morvant Road (2) Bridge Replacement, being Project No. C/P 13-BR-LA-0010. The Presiding Officer announced that a public hearing on the above resolution was in order at this time. A motion was made by Mr. Delgado and seconded by Mr. Boe that the above resolution be adopted. A “Yea” and “Nay” vote was called for and resulted as follows: “Yeas”: Messrs. Wilson, Boe, Loupe, Heck, Amoroso, Welch, and Delgado Mmes. Banks-Daniel, Collins-Lewis, Marcelle, and Wicker “Nays”: None. Absent: Ms. Edwards. 11 yeas, 0 nays, 1 absent and the motion was adopted. ................. The following proposed resolution was introduced by Mr. Amoroso and read in full at the regular meeting of the Council on March 11, 2015, and a public hearing called thereon for this meeting March 25, 2015 was read in full for a second time: RESOLUTION 51379 AUTHORIZING THE PARISH ATTORNEY'S OFFICE TO ACQUIRE THROUGH PURCHASE, EXCHANGE AND/OR INSTITUTION OF EXPROPRIATION PROCEEDINGS AND TO TAKE SUCH OTHER ACTIONS AS MAY BE REQUIRED IN CONNECTION WITH THE ACQUISITION OF LAND NECESSARY FOR MILLDALE ROAD BRIDGE REPLACEMENT OVER BEAVER CREEK, BEING CITY/PARISH PROJECT NO. C/P 13-BR-LA-0023. 41 March 25, 2015 WHEREAS, the City of Baton Rouge/Parish of East Baton Rouge has determined that Milldale Road Bridge Replacement Over Beaver Creek, in East Baton Rouge Parish is in the public interest; and WHEREAS, in connection with the construction and/or completion of said project and/or projects, certain properties must be acquired; and WHEREAS, it may not be possible to acquire these properties through amicable means: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Metropolitan Council of the Parish of East Baton Rouge and City of Baton Rouge, that: Section 1. The Parish Attorney's Office is hereby authorized and directed to take such action as may be required, including purchase, exchange or if necessary, institute expropriation proceedings in order to acquire those properties needed in connection with the Milldale Road Bridge Replacement Over Beaver Creek, being Project No. C/P 13-BR-LA-0023. Section 2. The actual properties to be acquired through expropriation proceedings will be those as shown on plats prepared or approved by the Department of Public Works of the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge by the Chief Engineer and the Director of Public Works for the City of Baton Rouge/Parish of East Baton Rouge. Section 3. The funds needed in connection with the required improvement acquisition(s), including all court costs and other advanced fees, shall be provided from account number 152.7523076.650120.5230009, Milldale Road Bridge Replacement Over Beaver Creek, being Project No. C/P 13-BR-LA-0023. The Presiding Officer announced that a public hearing on the above resolution was in order at this time. A motion was made by Mr. Delgado and seconded by Mr. Boe that the above resolution be adopted. A “Yea” and “Nay” vote was called for and resulted as follows: “Yeas”: Messrs. Wilson, Boe, Loupe, Heck, Amoroso, Welch, and Delgado Mmes. Banks-Daniel, Collins-Lewis, Marcelle, and Wicker “Nays”: None. Absent: Ms. Edwards. 11 yeas, 0 nays, 1 absent and the motion was adopted. ................. 42 March 25, 2015 The following proposed resolution was introduced by Mr. Amoroso and read in full at the regular meeting of the Council on March 11, 2015, and a public hearing called thereon for this meeting March 25, 2015 was read in full for a second time: RESOLUTION 51380 EBROSCO RESOLUTION 8103 AUTHORIZING THE PARISH ATTORNEY'S OFFICE TO ACQUIRE THROUGH PURCHASE, EXCHANGE AND/OR INSTITUTION OF EXPROPRIATION PROCEEDINGS AND TO TAKE SUCH OTHER ACTIONS AS MAY BE REQUIRED IN CONNECTION WITH THE ACQUISITION OF LAND NECESSARY FOR POINTE-MARIE REGIONAL PUMP STATION, BEING PROJECT NO. 15-PS-IF-0014. WHEREAS, the City of Baton Rouge/Parish of East Baton Rouge has determined that sewer upgrades for Pointe-Marie Regional Pump Station, in East Baton Rouge Parish is in the public interest; and WHEREAS, in connection with the construction and/or completion of said project and/or projects, certain properties must be acquired; and WHEREAS, it may not be possible to acquire these properties through amicable means: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Metropolitan Council of the Parish of East Baton Rouge and City of Baton Rouge and by the Board of Commissioners of East Baton Rouge Sewerage Commission (EBROSCO), acting as the Authority for EBROSCO, that: Section 1. The Parish Attorney's Office is hereby authorized and directed to take such action as may be required, including purchase, exchange or if necessary, institute expropriation proceedings in order to acquire those properties needed in connection with the Pointe-Marie Regional Pump Station, being Project No. 15-PS-IF-0014. Section 2. The Mayor-President, on behalf of the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge, and/or the East Baton Rouge Sewerage Commission, represented by its President of said Commission, are hereby authorized to execute all documents in connection therewith. Section 3. The actual properties to be acquired through expropriation proceedings will be those as shown on plats prepared or approved by the Department of Public Works of the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge by the Chief Engineer and the Director of Public Works for the City of Baton Rouge/Parish of East Baton Rouge. Section 4. The funds needed in connection with the required improvement acquisition(s), including all court costs and other advanced fees, shall be provided from account no. 412.7570931. 750120.7082043, "Pointe-Marie Regional Pump Station", being Project No. 15-PS-IF-0014. 43 March 25, 2015 The Presiding Officer announced that a public hearing on the above resolution was in order at this time. A motion was made by Mr. Delgado and seconded by Mr. Boe that the above resolution be adopted. A “Yea” and “Nay” vote was called for and resulted as follows: “Yeas”: Messrs. Wilson, Boe, Loupe, Heck, Amoroso, Welch, and Delgado Mmes. Banks-Daniel, Collins-Lewis, Marcelle, and Wicker “Nays”: None. Absent: Ms. Edwards. 11 yeas, 0 nays, 1 absent and the motion was adopted. ................. The following proposed resolution was introduced by Mr. Amoroso and read in full at the regular meeting of the Council on March 11, 2015, and a public hearing called thereon for this meeting March 25, 2015 was read in full for a second time: RESOLUTION 51381 AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR-PRESIDENT TO EXECUTE AND SUBMIT TO THE CAPITAL REGION PLANNING COMMISSION FOR THE EQUIPMENT USED FOR VEHICLE DETECTION INCLUDING COUNTER MACHINES, SOFTWARE, COMPUTERS AND SUPPLIES IN THE AMOUNT OF $60,000 WITH THE RECOMMENDATION APPROVED BY THE GRANTS COMMITTEE ON MARCH 3, 2015. BE IT RESOLVED by the Metropolitan Council of the Parish of East Baton Rouge and City of Baton Rouge that: Section 1. The Mayor-President is hereby authorized to execute and submit to the Capital Region Planning Commission for the equipment used for vehicle detection including counter machines, software, computers and supplies in the amount of $60,000 with the recommendation approved by the Grants Committee on March 3, 2015. Section 2. Said agreement shall be approved by the Office of the Parish Attorney as to form and legality. The Presiding Officer announced that a public hearing on the above resolution was in order at this time. A motion was made by Mr. Loupe and seconded by Mr. Boe that the above resolution be adopted. A “Yea” and “Nay” vote was called for and resulted as follows: “Yeas”: Messrs. Wilson,Boe, Loupe, Heck, Amoroso, Welch, and Delgado Mmes. Banks-Daniel, Collins-Lewis, Marcelle, and Wicker “Nays”: None. Absent: Ms. Edwards. 11 yeas, 0 nays, 1 absent and the motion was adopted. ................. 44 March 25, 2015 The following proposed resolution was introduced by Mr. Amoroso and read in full at the regular meeting of the Council on March 11, 2015, and a public hearing called thereon for this meeting March 25, 2015 was read in full for a second time: RESOLUTION 51382 GRANTING A FIVE-YEAR PROPERTY TAX ABATEMENT ESTIMATED AT $11,273 PER YEAR FOR THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 310 CONVENTION STREET, BATON ROUGE; SAID APPLICATION IS REFERRED BY LOUISIANA ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT RESTORATION TAX ABATEMENT PROGRAM TO THE CITY OF BATON ROUGE AS RTA#2014-1014 FOR THE PURPOSE OF E NCO URA G I NG P RI V A T E I NVESTMENT AND RESTORATION OF PROPERTY. BE IT RESOLVED by the Metropolitan Council of the Parish of East Baton Rouge and City of Baton Rouge that: Section 1. This Council hereby grants a five-year property tax abatement estimated at $11,273 per year for the property located at 310 Convention Street, Baton Rouge; said application is referred by Louisiana Economic Development Restoration Tax Abatement Program to the City of Baton Rouge as RTA#2014-1014 for the purpose of encouraging private investment and restoration of property. A sub motion was made by Mr. Boe and seconded by Ms. Collins-Lewis to defer the above resolution to The Council Meeting of April 8, 2015. A “Yea” and “Nay” vote was called for and resulted as follows: “Yeas”: Messrs. Wilson, Heck, and Amoroso Mmes. Banks-Daniel, Edwards, and Wicker “Nays”: Messrs. Loupe, Boe, and Delgado Absent: Mr. Welch, Mmes. Collins-Lewis, and Marcelle. 6 yeas, 3 nays, 3 absent and the motion was not adopted. The Presiding Officer announced that a public hearing on the above resolution was in order at this time. A motion was made by Mr. Loupe and seconded by Mr. Amoroso to approve the above resolution. A “Yea” and “Nay” vote was called for and resulted as follows: “Yeas”: Messrs. Wilson, Heck, and Amoroso Mmes. Banks-Daniel, Edwards, and Wicker “Nays”: Messrs. Loupe, Boe, and Delgado Absent: Mr. Welch, Mmes. Collins-Lewis, and Marcelle. 6 yeas, 3 nays, 3 absent and the motion was adopted. ................. 45 March 25, 2015 The following proposed resolution was introduced by Mr. Amoroso and read in full at the regular meeting of the Council on March 11, 2015, and a public hearing called thereon for this meeting March 25, 2015 was read in full for a second time: RESOLUTION 51383 GRANTING A FIVE-YEAR PROPERTY TAX ABATEMENT ESTIMATED AT $17,609.10 PER YEAR FOR THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 804-816 MAIN STREET, BATON ROUGE; SAID APPLICATION IS REFERRED BY LOUISIANA ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT RESTORATION TAX ABATEMENT PROGRAM TO THE CITY OF BATON ROUGE AS RTA#2013-0119 FOR THE PURPOSE OF E NCOURAGING P RI V A T E I NV E S T ME NT A ND RESTORATION OF PROPERTY. BE IT RESOLVED by the Metropolitan Council of the Parish of East Baton Rouge and City of Baton Rouge that: Section 1. This Council hereby grants a five-year property tax abatement estimated at $17,609.10 per year for the property located at 804-816 Main Street, Baton Rouge; Said application is referred by Louisiana Economic Development Restoration Tax Abatement Program to the City of Baton Rouge as RTA#2013-0119 for the purpose of encouraging private investment and restoration of property. The Presiding Officer announced that a public hearing on the above resolution was in order at this time. A motion was made by Mr. Loupe and seconded by Mr. Amoroso that the above resolution be adopted. A “Yea” and “Nay” vote was called for and resulted as follows: “Yeas”: Messrs. Wilson, Heck, and Amoroso Mmes. Banks-Daniel, Edwards, and Wicker “Nays”: Messrs. Loupe, Boe, and Delgado Absent: Mr. Welch, Mmes. Collins-Lewis, and Marcelle. 6 yeas, 3 nays, 3 absent and the motion was adopted. ................. The following proposed resolution was introduced by Mr. Amoroso and read in full at the regular meeting of the Council on March 11, 2015, and a public hearing called thereon for this meeting March 25, 2015 was read in full for a second time: GRANTING A FIVE-YEAR PROPERTY TAX ABATEMENT ESTIMATED AT $230,740.76 PER YEAR FOR THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 201 LAFAYETTE STREET, BATON ROUGE. THIS APPLICATION IS REFERRED BY LOUISIANA ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT RESTORATION TAX ABATEMENT PROGRAM TO THE CITY OF BATON ROUGE AS RTA#2012-1347 FOR THE PURPOSE OF E NCO URA G I NG PRIVATE I NV E S T ME NT A ND RESTORATION OF PROPERTY. BY: PLANNING DIRECTOR. 46 March 25, 2015 The Presiding Officer announced that a public hearing on the above ordinance was in order at this time. A motion was made by Mr. Heck and seconded by Mr. Loupe that the above proposed ordinance be deferred to The Council Meeting of April 22, 2015. A “Yea” and “Nay” vote was called for and resulted as follows: “Yeas”: Messrs. Wilson, Heck, and Amoroso Mmes. Banks-Daniel, Edwards, and Wicker “Nays”: Messrs. Loupe, Boe, and Delgado Absent: Mr. Welch, Mmes. Collins-Lewis, and Marcelle. 6 yeas, 3 nays, 3 absent and the motion to defer was adopted. ................. The following proposed resolution was introduced by Mr. Amoroso and read in full at the regular meeting of the Council on March 11, 2015, and a public hearing called thereon for this meeting March 25, 2015 was read in full for a second time: RESOLUTION 51384 CONSIDERATION AND APPROVAL TO AMEND THE ANNUAL OPERATING BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2015 BY DE-OBLIGATING FUNDING FROM A FEW EXISTING PROJECTS AND TO APPROPRIATE PROJECT FUNDS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2015 AS A PART OF THE 3% BEAUTIFICATION PORTION OF THE ONE-HALF CENT SALES & USE TAX FOR STREET AND ROAD IMPROVEMENTS. BE IT RESOLVED by the Metropolitan Council of the Parish of East Baton Rouge and City of Baton Rouge that this Council hereby authorizes the consideration and approval to amend the Annual Operating Budget for Fiscal Year 2015 by de-obligating funding from a few existing projects and authorizing the transfer of existing appropriations for Fiscal Year 2015 as a part of the 3% Beautification Portion of the One-Half Cent Sales & Use Tax for Street and Road Improvements, as shown on Budget Supplement 8434, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof. The Presiding Officer announced that a public hearing on the above resolution was in order at this time. A motion was made by Mr. Loupe and seconded by Ms. Marcelle that the above resolution be adopted contingent on being signed. A “Yea” and “Nay” vote was called for and resulted as follows: “Yeas”: Messrs. Wilson, Loupe, Amoroso, Boe, Heck, and Delgado Mmes. Banks-Daniel, Edwards, Collins-Lewis, Marcelle, and Wicker “Nays”: None. Absent: Mr. Welch. 11 yeas, 0 nays, 1 absent and the motion was adopted. ................. 47 March 25, 2015 The following proposed resolution was introduced by Mr. Amoroso and read in full at the regular meeting of the Council on March 11, 2015, and a public hearing called thereon for this meeting March 25, 2015 was read in full for a second time: RESOLUTION 51385 AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR-PRESIDENT TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT WITH GERMAINE AND COMPANY D/B/A GERMANE SOLUTIONS IN THE AMOUNT OF $85,000.00 FOR THE CONTRACT PERIOD MARCH 1, 2015 TO FEBRUARY 29, 2016. TO REVIEW AND REVISE PROGRAM MANAGEMENT MONITORING TOOL; CONDUCT QUALITY MANAGEMENT MONITORING SITE REVIEWS; PROVIDER REPORTS, CORRECTIVE ACTION PLANS AND PROVIDER RESPONSE FOLLOW UP; PROVIDE TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE VIA REMOTE ASSISTANCE FOR RYAN WHITE PROGRAM NEEDS; DEVELOPMENT OF FY 2016 RYAN WHITE PART A GRANT APPLICATION; AND CONDUCT PROGRAM MONITORING VISITS; AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF ALL DOCUMENTS IN CONNECTION THEREWITH. BE IT RESOLVED by the Metropolitan Council of the Parish of East Baton Rouge and City of Baton Rouge that: Section 1. The Mayor-President is hereby authorized to execute a contract with Germaine and Company D/B/A Germane Solutions in the amount of $85,000.00 for the contract period March 1, 2015 to February 29, 2016. To review and revise Program Management Monitoring tool; conduct Quality Management Monitoring Site Reviews; Provider Reports, Corrective Action Plans and Provider Response Follow Up; provide technical assistance via remote assistance for Ryan White Program needs; development of FY 2016 Ryan White Part A grant application; and conduct Program Monitoring Visits; and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith. Section 2. Said agreement shall be approved by the Grants and Contract Review Committee and the Office of the Parish Attorney as to form and legality. The Presiding Officer announced that a public hearing on the above resolution was in order at this time. A motion was made by Ms. Marcelle and seconded by Mr. Loupe that the above resolution be adopted. A “Yea” and “Nay” vote was called for and resulted as follows: “Yeas”: Messrs. Wilson, Loupe, Amoroso, Boe, Heck, and Delgado Mmes. Banks-Daniel, Edwards, Collins-Lewis, Marcelle, and Wicker “Nays”: None. Absent: Mr. Welch. 11 yeas, 0 nays, 1 absent and the motion was adopted. ................. 48 March 25, 2015 The following proposed resolution was introduced by Mr. Amoroso and read in full at the regular meeting of the Council on March 11, 2015, and a public hearing called thereon for this meeting March 25, 2015 was read in full for a second time: RESOLUTION 51386 AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR-PRESIDENT TO EXECUTE A SUBRECIPIENT CONTRACT WITH THE CAPITOL CITY FAMILY HEALTH CENTER IN THE AMOUNT OF $690,800.00 UNDER THE RYAN WHITE HIV/AIDS PROGRAM, FOR THE GRANT PERIOD MARCH 1, 2015 THROUGH FEBRUARY 29, 2016 AND TO AMEND THE SUBRECIPIENT CONTRACT IF ADDITIONAL FUNDING BECOMES AVAILABLE; AND AUTHORIZING THE DIRECTOR OF THE DHDS TO ADJUST THE SUBRECIPIENT CONTRACT BUDGET AND REALLOCATE FUNDING BETWEEN SERVICE PROVIDERS DURING THE COURSE OF THE PROGRAM YEAR TO ADVANCE THE PURPOSES OF THE RYAN WHITE PROGRAM; AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF ALL DOCUMENTS IN CONNECTION THEREWITH. BE IT RESOLVED by the Metropolitan Council of the Parish of East Baton Rouge and City of Baton Rouge that: Section 1. The Mayor-President is hereby authorized to execute a subrecipient contract with the Capitol City Family Health Center in the amount of $690,800.00 under the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program, for the grant period March 1, 2015 through February 29, 2016 and to amend the subrecipient contract if additional funding becomes available; and authorizing the Director of the DHDS to adjust the subrecipient contract budget and reallocate funding between service providers during the course of the program year to advance the purposes of the Ryan White program; and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith. Section 2. Said agreement shall be approved by the Grants and Contract Review Committee and the Office of the Parish Attorney as to form and legality. The Presiding Officer announced that a public hearing on the above resolution was in order at this time. A motion was made by Mr. Loupe and seconded by Ms. Marcelle that the above resolution be adopted. A “Yea” and “Nay” vote was called for and resulted as follows: “Yeas”: Messrs. Wilson, Loupe, Amoroso, Boe, Heck, and Delgado Mmes. Banks-Daniel, Edwards, Collins-Lewis, Marcelle, and Wicker “Nays”: None. Absent: Mr. Welch. 11 yeas, 0 nays, 1 absent and the motion was adopted. ................. 49 March 25, 2015 The following proposed resolution was introduced by Mr. Amoroso and read in full at the regular meeting of the Council on March 11, 2015, and a public hearing called thereon for this meeting March 25, 2015 was read in full for a second time: RESOLUTION 51387 AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR-PRESIDENT TO EXECUTE A SUBRECIPIENT CONTRACT WITH THE VOLUNTEERS OF AMERICA OF GREATER BATON ROUGE IN THE AMOUNT OF $141,683.00 UNDER THE RYAN WHITE HIV/AIDS PROGRAM MINORITY AIDS INITIATIVE, FOR THE GRANT PERIOD MARCH 1, 2015 THROUGH FEBRUARY 29, 2016 AND TO AMEND THE SUBRECIPIENT CONTRACT IF ADDITIONAL FUNDING BECOMES AVAILABLE; AND AUTHORIZING THE DIRECTOR OF THE DHDS TO ADJUST THE SUBRECIPIENT CONTRACT BUDGET AND REALLOCATE FUNDING BETWEEN SERVICE PROVIDERS DURING THE COURSE OF THE PROGRAM YEAR TO ADVANCE THE PURPOSES OF THE RYAN WHITE PROGRAM; AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF ALL DOCUMENTS IN CONNECTION THEREWITH. BE IT RESOLVED by the Metropolitan Council of the Parish of East Baton Rouge and City of Baton Rouge that: Section 1. The Mayor-President is hereby authorized to execute a subrecipient contract with the Volunteers of America of Greater Baton Rouge in the amount of $141,683.00 under the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Minority AIDS Initiative, for the grant period March 1, 2015 through February 29, 2016 and to amend the subrecipient contract if additional funding becomes available; and authorizing the Director of the DHDS to adjust the subrecipient contract budget and reallocate funding between service providers during the course of the program year to advance the purposes of the Ryan White program; and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith. Section 2. Said agreement shall be approved by the Grants and Contract Review Committee and the Office of the Parish Attorney as to form and legality. The Presiding Officer announced that a public hearing on the above resolution was in order at this time. A motion was made by Mr. Loupe and seconded by Ms. Marcelle that the above resolution be adopted. A “Yea” and “Nay” vote was called for and resulted as follows: “Yeas”: Messrs. Wilson, Loupe, Amoroso, Boe, Heck, and Delgado Mmes. Banks-Daniel, Edwards, Collins-Lewis, Marcelle, and Wicker “Nays”: None. Absent: Mr. Welch. 11 yeas, 0 nays, 1 absent and the motion was adopted. ................. 50 March 25, 2015 The following proposed resolution was introduced by Mr. Amoroso and read in full at the regular meeting of the Council on March 11, 2015, and a public hearing called thereon for this meeting March 25, 2015 was read in full for a second time: RESOLUTION 51388 AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR-PRESIDENT TO EXECUTE A SUBRECIPIENT CONTRACT WITH THE HIV/AIDS ALLIANCE FOR REGION 2 IN THE AMOUNT OF $72,937.00 UNDER THE RYAN WHITE HIV/AIDS PROGRAM MINORITY AIDS INITIATIVE, FOR THE GRANT PERIOD MARCH 1, 2015 THROUGH FEBRUARY 29, 2016 AND TO AMEND THE SUBRECIPIENT CONTRACT IF ADDITIONAL FUNDING BECOMES AVAILABLE; AND AUTHORIZING THE DIRECTOR OF THE DHDS TO ADJUST THE SUBRECIPIENT CONTRACT BUDGET AND REALLOCATE FUNDING BETWEEN SERVICE PROVIDERS DURING THE COURSE OF THE PROGRAM YEAR TO ADVANCE THE PURPOSES OF THE RYAN WHITE PROGRAM; AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF ALL DOCUMENTS IN CONNECTION THEREWITH. BE IT RESOLVED by the Metropolitan Council of the Parish of East Baton Rouge and City of Baton Rouge that: Section 1. The Mayor-President is hereby authorized to execute a subrecipient contract with the HIV/AIDS Alliance for Region 2 in the amount of $72,937.00 under the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Minority AIDS Initiative, for the grant period March 1, 2015 through February 29, 2016 and to amend the subrecipient contract if additional funding becomes available; and authorizing the Director of the DHDS to adjust the subrecipient contract budget and reallocate funding between service providers during the course of the program year to advance the purposes of the Ryan White program; and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith. Section 2. Said agreement shall be approved by the Grants and Contract Review Committee and the Office of the Parish Attorney as to form and legality. The Presiding Officer announced that a public hearing on the above resolution was in order at this time. A motion was made by Mr. Loupe and seconded by Ms. Marcelle that the above resolution be adopted. A “Yea” and “Nay” vote was called for and resulted as follows: “Yeas”: Messrs. Wilson, Loupe, Amoroso, Boe, Heck, and Delgado Mmes. Banks-Daniel, Edwards, Collins-Lewis, Marcelle, and Wicker “Nays”: None. Absent: Mr. Welch. 11 yeas, 0 nays, 1 absent and the motion was adopted. ................. 51 March 25, 2015 The following proposed resolution was introduced by Mr. Amoroso and read in full at the regular meeting of the Council on March 11, 2015, and a public hearing called thereon for this meeting March 25, 2015 was read in full for a second time: RESOLUTION 51389 AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR-PRESIDENT TO EXECUTE A SUBRECIPIENT CONTRACT WITH OUR LADY OF THE LAKE, INC IN THE AMOUNT OF $469,422.00 UNDER THE RYAN WHITE HIV/AIDS PROGRAM, FOR THE GRANT PERIOD MARCH 1, 2015 THROUGH FEBRUARY 29, 2016 AND TO AMEND THE SUBRECIPIENT CONTRACT IF ADDITIONAL FUNDING BECOMES AVAILABLE; AND AUTHORIZING THE DIRECTOR OF THE DHDS TO ADJUST THE SUBRECIPIENT CONTRACT BUDGET AND REALLOCATE FUNDING BETWEEN SERVICE PROVIDERS DURING THE COURSE OF THE PROGRAM YEAR TO ADVANCE THE PURPOSES OF THE RYAN WHITE PROGRAM; AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF ALL DOCUMENTS IN CONNECTION THEREWITH. BE IT RESOLVED by the Metropolitan Council of the Parish of East Baton Rouge and City of Baton Rouge that: Section 1. The Mayor-President is hereby authorized to execute a subrecipient contract with Our Lady of the Lake, Inc in the amount of $469,422.00 under the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program, for the grant period March 1, 2015 through February 29, 2016 and to amend the subrecipient contract if additional funding becomes available; and authorizing the Director of the DHDS to adjust the subrecipient contract budget and reallocate funding between service providers during the course of the program year to advance the purposes of the Ryan White Program; and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith. Section 2. Said agreement shall be approved by the Grants and Contract Review Committee and the Office of the Parish Attorney as to form and legality. The Presiding Officer announced that a public hearing on the above resolution was in order at this time. A motion was made by Mr. Loupe and seconded by Ms. Marcelle that the above resolution be adopted. A “Yea” and “Nay” vote was called for and resulted as follows: “Yeas”: Messrs. Wilson, Loupe, Amoroso, Boe, Heck, and Delgado Mmes. Banks-Daniel, Edwards, Collins-Lewis, Marcelle, and Wicker “Nays”: None. Absent: Mr. Welch. 11 yeas, 0 nays, 1 absent and the motion was adopted. ................. 52 March 25, 2015 The following proposed resolution was introduced by Mr. Amoroso and read in full at the regular meeting of the Council on March 11, 2015, and a public hearing called thereon for this meeting March 25, 2015 was read in full for a second time: RESOLUTION 51390 AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR-PRESIDENT TO EXECUTE A SUBRECIPIENT CONTRACT WITH THE VOLUNTEERS OF AMERICA OF GREATER BATON ROUGE IN THE AMOUNT OF $411,912.00 UNDER THE RYAN WHITE HIV/AIDS PROGRAM, FOR THE GRANT PERIOD MARCH 1, 2015 THROUGH FEBRUARY 29, 2016 AND TO AMEND THE SUBRECIPIENT CONTRACT IF ADDITIONAL FUNDING BECOMES AVAILABLE; AND AUTHORIZING THE DIRECTOR OF THE DHDS TO ADJUST THE SUBRECIPIENT CONTRACT BUDGET AND REALLOCATE FUNDING BETWEEN SERVICE PROVIDERS DURING THE COURSE OF THE PROGRAM YEAR TO ADVANCE THE PURPOSES OF THE RYAN WHITE PROGRAM; AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF ALL DOCUMENTS IN CONNECTION THEREWITH. BE IT RESOLVED by the Metropolitan Council of the Parish of East Baton Rouge and City of Baton Rouge that: Section 1. The Mayor-President is hereby authorized to execute a subrecipient contract with Volunteers of America of Greater Baton Rouge in the amount of $411,912.00 under the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program, for the grant period March 1, 2015 through February 29, 2016 and to amend the subrecipient contract if additional funding becomes available; and authorizing the Director of the DHDS to adjust the subrecipient contract budget and reallocate funding between service providers during the course of the program year to advance the purposes of the Ryan White program; and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith. Section 2. Said agreement shall be approved by the Grants and Contract Review Committee and the Office of the Parish Attorney as to form and legality. The Presiding Officer announced that a public hearing on the above resolution was in order at this time. A motion was made by Mr. Loupe and seconded by Ms. Marcelle that the above resolution be adopted. A “Yea” and “Nay” vote was called for and resulted as follows: “Yeas”: Messrs. Wilson, Loupe, Amoroso, Boe, Heck, and Delgado Mmes. Banks-Daniel, Edwards, Collins-Lewis, Marcelle, and Wicker “Nays”: None. Absent: Mr. Welch. 11 yeas, 0 nays, 1 absent and the motion was adopted. ................. 53 March 25, 2015 The following proposed resolution was introduced by Mr. Amoroso and read in full at the regular meeting of the Council on March 11, 2015, and a public hearing called thereon for this meeting March 25, 2015 was read in full for a second time: RESOLUTION 51391 AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR-PRESIDENT TO EXECUTE A SUBRECIPIENT CONTRACT WITH DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HOSPITALS, OFFICE OF PUBLIC HEALTH, STD/HIV PROGRAM IN THE AMOUNT OF $68,500.00 UNDER THE RYAN WHITE HIV/AIDS PROGRAM, FOR THE GRANT PERIOD MARCH 1, 2015 THROUGH FEBRUARY 29, 2016 AND TO AMEND THE SUBRECIPIENT CONTRACT IF ADDITIONAL FUNDING BECOMES AVAILABLE; AND AUTHORIZING THE DIRECTOR OF THE DHDS TO ADJUST THE SUBRECIPIENT CONTRACT BUDGET AND REALLOCATE FUNDING BETWEEN SERVICE PROVIDERS DURING THE COURSE OF THE PROGRAM YEAR TO ADVANCE THE PURPOSES OF THE RYAN WHITE PROGRAM; AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF ALL DOCUMENTS IN CONNECTION THEREWITH. BE IT RESOLVED by the Metropolitan Council of the Parish of East Baton Rouge and City of Baton Rouge that: Section 1. The Mayor-President is hereby authorized to execute a subrecipient contract with Department of Health & Hospitals, Office of Public Health, STD/HIV Program in the amount of $68,500.00 under the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program, for the grant period March 1, 2015 through February 29, 2016 and to amend the subrecipient contract if additional funding becomes available; and authorizing the Director of the DHDS to adjust the subrecipient contract budget and reallocate funding between service providers during the course of the program year to advance the purposes of the Ryan White program; and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith. Section 2. Said agreement shall be approved by the Grants and Contract Review Committee and the Office of the Parish Attorney as to form and legality. The Presiding Officer announced that a public hearing on the above resolution was in order at this time. A motion was made by Mr. Loupe and seconded by Ms. Marcelle that the above resolution be adopted. A “Yea” and “Nay” vote was called for and resulted as follows: “Yeas”: Messrs. Wilson, Loupe, Amoroso, Boe, Heck, and Delgado Mmes. Banks-Daniel, Edwards, Collins-Lewis, Marcelle, and Wicker “Nays”: None. Absent: Mr. Welch. 11 yeas, 0 nays, 1 absent and the motion was adopted. ................. 54 March 25, 2015 The following proposed resolution was introduced by Mr. Amoroso and read in full at the regular meeting of the Council on March 11, 2015, and a public hearing called thereon for this meeting March 25, 2015 was read in full for a second time: RESOLUTION 51392 AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR-PRESIDENT TO EXECUTE A SUBRECIPIENT CONTRACT WITH THE CAPITOL CITY FAMILY HEALTH CLINIC IN THE AMOUNT OF $33,367.00 UNDER THE RYAN WHITE HIV/AIDS PROGRAM MINORITY AIDS INITIATIVE, FOR THE GRANT PERIOD MARCH 1, 2015 THROUGH FEBRUARY 29, 2016 AND TO AMEND THE SUBRECIPIENT CONTRACT IF ADDITIONAL FUNDING BECOMES AVAILABLE; AND AUTHORIZING THE DIRECTOR OF THE DHDS TO ADJUST THE SUBRECIPIENT CONTRACT BUDGET AND REALLOCATE FUNDING BETWEEN SERVICE PROVIDERS DURING THE COURSE OF THE PROGRAM YEAR TO ADVANCE THE PURPOSES OF THE RYAN WHITE PROGRAM; AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF ALL DOCUMENTS IN CONNECTION THEREWITH. BE IT RESOLVED by the Metropolitan Council of the Parish of East Baton Rouge and City of Baton Rouge that: Section 1. The Mayor-President is hereby authorized to execute a subrecipient contract with the Capitol City Family Health Clinic in the amount of $33,367.00 under the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Minority AIDS Initiative, for the grant period March 1, 2015 through February 29, 2016 and to amend the subrecipient contract if additional funding becomes available; and authorizing the Director of the DHDS to adjust the subrecipient contract budget and reallocate funding between service providers during the course of the program year to advance the purposes of the Ryan White program; and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith. Section 2. Said agreement shall be approved by the Grants and Contract Review Committee and the Office of the Parish Attorney as to form and legality. The Presiding Officer announced that a public hearing on the above resolution was in order at this time. A motion was made by Mr. Loupe and seconded by Ms. Marcelle that the above resolution be adopted. A “Yea” and “Nay” vote was called for and resulted as follows: “Yeas”: Messrs. Wilson, Loupe, Amoroso, Boe, Heck, and Delgado Mmes. Banks-Daniel, Edwards, Collins-Lewis, Marcelle, and Wicker “Nays”: None. Absent: Mr. Welch. 11 yeas, 0 nays, 1 absent and the motion was adopted. ................. 55 March 25, 2015 The following proposed resolution was introduced by Mr. Amoroso and read in full at the regular meeting of the Council on March 11, 2015, and a public hearing called thereon for this meeting March 25, 2015 was read in full for a second time: RESOLUTION 51393 AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR-PRESIDENT TO EXECUTE A SUBRECIPIENT CONTRACT WITH FAMILY SERVICE OF GREATER BATON ROUGE IN THE AMOUNT OF $364,000.00 UNDER THE RYAN WHITE HIV/AIDS PROGRAM, FOR THE GRANT PERIOD MARCH 1, 2015 THROUGH FEBRUARY 29, 2016 AND TO AMEND THE SUBRECIPIENT CONTRACT IF ADDITIONAL FUNDING BECOMES AVAILABLE; AND AUTHORIZING THE DIRECTOR OF THE DHDS TO ADJUST THE SUBRECIPIENT CONTRACT BUDGET AND REALLOCATE FUNDING BETWEEN SERVICE PROVIDERS DURING THE COURSE OF THE PROGRAM YEAR TO ADVANCE THE PURPOSES OF THE RYAN WHITE PROGRAM; AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF ALL DOCUMENTS IN CONNECTION THEREWITH. BE IT RESOLVED by the Metropolitan Council of the Parish of East Baton Rouge and City of Baton Rouge that: Section 1. The Mayor-President is hereby authorized to execute a subrecipient contract with Family Service of Greater Baton Rouge in the amount of $364,000.00 under the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program, for the grant period March 1, 2015 through February 29, 2016 and to amend the subrecipient contract if additional funding becomes available; and authorizing the Director of the DHDS to adjust the subrecipient contract budget and reallocate funding between service providers during the course of the program year to advance the purposes of the Ryan White program; and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith. Section 2. Said agreement shall be approved by the Grants and Contract Review Committee and the Office of the Parish Attorney as to form and legality. The Presiding Officer announced that a public hearing on the above resolution was in order at this time. A motion was made by Mr. Loupe and seconded by Ms. Marcelle that the above resolution be adopted. A “Yea” and “Nay” vote was called for and resulted as follows: “Yeas”: Messrs. Wilson, Loupe, Amoroso, Boe, Heck, and Delgado Mmes. Banks-Daniel, Edwards, Collins-Lewis, Marcelle, and Wicker “Nays”: None. Absent: Mr. Welch. 11 yeas, 0 nays, 1 absent and the motion was adopted. ................. 56 March 25, 2015 The following proposed resolution was introduced by Mr. Amoroso and read in full at the regular meeting of the Council on March 11, 2015, and a public hearing called thereon for this meeting March 25, 2015 was read in full for a second time: RESOLUTION 51394 AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR-PRESIDENT TO EXECUTE A SUBRECIPIENT CONTRACT WITH CRESCENT CARE HEALTH IN THE AMOUNT OF $77,625.00 UNDER THE RYAN WHITE HIV/AIDS PROGRAM, FOR THE GRANT PERIOD MARCH 1, 2015 THROUGH FEBRUARY 29, 2016 AND TO AMEND THE SUBRECIPIENT CONTRACT IF ADDITIONAL FUNDING BECOMES AVAILABLE; AND AUTHORIZING THE DIRECTOR OF THE DHDS TO ADJUST THE SUBRECIPIENT CONTRACT BUDGET AND REALLOCATE FUNDING BETWEEN SERVICE PROVIDERS DURING THE COURSE OF THE PROGRAM YEAR TO ADVANCE THE PURPOSES OF THE RYAN WHITE PROGRAM; AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF ALL DOCUMENTS IN CONNECTION THEREWITH. BE IT RESOLVED by the Metropolitan Council of the Parish of East Baton Rouge and City of Baton Rouge that: Section 1. The Mayor-President is hereby authorized to execute a subrecipient contract with Crescent Care Health in the amount of $77,625.00 under the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program, for the grant period March 1, 2015 through February 29, 2016 and to amend the subrecipient contract if additional funding becomes available; and authorizing the Director of the DHDS to adjust the subrecipient contract budget and reallocate funding between service providers during the course of the program year to advance the purposes of the Ryan White program; and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith. Section 2. Said agreement shall be approved by the Grants and Contract Review Committee and the Office of the Parish Attorney as to form and legality. The Presiding Officer announced that a public hearing on the above resolution was in order at this time. A motion was made by Mr. Loupe and seconded by Ms. Marcelle that the above resolution be adopted. A “Yea” and “Nay” vote was called for and resulted as follows: “Yeas”: Messrs. Wilson, Loupe, Amoroso, Boe, Heck, and Delgado Mmes. Banks-Daniel, Edwards, Collins-Lewis, Marcelle, and Wicker “Nays”: None. Absent: Mr. Welch. 11 yeas, 0 nays, 1 absent and the motion was adopted. ................. 57 March 25, 2015 The following proposed resolution was introduced by Mr. Amoroso and read in full at the regular meeting of the Council on March 11, 2015, and a public hearing called thereon for this meeting March 25, 2015 was read in full for a second time: RESOLUTION 51395 AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR-PRESIDENT TO EXECUTE A SUBRECIPIENT CONTRACT WITH HIV/AIDS ALLIANCE FOR REGION 2 IN THE AMOUNT OF $415,888.00 UNDER THE RYAN WHITE HIV/AIDS PROGRAM, FOR THE GRANT PERIOD MARCH 1, 2015 THROUGH FEBRUARY 29, 2016 AND TO AMEND THE SUBRECIPIENT CONTRACT IF ADDITIONAL FUNDING BECOMES AVAILABLE; AND AUTHORIZING THE DIRECTOR OF THE DHDS TO ADJUST THE SUBRECIPIENT CONTRACT BUDGET AND REALLOCATE FUNDING BETWEEN SERVICE PROVIDERS DURING THE COURSE OF THE PROGRAM YEAR TO ADVANCE THE PURPOSES OF THE RYAN WHITE PROGRAM; AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF ALL DOCUMENTS IN CONNECTION THEREWITH. BE IT RESOLVED by the Metropolitan Council of the Parish of East Baton Rouge and City of Baton Rouge that: Section 1. The Mayor-President is hereby authorized to execute a subrecipient contract with HIV/AIDS Alliance for Region 2 in the amount of $415,888.00 under the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program, for the grant period March 1, 2015 through February 29, 2016 and to amend the subrecipient contract if additional funding becomes available; and authorizing the Director of the DHDS to adjust the subrecipient contract budget and reallocate funding between service providers during the course of the program year to advance the purposes of the Ryan White program; and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith. Section 2. Said agreement shall be approved by the Grants and Contract Review Committee and the Office of the Parish Attorney as to form and legality. The Presiding Officer announced that a public hearing on the above resolution was in order at this time. A motion was made by Mr. Loupe and seconded by Ms. Marcelle that the above resolution be adopted. A “Yea” and “Nay” vote was called for and resulted as follows: “Yeas”: Messrs. Wilson, Loupe, Amoroso, Boe, Heck, and Delgado Mmes. Banks-Daniel, Edwards, Collins-Lewis, Marcelle, and Wicker “Nays”: None. Absent: Mr. Welch. 11 yeas, 0 nays, 1 absent and the motion was adopted. ................. 58 March 25, 2015 The following proposed resolution was introduced by Mr. Amoroso and read in full at the regular meeting of the Council on March 11, 2015, and a public hearing called thereon for this meeting March 25, 2015 was read in full for a second time: RESOLUTION 51396 AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR-PRESIDENT TO EXECUTE A SUBRECIPIENT CONTRACT WITH OUR LADY OF THE LAKE, INC. IN THE AMOUNT OF $45,000.00 UNDER THE RYAN WHITE HIV/AIDS PROGRAM MINORITY AIDS INITIATIVE, FOR THE GRANT PERIOD MARCH 1, 2015 THROUGH FEBRUARY 29, 2016 AND TO AMEND THE SUBRECIPIENT CONTRACT IF ADDITIONAL FUNDING BECOMES AVAILABLE; AND AUTHORIZING THE DIRECTOR OF THE DHDS TO ADJUST THE SUBRECIPIENT CONTRACT BUDGET AND REALLOCATE FUNDING BETWEEN SERVICE PROVIDERS DURING THE COURSE OF THE PROGRAM YEAR TO ADVANCE THE PURPOSES OF THE RYAN WHITE PROGRAM; AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF ALL DOCUMENTS IN CONNECTION THEREWITH. BE IT RESOLVED by the Metropolitan Council of the Parish of East Baton Rouge and City of Baton Rouge that: Section 1. The Mayor-President is hereby authorized to execute a subrecipient contract with Our Lady of the Lake, Inc. in the amount of $45,000.00 under the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Minority AIDS Initiative, for the grant period March 1, 2015 through February 29, 2016 and to amend the subrecipient contract if additional funding becomes available; and authorizing the Director of the DHDS to adjust the subrecipient contract budget and reallocate funding between service providers during the course of the program year to advance the purposes of the Ryan White program; and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith. Section 2. Said agreement shall be approved by the Grants and Contract Review Committee and the Office of the Parish Attorney as to form and legality. The Presiding Officer announced that a public hearing on the above resolution was in order at this time. A motion was made by Mr. Loupe and seconded by Ms. Marcelle that the above resolution be adopted. A “Yea” and “Nay” vote was called for and resulted as follows: “Yeas”: Messrs. Wilson, Loupe, Amoroso, Boe, Heck, and Delgado Mmes. Banks-Daniel, Edwards, Collins-Lewis, Marcelle, and Wicker “Nays”: None. Absent: Mr. Welch. 11 yeas, 0 nays, 1 absent and the motion was adopted. ................. 59 March 25, 2015 The following proposed resolution was introduced by Mr. Amoroso and read in full at the regular meeting of the Council on March 11, 2015, and a public hearing called thereon for this meeting March 25, 2015 was read in full for a second time: RESOLUTION 51397 AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR-PRESIDENT TO ACCEPT FUNDING FROM THE US DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, HEALTH RESOURCES AND SERVICES ADMINISTRATION, ON BEHALF OF THE DIVISION OF HUMAN DEVELOPMENT AND SERVICES FOR THE RYAN WHITE HIV/AIDS PROGRAM WHICH INCLUDES PART A AND THE MINORITY AIDS INITIATIVE IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $4,406,960 FOR THE GRANT PERIOD OF MARCH 1, 2015 THROUGH FEBRUARY 29, 2016; AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF ALL DOCUMENTS IN CONNECTION THEREWITH. BE IT RESOLVED by the Metropolitan Council of the Parish of East Baton Rouge and City of Baton Rouge that: Section 1. The Mayor-President is hereby authorized to accept funding from the US Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration, on behalf of the Division of Human Development and Services for the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program which includes Part A and the Minority AIDS Initiative in an amount not to exceed $4,406,960 for the grant period of March 1, 2015 through February 29, 2016; and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith. Section 2. Said agreement shall be approved by the Grants and Contract Review Committee and the Office of the Parish Attorney as to form and legality. The Presiding Officer announced that a public hearing on the above resolution was in order at this time. A motion was made by Ms. Marcelle and seconded by Mr. Loupe that the above resolution be adopted. A “Yea” and “Nay” vote was called for and resulted as follows: “Yeas”: Messrs. Wilson, Loupe, Amoroso, Boe, Heck, and Delgado Mmes. Banks-Daniel, Edwards, Collins-Lewis, Marcelle, and Wicker “Nays”: None. Absent: Mr. Welch. 11 yeas, 0 nays, 1 absent and the motion was adopted. ................. 60 March 25, 2015 The following proposed ordinance was introduced by Mr. Amoroso and read in full at the regular meeting of the Council on March 11, 2015, and a public hearing called thereon for this meeting March 25, 2015 was read in full for a second time: ORDINANCE 15910 AUTHORIZING THE METROPOLITAN COUNCIL TO DECLARE THE PREVIOUSLY REVOKED ONE-HALF (½) RIGHT OF WAY OF LINK AVENUE OWNED BY THE CITY-PARISH, CONTAINING 0.089 ACRES OR 3,874 SQUARE FEET, MORE OR LESS, AS SURPLUS PROPERTY AND NOT NEEDED FOR A PUBLIC PURPOSE AND AUTHORIZING THE SAID SURPLUS PROPERTY TO BE TRANSFERRED AND/OR EXCHANGED UNTO CD/PARK7 BATON ROUGE OWNER, LLC, THROUGH CONSENT TO ASSIGNMENT AND AMENDMENT TO SERVITUDE AGREEMENT AND OTHER AGREEMENTS, AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR PRESIDENT TO EXECUTE SAID AGREEMENT, WITH SAID DOCUMENT AND ATTACHMENTS THERETO PREPARED BY AND/OR REVIEWED BY THE PARISH ATTORNEY'S OFFICE. WHEREAS, the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge owns property described as the previously revoked one-half (½) right of way of Link Avenue, containing 0.089 acres or 3,874 square feet, more or less; said property having been acquired by the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge when the right of way of Link Avenue was revoked, and WHEREAS, the Department of Public Works for the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge has recommended that this property be declared as surplus and no longer needed for public purpose, and WHEREAS, this Council is of the opinion that this property is surplus and no longer needed for public purpose and should transferred and/or exchanged pursuant to law: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Metropolitan Council of the Parish of East Baton Rouge and City of Baton Rouge that: Section 1. That the immovable property described as the previously revoked one-half (½) right of way of Link Avenue owned by the City-Parish, containing 0.089 acres or 3,874 square feet, more or less, be declared as surplus and no longer needed for public purpose. Section 2. That the immovable property described as the previously revoked one-half (½) right of way of Link Avenue owned by the City-Parish, containing 0.089 acres or 3,874 square feet, more or less, be transferred and/or exchanged unto CD/Park7 Baton Rouge Owner, LLC, through Consent to Assignment and Amendment to Servitude Agreement and Other Agreements, with said document and attachments thereto prepared by and/or reviewed by the Parish Attorney's Office. Section 3. That the Mayor President is hereby authorized to execute the Consent to Assignment and Amendment to Servitude Agreement and Other Agreements. 61 March 25, 2015 The Presiding Officer announced that a public hearing on the above ordinance was in order at this time. A motion was made by Mr. Delgado and seconded by Ms. Marcelle that the above ordinance be adopted. A “Yea” and “Nay” vote was called for and resulted as follows: “Yeas”: Messrs. Wilson, Loupe, Amoroso, Boe, and Delgado Mmes. Banks-Daniel, Edwards, Collins-Lewis, Marcelle, and Wicker “Nays”: None. Absent: Messrs. Welch and Heck. 10 yeas, 0 nays, 2 absent and the motion was adopted. ................. The following proposed ordinance was introduced by Mr. Amoroso and read in full at the regular meeting of the Council on March 11, 2015, and a public hearing called thereon for this meeting March 25, 2015 was read in full for a second time: ORDINANCE 15911 AMENDING THE 2015 ALLOTMENT OF POSITIONS FOR THE CITY OF BATON ROUGE AND PARISH OF EAST BATON ROUGE, AS MAY BE AMENDED, SO AS TO ELIMINATE THE ALLOTMENT OF THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS, AND ADD ALLOTMENTS FOR SIX NEW DEPARTMENTS AND THE OFFICE OF BUSINESS OPERATIONS AND CAPITAL PROGRAMS, AS SHOWN IN ATTACHMENT A, EFFECTIVE APRIL 18, 2015. BE IT ORDAINED by the Metropolitan Council of the Parish of East Baton Rouge and City of Baton Rouge that the 2015 allotment of positions for classified, non-classified, Fire and Police, and unclassified employees of the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge, as adopted by the Council on December 9, 2014, by Ordinance 15844, is hereby amended so as to eliminate the allotment of the Department of Public Works, and add allotments for six new departments and the Office of Business Operations and Capital Programs, as shown in Attachment A, and further authorizing the transfer of personnel allotments between departments as needed through 12/31/15 for necessary changes that may arise during the transitional period; effective April 18, 2015. The Presiding Officer announced that a public hearing on the above ordinance was in order at this time. A motion was made by Mr. Delgado and seconded by Mr. Loupe that the above ordinance be adopted. A “Yea” and “Nay” vote was called for and resulted as follows: “Yeas”: Messrs. Wilson, Loupe, Amoroso, Boe, and Delgado Mmes. Banks-Daniel, Edwards, Collins-Lewis, Marcelle, and Wicker “Nays”: None. Absent: Messrs. Welch and Heck. 10 yeas, 0 nays, 2 absent and the motion was adopted. ................. 62 March 25, 2015 The following proposed ordinance was introduced by Mr. Amoroso and read in full at the regular meeting of the Council on March 11, 2015, and a public hearing called thereon for this meeting March 25, 2015 was read in full for a second time: ORDINANCE 15912 AMENDING THE 2015 PAY PLAN FOR THE CLASSIFIED, UNCLASSIFIED, NON-CLASSIFIED AND FIRE AND POLICE EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY OF BATON ROUGE AND PARISH OF EAST BATON ROUGE, ADOPTED BY ORDINANCE 15843, DATED 12/9/2014, AS MAY BE AMENDED; AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PLAN OF GOVERNMENT PROPOSITION TO REORGANIZE THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS APPROVED BY THE VOTERS ON DECEMBER 6, 2014, ESTABLISHING THE IMPLEMENTATION PROCEDURES FOR THE RE O RG A NI ZA T I O N; A ND AUTHORIZI NG T HE REALIGNMENT OF FUNDS FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS TO THE SIX NEW DEPARTMENTS AND THE OFFICE OF BUSINESS OPERATIONS AND CAPITAL PROGRAMS, SO AS TO ADD THE FOLLOWING POSITIONS AND PAY GRADE CHANGES EFFECTIVE DATE OF APRIL 18, 2015: ADD ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DIRECTOR (UNCL), TRANSPORTATION & DRAINAGE DIRECTOR (UNCL), MAINTENANCE DIRECTOR (UNCL), BUILDINGS & GROUNDS DIRECTOR (UNCL), DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR (UNCL), FLEET MANAGEMENT DIRECTOR (UNCL), CHIEF DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION ENGINEER, CHIEF ARCHITECT, DRAINAGE MAINTENANCE MANAGER, SANITATION MANAGER, AND SENIOR TRADES SPECIALIST; AND CHANGE THE PAY GRADE FOR THE TRADES SPECIALIST FROM 1150 TO 1160. BE IT ORDAINED by the Metropolitan Council of the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge that the 2015 Pay Plan for classified, unclassified, nonclassified and Fire and Police employees of the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge, as adopted by the Council on December 9, 2014, by Ordinance 15843, as may be amended; and in accordance with the Plan of Government proposition to reorganize the Department of Public Works approved by the voters on December 6, 2014, establishing the implementation procedures for the reorganization; and authorizing the realignment of funds from the Department of Public Works to the six new departments and the Office of Business Operations and Capital Programs, and further authorizing the transfer of funds and personnel allotments between departments as needed through 12/31/15 for necessary changes that may arise during the transitional period; is hereby amended so as to make the following changes, establishing the effective date of April 18, 2015: 63 March 25, 2015 JOB CODE CLASSIFICATION PAYGRADE ADD 330080 Environmental Services Director (Uncl) 2360 330110 Transportation & Drainage Director (Uncl) 2360 330100 Maintenance Director (Uncl) 2350 330060 Buildings & Grounds Director (Uncl) 2330 330070 Development Director (Uncl) 2330 330090 Fleet Management Director (Uncl) 2310 101528 Chief Design & Construction Engineer 2330 101185 Chief Architect 2320 108400 Drainage Maintenance Manager 2310 120545 Sanitation Manager 2290 151270 Senior Trades Specialist 1180 CHANGE FROM PAY GRADE TO PAY GRADE 1150 1160 Trades Specialist 151265 The Presiding Officer announced that a public hearing on the above ordinance was in order at this time. A motion was made by Ms. Marcelle and seconded by Ms. Wicker that the above ordinance be adopted. A “Yea” and “Nay” vote was called for and resulted as follows: “Yeas”: Messrs. Welch, Wilson, Loupe, Amoroso, Boe, Heck, and Delgado Mmes. Banks-Daniel, Collins-Lewis, Marcelle, and Wicker “Nays”: None. Absent: Ms. Edwards. 11 yeas, 0 nays, 1 absent, and the motion was adopted. ................. 64 March 25, 2015 The following proposed ordinance was introduced by Mr. Amoroso and read in full at the regular meeting of the Council on March 11, 2015, and a public hearing called thereon for this meeting March 25, 2015 was read in full for a second time: ORDINANCE 15913 ADOPTING THE REVISED 2015 PAY PLAN FOR THE CLASSIFIED, UNCLASSIFIED, NON-CLASSIFIED, FIRE AND POLICE EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY OF BATON ROUGE AND PARISH OF EAST BATON ROUGE, IN FURTHERANCE WITH THE RECOMMENDATIONS FROM THE FINANCE AND HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENTS AND CONTINGENT UPON APPROVAL OF REVISIONS TO THE RULES GOVERNING EMPLOYEES IN THE CLASSIFIED SERVICE OF THE CITY-PARISH AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR-PRESIDENT TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT CONTINGENT UPON UNION MEMBERSHIP APPROVAL WITH BATON ROUGE FIRE FIGHTERS' LOCAL 557, INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF FIRE FIGHTERS AFL-CIO, BATON ROUGE UNION OF POLICE LOCAL 237, I.U.P. A. AFL-CIO, LOCAL 21LA SERVICE EMPLOYEES INTERNATIONAL UNION AND BATON ROUGE METRO AIRPORT POLICE/ARFF UNION, LOCAL 2001, I.U.P.A. AFL-CIO, ESTABLISHING THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF APRIL 4, 2015; ESTABLISHING THE IMPLEMENTATION PROCEDURES AS RECOMMENDED BY THE FINANCE AND HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENTS; AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH. THE ANNUAL COST FOR THE PAY PLAN ADJUSTMENTS IS APPROXIMATELY $6.6 MILLION. APPROVAL IS HEREBY REQUESTED TO APPROPRIATE $2,626,020 ON BUDGET SUPPLEMENT #8423 FOR A PORTION OF THE 2015 COST OF IMPLEMENTING THE REVISED PAY PLAN. THE BALANCE OF THE COST FOR 2015 OF $2,299,050 WILL BE FUNDED THROUGH EXISTING APPROPRIATIONS; AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH. BE IT ORDAINED by the Metropolitan Council of the Parish of East Baton Rouge and City of Baton Rouge that: Section 1. The 2015 pay plan establishing the salary range for each class of position in the Classified, Unclassified, Contract, Fire and Police Employees of the City of Baton Rouge and the Parish of East Baton Rouge is hereby revised as per the attached schedule, in accordance with the recommendations of the Finance and Human Resources departments and contingent upon approval of revisions to the Rules Governing Employees in the Classified Service of the City-Parish is hereby approved, as indicated on the attached schedule, and said pay plan is hereby declared to include the salary ranges for each class of position of said employees of the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge, to remain in effect until modified or changed by ordinances of this Council. 65 March 25, 2015 Section 2. The Mayor-President is hereby authorized to execute a contract contingent upon Union membership approval with Baton Rouge Fire Fighters' Local 557, International Association of Fire Fighters AFL-CIO, Baton Rouge Union of Police Local 237, I.U.P. A. AFL-CIO, Local 21LA Service Employees International Union and Baton Rouge Metro Airport Police/ARFF Union, Local 2001, I.U.P.A. AFL-CIO. Section 3. The pay plan hereby adopted shall be effective April 4, 2015. Section 4. The implementation procedures recommended by the Finance and Human Resources Departments are hereby established. Section 5. The annual cost for the pay plan adjustments is approximately $6,600,000 hereby requesting to appropriate $2,626,020 on Budget Supplement 8423 for a portion of the 2015 cost of implementing the revised pay plan. The balance of the cost for 2015 of $2,299,050 will be funded through existing appropriations Section 6. The Mayor-President is hereby authorized to amend 2015 budgets to reflect rates of pay set forth in the attachments hereto. Section 7. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. The Presiding Officer announced that a public hearing on the above ordinance was in order at this time. Herman Addison appeared in opposition of this item and discussion was held. A motion was made by Ms. Marcelle and seconded by Ms. Wicker that the above ordinance be adopted contingent on being signed. A “Yea” and “Nay” vote was called for and resulted as follows: “Yeas”: Messrs. Welch, Wilson, Loupe, Amoroso, Boe, Heck, and Delgado Mmes. Banks-Daniel, Collins-Lewis, Marcelle, and Wicker “Nays”: None. Absent: Ms. Edwards. 11 yeas, 0 nays, 1 absent, and the motion was adopted. ................. 66 March 25, 2015 The following proposed resolution was introduced by Mr. Amoroso and read in full at the regular meeting of the Council on March 11, 2015, and a public hearing called thereon for this meeting March 25, 2015 was read in full for a second time: RESOLUTION 51398 DIRECTING THE BOARD FOR THE EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT SYSTEM OF THE CITY OF BATON ROUGE AND PARISH OF EAST BATON ROUGE TO PREPARE THE AMENDMENTS TO TITLE 1, CHAPTER 3, PART IV OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES TO MAKE THE FOLLOWING CHANGES FOR MEMBERS HIRED ON OR AFTER JULY 1, 2015: (1) SERVICE RETIREMENT ALLOWANCE FOR 25 YEARS OR MORE, MINIMUM AGE OF 50 FOR PUBLIC SAFETY MEMBERS AND 55 FOR NON-PUBLIC SAFETY MEMBERS, 3% OF AVERAGE COMPENSATION FOR EACH YEAR OF SERVICE, MAXIMUM OF 90% OF AVERAGE COMPENSATION; (2) SERVICE RETIREMENT FOR 20 YEARS OR MORE BUT LESS THAN 25 YEARS, UNDER AGE 50 FOR PUBLIC SAFETY EMPLOYEES, UNDER AGE 55 NON-PUBLIC SAFETY MEMBERS, 2.5% OF AVERAGE COMPENSATION FOR EACH YEAR OF SERVICE, LESS AN ACTUARIALLY COMPUTED AGE PENALTY; (3) SERVICE RETIREMENT WITH 10 YEARS OF SERVICE OR MORE, MINIMUM AGE OF 55 FOR PUBLIC SAFETY MEMBERS, MINIMUM AGE OF 60 FOR NON-PUBLIC SAFETY MEMBERS, 2.5% OF AVERAGE COMPENSATION FOR EACH YEAR OF SERVICE; (4) SERVICE RETIREMENT FOR 10 YEARS OR MORE, BUT LESS THAN 25 YEARS, UNDER AGE 55 FOR PUBLIC SAFETY MEMBERS, UNDER AGE 60 FOR NON-PUBLIC SAFETY MEMBERS, 2.5% OF AVERAGE COMPENSATION FOR EACH YEAR OF SERVICE UPON ATTAINING AGE 55 OR 60; (5) REQUIRE THE PURCHASE OF ALL SPOUSAL BENEFITS; AND (6) CHANGE THE CALCULATION OF AVERAGE COMPENSATION FROM 36 SUCCESSIVE MONTHS TO 60 SUCCESSIVE MONTHS. MEMBERS HIRED ON OR AFTER JULY 1, 2015 WILL NO LONGER BE ELIGIBLE FOR THE SERVICE RETIREMENT ALLOWANCES IN THE CURRENT ORDINANCE. THE ORDINANCE AMENDMENTS SHALL BE MADE AVAILABLE FOR INTRODUCTION AT THE MAY 27TH COUNCIL MEETING. 67 March 25, 2015 BE IT ORDAINED that the Metropolitan Council of the Parish of East Baton Rouge and City of Baton Rouge does hereby direct the Board for the Employees' Retirement System of the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge to prepare the amendments to Title 1, Chapter 3, Part IV of The Code of Ordinances to make the following changes for members hired on or after July 1, 2015: (1) service retirement allowance for 25 years or more, minimum age of 50 for public safety members and 55 for non-public safety members, 3% of average compensation for each year of service, maximum of 90% of average compensation; (2) service retirement for 20 years or more but less than 25 years, under age 50 for public safety employees, under age 55 non-public safety members, 2.5% of average compensation for each year of service, less an actuarially computed age penalty; (3) service retirement with 10 years of service or more, minimum age of 55 for public safety members, minimum age of 60 for non-public safety members, 2.5% of average compensation for each year of service; (4) service retirement for 10 years or more, but less than 25 years, under age 55 for public safety members, under age 60 for non-public safety members, 2.5% of average compensation for each year of service upon attaining age 55 or 60; (5) require the purchase of all spousal benefits; and (6) change the calculation of average compensation from 36 successive months to 60 successive months. Members hired on or after July 1, 2015 will no longer be eligible for the service retirement allowances in the current ordinance. The ordinance amendments shall be made available for introduction at the May 27th Council Meeting. The Presiding Officer announced that a public hearing on the above resolution was in order at this time. A motion was made by Ms. Marcelle and seconded by Ms. Wicker that the above resolution be adopted. A “Yea” and “Nay” vote was called for and resulted as follows: “Yeas”: Messrs. Welch, Wilson, Loupe, Amoroso, Boe, Heck, and Delgado Mmes. Banks-Daniel, Collins-Lewis, Marcelle, and Wicker “Nays”: None. Absent: Ms. Edwards. 11 yeas, 0 nays, 1 absent, and the motion was adopted. ................. The following proposed ordinance was introduced by Mr. Amoroso and read in full at the regular meeting of the Council on March 11, 2015, and a public hearing called thereon for this meeting March 25, 2015 was read in full for a second time: ORDINANCE 15914 AMENDING TITLE 1 (MUNICIPAL & PARISH ORGANIZATION),CHAPTER 3 (PERSONNEL), OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF BATON ROUGE AND PARISH OF EAST BATON ROUGE, SO AS TO AMEND SECTION 1:233 TO LIMIT LONGEVITY PAY TO THE DESIGNATED ELECTED OFFICIALS AND DELETE SECTIONS 1:234, 235 and 236. BE IT ORDAINED by the Metropolitan Council of the Parish of East Baton Rouge and City of Baton Rouge that: 68 March 25, 2015 Section 1. Title 1, Chapter 3, of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge is hereby amended so as to read as follows: “CHAPTER 3. - PERSONNEL” **** “PART III. - VACATIONS AND SICK LEAVE” **** “Sec. 1:233. - Longevity benefits for designated elected officials (a) The persons in the positions of Mayor-President and Constable as of April 4, 2015 shall receive longevity under the following schedule: (1) (2) (b) The designated elected official with a total of ten (10) years of service shall receive longevity pay at the rate of five (5) percent of that official's current base rate of pay; An additional one (1) percent shall be granted for each of service thereafter up to a maximum of twenty (20) percent. The director of finance and the personnel administrator shall certify the eligibility of the designated elected official for benefits, and the payment of such benefits shall be in addition to the current base rate of pay of any such elected official.” **** Section 2. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. The Presiding Officer announced that a public hearing on the above ordinance was in order at this time. A motion was made by Ms. Marcelle and seconded by Mr. Amoroso that the above ordinance be adopted. A “Yea” and “Nay” vote was called for and resulted as follows: “Yeas”: Messrs. Welch, Wilson, Loupe, Amoroso, Heck, and Delgado Mmes. Banks-Daniel, Collins-Lewis, Marcelle, and Wicker “Nays”: None. Absent: Ms. Edwards and Mr. Boe. 10 yeas, 0 nays, 2 absent, and the motion was adopted. ................. 69 March 25, 2015 The following proposed resolution was introduced by Mr. Amoroso and read in full at the regular meeting of the Council on March 11, 2015, and a public hearing called thereon for this meeting March 25, 2015 was read in full for a second time: RESOLUTION 51399 AMENDING THE RULES GOVERNING EMPLOYEES IN THE CLASSIFIED SERVICE OF THE CITY-PARISH SO AS TO RATIFY PERSONNEL BOARD ACTION ON MARCH 24, 2015, RELATED TO RULE IV. PAY PLAN, RULE IX. HOURS OF WORK, VACATION TIME, AND LEAVES OF ABSENCE, AND RULE XV. LONGEVITY, CONTINGENT ON THE ADOPTION OF THE REVISED 2015 PAY PLAN FOR THE CLASSIFIED, UNCLASSIFIED, NON-CLASSIFIED, FIRE AND POLICE EMPLOYEES, EFFECTIVE APRIL 4, 2015. BE IT RESOLVED by the Metropolitan Council of the Parish of East Baton Rouge and City of Baton Rouge that: Section 1. The action taken by the Personnel Board at it's meeting of March 24, 2015, amending the Rules Governing Employees in the Classified Service of the City-Parish, related to Rule IV. Pay Plan, Rule IX. Hours of Work, Vacation Time, and Leaves of Absence, and Rule XV. Longevity, contingent on the adoption of the revised 2015 pay plan for the classified, unclassified, non-classified, Fire and Police employees, is hereby ratified. Section 2. Said amendment shall be effective as of April 4, 2015. The Presiding Officer announced that a public hearing on the above resolution was in order at this time. A motion was made by Ms. Marcelle and seconded by Mr. Amoroso that the above resolution be adopted. A “Yea” and “Nay” vote was called for and resulted as follows: “Yeas”: Messrs. Welch, Wilson, Loupe, Amoroso, Heck, and Delgado Mmes. Banks-Daniel, Collins-Lewis, Marcelle, and Wicker “Nays”: None. Absent: Ms. Edwards and Mr. Boe. 10 yeas, 0 nays, 2 absent, and the motion was adopted. ................. The following proposed ordinance was introduced by Mr. Amoroso and read in full at the regular meeting of the Council on March 11, 2015, and a public hearing called thereon for this meeting March 25, 2015 was read in full for a second time: ORDINANCE 15915 AUTHORIZING THE METROPOLITAN COUNCIL TO DECLARE LOT 34, SQUARE 48, GREENVILLE EXTENSION SUBDIVISION, NORTH 47TH STREET, PREVIOUSLY ADJUDICATED TO EAST BATON ROUGE PARISH, LOUISIANA SURPLUS PROPERTY AND TO AUTHORIZE THE SALE OF SAID LOT TO PECAN TREE HOLDINGS, HIS/HER AGENT OR ASSIGN FOR THE CONSIDERATION OF $200.00 CASH, OR TO THE HIGHEST OFFEROR WHO SUBMITS HIS/HER OFFER ALONG WITH A CERTIFIED CHECK OR MONEY ORDER IN THE AMOUNT OF $500.00. 70 March 25, 2015 WHEREAS, the Parish of East Baton Rouge owns property described as Lot 34, Square 48, Greenville Extension Subdivision, North 47th Street, said property having been adjudicated to the Parish for unpaid property taxes; and WHEREAS, the Department of Public Works for the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge has recommended that the property be declared surplus and no longer needed for public purposes; and WHEREAS, the Parish Attorney's Office has recommended that the property be sold in accordance with the provisions of Louisiana Revised Statutes 47:2196 et seq.; and WHEREAS, a request has been received by the Parish Attorney's Office from Pecan Tree Holdings, to purchase said property for the consideration of $200.00 cash, at the time of sale; and WHEREAS, no written opposition or higher offer has been filed with the Council Administrator's Office; and WHEREAS, this Council is of the opinion that this property is surplus and no longer needed for public purposes and that it would be in the public interest to convey the above mentioned property to Pecan Tree Holdings for the offered consideration. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Metropolitan Council of the Parish of East Baton Rouge and City of Baton Rouge that: Section 1. Lot 34, Square 48, Greenville Extension Subdivision, North 47th Street, East Baton Rouge Parish, Louisiana, is hereby declared to be surplus and no longer needed for a public purpose. Section 2. After the final adoption of this ordinance, the Mayor - President is authorized to execute an act of cash sale in which the Parish of East Baton Rouge conveys the above described property to Pecan Tree Holdings, or his/her agent or assign for and in consideration of $200.00. However, the Mayor- President shall not execute the act of cash sale until the Property Section of the Parish Attorney's office has certified that all proper notices have been given and that all legal delays have run. Section 3. Pursuant to La. R. S. 47:2206, the high bidder shall provide unto the Parish Attorney's Office the name, address, and any and all contact information for any and all interested parties in the chain of title of the property in question; that the Parish Attorney's Office shall then make the specific notice(s) required by La. R.S. 47:2206(A); that the Parish Attorney's Office shall caused to be published, in the official journal for the Metropolitan Council of the Parish of East Baton Rouge and the City of Baton Rouge, the written notice required by La. R. S. 47:2206(B); that the high bidder has, within thirty (30) days of the approval of his offer by the Metropolitan Council of the Parish of East Baton Rouge and the City of Baton Rouge, taken the steps outlined above and that failure to do so shall result in the revocation of the acceptance of the offer and forfeiture of the initial $500.00 payment; that after successfully completing the initial steps outlined above, that the high bidder shall then have thirty (30) days from the expiration of either the sixty (60) day or six (6) month periods, as outlined in La. R. S. 47:2206 (A) & (B), to send written notice to the Parish Attorney's Office that the high bidder is ready to perfect the sale agreement and close the sale; failure to do so shall result in the revocation of the acceptance of the offer and forfeiture of the initial $500.00 payment. 71 March 25, 2015 Section 4. Pursuant to La. R. S. 47:2207, and subsequent to having received written notice from the high bidder to proceed with the sale, the Parish Attorney's Office shall prepare, as soon as is reasonably practical, the sale document; that said sale document shall contain all non-warranties and provisions as detailed and described in La. R. S. 47: 2207 (A) and shall be in the form similar to that provided in La. R.S. 47:2207 (B); that after all parties have signed, the high bidder shall, that day, record the sale agreement with the Clerk and Recorder for East Baton Rouge Parish and shall be responsible for the cost of same; that the high bidder shall, that day, provide the Parish Attorney's office with a date stamped recorded copy of the sale agreement. Section 5. On the day of the closing of the sale, the high bidder shall record with the Recorder of Mortgages for the Parish of East Baton Rouge, State of Louisiana, pursuant to La. R.S. 47:2206 (c), a copy of the notices sent to the tax debtor or current owner, as well as the proof of publication and shall be responsible for the cost of same; that the high bidder shall, that day, provide the Parish Attorney with a date stamped recorded copy of said notices and proof of publication; Section 6. On the day of the closing, The Parish Attorney's Office shall provide the high bidder a copy of La. R. S. 47:2208 which concerns what additional steps the high bidder may elect to take regarding the title to the subject property; that the high bidder, should he elect to comply with the provisions of La. R. S. 47:2208, shall provide the Parish Attorney's Office with a date stamped recorded copy of that affidavit described in La. R. S. 47:2208 when/if recorded. Section 7. If all of the requirements of Section 2 are not completed in the time frames detailed therein, the Mayor-President's authority to execute an act of cash sale for this property shall cease and any and all rights of the purchaser to this property shall terminate.; that if the property is redeemed in accordance with law, the Mayor-President's authority to sell and the purchaser's rights to purchase the property shall terminate. Section 8. Once a bid has been accepted by the Metropolitan Council, no new bid of a lesser amount will be accepted from the high bidder if the sale is not completed. Section 9. This act of sale shall be without any warranty or recourse whatsoever (including warranty of title), even for the return of or any reduction in the purchase price, but with subrogation to all rights and actions of warranty Parish of East Baton Rouge may have, and such sale shall contain such warranty limitations and other provisions as are required by the Parish Attorney's Office. Said act of sale is to be subject to any and all servitudes and street and drainage rights of way as shown or dedicated on any recorded map, plat or survey or which has previously been granted or conveyed in favor of the Parish of East Baton Rouge, the City of Baton Rouge and/or the public. The Parish of East Baton Rouge shall reserve all oil, gas and other mineral rights in and to the property to be conveyed, but shall convey the surface rights of the said property. The Presiding Officer announced that a public hearing on the above ordinance was in order at this time. A motion was made by Ms. Collins-Lewis and seconded by Mr. Delgado that the above ordinance be adopted. A “Yea” and “Nay” vote was called for and resulted as follows: “Yeas”: Messrs. Boe, Loupe, Amoroso, and Delgado Mmes. Edwards, Banks-Daniel, Collins-Lewis, Marcelle, and Wicker “Nays”: None. Absent: Messrs. Welch, Wilson, and Heck. 9 yeas, 0 nays, 3 absent, and the motion was adopted. ................. 72 March 25, 2015 The following proposed ordinance was introduced by Mr. Amoroso and read in full at the regular meeting of the Council on March 11, 2015, and a public hearing called thereon for this meeting March 25, 2015 was read in full for a second time: ORDINANCE 15916 AUTHORIZING THE METROPOLITAN COUNCIL TO DECLARE LOT 344, GLEN OAKS SUBDIVISION, SUMRALL DRIVE, PREVIOUSLY ADJUDICATED TO EAST BATON ROUGE PARISH, LOUISIANA SURPLUS PROPERTY AND TO AUTHORIZE THE SALE OF SAID LOT TO DERRICK WISHAM, HIS/HER AGENT OR ASSIGN FOR THE CONSIDERATION OF $20,000.00 CASH, OR TO THE HIGHEST OFFEROR WHO SUBMITS HIS/HER OFFER ALONG WITH A CERTIFIED CHECK OR MONEY ORDER IN THE AMOUNT OF $500.00. WHEREAS, the Parish of East Baton Rouge owns property described as Lot 344, Glen Oaks Subdivision, Sumrall Drive, said property having been adjudicated to the Parish for unpaid property taxes; and WHEREAS, the Department of Public Works for the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge has recommended that the property be declared surplus and no longer needed for public purposes; and WHEREAS, the Parish Attorney's Office has recommended that the property be sold in accordance with the provisions of Louisiana Revised Statutes 47:2196 et seq.; and WHEREAS, a request has been received by the Parish Attorney's Office from Derrick Wisham, to purchase said property for the consideration of $20,000.00 cash, at the time of sale; and WHEREAS, no written opposition or higher offer has been filed with the Council Administrator's Office; and WHEREAS, this Council is of the opinion that this property is surplus and no longer needed for public purposes and that it would be in the public interest to convey the above mentioned property to Derrick Wisham for the offered consideration. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Metropolitan Council of the Parish of East Baton Rouge and City of Baton Rouge that: Section 1. Lot 344, Glen Oaks Subdivision, Sumrall Drive, East Baton Rouge Parish, Louisiana, is hereby declared to be surplus and no longer needed for a public purpose. Section 2. After the final adoption of this ordinance, the Mayor - President is authorized to execute an act of cash sale in which the Parish of East Baton Rouge conveys the above described property to Derrick Wisham, or his/her agent or assign for and in consideration of $20,000.00. However, the Mayor- President shall not execute the act of cash sale until the Property Section of the Parish Attorney's office has certified that all proper notices have been given and that all legal delays have run. 73 March 25, 2015 Section 3. Pursuant to La. R. S. 47:2206, the high bidder shall provide unto the Parish Attorney's Office the name, address, and any and all contact information for any and all interested parties in the chain of title of the property in question; that the Parish Attorney's Office shall then make the specific notice(s) required by La. R.S. 47:2206(A); that the Parish Attorney's Office shall caused to be published, in the official journal for the Metropolitan Council of the Parish of East Baton Rouge and the City of Baton Rouge, the written notice required by La. R. S. 47:2206(B); that the high bidder has, within thirty (30) days of the approval of his offer by the Metropolitan Council of the Parish of East Baton Rouge and the City of Baton Rouge, taken the steps outlined above and that failure to do so shall result in the revocation of the acceptance of the offer and forfeiture of the initial $20,000.00 payment; that after successfully completing the initial steps outlined above, that the high bidder shall then have thirty (30) days from the expiration of either the sixty (60) day or six (6) month periods, as outlined in La. R. S. 47:2206 (A) & (B), to send written notice to the Parish Attorney's Office that the high bidder is ready to perfect the sale agreement and close the sale; failure to do so shall result in the revocation of the acceptance of the offer and forfeiture of the initial $20,000.00 payment. Section 4. Pursuant to La. R. S. 47:2207, and subsequent to having received written notice from the high bidder to proceed with the sale, the Parish Attorney's Office shall prepare, as soon as is reasonably practical, the sale document; that said sale document shall contain all non-warranties and provisions as detailed and described in La. R. S. 47: 2207 (A) and shall be in the form similar to that provided in La. R.S. 47:2207 (B); that after all parties have signed, the high bidder shall, that day, record the sale agreement with the Clerk and Recorder for East Baton Rouge Parish and shall be responsible for the cost of same; that the high bidder shall, that day, provide the Parish Attorney's office with a date stamped recorded copy of the sale agreement. Section 5. On the day of the closing of the sale, the high bidder shall record with the Recorder of Mortgages for the Parish of East Baton Rouge, State of Louisiana, pursuant to La. R.S. 47:2206 (c), a copy of the notices sent to the tax debtor or current owner, as well as the proof of publication and shall be responsible for the cost of same; that the high bidder shall, that day, provide the Parish Attorney with a date stamped recorded copy of said notices and proof of publication; Section 6. On the day of the closing, The Parish Attorney's Office shall provide the high bidder a copy of La. R. S. 47:2208 which concerns what additional steps the high bidder may elect to take regarding the title to the subject property; that the high bidder, should he elect to comply with the provisions of La. R. S. 47:2208, shall provide the Parish Attorney's Office with a date stamped recorded copy of that affidavit described in La. R. S. 47:2208 when/if recorded. Section 7. If all of the requirements of Section 2 are not completed in the time frames detailed therein, the Mayor-President's authority to execute an act of cash sale for this property shall cease and any and all rights of the purchaser to this property shall terminate.; that if the property is redeemed in accordance with law, the Mayor-President's authority to sell and the purchaser's rights to purchase the property shall terminate. Section 8. Once a bid has been accepted by the Metropolitan Council, no new bid of a lesser amount will be accepted from the high bidder if the sale is not completed. 74 March 25, 2015 Section 9. This act of sale shall be without any warranty or recourse whatsoever (including warranty of title), even for the return of or any reduction in the purchase price, but with subrogation to all rights and actions of warranty Parish of East Baton Rouge may have, and such sale shall contain such warranty limitations and other provisions as are required by the Parish Attorney's Office. Said act of sale is to be subject to any and all servitudes and street and drainage rights of way as shown or dedicated on any recorded map, plat or survey or which has previously been granted or conveyed in favor of the Parish of East Baton Rouge, the City of Baton Rouge and/or the public. The Parish of East Baton Rouge shall reserve all oil, gas and other mineral rights in and to the property to be conveyed, but shall convey the surface rights of the said property. The Presiding Officer announced that a public hearing on the above ordinance was in order at this time. A motion was made by Ms. Collins-Lewis and seconded by Mr. Delgado that the above ordinance be adopted. A “Yea” and “Nay” vote was called for and resulted as follows: “Yeas”: Messrs. Boe, Loupe, Amoroso, and Delgado Mmes. Edwards, Banks-Daniel, Collins-Lewis, Marcelle, and Wicker “Nays”: None. Absent: Messrs. Welch, Wilson, and Heck. 9 yeas, 0 nays, 3 absent, and the motion was adopted. ................. The following proposed ordinance was introduced by Mr. Amoroso and read in full at the regular meeting of the Council on March 11, 2015, and a public hearing called thereon for this meeting March 25, 2015 was read in full for a second time: Lot 13, East Fairlane 5751 Hartford Avenue Metro Council District Initial Bid Amount Advanced costs required (certified funds) Appraised Value Taxes Due Real Estate Referral Service of Louisiana, LLC 05 - Edwards $ 100.00 $ 500.00 $ 36,500.00 $ 19,506.59 The presiding officer announced that a public hearing on the above ordinance was in order at this time. There being no interested citizens appearing either for or against said ordinance, a motion was made by Mr. Loupe and seconded by Ms. Marcelle that the above proposed ordinance be deleted. A “Yea” and “Nay” vote was called for and resulted as follows: “Yeas”: Messrs. Boe, Loupe, Amoroso, and Delgado Mmes. Edwards, Banks-Daniel, Collins-Lewis, Marcelle, and Wicker “Nays”: None. Absent: Messrs. Welch, Wilson, and Heck. 9 yeas, 0 nays, 3 absent, and the motion to delete was adopted. ................. 75 March 25, 2015 The following proposed ordinance was introduced by Mr. Amoroso and read in full at the regular meeting of the Council on March 11, 2015, and a public hearing called thereon for this meeting March 25, 2015 was read in full for a second time: ORDINANCE 15917 AUTHORIZING THE METROPOLITAN COUNCIL TO DECLARE LOT 53, EAST FAIRLANE SUBDIVISION, HARTFORD AVENUE, PREVIOUSLY ADJUDICATED TO EAST BATON ROUGE PARISH, LOUISIANA SURPLUS PROPERTY AND TO AUTHORIZE THE SALE OF SAID LOT TO REAL ESTATE REFERRAL SERVICE OF LOUISIANA, L.L.C., HIS/HER AGENT OR ASSIGN FOR THE CONSIDERATION OF $100.00 CASH, OR TO THE HIGHEST OFFEROR WHO SUBMITS HIS/HER OFFER ALONG WITH A CERTIFIED CHECK OR MONEY ORDER IN THE AMOUNT OF $500.00. WHEREAS, the Parish of East Baton Rouge owns property described as Lot 53, East Fairlane Subdivision, Hartford Avenue, said property having been adjudicated to the Parish for unpaid property taxes; and WHEREAS, the Department of Public Works for the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge has recommended that the property be declared surplus and no longer needed for public purposes; and WHEREAS, the Parish Attorney's Office has recommended that the property be sold in accordance with the provisions of Louisiana Revised Statutes 47:2196 et seq.; and WHEREAS, a request has been received by the Parish Attorney's Office from Real Estate Referral Service of Louisiana, L.L.C., to purchase said property for the consideration of $100.00 cash, at the time of sale; and WHEREAS, no written opposition or higher offer has been filed with the Council Administrator's Office; and WHEREAS, this Council is of the opinion that this property is surplus and no longer needed for public purposes and that it would be in the public interest to convey the above mentioned property to Real Estate Referral Service of Louisiana, L.L.C. for the offered consideration. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Metropolitan Council of the Parish of East Baton Rouge and City of Baton Rouge that: Section 1. Lot 53, East Fairlane Subdivision, Hartford Avenue, East Baton Rouge Parish, Louisiana, is hereby declared to be surplus and no longer needed for a public purpose. Section 2. After the final adoption of this ordinance, the Mayor - President is authorized to execute an act of cash sale in which the Parish of East Baton Rouge conveys the above described property to Real Estate Referral Service of Louisiana, L.L.C., or his/her agent or assign for and in consideration of $100.00. However, the Mayor- President shall not execute the act of cash sale until the Property Section of the Parish Attorney's office has certified that all proper notices have been given and that all legal delays have run. 76 March 25, 2015 Section 3. Pursuant to La. R. S. 47:2206, the high bidder shall provide unto the Parish Attorney's Office the name, address, and any and all contact information for any and all interested parties in the chain of title of the property in question; that the Parish Attorney's Office shall then make the specific notice(s) required by La. R.S. 47:2206(A); that the Parish Attorney's Office shall caused to be published, in the official journal for the Metropolitan Council of the Parish of East Baton Rouge and the City of Baton Rouge, the written notice required by La. R. S. 47:2206(B); that the high bidder has, within thirty (30) days of the approval of his offer by the Metropolitan Council of the Parish of East Baton Rouge and the City of Baton Rouge, taken the steps outlined above and that failure to do so shall result in the revocation of the acceptance of the offer and forfeiture of the initial $500.00 payment; that after successfully completing the initial steps outlined above, that the high bidder shall then have thirty (30) days from the expiration of either the sixty (60) day or six (6) month periods, as outlined in La. R. S. 47:2206 (A) & (B), to send written notice to the Parish Attorney's Office that the high bidder is ready to perfect the sale agreement and close the sale; failure to do so shall result in the revocation of the acceptance of the offer and forfeiture of the initial $500.00 payment. Section 4. Pursuant to La. R. S. 47:2207, and subsequent to having received written notice from the high bidder to proceed with the sale, the Parish Attorney's Office shall prepare, as soon as is reasonably practical, the sale document; that said sale document shall contain all non-warranties and provisions as detailed and described in La. R. S. 47: 2207 (A) and shall be in the form similar to that provided in La. R.S. 47:2207 (B); that after all parties have signed, the high bidder shall, that day, record the sale agreement with the Clerk and Recorder for East Baton Rouge Parish and shall be responsible for the cost of same; that the high bidder shall, that day, provide the Parish Attorney's office with a date stamped recorded copy of the sale agreement. Section 5. On the day of the closing of the sale, the high bidder shall record with the Recorder of Mortgages for the Parish of East Baton Rouge, State of Louisiana, pursuant to La. R.S. 47:2206 (c), a copy of the notices sent to the tax debtor or current owner, as well as the proof of publication and shall be responsible for the cost of same; that the high bidder shall, that day, provide the Parish Attorney with a date stamped recorded copy of said notices and proof of publication; Section 6. On the day of the closing, The Parish Attorney's Office shall provide the high bidder a copy of La. R. S. 47:2208 which concerns what additional steps the high bidder may elect to take regarding the title to the subject property; that the high bidder, should he elect to comply with the provisions of La. R. S. 47:2208, shall provide the Parish Attorney's Office with a date stamped recorded copy of that affidavit described in La. R. S. 47:2208 when/if recorded. Section 7. If all of the requirements of Section 2 are not completed in the time frames detailed therein, the Mayor-President's authority to execute an act of cash sale for this property shall cease and any and all rights of the purchaser to this property shall terminate.; that if the property is redeemed in accordance with law, the Mayor-President's authority to sell and the purchaser's rights to purchase the property shall terminate. Section 8. Once a bid has been accepted by the Metropolitan Council, no new bid of a lesser amount will be accepted from the high bidder if the sale is not completed. 77 March 25, 2015 Section 9. This act of sale shall be without any warranty or recourse whatsoever (including warranty of title), even for the return of or any reduction in the purchase price, but with subrogation to all rights and actions of warranty Parish of East Baton Rouge may have, and such sale shall contain such warranty limitations and other provisions as are required by the Parish Attorney's Office. Said act of sale is to be subject to any and all servitudes and street and drainage rights of way as shown or dedicated on any recorded map, plat or survey or which has previously been granted or conveyed in favor of the Parish of East Baton Rouge, the City of Baton Rouge and/or the public. The Parish of East Baton Rouge shall reserve all oil, gas and other mineral rights in and to the property to be conveyed, but shall convey the surface rights of the said property. The presiding officer announced that a public hearing on the above ordinance was in order at this time. There being no interested citizens appearing either for or against said ordinance, a motion was made by Mr. Loupe and seconded by Ms. Marcelle that the above proposed ordinance be adopted. A “Yea” and “Nay” vote was called for and resulted as follows: “Yeas”: Messrs. Boe, Loupe, Amoroso, and Delgado Mmes. Edwards, Banks-Daniel, Collins-Lewis, Marcelle, and Wicker “Nays”: None. Absent: Messrs. Welch, Wilson, and Heck. 9 yeas, 0 nays, 3 absent, and the motion was adopted. ................. The following proposed ordinance was introduced by Mr. Amoroso and read in full at the regular meeting of the Council on March 11, 2015, and a public hearing called thereon for this meeting March 25, 2015 was read in full for a second time: Lot 130, East Fairlane 5925 Nashville Metro Council District Initial Bid Amount Advanced costs required (certified funds) Appraised Value Taxes Due Real Estate Referral Service of Louisiana, LLC 05- Edwards $ 100.00 $ 500.00 $ 70,000.00 $ 38,555.26 The presiding officer announced that a public hearing on the above ordinance was in order at this time. There being no interested citizens appearing either for or against said ordinance, a motion was made by Mr. Loupe and seconded by Ms. Marcelle that the above proposed ordinance be deleted. A “Yea” and “Nay” vote was called for and resulted as follows: “Yeas”: Messrs. Boe, Loupe, Amoroso, and Delgado Mmes. Edwards, Banks-Daniel, Collins-Lewis, Marcelle, and Wicker “Nays”: None. Absent: Messrs. Welch, Wilson, and Heck. 9 yeas, 0 nays, 3 absent, and the motion was adopted. ................. 78 March 25, 2015 The following proposed ordinance was introduced by Mr. Amoroso and read in full at the regular meeting of the Council on March 11, 2015, and a public hearing called thereon for this meeting March 25, 2015 was read in full for a second time: ORDINANCE 15918 AUTHORIZING THE METROPOLITAN COUNCIL TO DECLARE LOT A, EVERGREEN HILLS SUBDIVISION, BRISTLECONE DRIVE, PREVIOUSLY ADJUDICATED TO EAST BATON ROUGE PARISH, LOUISIANA SURPLUS PROPERTY AND TO AUTHORIZE THE SALE OF SAID LOT TO REAL ESTATE REFERRAL SERVICE OF LOUISIANA, L.L.C., HIS/HER AGENT OR ASSIGN FOR THE CONSIDERATION OF $100.00 CASH, OR TO THE HIGHEST OFFEROR WHO SUBMITS HIS/HER OFFER ALONG WITH A CERTIFIED CHECK OR MONEY ORDER IN THE AMOUNT OF $500.00. WHEREAS, the Parish of East Baton Rouge owns property described as Lot A, Evergreen Hills Subdivision, Bristlecone Drive, said property having been adjudicated to the Parish for unpaid property taxes; and WHEREAS, the Department of Public Works for the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge has recommended that the property be declared surplus and no longer needed for public purposes; and WHEREAS, the Parish Attorney's Office has recommended that the property be sold in accordance with the provisions of Louisiana Revised Statutes 47:2196 et seq.; and WHEREAS, a request has been received by the Parish Attorney's Office from Real Estate Referral Service of Louisiana, L.L.C., to purchase said property for the consideration of $100.00 cash, at the time of sale; and WHEREAS, no written opposition or higher offer has been filed with the Council Administrator's Office; and WHEREAS, this Council is of the opinion that this property is surplus and no longer needed for public purposes and that it would be in the public interest to convey the above mentioned property to Real Estate Referral Service of Louisiana, L.L.C. for the offered consideration. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Metropolitan Council of the Parish of East Baton Rouge and City of Baton Rouge that: Section 1. Lot A, Evergreen Hills Subdivision, Bristlecone Drive, East Baton Rouge Parish, Louisiana, is hereby declared to be surplus and no longer needed for a public purpose. Section 2. After the final adoption of this ordinance, the Mayor - President is authorized to execute an act of cash sale in which the Parish of East Baton Rouge conveys the above described property to Real Estate Referral Service of Louisiana, L.L.C., or his/her agent or assign for and in consideration of $100.00. However, the Mayor- President shall not execute the act of cash sale until the Property Section of the Parish Attorney's office has certified that all proper notices have been given and that all legal delays have run. 79 March 25, 2015 Section 3. Pursuant to La. R. S. 47:2206, the high bidder shall provide unto the Parish Attorney's Office the name, address, and any and all contact information for any and all interested parties in the chain of title of the property in question; that the Parish Attorney's Office shall then make the specific notice(s) required by La. R.S. 47:2206(A); that the Parish Attorney's Office shall caused to be published, in the official journal for the Metropolitan Council of the Parish of East Baton Rouge and the City of Baton Rouge, the written notice required by La. R. S. 47:2206(B); that the high bidder has, within thirty (30) days of the approval of his offer by the Metropolitan Council of the Parish of East Baton Rouge and the City of Baton Rouge, taken the steps outlined above and that failure to do so shall result in the revocation of the acceptance of the offer and forfeiture of the initial $500.00 payment; that after successfully completing the initial steps outlined above, that the high bidder shall then have thirty (30) days from the expiration of either the sixty (60) day or six (6) month periods, as outlined in La. R. S. 47:2206 (A) & (B), to send written notice to the Parish Attorney's Office that the high bidder is ready to perfect the sale agreement and close the sale; failure to do so shall result in the revocation of the acceptance of the offer and forfeiture of the initial $500.00 payment. Section 4. Pursuant to La. R. S. 47:2207, and subsequent to having received written notice from the high bidder to proceed with the sale, the Parish Attorney's Office shall prepare, as soon as is reasonably practical, the sale document; that said sale document shall contain all non-warranties and provisions as detailed and described in La. R. S. 47: 2207 (A) and shall be in the form similar to that provided in La. R.S. 47:2207 (B); that after all parties have signed, the high bidder shall, that day, record the sale agreement with the Clerk and Recorder for East Baton Rouge Parish and shall be responsible for the cost of same; that the high bidder shall, that day, provide the Parish Attorney's office with a date stamped recorded copy of the sale agreement. Section 5. On the day of the closing of the sale, the high bidder shall record with the Recorder of Mortgages for the Parish of East Baton Rouge, State of Louisiana, pursuant to La. R.S. 47:2206 (c), a copy of the notices sent to the tax debtor or current owner, as well as the proof of publication and shall be responsible for the cost of same; that the high bidder shall, that day, provide the Parish Attorney with a date stamped recorded copy of said notices and proof of publication; Section 6. On the day of the closing, The Parish Attorney's Office shall provide the high bidder a copy of La. R. S. 47:2208 which concerns what additional steps the high bidder may elect to take regarding the title to the subject property; that the high bidder, should he elect to comply with the provisions of La. R. S. 47:2208, shall provide the Parish Attorney's Office with a date stamped recorded copy of that affidavit described in La. R. S. 47:2208 when/if recorded. Section 7. If all of the requirements of Section 2 are not completed in the time frames detailed therein, the Mayor-President's authority to execute an act of cash sale for this property shall cease and any and all rights of the purchaser to this property shall terminate.; that if the property is redeemed in accordance with law, the Mayor-President's authority to sell and the purchaser's rights to purchase the property shall terminate. Section 8. Once a bid has been accepted by the Metropolitan Council, no new bid of a lesser amount will be accepted from the high bidder if the sale is not completed. 80 March 25, 2015 Section 9. This act of sale shall be without any warranty or recourse whatsoever (including warranty of title), even for the return of or any reduction in the purchase price, but with subrogation to all rights and actions of warranty Parish of East Baton Rouge may have, and such sale shall contain such warranty limitations and other provisions as are required by the Parish Attorney's Office. Said act of sale is to be subject to any and all servitudes and street and drainage rights of way as shown or dedicated on any recorded map, plat or survey or which has previously been granted or conveyed in favor of the Parish of East Baton Rouge, the City of Baton Rouge and/or the public. The Parish of East Baton Rouge shall reserve all oil, gas and other mineral rights in and to the property to be conveyed, but shall convey the surface rights of the said property. The presiding officer announced that a public hearing on the above ordinance was in order at this time. There being no interested citizens appearing either for or against said ordinance, a motion was made by Mr. Loupe and seconded by Ms. Marcelle that the above proposed ordinance be adopted. A “Yea” and “Nay” vote was called for and resulted as follows: “Yeas”: Messrs. Boe, Loupe, Amoroso, and Delgado Mmes. Edwards, Banks-Daniel, Collins-Lewis, Marcelle, and Wicker “Nays”: None. Absent: Messrs. Welch, Wilson, and Heck. 9 yeas, 0 nays, 3 absent, and the motion was adopted. ................. The following proposed ordinance was introduced by Mr. Amoroso and read in full at the regular meeting of the Council on March 11, 2015, and a public hearing called thereon for this meeting March 25, 2015 was read in full for a second time: Lot 134, Kennedy Subdivision 4663 Avenue G Metro Council District Initial Bid Amount Advanced costs required (certified funds) Appraised Value Taxes Due Marion T. Greene 01 - Welch $ 100.00 $ 500.00 $ 25,000.00 $ 2,726.98 The presiding officer announced that a public hearing on the above ordinance was in order at this time. There being no interested citizens appearing either for or against said ordinance, a motion was made by Mr. Loupe and seconded by Ms. Marcelle that the above proposed ordinance be deleted. A “Yea” and “Nay” vote was called for and resulted as follows: “Yeas”: Messrs. Boe, Loupe, Amoroso, and Delgado Mmes. Edwards, Banks-Daniel, Collins-Lewis, Marcelle, and Wicker “Nays”: None. Absent: Messrs. Welch, Wilson, and Heck. 9 yeas, 0 nays, 3 absent, and the motion to delete was adopted. ................. 81 March 25, 2015 The following proposed ordinance was introduced by Mr. Amoroso and read in full at the regular meeting of the Council on March 11, 2015, and a public hearing called thereon for this meeting March 25, 2015 was read in full for a second time: ORDINANCE 15919 AUTHORIZING THE METROPOLITAN COUNCIL TO DECLARE LOT 6 PT., SQUARE 19, FUQUA AND LAMON TOWN SUBDIVISION, LOUISIANA AVENUE, PREVIOUSLY ADJUDICATED TO EAST BATON ROUGE PARISH, LOUISIANA SURPLUS PROPERTY AND TO AUTHORIZE THE SALE OF SAID LOT TO DEWANNA CLAYTON, HIS/HER AGENT OR ASSIGN FOR THE CONSIDERATION OF $100.00 CASH, OR TO THE HIGHEST OFFEROR WHO SUBMITS HIS/HER OFFER ALONG WITH A CERTIFIED CHECK OR MONEY ORDER IN THE AMOUNT OF $500.00. WHEREAS, the Parish of East Baton Rouge owns property described as Lot 6 pt., Square 19, Fuqua and Lamon Town Subdivision, Louisiana Avenue, said property having been adjudicated to the Parish for unpaid property taxes; and WHEREAS, the Department of Public Works for the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge has recommended that the property be declared surplus and no longer needed for public purposes; and WHEREAS, the Parish Attorney's Office has recommended that the property be sold in accordance with the provisions of Louisiana Revised Statutes 47:2196 et seq.; and WHEREAS, a request has been received by the Parish Attorney's Office from Dewanna Clayton, to purchase said property for the consideration of $100.00 cash, at the time of sale; and WHEREAS, no written opposition or higher offer has been filed with the Council Administrator's Office; and WHEREAS, this Council is of the opinion that this property is surplus and no longer needed for public purposes and that it would be in the public interest to convey the above mentioned property to Dewanna Clayton for the offered consideration. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Metropolitan Council of the Parish of East Baton Rouge and City of Baton Rouge that: Section 1. Lot 6 pt., Square 19, Fuqua and Lamon Town Subdivision, Louisiana Avenue, East Baton Rouge Parish, Louisiana, is hereby declared to be surplus and no longer needed for a public purpose. Section 2. After the final adoption of this ordinance, the Mayor - President is authorized to execute an act of cash sale in which the Parish of East Baton Rouge conveys the above described property to Dewanna Clayton, or his/her agent or assign for and in consideration of $100.00. However, the Mayor- President shall not execute the act of cash sale until the Property Section of the Parish Attorney's office has certified that all proper notices have been given and that all legal delays have run. 82 March 25, 2015 Section 3. Pursuant to La. R. S. 47:2206, the high bidder shall provide unto the Parish Attorney's Office the name, address, and any and all contact information for any and all interested parties in the chain of title of the property in question; that the Parish Attorney's Office shall then make the specific notice(s) required by La. R.S. 47:2206(A); that the Parish Attorney's Office shall caused to be published, in the official journal for the Metropolitan Council of the Parish of East Baton Rouge and the City of Baton Rouge, the written notice required by La. R. S. 47:2206(B); that the high bidder has, within thirty (30) days of the approval of his offer by the Metropolitan Council of the Parish of East Baton Rouge and the City of Baton Rouge, taken the steps outlined above and that failure to do so shall result in the revocation of the acceptance of the offer and forfeiture of the initial $500.00 payment; that after successfully completing the initial steps outlined above, that the high bidder shall then have thirty (30) days from the expiration of either the sixty (60) day or six (6) month periods, as outlined in La. R. S. 47:2206 (A) & (B), to send written notice to the Parish Attorney's Office that the high bidder is ready to perfect the sale agreement and close the sale; failure to do so shall result in the revocation of the acceptance of the offer and forfeiture of the initial $500.00 payment. Section 4. Pursuant to La. R. S. 47:2207, and subsequent to having received written notice from the high bidder to proceed with the sale, the Parish Attorney's Office shall prepare, as soon as is reasonably practical, the sale document; that said sale document shall contain all non-warranties and provisions as detailed and described in La. R. S. 47: 2207 (A) and shall be in the form similar to that provided in La. R.S. 47:2207 (B); that after all parties have signed, the high bidder shall, that day, record the sale agreement with the Clerk and Recorder for East Baton Rouge Parish and shall be responsible for the cost of same; that the high bidder shall, that day, provide the Parish Attorney's office with a date stamped recorded copy of the sale agreement. Section 5. On the day of the closing of the sale, the high bidder shall record with the Recorder of Mortgages for the Parish of East Baton Rouge, State of Louisiana, pursuant to La. R.S. 47:2206 (c), a copy of the notices sent to the tax debtor or current owner, as well as the proof of publication and shall be responsible for the cost of same; that the high bidder shall, that day, provide the Parish Attorney with a date stamped recorded copy of said notices and proof of publication; Section 6. On the day of the closing, The Parish Attorney's Office shall provide the high bidder a copy of La. R. S. 47:2208 which concerns what additional steps the high bidder may elect to take regarding the title to the subject property; that the high bidder, should he elect to comply with the provisions of La. R. S. 47:2208, shall provide the Parish Attorney's Office with a date stamped recorded copy of that affidavit described in La. R. S. 47:2208 when/if recorded. Section 7. If all of the requirements of Section 2 are not completed in the time frames detailed therein, the Mayor-President's authority to execute an act of cash sale for this property shall cease and any and all rights of the purchaser to this property shall terminate.; that if the property is redeemed in accordance with law, the Mayor-President's authority to sell and the purchaser's rights to purchase the property shall terminate. Section 8. Once a bid has been accepted by the Metropolitan Council, no new bid of a lesser amount will be accepted from the high bidder if the sale is not completed. 83 March 25, 2015 Section 9. This act of sale shall be without any warranty or recourse whatsoever (including warranty of title), even for the return of or any reduction in the purchase price, but with subrogation to all rights and actions of warranty Parish of East Baton Rouge may have, and such sale shall contain such warranty limitations and other provisions as are required by the Parish Attorney's Office. Said act of sale is to be subject to any and all servitudes and street and drainage rights of way as shown or dedicated on any recorded map, plat or survey or which has previously been granted or conveyed in favor of the Parish of East Baton Rouge, the City of Baton Rouge and/or the public. The Parish of East Baton Rouge shall reserve all oil, gas and other mineral rights in and to the property to be conveyed, but shall convey the surface rights of the said property. The presiding officer announced that a public hearing on the above ordinance was in order at this time. There being no interested citizens appearing either for or against said ordinance, a motion was made by Mr. Loupe and seconded by Ms. Marcelle that the above proposed ordinance be adopted. A “Yea” and “Nay” vote was called for and resulted as follows: “Yeas”: Messrs. Boe, Loupe, Amoroso, and Delgado Mmes. Edwards, Banks-Daniel, Collins-Lewis, Marcelle, and Wicker “Nays”: None. Absent: Messrs. Welch, Wilson, and Heck. 9 yeas, 0 nays, 3 absent, and the motion was adopted. ................. The following proposed ordinance was introduced by Mr. Amoroso and read in full at the regular meeting of the Council on March 11, 2015, and a public hearing called thereon for this meeting March 25, 2015 was read in full for a second time: ORDINANCE 15920 AUTHORIZING THE METROPOLITAN COUNCIL TO DECLARE LOT 6, SQUARE 15, FUQUA AND LAMON TOWN SUBDIVISION, SPAIN STREET, PREVIOUSLY ADJUDICATED TO EAST BATON ROUGE PARISH, LOUISIANA SURPLUS PROPERTY AND TO AUTHORIZE THE SALE OF SAID LOT TO DEWANNA CLAYTON, HIS/HER AGENT OR ASSIGN FOR THE CONSIDERATION OF $9,300.00 CASH, OR TO THE HIGHEST OFFEROR WHO SUBMITS HIS/HER OFFER ALONG WITH A CERTIFIED CHECK OR MONEY ORDER IN THE AMOUNT OF $500.00. WHEREAS, the Parish of East Baton Rouge owns property described as Lot 6, Square 15, Fuqua and Lamon Town Subdivision, Spain Street, said property having been adjudicated to the Parish for unpaid property taxes; and WHEREAS, the Department of Public Works for the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge has recommended that the property be declared surplus and no longer needed for public purposes; and WHEREAS, the Parish Attorney's Office has recommended that the property be sold in accordance with the provisions of Louisiana Revised Statutes 47:2196 et seq.; and 84 March 25, 2015 WHEREAS, a request has been received by the Parish Attorney's Office from Dewanna Clayton, to purchase said property for the consideration of $9,300.00 cash, at the time of sale; and WHEREAS, no written opposition or higher offer has been filed with the Council Administrator's Office; and WHEREAS, this Council is of the opinion that this property is surplus and no longer needed for public purposes and that it would be in the public interest to convey the above mentioned property to Dewanna Clayton for the offered consideration. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Metropolitan Council of the Parish of East Baton Rouge and City of Baton Rouge that: Section 1. Lot 6, Square 15, Fuqua and Lamon Town Subdivision, Spain Street, East Baton Rouge Parish, Louisiana, is hereby declared to be surplus and no longer needed for a public purpose. Section 2. After the final adoption of this ordinance, the Mayor - President is authorized to execute an act of cash sale in which the Parish of East Baton Rouge conveys the above described property to Dewanna Clayton, or his/her agent or assign for and in consideration of $9,300.00. However, the Mayor- President shall not execute the act of cash sale until the Property Section of the Parish Attorney's office has certified that all proper notices have been given and that all legal delays have run. Section 3. Pursuant to La. R. S. 47:2206, the high bidder shall provide unto the Parish Attorney's Office the name, address, and any and all contact information for any and all interested parties in the chain of title of the property in question; that the Parish Attorney's Office shall then make the specific notice(s) required by La. R.S. 47:2206(A); that the Parish Attorney's Office shall caused to be published, in the official journal for the Metropolitan Council of the Parish of East Baton Rouge and the City of Baton Rouge, the written notice required by La. R. S. 47:2206(B); that the high bidder has, within thirty (30) days of the approval of his offer by the Metropolitan Council of the Parish of East Baton Rouge and the City of Baton Rouge, taken the steps outlined above and that failure to do so shall result in the revocation of the acceptance of the offer and forfeiture of the initial $500.00 payment; that after successfully completing the initial steps outlined above, that the high bidder shall then have thirty (30) days from the expiration of either the sixty (60) day or six (6) month periods, as outlined in La. R. S. 47:2206 (A) & (B), to send written notice to the Parish Attorney's Office that the high bidder is ready to perfect the sale agreement and close the sale; failure to do so shall result in the revocation of the acceptance of the offer and forfeiture of the initial $500.00 payment. Section 4. Pursuant to La. R. S. 47:2207, and subsequent to having received written notice from the high bidder to proceed with the sale, the Parish Attorney's Office shall prepare, as soon as is reasonably practical, the sale document; that said sale document shall contain all non-warranties and provisions as detailed and described in La. R. S. 47: 2207 (A) and shall be in the form similar to that provided in La. R.S. 47:2207 (B); that after all parties have signed, the high bidder shall, that day, record the sale agreement with the Clerk and Recorder for East Baton Rouge Parish and shall be responsible for the cost of same; that the high bidder shall, that day, provide the Parish Attorney's office with a date stamped recorded copy of the sale agreement. Section 5. On the day of the closing of the sale, the high bidder shall record with the Recorder of Mortgages for the Parish of East Baton Rouge, State of Louisiana, pursuant to La. R.S. 47:2206 (c), a copy of the notices sent to the tax debtor or current owner, as well as the proof of publication and shall be responsible for the cost of same; that the high bidder shall, that day, provide the Parish Attorney with a date stamped recorded copy of said notices and proof of publication; 85 March 25, 2015 Section 6. On the day of the closing, The Parish Attorney's Office shall provide the high bidder a copy of La. R. S. 47:2208 which concerns what additional steps the high bidder may elect to take regarding the title to the subject property; that the high bidder, should he elect to comply with the provisions of La. R. S. 47:2208, shall provide the Parish Attorney's Office with a date stamped recorded copy of that affidavit described in La. R. S. 47:2208 when/if recorded. Section 7. If all of the requirements of Section 2 are not completed in the time frames detailed therein, the Mayor-President's authority to execute an act of cash sale for this property shall cease and any and all rights of the purchaser to this property shall terminate.; that if the property is redeemed in accordance with law, the Mayor-President's authority to sell and the purchaser's rights to purchase the property shall terminate. Section 8. Once a bid has been accepted by the Metropolitan Council, no new bid of a lesser amount will be accepted from the high bidder if the sale is not completed. Section 9. This act of sale shall be without any warranty or recourse whatsoever (including warranty of title), even for the return of or any reduction in the purchase price, but with subrogation to all rights and actions of warranty Parish of East Baton Rouge may have, and such sale shall contain such warranty limitations and other provisions as are required by the Parish Attorney's Office. Said act of sale is to be subject to any and all servitudes and street and drainage rights of way as shown or dedicated on any recorded map, plat or survey or which has previously been granted or conveyed in favor of the Parish of East Baton Rouge, the City of Baton Rouge and/or the public. The Parish of East Baton Rouge shall reserve all oil, gas and other mineral rights in and to the property to be conveyed, but shall convey the surface rights of the said property. The presiding officer announced that a public hearing on the above ordinance was in order at this time. There being no interested citizens appearing either for or against said ordinance, a motion was made by Mr. Loupe and seconded by Ms. Marcelle that the above proposed ordinance be adopted. A “Yea” and “Nay” vote was called for and resulted as follows: “Yeas”: Messrs. Boe, Loupe, Amoroso, and Delgado Mmes. Edwards, Banks-Daniel, Collins-Lewis, Marcelle, and Wicker “Nays”: None. Absent: Messrs. Welch, Wilson, and Heck. 9 yeas, 0 nays, 3 absent, and the motion was adopted. ................. 86 March 25, 2015 The following proposed ordinance was introduced by Mr. Amoroso and read in full at the regular meeting of the Council on March 11, 2015, and a public hearing called thereon for this meeting March 25, 2015 was read in full for a second time: ORDINANCE 15921 AUTHORIZING THE METROPOLITAN COUNCIL TO DECLARE LOT 18, SQUARE 7, STANDARD HEIGHTS SUBDIVISION, CEDAR STREET, PREVIOUSLY ADJUDICATED TO EAST BATON ROUGE PARISH, LOUISIANA SURPLUS PROPERTY AND TO AUTHORIZE THE SALE OF SAID LOT TO EXXON MOBIL CORPORATION, HIS/HER AGENT OR ASSIGN FOR THE CONSIDERATION OF $1,500.00 CASH, OR TO THE HIGHEST OFFEROR WHO SUBMITS HIS/HER OFFER ALONG WITH A CERTIFIED CHECK OR MONEY ORDER IN THE AMOUNT OF $500.00. WHEREAS, the Parish of East Baton Rouge owns property described as Lot 18, Square 7, Standard Heights Subdivision, Cedar Street, said property having been adjudicated to the Parish for unpaid property taxes; and WHEREAS, the Department of Public Works for the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge has recommended that the property be declared surplus and no longer needed for public purposes; and WHEREAS, the Parish Attorney's Office has recommended that the property be sold in accordance with the provisions of Louisiana Revised Statutes 47:2196 et seq.; and WHEREAS, a request has been received by the Parish Attorney's Office from Exxon Mobil Corporation, to purchase said property for the consideration of $1,500.00 cash, at the time of sale; and WHEREAS, no written opposition or higher offer has been filed with the Council Administrator's Office; and WHEREAS, this Council is of the opinion that this property is surplus and no longer needed for public purposes and that it would be in the public interest to convey the above mentioned property to Exxon Mobil Corporation for the offered consideration. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Metropolitan Council of the Parish of East Baton Rouge and City of Baton Rouge that: Section 1. Lot 18, Square 7, Standard Heights Subdivision, Cedar Street, East Baton Rouge Parish, Louisiana, is hereby declared to be surplus and no longer needed for a public purpose. Section 2. After the final adoption of this ordinance, the Mayor - President is authorized to execute an act of cash sale in which the Parish of East Baton Rouge conveys the above described property to Exxon Mobil Corporation, or his/her agent or assign for and in consideration of $1,500.00. However, the Mayor- President shall not execute the act of cash sale until the Property Section of the Parish Attorney's office has certified that all proper notices have been given and that all legal delays have run. 87 March 25, 2015 Section 3. Pursuant to La. R. S. 47:2206, the high bidder shall provide unto the Parish Attorney's Office the name, address, and any and all contact information for any and all interested parties in the chain of title of the property in question; that the Parish Attorney's Office shall then make the specific notice(s) required by La. R.S. 47:2206(A); that the Parish Attorney's Office shall caused to be published, in the official journal for the Metropolitan Council of the Parish of East Baton Rouge and the City of Baton Rouge, the written notice required by La. R. S. 47:2206(B); that the high bidder has, within thirty (30) days of the approval of his offer by the Metropolitan Council of the Parish of East Baton Rouge and the City of Baton Rouge, taken the steps outlined above and that failure to do so shall result in the revocation of the acceptance of the offer and forfeiture of the initial $500.00 payment; that after successfully completing the initial steps outlined above, that the high bidder shall then have thirty (30) days from the expiration of either the sixty (60) day or six (6) month periods, as outlined in La. R. S. 47:2206 (A) & (B), to send written notice to the Parish Attorney's Office that the high bidder is ready to perfect the sale agreement and close the sale; failure to do so shall result in the revocation of the acceptance of the offer and forfeiture of the initial $500.00 payment. Section 4. Pursuant to La. R. S. 47:2207, and subsequent to having received written notice from the high bidder to proceed with the sale, the Parish Attorney's Office shall prepare, as soon as is reasonably practical, the sale document; that said sale document shall contain all non-warranties and provisions as detailed and described in La. R. S. 47: 2207 (A) and shall be in the form similar to that provided in La. R.S. 47:2207 (B); that after all parties have signed, the high bidder shall, that day, record the sale agreement with the Clerk and Recorder for East Baton Rouge Parish and shall be responsible for the cost of same; that the high bidder shall, that day, provide the Parish Attorney's office with a date stamped recorded copy of the sale agreement. Section 5. On the day of the closing of the sale, the high bidder shall record with the Recorder of Mortgages for the Parish of East Baton Rouge, State of Louisiana, pursuant to La. R.S. 47:2206 (c), a copy of the notices sent to the tax debtor or current owner, as well as the proof of publication and shall be responsible for the cost of same; that the high bidder shall, that day, provide the Parish Attorney with a date stamped recorded copy of said notices and proof of publication; Section 6. On the day of the closing, The Parish Attorney's Office shall provide the high bidder a copy of La. R. S. 47:2208 which concerns what additional steps the high bidder may elect to take regarding the title to the subject property; that the high bidder, should he elect to comply with the provisions of La. R. S. 47:2208, shall provide the Parish Attorney's Office with a date stamped recorded copy of that affidavit described in La. R. S. 47:2208 when/if recorded. Section 7. If all of the requirements of Section 2 are not completed in the time frames detailed therein, the Mayor-President's authority to execute an act of cash sale for this property shall cease and any and all rights of the purchaser to this property shall terminate.; that if the property is redeemed in accordance with law, the Mayor-President's authority to sell and the purchaser's rights to purchase the property shall terminate. Section 8. Once a bid has been accepted by the Metropolitan Council, no new bid of a lesser amount will be accepted from the high bidder if the sale is not completed. 88 March 25, 2015 Section 9. This act of sale shall be without any warranty or recourse whatsoever (including warranty of title), even for the return of or any reduction in the purchase price, but with subrogation to all rights and actions of warranty Parish of East Baton Rouge may have, and such sale shall contain such warranty limitations and other provisions as are required by the Parish Attorney's Office. Said act of sale is to be subject to any and all servitudes and street and drainage rights of way as shown or dedicated on any recorded map, plat or survey or which has previously been granted or conveyed in favor of the Parish of East Baton Rouge, the City of Baton Rouge and/or the public. The Parish of East Baton Rouge shall reserve all oil, gas and other mineral rights in and to the property to be conveyed, but shall convey the surface rights of the said property. The presiding officer announced that a public hearing on the above ordinance was in order at this time. There being no interested citizens appearing either for or against said ordinance, a motion was made by Mr. Loupe and seconded by Ms. Marcelle that the above proposed ordinance be adopted. A “Yea” and “Nay” vote was called for and resulted as follows: “Yeas”: Messrs. Boe, Loupe, Amoroso, and Delgado Mmes. Edwards, Banks-Daniel, Collins-Lewis, Marcelle, and Wicker “Nays”: None. Absent: Messrs. Welch, Wilson, and Heck. 9 yeas, 0 nays, 3 absent, and the motion was adopted. ................. The following proposed ordinance was introduced by Mr. Amoroso and read in full at the regular meeting of the Council on March 11, 2015, and a public hearing called thereon for this meeting March 25, 2015 was read in full for a second time: ORDINANCE 15922 AUTHORIZING THE METROPOLITAN COUNCIL TO DECLARE LOT 6, SQUARE 10, STANDARD HEIGHTS SUBDIVISION, CEDAR STREET, PREVIOUSLY ADJUDICATED TO EAST BATON ROUGE PARISH, LOUISIANA SURPLUS PROPERTY AND TO AUTHORIZE THE SALE OF SAID LOT TO EXXON MOBIL CORPORATION, HIS/HER AGENT OR ASSIGN FOR THE CONSIDERATION OF $1,500.00 CASH, OR TO THE HIGHEST OFFEROR WHO SUBMITS HIS/HER OFFER ALONG WITH A CERTIFIED CHECK OR MONEY ORDER IN THE AMOUNT OF $500.00. WHEREAS, the Parish of East Baton Rouge owns property described as Lot 6, Square 10, Standard Heights Subdivision, Cedar Street, said property having been adjudicated to the Parish for unpaid property taxes; and WHEREAS, the Department of Public Works for the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge has recommended that the property be declared surplus and no longer needed for public purposes; and WHEREAS, the Parish Attorney's Office has recommended that the property be sold in accordance with the provisions of Louisiana Revised Statutes 47:2196 et seq.; and WHEREAS, a request has been received by the Parish Attorney's Office from Exxon Mobil Corporation, to purchase said property for the consideration of $1,500.00 cash, at the time of sale; and 89 March 25, 2015 WHEREAS, no written opposition or higher offer has been filed with the Council Administrator's Office; and WHEREAS, this Council is of the opinion that this property is surplus and no longer needed for public purposes and that it would be in the public interest to convey the above mentioned property to Exxon Mobil Corporation for the offered consideration. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Metropolitan Council of the Parish of East Baton Rouge and City of Baton Rouge that: Section 1. Lot 6, Square 10, Standard Heights Subdivision, Cedar Street, East Baton Rouge Parish, Louisiana, is hereby declared to be surplus and no longer needed for a public purpose. Section 2. After the final adoption of this ordinance, the Mayor - President is authorized to execute an act of cash sale in which the Parish of East Baton Rouge conveys the above described property to Exxon Mobil Corporation, or his/her agent or assign for and in consideration of $1,500.00. However, the Mayor- President shall not execute the act of cash sale until the Property Section of the Parish Attorney's office has certified that all proper notices have been given and that all legal delays have run. Section 3. Pursuant to La. R. S. 47:2206, the high bidder shall provide unto the Parish Attorney's Office the name, address, and any and all contact information for any and all interested parties in the chain of title of the property in question; that the Parish Attorney's Office shall then make the specific notice(s) required by La. R.S. 47:2206(A); that the Parish Attorney's Office shall caused to be published, in the official journal for the Metropolitan Council of the Parish of East Baton Rouge and the City of Baton Rouge, the written notice required by La. R. S. 47:2206(B); that the high bidder has, within thirty (30) days of the approval of his offer by the Metropolitan Council of the Parish of East Baton Rouge and the City of Baton Rouge, taken the steps outlined above and that failure to do so shall result in the revocation of the acceptance of the offer and forfeiture of the initial $500.00 payment; that after successfully completing the initial steps outlined above, that the high bidder shall then have thirty (30) days from the expiration of either the sixty (60) day or six (6) month periods, as outlined in La. R. S. 47:2206 (A) & (B), to send written notice to the Parish Attorney's Office that the high bidder is ready to perfect the sale agreement and close the sale; failure to do so shall result in the revocation of the acceptance of the offer and forfeiture of the initial $500.00 payment. Section 4. Pursuant to La. R. S. 47:2207, and subsequent to having received written notice from the high bidder to proceed with the sale, the Parish Attorney's Office shall prepare, as soon as is reasonably practical, the sale document; that said sale document shall contain all non-warranties and provisions as detailed and described in La. R. S. 47: 2207 (A) and shall be in the form similar to that provided in La. R.S. 47:2207 (B); that after all parties have signed, the high bidder shall, that day, record the sale agreement with the Clerk and Recorder for East Baton Rouge Parish and shall be responsible for the cost of same; that the high bidder shall, that day, provide the Parish Attorney's office with a date stamped recorded copy of the sale agreement. Section 5. On the day of the closing of the sale, the high bidder shall record with the Recorder of Mortgages for the Parish of East Baton Rouge, State of Louisiana, pursuant to La. R.S. 47:2206 (c), a copy of the notices sent to the tax debtor or current owner, as well as the proof of publication and shall be responsible for the cost of same; that the high bidder shall, that day, provide the Parish Attorney with a date stamped recorded copy of said notices and proof of publication; 90 March 25, 2015 Section 6. On the day of the closing, The Parish Attorney's Office shall provide the high bidder a copy of La. R. S. 47:2208 which concerns what additional steps the high bidder may elect to take regarding the title to the subject property; that the high bidder, should he elect to comply with the provisions of La. R. S. 47:2208, shall provide the Parish Attorney's Office with a date stamped recorded copy of that affidavit described in La. R. S. 47:2208 when/if recorded. Section 7. If all of the requirements of Section 2 are not completed in the time frames detailed therein, the Mayor-President's authority to execute an act of cash sale for this property shall cease and any and all rights of the purchaser to this property shall terminate.; that if the property is redeemed in accordance with law, the Mayor-President's authority to sell and the purchaser's rights to purchase the property shall terminate. Section 8. Once a bid has been accepted by the Metropolitan Council, no new bid of a lesser amount will be accepted from the high bidder if the sale is not completed. Section 9. This act of sale shall be without any warranty or recourse whatsoever (including warranty of title), even for the return of or any reduction in the purchase price, but with subrogation to all rights and actions of warranty Parish of East Baton Rouge may have, and such sale shall contain such warranty limitations and other provisions as are required by the Parish Attorney's Office. Said act of sale is to be subject to any and all servitudes and street and drainage rights of way as shown or dedicated on any recorded map, plat or survey or which has previously been granted or conveyed in favor of the Parish of East Baton Rouge, the City of Baton Rouge and/or the public. The Parish of East Baton Rouge shall reserve all oil, gas and other mineral rights in and to the property to be conveyed, but shall convey the surface rights of the said property. The presiding officer announced that a public hearing on the above ordinance was in order at this time. There being no interested citizens appearing either for or against said ordinance, a motion was made by Mr. Loupe and seconded by Ms. Marcelle that the above proposed ordinance be adopted. A “Yea” and “Nay” vote was called for and resulted as follows: “Yeas”: Messrs. Boe, Loupe, Amoroso, and Delgado Mmes. Edwards, Banks-Daniel, Collins-Lewis, Marcelle, and Wicker “Nays”: None. Absent: Messrs. Welch, Wilson, and Heck. 9 yeas, 0 nays, 3 absent, and the motion was adopted. ................. 91 March 25, 2015 The following proposed ordinance was introduced by Mr. Amoroso and read in full at the regular meeting of the Council on March 11, 2015, and a public hearing called thereon for this meeting March 25, 2015 was read in full for a second time: ORDINANCE 15923 AUTHORIZING THE METROPOLITAN COUNCIL TO DECLARE LOT 10, SQUARE 10, STANDARD HEIGHTS SUBDIVISION, CEDAR STREET, PREVIOUSLY ADJUDICATED TO EAST BATON ROUGE PARISH, LOUISIANA SURPLUS PROPERTY AND TO AUTHORIZE THE SALE OF SAID LOT TO EXXON MOBIL CORPORATION, HIS/HER AGENT OR ASSIGN FOR THE CONSIDERATION OF $1,500.00 CASH, OR TO THE HIGHEST OFFEROR WHO SUBMITS HIS/HER OFFER ALONG WITH A CERTIFIED CHECK OR MONEY ORDER IN THE AMOUNT OF $500.00. WHEREAS, the Parish of East Baton Rouge owns property described as Lot 10, Square 10, Standard Heights Subdivision, Cedar Street, said property having been adjudicated to the Parish for unpaid property taxes; and WHEREAS, the Department of Public Works for the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge has recommended that the property be declared surplus and no longer needed for public purposes; and WHEREAS, the Parish Attorney's Office has recommended that the property be sold in accordance with the provisions of Louisiana Revised Statutes 47:2196 et seq.; and WHEREAS, a request has been received by the Parish Attorney's Office from Exxon Mobil Corporation, to purchase said property for the consideration of $1,500.00 cash, at the time of sale; and WHEREAS, no written opposition or higher offer has been filed with the Council Administrator's Office; and WHEREAS, this Council is of the opinion that this property is surplus and no longer needed for public purposes and that it would be in the public interest to convey the above mentioned property to Exxon Mobil Corporation for the offered consideration. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Metropolitan Council of the Parish of East Baton Rouge and City of Baton Rouge that: Section 1. Lot 10, Square 10, Standard Heights Subdivision, Cedar Street, East Baton Rouge Parish, Louisiana, is hereby declared to be surplus and no longer needed for a public purpose. Section 2. After the final adoption of this ordinance, the Mayor - President is authorized to execute an act of cash sale in which the Parish of East Baton Rouge conveys the above described property to Exxon Mobil Corporation, or his/her agent or assign for and in consideration of $1,500.00. However, the Mayor- President shall not execute the act of cash sale until the Property Section of the Parish Attorney's office has certified that all proper notices have been given and that all legal delays have run. 92 March 25, 2015 Section 3. Pursuant to La. R. S. 47:2206, the high bidder shall provide unto the Parish Attorney's Office the name, address, and any and all contact information for any and all interested parties in the chain of title of the property in question; that the Parish Attorney's Office shall then make the specific notice(s) required by La. R.S. 47:2206(A); that the Parish Attorney's Office shall caused to be published, in the official journal for the Metropolitan Council of the Parish of East Baton Rouge and the City of Baton Rouge, the written notice required by La. R. S. 47:2206(B); that the high bidder has, within thirty (30) days of the approval of his offer by the Metropolitan Council of the Parish of East Baton Rouge and the City of Baton Rouge, taken the steps outlined above and that failure to do so shall result in the revocation of the acceptance of the offer and forfeiture of the initial $500.00 payment; that after successfully completing the initial steps outlined above, that the high bidder shall then have thirty (30) days from the expiration of either the sixty (60) day or six (6) month periods, as outlined in La. R. S. 47:2206 (A) & (B), to send written notice to the Parish Attorney's Office that the high bidder is ready to perfect the sale agreement and close the sale; failure to do so shall result in the revocation of the acceptance of the offer and forfeiture of the initial $500.00 payment. Section 4. Pursuant to La. R. S. 47:2207, and subsequent to having received written notice from the high bidder to proceed with the sale, the Parish Attorney's Office shall prepare, as soon as is reasonably practical, the sale document; that said sale document shall contain all non-warranties and provisions as detailed and described in La. R. S. 47: 2207 (A) and shall be in the form similar to that provided in La. R.S. 47:2207 (B); that after all parties have signed, the high bidder shall, that day, record the sale agreement with the Clerk and Recorder for East Baton Rouge Parish and shall be responsible for the cost of same; that the high bidder shall, that day, provide the Parish Attorney's office with a date stamped recorded copy of the sale agreement. Section 5. On the day of the closing of the sale, the high bidder shall record with the Recorder of Mortgages for the Parish of East Baton Rouge, State of Louisiana, pursuant to La. R.S. 47:2206 (c), a copy of the notices sent to the tax debtor or current owner, as well as the proof of publication and shall be responsible for the cost of same; that the high bidder shall, that day, provide the Parish Attorney with a date stamped recorded copy of said notices and proof of publication; Section 6. On the day of the closing, The Parish Attorney's Office shall provide the high bidder a copy of La. R. S. 47:2208 which concerns what additional steps the high bidder may elect to take regarding the title to the subject property; that the high bidder, should he elect to comply with the provisions of La. R. S. 47:2208, shall provide the Parish Attorney's Office with a date stamped recorded copy of that affidavit described in La. R. S. 47:2208 when/if recorded. Section 7. If all of the requirements of Section 2 are not completed in the time frames detailed therein, the Mayor-President's authority to execute an act of cash sale for this property shall cease and any and all rights of the purchaser to this property shall terminate.; that if the property is redeemed in accordance with law, the Mayor-President's authority to sell and the purchaser's rights to purchase the property shall terminate. Section 8. Once a bid has been accepted by the Metropolitan Council, no new bid of a lesser amount will be accepted from the high bidder if the sale is not completed. 93 March 25, 2015 Section 9. This act of sale shall be without any warranty or recourse whatsoever (including warranty of title), even for the return of or any reduction in the purchase price, but with subrogation to all rights and actions of warranty Parish of East Baton Rouge may have, and such sale shall contain such warranty limitations and other provisions as are required by the Parish Attorney's Office. Said act of sale is to be subject to any and all servitudes and street and drainage rights of way as shown or dedicated on any recorded map, plat or survey or which has previously been granted or conveyed in favor of the Parish of East Baton Rouge, the City of Baton Rouge and/or the public. The Parish of East Baton Rouge shall reserve all oil, gas and other mineral rights in and to the property to be conveyed, but shall convey the surface rights of the said property. The presiding officer announced that a public hearing on the above ordinance was in order at this time. There being no interested citizens appearing either for or against said ordinance, a motion was made by Mr. Loupe and seconded by Ms. Marcelle that the above proposed ordinance be adopted. A “Yea” and “Nay” vote was called for and resulted as follows: “Yeas”: Messrs. Boe, Loupe, Amoroso, and Delgado Mmes. Edwards, Banks-Daniel, Collins-Lewis, Marcelle, and Wicker “Nays”: None. Absent: Messrs. Welch, Wilson, and Heck. 9 yeas, 0 nays, 3 absent, and the motion was adopted. ................. The following proposed ordinance was introduced by Mr. Amoroso and read in full at the regular meeting of the Council on March 11, 2015, and a public hearing called thereon for this meeting March 25, 2015 was read in full for a second time: ORDINANCE 15924 AUTHORIZING THE METROPOLITAN COUNCIL TO DECLARE LOT 245, BROWN HEIGHTS SUBDIVISION, JUPITER STREET, PREVIOUSLY ADJUDICATED TO EAST BATON ROUGE PARISH, LOUISIANA SURPLUS PROPERTY AND TO AUTHORIZE THE SALE OF SAID LOT TO LLOYD E. WALKER, JR., HIS/HER AGENT OR ASSIGN FOR THE CONSIDERATION OF $100.00 CASH, OR TO THE HIGHEST OFFEROR WHO SUBMITS HIS/HER OFFER ALONG WITH A CERTIFIED CHECK OR MONEY ORDER IN THE AMOUNT OF $500.00. WHEREAS, the Parish of East Baton Rouge owns property described as Lot 245, Brown Heights Subdivision, Jupiter Street, said property having been adjudicated to the Parish for unpaid property taxes; and WHEREAS, the Department of Public Works for the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge has recommended that the property be declared surplus and no longer needed for public purposes; and WHEREAS, the Parish Attorney's Office has recommended that the property be sold in accordance with the provisions of Louisiana Revised Statutes 47:2196 et seq.; and WHEREAS, a request has been received by the Parish Attorney's Office from Lloyd E. Walker, Jr., to purchase said property for the consideration of $100.00 cash, at the time of sale; and 94 March 25, 2015 WHEREAS, no written opposition or higher offer has been filed with the Council Administrator's Office; and WHEREAS, this Council is of the opinion that this property is surplus and no longer needed for public purposes and that it would be in the public interest to convey the above mentioned property to Lloyd E. Walker, Jr. for the offered consideration. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Metropolitan Council of the Parish of East Baton Rouge and City of Baton Rouge that: Section 1. Lot 245, Brown Heights Subdivision, Jupiter Street, East Baton Rouge Parish, Louisiana, is hereby declared to be surplus and no longer needed for a public purpose. Section 2. After the final adoption of this ordinance, the Mayor - President is authorized to execute an act of cash sale in which the Parish of East Baton Rouge conveys the above described property to Lloyd E. Walker, Jr., or his/her agent or assign for and in consideration of $100.00. However, the Mayor- President shall not execute the act of cash sale until the Property Section of the Parish Attorney's office has certified that all proper notices have been given and that all legal delays have run. Section 3. Pursuant to La. R. S. 47:2206, the high bidder shall provide unto the Parish Attorney's Office the name, address, and any and all contact information for any and all interested parties in the chain of title of the property in question; that the Parish Attorney's Office shall then make the specific notice(s) required by La. R.S. 47:2206(A); that the Parish Attorney's Office shall caused to be published, in the official journal for the Metropolitan Council of the Parish of East Baton Rouge and the City of Baton Rouge, the written notice required by La. R. S. 47:2206(B); that the high bidder has, within thirty (30) days of the approval of his offer by the Metropolitan Council of the Parish of East Baton Rouge and the City of Baton Rouge, taken the steps outlined above and that failure to do so shall result in the revocation of the acceptance of the offer and forfeiture of the initial $500.00 payment; that after successfully completing the initial steps outlined above, that the high bidder shall then have thirty (30) days from the expiration of either the sixty (60) day or six (6) month periods, as outlined in La. R. S. 47:2206 (A) & (B), to send written notice to the Parish Attorney's Office that the high bidder is ready to perfect the sale agreement and close the sale; failure to do so shall result in the revocation of the acceptance of the offer and forfeiture of the initial $500.00 payment. Section 4. Pursuant to La. R. S. 47:2207, and subsequent to having received written notice from the high bidder to proceed with the sale, the Parish Attorney's Office shall prepare, as soon as is reasonably practical, the sale document; that said sale document shall contain all non-warranties and provisions as detailed and described in La. R. S. 47: 2207 (A) and shall be in the form similar to that provided in La. R.S. 47:2207 (B); that after all parties have signed, the high bidder shall, that day, record the sale agreement with the Clerk and Recorder for East Baton Rouge Parish and shall be responsible for the cost of same; that the high bidder shall, that day, provide the Parish Attorney's office with a date stamped recorded copy of the sale agreement. Section 5. On the day of the closing of the sale, the high bidder shall record with the Recorder of Mortgages for the Parish of East Baton Rouge, State of Louisiana, pursuant to La. R.S. 47:2206 (c), a copy of the notices sent to the tax debtor or current owner, as well as the proof of publication and shall be responsible for the cost of same; that the high bidder shall, that day, provide the Parish Attorney with a date stamped recorded copy of said notices and proof of publication; 95 March 25, 2015 Section 6. On the day of the closing, The Parish Attorney's Office shall provide the high bidder a copy of La. R. S. 47:2208 which concerns what additional steps the high bidder may elect to take regarding the title to the subject property; that the high bidder, should he elect to comply with the provisions of La. R. S. 47:2208, shall provide the Parish Attorney's Office with a date stamped recorded copy of that affidavit described in La. R. S. 47:2208 when/if recorded. Section 7. If all of the requirements of Section 2 are not completed in the time frames detailed therein, the Mayor-President's authority to execute an act of cash sale for this property shall cease and any and all rights of the purchaser to this property shall terminate.; that if the property is redeemed in accordance with law, the Mayor-President's authority to sell and the purchaser's rights to purchase the property shall terminate. Section 8. Once a bid has been accepted by the Metropolitan Council, no new bid of a lesser amount will be accepted from the high bidder if the sale is not completed. Section 9. This act of sale shall be without any warranty or recourse whatsoever (including warranty of title), even for the return of or any reduction in the purchase price, but with subrogation to all rights and actions of warranty Parish of East Baton Rouge may have, and such sale shall contain such warranty limitations and other provisions as are required by the Parish Attorney's Office. Said act of sale is to be subject to any and all servitudes and street and drainage rights of way as shown or dedicated on any recorded map, plat or survey or which has previously been granted or conveyed in favor of the Parish of East Baton Rouge, the City of Baton Rouge and/or the public. The Parish of East Baton Rouge shall reserve all oil, gas and other mineral rights in and to the property to be conveyed, but shall convey the surface rights of the said property. The presiding officer announced that a public hearing on the above ordinance was in order at this time. There being no interested citizens appearing either for or against said ordinance, a motion was made by Mr. Loupe and seconded by Ms. Marcelle that the above proposed ordinance be adopted. A “Yea” and “Nay” vote was called for and resulted as follows: “Yeas”: Messrs. Boe, Loupe, Amoroso, and Delgado Mmes. Edwards, Banks-Daniel, Collins-Lewis, Marcelle, and Wicker “Nays”: None. Absent: Messrs. Welch, Wilson, and Heck. 9 yeas, 0 nays, 3 absent, and the motion was adopted. ................. The following proposed ordinance was introduced by Mr. Amoroso and read in full at the regular meeting of the Council on March 11, 2015, and a public hearing called thereon for this meeting March 25, 2015 was read in full for a second time: ORDINANCE 15925 AUTHORIZING THE METROPOLITAN COUNCIL TO DECLARE LOT 210, BROWN HEIGHTS SUBDIVISION, MELPOMENE DRIVE, PREVIOUSLY ADJUDICATED TO EAST BATON ROUGE PARISH, LOUISIANA SURPLUS PROPERTY AND TO AUTHORIZE THE SALE OF SAID LOT TO LLOYD E. WALKER, JR., HIS/HER AGENT OR ASSIGN FOR THE CONSIDERATION OF $100.00 CASH, OR TO THE HIGHEST OFFEROR WHO SUBMITS HIS/HER OFFER ALONG WITH A CERTIFIED CHECK OR MONEY ORDER IN THE AMOUNT OF $500.00. 96 March 25, 2015 WHEREAS, the Parish of East Baton Rouge owns property described as Lot 210, Brown Heights Subdivision, Melpomene Drive, said property having been adjudicated to the Parish for unpaid property taxes; and WHEREAS, the Department of Public Works for the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge has recommended that the property be declared surplus and no longer needed for public purposes; and WHEREAS, the Parish Attorney's Office has recommended that the property be sold in accordance with the provisions of Louisiana Revised Statutes 47:2196 et seq.; and WHEREAS, a request has been received by the Parish Attorney's Office from Lloyd E. Walker, Jr., to purchase said property for the consideration of $100.00 cash, at the time of sale; and WHEREAS, no written opposition or higher offer has been filed with the Council Administrator's Office; and WHEREAS, this Council is of the opinion that this property is surplus and no longer needed for public purposes and that it would be in the public interest to convey the above mentioned property to Lloyd E. Walker, Jr. for the offered consideration. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Metropolitan Council of the Parish of East Baton Rouge and City of Baton Rouge that: Section 1. Lot 210, Brown Heights Subdivision, Melpomene Drive, East Baton Rouge Parish, Louisiana, is hereby declared to be surplus and no longer needed for a public purpose. Section 2. After the final adoption of this ordinance, the Mayor - President is authorized to execute an act of cash sale in which the Parish of East Baton Rouge conveys the above described property to Lloyd E. Walker, Jr., or his/her agent or assign for and in consideration of $100.00. However, the Mayor- President shall not execute the act of cash sale until the Property Section of the Parish Attorney's office has certified that all proper notices have been given and that all legal delays have run. Section 3. Pursuant to La. R. S. 47:2206, the high bidder shall provide unto the Parish Attorney's Office the name, address, and any and all contact information for any and all interested parties in the chain of title of the property in question; that the Parish Attorney's Office shall then make the specific notice(s) required by La. R.S. 47:2206(A); that the Parish Attorney's Office shall caused to be published, in the official journal for the Metropolitan Council of the Parish of East Baton Rouge and the City of Baton Rouge, the written notice required by La. R. S. 47:2206(B); that the high bidder has, within thirty (30) days of the approval of his offer by the Metropolitan Council of the Parish of East Baton Rouge and the City of Baton Rouge, taken the steps outlined above and that failure to do so shall result in the revocation of the acceptance of the offer and forfeiture of the initial $500.00 payment; that after successfully completing the initial steps outlined above, that the high bidder shall then have thirty (30) days from the expiration of either the sixty (60) day or six (6) month periods, as outlined in La. R. S. 47:2206 (A) & (B), to send written notice to the Parish Attorney's Office that the high bidder is ready to perfect the sale agreement and close the sale; failure to do so shall result in the revocation of the acceptance of the offer and forfeiture of the initial $500.00 payment. 97 March 25, 2015 Section 4. Pursuant to La. R. S. 47:2207, and subsequent to having received written notice from the high bidder to proceed with the sale, the Parish Attorney's Office shall prepare, as soon as is reasonably practical, the sale document; that said sale document shall contain all non-warranties and provisions as detailed and described in La. R. S. 47: 2207 (A) and shall be in the form similar to that provided in La. R.S. 47:2207 (B); that after all parties have signed, the high bidder shall, that day, record the sale agreement with the Clerk and Recorder for East Baton Rouge Parish and shall be responsible for the cost of same; that the high bidder shall, that day, provide the Parish Attorney's office with a date stamped recorded copy of the sale agreement. Section 5. On the day of the closing of the sale, the high bidder shall record with the Recorder of Mortgages for the Parish of East Baton Rouge, State of Louisiana, pursuant to La. R.S. 47:2206 (c), a copy of the notices sent to the tax debtor or current owner, as well as the proof of publication and shall be responsible for the cost of same; that the high bidder shall, that day, provide the Parish Attorney with a date stamped recorded copy of said notices and proof of publication; Section 6. On the day of the closing, The Parish Attorney's Office shall provide the high bidder a copy of La. R. S. 47:2208 which concerns what additional steps the high bidder may elect to take regarding the title to the subject property; that the high bidder, should he elect to comply with the provisions of La. R. S. 47:2208, shall provide the Parish Attorney's Office with a date stamped recorded copy of that affidavit described in La. R. S. 47:2208 when/if recorded. Section 7. If all of the requirements of Section 2 are not completed in the time frames detailed therein, the Mayor-President's authority to execute an act of cash sale for this property shall cease and any and all rights of the purchaser to this property shall terminate.; that if the property is redeemed in accordance with law, the Mayor-President's authority to sell and the purchaser's rights to purchase the property shall terminate. Section 8. Once a bid has been accepted by the Metropolitan Council, no new bid of a lesser amount will be accepted from the high bidder if the sale is not completed. Section 9. This act of sale shall be without any warranty or recourse whatsoever (including warranty of title), even for the return of or any reduction in the purchase price, but with subrogation to all rights and actions of warranty Parish of East Baton Rouge may have, and such sale shall contain such warranty limitations and other provisions as are required by the Parish Attorney's Office. Said act of sale is to be subject to any and all servitudes and street and drainage rights of way as shown or dedicated on any recorded map, plat or survey or which has previously been granted or conveyed in favor of the Parish of East Baton Rouge, the City of Baton Rouge and/or the public. The Parish of East Baton Rouge shall reserve all oil, gas and other mineral rights in and to the property to be conveyed, but shall convey the surface rights of the said property. The presiding officer announced that a public hearing on the above ordinance was in order at this time. There being no interested citizens appearing either for or against said ordinance, a motion was made by Mr. Loupe and seconded by Ms. Marcelle that the above proposed ordinance be adopted. A “Yea” and “Nay” vote was called for and resulted as follows: “Yeas”: Messrs. Boe, Loupe, Amoroso, and Delgado Mmes. Edwards, Banks-Daniel, Collins-Lewis, Marcelle, and Wicker “Nays”: None. Absent: Messrs. Welch, Wilson, and Heck. 9 yeas, 0 nays, 3 absent, and the motion was adopted. ................. 98 March 25, 2015 The following proposed ordinance was introduced by Mr. Amoroso and read in full at the regular meeting of the Council on March 11, 2015, and a public hearing called thereon for this meeting March 25, 2015 was read in full for a second time: ORDINANCE 15926 AUTHORIZING THE METROPOLITAN COUNCIL TO DECLARE LOT 106, CASTLE PLACE SUBDIVISION, MARTHA DRIVE, PREVIOUSLY ADJUDICATED TO EAST BATON ROUGE PARISH, LOUISIANA SURPLUS PROPERTY AND TO AUTHORIZE THE SALE OF SAID LOT TO LLOYD E. WALKER, JR., HIS/HER AGENT OR ASSIGN FOR THE CONSIDERATION OF $100.00 CASH, OR TO THE HIGHEST OFFEROR WHO SUBMITS HIS/HER OFFER ALONG WITH A CERTIFIED CHECK OR MONEY ORDER IN THE AMOUNT OF $500.00. WHEREAS, the Parish of East Baton Rouge owns property described as Lot 106, Castle Place Subdivision, Martha Drive, said property having been adjudicated to the Parish for unpaid property taxes; and WHEREAS, the Department of Public Works for the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge has recommended that the property be declared surplus and no longer needed for public purposes; and WHEREAS, the Parish Attorney's Office has recommended that the property be sold in accordance with the provisions of Louisiana Revised Statutes 47:2196 et seq.; and WHEREAS, a request has been received by the Parish Attorney's Office from Lloyd E. Walker, Jr., to purchase said property for the consideration of $100.00 cash, at the time of sale; and WHEREAS, no written opposition or higher offer has been filed with the Council Administrator's Office; and WHEREAS, this Council is of the opinion that this property is surplus and no longer needed for public purposes and that it would be in the public interest to convey the above mentioned property to Lloyd E. Walker, Jr. for the offered consideration. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Metropolitan Council of the Parish of East Baton Rouge and City of Baton Rouge that: Section 1. Lot 106, Castle Place Subdivision, Martha Drive, East Baton Rouge Parish, Louisiana, is hereby declared to be surplus and no longer needed for a public purpose. Section 2. After the final adoption of this ordinance, the Mayor - President is authorized to execute an act of cash sale in which the Parish of East Baton Rouge conveys the above described property to Lloyd E. Walker, Jr., or his/her agent or assign for and in consideration of $100.00. However, the Mayor- President shall not execute the act of cash sale until the Property Section of the Parish Attorney's office has certified that all proper notices have been given and that all legal delays have run. 99 March 25, 2015 Section 3. Pursuant to La. R. S. 47:2206, the high bidder shall provide unto the Parish Attorney's Office the name, address, and any and all contact information for any and all interested parties in the chain of title of the property in question; that the Parish Attorney's Office shall then make the specific notice(s) required by La. R.S. 47:2206(A); that the Parish Attorney's Office shall caused to be published, in the official journal for the Metropolitan Council of the Parish of East Baton Rouge and the City of Baton Rouge, the written notice required by La. R. S. 47:2206(B); that the high bidder has, within thirty (30) days of the approval of his offer by the Metropolitan Council of the Parish of East Baton Rouge and the City of Baton Rouge, taken the steps outlined above and that failure to do so shall result in the revocation of the acceptance of the offer and forfeiture of the initial $500.00 payment; that after successfully completing the initial steps outlined above, that the high bidder shall then have thirty (30) days from the expiration of either the sixty (60) day or six (6) month periods, as outlined in La. R. S. 47:2206 (A) & (B), to send written notice to the Parish Attorney's Office that the high bidder is ready to perfect the sale agreement and close the sale; failure to do so shall result in the revocation of the acceptance of the offer and forfeiture of the initial $500.00 payment. Section 4. Pursuant to La. R. S. 47:2207, and subsequent to having received written notice from the high bidder to proceed with the sale, the Parish Attorney's Office shall prepare, as soon as is reasonably practical, the sale document; that said sale document shall contain all non-warranties and provisions as detailed and described in La. R. S. 47: 2207 (A) and shall be in the form similar to that provided in La. R.S. 47:2207 (B); that after all parties have signed, the high bidder shall, that day, record the sale agreement with the Clerk and Recorder for East Baton Rouge Parish and shall be responsible for the cost of same; that the high bidder shall, that day, provide the Parish Attorney's office with a date stamped recorded copy of the sale agreement. Section 5. On the day of the closing of the sale, the high bidder shall record with the Recorder of Mortgages for the Parish of East Baton Rouge, State of Louisiana, pursuant to La. R.S. 47:2206 (c), a copy of the notices sent to the tax debtor or current owner, as well as the proof of publication and shall be responsible for the cost of same; that the high bidder shall, that day, provide the Parish Attorney with a date stamped recorded copy of said notices and proof of publication; Section 6. On the day of the closing, The Parish Attorney's Office shall provide the high bidder a copy of La. R. S. 47:2208 which concerns what additional steps the high bidder may elect to take regarding the title to the subject property; that the high bidder, should he elect to comply with the provisions of La. R. S. 47:2208, shall provide the Parish Attorney's Office with a date stamped recorded copy of that affidavit described in La. R. S. 47:2208 when/if recorded. Section 7. If all of the requirements of Section 2 are not completed in the time frames detailed therein, the Mayor-President's authority to execute an act of cash sale for this property shall cease and any and all rights of the purchaser to this property shall terminate.; that if the property is redeemed in accordance with law, the Mayor-President's authority to sell and the purchaser's rights to purchase the property shall terminate. Section 8. Once a bid has been accepted by the Metropolitan Council, no new bid of a lesser amount will be accepted from the high bidder if the sale is not completed. 100 March 25, 2015 Section 9. This act of sale shall be without any warranty or recourse whatsoever (including warranty of title), even for the return of or any reduction in the purchase price, but with subrogation to all rights and actions of warranty Parish of East Baton Rouge may have, and such sale shall contain such warranty limitations and other provisions as are required by the Parish Attorney's Office. Said act of sale is to be subject to any and all servitudes and street and drainage rights of way as shown or dedicated on any recorded map, plat or survey or which has previously been granted or conveyed in favor of the Parish of East Baton Rouge, the City of Baton Rouge and/or the public. The Parish of East Baton Rouge shall reserve all oil, gas and other mineral rights in and to the property to be conveyed, but shall convey the surface rights of the said property. The presiding officer announced that a public hearing on the above ordinance was in order at this time. There being no interested citizens appearing either for or against said ordinance, a motion was made by Mr. Loupe and seconded by Ms. Marcelle that the above proposed ordinance be adopted. A “Yea” and “Nay” vote was called for and resulted as follows: “Yeas”: Messrs. Boe, Loupe, Amoroso, and Delgado Mmes. Edwards, Banks-Daniel, Collins-Lewis, Marcelle, and Wicker “Nays”: None. Absent: Messrs. Welch, Wilson, and Heck. 9 yeas, 0 nays, 3 absent, and the motion was adopted. ................. The following proposed ordinance was introduced by Mr. Amoroso and read in full at the regular meeting of the Council on March 11, 2015, and a public hearing called thereon for this meeting March 25, 2015 was read in full for a second time: ORDINANCE 15927 AUTHORIZING THE METROPOLITAN COUNCIL TO DECLARE LOT 105, CASTLE PLACE SUBDIVISION, MARTHA DRIVE, PREVIOUSLY ADJUDICATED TO EAST BATON ROUGE PARISH, LOUISIANA SURPLUS PROPERTY AND TO AUTHORIZE THE SALE OF SAID LOT TO LLOYD E. WALKER, JR., HIS/HER AGENT OR ASSIGN FOR THE CONSIDERATION OF $100.00 CASH, OR TO THE HIGHEST OFFEROR WHO SUBMITS HIS/HER OFFER ALONG WITH A CERTIFIED CHECK OR MONEY ORDER IN THE AMOUNT OF $500.00. WHEREAS, the Parish of East Baton Rouge owns property described as Lot 105, Castle Place Subdivision, Martha Drive, said property having been adjudicated to the Parish for unpaid property taxes; and WHEREAS, the Department of Public Works for the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge has recommended that the property be declared surplus and no longer needed for public purposes; and WHEREAS, the Parish Attorney's Office has recommended that the property be sold in accordance with the provisions of Louisiana Revised Statutes 47:2196 et seq.; and WHEREAS, a request has been received by the Parish Attorney's Office from Lloyd E. Walker, Jr., to purchase said property for the consideration of $100.00 cash, at the time of sale; and 101 March 25, 2015 WHEREAS, no written opposition or higher offer has been filed with the Council Administrator's Office; and WHEREAS, this Council is of the opinion that this property is surplus and no longer needed for public purposes and that it would be in the public interest to convey the above mentioned property to Lloyd E. Walker, Jr. for the offered consideration. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Metropolitan Council of the Parish of East Baton Rouge and City of Baton Rouge that: Section 1. Lot 105, Castle Place Subdivision, Martha Drive, East Baton Rouge Parish, Louisiana, is hereby declared to be surplus and no longer needed for a public purpose. Section 2. After the final adoption of this ordinance, the Mayor - President is authorized to execute an act of cash sale in which the Parish of East Baton Rouge conveys the above described property to Lloyd E. Walker, Jr., or his/her agent or assign for and in consideration of $100.00. However, the Mayor- President shall not execute the act of cash sale until the Property Section of the Parish Attorney's office has certified that all proper notices have been given and that all legal delays have run. Section 3. Pursuant to La. R. S. 47:2206, the high bidder shall provide unto the Parish Attorney's Office the name, address, and any and all contact information for any and all interested parties in the chain of title of the property in question; that the Parish Attorney's Office shall then make the specific notice(s) required by La. R.S. 47:2206(A); that the Parish Attorney's Office shall caused to be published, in the official journal for the Metropolitan Council of the Parish of East Baton Rouge and the City of Baton Rouge, the written notice required by La. R. S. 47:2206(B); that the high bidder has, within thirty (30) days of the approval of his offer by the Metropolitan Council of the Parish of East Baton Rouge and the City of Baton Rouge, taken the steps outlined above and that failure to do so shall result in the revocation of the acceptance of the offer and forfeiture of the initial $500.00 payment; that after successfully completing the initial steps outlined above, that the high bidder shall then have thirty (30) days from the expiration of either the sixty (60) day or six (6) month periods, as outlined in La. R. S. 47:2206 (A) & (B), to send written notice to the Parish Attorney's Office that the high bidder is ready to perfect the sale agreement and close the sale; failure to do so shall result in the revocation of the acceptance of the offer and forfeiture of the initial $500.00 payment. Section 4. Pursuant to La. R. S. 47:2207, and subsequent to having received written notice from the high bidder to proceed with the sale, the Parish Attorney's Office shall prepare, as soon as is reasonably practical, the sale document; that said sale document shall contain all non-warranties and provisions as detailed and described in La. R. S. 47: 2207 (A) and shall be in the form similar to that provided in La. R.S. 47:2207 (B); that after all parties have signed, the high bidder shall, that day, record the sale agreement with the Clerk and Recorder for East Baton Rouge Parish and shall be responsible for the cost of same; that the high bidder shall, that day, provide the Parish Attorney's office with a date stamped recorded copy of the sale agreement. Section 5. On the day of the closing of the sale, the high bidder shall record with the Recorder of Mortgages for the Parish of East Baton Rouge, State of Louisiana, pursuant to La. R.S. 47:2206 (c), a copy of the notices sent to the tax debtor or current owner, as well as the proof of publication and shall be responsible for the cost of same; that the high bidder shall, that day, provide the Parish Attorney with a date stamped recorded copy of said notices and proof of publication; 102 March 25, 2015 Section 6. On the day of the closing, The Parish Attorney's Office shall provide the high bidder a copy of La. R. S. 47:2208 which concerns what additional steps the high bidder may elect to take regarding the title to the subject property; that the high bidder, should he elect to comply with the provisions of La. R. S. 47:2208, shall provide the Parish Attorney's Office with a date stamped recorded copy of that affidavit described in La. R. S. 47:2208 when/if recorded. Section 7. If all of the requirements of Section 2 are not completed in the time frames detailed therein, the Mayor-President's authority to execute an act of cash sale for this property shall cease and any and all rights of the purchaser to this property shall terminate.; that if the property is redeemed in accordance with law, the Mayor-President's authority to sell and the purchaser's rights to purchase the property shall terminate. Section 8. Once a bid has been accepted by the Metropolitan Council, no new bid of a lesser amount will be accepted from the high bidder if the sale is not completed. Section 9. This act of sale shall be without any warranty or recourse whatsoever (including warranty of title), even for the return of or any reduction in the purchase price, but with subrogation to all rights and actions of warranty Parish of East Baton Rouge may have, and such sale shall contain such warranty limitations and other provisions as are required by the Parish Attorney's Office. Said act of sale is to be subject to any and all servitudes and street and drainage rights of way as shown or dedicated on any recorded map, plat or survey or which has previously been granted or conveyed in favor of the Parish of East Baton Rouge, the City of Baton Rouge and/or the public. The Parish of East Baton Rouge shall reserve all oil, gas and other mineral rights in and to the property to be conveyed, but shall convey the surface rights of the said property. The presiding officer announced that a public hearing on the above ordinance was in order at this time. There being no interested citizens appearing either for or against said ordinance, a motion was made by Mr. Loupe and seconded by Ms. Marcelle that the above proposed ordinance be adopted. A “Yea” and “Nay” vote was called for and resulted as follows: “Yeas”: Messrs. Boe, Loupe, Amoroso, and Delgado Mmes. Edwards, Banks-Daniel, Collins-Lewis, Marcelle, and Wicker “Nays”: None. Absent: Messrs. Welch, Wilson, and Heck. 9 yeas, 0 nays, 3 absent, and the motion was adopted. ................. 103 March 25, 2015 The following proposed ordinance was introduced by Mr. Amoroso and read in full at the regular meeting of the Council on March 11, 2015, and a public hearing called thereon for this meeting March 25, 2015 was read in full for a second time: ORDINANCE 15928 AUTHORIZING THE METROPOLITAN COUNCIL TO DECLARE LOT 33, CINQUEMANO SUBDIVISION, CLAYTON STREET, PREVIOUSLY ADJUDICATED TO EAST BATON ROUGE PARISH, LOUISIANA SURPLUS PROPERTY AND TO AUTHORIZE THE SALE OF SAID LOT TO CYNTHIA ALLEN, HIS/HER AGENT OR ASSIGN FOR THE CONSIDERATION OF $8,800.00 CASH, OR TO THE HIGHEST OFFEROR WHO SUBMITS HIS/HER OFFER ALONG WITH A CERTIFIED CHECK OR MONEY ORDER WHEREAS, the Parish of East Baton Rouge owns property described as Lot 33, Cinquemano Subdivision, Clayton Street, said property having been adjudicated to the Parish for unpaid property taxes; and WHEREAS, the Department of Public Works for the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge has recommended that the property be declared surplus and no longer needed for public purposes; and WHEREAS, the Parish Attorney's Office has recommended that the property be sold in accordance with the provisions of Louisiana Revised Statutes 47:2196 et seq.; and WHEREAS, a request has been received by the Parish Attorney's Office from Cynthia Allen, to purchase said property for the consideration of $8,800.00 cash, at the time of sale; and WHEREAS, no written opposition or higher offer has been filed with the Council Administrator's Office; and WHEREAS, this Council is of the opinion that this property is surplus and no longer needed for public purposes and that it would be in the public interest to convey the above mentioned property to Cynthia Allen for the offered consideration. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Metropolitan Council of the Parish of East Baton Rouge and City of Baton Rouge that: Section 1. Lot 33, Cinquemano Subdivision, Clayton Street, East Baton Rouge Parish, Louisiana, is hereby declared to be surplus and no longer needed for a public purpose. Section 2. After the final adoption of this ordinance, the Mayor - President is authorized to execute an act of cash sale in which the Parish of East Baton Rouge conveys the above described property to Cynthia Allen, or his/her agent or assign for and in consideration of $8,800.00. However, the Mayor- President shall not execute the act of cash sale until the Property Section of the Parish Attorney's office has certified that all proper notices have been given and that all legal delays have run. Section 3. Pursuant to La. R. S. 47:2206, the high bidder shall provide 104 March 25, 2015 unto the Parish Attorney's Office the name, address, and any and all contact information for any and all interested parties in the chain of title of the property in question; that the Parish Attorney's Office shall then make the specific notice(s) required by La. R.S. 47:2206(A); that the Parish Attorney's Office shall caused to be published, in the official journal for the Metropolitan Council of the Parish of East Baton Rouge and the City of Baton Rouge, the written notice required by La. R. S. 47:2206(B); that the high bidder has, within thirty (30) days of the approval of his offer by the Metropolitan Council of the Parish of East Baton Rouge and the City of Baton Rouge, taken the steps outlined above and that failure to do so shall result in the revocation of the acceptance of the offer and forfeiture of the initial $500.00 payment; that after successfully completing the initial steps outlined above, that the high bidder shall then have thirty (30) days from the expiration of either the sixty (60) day or six (6) month periods, as outlined in La. R. S. 47:2206 (A) & (B), to send written notice to the Parish Attorney's Office that the high bidder is ready to perfect the sale agreement and close the sale; failure to do so shall result in the revocation of the acceptance of the offer and forfeiture of the initial $500.00 payment. Section 4. Pursuant to La. R. S. 47:2207, and subsequent to having received written notice from the high bidder to proceed with the sale, the Parish Attorney's Office shall prepare, as soon as is reasonably practical, the sale document; that said sale document shall contain all non-warranties and provisions as detailed and described in La. R. S. 47: 2207 (A) and shall be in the form similar to that provided in La. R.S. 47:2207 (B); that after all parties have signed, the high bidder shall, that day, record the sale agreement with the Clerk and Recorder for East Baton Rouge Parish and shall be responsible for the cost of same; that the high bidder shall, that day, provide the Parish Attorney's office with a date stamped recorded copy of the sale agreement. Section 5. On the day of the closing of the sale, the high bidder shall record with the Recorder of Mortgages for the Parish of East Baton Rouge, State of Louisiana, pursuant to La. R.S. 47:2206 (c), a copy of the notices sent to the tax debtor or current owner, as well as the proof of publication and shall be responsible for the cost of same; that the high bidder shall, that day, provide the Parish Attorney with a date stamped recorded copy of said notices and proof of publication; Section 6. On the day of the closing, The Parish Attorney's Office shall provide the high bidder a copy of La. R. S. 47:2208 which concerns what additional steps the high bidder may elect to take regarding the title to the subject property; that the high bidder, should he elect to comply with the provisions of La. R. S. 47:2208, shall provide the Parish Attorney's Office with a date stamped recorded copy of that affidavit described in La. R. S. 47:2208 when/if recorded. Section 7. If all of the requirements of Section 2 are not completed in the time frames detailed therein, the Mayor-President's authority to execute an act of cash sale for this property shall cease and any and all rights of the purchaser to this property shall terminate.; that if the property is redeemed in accordance with law, the Mayor-President's authority to sell and the purchaser's rights to purchase the property shall terminate. Section 8. Once a bid has been accepted by the Metropolitan Council, no new bid of a lesser amount will be accepted from the high bidder if the sale is not completed. Section 9. This act of sale shall be without any warranty or recourse 105 March 25, 2015 whatsoever (including warranty of title), even for the return of or any reduction in the purchase price, but with subrogation to all rights and actions of warranty Parish of East Baton Rouge may have, and such sale shall contain such warranty limitations and other provisions as are required by the Parish Attorney's Office. Said act of sale is to be subject to any and all servitudes and street and drainage rights of way as shown or dedicated on any recorded map, plat or survey or which has previously been granted or conveyed in favor of the Parish of East Baton Rouge, the City of Baton Rouge and/or the public. The Parish of East Baton Rouge shall reserve all oil, gas and other mineral rights in and to the property to be conveyed, but shall convey the surface rights of the said property. The presiding officer announced that a public hearing on the above ordinance was in order at this time. There being no interested citizens appearing either for or against said ordinance, a motion was made by Mr. Loupe and seconded by Ms. Marcelle that the above proposed ordinance be adopted. A “Yea” and “Nay” vote was called for and resulted as follows: “Yeas”: Messrs. Boe, Loupe, Amoroso, and Delgado Mmes. Edwards, Banks-Daniel, Collins-Lewis, Marcelle, and Wicker “Nays”: None. Absent: Messrs. Welch, Wilson, and Heck. 9 yeas, 0 nays, 3 absent, and the motion was adopted. ................. The following proposed ordinance was introduced by Mr. Amoroso and read in full at the regular meeting of the Council on March 11, 2015, and a public hearing called thereon for this meeting March 25, 2015 was read in full for a second time: ORDINANCE 15929 AUTHORIZING THE METROPOLITAN COUNCIL TO DECLARE LOT 5+, SQUARE 2, DUCHEIN PLACE SUBDIVISION, NORTH STREET, PREVIOUSLY ADJUDICATED TO EAST BATON ROUGE PARISH, LOUISIANA SURPLUS PROPERTY AND TO AUTHORIZE THE SALE OF SAID LOT TO GOOD DEEDS, L.L.C., HIS/HER AGENT OR ASSIGN FOR THE CONSIDERATION OF $7,000.00 CASH, OR TO THE HIGHEST OFFEROR WHO SUBMITS HIS/HER OFFER ALONG WITH A CERTIFIED CHECK OR MONEY ORDER IN THE AMOUNT OF $500.00. WHEREAS, the Parish of East Baton Rouge owns property described as Lot 5+, Square 2, Duchein Place Subdivision, North Street, said property having been adjudicated to the Parish for unpaid property taxes; and WHEREAS, the Department of Public Works for the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge has recommended that the property be declared surplus and no longer needed for public purposes; and WHEREAS, the Parish Attorney's Office has recommended that the property be sold in accordance with the provisions of Louisiana Revised Statutes 47:2196 et seq.; and 106 March 25, 2015 WHEREAS, a request has been received by the Parish Attorney's Office from Good Deeds, L.L.C., to purchase said property for the consideration of $7,000.00 cash, at the time of sale; and WHEREAS, no written opposition or higher offer has been filed with the Council Administrator's Office; and WHEREAS, this Council is of the opinion that this property is surplus and no longer needed for public purposes and that it would be in the public interest to convey the above mentioned property to Good Deeds, L.L.C. for the offered consideration. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Metropolitan Council of the Parish of East Baton Rouge and City of Baton Rouge that: Section 1. Lot 5+, Square 2, Duchein Place Subdivision, North Street, East Baton Rouge Parish, Louisiana, is hereby declared to be surplus and no longer needed for a public purpose. Section 2. After the final adoption of this ordinance, the Mayor - President is authorized to execute an act of cash sale in which the Parish of East Baton Rouge conveys the above described property to Good Deeds, L.L.C., or his/her agent or assign for and in consideration of $7,000.00. However, the Mayor- President shall not execute the act of cash sale until the Property Section of the Parish Attorney's office has certified that all proper notices have been given and that all legal delays have run. Section 3. Pursuant to La. R. S. 47:2206, the high bidder shall provide unto the Parish Attorney's Office the name, address, and any and all contact information for any and all interested parties in the chain of title of the property in question; that the Parish Attorney's Office shall then make the specific notice(s) required by La. R.S. 47:2206(A); that the Parish Attorney's Office shall caused to be published, in the official journal for the Metropolitan Council of the Parish of East Baton Rouge and the City of Baton Rouge, the written notice required by La. R. S. 47:2206(B); that the high bidder has, within thirty (30) days of the approval of his offer by the Metropolitan Council of the Parish of East Baton Rouge and the City of Baton Rouge, taken the steps outlined above and that failure to do so shall result in the revocation of the acceptance of the offer and forfeiture of the initial $500.00 payment; that after successfully completing the initial steps outlined above, that the high bidder shall then have thirty (30) days from the expiration of either the sixty (60) day or six (6) month periods, as outlined in La. R. S. 47:2206 (A) & (B), to send written notice to the Parish Attorney's Office that the high bidder is ready to perfect the sale agreement and close the sale; failure to do so shall result in the revocation of the acceptance of the offer and forfeiture of the initial $500.00 payment. Section 4. Pursuant to La. R. S. 47:2207, and subsequent to having received written notice from the high bidder to proceed with the sale, the Parish Attorney's Office shall prepare, as soon as is reasonably practical, the sale document; that said sale document shall contain all non-warranties and provisions as detailed and described in La. R. S. 47: 2207 (A) and shall be in the form similar to that provided in La. R.S. 47:2207 (B); that after all parties have signed, the high bidder shall, that day, record the sale agreement with the Clerk and Recorder for East Baton Rouge Parish and shall be responsible for the cost of same; that the high bidder shall, that day, provide the Parish Attorney's office with a date stamped recorded copy of the sale agreement. Section 5. On the day of the closing of the sale, the high bidder shall record with the Recorder of Mortgages for the Parish of East Baton Rouge, State of Louisiana, pursuant to La. R.S. 47:2206 (c), a copy of the notices sent to the tax debtor or current owner, as well as the proof of publication and shall be responsible for the cost of same; that the high bidder shall, that day, provide the Parish Attorney with a date stamped recorded copy of said notices and proof of publication; 107 March 25, 2015 Section 6. On the day of the closing, The Parish Attorney's Office shall provide the high bidder a copy of La. R. S. 47:2208 which concerns what additional steps the high bidder may elect to take regarding the title to the subject property; that the high bidder, should he elect to comply with the provisions of La. R. S. 47:2208, shall provide the Parish Attorney's Office with a date stamped recorded copy of that affidavit described in La. R. S. 47:2208 when/if recorded. Section 7. If all of the requirements of Section 2 are not completed in the time frames detailed therein, the Mayor-President's authority to execute an act of cash sale for this property shall cease and any and all rights of the purchaser to this property shall terminate.; that if the property is redeemed in accordance with law, the Mayor-President's authority to sell and the purchaser's rights to purchase the property shall terminate. Section 8. Once a bid has been accepted by the Metropolitan Council, no new bid of a lesser amount will be accepted from the high bidder if the sale is not completed. Section 9. This act of sale shall be without any warranty or recourse whatsoever (including warranty of title), even for the return of or any reduction in the purchase price, but with subrogation to all rights and actions of warranty Parish of East Baton Rouge may have, and such sale shall contain such warranty limitations and other provisions as are required by the Parish Attorney's Office. Said act of sale is to be subject to any and all servitudes and street and drainage rights of way as shown or dedicated on any recorded map, plat or survey or which has previously been granted or conveyed in favor of the Parish of East Baton Rouge, the City of Baton Rouge and/or the public. The Parish of East Baton Rouge shall reserve all oil, gas and other mineral rights in and to the property to be conveyed, but shall convey the surface rights of the said property. The presiding officer announced that a public hearing on the above ordinance was in order at this time. There being no interested citizens appearing either for or against said ordinance, a motion was made by Mr. Loupe and seconded by Ms. Marcelle that the above proposed ordinance be adopted. A “Yea” and “Nay” vote was called for and resulted as follows: “Yeas”: Messrs. Boe, Loupe, Amoroso, and Delgado Mmes. Edwards, Banks-Daniel, Collins-Lewis, Marcelle, and Wicker “Nays”: None. Absent: Messrs. Welch, Wilson, and Heck. 9 yeas, 0 nays, 3 absent, and the motion was adopted. ................. 108 March 25, 2015 The following proposed ordinance was introduced by Mr. Amoroso and read in full at the regular meeting of the Council on March 11, 2015, and a public hearing called thereon for this meeting March 25, 2015 was read in full for a second time: ORDINANCE 15930 AUTHORIZING THE METROPOLITAN COUNCIL TO DECLARE LOT 117, BROOKSTOWN PLACE SUBDIVISION, ST. GERARD STREET, PREVIOUSLY ADJUDICATED TO EAST BATON ROUGE PARISH, LOUISIANA SURPLUS PROPERTY AND TO AUTHORIZE THE SALE OF SAID LOT TO GOOD DEEDS, L.L.C., HIS/HER AGENT OR ASSIGN FOR THE CONSIDERATION OF $200.00 CASH, OR TO THE HIGHEST OFFEROR WHO SUBMITS HIS/HER OFFER ALONG WITH A CERTIFIED CHECK OR MONEY ORDER IN THE AMOUNT OF $500.00. WHEREAS, the Parish of East Baton Rouge owns property described as Lot 117, Brookstown Place Subdivision, St. Gerard Street, said property having been adjudicated to the Parish for unpaid property taxes; and WHEREAS, the Department of Public Works for the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge has recommended that the property be declared surplus and no longer needed for public purposes; and WHEREAS, the Parish Attorney's Office has recommended that the property be sold in accordance with the provisions of Louisiana Revised Statutes 47:2196 et seq.; and WHEREAS, a request has been received by the Parish Attorney's Office from Good Deeds, L.L.C., to purchase said property for the consideration of $200.00 cash, at the time of sale; and WHEREAS, no written opposition or higher offer has been filed with the Council Administrator's Office; and WHEREAS, this Council is of the opinion that this property is surplus and no longer needed for public purposes and that it would be in the public interest to convey the above mentioned property to Good Deeds, L.L.C. for the offered consideration. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Metropolitan Council of the Parish of East Baton Rouge and City of Baton Rouge that: Section 1. Lot 117, Brookstown Place Subdivision, St. Gerard Street, East Baton Rouge Parish, Louisiana, is hereby declared to be surplus and no longer needed for a public purpose. Section 2. After the final adoption of this ordinance, the Mayor - President is authorized to execute an act of cash sale in which the Parish of East Baton Rouge conveys the above described property to Good Deeds, L.L.C., or his/her agent or assign for and in consideration of $200.00. However, the Mayor- President shall not execute the act of cash sale until the Property Section of the Parish Attorney's office has certified that all proper notices have been given and that all legal delays have run. 109 March 25, 2015 Section 3. Pursuant to La. R. S. 47:2206, the high bidder shall provide unto the Parish Attorney's Office the name, address, and any and all contact information for any and all interested parties in the chain of title of the property in question; that the Parish Attorney's Office shall then make the specific notice(s) required by La. R.S. 47:2206(A); that the Parish Attorney's Office shall caused to be published, in the official journal for the Metropolitan Council of the Parish of East Baton Rouge and the City of Baton Rouge, the written notice required by La. R. S. 47:2206(B); that the high bidder has, within thirty (30) days of the approval of his offer by the Metropolitan Council of the Parish of East Baton Rouge and the City of Baton Rouge, taken the steps outlined above and that failure to do so shall result in the revocation of the acceptance of the offer and forfeiture of the initial $500.00 payment; that after successfully completing the initial steps outlined above, that the high bidder shall then have thirty (30) days from the expiration of either the sixty (60) day or six (6) month periods, as outlined in La. R. S. 47:2206 (A) & (B), to send written notice to the Parish Attorney's Office that the high bidder is ready to perfect the sale agreement and close the sale; failure to do so shall result in the revocation of the acceptance of the offer and forfeiture of the initial $500.00 payment. Section 4. Pursuant to La. R. S. 47:2207, and subsequent to having received written notice from the high bidder to proceed with the sale, the Parish Attorney's Office shall prepare, as soon as is reasonably practical, the sale document; that said sale document shall contain all non-warranties and provisions as detailed and described in La. R. S. 47: 2207 (A) and shall be in the form similar to that provided in La. R.S. 47:2207 (B); that after all parties have signed, the high bidder shall, that day, record the sale agreement with the Clerk and Recorder for East Baton Rouge Parish and shall be responsible for the cost of same; that the high bidder shall, that day, provide the Parish Attorney's office with a date stamped recorded copy of the sale agreement. Section 5. On the day of the closing of the sale, the high bidder shall record with the Recorder of Mortgages for the Parish of East Baton Rouge, State of Louisiana, pursuant to La. R.S. 47:2206 (c), a copy of the notices sent to the tax debtor or current owner, as well as the proof of publication and shall be responsible for the cost of same; that the high bidder shall, that day, provide the Parish Attorney with a date stamped recorded copy of said notices and proof of publication; Section 6. On the day of the closing, The Parish Attorney's Office shall provide the high bidder a copy of La. R. S. 47:2208 which concerns what additional steps the high bidder may elect to take regarding the title to the subject property; that the high bidder, should he elect to comply with the provisions of La. R. S. 47:2208, shall provide the Parish Attorney's Office with a date stamped recorded copy of that affidavit described in La. R. S. 47:2208 when/if recorded. Section 7. If all of the requirements of Section 2 are not completed in the time frames detailed therein, the Mayor-President's authority to execute an act of cash sale for this property shall cease and any and all rights of the purchaser to this property shall terminate.; that if the property is redeemed in accordance with law, the Mayor-President's authority to sell and the purchaser's rights to purchase the property shall terminate. Section 8. Once a bid has been accepted by the Metropolitan Council, no new bid of a lesser amount will be accepted from the high bidder if the sale is not completed. 110 March 25, 2015 Section 9. This act of sale shall be without any warranty or recourse whatsoever (including warranty of title), even for the return of or any reduction in the purchase price, but with subrogation to all rights and actions of warranty Parish of East Baton Rouge may have, and such sale shall contain such warranty limitations and other provisions as are required by the Parish Attorney's Office. Said act of sale is to be subject to any and all servitudes and street and drainage rights of way as shown or dedicated on any recorded map, plat or survey or which has previously been granted or conveyed in favor of the Parish of East Baton Rouge, the City of Baton Rouge and/or the public. The Parish of East Baton Rouge shall reserve all oil, gas and other mineral rights in and to the property to be conveyed, but shall convey the surface rights of the said property. The presiding officer announced that a public hearing on the above ordinance was in order at this time. There being no interested citizens appearing either for or against said ordinance, a motion was made by Mr. Loupe and seconded by Ms. Marcelle that the above proposed ordinance be adopted. A “Yea” and “Nay” vote was called for and resulted as follows: “Yeas”: Messrs. Boe, Loupe, Amoroso, and Delgado Mmes. Edwards, Banks-Daniel, Collins-Lewis, Marcelle, and Wicker “Nays”: None. Absent: Messrs. Welch, Wilson, and Heck. 9 yeas, 0 nays, 3 absent, and the motion was adopted. ................. The following proposed ordinance was introduced by Mr. Amoroso and read in full at the regular meeting of the Council on March 11, 2015, and a public hearing called thereon for this meeting March 25, 2015 was read in full for a second time: ORDINANCE 15931 AUTHORIZING THE METROPOLITAN COUNCIL TO DECLARE LOT 8+, SQUARE 15, FORTUNE SUBDIVISION, PAIGE STREET, PREVIOUSLY ADJUDICATED TO EAST BATON ROUGE PARISH, LOUISIANA SURPLUS PROPERTY AND TO AUTHORIZE THE SALE OF SAID LOT TO GOOD DEEDS, L.L.C., HIS/HER AGENT OR ASSIGN FOR THE CONSIDERATION OF $200.00 CASH, OR TO THE HIGHEST OFFEROR WHO SUBMITS HIS/HER OFFER ALONG WITH A CERTIFIED CHECK OR MONEY ORDER IN THE AMOUNT OF $500.00. WHEREAS, the Parish of East Baton Rouge owns property described as Lot 8+, Square 15, Fortune Subdivision, Paige Street, said property having been adjudicated to the Parish for unpaid property taxes; and WHEREAS, the Department of Public Works for the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge has recommended that the property be declared surplus and no longer needed for public purposes; and WHEREAS, the Parish Attorney's Office has recommended that the property be sold in accordance with the provisions of Louisiana Revised Statutes 47:2196 et seq.; and 111 March 25, 2015 WHEREAS, a request has been received by the Parish Attorney's Office from Good Deeds, L.L.C., to purchase said property for the consideration of $200.00 cash, at the time of sale; and WHEREAS, no written opposition or higher offer has been filed with the Council Administrator's Office; and WHEREAS, this Council is of the opinion that this property is surplus and no longer needed for public purposes and that it would be in the public interest to convey the above mentioned property to Good Deeds, L.L.C. for the offered consideration. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Metropolitan Council of the Parish of East Baton Rouge and City of Baton Rouge that: Section 1. Lot 8+, Square 15, Fortune Subdivision, Paige Street, East Baton Rouge Parish, Louisiana, is hereby declared to be surplus and no longer needed for a public purpose. Section 2. After the final adoption of this ordinance, the Mayor - President is authorized to execute an act of cash sale in which the Parish of East Baton Rouge conveys the above described property to Good Deeds, L.L.C., or his/her agent or assign for and in consideration of $200.00. However, the Mayor- President shall not execute the act of cash sale until the Property Section of the Parish Attorney's office has certified that all proper notices have been given and that all legal delays have run. Section 3. Pursuant to La. R. S. 47:2206, the high bidder shall provide unto the Parish Attorney's Office the name, address, and any and all contact information for any and all interested parties in the chain of title of the property in question; that the Parish Attorney's Office shall then make the specific notice(s) required by La. R.S. 47:2206(A); that the Parish Attorney's Office shall caused to be published, in the official journal for the Metropolitan Council of the Parish of East Baton Rouge and the City of Baton Rouge, the written notice required by La. R. S. 47:2206(B); that the high bidder has, within thirty (30) days of the approval of his offer by the Metropolitan Council of the Parish of East Baton Rouge and the City of Baton Rouge, taken the steps outlined above and that failure to do so shall result in the revocation of the acceptance of the offer and forfeiture of the initial $500.00 payment; that after successfully completing the initial steps outlined above, that the high bidder shall then have thirty (30) days from the expiration of either the sixty (60) day or six (6) month periods, as outlined in La. R. S. 47:2206 (A) & (B), to send written notice to the Parish Attorney's Office that the high bidder is ready to perfect the sale agreement and close the sale; failure to do so shall result in the revocation of the acceptance of the offer and forfeiture of the initial $500.00 payment. Section 4. Pursuant to La. R. S. 47:2207, and subsequent to having received written notice from the high bidder to proceed with the sale, the Parish Attorney's Office shall prepare, as soon as is reasonably practical, the sale document; that said sale document shall contain all non-warranties and provisions as detailed and described in La. R. S. 47: 2207 (A) and shall be in the form similar to that provided in La. R.S. 47:2207 (B); that after all parties have signed, the high bidder shall, that day, record the sale agreement with the Clerk and Recorder for East Baton Rouge Parish and shall be responsible for the cost of same; that the high bidder shall, that day, provide the Parish Attorney's office with a date stamped recorded copy of the sale agreement. Section 5. On the day of the closing of the sale, the high bidder shall record with the Recorder of Mortgages for the Parish of East Baton Rouge, State of Louisiana, pursuant to La. R.S. 47:2206 (c), a copy of the notices sent to the tax debtor or current owner, as well as the proof of publication and shall be responsible for the cost of same; that the high bidder shall, that day, provide the Parish Attorney with a date stamped recorded copy of said notices and proof of publication; 112 March 25, 2015 Section 6. On the day of the closing, The Parish Attorney's Office shall provide the high bidder a copy of La. R. S. 47:2208 which concerns what additional steps the high bidder may elect to take regarding the title to the subject property; that the high bidder, should he elect to comply with the provisions of La. R. S. 47:2208, shall provide the Parish Attorney's Office with a date stamped recorded copy of that affidavit described in La. R. S. 47:2208 when/if recorded. Section 7. If all of the requirements of Section 2 are not completed in the time frames detailed therein, the Mayor-President's authority to execute an act of cash sale for this property shall cease and any and all rights of the purchaser to this property shall terminate.; that if the property is redeemed in accordance with law, the Mayor-President's authority to sell and the purchaser's rights to purchase the property shall terminate. Section 8. Once a bid has been accepted by the Metropolitan Council, no new bid of a lesser amount will be accepted from the high bidder if the sale is not completed. Section 9. This act of sale shall be without any warranty or recourse whatsoever (including warranty of title), even for the return of or any reduction in the purchase price, but with subrogation to all rights and actions of warranty Parish of East Baton Rouge may have, and such sale shall contain such warranty limitations and other provisions as are required by the Parish Attorney's Office. Said act of sale is to be subject to any and all servitudes and street and drainage rights of way as shown or dedicated on any recorded map, plat or survey or which has previously been granted or conveyed in favor of the Parish of East Baton Rouge, the City of Baton Rouge and/or the public. The Parish of East Baton Rouge shall reserve all oil, gas and other mineral rights in and to the property to be conveyed, but shall convey the surface rights of the said property. The presiding officer announced that a public hearing on the above ordinance was in order at this time. There being no interested citizens appearing either for or against said ordinance, a motion was made by Mr. Loupe and seconded by Ms. Marcelle that the above proposed ordinance be adopted. A “Yea” and “Nay” vote was called for and resulted as follows: “Yeas”: Messrs. Boe, Loupe, Amoroso, and Delgado Mmes. Edwards, Banks-Daniel, Collins-Lewis, Marcelle, and Wicker “Nays”: None. Absent: Messrs. Welch, Wilson, and Heck. 9 yeas, 0 nays, 3 absent, and the motion was adopted. ................. 113 March 25, 2015 The following proposed ordinance was introduced by Mr. Amoroso and read in full at the regular meeting of the Council on March 11, 2015, and a public hearing called thereon for this meeting March 25, 2015 was read in full for a second time: ORDINANCE 15932 AUTHORIZING THE METROPOLITAN COUNCIL TO DECLARE LOT 12, SQUARE 3, WHITE PLAINS SUBDIVISION, BYRON STREET, PREVIOUSLY ADJUDICATED TO EAST BATON ROUGE PARISH, LOUISIANA SURPLUS PROPERTY AND TO AUTHORIZE THE SALE OF SAID LOT TO RONALD DUNN, HIS/HER AGENT OR ASSIGN FOR THE CONSIDERATION OF $10,300.00 CASH, OR TO THE HIGHEST OFFEROR WHO SUBMITS HIS/HER OFFER ALONG WITH A CERTIFIED CHECK OR MONEY ORDER IN THE AMOUNT OF $500.00. WHEREAS, the Parish of East Baton Rouge owns property described as Lot 12, Square 3, White Plains Subdivision, Byron Street, said property having been adjudicated to the Parish for unpaid property taxes; and WHEREAS, the Department of Public Works for the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge has recommended that the property be declared surplus and no longer needed for public purposes; and WHEREAS, the Parish Attorney's Office has recommended that the property be sold in accordance with the provisions of Louisiana Revised Statutes 47:2196 et seq.; and WHEREAS, a request has been received by the Parish Attorney's Office from Ronald Dunn, to purchase said property for the consideration of $10,300.00 cash, at the time of sale; and WHEREAS, no written opposition or higher offer has been filed with the Council Administrator's Office; and WHEREAS, this Council is of the opinion that this property is surplus and no longer needed for public purposes and that it would be in the public interest to convey the above mentioned property to Ronald Dunn for the offered consideration. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Metropolitan Council of the Parish of East Baton Rouge and City of Baton Rouge that: Section 1. Lot 12, Square 3, White Plains Subdivision, Byron Street, East Baton Rouge Parish, Louisiana, is hereby declared to be surplus and no longer needed for a public purpose. Section 2. After the final adoption of this ordinance, the Mayor - President is authorized to execute an act of cash sale in which the Parish of East Baton Rouge conveys the above described property to Ronald Dunn, or his/her agent or assign for and in consideration of $10,300.00. However, the Mayor- President shall not execute the act of cash sale until the Property Section of the Parish Attorney's office has certified that all proper notices have been given and that all legal delays have run. 114 March 25, 2015 Section 3. Pursuant to La. R. S. 47:2206, the high bidder shall provide unto the Parish Attorney's Office the name, address, and any and all contact information for any and all interested parties in the chain of title of the property in question; that the Parish Attorney's Office shall then make the specific notice(s) required by La. R.S. 47:2206(A); that the Parish Attorney's Office shall caused to be published, in the official journal for the Metropolitan Council of the Parish of East Baton Rouge and the City of Baton Rouge, the written notice required by La. R. S. 47:2206(B); that the high bidder has, within thirty (30) days of the approval of his offer by the Metropolitan Council of the Parish of East Baton Rouge and the City of Baton Rouge, taken the steps outlined above and that failure to do so shall result in the revocation of the acceptance of the offer and forfeiture of the initial $500.00 payment; that after successfully completing the initial steps outlined above, that the high bidder shall then have thirty (30) days from the expiration of either the sixty (60) day or six (6) month periods, as outlined in La. R. S. 47:2206 (A) & (B), to send written notice to the Parish Attorney's Office that the high bidder is ready to perfect the sale agreement and close the sale; failure to do so shall result in the revocation of the acceptance of the offer and forfeiture of the initial $500.00 payment. Section 4. Pursuant to La. R. S. 47:2207, and subsequent to having received written notice from the high bidder to proceed with the sale, the Parish Attorney's Office shall prepare, as soon as is reasonably practical, the sale document; that said sale document shall contain all non-warranties and provisions as detailed and described in La. R. S. 47: 2207 (A) and shall be in the form similar to that provided in La. R.S. 47:2207 (B); that after all parties have signed, the high bidder shall, that day, record the sale agreement with the Clerk and Recorder for East Baton Rouge Parish and shall be responsible for the cost of same; that the high bidder shall, that day, provide the Parish Attorney's office with a date stamped recorded copy of the sale agreement. Section 5. On the day of the closing of the sale, the high bidder shall record with the Recorder of Mortgages for the Parish of East Baton Rouge, State of Louisiana, pursuant to La. R.S. 47:2206 (c), a copy of the notices sent to the tax debtor or current owner, as well as the proof of publication and shall be responsible for the cost of same; that the high bidder shall, that day, provide the Parish Attorney with a date stamped recorded copy of said notices and proof of publication; Section 6. On the day of the closing, The Parish Attorney's Office shall provide the high bidder a copy of La. R. S. 47:2208 which concerns what additional steps the high bidder may elect to take regarding the title to the subject property; that the high bidder, should he elect to comply with the provisions of La. R. S. 47:2208, shall provide the Parish Attorney's Office with a date stamped recorded copy of that affidavit described in La. R. S. 47:2208 when/if recorded. Section 7. If all of the requirements of Section 2 are not completed in the time frames detailed therein, the Mayor-President's authority to execute an act of cash sale for this property shall cease and any and all rights of the purchaser to this property shall terminate.; that if the property is redeemed in accordance with law, the Mayor-President's authority to sell and the purchaser's rights to purchase the property shall terminate. Section 8. Once a bid has been accepted by the Metropolitan Council, no new bid of a lesser amount will be accepted from the high bidder if the sale is not completed. 115 March 25, 2015 Section 9. This act of sale shall be without any warranty or recourse whatsoever (including warranty of title), even for the return of or any reduction in the purchase price, but with subrogation to all rights and actions of warranty Parish of East Baton Rouge may have, and such sale shall contain such warranty limitations and other provisions as are required by the Parish Attorney's Office. Said act of sale is to be subject to any and all servitudes and street and drainage rights of way as shown or dedicated on any recorded map, plat or survey or which has previously been granted or conveyed in favor of the Parish of East Baton Rouge, the City of Baton Rouge and/or the public. The Parish of East Baton Rouge shall reserve all oil, gas and other mineral rights in and to the property to be conveyed, but shall convey the surface rights of the said property. The presiding officer announced that a public hearing on the above ordinance was in order at this time. There being no interested citizens appearing either for or against said ordinance, a motion was made by Mr. Loupe and seconded by Ms. Marcelle that the above proposed ordinance be adopted. A “Yea” and “Nay” vote was called for and resulted as follows: “Yeas”: Messrs. Boe, Loupe, Amoroso, and Delgado Mmes. Edwards, Banks-Daniel, Collins-Lewis, Marcelle, and Wicker “Nays”: None. Absent: Messrs. Welch, Wilson, and Heck. 9 yeas, 0 nays, 3 absent, and the motion was adopted. ................. ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS: A motion was made by Mr. Loupe and seconded by Ms. Marcelle to waive the rules and consider the following item. A “Yea” and “Nay” vote was called for and resulted as follows: “Yeas”: Messrs. Boe, Loupe, Amoroso, and Delgado Mmes. Edwards, Banks-Daniel, Collins-Lewis, Marcelle, and Wicker “Nays”: None. Absent: Messrs. Welch, Wilson, and Heck. 9 yeas, 0 nays, 3 absent, and the motion was adopted. RESOLUTION 51400 AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR-PRESIDENT TO EXECUTE A PROFESSIONAL SERVICE AGREEMENT WITH DANNY SEHON TO PROVIDE CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION SERVICES FOR STATE AND FEDERAL AID PROJECTS UNDER THE ADMINISTRATION OF THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $62,500. BE IT RESOLVED by the Metropolitan Council of the Parish of East Baton Rouge and City of Baton Rouge that: Section 1. The Mayor-President is hereby authorized to execute a Professional Service Agreement with Danny Sehon to provide construction inspection services for State and Federal Aid Projects under the administration of the Department of Public Works in an amount not to exceed $62,500. Section 2. Said agreement shall be approved by the Office of the Parish Attorney as to form and legality. 116 March 25, 2015 A motion was made by Mr. Loupe and seconded by Mr. Delgado that the above proposed resolution be adopted. A “Yea” and “Nay” vote was called for and resulted as follows: “Yeas”: Messrs. Boe, Loupe, Amoroso, and Delgado Mmes. Edwards, Banks-Daniel, Collins-Lewis, Marcelle, and Wicker “Nays”: None. Absent: Messrs. Welch, Wilson, and Heck. 9 yeas, 0 nays, 3 absent, and the motion was adopted. ................. APPOINTMENTS: CAPITAL AREA HUMAN SERVICES DISTRICT (CAHSD): Concurring in the names submitted by the CAHSD for submission to the Governor to consider for appointment to the CAHSD. The CAHSD has one vacancy and recommends the reappointment of Ms. Gerri Hobdy whose term is expiring March 2015 and also submitting Ms. Gay Johannessen for consideration. (Names are submitted to the Metro-Council from the CAHSD to be forwarded to Governor for appointment). ITEMS: CHANGE ORDERS: The proposed resolution was introduced by Mr. Loupe and read in full: RESOLUTION 51401 EBROSCO RESOLUTION 8104 AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF A CHANGE ORDER, BEING CHANGE ORDER NO. 4, TO THE CONTRACT EXECUTED BETWEEN THE EAST BATON ROUGE SEWERAGE COMMISSION AND JB JAMES CONSTRUCTION, LLC FOR CONSTRUCTION OF CITY OF BATON ROUGE AND PARISH OF EAST BATON ROUGE WASTEWATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM-KLEINPETER ROAD SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM UPGRADES, BEING PROJECT NO. 09-GSUF-0028. BE IT RESOLVED by the Metropolitan Council of the Parish of East Baton Rouge and City of Baton Rouge and by the Board of Commissioners of the East Baton Rouge Sewerage Commission (EBROSCO), acting as the Authority for EBROSCO, that: 117 March 25, 2015 Section 1. The Mayor-President, on behalf of the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge, and/or the East Baton Rouge Sewerage Commission, represented by President of said Commission, are hereby authorized to execute a change order, being Change Order No. 4, to the contract executed between the East Baton Rouge Sewerage Commission and JB James Construction, LLC for construction of City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge Wastewater System Improvement Program-Kleinpeter Road Sanitary Sewer System Upgrades, being Project No. 09-GS-UF-0028, Purchase Order No. PO130485, so as to provide as follows: Change Order No. 4 - Negotiated Settlement Agreement 12" micro tunnel ops for Section G2 on Plank Road; MOU issued. Remobilization costs due to collapsed sewer line, modifying manhole to install drop, existing FM leak into excavations, remove 180 lf reinforced concrete pipe, backup of PS 127, additional time to reset bore pit, repair due to backup at PS 244 and addressing unforeseen conditions; and extend the contract for an additional three hundred-ten (310) days; resulting in a ADDITIONAL AMOUNT of $681,693.71. Section 2. The execution of said change order as authorized herein results in a change in the total amount of said contract, the corrected amount being $10,591,099.38. Section 3. All costs resulting from said change order shall be paid from the Contingency Fund established in connection with said contract. Section 4. The Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized and directed to take such action as may be required or necessary to carry out the purpose and intent of this resolution. A motion was made by Mr. Loupe and seconded by Mr. Boe that the above proposed resolution be adopted. A “Yea” and “Nay” vote was called for and resulted as follows: “Yeas”: Messrs. Welch, Loupe, Amoroso, Boe, and Delgado Mmes. Banks-Daniel, Edwards, Collins-Lewis, Marcelle, and Wicker “Nays”: None. Absent: Messrs. Wilson and Heck. 10 yeas, 0 nays, 2 absent, and the motion was adopted. ................. The proposed resolution was introduced by Mr. Loupe and read in full: RESOLUTION 51402 AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF A CHANGE ORDER, BEING CHANGE ORDER NO. 5 TO THE CONTRACT EXECUTED BETWEEN THE CITY OF BATON ROUGE AND PARISH OF EAST BATON ROUGE AND J.B. JAMES CONSTRUCTION, LLC FOR THE STARING LANE ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS (HIGHLAND ROAD TO PERKINS ROAD), BEING PROJECT NO. 06-CS-HC-0024. BE IT RESOLVED by the Metropolitan Council of the Parish of East Baton Rouge and City of Baton Rouge that: 118 March 25, 2015 Section 1. The Mayor-President or his designee is hereby authorized to execute a change order, being Change Order No. 5 to the contract previously executed between the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge and J.B. James Construction, LLC for the Staring Lane Roadway Improvements (Highland Road to Perkins Road), being Project No 06-CS-HC-0024, Purchase Order No. PO101467, so as to provide as follows: Change Order No. 5 - To adjust contract quantities of all items to as-built quantities; to add item 9900025 6" sewer service laterals by 331 linear feet; to add item 9900026 4" sewer service laterals by 200 linear feet; resulting in an ADDITIONAL COST of $38,833.61. Section 2. The execution of said change order as authorized herein results in a change in the total amount of said contract, the corrected amount being $27,892,817.40. Section 3. All costs resulting from said change order shall be paid from the Contingency Fund established in connection with said contract. Section 4. The Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized and directed to take such action as may be required or necessary to carry out the purpose and intent of this resolution. A motion was made by Mr. Loupe and seconded by Mr. Boe that the above proposed resolution be adopted. A “Yea” and “Nay” vote was called for and resulted as follows: “Yeas”: Messrs. Welch, Loupe, Amoroso, Boe, and Delgado Mmes. Banks-Daniel, Edwards, Collins-Lewis, Marcelle, and Wicker “Nays”: None. Absent: Messrs. Wilson and Heck. 10 yeas, 0 nays, 2 absent, and the motion was adopted. ................. FINAL ACCEPTANCES: The proposed resolution was introduced by Ms. Marcelle and read in full: RESOLUTION 51403 ACCEPTING ALL WORK DONE BY THE CONTRACTOR UNDER THE CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE BASEBALL SUPPORT FACILITY FOR SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY, BEING PROJECT NO. 12-ASC-CP-1007 STATE FP&C PROJECT NO. 50-M20-07B-01. WHEREAS, the contract for construction of the Baseball Support Facility for Southern University, being Project No. 12-ASC-CP-1007 State FP&C Project No. 50-M20-07B-01, was awarded to Blount General Contractors, L.L.C. by the Metropolitan Council on June 26, 2013; and WHEREAS, the Director of Public Works has officially advised this Council that all work required under the said contract has now been completed satisfactorily and in accordance with the plans and specifications therefor, and have recommended the acceptance of such contract: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Metropolitan Council of the Parish of East Baton Rouge and City of Baton Rouge that: 119 March 25, 2015 Section 1. All work done by the said contractor under the contract for construction of the Baseball Support Facility for Southern University, being Project No. 12-ASC-CP-1007 State FP&C Project No. 50-M20-07B-01, Purchase Order No. PO131324, is hereby accepted as a complete and satisfactory performance and execution of all work required under the said contract and in accordance with the plans and specifications therefor. Section 2. Final cost of said contract, as determined by the Department of Public Works, is 1,260,126.99. Section 3. The Mayor-President is hereby authorized to execute, for and on behalf and in the names of the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge and of this Council, a formal instrument evidencing this acceptance of the said contract. A motion was made by Ms. Marcelle and seconded by Mr. Delgado that the above proposed resolution be adopted. A “Yea” and “Nay” vote was called for and resulted as follows: “Yeas”: Messrs. Welch, Loupe, Amoroso, Boe, and Delgado Mmes. Banks-Daniel, Edwards, Collins-Lewis, Marcelle, and Wicker “Nays”: None. Absent: Messrs. Wilson and Heck. 10 yeas, 0 nays, 2 absent, and the motion was adopted. ................. The proposed resolution was introduced by Ms. Marcelle and read in full: RESOLUTION 51404 ACCEPTING ALL WORK DONE BY THE CONTRACTOR UNDER THE CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF STARING LANE ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS (HIGHLAND RD TO PERKINS RD), BEING PROJECT NO. 06-CS-HC-0024. WHEREAS, the contract for construction of Staring Lane Roadway Improvements (Highland Rd to Perkins Rd), being Project No. 06-CS-HC-0024, was awarded to J. B. James Construction, LLC by the Metropolitan Council on October 12, 2013; and WHEREAS, the Director of Public Works has officially advised this Council that all work required under the said contract has now been completed satisfactorily and in accordance with the plans and specifications therefor, and have recommended the acceptance of such contract: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Metropolitan Council of the Parish of East Baton Rouge and City of Baton Rouge that: Section 1. All work done by the said contractor under the contract for construction of Staring Lane Roadway Improvements (Highland Rd to Perkins Rd), being Project No. 06-CS-HC-0024, Purchase Order No. PO101467, is hereby accepted as a complete and satisfactory performance and execution of all work required under the said contract and in accordance with the plans and specifications therefor. Section 2. Final cost of said contract, as determined by the Department of Public Works, is $27,892,817.40. 120 March 25, 2015 Section 3. The Mayor-President is hereby authorized to execute, for and on behalf and in the names of the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge and of this Council, a formal instrument evidencing this acceptance of the said contract. A motion was made by Ms. Marcelle and seconded by Mr. Delgado that the above proposed resolution be adopted. A “Yea” and “Nay” vote was called for and resulted as follows: “Yeas”: Messrs. Welch, Loupe, Amoroso, Boe, and Delgado Mmes. Banks-Daniel, Edwards, Collins-Lewis, Marcelle, and Wicker “Nays”: None. Absent: Messrs. Wilson and Heck. 10 yeas, 0 nays, 2 absent, and the motion was adopted. ................. The proposed resolution was introduced by Ms. Marcelle and read in full: RESOLUTION 51405 ACCEPTING ALL WORK DONE BY THE CONTRACTOR UNDER THE CONTRACT FOR JONES CREEK ROAD CLEARING AND GRUBBING, BEING PROJECT NO. 01-CS-US-0015; S.P. NO. 742-17-0155/ H.007157.6. WHEREAS, the contract for Jones Creek Road Clearing and Grubbing, being Project No. 01-CS-US-0015; S.P. No. 742-17-0155/H.007157.6, was awarded to Magee Excavation & Development, LLC by the Metropolitan Council on June 27, 2012; and WHEREAS, the Director of Public Works has officially advised this Council that all work required under the said contract has now been completed satisfactorily and in accordance with the plans and specifications therefor, and have recommended the acceptance of such contract: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Metropolitan Council of the Parish of East Baton Rouge and City of Baton Rouge that: Section 1. All work done by the said contractor under the contract for Jones Creek Road Clearing and Grubbing, being Project No. 01-CS-US-0015; S.P. No. 742-17-0155/H.007157.6, Purchase Order No. PO121428, is hereby accepted as a complete and satisfactory performance and execution of all work required under the said contract and in accordance with the plans and specifications therefor. Section 2. Final cost of said contract, as determined by the Department of Public Works, is $112,483.50. Section 3. The Mayor-President is hereby authorized to execute, for and on behalf and in the names of the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge and of this Council, a formal instrument evidencing this acceptance of the said contract. 121 March 25, 2015 A motion was made by Ms. Marcelle and seconded by Mr. Delgado that the above proposed resolution be adopted. A “Yea” and “Nay” vote was called for and resulted as follows: “Yeas”: Messrs. Welch, Loupe, Amoroso, Boe, and Delgado Mmes. Banks-Daniel, Edwards, Collins-Lewis, Marcelle, and Wicker “Nays”: None. Absent: Messrs. Wilson and Heck. 10 yeas, 0 nays, 2 absent, and the motion was adopted. ................. The proposed resolution was introduced by Ms. Marcelle and read in full: RESOLUTION 51406 AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR-PRESIDENT TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT WITH CRESS & LOPRESTO ARCHITECTS, LLC, FOR ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN SERVICES IN CONNECTION WITH THE RENOVATIONS TO FIRE STATION #12, (PROJECT NO. 15-ASD-CP-0874), IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $48,850.00. BE IT RESOLVED by the Metropolitan Council of the Parish of East Baton Rouge and City of Baton Rouge that: Section 1. The Mayor-President is hereby authorized to execute a contract with Cress & Lopresto Architects, LLC, for architectural design services in connection with the Renovations to Fire Station #12, (Project No. 15-ASD-CP-0874), in an amount not to exceed $48,850.00. Section 2. Said agreement shall be approved by the Office of the Parish Attorney as to form and legality. A motion was made by Ms. Marcelle and seconded by Mr. Delgado that the above proposed resolution be adopted. A “Yea” and “Nay” vote was called for and resulted as follows: “Yeas”: Messrs. Welch, Loupe, Amoroso, Boe, and Delgado Mmes. Banks-Daniel, Edwards, Collins-Lewis, Marcelle, and Wicker “Nays”: None. Absent: Messrs. Wilson and Heck. 10 yeas, 0 nays, 2 absent, and the motion was adopted. ................. 122 March 25, 2015 The proposed resolution was introduced by Ms. Marcelle and read in full: RESOLUTION 51407 EBROSCO RESOLUTION 8105 AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR-PRESIDENT AND/OR EBROSCO TO EXECUTE SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT NO. 5 TO THE CONTRACT FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES WITH MWH AMERICAS, INC., W/SUBCONSULTANTS: MONROE & CORIE, INCORPORATED; ARDAMAN & ASSOCIATES, INC.; GOTECH, INC.; AND ALDEN RESEARCH LABORATORY, INC., FOR ADDITIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOUTH FORCEMAIN SYSTEM CAPACITY IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT SFU-C-0002A (O'NEAL LANE PUMP STATIONS GROUP A PROJECT), BEING PROJECT NO. 10-PS-MS-0050, R.F.Q. NO. 10-ES-PW-007, FOR AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $138,382.36, CONTINGENT UPON THE PROVISION OF ADEQUATE FUNDING FOR SUCH SERVICES. BE IT RESOLVED by the Metropolitan Council of the Parish of East Baton Rouge and City of Baton Rouge and by the Board of Commissioners of the East Baton Rouge Sewerage Commission (EBROSCO), acting as the Authority for EBROSCO, that: Section 1. The Mayor-President, on behalf of the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge, and/or the East Baton Rouge Sewerage Commission, are hereby authorized to execute Supplemental Agreement No. 5 to the Contract for Engineering Services with MWH Americas, Inc., w/subconsultants: Monroe & Corie, Incorporated; Ardaman & Associates, Inc.; GOTECH, Inc.; and Alden Research Laboratory, Inc., for additional engineering services in connection with the South Forcemain System Capacity Improvements Project SFU-C-0002A (O'Neal Lane Pump Stations Group A Project), being Project No. 10-PS-MS-0050, R.F.Q. No. 10-ES-PW-007, for an amount not to exceed $138,382.36, contingent upon the provision of adequate funding for such services. Section 2. Said contract herein authorized shall be approved by the Office of the Parish Attorney as to form and legality. A motion was made by Ms. Marcelle and seconded by Mr. Loupe that the above proposed resolution be adopted. A “Yea” and “Nay” vote was called for and resulted as follows: “Yeas”: Messrs. Welch, Loupe, Amoroso, Boe, and Delgado Mmes. Banks-Daniel, Edwards, Collins-Lewis, Marcelle, and Wicker “Nays”: None. Absent: Messrs. Wilson and Heck. 10 yeas, 0 nays, 2 absent, and the motion was adopted. ................. 123 March 25, 2015 The proposed resolution was introduced by Ms. Marcelle and read in full: RESOLUTION 51408 EBROSCO RESOLUTION 8106 AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR-PRESIDENT AND/OR THE EAST BATON ROUGE SEWERAGE COMMISSION TO EXECUTE SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT NO. 6 TO THE CONTRACT WITH MWH AMERICAS, INC. (MWH) FOR ADDITIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES IN CONNECTION WITH THE CENTRAL CONSOLIDATED PUMP STATION 42,(AREA CC-WWTP-PS), BEING PROJECT NO. 09-PS-UF-0003, IN AN AMOUNT OF $99,974.00,CONTINGENT UPON ADEQUATE FUNDING HAS BEEN PROVIDED FOR SUCH SERVICES. BE IT RESOLVED by the Metropolitan Council of the Parish of East Baton Rouge and City of Baton Rouge and by the Board of Commissioners of the East Baton Rouge Sewerage Commission (EBROSCO), acting as the Authority for EBROSCO, that: Section 1. The Mayor-President, on behalf of the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge, and/or the East Baton Rouge Sewerage Commission, are hereby authorized to execute Supplemental Agreement No. 6 to the contract with MWH Americas, Inc. (MWH) for additional engineering services in connection with Central Consolidated Pump Station 42,(Area CC-WWTP-PS), being Project No. 09-PS-UF-0003, in an amount of $99,974.00, contingent upon adequate funding has been provided for such services. Section 2. Said contract herein authorized shall be approved by the Office of the Parish Attorney as to form and legality. A motion was made by Ms. Marcelle and seconded by Mr. Loupe that the above proposed resolution be adopted. A “Yea” and “Nay” vote was called for and resulted as follows: “Yeas”: Messrs. Welch, Loupe, Amoroso, Boe, and Delgado Mmes. Banks-Daniel, Edwards, Collins-Lewis, Marcelle, and Wicker “Nays”: None. Absent: Messrs. Wilson and Heck. 10 yeas, 0 nays, 2 absent, and the motion was adopted. ................. 124 March 25, 2015 The proposed resolution was introduced by Ms. Marcelle and read in full: RESOLUTION 51409 AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR-PRESIDENT TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT WITH G.E.C. INC., WITH SUBCONSULTANTS: GOTECH INC., STANTEC CONSULTING SERVICES INC., AND SOUTHERN EARTH SCIENCES INC. FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES IN CONNECTION WITH CITY-PARISH PROJECT NO. 15-CE-ST-0001, SALES TAX STREET AND ROAD REHABILITATION PROGRAM CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISION AND INSPECTION PHASE 15/1 IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $927,600.00. BE IT RESOLVED by the Metropolitan Council of the Parish of East Baton Rouge and City of Baton Rouge that: Section 1. The Mayor-President is hereby authorized to execute a contract with G.E.C. Inc., with subconsultants: Gotech Inc., Stantec Consulting Services Inc., and Southern Earth Sciences Inc. for engineering services in connection with City-Parish Project No. 15-CE-ST-0001, Sales Tax Street and Road Rehabilitation Program Construction Supervision and Inspection - Phase 15/1 in an amount not to exceed $927,600.00. Section 2. Said agreement shall be approved by the Office of the Parish Attorney as to form and legality. A motion was made by Ms. Marcelle and seconded by Mr. Loupe that the above proposed resolution be adopted. A “Yea” and “Nay” vote was called for and resulted as follows: “Yeas”: Messrs. Welch, Loupe, Amoroso, Boe, and Delgado Mmes. Banks-Daniel, Edwards, Collins-Lewis, Marcelle, and Wicker “Nays”: None. Absent: Messrs. Wilson and Heck. 10 yeas, 0 nays, 2 absent, and the motion was adopted. ................. The proposed resolution was introduced by Mr. Loupe and read in full: RESOLUTION 51410 AUTHORIZING THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS TO APPLY TO THE STATE OF LOUISIANA FOR FUNDS NOT TO EXCEED $400,000.00 PER SCHOOL FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AND DEVELOPMENT SAFE ROUTES TO SCHOOL PROGRAM TO BE USED TO IMPROVE BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN ROUTES TO AND FROM ELEMENTARY AND MIDDLE SCHOOLS IN THE PARISH. BE IT RESOLVED by the Metropolitan Council of the Parish of East Baton Rouge and City of Baton Rouge that: 125 March 25, 2015 WHEREAS, the State of Louisiana through the Department of Transportation and Development has funds available through the Safe Routes to School Program, not to exceed $400,000.00 per school for the purpose of improving bicycle and pedestrian routes to and from elementary and middle schools, and WHEREAS, many students either walk or ride bicycles to and from school, and WHEREAS, the safety of students traveling to and from school is a high priority of this council, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Department of Public Works, through its Director be, and hereby is, authorized to make application to the State of Louisiana, through the Department of Transportation and Development for funds from the Safe Routes to School Program, not to exceed $400,000.00 per school, and to perform all necessary actions to accomplish the application. A motion was made by Mr. Loupe and seconded by Mr. Boe that the above proposed resolution be adopted. A “Yea” and “Nay” vote was called for and resulted as follows: “Yeas”: Messrs. Welch, Loupe, Amoroso, Boe, and Delgado Mmes. Banks-Daniel, Edwards, Collins-Lewis, Marcelle, and Wicker “Nays”: None. Absent: Messrs. Wilson and Heck. 10 yeas, 0 nays, 2 absent, and the motion was adopted. ................. REQUESTING AN UPDATE FROM PURCHASING AND DPW ON THE PAYMENT STATUS OF THE COMMUNITY OUTREACH WORKERS/CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIALISTS WHO WERE TRANSFERRED FROM CONSTITUENT AND NEIGHBORHOOD SERVICES TO DPW BLIGHT ELIMINATION. BY: COUNCILMAN TRAE WELCH. A motion was made by Mr. Welch and seconded by Mr. Loupe to receive the report. A “Yes” and “Nay” vote was called for and resulted as follows: “Yeas”: Messrs. Wilson, Heck, Welch, Loupe, Amoroso, Boe, and Delgado Mmes. Banks-Daniel, Edwards, Collins-Lewis, Marcelle, and Wicker “Nays”: None. Absent: None. 12 yeas, 0 nays, 0 absent, and the motion was adopted. ................. 126 March 25, 2015 The proposed resolution was introduced by Mr. Welch and read in full: RESOLUTION 51411 AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR-PRESIDENT TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT FOR ARCHITECTURAL AND PROFESSIONAL SERVICES WITH RCL ARCHITECTS FOR ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN, BIDDING AND CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATION SERVICES IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $619,277 FOR THE NEW FACILITIES FOR THE MOSQUITO ABATEMENT AND RODENT CONTROL. BE IT RESOLVED by the Metropolitan Council of the Parish of East Baton Rouge and City of Baton Rouge that: Section 1. The Mayor-President is hereby authorized to execute a contract for Architectural and Professional Services with RCL Architects for Architectural Design, Bidding and Construction Administration Services in an amount not to exceed $619,277 for the new facilities for the Mosquito Abatement and Rodent Control. Section 2. Said agreement shall be approved by the Office of the Parish Attorney as to form and legality. A motion was made by Mr. Welch and seconded by Mr. Boe that the above proposed resolution be adopted. A “Yea” and “Nay” vote was called for and resulted as follows: “Yeas”: Messrs. Welch, Wilson, and Boe Mmes. Banks-Daniel, Edwards, Collins-Lewis, and Wicker “Nays”: Messrs. Loupe, Amoroso, Heck, and Delgado Ms. Marcelle Absent: None. 7 yeas, 5 nays, 0 absent, and the motion was adopted. ................. The proposed resolution was introduced by Ms. Marcelle and read in full: RESOLUTION 51412 RESCINDING AND DIRECTING THE CLERK OF COURT TO CANCEL THE DECISION AND ORDER RECORDED ON APRIL 30, 2014 AT ORIGINAL 113 OF BUNDLE 12575 IN THE MATTER OF "CITY OF BATON ROUGE VS. JEFFREY BOWMAN”- CONDEMNATION PROCEEDING NO. 9180 (4945 BANK STREET; LOT 11, SQUARE 8, WHITE PLAINS SUBDIVISION). BE IT RESOLVED, by the Metropolitan Council of the City of Baton Rouge and the Parish of East Baton Rouge that: Section 1. The Decision and Order in the matter of "City of Baton Rouge vs. Jeffrey Bowman” - Condemnation Proceeding No. 9180 (4945 Bank Street; Lot 11, Square 8, White Plains Subdivision), is hereby rescinded in its entirety. 127 March 25, 2015 Section 2. The Clerk of Court of East Baton Rouge is directed to cancel the Decision and Order recorded on April 30, 2014 at Original 113 of Bundle 12575 in its official records. A motion was made by Ms. Marcelle and seconded by Mr. Loupe that the above proposed resolution be adopted. A “Yes” and “Nay” vote was called for and resulted as follows: “Yeas”: Messrs. Wilson, Heck, Welch, Loupe, Amoroso, Boe, and Delgado Mmes. Banks-Daniel, Edwards, Collins-Lewis, Marcelle, and Wicker “Nays”: None. Absent: None. 12 yeas, 0 nays, 0 absent, and the motion was adopted. ................. The proposed resolution was introduced by Ms. Marcelle and read in full: RESOLUTION 51413 WAIVING THE PROVISIONS OF TITLE 9 (LICENSING AND REGULATION OF TRADES AND OCCUPATIONS), CHAPTER 10 (CHARITABLE GAMING ORGANIZATIONS), PART I. (IN GENERAL), SECTION 9:456(H) OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF BATON ROUGE AND PARISH OF EAST BATON ROUGE, WHICH PROHIBITS PAYOUTS BY CHARITABLE GAMING ORGANIZATIONS IN EXCESS OF $10,500 FOR THE COUNCIL ON AGING IN ORDER FOR THEM TO HOLD A SPECIAL GAME ON APRIL 11, 2015 WITH A PAYOUT OF $14,000. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Metropolitan Council of the Parish of East Baton Rouge and City of Baton Rouge that this Council hereby waives the provisions of Title 9 (Licensing and Regulation of Trades and Occupations), Chapter 10 (Charitable Gaming Organizations), Part I. (In General), Section 9:456(h) of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge, which prohibits payouts by charitable gaming organizations in excess of $10,500 for the Council on Aging in order for them to hold a special game on April 11, 2015 with a payout of $14,000. A motion was made by Ms. Marcelle and seconded by Ms. Collins-Lewis that the above proposed resolution be adopted. A “Yes” and “Nay” vote was called for and resulted as follows: “Yeas”: Messrs. Wilson, Heck, Welch, Loupe, Amoroso, Boe, and Delgado Mmes. Banks-Daniel, Edwards, Collins-Lewis, Marcelle, and Wicker “Nays”: None. Absent: None. 12 yeas, 0 nays, 0 absent, and the motion was adopted. ................. 128 March 25, 2015 ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business coming before the Metropolitan Council of the Parish of East Baton Rouge and the City of Baton Rouge in regular session convened, a motion was made by Ms. Marcelle and seconded Ms. Collins-Lewis that the meeting be adjourned. A “Yea” and “Nay” vote was called for and resulted as follows: “Yeas”: Messrs. Wilson, Heck, Welch, Loupe, Amoroso, Boe, and Delgado Mmes. Banks-Daniel, Edwards, Collins-Lewis, Marcelle, and Wicker “Nays”: None. Absent: None. 12 yeas, 0 nays, 0 absent, and the motion was adopted. ................. 129
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