Office of the Planning Commission Cify of Baton Ronge arrd Parislrof Easr Baton Rouge Port Officr Bax 1il7l, Batnn Rouge.Louisisn:l?0821 or I 100 Laruel Streer.Suitc l0;l* Blron Rouge.LA 7080? P h o r r c{ 2 1 5 ) I l { 9 - l I ' 1 4 f ax {??-l) :lii!}-53,11 FrankM. Duke, FAICP I)lanningl)ire.ctor May 6, 2015 TO: PlanningCommission THROUGH: FROM: ptanning Frank M.Duke, FAtcp, Director 4/t^-? Vance W.Baldwin, PLA, LandDevelopment Coordinato ,6 SUBJECT: 5-3-15,Hunter'sTraceSubdivision(Deferredfrom April 20,20151 Applicant Engineer/Designer ReferenceName Location PIN(s) PlanningCommission Meeting Date ChadStevens M a r c h5 , 2 0 1 . 5 SubmittalDate MR Engineering & Surveying Lot and Block 72 Hunter'sTrace Subdivision CaseNumber s-3-15 Southsideof BurbankDriveand west of PelicanLakesParkway,on TractsA3-3-Cand 3-C-1of the J.S.SehdevaProperty(formerlya portion of (CouncilDistrict3 - Loupe) ChatsworthPlantation). 2028I, 1610723741 1,6107 85.LAcres Site Area May 18,2015 Metropolitan Council N/A Meeting Date a;?ffiftSili. Number of Lots Proposed OverallResidential Density Access Background;i 261 Residential Lotsand Five RequestedWaivers CommonAreaTracts 3.07Unitsper Acre r"-?r,, None PublicStreets Two ExistingTracts :;, i FUTUREBR LandUse Designation Agricultural/Rural (AglRu)and Employment Center(EC);companion (RN) case(PA-2-15) requestingResidential Neighborhood ExistingZoning Rural ExistingUse Undeveloped SurroundingZoning SurroundingUses d n i tD e v e l o p m e nAt ;1 ( S i n g l F e a m i l yR e s i d e n t i a l ) a n d P U D( P l a n n e U A2.6(ZeroLot LineResidential), and Rural Low DensityResidential, and Utilities HighDensityResidential, t, ';,'" i Approval,based upon compliancewith minimum developmentregulationsand compatibilitywith surroundingland uses, assumingPA-2-1,5, which was supported by the PlanningCommission,is approvedby Metro Council. Community Outreach/Notification o Staff reportswill be availablefor reviewon May 8, 2015 at gendas.htm ( pt/planni ns/ldast/) o PublicNotificationCardswere mailedto all propertyownerswithin a 300 foot radiusof the subjectpropertyon May L,701"5. . Legaladvertisement will be publishedin the Advocateon May 8, 2015. Recommendation Approval,based upon compliancewith minimum developmentregulationsand compatibilitywith surrounding land uses, assuming PA-2-15,which was supported by the PlanningCommission,is approvedby Metro Council. Legend I s-3-15 CurrentCases PreviousRelevantCases Notifiedof PublicHearing f-] ZoningGraphic LotGraphic A1 ZoningLabels A A N 0 400 800 1200 1600ft - SCALE s-3-15 A o AE N 4oo 8oo 12oo 1600ft ScALE @PL,Al'lNltts 4-?'15 (.c. l4A('t5 ?.C.t"Vq
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