Office of the Planning Commission City of Batou Rouseand Parishof East Baton Rouge PostOffice Box 1471,Baton Rouge,Louisian;rTtlll2l or l l0{f Laurel Street.Suite l0-1.Baton Rougc.LA 701i02 P h o n e( 2 2 5 )l B 9 - 3 1 4 . t F a x ( 2 2 5 )3 t t 9 - 5 3 " 1 : Fnnk M. Duke, FAICP Planningl)irector June3, 2015 TO: Plannin g mmi ssi o n co n r^- - :- -^,^^.^- M T H R O U G H : FrankM. Duke,FAICP, Planning Director{] FROM: CarrieBroussard, Sr. LongRangePlannero{A SUBJECT: PA-3-15, FUTUREBR Transportation Amendment-Major Element StreetPlan(Deferred from May18,20L5) ,.U' JosephT. Spinosa MajorStreetPlan-Perkins Road PA-3-L5 Southwestsideof PerkinsRoadbetweenthe intersectionsof Congress Boulevardand GlaseowAvenue.(CouncilDistrict12-De L43052rr27 JuneL5,20L5 ComprehensivePlanAmendment MetropolitanCouncil MeetingDate J u l yL 5 , 2 0 1 5 Amendmentto the Major StreetPlanto reducethe designated right-of-waywidth on a portion of PerkinsRoad Denial,basedupon potentialfuture transportationneeds. CaseHistory - This Site o TND-1-07RouzanConcept Plan(201,41 o Approvedby the Planning Commission on April2'J,,2OL4. o Approvedby the MetropolitanCouncilonMay L4,2Ot4. o MS-1-15was deniedby the Planning of the Commission staffat the recommendation Departmentof Transportationand Drainagein March 2015.The requestwas to reducethe Major StreetPlansetbackon the southwestsideof PerkinsRoadbetweenthe intersectionsof CongressBoulevardand GlasgowAvenue. The Departmentof Transportationand Drainage recommended denialbasedupon potentialfuturetransportation needs. ComprehensivePlanAnalysis o The primarygoalof the TransportationElementis to "Establisha road networkwith improved and acceptablelocaland regionaltraffic congestionlevels." o The major obstacleto maintaininglevelof serviceon major roadsfrom a streetdesign perspectiveis left turning movements. o Ensuringthe adequacyof right-of-wayto accommodatesuchmovementsis criticalto maintenanceof an acceptablelevelof service. o PerkinsRoadis identifiedin FUTUREBR as one of six catalyticcorridorswhere street design shouldreflecthow streetscontributeto the urban environment. o The specificrecommendationin the plan is to pursuetransportationenhancements usinga contextsensitiveapproach. o Any reductionin designatedright-of-waywidth could compromiseimplementationof these CompleteStreetrecommendations at a future date. Major Street PlanAnalysis o The Major StreetPlanindicatesSlaneswith 125 feet of right-of-wayalongthis sectionof Perkins Road,and the statusis Completedor Programmed.PerkinsRoadis classifiedas a Principal Arterialroadway. The MajorStreetPlandoesnot accountfor all lanesneededor existingat individual intersections,but indicatesthe roadwaysectionover the lengthof the corridor. The Departmentof Transportation and Drainagerecommends denialof the amendmentbased upon the potentialneedfor future improvementsat the intersectionsof PerkinsRoadand GlasgowAvenueand CongressBoulevard. Community Outreach/Notification o The subjectpropertywas postedon April 30, 20L5. o Staff reportswill be availableto reviewon May 8, 2015at o PublicNotificationCardswere mailedto all propertyownerswithin a 300 foot radiusof the subjectpropertyon May L,2OL5. o Legaladvertisementwill be publishedin The AdvocateonMay 8, L2 and 'J,4,2OI5. Recommendation Deniaf, basedupon potentialroadwayimprovementsin the future for traffic capacityand/or Complete Streetsimplementation. . ="'" 'r. t, N sa Y Legend I CurrentCases PreviousRelevantCases [N t-t Notifiedof PublicHearing ZoningGraphic LotGraphic A1 ZoningLabels PA-3-15 A N 100 200 SCALE 300 400 ft PA-3-15 l\ N o - 1oo 2oo 3oo 4ooft ScALE @PllllNtttc ,\ N F ,/ t \v \- - \ t \o PA-3-15 Future Land Use CompactNeighborhood I MixedUseArterial /\ Neighborhood Center : Regional Center N o - ioo 2oo soo 4ooft ScALE Residential Neighborhood N CurrentCases {E$PI\Illttttc
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