www.burlheadss.eq.edu.au [email protected] NEWSLETTER Phone 07 5568 6666 Fax 07 5568 6600 23 April 2015 Principal’s News Deputy Principal’s News Events P&C News SAKG News Finance Tuckshop Adver!sing PRINCIPAL’S NEWS WELCOME BACK Welcome back a&er the Easter break to all members of our school community. This term contains some BIG events with the ANZAC Day march this Saturday, Na!onal Tes!ng (NAPLAN) occurring in Week 4, School Cross Country, Lightning Sports Carnivals occurring for both Years 5 & 6, Year 6 Camp and our School Athle!cs Carnivals just to name a few. I know the staff are working hard in the classrooms and will be providing the first of two formal reports for 2015 later this term. POLICE - TRAFFIC (from Gold Coast Police) Across the Gold Coast District Police are regularly contacted by school’s and concerned parents in rela on to inappropriate driving and behaviour’s around school zones. Speed limits, drop-off and pick-up areas and parking rules exist to keep your children, parents and carers safe. They also help to minimise speed and traffic jams around schools. Whilst we appreciate that the drop off and pick up is a par cularly busy me of day it does not excuse dangerous behaviour that could come with fatal consequences. Gold Coast Police are constantly patrolling our school zones. Some of the offences that have been witnessed are, parents stopping in the middle of the road (double parking) and allowing children to get out of the vehicle, uturns over double white lines into on-coming traffic, running red lights, speeding, unrestrained children, and road rage (use of offensive language whilst children were in the vehicle). Over the next few weeks you will see an increase in High Visibility Traffic Patrols. We are keeping our roads safe by performing proac ve and targeted traffic enforcement in rela on to all school zones on the Gold Coast. So remember the road rules and don’t break them just to save a few extra minutes. The consequences will be with you for the rest of your life. Below outlines some of the penal!es which apply to traffic offences that are currently occurring within your school zone. SPEEDING School zone !mes have been standardised in Queensland to help motorists remember when to slow down. The standard opera!ng !mes for your school zones is 7–9am and 2–4pm. Speeding <13km over the speed limit $151 and 1 point 13-20km over the speed limit $227 and 3 points 21-30km over the speed limit $379 and 4 points 31-40km over the speed limit $531 and 6 points 41km and over the speed limit $1062 and 8 points PARKING Make sure to take extra care when parking on school grounds and on the roads and streets around the school and follow the signed parking rules at all !mes. Remember most schools are around residen!al areas please be courteous and respecHul to these people by not parking over their driveways. Stop across Footpath $45 OTHER COMMON OFFENCES Seatbelts – As the parent you are responsible that your child has their seatbelts on and if required the correct car seat. Penal!es for not wearing a seatbelt is $341 and 3 points. If your child is under 16 and is not wearing a seatbelt you get the !cket. U-turns – Illegal U-turns when not signed to do so - $91 and 2 points Red Traffic Light - $341 and 3 points Cross Double Lines - $204 and 3 points Disorderly conduct - $341 ANZAC Day Burleigh Heads March Tomorrow the school will once again par!cipate in the Burleigh Heads State School ANZAC Day march down James Street. We encourage our school community to par!cipate in this important event and ask that students who are par!cipa!ng be dressed in full school uniform inclusive of the school hat. It is strongly encouraged that students also bring a water boMle for the service. One significant change this year is that the Burleigh Heads RSL has asked that the students march ahead of any family or staff members whilst marching down James Street. I have spoken to the Student Council who will make a par!cularly effort to look a&er our younger students whilst marching. Peter Tong DEPUTY PRINCIPAL PA T N E OR T 1 WE K 10 (30 M r -2 A! "#) PREP—YEAR 2 — 1T with 97.14% YEAR 3—YEAR 4 — 4K with 95.69% YEAR 5—YEAR 6— 6T with 96.37% % ST '(P)OV D A T N E OR WE K 10 PREP—YEAR 2— 1/2B with 11.36% YEAR 3 - YEAR 4 YEAR 5—YEAR 6— 5/6R with 3.93% , -S S .ITH A T N E AT/23OVE S 45 L A7GET OF 93% OR WE K 9 Prep H, Prep S, 1F, 1K, 1T, 1/2B, 3CL, 3L, 4K, 6T N< las@ a AB CeE 1F0% GH nd nKL. A N OPnQ R fTR sUuQ nt@ t< XeY Z[ PR sUi ] R badXL aY Z[L nE _ Z[L ` aesb R Z[ c OusY dL aY s hog# fTR 95 _ Z[L 1F0 d y@. Welcome back to Term 2 and a special welcome to our new families to the school this term. Welcome The break was a good opportunity for our students to refresh in readiness for another challenging and fun-filled term at school. This term the weather will con!nue to be unpredictable and with cooler weather approaching there are some things to consider. Please label your child’s uniform, par!cularly jackets as these are o&en removed as the day warms up and cannot be returned to their owner without a name tag. The expense of re-buying uniforms can be avoided by a simple label. Please con!nue to support our uniform policy by ensuring that your child adheres carefully to the correct uniform. A reminder that maroon jumpers or cardigans or jackets are school uniform. Our uniform is a source of pride for our students and the wider school community. The s9cker badge for this week is Correct School Uniform EVERY DAY COUNTS Every day counts is a state wide ini!a!ve that aims to assist in improving student aMendance at school through a shared commitment by students, parents, caregivers, schools and the community to improve students' aMendance at school. Research indicates that there is a very strong correla!on between student aMendance and achievement. To do this, “Every day counts” promotes four key messages: • all children should be enrolled at school and aMend every school day • schools should monitor, communicate and implement strategies to improve regular school aMendance • truan!ng can place a student in unsafe situa!ons and impact on their future employability and life choices • aMendance at school is the responsibility of everyone in the community. At the end of this term we will be awarding AMendance S!ckers of acknowledgement to the students that have achieved a 95% or beMer aMendance rate for Semester 1 2015 and acknowledging the class with the highest rate of aMendance. Parents please support the school and your children by making “every day count”. (Students have been reminded to get this s!cker they must aMend school for 95 out of 100 days in Semester 1.) VALUE FOCUS FOR THIS WEEK—CORRECT SCHOOL UNIFORM You may like to discuss some of these points with your children. Teachers have been focussing on this important value this week. • School uniform is maroon shirts, shorts, skorts, skirts or maroon and white checked dress. • School hat—maroon. • Maroon jumper, cardigan or jacket. • Runners (preferably black) or black shoes. • Socks—preferably white short socks • Hair !es or clips in maroon or natural hair colours. • Sleepers or studs, only medical bracelets. • No makeup or nail polish. REMINDER—ANZAC DAY Between 2014 and 2018 Australians will commemorate the ANZAC Centenary, marking 100 years since our involvement in the First World War. (This year marks 100 years since the landing at Gallipoli.) The school will be par!cipa!ng in the Burleigh Heads ANZAC Day March on the 25 April. Students are to assemble at the top of James Street, closest to the school, at 9.00am for a 9.30 start. Students are to wear school uniform, hat and bring a water boMle. Our choir will also be performing. NAPLAN This term our Years 3 and 5 children will sit for the NAPLAN tests in the areas of English and Maths. All students have been comple!ng a range of learning ac!vi!es which will ensure they are very well prepared to sit for the tests. It is also important to provide students with a level of confidence that assures them that they are capable and ready to complete all challenges. ROAD SAFETY What Price Inconvenience?? What price would we put on the lives of our children/students? The answer of course is that there isn’t one. Who has the greatest influence on the behaviour of younger children? Again, the obvious answer is parents. This remains in place fortunately before peer pressure and media take a bigger influence, as the child moves into upper primary and secondary school. Parental behaviour will be copied by children when parents are not around. It is well known, and unfortunately o&en proven, that crossing roads is quite dangerous par!cularly for younger children. In addi!on to the obvious problem of children having so much happening around them, something on their minds or chaXng with friends, younger children have not developed the ability to judge distances. Back It is therefore essen!al that all children use the crossings. I urge parents to do so when bringing or taking children to school. If parents don’t use the crossings you are establishing that they are not necessary. In this case, deeds will negate any words from teachers. Traffic around schools is heavy in these periods, especially on the Gold Coast Highway and in Acanthus Avenue. It is extremely dangerous if the crossings and traffic lights are not used. It is important to wait for the correct signal or the crossing supervisor before you cross. What price inconvenience? Carol Browne EVENTS Fri 24 April 2015 Interschool Sport Round 3 Sat 25 April 2015 ANZAC Day Meet at intersec9on of West & James Str at 9.15am—ready to march at 9.30am Tue 5 May 2015 Wed 6 May 2015 Mother’s Day P-6 School Cross Country P&C Stall Wed 29 April 2015 Assembly Years 5-6 Fri 1 May 2015 Interschool Sport Round 4 Wed 6 May 2015 Assembly Years 3-4 4K Fri 8 May 2015 Interschool Sport Round 5 SAKG NEWS 4F harves9ng from the garden this week. Cole e Edwards Kitchen and Garden Teacher SAKG Recipes Back P&C NEWS Welcome back from the holidays. Hopefully everyone had a safe and enjoyable time, though there are some nasty colds and flus doing the rounds. As the year marches on we are keen to know what ideas family members and friends of Burleigh Heads State School have to continue to make the school a great place for all students. So we are working on a way to ask you to let us know your ideas from the comfort of your own homes at times that suit you in the near future. You don’t need to join the P&C to help the school. There are many ways to help, and sharing your ideas is a good way to start. We’ll put a link on the school Facebook page when it’s ready to go. Coming soon! The brand new 2015/16 Entertainment Books for the Gold Coast/Northern NSW area are being launched today. The school will be taking up the offer to sell them as a fundraiser. Not only is it even bigger than ever before, but it is also available in a digital version to down load straight to your smart phone. The books have over $20,000 in savings from everywhere such as Oskars, Moo Moos, Cold Rock, Hungry Jacks, Subway, Titans, Gold Coast Suns, Dreamworld, Woolworths, David Jones… the list goes on. We should have them available from next week. In the meantime I’m looking forward to hearing the School Choir at the Anzac Day march on Saturday morning! Marcia Dwonczyk P&C President HELP US FILL THE VOLUNTEER ROSTER FOR THE BURLEIGH BITE (TUCKSHOP) Volunteer 1 Mon 9-11 Paula Mon 11-2 Paula Tue 9-11 Kylie Tue 11-2 Kylie Wed 9-11 Kylie Wed 11-2 Kylie Not needed Not needed Not needed Not needed Not needed Not needed Thu 9-11 Kylie Thu 11-2 Kylie Fri 9-11 Paula Fri 11-2 Paula Volunteer 2 Volunteer 3 On call volunteers (volunteers who come in when needed/available but not on a regular basis) Michelle & Dawn We are seeking volunteers to fill in the blanks, so if you have 2 hours or a whole day, there is a spot for you. You can choose to do the same !me each week, fortnight or even monthly. Any help is greatly appreciated and consistent help will ensure the smooth running of our tuckshop. Tasks include taking students orders, preparing orders ready for collec!on, making basic food items including sandwiches and wraps, you may even learn new skills or some new recipes to share with your family. Full training is provided. This call out is not just to parents…..grandparents, other family members and friends are also more than welcome (a Blue card is required if you are not a parent and applica!ons are available from the office). If you are interested in volunteering please contact Evelyne in the tuckshop. You can find her in the tuckshop 8.30am un!l 2.00pm each day or by email [email protected] We hope to hear from YOU! Tracey King P&C Secretary Back SCHOOL INFO New Phone System - Thank you for complying and u9lising our new automated phone system. Below are the op!ons for your informa!on ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Press 1 - Student Absences Press 2 - Tuckshop and Uniform Shop Press 3 - Informa!on and Events Calls for PCYC call 0408 653 524 Press 4 - School Recep!on We appreciate your support * THE BURLEIGH BITE OPENING HOURS Mon—Fri 8:30 – 9:30am * BREAKFAST CLUB Open from 8.30—8.45am (in the old hall) Dona9ons of jam, honey, vegemite & margarine would be greatly appreciated * SECOND HAND STORE OPENING HOURS Monday 8:30 – 9:30am * STUDENT BANKING every Tuesday 4-7’s please leave banking at the School Office. P-3’s banking will be collected from class rooms * UNIFORM SHOP OPENING HOURS Monday 9:00am—9:30am Friday 8.30—9.30am www.flexischools.com.au UPDATE YOUR CONTACT DETAILS ARE YOUR CONTACT DETAILS UP TO DATE – INCLUDING EMERGENCY CONTACTS ????? We have been experiencing a number of students presen!ng to sick bay with serious illnesses/injuries to warrant the school needing to urgently contact a parent/guardian or an emergency contact but with no success. Could you please make sure that your contact details are up to date and ensure your emergency contacts are available if you’re not able to be contacted. This is especially important for when parents are travelling away during the school term and leaving students with guardians. Please contact the school by email [email protected] to update your details. FINANCE BHSS realise the difficul!es some parents face with not being able to access the payment window during opera!ng hours, so the following alterna!ves are available to give complete 24 hour service, to suit your needs. Paying by Internet Banking— preferred method of payment Account Name: BHSS General Account Bank: Commonwealth Bank BSB: 064-404 Account Number: 00090135 Reference: (use Students EQ ID & specific Excursion Reference) Paying by Telephone Visa and MasterCard payments can be processed by calling the school from 9.30 am – 2.30 pm, weekdays on (07) 5568 6666. Paying in Person Visa, MasterCard, EFTPOS, Cash or Cheques can be processed at the school payment window from 8.30 am – 11.30 am Tuesday and Thursday mornings. Fortnightly Centrepay Deduc9ons If you currently receive Centrelink payments, you can arrange for student fees to be automa!cally deducted via Centrepay. Please contact the office to organise the fortnightly auto deduc!on amount and complete the form or download from the following link Centrepay QSchools app Download app Subscribe to the BHSS newslePer Follow us on Facebook Burleigh Heads SS Facebook page Back COMMUNITY NEWS Ruben 5/6R Back COMMUNITY NEWS — Please support our sponsors Back COMMUNITY NEWS — Please support our sponsors FARMERS MARKET Burleigh Heads State School Oval *** EVERY SATURDAY *** (rain, hail or shine) 7 am — 12 noon *Farm fresh Fruit & Veg *Gourmet Foods *Global Foods *Meat, Seafood, Deli *Arts & Cra1s *An2ques & Collectables www.goldcoasHarmersmarkets.com.au ADVERTISING Burleigh Heads State School & Education Queensland accepts no responsibility or liability for products and services offered in this section. Back
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