NOVEMBER—DECEMBER 2012 Multiplied Ryan and Sam Mitchell Inside this issue: CMMBC party time! 6 Pushing my buttons 8 Twins off to school 12 About breastpumps 15 Family photo tricks 18 Meet a member 26 P.O. Box 1223, Pukekohe There’s HOW MANY days until Christmas?! Email: [email protected] CMMBC COMMITTEE CO-PRESIDENT CENTRAL CONTACT HUGGIES CONTACT Esther Williams [email protected] Tel: (09) 239-1091 CO-PRESIDENT TRIPLETS SUPPORT SECRETARY EQUIPMENT HIRE COMMUNITY LIAISON ANTENATAL SUPPORT NEWSLETTER EDITOR WEBSITE MANAGER Stacey Morunga [email protected] Tel: 021 669 632 Natasha Hobson [email protected] Charlie Saunders [email protected] Tel: (09) 235-2295 Donnelle Belanger-Taylor [email protected] Tel: (09) 267-9041 GRANTS OFFICER SUPPORT COMMITTEE Sian Stewart [email protected] Tel: (09) 238-0480 Louise Mackie [email protected] Tel: (09) 267-0992 MEMBERSHIP OFFICER TREASURER Alicia Jeffery [email protected] Tel: (09) 238-8363 Lara Utatao [email protected] Tel: (09) 233-6811 Tel: (09) 238-8646 BOUNCY CASTLE HIRE WALKING GROUP Karen Buchanan [email protected] Tel: (09) 269-6967 JOIN OUR COMMITTEE! ANY ASSISTANCE IS APPRECIATED. CONTACT ESTHER WILLIAMS FOR MORE DETAILS. FUNDRAISING · SUPPORT · EVENTS · MORNING TEA HOSTS · etc... Page 2 NOVEMBER—DECEMBER 2012 PRESIDENT’S REPORT This newsletter marks a new chapter in our family as George and Harry started school this term. It certainly feels strange! We congratulate Natasha, Damian, Max and Aden on the birth of their daughter and sister, Amelia. Amelia has already attended her first committee meeting and it's been a good reminder for me to see how much work goes into doing the equipment! The first week of October also marked Multiple Birth Awareness Week and we look forward to celebrating this and Christmas with you at our Christmas Party on Sunday the 18th of November. I had the pleasure of attending the NZMBA AGM along with Stacey, who also attended the rest of the conference with Alicia. I want to thank Stacey and Alicia for representing our club and it was great to get the feedback and affirmation that our club is doing some pretty special things! The NZMBA have released two new resource books which will be available to our members. Please note the new user name and password for the NZMBA Website which is in this newsletter. Many thanks for the many donations the club has received in the last few months. If you have any second-hand clothing or baby gear you would like to pass on, please use our Facebook page to place any donations. I am really looking forward to our next 'Multiplied' Antenatal Class in November and to seeing lots of you at the Christmas Party! It seems too early to wish you a happy festive season so enjoy the build up and take care! Disclaimer: The views expressed in this publication are not necessarily those held by Counties Manukau Multiple Birth Club (CMMBC). Unless stated, products advertised are not endorsed by CMMBC. NOVEMBER—DECEMBER 2012 Page 3 NEW BABIES Tara Duffin & Anthony Gordon along with big sister Addison welcomed Cooper and Miller (both 2.3kg) on 25/8/12 by C-section. Caren van Ingel-Kal & Stephan Blumenburg, with Ryan, welcomed Bella (2.65kg) and Kayla (2.64kg), 20 minutes apart on 14/09/12. Nicki & Harley Short and big brother Jarvis welcomed Cooper Anthony (6lb10) and Eden Ngaire (6lb5), 30 minutes apart on 18/09/12. Haylee & Roy Bellingham welcomed twin girls Amber (2.925kg) and Skyla (2.975kg) on 18/09/12 (their Dad's birthday!) at 11am & 11.02am. Anna Fuapau, with Tazmyn, Tyler, Tiannah and Teegan, welcomed Trinity (2.70kg) and Treyden (2.66kg) on 20/09/12. Cassandra & Va'ai Opeti-Finau, with Tovo, Lopelota, Anakiu, Latai and Melenaite, welcomed Melemata (2.2kg) and Salote (2.8kg) on 20/09/12. Natasha Hobman and Damian Dexter, along with proud big brothers Max and Aden, welcomed Amelia Mia Dexter (6lbs) on 5/10/12. Craig and Shelley Murphy welcomed Declan John Murphy (2.42kg) and Ailish Ruth Murphy (2.16kg) on 7/10/12. Katie Andersen and Stuart Bennett welcomed Paige Elisabeth (2.57kg) and Mackenzie Rose (2.67kg) on 20/10/12. Clinton, Sebastian and Anne Williams are proud to welcome two beautiful little GIRLS into the works, much to our amazement! Emily Louise (6lb6oz) and Eleanor Anne (7lb7) were born on 25/10/12. NEW MEMBERS... Tara Duffin & Anthony Gordon with Addison and twins Cooper and Miller. Michelle & Siato Tamua, expecting twins 24/02/13. Simone Keven & Toshi Kuribara, expecting twins 07/04/13. Page 4 NOVEMBER—DECEMBER 2012 November December 3rd Xander Belanger-Taylor 8 6th Tazmyn Faupau 9 8th Logan & Connor Roberts 6 15th Tyla Keven-Kuribara 4 18th Trent & Addison Morrow 1 21st Zodie Heemi 5 22nd Evelyn Lambert 6 22nd Willow, Connor & Summer Wright 1 23rd Alysha-Jayne Chalmers 8 26th Mason, Aria & Reeve deTourettes 2 28th Isabella Chalmers 13 28th Janessa Chalmers 6 30th Charlotte & Jessica Shortt 3 5th Jordan Fakava 17 8th Alexis & Charlotte Buchanan 2 8th Monique Meyer 2 10th Thalia & Deighton Wright 3 12th Mele Huahuku 4 12th Latai Opeti-Finau 3 14th Ella & Paige Manning 2 14th Emily & Trinity Holmes-Brunsdon 21st Holly & Morgan McEwan 2 21st Brandon-Lee Daniela 15 27th Myka Newman 8 If your child is not listed here and their birthday falls in November or December, it means our database is not up to date. Please email the club with updated details at [email protected]. Congratulations to Davina & Jason Wright on their first year with triplets! I’d like to give her special recognition for the fact that she continues to breastfeed Willow, Connor and Summer. What a fantastic achievement! … & MORE NEW MEMBERS! Caren van Ingel-Kal & Stephan Blumenburg, with Ryan, and Bella and Kayla. Sharyn & Bevan Martinovich, with Peta, expecting twins 18/01/13. Victoria Crisp & Jeff Watkinson, with Jade, expecting twins 08/03/13. Miriam & Gavin Arnet, expecting twin girls 30/01/13. Celeste & Jared Bowden with twins Eli and Harper. Anna Fuapau, with Tazmyn, Tyler, Tiannah, Teegan and twins Trinity and Treyden. Cassandra & Va'ai Opeti-Finau, with Tovo, Lopelota, Anakiu, Latai, Melenaite, and twins Melemata and Salote. Jeshreen Priya Chand, Niraj Singh and big brother Tanveer are expecting twin girls on 7/11/12. NOVEMBER—DECEMBER 2012 Page 5 CMMBC PARTY TIME! Christmas Party and Multiple Birth Awareness Week Celebration Sunday 18 November, from 11am St Andrews Church, Pukekohe (corner of Queen St and Wesley St) Bouncy Castle • Raffles • Face Painting • A special visit from someone in a red suit! Bring a plate to share for morning tea All family members are welcome Because CMMBC will be supplying gifts for the man in the red suit to distribute, we need to know how many children will be coming. Please RSVP before November 9 so that your children don’t miss out. RSVP to Esther Williams Before November 9 [email protected] Tel: (09) 239-1091 Or send a Facebook message Page 6 NOVEMBER—DECEMBER 2012 GET-TOGETHERS Because the holiday period is so unpredictable and busy, it can be difficult for people to commit to events. Keep an eye on Facebook for impromptu get-togethers, especially during the school holidays! Please feel free to post if you would like to host a morning tea. Hope to see you all at the Christmas party! BOUNCY CASTLE AVAILABLE! Great for birthday parties and other events! It’s easy to set up, and can be used indoors or outdoors. The hire fee is $50 for members ($80 nonmembers) plus $100 bond. Contact Karen Buchanan for bookings. [email protected], Tel: (09) 269-6967 MULTIPLED NEEDS YOU! Our newsletter relies on your stories and photos! You can share them on our Facebook page, or email the newsletter editor at [email protected]. (please use CMMBC in the subject so I know it’s not spam!) We would love to see you on Facebook, to share your photos and stories with us. It’s a great way to get to know each other! Just search for “Counties Manukau Multiple Birth Club”. CMMBC POLO SHIRTS Embroidered CMMBC shirts are available in sizes 4-18, in two styles, and in both purple and green! Get in touch with Esther to place an order. [email protected] Adults $35 / Kids $25 NZ MULTIPLE BIRTH ASSOCIATION If you have any queries or questions for NZMBA, please contact them in confidence on 0800 4 TWINS or e-mail [email protected] NOVEMBER—DECEMBER 2012 Page 7 PUSHING MY BUTTONS By Donnelle Belanger-Taylor Originally published on I love my kids, but boy, they can make me angrier than anyone else in the world. They're not malicious, but their timing can be terrible. My worst buttons are things from my own childhood. My kids are not responsible for those sensitive spots, or even know about them. When I acknowledge that, I can usually see the funny side. Here's some buttons that my kids have prodded lately… Button: Over-dramatising Perhaps the most perplexing example of over-dramatics happened last week. My eldest, who is seven, came home halfway through dinner. He'd been at the neighbours' place. He looked at his plate, yelled "You only cook asparagus because you hate me! I HATE YOU TOO!" and stormed off to his room. Actually, I cooked asparagus because I like it. I make almost all meal decisions so that they're acceptable to everyone in the household, but sometimes, just sometimes, Mum gets to choose something that she likes. It doesn't mean I hate you. If you don't like dinner, the standard rule applies. You have to take one bite. That's it. If you don't like it - great! More asparagus for me. But if you shout about your dinner... you just opted to go without. There'll be no stinky pee for you. Button: Ingratitude Getting my kids to tidy (or do other jobs) is often a source of irritation. It infuriates me when my eldest whines "It's not FAIR! Why do I have to do everything?!" when I ask him to pick up his toys, particularly when I'm exhausted from a long day. Recently he complained "Why am I the only one picking up books?" I responded "Because I'm cleaning the toilet. Want to swap?" He didn't. Darn. At least the books got picked up without further comment. Page 8 NOVEMBER—DECEMBER 2012 Button: Obstinacy My three-year-old twins are often obstinate. "Finn, it's time to pick up your trains." "NO! I like a giant mess!" (Actually, this just made me laugh.) Button: Lying My girl twin has just worked out that it is possible for her to blame Finn for things that she has done. While he is generally the evil twin ("ha Ha HA!"), yesterday she got caught out. "Someone" poured a full cup of milk, put it on the computer chair, and spun the chair around. "Someone" was supposedly "Finny did it", even though it was Vieve who had milk in her hair and across her face. The fact that she was sliding back and forth in the slippery spiral of milk splatters was another subtle indication that she might be responsible. I've navigated the blatantly lying stage before with my oldest, but it's a new experience having to determine a culprit when Finn is saying "Vieve did it" and Vieve is saying "Finn did it". This time it was obvious, but it isn't always. We'll do our darnedest to be fair, but lying will be treated more seriously than the original event. Button: Waste I've written before about grocery shopping with kids. It's much more manageable these days, and serves as a terrific practical maths lesson for my seven-year-old. That said, it's still exhausting. After our last tiring supermarket trip, I carried the boxes of groceries up our stairs, and then the grumpy three-year-olds up our stairs, then unpacked the groceries and put them away. Then I took a load of washing outside and hung it up. When I came back inside, I found a litre of milk spilt across the kitchen floor, and handfuls of drinking straws shoved inside the now half-empty milk bottle. Worse than that, though, worse than that... was the tomatoes. (continued on next page) NOVEMBER—DECEMBER 2012 Page 9 (continued from previous page) An entire pottle of newly purchased cherry tomatoes had been carefully lined up on the kitchen floor, and then squished. Presumably "someone" was conducting a thorough experiment on the compressive properties of feet when applied to fluid-filled spheres. The scattered tomato seeds made delicate red trails across the kitchen floor, reminiscent of a fireworks display. My brain was also reminiscent of a fireworks display, but I turned to my three children, who were staring at the mess, and said "You need to go outside, now." The financial waste irritated me, but I was also annoyed that I'd gone to the effort of bringing the milk and tomatoes upstairs and unpacking them! As I mopped up milk and tomato juice, I realised something. The initial compression experiment might have been conducted with feet, but they'd decided to speed up their technique. Repeatability is a significant part of the scientific method, after all. "Someone" had used the rocking horse in order to automate the squishing process. I'm still not entirely sure whether to be more horrified by the waste, or by the ingeniousness. We all have things that we are sensitive to. What buttons do your kids push, unintentionally or otherwise? Alexis and Charlotte Buchanan Page 10 NOVEMBER—DECEMBER 2012 FREE NAPPIES! Kimberly Clark will send out a carton (4 packets) of Huggies nappies to each new family of multiples in New Zealand (This offer is only available once). Please contact Esther on (09) 239-1091 or e-mail [email protected] as soon as you can after the babies’ birth as only newborn size is available. Please note this offer is only available to CMMBC members (you will need to provide us with your membership number). Work and Income Entitlement Home Help Families who have triplets or under fives at home and then have twins are entitled to a home help subsidy from WINZ. This is not income tested and comprises of 240 hours for twins and 1560 hours for triplets. Phone 0800-559-009 for more information. Through WINZ ‘Working for Families’ you may also be entitled to childcare subsidies. Providing meals for families with newborn babies, and families who are in crisis. Many mums with new babies find that the most difficult time of the day is dinner time; especially if you have other children that need feeding! Our meals have been previously prepared and frozen and when called upon, one of our mums will hand-deliver one of these meals. As we mums know, that meal can be a real sanity saver! NOVEMBER—DECEMBER 2012 Page 11 TWINS OFF TO SCHOOL By Esther Williams George and Harry have been at school a whole week and we have all survived! One of the most commonly asked questions is “Will you separate the boys at school?” I find this quite a weird one to consider, because even though I am a trained teacher and know my boys better than anyone, I am really not sure how they will be in a classroom together. George and Harry often played independently from each other at day care and I feel they benefited hugely from having a day at day care alone every two weeks. So ask me again next year, but for now they are in the same new entrants classroom (this is also dependent on the size of the school and number of new entrant classrooms of course). I felt both boys were ready for school. They have good alphabet (letter-sound) knowledge and the basic numeracy skills needed for learning, and fortunately were super excited about starting school! They can dress themselves and are able to express themselves well orally, and they even fit their uniforms (though they do look very tiny in them!). They had just one school visit (I would encourage more but George and Harry were already quite familiar with the school) and their teacher was well prepared with name tags for their bags etc which gave them a sense of belonging. She also buddied them up with a child they chose on the first day, which I thought was great. One of the things I am very sure about is that reading to your child every day is one of the most important things you can do for your children. Jason and I made sure we always read them a book each, even when we were so tired that we really didn’t feel like it. Perceptual motor skills are vital and we can do lots of things as parents to ensure our children develop the ability to receive, interpret and respond successfully to sensory information. For example, it is very challenging for a child to write if he or she has a weak pencil grip. You can improve pencil grip by encouraging play with games or activities that encourage the use of the thumb, index and middle finger (tweezers, tongs, picking up Lego bricks etc). Page 12 NOVEMBER—DECEMBER 2012 Our classrooms rely heavily on visual and aural perception skills. Playing memory games or puzzles, and talking about what your child has seen or done are very simple ways of making these connections. After the first week the boys were shattered! They were so exhausted and most definitely needed a quiet weekend to recuperate. I think it’s a huge jump going to school from 9am to 3pm five days a week and so if they need a break during the week now and then this term I won’t hesitate. George has found it a bit more challenging socially, whereas Harry has made a very smooth transition. George is definitely the more sensitive of the two and I think it will take him a while to find new friends and feel comfortable in his new learning environment. I am trying hard to take a step back and let them find their own way! (I teach part time at the same school so it’s hard for me not to go and check on them at morning tea and lunch!) So did I shed a tear on their first day? Surprisingly I held it together and kept busy all day so that I had no time to stop and think! I miss them though, and I think it will hit me later in the term when I may eventually slow down (yeah right!). I also think I grieved a little in the holidays as I was reminded constantly that they were starting school. Anyway, I’ll keep you posted and look out in the next newsletter for more ideas on preparing your children for school! Christopher and Benjamin Morse have a disagreement over who exactly the dummy belongs to! NOVEMBER—DECEMBER 2012 Page 13 MULTIPLES IN THE NEWS Twins Zac and Josh Lyon will be the first, and youngest New Zealanders to attempt to cross from the Antarctic coast to the South Pole and back again. The Waikato University students will undertake the 2260km journey in November next year, striving to set the record for the fastest return journey in less than 69 days. Dunedin's Tahuna Normal Intermediate School has 14 pairs of twins. Deputy principal Keith Hutton said "A lot of them have similar interests and strengths. But I do think they're all their own little people." Amsterdam's oldest prostitutes have been thrust into the spotlight with the release of their memoirs and a documentary film about their lives. The film, Meet the Fokkens, follows 70-year-old identical twins Louise and Martine Fokken as they share secrets of selling sex in the city's famous red light district. British conjoined twins, Ruby and Rosie Formosa, have been successfully separated. Now aged 12 weeks, they were born joined at the abdomen and shared part of their intestine. The babies were born at a healthy weight of 5lb 3oz each, despite doctors expecting them to be tiny. Anna Paquin and her husband Stephen Moyer have welcomed their twins “a few weeks early”, but have remained tight-lipped about their birth date, names, and genders. The babies are reported to be in good health. Page 14 NOVEMBER—DECEMBER 2012 ABOUT BREASTPUMPS CMMBC is very grateful to The Baby Factory for their generous donation of two hospital-grade breastpumps. This brings our total to ten. Fabulous! What is a breastpump? A breastpump can be either manual (hand-powered) or electric. It is used to express and collect breastmilk for later feeding, or to help increase milk supply. They have a flange which fits over your breast, with your aureola and nipple in the centre. As suction is applied and released, droplets or streams of milk will gather and flow down to be collected in a container. (This diagram is only a general indication.) There’s lots more information online. What is a hospital-grade breastpump? A hospital-grade pump is designed to safely have multiple users, because they include barriers that prevent any chance of cross-contamination. They are more durable and have stronger motors. They are far more effective and quicker than other pumps, which is important when you’re coping with more than one baby! Why do we need so many? The pumps are always in high demand. It is completely possible to breastfeed multiples, but establishing a nursing relationship can be more difficult than with one. Having a pump gives mum an option that may ease a tough spot on her breastfeeding journey. Providing hospital-grade breastpumps (without a $3000 price tag, or $140 monthly hire fees) is a tangible way that CMMBC can help mothers achieve their personal breastfeeding goals. We’d like to have one available for every mother when her babies are born, if she desires. Thanks again to The Baby Factory for making a real difference! Kendall Cochrane from The Baby Factory delivers our new breastpumps! Thank you! NOVEMBER—DECEMBER 2012 Page 15 CMMBC EVENTS CALENDAR November 2012 Mon 5 Tue 6 Wed Thu 7 Fri Sat Sun 1 2 3 4 8 9 RSVP for 10 11 17 18 11@am Xmas Party! 10am @ Gardens 12 13 14 7:30pm @ 15 16 Esther’s 19 20 Xmas Party 21 22 23 10am @ 24 25 CMMBC Gardens 26 27 28 29 Antenatal Class 30 December 2012 Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 10am @ Playground 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Christmas Day 26 Boxing Day 27 28 29 30 31 New Year’s Eve Page 16 NOVEMBER—DECEMBER 2012 CMMBC EVENT INFORMATION The most up-to-date event information is on Facebook! Just search for “Counties Manukau Multiple Birth Club”. We’d love to see you there. Multiple Birth Awareness Week is 1-7 October. Check Facebook for events. 7:30pm @ Esther’s: Our monthly meetings (usually the 4th Monday in each month) start at 7.30pm. We’re a casual bunch of parents who like a chance to catch up and make decisions about the club. Everyone welcome! November: 28 George Cres, Buckland, Pukekohe. CMMBC Antenatal Class: See page 29 for details. RSVP for Xmas Party: Contact Esther if you’re coming to the party. See pg 6 for details. 11am @ Xmas Party: St Andrews Church, Pukekohe. Bring a plate. See pg 6 for details. 10am @ Playground: Meet at the new playground on the corner of John St and Nelson St, Pukekohe. There’s a path for scooters, ride-ons and bikes, a flying fox, a playground for younger kids, and plenty of seating. Weather-dependent, so check Facebook. 10am @ Gardens: Meet in the foyer at the Botannic Gardens between 10am and 10:15am, for a casual stroll around the Gardens. Weather-dependent, so check Facebook! Watch Facebook for other impromptu get-togethers! DID YOU KNOW? Fingerprints Begin to form in the womb during the twelfth week As hands and feet grow, the details of friction ridges stay constant A product of both genes and embryo's movements in womb So identical twins don't have matching fingerprints! NOVEMBER—DECEMBER 2012 Page 17 FAMILY PHOTO TRICKS Once your family gets a bit bigger, it can be really difficult to get a nice photo of all your kids together... especially with them all looking in the same direction. I have lots of photos like this: which, while they are a fairly accurate representation of life in our household, are not really worth getting printed or sending to people. So how can you get decent photos of all your kids? One way to get a matching set of photos is to set yourself up at the bottom of a slide. Kids of all ages will gladly slide again and again and again, giving you plenty of chances to get great shots. You can play with flash, focus etc. if your camera allows, but otherwise just aim for the smiles! Then just sort through all the photos, choose the best photo of each child, and put them together! Page 18 NOVEMBER—DECEMBER 2012 Mattias and Asher Ahokava sleeping hand in hand. NOVEMBER—DECEMBER 2012 Page 19 I WISH SHE’D GO AWAY Hormonal mum is here again, She always screams and shouts. Her kids are nothing but a pain, Her head is filled with doubts. She's sick of always picking up The same damn piles of stuff; Like cars and dolls, an empty cup, And Lego, crumbs and fluff. She's ever such a grumpy mum Who cannot stand the noise Of trains, guitars, a bongo drum And other favourite toys. Tomorrow she will be all right And in a better mood. So until then, she'll say "Good-night!" (And raid the fridge for food). Although on any other day She loves to have a hug, Today she thinks "Just go away!" And dodges with a shrug. By Donnelle Belanger-Taylor Originally published on Norton and Nathaniel Yengtung with big brother Neil Page 20 NOVEMBER—DECEMBER 2012 THOUGHTS Levi and Kyson Edwards There’s no time like the present, and no present like time. - David LaMotte Holly and Morgan McEwan Sisters make the best friends in the world. - Marilyn Monoe Isla and Elliot Stewart Let them eat cake. - Marie Antoinette NOVEMBER—DECEMBER 2012 Harlem and Tyler Hoggart Nothing can stop me from loving my brother. - Brandy Norwood Vieve and Finn Belanger-Taylor There’s no other love like the love for a brother. - Astrid Alauda Harry Williams You spin me right round, baby / Right round, like a record, baby / Round round round round! - Dead or Alive Matthias and Asher Ahokava A well-spent day brings happy sleep. - Leonardo da Vinci Teina, Kai and Niwa Morunga The family is one of nature’s masterpieces. - George Santayana Any of your funny, quirky or touching photos are very welcome! Crying, sleeping, messy– it’s all good. You can post them on the Facebook page, or email them to [email protected] (please use CMMBC in the subject line) Page 21 BABY-SIGN BASICS HAPPY CHRISTMAS THANK YOU Baby sign is a great way to communicate with your babies before they are able to talk. If you start signing from around 4 months, they may sign back as early as 7 months! It’s never too late to start. TWIN LOSS NZ Twin Loss NZ is a nationwide support group for those who have suffered the loss of one, more or all of their twins, triplets or higher multiples in a multiple birth from early pregnancy through to childhood and beyond—including the loss of a twin sibling in adulthood. Those who have lost twins may be connected together with others in a similar situation through reading our magazine Hearts & Wings , or if they would like, through meetings or by phone or email. On our website you will find more about us, as well as articles and information available to download for families, health professionals and others. Twin Loss NZ P.O. Box 51-984 Pakuranga 2010 [email protected] Contact: Jan Liddell—(09) 411-9922 Advertising in the Counties Manukau Multiple Birth Newsletter: If you are interested in advertising in the CMMBC Newsletter, please contact us on [email protected] or call (09) 239-1091. COST: 2 Editions (½page) = $25.00 2 Editions (Full Page) = $35.00 4 Editions (½page) = $50.00 4 Editions (Full Page) = $70.00 6 Editions (½page) = $75.00 6 Editions (Full Page) = $105.00 Page 22 NOVEMBER—DECEMBER 2012 Well Women Helping You and your family cope with Antenatal & Postnatal Distress Mothers of multiple births are almost twice as likely to suffer Post-natal Depression than mums of single children Post-natal Depression (PND) is not just about being sad. You might feel: Guilty Anxious Irritable Forgetful Humourless Exhausted Overwhelmed Indecisive Unable to cope If you constantly feel like this, you should talk to a GP or your LMC. Well Women can help, too! Call or email us today and let us help you. 021 1588 134 [email protected] Well Women Franklin, a Registered Charity, Registration number: CC43492 Phone 09 235 2295 NOVEMBER—DECEMBER 2012 Page 23 Page 24 NOVEMBER—DECEMBER 2012 518 Buckland Road, Buckland —0800 215 754 • Purpose-built, Alarmed, Secure • Economical Solutions • Flexible Sizes • Short or Long Term • Electronic Gate Access 7.30am - 8.30pm / 7 Days Storage • Parking • Workshops Generous supporter of Counties Manukau Multiple Birth Club! Young Explorers provides quality care and education in an environment that encourages active exploration and discovery. We cater for children from 0-5 years of age from 7.30am-5.30pm. We offer 20 hours ECE, and WINZ subsidies. For all enquiries please phone Natasha Jones on (09) 238 4852 or pop in for a visit at Young Explorers, 566 Buckland Road, Pukekohe. NOVEMBER—DECEMBER 2012 Page 25 MEET A CMMBC MEMBER Alicia Jeffrey Age: 24 Children: Two Lives in: Pukekohe My boys are Harlem and Tyler and they are 3 years old. We were told they were fraternal, but that's debatable. They are my only children. They are typical three-year-olds testing my patience more and more everyday! They fight, but they also always look out for each other and share that unique bond that only twins have. When I found out it was twins I laughed, my mum cried and their dad thought the sonographer was joking. I always thought having twins would be awesome and I guess sometimes wishes do come true! The biggest challenge I’ve found with twins would probably have to have been the breast feeding. I struggled a lot. I lasted 8 weeks and was happy with that. Also needing two of everything! The biggest blessing is definitely being blessed with two beautiful healthy baby boys! Also I was living at my Mum and Dad’s house at the time of having the boys. My mum and my older sister were godsends and I couldn't have done it without them! I am proud of my boys everyday. They are growing up so fast and never cease to amaze me with their kind hearts and big smiles. I was pretty proud of how well they toilet trained, as Ididn't think it would be as easy as it was. And I have to say I'm pretty proud of how far I've come in the last year since doing it all on my own, being a single mum can get tough at times! I love the support that CMMBC gives. I love that there is so much the club provides in terms of equipment, information, outings and the newsletter. Everybody involved in the club is so willing to help and that's what makes it such an awesome club. Joining CMMBC was definitely another blessing! Page 26 NOVEMBER—DECEMBER 2012 WHANAU CORNER By Melissa Mackay, honorary “Auntie” to Kai, Niwa and Teina Morunga "So... I am pregnant this time". "Oh, that’s great news Stace, so so happy for you!!" "Yeah, but that’s not all..." I remember when Stacey told us that yes, she was pregnant. Yes, 'it' was healthy; and yes, good strong heartbeats. "Heart... beatS???" "Oh, yes. There’s three!" I couldn't believe what I was hearing. It’s not everyday that your friend announces not only a first pregnancy, but triplets at that! It's one thing to anticipate the arrival of a beautiful baby... but three! I was so thrilled to hear the news, but there was so much I wanted to know! Did you know that this could happen?? Were there multiples in the family? How do they all fit??! But Stacey, being her organised and calm self always had the answers. We watched her through her pregnancy as her gorgeous wee bump would suddenly double over night. I remember her last trip away for work; she showed me photos of her stomach before and after over a three day span and I was amazed at the difference in size (and aisle space!). It was incredible to watch the movement of different hands and feet, all fighting for a space inside - Niwa usually winning out, as per the scan videos! And soon enough the day was here. I got the text to come meet the triplets. They were perfect. Similar in face but their individual personalities already starting to shine through. Niwa, the gorgeous wee princess, Kai, happiest at lunch and always smiling, and wee Teina, smallest of the bunch, but so strong. I've had the pleasure of watching them grow from bouncing babies to terrific toddlers. They are still perfect and gorgeous. It’s still entertaining to watch the three of them playing, fighting and laughing together. ALL HANDS ON DECK! 'Aunties' Melissa, Anna and Glynnis, welcome Niwa, Teina and Kai home from the hospital. NOVEMBER—DECEMBER 2012 Page 27 Page 28 NOVEMBER—DECEMBER 2012 ANTENATAL CLASSES CMMBC antenatal classes are facilitated by our president, Esther (a qualified childbirth educator), and are tailored for multiple births. If you already have other children, this class will address the differences between single and multiple pregnancies, births and infancy. These classes will be FREE to CMMBC members, and will take place every three months. They will be a one-day, weekend class, and topics covered will include: Pregnancy care and discomforts Breastfeeding Birth options Life with multiples Postnatal Care A very popular part of the class is the “new parent panel”, where parents of young multiples share their experiences, and answer questions. The next CMMBC antenatal class will run on Sunday 25th of November. To book, please contact Esther Williams, (09) 239-1091 or [email protected] Our multiples antenatal class is designed to follow-on from standard antenatal classes. FREE CHILDBIRTH AND PARENTING CLASSES Pukekohe & Papakura LMC Services Ltd, PO Box 76262, Manukau City 2241 Pregnancy * Labour * Induction * Breastfeeding * The Early Days Qualified Educators Michele Neild Gina Johnston Manukau and Franklin ANTENATAL AND POSTNATAL CLASSES Antenatal classes cover: Support in Labour What to get for your babies Unexpected Outcomes Stages of Labour Infant Feeding Medical Pain Relief Safe Sleeping Natural Pain Relief Car Seat Safety Franklin: Cathy (09) 238 5942, [email protected] Manukau: Emily, (09) 268 0226, [email protected] Classes run 7pm—9pm Charlie Saunders (CMMBC member) Esther Williams (CMMBC president) Papakura—Bruce Pulman Lodge Pukekohe—Plunket Rooms Baby & You classes cover: First Aid & CPR Transition to parenthood Baby massage Infant Feeding Nutrition Sleeping Active Movement Franklin: Lauryl 022 622 8312, [email protected] To book please contact LMC Services Ltd, ph: 09 279 3377 NOVEMBER—DECEMBER 2012 Manukau: Charlie (09) 235 2295, [email protected] Classes run 10am—12pm Page 29 CMMBC SUPPORT Antenatal Support/Education Charlie Saunders [email protected] (09) 235-2295 Esther Williams [email protected] Tel: (09) 239-1091 Breastfeeding Support Charlie Saunders [email protected] (09) 235-2295 Donnelle Belanger-Taylor [email protected] (09) 267 9041 Premature Babies and Triplets / Combination Feeding Stacey Morunga [email protected] Tel: 021 669 632 OTHER RESOURCES Regional Breastfeeding Support La Leche League, For your nearest meeting: (04) 471-0690 or check webpage for your local leader/ Pukekohe Maternity Hospital – (09) 238-9359. Support group: Monday 10am—12pm Papakura Maternity Unit – (09) 299-9102. Support group: Every 2nd & 4th Tuesday of the month, 9.30am – 11am. Postnatal Depression Franklin Well Women [email protected] (021) 158 8134 Gastric Reflux and Allergies Gastric Reflux Support Network NZ 0800 380 517 Bellyful - provide meals and help for new mums. Jacqui Ritchie, [email protected] Useful Phone Numbers PlunketLine Healthline Barnados Parent Help Line NZ Poison Centre La Leche League Page 30 0800 933 922 0800 611 116 0800 727 368 0800 764 766 (04) 471-0690 NOVEMBER—DECEMBER 2012 CMMBC EQUIPMENT HIRE CMMBC are proud to be able to provide members with useful, high-quality hire equipment. Hire costs only a minimal donation towards storage costs, and a bond which is refunded when the equipment is returned. For bouncy castle hireage, contact: Karen Buchanan, [email protected], Tel: (09) 269-6967 For all other equipment enquiries, contact: Natasha Hobson, [email protected] , (09) 238-8646 CMMBC now has TEN hospital-grade breastpumps! What a fantastic resource for all our multiple families. Thanks to The Baby Factory for donating our two newest pumps. Out and about Breastpumps Safety Infant capsules with base units Wooden playpen Double Snap-n-Go Medela Double Symphony hospital-grade breastpumps Frontpacks Tommee Tippee manual pump Safety barriers Double buggy Fun at home Bouncy castle! Double umbrella stroller Exersaucers Carry cot for Mountain Buggy Jolly Jumpers Wandering Kiwi Toddler Locators Bouncinettes Safety gates Kari-Me baby slings Port-a-cots Baby swing Safety harnesses Baby hammocks Manduca baby carriers Little Tykes playset Bumbo seats NOVEMBER—DECEMBER 2012 Many thanks to Buckland Storage for subsidising our storage costs! Page 31 Expecting Twins, Triplets or more? Why not join the Counties Manukau Multiple Birth Club for only $30.00 a year! Been a member in the past? Don’t want to miss out? Renew your membership today! COUNTIES MANUKAU MULTIPLE BIRTH CLUB 2012 – 2013 SUBSCRIPTION FORM ? MEMBER RENEWAL ? NEW SUBSCRIPTION (Please tick appropriate box) PARENTS NAME HOME PHONE MOBILE HOME ADDRESS EMAIL ADDRESS SIBLINGS NAME DATE OF BIRTH SEX ? BOY ? GIRL ? BOY ? GIRL ? BOY ? GIRL ? BOY ? GIRL MULTIPLE DETAILS NAME EDD / BIRTH DATE SEX BIRTH WEIGHT ? BOY ? GIRL ? UNKNOWN ? BOY ? GIRL ? UNKNOWN ? BOY ? GIRL ? UNKNOWN ? BOY ? GIRL ? UNKNOWN Please send your completed subscription form and cheque for $30.00 to: Counties Manukau Multiple Birth Club, P.O. Box 1223, PUKEKOHE Alternatively, you can transfer payment directly to our bank account: ASB Bank 12-3032-0762177-000 PLEASE USE YOUR FULL NAME AS A REFERENCE (If paying by electronic transfer, please email [email protected] with all relevant details – ensure you mail us your completed form too)
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