1889 12 George Street Caboolture Qld 4510 Absence Line: 5431 4560 PRINCIPAL’S PAGE 2015 Focus: In the last newsletter I outlined 4 key areas we would focus on in 2015 as components of Caboolture State School’s improvement agenda. One of these was to improve student writing. We have fortunate to have had a Master Teacher appointed to our school for the next three years (over 300 across the state) as an additional staff member. This person ‘s role in our school will be to work directly with teachers to improve student writing. This will include extensive professional development for our teachers and teacher aides in relation to teaching writing. Staff will focus on the mechanics of writing such as sentence structure, spelling, grammar etc to build our student’s overall skills. Each term students will undergo a prep and post writing assessment to measure the distance they have travelled. Teachers will be able to discuss this assessment with you as a part of the reporting process. P & C News: The Annual General Meeting of the P & C will be held on Wednesday 29th April at 3:45pm in the Library. We have people willing to fill all executive positions so you will not be pressured into taking a job. It would be lovely to see a large turn out at this meeting 2015 Ph: 5431 4555 Website: www.cabooltuss.eq.edu.au Issue 4 : 20/3/15 as our P & C works very hard to provide resources to support student learning. We look forward to seeing you there. P & C Disco: The first disco for 2015 will be held in the COLA on Friday 27th March. The theme for this disco is Hawaiian. More information on this special event will come out on a special memo from the P & C. Saying of the Month “THE GLORY THAT GOES WITH WEALTH IS FLEETING AND FRAGILE” WHY READ FOR 20 MINUTES A DAY Student A Student B Student C 20 minutes per day = 1800000 words per year. = Scores in the top 90% on a standardised test. 5 minutes per day = 282000 words per year. = Scores at 50% on a standardised test. 1 minute per day = 8000 words per year. = Scores in the bottom 10% on a standardised test. So how do you make a child a better reader ?? READ MORE Our Crazy Hair Day last Friday 13.3.15 raised $824.15. Congratulations everyone. Mr Knowles committed to having his head shaved if the school raised $600-. Check out the before and after photos….. Before After Next year lets try to raise enough to get Mr Kennedy shaved……. Staff and students with Crazy Hair. Free Psychology Group Program Available at School Healthy minds and bodies can help children get the most out of life and to do their best at school. Yet while many children handle homework with ease and relate well to their peers, others may experience more difficulty. Until now, families who could not afford mental health support for their child had few options available to them. But Metro North Brisbane Medicare Local has introduced a new program that aims to break down these barriers. The Brisbane MIND4KiDS Child Mental Health Program is now offering free psychology sessions in local schools during term one and two. Specialist child psychologists deliver the group sessions, which are held during school hours and at no cost to parents. Sessions are once a week for 6 weeks and there are around six to 10 children in each group. Students referred to the program will also be entitled to free individual sessions if required (with their GP’s agreement). To be eligible, children need to be under 12 years of age and other eligibility criteria apply. The program can support children experiencing various issues including school refusal, anger, anxiety, confidence and self-esteem. If you would like more information or would like your child to participate in this program please contact the school Guidance Officer, Katrina Clarry, via the school office (Phone: 5431 4555). Katrina works at Caboolture State School on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Parenting Group program Parenting can be incredibly rewarding. However, there are times when being a parent, and dealing with difficult situations, can prove to be a challenge. This can be made even more challenging for the families of children who may experience more difficulty than other children. This group program will take a look at those challenges and offer parents support with how to get the best out of the parent / child relationship as well as how to manage those difficult situations. The group will be run each Thursday morning from the Caboolture Neighbourhood Centre. More information on this program can be accessed by contacting the school Guidance Officer, Katrina Clarry. Monday 2.2.15 Tuesday 3.2.15 Wednesday 4.2.15 Thursday 5.2.15 Friday 6.2.15 9.2.15 10.2.15 11.2.15 12.2.15 13.2.15 16.2.15 17.2.15 18.2.15 19.2.15 Payment cut-off Sport 20.2.15 Sport Gala Day POSTPONED Yr 2 to Caboolture Library Week ending 27.2.15 Week ending 6.3.15 23.2.15 24.2.15 25.2.15 26.2.15 27.2.15 2.3.15 3.3.15 4.3.15 5.3.15 6.3.15 Week ending 13.3.15 9.3.15 10.3.15 11.3.15 12.3.15 13.3.15 Crazy Hair Day Week ending 20.3.15 16.3.15 Book club due 23.3.15 17.3.15 19.3.15 20.3.15 24.3.15 18.3.15 School Photos 25.3.15 Week ending 3.4.15 30.3.15 31.3.15 Family Planning 1.4.15 Family Planning Week ending 10.4.15 6.4.15 Easter Monday 13.4.15 7.4.15 8.4.15 Week ending 6.2.15 Week ending 13.2.15 Week ending 20.2.15 Week ending 27.3.15 Week ending 17.4.15 Week ending 24.4.15 Week ending 1.5.15 Week ending 8.5.15 Extreme Science Yr 4 Yr 5 U’water World cut off Year 6 Shirt payment due Sports gala day 26.3.15 27.3.15 Yr 5 U’water Sport Gala World Day Yr 6 Library Hawaiian Disco 2.4.15 3.4.15 Rewards Good Friday Day Easter Hat Parade TERM 1 ENDS 9.4.15 10.4.15 School Holidays 14.4.15 15.4.15 16.4.15 17.4.15 School Holidays 20.4.15 Term 2 begins 27.4.15 21.4.15 22.4.15 23.4.15 24.4.15 28.4.15 29.4.15 P & C AGM 30.4.15 1.5.15 **Keep an eye out for the letters about these excursions – coming up soon ** Hawaiian Disco Friday 27th March in the COLA. 5:30pm to 7:30pm Entry at the door $2-00 Refreshments sold on the night. Easter Hat Parade We are holding our annual Easter Hat Parade on Thursday 2nd April 2015 at 11:30am. in the senior quadrangle. Prep to year 3 will be showing off their Easter Hat creations. Prizes for the best Easter Hats. The Easter raffle (being run by the P & C) will be drawn at the parade. An Easter Bake Sale will be outside the Tuckshop on the day with lots of homemade baked goods ranging from 50c to $5-00. Throughout the last week of term the tuckshop will be having treats available to buy: Bag of eggs (Tuesday) $1-00 Easter Biscuits (Wednesday) $1-00 Bunny Bag of Lollies (Thursday) $1-00 Well 2015 is off and running and once again there have been great things happening in our kitchen. Our first menu was a traditional Spanish Omelette with Olive and Rosemary Focaccia buns. All groups worked as a team and the Omelette group learned a few tricks on how to keep their egg fluffy. Our garden produced a great bunch of bananas, so we added yummy Banana muffins and Butterscotch sauce to our next menu. They went really well with the Tomato and Basil Pizzas and fresh garden Salad that we also made. The kids are getting very good at experimenting with their salad combinations and dressings. Our third menu took us on a journey to India, with the wonderful smell of numerous spices filling the kitchen. Making the Samosas was a great team effort. As a group we made a hot water pastry and the vegetable curry filling. Then together we rolled our pastry and made up the samosas to cook in the oven. These yummy parcels were a hit with all. Because our last menu is getting close to Easter, we thought we’d try to make our own Hot Cross Buns. Stay tuned to see how that goes!
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