acpeNEWS SOUTH CENTRAL REGION Spring 2015 Vol. 15, No. 2 From the regional director Whether drifting through life on a boat or climbing toward old age leading a horse, each day is a journey and the journey itself is home. —Basho he spring leadership gathering last month at Embassy Suites/DIA was busy and productive for the Accreditation and Certification Committees and Council. Please review my Interim RD Report, Minutes of Council and revised Regional Director Position Description adopted by Council included in this newsletter. Also, if you have not done so, please access the International Congress on Pastoral Care & Counseling website,, register using the Early Bird Option available to you until May 15 and make your lodging reservation at the Hyatt Regency Burlingame Hotel. The Accreditation Committee, chaired by Jeffery Scheer, reviewed and approved T all 2014 center annual reports, requested Council pay Scheer's travel and expenses to attend both 2015 meetings of the Accreditation Commission (Council approved), and requested Stu Plummer consult informally with Terry Izaguirre in the national office about a possible solution to align regional terms of office with terms on national commissions. Jessica Evans-Tameron, Chair of the Certification Committee, reported that three persons were seen for successful reviews, including Janise Randall for a Mandatory Consultation for Readiness, K’Lynne McKinley for Supervisory Candidate status, and Jonathan Rudnick for Extension of Candidacy. Congratulations to each of them! In addition, given approval of their theory papers Louis Serio and John Allen will be seen for Associate Supervisor reviews by the Certification Commission next month at the national conference in Atlanta. We wish them well! Reports from the Board of Reps, committees and the Clinical Member were discussed and received by Council. As noted above and included for your information, a task group comprised of Jessica EvansTameron, Inba Inbarasu and Julie Swaney developed a revised Regional Director Position Description that was considered and approved by Council. Further, Council anticipates establishment of a search process for the next Regional Director to begin Jan. 1, 2016, and that the individual hired will begin the task on Jan. 1, 2017. Stay tuned for further information about the search structure and process! Don't forget to register for the 10th International Congress on Pastoral Care & Counseling! —Stu Plummer Annual Regional Meeting and 2015 ICPCC Conference (International Congress on Pastoral Care and Counseling) October 15-21, 2015 • Caring for One Another in the Global Village Hyatt Regency at SFO Airport • Burlingame, California Early bird rates and discounted hotel rooms have a May 15 deadline. Check out program details, registration and hotel booking: ACPE South Central Region News SCR board meeting representation his is a brief update on behalf of the South Central Region regarding the upcoming ACPE Board meeting. First I would like to ask you to hold Dean Dyk in your prayers as he continues to recover from some complications following a recent surgery. Stu visited with Dean today and he will be headed home for six weeks of recovery. I am pleased to communicate with you, that even though Sheila as our Board of Rep. and Dean as our alternate are not able to attend the spring meeting, Stu will represent the SCR in this important work. As chair of the region, I consulted with Sheila and Dean prior to asking Stu to serve on our behalf. Please join me in thanking Stu for his gracious service on behalf of the SCR. I regret that I will not be able to join all of you who are able to participate in the annual conference. I will be celebrating my daughter’s graduation and will catch up with you at our annual SCR this f all with the International Congress on Pastoral Care & Counseling. —Alan Bowman Upcoming events 2015 T Council minutes South Central Region ACPE March 27, 2015 • Denver Attendance – Alan Bowman, Jessica Evans-Tameron, Sheila Hammond, Dean Dyk, Janet Barriger , Cristina Stevens, Jeff Scheer, Inba Inbarasu, Rob Hartmann, Marc Giedinghagen and Stu Plummer. Adoption of Agenda - Council added the RD job description task force report to the previously sent agenda by consensus. Janet moved acceptance of the agenda and Inba second. Motion approved. Approval of Minutes –Jeff moved and Sheila seconded approval of the Minutes of the October 3, 2014. Reports Chair - Alan Bowman offered his appreciation for all the work of the Council, for timely reporting and for all you do. Board of Reps – Sheila Hammond's written report was submitted before the meeting. All the task groups of ACPE are in May 2–9 Oct. 15–21 2016 May 7–14 ACPE Annual Conference Sheraton Atlanta Hotel, Georgia 10th International Congress on Pastoral Care & Counseling (ICPCC) South Central Region Annual Meeting Hyatt Regency Burlingame, California ACPE National Conference Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel process and continue to meet. After 2016, sites for national meetings will rotate among Minneapolis, Phoenix and Atlanta. The comfortable space in the new leased office is a real plus for the staff. Dean Dyk will substitute for Sheila at the May Board of Reps meeting in Atlanta. Accreditation – Jeffery Scheer's report was received. All South Central Region Center Annual Reports were also received and approved for 2014. Inba moved and Sheila seconded that The South Central Region pay expenses (hotel and per diem) for the current Chair of South Central Accreditation Committee, Jeff Scheer, to attend the Accreditation Commission meeting in November 2015. Motion was approved with one abstention. Jeff does not begin his term on the Accreditation Commission until 2016 and Council wants him to represent the region at the fall meeting. Through Jessica’s initiative, Council directed Stu to discuss with Terry Izaguirre in the National ACPE, Inc. office, a possible solution to align the terms of office of the Region’s Accreditation Chair with the terms of office of the Accreditation Commission. Certification – Jessica Evans-Tameron, Louis Serio and John Allen will meet the Certification Commission for Associate Supervisor reviews at the national conference in May 2015. Ten people will be seen for CPE Supervisor and 17 for Associate Supervisor. Jessica reported success with the Pilot Project for writing theory papers. Three Supervisory students met subcommittees at this meeting and all were approved. Janise Randall was affirmed at her readiness consultation, K’Lynne McKinley was granted Supervisory Candi- ACPE South Central Region News, p. 2 date status, and Jonathon Rudnick was granted a two year extension of Candidacy. New job description for RD task group – Task group members: Jessica Evans-Tameron, Inba Inbarasu and Julie Sweeney. Julie made the report for the task group assigned to review and possibly revise the job description for the Regional Director. Julie presented a draft of the job description that was well received by Council. Council acknowledged the task group’s work, and made minor changes to the document. Jessica moved that the revised Regional Director job description be approved and presented to the regional membership, with second by Sheila. Motion approved. Ethics – Cristina Stevens' written report was submitted to Council ahead of the meeting. All information was in the report. Standards – Inba Inbarasu handed out a written report including potential changes in Standards and reported that Jim Taylor will be the new chair of the Standards Commission. REM – Inba Inbarasu moved and Jessica seconded to approve a student scholarship of $250 for Janise Randall, Supervisory Education Student at Wesley Medical Center in Wichita, Kan., to attend the ACPE/REM Conference in May. Rhonda Quiroz, Resident at Saint Luke’s Health System in Kansas City, was already approved to receive a $250 in scholarship for the conference. Clinical Member – Rob Hartmann's written report was presented prior to the meeting of council. Rob reported his efforts on behalf of the region to reduce the cost of the Clinical Member fee in March 27 Council minutes continued from p. 2 ACPE, Inc. Also, Council encourages Rob to advocate for inclusion of NACC and NAJC in addition to APC in the conversations about fees and issues pertaining to the role of Clinical Members in general. Regional Director – Stu Plummer’s written report was sent to council prior to the meeting. Stu answered questions about his report. He reported on planning to date for the May 2016 ACPE national conference in Denver. The conference theme will likely focus on envisioning our future, utilizing a world café model with an outside consultant, and hopefully eventuate in a consensus about our organizational structure and governance going forward. More plans and information about the conference will be forthcoming including opportunities for involvement of folks in Denver and the region. Foundation – Stu reported that FCPE concluded a three-year contract for consulting with Haas Consulting. The Foundation is now a Type 1 support foundation whose sole purpose is to support and enhance the mission of ACPE. Trace is now both CEO of FCPE and Executive Director of ACPE. Jasmine Okafor has been hired as Development Specialist for the Foundation. The Foundation has also received its first grant from an external donor, which will make other outside grants more likely. Sally Schwab is now a member of the FCPE Board. Sheila moved and Inba seconded to receive all reports presented to Council. Motion approved. Action Items Supervisor Emeritus – Stu Plummer announced Paula Gold is eligible for nomination as a Supervisor Emeritus in the Region. Jeff nominated and Janet seconded Paula Gold for Supervisor Emeritus. Motion was approved. Stu will write up a summary about Paula for the Board of Reps. Paula retired recently from the VA Medical Center in Kansas City. ACPE/REM Scholarship Application – Alan Bowman (see the minutes above regarding the approved scholarships) Regional Financial Review 2014 (unaudited) & Financial Review 2015 (y-td, Jan – Feb) – Stu Plummer Council reviewed the Profit & Loss reports for 2014 and January through February 2015. Our regional audit going forward will be paid through the national office/budget and will not be reflected in our regional fiscal plan. As a result of a recent review of Student Unit Reports, Stu discovered a discrepancy between the number of units registered with the national office and the number confirmed to the regional office during July 2014. Twenty-one units were not confirmed to the regional office, and meant that invoices amounting to $2,520 were not generated and sent to the centers involved. In addition another 19 units were mistakenly reported as current when in fact they were done by a now retired CPE Supervisor at a Center in 2000 (15 years ago). That software error at the national office wrongly inflated our student unit numbers for the last calendar year. Stu will work to recover the accurate data for these unit reports with the national office and will then ask the Centers involved to pay the unit fees. No penalty or interest will be charged to these Centers and there will be an apology made to the Centers affected. Development of regional financial policies – Stu Plummer – As a consequence of the new ACPE auditor including more rigorous reviews in the post-Enron era, regions will be required to develop detailed financial policies, institute internal controls, and undergo a more detailed annual view financially. As a region we will need to develop more specific financial policies and procedures to be in compliance as a nonprofit entity. 2015 Annual Meeting / International Congress on Pastoral Care & Counseling – Janet Barriger & Stu Plummer reported on the conference planning. Registration is beyond expectations. Early bird registration ends May 15, 2015. There are two times for the South Central Region to meet as a region at this conference, on Friday and Sunday morning. Stu suggested that Council meet on Friday morning and the Annual Business Meeting be held on Sunday morning. Stu will explore the cost of a conference call, via speaker telephone, for regional members to participate in the business meeting who are unable to attend. Stu reported on the financial plan- ACPE South Central Region News, p. 3 Council members photographed March 27 at the Embassy Suites meeting Robert Green and Alan Bowman Jessica Evans-Tameron and Sheila Hammond Inba Inbarasu, Janet Barriger and Jessica Evans-Tameron March 27 Council minutes continued from p. 3 ning for the International Congress. Sponsorships of the Congress are very good so far. Regional financial sponsorship will be considered further in a Council conference call in the next few weeks. Regional Director Succession Plan – Alan Bowman – Stu shared his ideas about succession for the RD position with Council. Stu suggested he conclude as RD on December 31, 2016. As previously agreed he will continue as RD for one year beyond his current contract. Stu was excused from the meeting to plan a celebration of his contributions to the region over many years. Alan suggested that council consider hiring an Interim Regional Director to assist the region through the transition and visioning. Alan suggested two task groups: one to celebrate Stu’s time in the region and another to consider its transition. Janet Barriger, Jessica Evans-Tameron and Sheila Hammond will be a Celebration Task Group planning a celebration for Stu with proposals coming back to council. A reminder to add this task group to the agenda for the council meeting in San Francisco. A Transition Task Group will be established to consider options regarding the Region’s future feasibility, administrative needs, and personnel for consideration by Council. Rob Hartmann and Alan Bowman agreed to serve. Julie Swaney will also be contacted regarding her interest and availability. Another question for immediate consideration: How will a Search Committee be constituted? Council as a whole? A committee of Council? A committee to include other regional members? 2016 ACPE National Conference at Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel, May 14 – 21, 2016 – Stu Plummer – Rather than a constitutional convention, it will be an occasion to “envision our future” as a professional society utilizing an outside consulting firm. (See the notes in the page- one RD Report about the 2016 national conference.) Possible sites and dates for 2016 Spring Leadership Meeting - The National Conference is in Denver May 714, 2016. Options for the Spring Leadership in 2016 are: The Marriott Country Club Plaza in Kansas City. Stu will talk with the Marriott in KC to secure prices and ACPE South Central Region News, p. 4 check space availability. Jeff Scheer and a few supervisors in St. Louis will explore options for the Spring Leadership Meeting in the St. Louis area. Possible sites and dates for 2016 Annual Regional Meeting - Stu will explore the costs of having the annual meeting in Kansas City at the Marriott Country Club Plaza. Jeff and Rob will explore options in St. Louis. Council prefers to have the meeting after Oct. 11, 2016, due to Jewish holidays. Options for dates are Oct. 12-14 or 19-21. Other business FCPE – Janet moved and Jeffery seconded that we contribute 2% of student unit fees paid from the region in 2014, which was $66,240, to FCPE. The amount is $1,324.80. Motion was approved by Council. Cristina Stevens will chair the regional meeting at the national conference in Atlanta and Jeff Sheer will takes minutes since Alan and Marc are unable to attend. Adjournment -Jeff Sheer moved and Rob seconded a motion to adjourn. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, Marc Giedinghagen, Scribe
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